Article A "QUIET" WEEK'S HOLIDAY. ← Page 2 of 3 Article A "QUIET" WEEK'S HOLIDAY. Page 2 of 3 →
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A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
tho red-herring across tlio lino of scout , and so to divert tho mania which had taken possesion of my friend ' s whole inontal energies . Tlio hurry and bustle at London-bridge the next morning convinced mo that there aro yet living- a great many of the old " Tony Lumpkin" class—one of whose most remarkable traits of character is never to be dono out of anything when onco they havo made up
thoir minds to it . Had it not been so , I fancy the crowds of people who swarmed our saloon steamer in every part mnst have been slightly deranged , in the presence of such meteorological indications as confronted us . It looked , indeed , as though old Jupiter Pluvius—or , as ho is vulgarly called , tho clerk at tho weather office—had gone off ou tho spree , leaving his key in the water-butt , and thus giving
thoso two mischievous and facetious chaps , Mercury and Momus , tho opportunity of treating us all to a shower-bath jnst at tho timo when wo did not require one . Oh ! had I but—no , not Aladdin ' s lamp , kind reader , but—the pen of a ready writer , I might describe such pictnrcs by tho way as wonld afford oven a Mark Tapley tho opportunity of coming out strong , and becoming creditably "jolly . "
Of tho toiling hundreds who had emerged from the hives of industry in onr big city to enjoy a clay on that crowded steamer , packed as closely as herrings in a barrel , their garments soaked with rain , and with countenances as doleful as that of the man who had raffled for a dinner and lost it ! Of tho broad river on whoso bosom hung tho mist liko a huge wet blanket , while tho few Hags carried by the exenrsion
packets , that ought to havo fluttered gaily in tho summer breeze , flagged angrily , liko swabs around tho smoky masts . Aud , as the " pleasure" seekers flocked in at tho intermediate piers , moist and weary , one conld almost pictures the disgust and disappointment that thrilled thoso throbbing breasts . Was it for this they had filled their baskets and satchels overnight , and raked out their best bibs
and tuckers , lured by tho dazzling attractions of a grand gala day upon tho Thames ! How tho gay feathers and ribbons whioh adorned thoso strange faces would havo brightened up the decks and saloons of our trusty bark had tho weather been at all as wo have a right to expect ifc at the
latter end of July . But it wasn't , and one could only commiserate with our unfortunate follow vogagcurs , who had come out in full fig , and on ploasnro bent , only to find it a delusion and a snare . In vain a bright-eyed 'Vitechapel lass warbled to a concertina accompaniment the soothing
melody"The maids of merry Hinglo-land , ow by-yontiful arc thoy ?" for tho company was by no means in a temper to appreciate or applaud the sentiment so pathetically conveyed in song . Hut whilst I was all this time making a mental noto of passing events , where was my hero whom I had engaged to chaperon during the week ? I searched high and low , but found-him not ! Repenting of my
temerity in leaving him but for a moment to his resources , I sought him everywhere—in tho saloons , on dock , ' twoeu deck , " all over tha ship , " in fact ; hnfc not a vestige of him could I discover . At length , after having given up my fruitless search , and praying that ho might soon turn up , I ordered a tumbler of refreshing beverage , aud was just surrendering myself to reproachful meditation , when in a remote
corner of the cabin 1 espied my hero buried in serious conversation with the steward . I was relieved ! Talking to him , no doubt , of yachting , of which lie had once been so enchanted , before the . Masonic mania , ect in ; recalling incidents and adventures with old Father Neptune , in which they had jointly participated in days gone bv . At all events , there was a crumb of comfort in this-.
