Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GBEAT QUEEJNT STKEET , XiOKDCW- "W . C . The aUniiniblL * itml uurivulletluccomnioiI : itinii provided at tHU K . stablUlunciit Tor 3 VEA . S 01 TIG ZB ^ ZtsTQlJIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to m : ei ! comment . The eiitii-emiiiia ' - 'emrntluis boon chaii ^ ed , unci the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly rc-otvanisetl . The attention of the . "Ini .-Miiie Body is ( limited to the many advantages offered . CUISINF . OF TKK HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PJEKFKCT IN i'ONOITIOX ANI » QUALITY . H . B-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 ' - . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIR NG ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence ami support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR-
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 KAILWAY PLACE , PENCHUECII STKEET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Luncheon * on tlio Ground ITloor ; This Room will accommodate lot ) persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Cirilt Room will scat ISO uci'sonn . REiO'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTMNCTON'S ALES , TJKRJilTT TIVOLI BF . BfR . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OK THE REST V . RANDS . OLD TiOTTLKD PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF TUB TWST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , mid tlio Crystal Palace .
BSSSIIPfi rt FROM TTrK JOINT fromTWiaVF ! to Til REM o'clock . SguMli M \ CHOPS and STKAKS from tlio GUILT , till FIVE o ' clock . BlBllSaiSa ^ T . MAiDWKi . r ,, Hercules Tavern , Leadonhall-st ., City , E . C .
WHERE ABE Y 00 GOHIG TO DINE ? mUY tlio " CANNON' TATKRN , " Si ) Cannon Street , corner of A . Walbrook , immediately opposite tlio C . iNjfOX STUKKT RAILWAY STATION . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
VITRXJVIAN * LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who lias for some timo . pastpvovuled for tho requirements of this Lodge , bggs to announce that lie lias obtained permission for the removal ot'liis license to the ISclvedere-road , and that ho is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . SZP-A . CIOTTS iMT-A-SOIETIC H-A-IIZI . WITH AUTE ROOMS , LARGE BANQTJETTING HALL , Together with every convctnen . ee for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed G . ISAAC , "WHITE HART , " COLLEOE STREET , LAMBETH , LOXDOJT , S . E .
Price 2 s , Crown Svo , stiif paper covers ; 2 s ( id cloth lettered . WILL BE PUBLISHED immediatel y upon tho receipt of a sufficient number of guaranteed subscribers to cover cost of printing , ? l" ! mta $ jj « tf § tiuumic grUuti mid ( QUmmm , EJIBJIACUTG IKK CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS Ol ' PAST MASTERS AS PBECEFTOES , UNIFORMITY OF WORKING , and WHICH IS CORRECT ? Extracted from Mio 3 r . isonie Publications and MS . S . letters of distinguished Masons , with other interesting . Masonic information . Compiled by BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & c . Subscribers' names may be forwarded to liro . JAMES STKVUSS , Olupham , S . W ' ., or to the Publisher , Leo . W . \ V . ilor . KAx , ( J 7 Jinrbican , London , E . C .
"Published monthly , Ucmy Svo , Price ( id . rniLL' CHESS PLAVEE'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare anil Interesting ; Works on Chess , Cards , & c , can lie had nn application to H \ IV . IhniuAS , 07 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
Free by Tost for 12 Stamps . A FTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-ono Years' Ministerial Policy JLA . as set forth at LOUD MWOK ' DAI- Ji . < .. \ -Qt'i : TS , from J . SH lo Jx 7 , S . Collected by ItiCK . uio SiiVii , i ' . S . S . London : \\" . IV . . Monies , ' < 7 [ iiirbieati . E . ! . ' .
H ^^^^ W ^^ a gkrVCTWW . w 5 Jj ^ AWAW AWAttl 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
BY QUIZ . HAVE you , gentle reader—that is tho sort of personal appeal , you know , employed by tho ordinary story-writer—ever met with a mm who was hag-ridden with an idea ? I have ; and this is how it comes about . An old friend of mine , named—well that is of no consequence to you , and if you knew it would bo of no moment to the story . Bnt
as I was going to say , this old friend of mine was eaten to death by a consuming idea of being thoroughly " up " in all matters concerning Freemasonry ; and the pains ho took to accomplish an impossible feat wore certainly praiseworthy , bnt for tho fact that tho perpetual worry began to tell upon tho little mental stamina tho poor old fellow possessed .
