Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
and Comps . Howes H ., Green J ., Roberts N ., Robinson E ., Gadsby P . S ., Flewitt and Wilkins Treasurers . The Companions then adjourned to refreshment , to which ample justice waa done , a very agreeable and profitable evening terminating with the toasts usual amongst
R . A . M . ' s . Although all Masonio gatherings now take place in the new buildings , tho premises are not yet quite completed , so that those who attend have hardly got settled in their now venture ; but a bright prospect tokens for the Northampton Chapter 360 and tho Pomfret Lodge 360 .
St . David ' s Lodge , No . 363 . —This Lodge hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th December , at the Freemasons' Hall , Berwick . Present—Bros . E . Thompson W . M ., J . A . Forbes S . W ., II . T . Heron J . W ., Jamos J . Oswald Sec , E . Weatherhead Treas ., G . F . Steven J . D ., Geo . Moor D . C , J . Weatherston and J . Teague Stewards , R . Craik I . G ., A . F . Turnbnll Tyler . Past Masters Bros .
W . Scott , C . Hoppor , R . Wood , A . Winlaw , & c . Business—Bro . J . B . Kent was passed to tho Fellow Craft degree . Bro . James Arthur Forbes S . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation was fixed to take placo on St . John's Day , at four p . m . Bro . Weatherhead was re-elected Treasurer , Bro . A . F . Turnbnll Tyler , and Bros . G . Moor , C . Hoppor , J . Carr , J . Russell , T . Pattison , aud R . Thompson were elected as a board of works for the ensuing year .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , the 7 th of December , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . Present—Bros . G . Davis W . M ., A . Weeks S . W ., Neighbour J . W ., T . Cull Sec , F . J . Taylor S . D ., Farwig J . D ., Wray I . G ., and Bros . Mander Preceptor , S . Lloyd , Docker , Eeibold , Harrison , Blundell , Collens , R . J . Taylor , Bentley ,
Rickard , Belfrage . Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . Harrison acting as candidate . The seven sections of the Lecture were then worked by the brethren , and Bro . G . H . Rickard , Lodge 1365 , was elected a joining' member . Bro . A . Weeks was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The Lodge was then closed , and adjourned to Thursclay , 14 th December .
Boyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope , No . 574 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Friday , tho 1 st inst ., at tho White Hart Hotel , Newbury . Present—Bros . W . H . Herbert W . M ., E . Ravenor S . W ., G . J . Cosbnrn Secretary , F . G . Hall P . M . Treasurer . Past Masters Bros . J . Bance , W . C Bland , T . Deller , Barron Fielder , F . G . Hall , & c Business—The minutes having been confirmed , the
election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place ; this proved in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Eavenor . Bro . P . M . F . G . Hall waa elected Treasurer , and Bro . Dodd Tylor . The sum oE £ 5 5 s having been voted by the Charity Committee to this Lodge , it was decided to present that sum to the Benevolent Institution , and , after some further business , the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was presided over by tho W . M .
St . James's Lodge , No . 765 . —This Lodge held its ordinary meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th of December , at the Bridge Houso Hotel , London Bridge . Present—Bros . Thomas Brown W . M ., R . W . Gibbs S . W ., J . Cox J . W ., Montagu Scotb Seo ., F . Child Treas ., E . Goodwin
S . D ., W . Pouting J . D ., G . A . Brock D . C , Nolron Reed I . G ., W . Y . Laing Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . G . Hydo , T . Neville , R . P . Hooton . Very little work was done , simply the passing of Bro . R . Tilling , and tho voting of £ 5 from the Benevolent Fund to Bro : R . W . Gibbs , towards recouping him advances he had made to a distressed brother .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 — This Lodge of Instruction , under the sanction of the mother Lodge held its first meeting on Friday evening , the 1 st inst ., at Bro . Kennards , The Feathers Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware-road , W . The chair was taken at 8 o ' clock by Bro . A . Braun P . M . 766 , who , after a few preliminary remarks , inducted Bro . Rudderforth D . C . No . 12 into
the chair of K . S . Tho W . M . then invested his officers as follow : — Bros . G . West S . D . 1287 as S . W ., G . Tribbel 1287 as J . W ., A . Braun P . M . 766 as P . M . and Secretary , J . Kennard 145 as Treasurer , J . Davison 733 S . D ., Lucas S . D . 192 J . D ., and S . Nichols 1287 I . G . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed in a most impressive manner , Bro . Hayes 1287 acting as candidate , after which the sections
of the Lecture wero worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . Tho W . M . then submitted a code of bye-laws , which were duly discussed and adopted . Bro . Rudderforth was unanimously elected Preceptor , Bro . Braun Secretary , and Bro . Kennard Treasurer . A cordial voto of thanks , to bo recorded on the minutes , was then passed to Bros . Rudderforth , Braun and Kennard . Bro . West was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation .
The Lodge was then closed iu due form . Amongst tho brethren present were Bros . Webster 1381 , J . Mnrch 27 , S . Goddon 862 , Frost 145 , Sawyer 145 , Brooks 145 , Parsons 325 , Dunham 1287 , Cooper , Chalfont and several others . It is believed that a Lodge of Instruction is much required in this neighbourhood , tho brethren are informed that the Lodge will meet punctually every Friday evening at 8 o ' clock .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , 5 th December , Bro . Dr . Defriez W . M ., Perrin S . W ., Hewlett J . W ., Barker S . D ., Saunders J . D ., Dallas I . G ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor , Worsley Secretary . The Lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Lovelock candidate . Bro . W . J . Smith worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , Bro . Hewlett the 3 rd , assisted by the brethren . On tho motion of Bro . Wallington ,
Notices Of Meetings.
seconded by Bro . Perrin , a vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes for tho able manner in which the W . M . had worked the ceremony . Bro . Perrin was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensning week , and appointed his officers in rotation . All Masonio business being ended , tho Lodge closed in perfect harmony . Tho following brethren wore present : Smith , Johnson , Foliot , Weige , Gom . pertz , Cambridge , Lovelock , and P . M . ' s Ashburner and Musto .
Eoyal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . —The regular meeting of this well-established Lodge was held at the White Swan Hotel , 217 High . street , Deptford , on Thursday , 23 rd November . Bro . H . J . Tusou W . M . opened the Lodgo . The minutes of the previous meeting ware read , confirmed , and signed by tho W . M . He passed Bros . Whibley , Sanders , Fowler and Davis to the second degree , raised Bros . Abbott
and Michaels ; and Bro . G . Andrews P . M . D . C . raised Bros . Bucholo and Wildormuth to the third degree . The work was ably done . Several important notices of motion were agreed to . The initiation and joining fees were raised each to ten guineas . The services of the W . M . wore accepted as Steward , to represent this Lodgo at the Festival for the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , he
heading his list with ten pounds , and tho Lodge will supplement that amount with a similar sum ; he also received promise of assistance from the members . It was unanimously decided to support the scheme to be introduced by the South Eastern Masonio Assooiation , for securing the election of all candidates approved of for all the Charities , Bros . Wm . Andrews P . M . Treas . being elected as the
representative from this Lodge . Business ended , the Lodge was closed , and adjourned to January . There were present—Bros . J . J . Pakes S . W ., J . Baxter Langley J . W ., W . Andrews P . M . Treas ., F . Walters G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M . Sec , G . T . Limn S . D ., E . Hannan J . D ., F . G . Vohmann I . G ., H . J . Fisher Organist , G . Andrews P . M .
D . C , A . Macers , G . Evo , W . Simmons , F . G . Thomas , E . J . Harvey , W . A . Lochhead , H . W . Fellows , and others . The long list of visitors included Bro . C Rolph P . P . G . J . D ., Kent P . M . 188 , P . M . 77 , G . Roper P . M . 147 , R . Beaver 700 , T . Gambrill 1194 , R . J . Dart 192 , G . Brown P . M . 169 , R . W . Robinson 879 , D . Smith 1326 , Ac .