Hullo , Hob ! where on earth have you been till this lime ? Pacing tho deck , and getting wet through , liko tho nincompoop you must be , " shouted our hero . " Come here , and let me introduce yon to Brother ! " All my cherished hopes , liko Bob Acres' courago , oozed out at my fingers' ends , as I saw at onco that the steward's flashing Masonic studs had
caught my friend ' s eye , and with an instinct as catching as a cough before a sermon ho had bottled up the steward for a fraternal chat . It was of no use to break in upon it , for they both seemed impregnated by tho idea , and the mutual confidences they exchanged , over bottles of " nourishing stout , " were something marvellous . Down past Greenwich and "Woolwich , with their onco bustling
yards and factories tilled with tho hum aud bustle of industry , but now mute and forlorn , in consequence of unfortunate labonr disputes , wc turned into the broader reaches of tho Thames , until Erith was iu si ght , and here , as glorious Apollo had again asserted his supremacy , and shono forth once uiore like the genial old fellow that ho is , the excursionists shook out their damp and soiled plumage , and basked gratefully in the returning sunshine . A change had come over the spirit of
the dream . Our " band was very liberal in its supply of music , first playing aft and then before the funnel , and giving each section of tho company a share of its "inspiriting strains . " A party of handbell ringers varied the entertainment , and all this tended to heighten the pleasures of the trip . The professionals , however , had it not all their own way , for a gentleman of decidedly Yankee cut , in the fore part of the vessel , regaled his admirers with a "tall" song , tho burthen of which was very touching and pathetic : —
" A grasshopper sat on a sweet potatur vine , On a sweet potatur vine , On a sweet potatur vine ; And a big turkey gobbler came a-srieaking up behind Aud nipp'd him off : from that sweet potatur vine ! "
It was agreed that cousin Jonathan had whipped tho British professionals into a cocked hat , and as he didn ' t carry round the hat after his song ho was dubbed " a gen'lenian " forthwith . So we continued to drive dull care away uutil Erith was reached , and as we pulled up at that exceedingly handsome structure called the pierI suggested to my
, friend , out of whose head tho singing and the music hud once more banished his "hobby , " that wc should laud , and look up his little disused yacht . " Just the very thing , " he chimed iu , ' * only let us pay that tribute of brotherl y love and esteem which is due tu a distinguished
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
member of onr Order , to whom I veufcured to introduco you just « ow « W . M . of some Lodge , don't you know ? Down Poplar way , somowhere . Decent fellow ! Must invito him to my place , and yon shall form his closer acquaintanceship . " So saying , ho dived off onco more amongst tho crowd , and the last thing I saw of the couple was tho gesticulating of glassos and a profusion of nods as thoy confessed that happy had they met , happy had they been , and happy might they meet again !
At last , thought I , as wo landed on the pier , I havo snatched him ouco more from tho vortex ; and I'll tako good care I don't lot him out of my sight again . He grumbled about paying the sixpence which tho enlightened authorities at Erith considerately charge to strangers on holiday occasions for the ( iveminntes travellingover thoir handsome pier , instead
of tho penny on ordinary days , and found my friend's littlo craft , though idle , had by no means been neglected . Tho " Captain , " as tho old sailor in charge delighted to bo called , rubbed his eyes , stared , and gasped forth , " Well , darn my buttons—the Lord forgive mo for swearing—but I never ! Hero ' s the guv ' nor , come at last !" " Bless my soul , my Lord High Admiral , who'd ' a thought o' seeing
you , of everybody else in this born world ? Hero Jim—Bill—hurry up now , ( in a whisper ) see all's right for tho Admiral . " It scorned epiito unnecessary , however , for any hurrying up , for as the swarthy follows touched their foreheads , their countenances woro a broad grin of satisfaction , as though they knew all was as trim aud taut as tho guv ' nor could wish .