Having been , it is whispered , jilted earl y in life , our hero had expended his timo aud a tolerable income upon pursuits which completely excluded tho possibility of any of the old tender emotions being revived . His house was a perfect paradise to men of tho " old curiosity" turn of thought , and his unique collection of old paintings , old china , old autographs and mannscripts , together with spacious
rooms crammed with bijouterie , articles of vertu and sacred relies , was sufficient to make tho mouth even of a Christie water most profusely . He was a Simon tho Cellarer of a most extended type , and a mystery to his Margery of a housekeeper , who wondered , as did everybody else , what wore tho " secrets" locked up within the sacred casement of his embroidered waistcoat .
Bless yon ! ho was sodden , saturated , with Freemasonry ! He conld talk of nothing else ; and for that reason nover associated with anybody but brethren of the mystic tie . Ho wore Masonic stnds , sleevelinks , rings and pins ; and every article of attire , down to his magnificent open vest of lavender satin , was figured with Masonic emblems . They were blended exquisitely on his meerschaum pipes , burnt into his
billiard cues , embroidered on his smoking cap , engraved on his family plate , etched in pencil and various coloured inks on every sparo leaf of every book iu his big library ! Ho had Masonry on tho brain , poor fellow—tho littlo he could boast of . Ho ncveraccumrdatcd any solid benefit from if , though he pored over every Masonic book ,
newspaper and periodical he could lay his hands upon . Ho attended a Lodge every night , and often ono . Sunday when the opportunity presented . Ho had become so gorged with Masonry in every shape aud form that , instead of being nourished by it , he had become bloated and flatulent with it—one cy'd , - and that eyo very obliquely cast indeed .
How to get my friend oft this hobby which he was riding to death was a puzzle I had long endeavoured to solve ; bnt finding him inexorable , and staving off every suggestion with a phrase of Masonic lore , it seemed almost a hopeless task . There was nothing for it bnt taking him quite away , out of the reach of everything Masonic ; and I secretly planned a little trip by water , so that , being alone , and out
of earshot of all fraternal acquaintance , I hoped to wean him , by a week's relaxation , away from that dreamy reverie into which ho had been plunged . How ho ahem'd and ha'd , to be sure , when I made tho suggestion that we should go—a quiet couple of ns—for a week ' s quiet holiday ! " He had been taught to be cautious , " he said , and ever since the I ' rin .
cess Alice disaster his little yacht had been snngly moored , down at Erith , while he had resisted every invitation or temptation to resume his old crnising life , of which he had hitherto been so extremely fond . Besides , there was that Eccentric Lodge of Instrnction , in which ho was a shining light , and for whose " section " night ho had been making extraordinary preparations . Every excuse was couched in symbolic
language ; but at last , " vowing he wonld never consent—consented !" At the very moment wo had ratified the compact with a grip and solemn obligation , a loud donble-knock at the door was heard , aud presently old Margery entered , bringing on a salver profusely adorned with Masonic devices , a letter for my friend ; and this , ou being opened , wo discovered to be a tinted circular announcing a river trip from London-bridge to Gravcsend .
" Zounds ! he exclaimed , " the very thing . Bob ! " [ I did not tell him that I had bribed my printer to " set" the circular for tho purpose , and that I had posted it with my own hands , having timed its arrival for the very moment when I anticipated tho old fossil's capitnlation . J But , having caught the interest of tho idea , it was arranged offhand , and the . old fogey was aa enthusiastic as a child for whoso delectation mamma had arranged a pic-nic iu tho woods .
A most valuable colleague I found in the venerable housekeeper before alluded to , and who playfully sketched ont a series of domestic arrangements—such as cleaning down , and a host of other household necessaries—that should be attended to during our absence .
