Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , I'itzwilliam-stroet , Huddorsfiold It . A . S 37—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon K . T . —Do Fumival . Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . K . T . —Jacques de Molay , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
193—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgato-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1320—Sphinx . Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwell , S . T 1 . 1361—K'irl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Mare-street , Hackney 1621— Kncleston , Grosvenor Club . Ebnrv-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1732—Kings Cross , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8
Notice Of Meetings.
Constitutional Lodgo of Instruction , No . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 30 th Deoombor 1879 , at Bro . Bond's , Bodford Hotol , Southampton-buildirigs , W . C . Present : —Bros . Panter W . M ., Snodin S . W ., Powncoby J . W ., John Soper Secretary , Hallam S . D ., T . B . Linscott J . D ., Diokina I . G ., Past Master T . B . Dodson Preceptor . Tho Lodgo was opened in due form , and the minntes of
the preceding mooting were read and confirtned . Bro . Pitman offered liimsolf as a candidato for initiation , and that cereremony waa rehearsed . The lirst and third sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Hallam . Bro . Pitman , of Lodgo 1706 , was admitted a membor . Lodgo olosed , and adjourned to Tuesday , 6 th January 1880 , at 7 p . m .
On Tuesday , the 6 th instant . Presont—Bros . Walter Snodin W . M ., Hallam S . W ., F . B . Linscott J . W ., Diokins S . D ., Abell J . D ., Panter I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . T . B . Dodson and Gilruth . Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutos of the preceding meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Stroud offered himself as a candidato for initiation , and that ceremony was
rehearsed by tho W . M . The following soctions were then worked : — second by Bro . Hallam , third by Bro . Abell , fourth by Bro . Hallam jun . Bro . Hallam jun . was elected a member of the Lodge . Bro . Hallam was appointed VV . M . for the ensuing weok . All Masonio business being onded , tho Lodgo was olosed , and adjourned to Tuesday , 13 th January , at 7 p . m .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65— At Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on the 30 th ult . Present — Bros . Roberta W . M ., Caton S . W ., King J . W ., Daniel S . D ., Moss Preceptor , Hollands Sec , Couture , Jones , & o . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Couture candidate . Bro . Eoberts vacated tho chair in favour of Bro . J . King , who dnly passed
Bro . Couture to tho degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Caton was elected W . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday . It waa proposed that £ 1 be expended on Bro . Daniel ' s tickets for a ballot for Lifo Governorships for the Old Men and Women . A vote of thanks was recorded on tho minutes to Bro . Eoberts , it being the first time ho had occupied tho chair of W . M . in this Lodge of Instruction .
On tho 6 th Jannary , Bros . Caton W . M ., Ferry S . W ., King J . W ., Danier S . D ., Schndler J . D ., T . Wooding I . G ., Hollands Secretary , Moss Preceptor ; Bros . Lay and Couture . Lodge was opened in usual form , and tho minntes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Lay candidate . Bro . Caton vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Lay , who worked the
second degree , Bri \ Couture candidate . Tho Lodge was closed in the second degree . The second section of the Lecture waa worked by Bro . Moss , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Ferry was elected W . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday . A voto of thanks was recorded on tho minutes to Bro . Caton , it being the first timo ho occupied tho chair at this Lodgo of Instruction .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 137 , Blairgowrie . —This Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John in tho Victoria Hotel , on Friday , the 26 th nit ., Bro . J . Playfair E . W . M . presiding . After tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , the R . W . M . proposed " St . John ' s Lodge No . 137 , " which was enthusiastically given . Other toasts followed . Songs were givon by a number of the brethron . There were upwards of thirty present , including a deputation from the Coupar Angus Lodge . A very pleasant evening was spent .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , at the Eailway Tavern , Fenchurch-stroet . Present : —Bro 3 . A . Valentino W . M ., W . James S . W ., W . Sayer J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Thomas B . Biddle S . D ., P . Tobias J . D ., G . L . Walker Preceptor , E . James Smith I . G ., C . Hams . After preliminaries , tho ceremony of initiation wa 3 rehearsed , Bro . Smith as
candidate . r Ihe first section was worked by tho W . M ., assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Tobias candidate . This Lodge has recovered its normal position , and wo think its future is hopeful . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his able conduct in the chair . Bro . Walter James was elected to fill tho position of W . M . at next meeting .