"AVo shall want tho Gadjly for a short cruise , " Baid the owner ; " how long will you be getting her ready ?" " Heady now , Admiral , " replied the captain , " and ' as been a great deal too long , sir , axin' yer parding , " laughed tho honest old tar ; and by tho time we had enjoyed our comfortablo littlo luncheon at the Pier Hotel , the Gadjly was out amid stream , and tho boat ready
to take us to her . Iu almost loss timo than it took to think about it , we were scudding merrily along over tho dancing wavelets , between heavy barges and lighters , and a cloud of rowing boats , such as may bo seen about here ou any summer ' s afternoon ; and very speedily wo drew up oil the Town Pier at Gravesend , wherol again ran the risk of losing my
triond . AVith hisnsnal ' cutenoss he espied tho white ties , evening coats , black bags , and tin boxes wlvch , —according to tho worthy Prov . G . Master of Essex , —aro among the distinguishing marks of Freemasons . On getting alongside wo learned that the bearers had just come by train to attend the installation meeting of the Lodgo of Freedom , and had it not been that wc had telegraphed to Southend
that we should anchor oft ' tlrre that evening , I shonld havo had to attend tho meeting of Freedom Lodge with him ; as it was , we got away , after pledging onr friendship and tenderiug our good wishes . Nothing of any moment occurred until wo ran alongside the long pier which is tho boast aud delight of the denizens at Southend . Having made all fast for the night , I could seo a . twinkle in my old
friend ' s eye , as ho asked me to take a survey of the littlo craft , foi as yet I had not , been invited to view as much as the chief cabin , AVhcn at lust we had descended the ; companion , and were fairly inside , I was overtaken with a mingled sense of bewilderment and surprise , iu which regret surged up involuntarily . It was fitter ! up as a Masonic Lodge ! Two or three old acquaintances of tho owner , who had discerned the Gadjly approaching , were speedily ou board , and
tho suggestion to hold a Lodge of Instruction was hailed with boisterous satisfaction by tho "Admiral . " There was no getting out of it , so to submit was tho only alternative . Wo went through all the formalities and degrees , with the " Captain " as Senior Warden , the mate as Junior , and the ordinary seaman as Tyier , our other friends ably assisting iu the working of the degrees . It was both unique and interesting , but totally opposed to tho object of our trip , —so far
at least as I was concerned . The face of our sailor host glowed with marvellous glee at the success of his improvised Lodge which had thus lain in ambush ; and as we exchanged congratulations after "labour , " our hero grew prodigious over his " reminiscences " of Masonry , and his adoration of all things appertaining to the Craft .
Still resolnto in my desiro to carry out the object of our trip , I endeavoured to cut the conversation short by proposing that wo should go ashore , when once again tho cup of satisfaction was dashed rudely from my lips , by tho invitation of our stranger friends to " reciprocate , " by honouring the old Priory , or as it was jocosely dubbed , the " Hound Thousand " Lodge , by accompanying its Master and members to take
part in the consecration of its daughter Lodge at Shoeburyness the next clay ! Nemesis seemed indeed to be following in our wake , but there was no getting out of it , and , with calm resignation , I was obliged to assent . The gathering was of the jolliest , it is true , for thoro are trno and trusty fellows of the Graft iu this corner of Essex , as doubtless yon may
know . Wc were feasted and feted to our hearts' and bodies' content , and the brethren of tho new Lodge seemed to devote their whole energies to ensure tho enjoyment of their guests ; they killed tho fatted calf , brought out their best , and laid themselves especially out for our comfort aud amusement . Tints our second edition of Masonry ashore eclipsed all that wo had seen on board , and when the last
hearty grip of the hand had been exchanged tho big moon was shining placidly upon tho wide expanse of sea ou whose bosom outlittle Gadjl y rose and fell with the peaceful waves , our Senior Warden Jack , Junior AVarden Tom , and serving Brother Bill watching calmly onr arrival , as they smoked their short doodheens in tho stern sheets , no doubt weaving many a pleasant dream of tbe week ' s quiet cruise which had been cut out for thorn .