Friendship Lodge , No . 928 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Tuesday , 5 th December , at tho Masonic Hall , Petersfield . Present—Bros . Lewis A . B . Colo W . M ., Joseph Cole S . W ., M . P . Creedon J . W ., William B . Edgeler P . M . Secretary , William B .
Edgeler Treasurer , John P . Cordery S . D ., Frank C . Masters I . G ., Charles Knight Tyler . Visitor—Bro . Francis , Carnarvon Lodge , Havant . Business—Bro . Head waa passed to tho degree of a Follow Craft by Bro . Edgeler . Bro . Joseph Colo was elected W . M . for the ensning year . Bro . William B . Edgeler was re-elected Treasurer .
Welch-Pool Lodge , No . 998 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 1 st of December , at the Lodge Room , Railway Station , Welch-Pool . Present—Bros . Thomas Rowley Morris W . M ., Grahame Brown S . W ., John Sides Davis J . W ., D . P . Owea P . M . P . Z . Sec , W . Withy P . M . P . Z . Treas ., John Damly S . D ., Henry Nicholson Gilbank J . D ., Richard Parry Steward , James Hughes Anderson I . G ., John Barnard Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . F . Britten P . P . G . J . W . Derbyshire
P . M . 850 , 998 , and W . M . 1594 . W . Collender P . G . A . D . C . North Wales and Shropshire , P . M . 998 , and W . M . 1582 . After confirmation of tho minutes , at the wish of the W . M ., P . M . D . Powen passed Bro . Eev . A . Whitlow . The proposed new bye-laws , considered at the previous meeting , were read and confirmed . A petition on behalf of the widow of a deceased brother was ordered to be sanctioned , and the Secretary directed to apply for a fresh certificate for a brother who had lost his on the West Coast of Africa .
Welch-Pool Chapter . No . 998 . —This Chapter held ita regular meeting on 1 st December , at the Chapter-rooms , Railway Station , Welch-Pool . Present—Comps . W . Withy Z ., W . Collender H ., D . Power P . Z . as J ., G . Brown as S . E ., Sides Daviea S . N ., T . E . Morriss P . Soj „ Anderson and Gilbank as Assist . Soi . The minutes of
tho regular Convocation were road and confirmed . Tho M . E . Z . then informed tho Companions that the only business was tho election of officers , which resulted as follows : —Comps . W . Collender Z ., G . A . Brown P . Z . 1098 H ., J . B . Bagnall J ., J . Sides Davis S . E ., T . R . Morris S . N . and Treasurer , Graham Brown P . Soj ., Barnard Janitor .
Victoria Chapter , No . 1056 . —A regular Convocation of this Chapter was held on Monday , tho 6 th instant , at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue E . C . Present—Comps . J . D . Taylor Z ., Noehmer H ., Hooper J ., Pendlebury P . Z . S . E ., E . Gottheil P . Z . Treas ., Feargasson S . N ., Bosworth P . Z ., Forsyth P . Z ., and an
unusually small number of Companions . Bro . W . H . Edwards , of 619 , was exalted to tho supremo degree . A sum of £ 5 5 s was voted to tho Girls' School . A banquet followed , after which tho usual proceedings on such occasions were briefly and speedily disposed of , and the Companions separated at a comparatively early hour . Comp , Copestake , M . E . Z . of the Lion and Lamb , was a visitor .
Lewis Lodge , No . 1185—Emergency . —A large number of the members of this Lodge assembled at tho King's Arms Hotel , Wood Green , on Saturday , 2 nd December , pursuant to summons , for the purpose of passing a vote of sympathy with the widow and family of their late Treasurer , W . Bro . S . May , who was also one of
tho founders of this Lodge , and to elect a Treasurer in his stead . Bro . Turner W . M . presided , and was supported by the following Past Masters of the Lodge , viz .: —Bros . Cover , Leared Sec , Edwards , Ross and Durrant , together with the officers , Bros . Shipwright S . W ., Sayer J . W ., Bone S , D ,, Berrie J . D ,, and Hooper I . G , The Lodge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
and Comps . Howes H ., Green J ., Roberts N ., Robinson E ., Gadsby P . S ., Flewitt and Wilkins Treasurers . The Companions then adjourned to refreshment , to which ample justice waa done , a very agreeable and profitable evening terminating with the toasts usual amongst
R . A . M . ' s . Although all Masonio gatherings now take place in the new buildings , tho premises are not yet quite completed , so that those who attend have hardly got settled in their now venture ; but a bright prospect tokens for the Northampton Chapter 360 and tho Pomfret Lodge 360 .