Wentworth Lodge , No . 737 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 5 th Jannary , at tho Lodge room , Herriott's-lano , Wellingborough . Present : —Bros . J . II . Harte W . M ., N . T . Hewena S . W ., John Slinn J . W ., L . C . Knight Sec , W . Renshaw S . D ., W . Jackson J . D ., John Wallis Steward , Caleb Matthews I . G ., W . Matthews Tyler ; Bro . Aris P . M . Visitors—Bros . Butler Wilkina Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Green P . M . 360 , Stanton P . M . 360 , Hanger 455 , Atkins S . W . 1764 , Standlcy W . M . elect 455 , Haynos 455 . The Lodg . 3
Notice Of Meetings.
waa opened in due form , and Bro . James was passed by the W . M . from the first to tho second dogreo . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . N . T . nowons received tho benefit of installation from the hands of Bro . Butler Wilkina D . P . G . M ., who performed tho ceremony in his usual improssivo and dignified manner . Tho Lodge was resumed in the first degree , and after receiving tho
customary salutations , the Master proceeded to invest his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bro 3 . J . Slinu S . W ., L . C . Knight J . W ., Caleb Matthews Secretary , Renshaw and Jackson Deacons and Oldham , Inner Guard . After closing the Lodge , the brofchron adjourned to tho Hind Hotel , where an excellent banquet waa provided by Bro . John Wallis , and a very enjoyable ovening waa spent undor tho presidency of the esteemed W . M .
High Cross Lodge of Instruction . —Held at tho Coach and Horses , Tottonham , Thursday , 8 th January 1880 . Present—Bros . Oxley W . M ., Lewis S . W ., Evordell J . W ., Poore S . D ., Tegg J . D ., Japes J . D ., Thompson Preceptor , Garrod Sec ; also Bros . Driscoll , Taverner , Bryant , Mattocks , & c Tho usual formalities in opening the Lodgo having been observed , the ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed . Lodge was advanced to tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Bryant acting as candidate here , a 3 he had done in the previous ceremony . On the resumption of the Lodge , the sum of five guineas waa voted out of tho funds for the R . M . I . for Boys , to be placed on Bro . Thompson ' s List for tho forthcoming Festival . A most distressing case of destitution was brought before the Lodge by Bro . Driscoll , being that of a Brother with
a family of six children , who had through misfortune been reduced from a comparative state of affluence to abjeot poverty . The Lodge voted one guinea for his temporary relief , -which was supplemented by a further sum of 30 s in the form of a subscription by tho brethren present . Bro . Lewis was elected W . M . for next Lodgo meeting ( Thursday , 15 th January ) when Bro . Driscoll P . M . will rehearse the ceremony of Installation .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Hold at Bra . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road . Dalston , on 6 th inst . Present—1 . Williams W . M ., Polak S . W ., Christian J . W ., Hand S . D ., Clork J . D ., Greenwood I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . C . Lorkin , Dallas , Perrin , Fleok , Darnell , Carr , Allen , & c After formal opening , the ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . Darnell candidate . The Lodge was callod off , and on resuming its Masonio dnties , was opened in the second and third degrees , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . C . Lorkin worked tho first , second , third , and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Polak was elected W . M . for tho onsuing weok , and appointed his Officers in rotation . Nothing further offering , tho Lodgo was closed in duo form , and adjourned .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Hold at tho King and Queen , Norton Folgato , E . C , on Thursday , 8 th January . Bros . Hine W . M ., Patrick S . W ., Serjeant J . W ., Clark S . D ., Gieseko J . D ., Fenner Preceptor , Wallbrecht Secretary ; also Bros . Defriez , Andrews , Thorn , Key , Trewinnard , and Stroud . Tho usual formalities were duly observed . Bro . Andrews answered the questions leading from the first to tho second degree , and was entrusted . Tho
Lodgo was opened in tho second , and the ceremony of passing rohearsed , Bro . Andrews candidate . Bro . Fenner worked tho third and fourth sections of tho lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Tho Lodgo waa resumed to tho first degroo , and the fourth section of tho first lecture waa worked by Bro . Fenner , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Thorn , of tho Royal Savoy Lodgo No . 1744 , was elected a member of this Lodgo of Instruction . Bro . Patrick was appointed to prcsido at noxt meetin !? .