After having given orders to move round for AValton-on-thc-Xazo with the " earliest beams of the morning sun , " we turned in , ami I mnst confess that the snug little bunks of the Gadjly provided us with the ee . -plus nllrn of luxurious repose . The sun was at its meridian ere our slumbers were disturbed by the arrival of glasses of effervescing S . and B ., and soon we sighted the pleasant outlines of the Marine , which ia the peculiar pride—and profit , lot us hope—of that
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
tho red-herring across tlio lino of scout , and so to divert tho mania which had taken possesion of my friend ' s whole inontal energies . Tlio hurry and bustle at London-bridge the next morning convinced mo that there aro yet living- a great many of the old " Tony Lumpkin" class—one of whose most remarkable traits of character is never to be dono out of anything when onco they havo made up
thoir minds to it . Had it not been so , I fancy the crowds of people who swarmed our saloon steamer in every part mnst have been slightly deranged , in the presence of such meteorological indications as confronted us . It looked , indeed , as though old Jupiter Pluvius—or , as ho is vulgarly called , tho clerk at tho weather office—had gone off ou tho spree , leaving his key in the water-butt , and thus giving
thoso two mischievous and facetious chaps , Mercury and Momus , tho opportunity of treating us all to a shower-bath jnst at tho timo when wo did not require one . Oh ! had I but—no , not Aladdin ' s lamp , kind reader , but—the pen of a ready writer , I might describe such pictnrcs by tho way as wonld afford oven a Mark Tapley tho opportunity of coming out strong , and becoming creditably "jolly . "
Of tho toiling hundreds who had emerged from the hives of industry in onr big city to enjoy a clay on that crowded steamer , packed as closely as herrings in a barrel , their garments soaked with rain , and with countenances as doleful as that of the man who had raffled for a dinner and lost it ! Of tho broad river on whoso bosom hung tho mist liko a huge wet blanket , while tho few Hags carried by the exenrsion
packets , that ought to havo fluttered gaily in tho summer breeze , flagged angrily , liko swabs around tho smoky masts . Aud , as the " pleasure" seekers flocked in at tho intermediate piers , moist and weary , one conld almost pictures the disgust and disappointment that thrilled thoso throbbing breasts . Was it for this they had filled their baskets and satchels overnight , and raked out their best bibs
and tuckers , lured by tho dazzling attractions of a grand gala day upon tho Thames ! How tho gay feathers and ribbons whioh adorned thoso strange faces would havo brightened up the decks and saloons of our trusty bark had tho weather been at all as wo have a right to expect ifc at the
latter end of July . But it wasn't , and one could only commiserate with our unfortunate follow vogagcurs , who had come out in full fig , and on ploasnro bent , only to find it a delusion and a snare . In vain a bright-eyed 'Vitechapel lass warbled to a concertina accompaniment the soothing
melody"The maids of merry Hinglo-land , ow by-yontiful arc thoy ?" for tho company was by no means in a temper to appreciate or applaud the sentiment so pathetically conveyed in song . Hut whilst I was all this time making a mental noto of passing events , where was my hero whom I had engaged to chaperon during the week ? I searched high and low , but found-him not ! Repenting of my
temerity in leaving him but for a moment to his resources , I sought him everywhere—in tho saloons , on dock , ' twoeu deck , " all over tha ship , " in fact ; hnfc not a vestige of him could I discover . At length , after having given up my fruitless search , and praying that ho might soon turn up , I ordered a tumbler of refreshing beverage , aud was just surrendering myself to reproachful meditation , when in a remote
corner of the cabin 1 espied my hero buried in serious conversation with the steward . I was relieved ! Talking to him , no doubt , of yachting , of which lie had once been so enchanted , before the . Masonic mania , ect in ; recalling incidents and adventures with old Father Neptune , in which they had jointly participated in days gone bv . At all events , there was a crumb of comfort in this-.