Of conrse , the process of packing up had already been surreptitiously far advanced . As we smoked our oveniug pipes together , still the changes wore rung upon the old pet theme ; but I indulged the foible with the culm satisfaction of having an entire week boforc mo iu which to draw
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GBEAT QUEEJNT STKEET , XiOKDCW- "W . C . The aUniiniblL * itml uurivulletluccomnioiI : itinii provided at tHU K . stablUlunciit Tor 3 VEA . S 01 TIG ZB ^ ZtsTQlJIETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to m : ei ! comment . The eiitii-emiiiia ' - 'emrntluis boon chaii ^ ed , unci the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly rc-otvanisetl . The attention of the . "Ini .-Miiie Body is ( limited to the many advantages offered . CUISINF . OF TKK HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PJEKFKCT IN i'ONOITIOX ANI » QUALITY . H . B-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 ' - . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIR NG ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence ami support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR-
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 KAILWAY PLACE , PENCHUECII STKEET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Luncheon * on tlio Ground ITloor ; This Room will accommodate lot ) persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Cirilt Room will scat ISO uci'sonn . REiO'S TREBLE STOUT , WORTMNCTON'S ALES , TJKRJilTT TIVOLI BF . BfR . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS READY . CHAMPAGNES OK THE REST V . RANDS . OLD TiOTTLKD PORTS . SHERRIES AND OTHER WINES OF TUB TWST QUALITY . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , mid tlio Crystal Palace .
BSSSIIPfi rt FROM TTrK JOINT fromTWiaVF ! to Til REM o'clock . SguMli M \ CHOPS and STKAKS from tlio GUILT , till FIVE o ' clock . BlBllSaiSa ^ T . MAiDWKi . r ,, Hercules Tavern , Leadonhall-st ., City , E . C .
WHERE ABE Y 00 GOHIG TO DINE ? mUY tlio " CANNON' TATKRN , " Si ) Cannon Street , corner of A . Walbrook , immediately opposite tlio C . iNjfOX STUKKT RAILWAY STATION . Bros . SMITH & KING , Proprietors .
VITRXJVIAN * LODGE , No . 87 . BRO . ISAAC , who lias for some timo . pastpvovuled for tho requirements of this Lodge , bggs to announce that lie lias obtained permission for the removal ot'liis license to the ISclvedere-road , and that ho is about to erect commodious premises there . These will comprise . A . SZP-A . CIOTTS iMT-A-SOIETIC H-A-IIZI . WITH AUTE ROOMS , LARGE BANQTJETTING HALL , Together with every convctnen . ee for Masonic gatherings . Applications from Secretaries and others for accommodation to bo addressed G . ISAAC , "WHITE HART , " COLLEOE STREET , LAMBETH , LOXDOJT , S . E .
Price 2 s , Crown Svo , stiif paper covers ; 2 s ( id cloth lettered . WILL BE PUBLISHED immediatel y upon tho receipt of a sufficient number of guaranteed subscribers to cover cost of printing , ? l" ! mta $ jj « tf § tiuumic grUuti mid ( QUmmm , EJIBJIACUTG IKK CORRESPONDENCE UNDER THE RESPECTIVE HEADINGS Ol ' PAST MASTERS AS PBECEFTOES , UNIFORMITY OF WORKING , and WHICH IS CORRECT ? Extracted from Mio 3 r . isonie Publications and MS . S . letters of distinguished Masons , with other interesting . Masonic information . Compiled by BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z ., & c . Subscribers' names may be forwarded to liro . JAMES STKVUSS , Olupham , S . W ' ., or to the Publisher , Leo . W . \ V . ilor . KAx , ( J 7 Jinrbican , London , E . C .
"Published monthly , Ucmy Svo , Price ( id . rniLL' CHESS PLAVEE'S CHRONICLE . A List of Rare anil Interesting ; Works on Chess , Cards , & c , can lie had nn application to H \ IV . IhniuAS , 07 Barbican , E . C . Any Modern Works ( American or Continental ) procured at short notice .
Free by Tost for 12 Stamps . A FTER THE TURTLE . —Thirty-ono Years' Ministerial Policy JLA . as set forth at LOUD MWOK ' DAI- Ji . < .. \ -Qt'i : TS , from J . SH lo Jx 7 , S . Collected by ItiCK . uio SiiVii , i ' . S . S . London : \\" . IV . . Monies , ' < 7 [ iiirbieati . E . ! . ' .
H ^^^^ W ^^ a gkrVCTWW . w 5 Jj ^ AWAW AWAttl 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
BY QUIZ . HAVE you , gentle reader—that is tho sort of personal appeal , you know , employed by tho ordinary story-writer—ever met with a mm who was hag-ridden with an idea ? I have ; and this is how it comes about . An old friend of mine , named—well that is of no consequence to you , and if you knew it would bo of no moment to the story . Bnt
as I was going to say , this old friend of mine was eaten to death by a consuming idea of being thoroughly " up " in all matters concerning Freemasonry ; and the pains ho took to accomplish an impossible feat wore certainly praiseworthy , bnt for tho fact that tho perpetual worry began to tell upon tho little mental stamina tho poor old fellow possessed .