Burdett Coutt 3 Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . —A . meoting wa 3 held on 31 st December 1870 , at tho Salmon aud Ball , Bethnal-crrcen-road . Present—Bros . Wooding W . M ., Clarko S . W ., Hind J . W ., Abrahams S . D ., Lazarus J . D ., Quay I . G ., Past Master Bro . Hogg Preceptor ; Bros . Christian , Hammond , Stewart , Smith Sturtevant and Ward . Business—Questions leading from first
to second degree wero answered by Bro . Stewart , and the ceremony of passing was worked , Bro . Hammond candidato . Lodgo resumed to first degree , and first and second soctions woro worked by Bro . Christian , assisted by tho brethren . It was proposed and carried that Bro . Ward , No . 205 become a membor . Lodge was then closed in due form .
On the 7 th inst . the chair was occupiod by Bro . Hand . Thero wero present—Bros . Clarko S . W ., Abrahams J . W ., Smith Treas ., Chitsou Sec , Lazarns S . D ., Christian J . D ., Toye I . G ., W . Hogg P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Ward , Stephens , Jones , Hammond , Stewart , Collins , Wooding , Sec . Lodgo was opened in due form and usual
preliminaries observed . Tho ceremony of initiation waa worked , Bro . Ward oandidate . Tho first four soctions of tho lecture wero worked by tho following brethren : —1 st , Bros . Wooding ; 2 nd , Christian ; 3 rd , Stephens ; 4 tb , Christian . Bro . Clarko wa 3 elected W . M . for tho meeting next Wednesday . A vote of thanks was passed
to Bro . Hand , this being the first time ho had worked a ceremony here . Arrangements wero also made for holding an installation meoting , notice of which will appear in duo course . Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned , having spent a very enjoyable evening . Bro . Hogg Preceptor is to bo congratulated upon tho proficiency of the members of this Lodge .
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —Held at the Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , on Monday ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
R . A . 521—Truth , Freemasons' Hall , I'itzwilliam-stroet , Huddorsfiold It . A . S 37—Marquess of Ripon , Town Hall , Ripon K . T . —Do Fumival . Freemasons' Hall , Sheffield . K . T . —Jacques de Molay , Masonic Hall , Liverpool .
193—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgato-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1320—Sphinx . Surrey Masonic Hall . Camberwell , S . T 1 . 1361—K'irl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Mare-street , Hackney 1621— Kncleston , Grosvenor Club . Ebnrv-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1732—Kings Cross , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Regent-street , W ., at 8
Notice Of Meetings.
Constitutional Lodgo of Instruction , No . 55 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 30 th Deoombor 1879 , at Bro . Bond's , Bodford Hotol , Southampton-buildirigs , W . C . Present : —Bros . Panter W . M ., Snodin S . W ., Powncoby J . W ., John Soper Secretary , Hallam S . D ., T . B . Linscott J . D ., Diokina I . G ., Past Master T . B . Dodson Preceptor . Tho Lodgo was opened in due form , and the minntes of
the preceding mooting were read and confirtned . Bro . Pitman offered liimsolf as a candidato for initiation , and that cereremony waa rehearsed . The lirst and third sections of the Lecture were worked by Bro . Hallam . Bro . Pitman , of Lodgo 1706 , was admitted a membor . Lodgo olosed , and adjourned to Tuesday , 6 th January 1880 , at 7 p . m .
On Tuesday , the 6 th instant . Presont—Bros . Walter Snodin W . M ., Hallam S . W ., F . B . Linscott J . W ., Diokins S . D ., Abell J . D ., Panter I . G . ; Past Masters Bros . T . B . Dodson and Gilruth . Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutos of the preceding meeting wero read and confirmed . Bro . Stroud offered himself as a candidato for initiation , and that ceremony was
rehearsed by tho W . M . The following soctions were then worked : — second by Bro . Hallam , third by Bro . Abell , fourth by Bro . Hallam jun . Bro . Hallam jun . was elected a member of the Lodge . Bro . Hallam was appointed VV . M . for the ensuing weok . All Masonio business being onded , tho Lodgo was olosed , and adjourned to Tuesday , 13 th January , at 7 p . m .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65— At Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on the 30 th ult . Present — Bros . Roberta W . M ., Caton S . W ., King J . W ., Daniel S . D ., Moss Preceptor , Hollands Sec , Couture , Jones , & o . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Couture candidate . Bro . Eoberts vacated tho chair in favour of Bro . J . King , who dnly passed
Bro . Couture to tho degree of Fellow Craft . Bro . Caton was elected W . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday . It waa proposed that £ 1 be expended on Bro . Daniel ' s tickets for a ballot for Lifo Governorships for the Old Men and Women . A vote of thanks was recorded on tho minutes to Bro . Eoberts , it being the first time ho had occupied tho chair of W . M . in this Lodge of Instruction .