Hullo , Hob ! where on earth have you been till this lime ? Pacing tho deck , and getting wet through , liko tho nincompoop you must be , " shouted our hero . " Come here , and let me introduce yon to Brother ! " All my cherished hopes , liko Bob Acres' courago , oozed out at my fingers' ends , as I saw at onco that the steward's flashing Masonic studs had
caught my friend ' s eye , and with an instinct as catching as a cough before a sermon ho had bottled up the steward for a fraternal chat . It was of no use to break in upon it , for they both seemed impregnated by tho idea , and the mutual confidences they exchanged , over bottles of " nourishing stout , " were something marvellous . Down past Greenwich and "Woolwich , with their onco bustling
yards and factories tilled with tho hum aud bustle of industry , but now mute and forlorn , in consequence of unfortunate labonr disputes , wc turned into the broader reaches of tho Thames , until Erith was iu si ght , and here , as glorious Apollo had again asserted his supremacy , and shono forth once uiore like the genial old fellow that ho is , the excursionists shook out their damp and soiled plumage , and basked gratefully in the returning sunshine . A change had come over the spirit of
the dream . Our " band was very liberal in its supply of music , first playing aft and then before the funnel , and giving each section of tho company a share of its "inspiriting strains . " A party of handbell ringers varied the entertainment , and all this tended to heighten the pleasures of the trip . The professionals , however , had it not all their own way , for a gentleman of decidedly Yankee cut , in the fore part of the vessel , regaled his admirers with a "tall" song , tho burthen of which was very touching and pathetic : —
" A grasshopper sat on a sweet potatur vine , On a sweet potatur vine , On a sweet potatur vine ; And a big turkey gobbler came a-srieaking up behind Aud nipp'd him off : from that sweet potatur vine ! "
It was agreed that cousin Jonathan had whipped tho British professionals into a cocked hat , and as he didn ' t carry round the hat after his song ho was dubbed " a gen'lenian " forthwith . So we continued to drive dull care away uutil Erith was reached , and as we pulled up at that exceedingly handsome structure called the pierI suggested to my
, friend , out of whose head tho singing and the music hud once more banished his "hobby , " that wc should laud , and look up his little disused yacht . " Just the very thing , " he chimed iu , ' * only let us pay that tribute of brotherl y love and esteem which is due tu a distinguished
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
member of onr Order , to whom I veufcured to introduco you just « ow « W . M . of some Lodge , don't you know ? Down Poplar way , somowhere . Decent fellow ! Must invito him to my place , and yon shall form his closer acquaintanceship . " So saying , ho dived off onco more amongst tho crowd , and the last thing I saw of the couple was tho gesticulating of glassos and a profusion of nods as thoy confessed that happy had they met , happy had they been , and happy might they meet again !
At last , thought I , as wo landed on the pier , I havo snatched him ouco more from tho vortex ; and I'll tako good care I don't lot him out of my sight again . He grumbled about paying the sixpence which tho enlightened authorities at Erith considerately charge to strangers on holiday occasions for the ( iveminntes travellingover thoir handsome pier , instead
of tho penny on ordinary days , and found my friend's littlo craft , though idle , had by no means been neglected . Tho " Captain , " as tho old sailor in charge delighted to bo called , rubbed his eyes , stared , and gasped forth , " Well , darn my buttons—the Lord forgive mo for swearing—but I never ! Hero ' s the guv ' nor , come at last !" " Bless my soul , my Lord High Admiral , who'd ' a thought o' seeing
you , of everybody else in this born world ? Hero Jim—Bill—hurry up now , ( in a whisper ) see all's right for tho Admiral . " It scorned epiito unnecessary , however , for any hurrying up , for as the swarthy follows touched their foreheads , their countenances woro a broad grin of satisfaction , as though they knew all was as trim aud taut as tho guv ' nor could wish .