Having been , it is whispered , jilted earl y in life , our hero had expended his timo aud a tolerable income upon pursuits which completely excluded tho possibility of any of the old tender emotions being revived . His house was a perfect paradise to men of tho " old curiosity" turn of thought , and his unique collection of old paintings , old china , old autographs and mannscripts , together with spacious
rooms crammed with bijouterie , articles of vertu and sacred relies , was sufficient to make tho mouth even of a Christie water most profusely . He was a Simon tho Cellarer of a most extended type , and a mystery to his Margery of a housekeeper , who wondered , as did everybody else , what wore tho " secrets" locked up within the sacred casement of his embroidered waistcoat .
Bless yon ! ho was sodden , saturated , with Freemasonry ! He conld talk of nothing else ; and for that reason nover associated with anybody but brethren of the mystic tie . Ho wore Masonic stnds , sleevelinks , rings and pins ; and every article of attire , down to his magnificent open vest of lavender satin , was figured with Masonic emblems . They were blended exquisitely on his meerschaum pipes , burnt into his
billiard cues , embroidered on his smoking cap , engraved on his family plate , etched in pencil and various coloured inks on every sparo leaf of every book iu his big library ! Ho had Masonry on tho brain , poor fellow—tho littlo he could boast of . Ho ncveraccumrdatcd any solid benefit from if , though he pored over every Masonic book ,
newspaper and periodical he could lay his hands upon . Ho attended a Lodge every night , and often ono . Sunday when the opportunity presented . Ho had become so gorged with Masonry in every shape aud form that , instead of being nourished by it , he had become bloated and flatulent with it—one cy'd , - and that eyo very obliquely cast indeed .
How to get my friend oft this hobby which he was riding to death was a puzzle I had long endeavoured to solve ; bnt finding him inexorable , and staving off every suggestion with a phrase of Masonic lore , it seemed almost a hopeless task . There was nothing for it bnt taking him quite away , out of the reach of everything Masonic ; and I secretly planned a little trip by water , so that , being alone , and out
of earshot of all fraternal acquaintance , I hoped to wean him , by a week's relaxation , away from that dreamy reverie into which ho had been plunged . How ho ahem'd and ha'd , to be sure , when I made tho suggestion that we should go—a quiet couple of ns—for a week ' s quiet holiday ! " He had been taught to be cautious , " he said , and ever since the I ' rin .
cess Alice disaster his little yacht had been snngly moored , down at Erith , while he had resisted every invitation or temptation to resume his old crnising life , of which he had hitherto been so extremely fond . Besides , there was that Eccentric Lodge of Instrnction , in which ho was a shining light , and for whose " section " night ho had been making extraordinary preparations . Every excuse was couched in symbolic
language ; but at last , " vowing he wonld never consent—consented !" At the very moment wo had ratified the compact with a grip and solemn obligation , a loud donble-knock at the door was heard , aud presently old Margery entered , bringing on a salver profusely adorned with Masonic devices , a letter for my friend ; and this , ou being opened , wo discovered to be a tinted circular announcing a river trip from London-bridge to Gravcsend .
" Zounds ! he exclaimed , " the very thing . Bob ! " [ I did not tell him that I had bribed my printer to " set" the circular for tho purpose , and that I had posted it with my own hands , having timed its arrival for the very moment when I anticipated tho old fossil's capitnlation . J But , having caught the interest of tho idea , it was arranged offhand , and the . old fogey was aa enthusiastic as a child for whoso delectation mamma had arranged a pic-nic iu tho woods .
A most valuable colleague I found in the venerable housekeeper before alluded to , and who playfully sketched ont a series of domestic arrangements—such as cleaning down , and a host of other household necessaries—that should be attended to during our absence .
Of conrse , the process of packing up had already been surreptitiously far advanced . As we smoked our oveniug pipes together , still the changes wore rung upon the old pet theme ; but I indulged the foible with the culm satisfaction of having an entire week boforc mo iu which to draw