On tho 6 th Jannary , Bros . Caton W . M ., Ferry S . W ., King J . W ., Danier S . D ., Schndler J . D ., T . Wooding I . G ., Hollands Secretary , Moss Preceptor ; Bros . Lay and Couture . Lodge was opened in usual form , and tho minntes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Lay candidate . Bro . Caton vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Lay , who worked the
second degree , Bri \ Couture candidate . Tho Lodge was closed in the second degree . The second section of the Lecture waa worked by Bro . Moss , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Ferry was elected W . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday . A voto of thanks was recorded on tho minutes to Bro . Caton , it being the first timo ho occupied tho chair at this Lodgo of Instruction .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 137 , Blairgowrie . —This Lodge celebrated the Festival of St . John in tho Victoria Hotel , on Friday , the 26 th nit ., Bro . J . Playfair E . W . M . presiding . After tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , the R . W . M . proposed " St . John ' s Lodge No . 137 , " which was enthusiastically given . Other toasts followed . Songs were givon by a number of the brethron . There were upwards of thirty present , including a deputation from the Coupar Angus Lodge . A very pleasant evening was spent .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , at the Eailway Tavern , Fenchurch-stroet . Present : —Bro 3 . A . Valentino W . M ., W . James S . W ., W . Sayer J . W ., J . K . Pitt Secretary , Thomas B . Biddle S . D ., P . Tobias J . D ., G . L . Walker Preceptor , E . James Smith I . G ., C . Hams . After preliminaries , tho ceremony of initiation wa 3 rehearsed , Bro . Smith as
candidate . r Ihe first section was worked by tho W . M ., assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Tobias candidate . This Lodge has recovered its normal position , and wo think its future is hopeful . A vote of thanks was accorded to the W . M . for his able conduct in the chair . Bro . Walter James was elected to fill tho position of W . M . at next meeting .
Wentworth Lodge , No . 737 . —A meeting was held on Monday , 5 th Jannary , at tho Lodge room , Herriott's-lano , Wellingborough . Present : —Bros . J . II . Harte W . M ., N . T . Hewena S . W ., John Slinn J . W ., L . C . Knight Sec , W . Renshaw S . D ., W . Jackson J . D ., John Wallis Steward , Caleb Matthews I . G ., W . Matthews Tyler ; Bro . Aris P . M . Visitors—Bros . Butler Wilkina Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Green P . M . 360 , Stanton P . M . 360 , Hanger 455 , Atkins S . W . 1764 , Standlcy W . M . elect 455 , Haynos 455 . The Lodg . 3
Notice Of Meetings.
waa opened in due form , and Bro . James was passed by the W . M . from the first to tho second dogreo . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . N . T . nowons received tho benefit of installation from the hands of Bro . Butler Wilkina D . P . G . M ., who performed tho ceremony in his usual improssivo and dignified manner . Tho Lodge was resumed in the first degree , and after receiving tho
customary salutations , the Master proceeded to invest his Officers for the ensuing year : —Bro 3 . J . Slinu S . W ., L . C . Knight J . W ., Caleb Matthews Secretary , Renshaw and Jackson Deacons and Oldham , Inner Guard . After closing the Lodge , the brofchron adjourned to tho Hind Hotel , where an excellent banquet waa provided by Bro . John Wallis , and a very enjoyable ovening waa spent undor tho presidency of the esteemed W . M .