St . David ' s Lodge , No . 363 . —This Lodge hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th December , at the Freemasons' Hall , Berwick . Present—Bros . E . Thompson W . M ., J . A . Forbes S . W ., II . T . Heron J . W ., Jamos J . Oswald Sec , E . Weatherhead Treas ., G . F . Steven J . D ., Geo . Moor D . C , J . Weatherston and J . Teague Stewards , R . Craik I . G ., A . F . Turnbnll Tyler . Past Masters Bros .
W . Scott , C . Hoppor , R . Wood , A . Winlaw , & c . Business—Bro . J . B . Kent was passed to tho Fellow Craft degree . Bro . James Arthur Forbes S . W . was elected W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation was fixed to take placo on St . John's Day , at four p . m . Bro . Weatherhead was re-elected Treasurer , Bro . A . F . Turnbnll Tyler , and Bros . G . Moor , C . Hoppor , J . Carr , J . Russell , T . Pattison , aud R . Thompson were elected as a board of works for the ensuing year .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , the 7 th of December , at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , W . Present—Bros . G . Davis W . M ., A . Weeks S . W ., Neighbour J . W ., T . Cull Sec , F . J . Taylor S . D ., Farwig J . D ., Wray I . G ., and Bros . Mander Preceptor , S . Lloyd , Docker , Eeibold , Harrison , Blundell , Collens , R . J . Taylor , Bentley ,
Rickard , Belfrage . Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , and the ceremony of initiation rehearsed , Bro . Harrison acting as candidate . The seven sections of the Lecture were then worked by the brethren , and Bro . G . H . Rickard , Lodge 1365 , was elected a joining' member . Bro . A . Weeks was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The Lodge was then closed , and adjourned to Thursclay , 14 th December .
Boyal Berkshire Lodge of Hope , No . 574 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Friday , tho 1 st inst ., at tho White Hart Hotel , Newbury . Present—Bros . W . H . Herbert W . M ., E . Ravenor S . W ., G . J . Cosbnrn Secretary , F . G . Hall P . M . Treasurer . Past Masters Bros . J . Bance , W . C Bland , T . Deller , Barron Fielder , F . G . Hall , & c Business—The minutes having been confirmed , the
election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place ; this proved in favour of the S . W ., Bro . Eavenor . Bro . P . M . F . G . Hall waa elected Treasurer , and Bro . Dodd Tylor . The sum oE £ 5 5 s having been voted by the Charity Committee to this Lodge , it was decided to present that sum to the Benevolent Institution , and , after some further business , the Lodge was closed . Tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , which was presided over by tho W . M .
St . James's Lodge , No . 765 . —This Lodge held its ordinary meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th of December , at the Bridge Houso Hotel , London Bridge . Present—Bros . Thomas Brown W . M ., R . W . Gibbs S . W ., J . Cox J . W ., Montagu Scotb Seo ., F . Child Treas ., E . Goodwin
S . D ., W . Pouting J . D ., G . A . Brock D . C , Nolron Reed I . G ., W . Y . Laing Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . G . Hydo , T . Neville , R . P . Hooton . Very little work was done , simply the passing of Bro . R . Tilling , and tho voting of £ 5 from the Benevolent Fund to Bro : R . W . Gibbs , towards recouping him advances he had made to a distressed brother .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 — This Lodge of Instruction , under the sanction of the mother Lodge held its first meeting on Friday evening , the 1 st inst ., at Bro . Kennards , The Feathers Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware-road , W . The chair was taken at 8 o ' clock by Bro . A . Braun P . M . 766 , who , after a few preliminary remarks , inducted Bro . Rudderforth D . C . No . 12 into
the chair of K . S . Tho W . M . then invested his officers as follow : — Bros . G . West S . D . 1287 as S . W ., G . Tribbel 1287 as J . W ., A . Braun P . M . 766 as P . M . and Secretary , J . Kennard 145 as Treasurer , J . Davison 733 S . D ., Lucas S . D . 192 J . D ., and S . Nichols 1287 I . G . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed in a most impressive manner , Bro . Hayes 1287 acting as candidate , after which the sections
of the Lecture wero worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . Tho W . M . then submitted a code of bye-laws , which were duly discussed and adopted . Bro . Rudderforth was unanimously elected Preceptor , Bro . Braun Secretary , and Bro . Kennard Treasurer . A cordial voto of thanks , to bo recorded on the minutes , was then passed to Bros . Rudderforth , Braun and Kennard . Bro . West was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation .
The Lodge was then closed iu due form . Amongst tho brethren present were Bros . Webster 1381 , J . Mnrch 27 , S . Goddon 862 , Frost 145 , Sawyer 145 , Brooks 145 , Parsons 325 , Dunham 1287 , Cooper , Chalfont and several others . It is believed that a Lodge of Instruction is much required in this neighbourhood , tho brethren are informed that the Lodge will meet punctually every Friday evening at 8 o ' clock .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday , 5 th December , Bro . Dr . Defriez W . M ., Perrin S . W ., Hewlett J . W ., Barker S . D ., Saunders J . D ., Dallas I . G ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor , Worsley Secretary . The Lodge was opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Lovelock candidate . Bro . W . J . Smith worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , Bro . Hewlett the 3 rd , assisted by the brethren . On tho motion of Bro . Wallington ,
Notices Of Meetings.
seconded by Bro . Perrin , a vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes for tho able manner in which the W . M . had worked the ceremony . Bro . Perrin was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensning week , and appointed his officers in rotation . All Masonio business being ended , tho Lodge closed in perfect harmony . Tho following brethren wore present : Smith , Johnson , Foliot , Weige , Gom . pertz , Cambridge , Lovelock , and P . M . ' s Ashburner and Musto .
Eoyal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . —The regular meeting of this well-established Lodge was held at the White Swan Hotel , 217 High . street , Deptford , on Thursday , 23 rd November . Bro . H . J . Tusou W . M . opened the Lodgo . The minutes of the previous meeting ware read , confirmed , and signed by tho W . M . He passed Bros . Whibley , Sanders , Fowler and Davis to the second degree , raised Bros . Abbott
and Michaels ; and Bro . G . Andrews P . M . D . C . raised Bros . Bucholo and Wildormuth to the third degree . The work was ably done . Several important notices of motion were agreed to . The initiation and joining fees were raised each to ten guineas . The services of the W . M . wore accepted as Steward , to represent this Lodgo at the Festival for the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , he
heading his list with ten pounds , and tho Lodge will supplement that amount with a similar sum ; he also received promise of assistance from the members . It was unanimously decided to support the scheme to be introduced by the South Eastern Masonio Assooiation , for securing the election of all candidates approved of for all the Charities , Bros . Wm . Andrews P . M . Treas . being elected as the
representative from this Lodge . Business ended , the Lodge was closed , and adjourned to January . There were present—Bros . J . J . Pakes S . W ., J . Baxter Langley J . W ., W . Andrews P . M . Treas ., F . Walters G . J . D . Middlesex , P . M . Sec , G . T . Limn S . D ., E . Hannan J . D ., F . G . Vohmann I . G ., H . J . Fisher Organist , G . Andrews P . M .
D . C , A . Macers , G . Evo , W . Simmons , F . G . Thomas , E . J . Harvey , W . A . Lochhead , H . W . Fellows , and others . The long list of visitors included Bro . C Rolph P . P . G . J . D ., Kent P . M . 188 , P . M . 77 , G . Roper P . M . 147 , R . Beaver 700 , T . Gambrill 1194 , R . J . Dart 192 , G . Brown P . M . 169 , R . W . Robinson 879 , D . Smith 1326 , Ac .