"AVo shall want tho Gadjly for a short cruise , " Baid the owner ; " how long will you be getting her ready ?" " Heady now , Admiral , " replied the captain , " and ' as been a great deal too long , sir , axin' yer parding , " laughed tho honest old tar ; and by tho time we had enjoyed our comfortablo littlo luncheon at the Pier Hotel , the Gadjly was out amid stream , and tho boat ready
to take us to her . Iu almost loss timo than it took to think about it , we were scudding merrily along over tho dancing wavelets , between heavy barges and lighters , and a cloud of rowing boats , such as may bo seen about here ou any summer ' s afternoon ; and very speedily wo drew up oil the Town Pier at Gravesend , wherol again ran the risk of losing my
triond . AVith hisnsnal ' cutenoss he espied tho white ties , evening coats , black bags , and tin boxes wlvch , —according to tho worthy Prov . G . Master of Essex , —aro among the distinguishing marks of Freemasons . On getting alongside wo learned that the bearers had just come by train to attend the installation meeting of the Lodgo of Freedom , and had it not been that wc had telegraphed to Southend
that we should anchor oft ' tlrre that evening , I shonld havo had to attend tho meeting of Freedom Lodge with him ; as it was , we got away , after pledging onr friendship and tenderiug our good wishes . Nothing of any moment occurred until wo ran alongside the long pier which is tho boast aud delight of the denizens at Southend . Having made all fast for the night , I could seo a . twinkle in my old
friend ' s eye , as ho asked me to take a survey of the littlo craft , foi as yet I had not , been invited to view as much as the chief cabin , AVhcn at lust we had descended the ; companion , and were fairly inside , I was overtaken with a mingled sense of bewilderment and surprise , iu which regret surged up involuntarily . It was fitter ! up as a Masonic Lodge ! Two or three old acquaintances of tho owner , who had discerned the Gadjly approaching , were speedily ou board , and
tho suggestion to hold a Lodge of Instruction was hailed with boisterous satisfaction by tho "Admiral . " There was no getting out of it , so to submit was tho only alternative . Wo went through all the formalities and degrees , with the " Captain " as Senior Warden , the mate as Junior , and the ordinary seaman as Tyier , our other friends ably assisting iu the working of the degrees . It was both unique and interesting , but totally opposed to tho object of our trip , —so far
at least as I was concerned . The face of our sailor host glowed with marvellous glee at the success of his improvised Lodge which had thus lain in ambush ; and as we exchanged congratulations after "labour , " our hero grew prodigious over his " reminiscences " of Masonry , and his adoration of all things appertaining to the Craft .
Still resolnto in my desiro to carry out the object of our trip , I endeavoured to cut the conversation short by proposing that wo should go ashore , when once again tho cup of satisfaction was dashed rudely from my lips , by tho invitation of our stranger friends to " reciprocate , " by honouring the old Priory , or as it was jocosely dubbed , the " Hound Thousand " Lodge , by accompanying its Master and members to take
part in the consecration of its daughter Lodge at Shoeburyness the next clay ! Nemesis seemed indeed to be following in our wake , but there was no getting out of it , and , with calm resignation , I was obliged to assent . The gathering was of the jolliest , it is true , for thoro are trno and trusty fellows of the Graft iu this corner of Essex , as doubtless yon may
know . Wc were feasted and feted to our hearts' and bodies' content , and the brethren of tho new Lodge seemed to devote their whole energies to ensure tho enjoyment of their guests ; they killed tho fatted calf , brought out their best , and laid themselves especially out for our comfort aud amusement . Tints our second edition of Masonry ashore eclipsed all that wo had seen on board , and when the last
hearty grip of the hand had been exchanged tho big moon was shining placidly upon tho wide expanse of sea ou whose bosom outlittle Gadjl y rose and fell with the peaceful waves , our Senior Warden Jack , Junior AVarden Tom , and serving Brother Bill watching calmly onr arrival , as they smoked their short doodheens in tho stern sheets , no doubt weaving many a pleasant dream of tbe week ' s quiet cruise which had been cut out for thorn .
After having given orders to move round for AValton-on-thc-Xazo with the " earliest beams of the morning sun , " we turned in , ami I mnst confess that the snug little bunks of the Gadjly provided us with the ee . -plus nllrn of luxurious repose . The sun was at its meridian ere our slumbers were disturbed by the arrival of glasses of effervescing S . and B ., and soon we sighted the pleasant outlines of the Marine , which ia the peculiar pride—and profit , lot us hope—of that