High Cross Lodge of Instruction . —Held at tho Coach and Horses , Tottonham , Thursday , 8 th January 1880 . Present—Bros . Oxley W . M ., Lewis S . W ., Evordell J . W ., Poore S . D ., Tegg J . D ., Japes J . D ., Thompson Preceptor , Garrod Sec ; also Bros . Driscoll , Taverner , Bryant , Mattocks , & c Tho usual formalities in opening the Lodgo having been observed , the ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed . Lodge was advanced to tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Bryant acting as candidate here , a 3 he had done in the previous ceremony . On the resumption of the Lodge , the sum of five guineas waa voted out of tho funds for the R . M . I . for Boys , to be placed on Bro . Thompson ' s List for tho forthcoming Festival . A most distressing case of destitution was brought before the Lodge by Bro . Driscoll , being that of a Brother with
a family of six children , who had through misfortune been reduced from a comparative state of affluence to abjeot poverty . The Lodge voted one guinea for his temporary relief , -which was supplemented by a further sum of 30 s in the form of a subscription by tho brethren present . Bro . Lewis was elected W . M . for next Lodgo meeting ( Thursday , 15 th January ) when Bro . Driscoll P . M . will rehearse the ceremony of Installation .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Hold at Bra . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road . Dalston , on 6 th inst . Present—1 . Williams W . M ., Polak S . W ., Christian J . W ., Hand S . D ., Clork J . D ., Greenwood I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . C . Lorkin , Dallas , Perrin , Fleok , Darnell , Carr , Allen , & c After formal opening , the ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . Darnell candidate . The Lodge was callod off , and on resuming its Masonio dnties , was opened in the second and third degrees , and regularly closed to the first . Bro . C . Lorkin worked tho first , second , third , and fourth sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Polak was elected W . M . for tho onsuing weok , and appointed his Officers in rotation . Nothing further offering , tho Lodgo was closed in duo form , and adjourned .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Hold at tho King and Queen , Norton Folgato , E . C , on Thursday , 8 th January . Bros . Hine W . M ., Patrick S . W ., Serjeant J . W ., Clark S . D ., Gieseko J . D ., Fenner Preceptor , Wallbrecht Secretary ; also Bros . Defriez , Andrews , Thorn , Key , Trewinnard , and Stroud . Tho usual formalities were duly observed . Bro . Andrews answered the questions leading from the first to tho second degree , and was entrusted . Tho
Lodgo was opened in tho second , and the ceremony of passing rohearsed , Bro . Andrews candidate . Bro . Fenner worked tho third and fourth sections of tho lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Tho Lodgo waa resumed to tho first degroo , and the fourth section of tho first lecture waa worked by Bro . Fenner , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Thorn , of tho Royal Savoy Lodgo No . 1744 , was elected a member of this Lodgo of Instruction . Bro . Patrick was appointed to prcsido at noxt meetin !? .
Burdett Coutt 3 Lodge of Instruction , No . 1278 . —A . meoting wa 3 held on 31 st December 1870 , at tho Salmon aud Ball , Bethnal-crrcen-road . Present—Bros . Wooding W . M ., Clarko S . W ., Hind J . W ., Abrahams S . D ., Lazarus J . D ., Quay I . G ., Past Master Bro . Hogg Preceptor ; Bros . Christian , Hammond , Stewart , Smith Sturtevant and Ward . Business—Questions leading from first
to second degree wero answered by Bro . Stewart , and the ceremony of passing was worked , Bro . Hammond candidato . Lodgo resumed to first degree , and first and second soctions woro worked by Bro . Christian , assisted by tho brethren . It was proposed and carried that Bro . Ward , No . 205 become a membor . Lodge was then closed in due form .
On the 7 th inst . the chair was occupiod by Bro . Hand . Thero wero present—Bros . Clarko S . W ., Abrahams J . W ., Smith Treas ., Chitsou Sec , Lazarns S . D ., Christian J . D ., Toye I . G ., W . Hogg P . M . Preceptor ; Bros . Ward , Stephens , Jones , Hammond , Stewart , Collins , Wooding , Sec . Lodgo was opened in due form and usual
preliminaries observed . Tho ceremony of initiation waa worked , Bro . Ward oandidate . Tho first four soctions of tho lecture wero worked by tho following brethren : —1 st , Bros . Wooding ; 2 nd , Christian ; 3 rd , Stephens ; 4 tb , Christian . Bro . Clarko wa 3 elected W . M . for tho meeting next Wednesday . A vote of thanks was passed
to Bro . Hand , this being the first time ho had worked a ceremony here . Arrangements wero also made for holding an installation meoting , notice of which will appear in duo course . Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned , having spent a very enjoyable evening . Bro . Hogg Preceptor is to bo congratulated upon tho proficiency of the members of this Lodge .
Marquess of Ripon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . —Held at the Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , on Monday ,