Friendship Lodge , No . 928 . —This Lodge held its usual meeting on Tuesday , 5 th December , at tho Masonic Hall , Petersfield . Present—Bros . Lewis A . B . Colo W . M ., Joseph Cole S . W ., M . P . Creedon J . W ., William B . Edgeler P . M . Secretary , William B .
Edgeler Treasurer , John P . Cordery S . D ., Frank C . Masters I . G ., Charles Knight Tyler . Visitor—Bro . Francis , Carnarvon Lodge , Havant . Business—Bro . Head waa passed to tho degree of a Follow Craft by Bro . Edgeler . Bro . Joseph Colo was elected W . M . for the ensning year . Bro . William B . Edgeler was re-elected Treasurer .
Welch-Pool Lodge , No . 998 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the 1 st of December , at the Lodge Room , Railway Station , Welch-Pool . Present—Bros . Thomas Rowley Morris W . M ., Grahame Brown S . W ., John Sides Davis J . W ., D . P . Owea P . M . P . Z . Sec , W . Withy P . M . P . Z . Treas ., John Damly S . D ., Henry Nicholson Gilbank J . D ., Richard Parry Steward , James Hughes Anderson I . G ., John Barnard Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . F . Britten P . P . G . J . W . Derbyshire
P . M . 850 , 998 , and W . M . 1594 . W . Collender P . G . A . D . C . North Wales and Shropshire , P . M . 998 , and W . M . 1582 . After confirmation of tho minutes , at the wish of the W . M ., P . M . D . Powen passed Bro . Eev . A . Whitlow . The proposed new bye-laws , considered at the previous meeting , were read and confirmed . A petition on behalf of the widow of a deceased brother was ordered to be sanctioned , and the Secretary directed to apply for a fresh certificate for a brother who had lost his on the West Coast of Africa .
Welch-Pool Chapter . No . 998 . —This Chapter held ita regular meeting on 1 st December , at the Chapter-rooms , Railway Station , Welch-Pool . Present—Comps . W . Withy Z ., W . Collender H ., D . Power P . Z . as J ., G . Brown as S . E ., Sides Daviea S . N ., T . E . Morriss P . Soj „ Anderson and Gilbank as Assist . Soi . The minutes of
tho regular Convocation were road and confirmed . Tho M . E . Z . then informed tho Companions that the only business was tho election of officers , which resulted as follows : —Comps . W . Collender Z ., G . A . Brown P . Z . 1098 H ., J . B . Bagnall J ., J . Sides Davis S . E ., T . R . Morris S . N . and Treasurer , Graham Brown P . Soj ., Barnard Janitor .
Victoria Chapter , No . 1056 . —A regular Convocation of this Chapter was held on Monday , tho 6 th instant , at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue E . C . Present—Comps . J . D . Taylor Z ., Noehmer H ., Hooper J ., Pendlebury P . Z . S . E ., E . Gottheil P . Z . Treas ., Feargasson S . N ., Bosworth P . Z ., Forsyth P . Z ., and an
unusually small number of Companions . Bro . W . H . Edwards , of 619 , was exalted to tho supremo degree . A sum of £ 5 5 s was voted to tho Girls' School . A banquet followed , after which tho usual proceedings on such occasions were briefly and speedily disposed of , and the Companions separated at a comparatively early hour . Comp , Copestake , M . E . Z . of the Lion and Lamb , was a visitor .
Lewis Lodge , No . 1185—Emergency . —A large number of the members of this Lodge assembled at tho King's Arms Hotel , Wood Green , on Saturday , 2 nd December , pursuant to summons , for the purpose of passing a vote of sympathy with the widow and family of their late Treasurer , W . Bro . S . May , who was also one of
tho founders of this Lodge , and to elect a Treasurer in his stead . Bro . Turner W . M . presided , and was supported by the following Past Masters of the Lodge , viz .: —Bros . Cover , Leared Sec , Edwards , Ross and Durrant , together with the officers , Bros . Shipwright S . W ., Sayer J . W ., Bone S , D ,, Berrie J . D ,, and Hooper I . G , The Lodge