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% mxl Pasank JnstHutian ; far § 0 } js , " * WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Ollico : G Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . Patrons : IIEU MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY TIIE QUEEN . President . His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OE WALES K . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY General Court of tho Governors and Subscribers will bo held at Freemasons' Hall , Grent Queen Street ; Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Monday , tho 12 th day of January 1880 , for tho transaction of tho ordinary business of the Institution . To receive and if approved , to adopt a recommendation from tho General Committeo that Twenty Boys shall bo elected from a List of Seventy-Eight Candidates ( which number may bo increased by tho Court to 81 Candidates ) to till that number of Vacancies , at tho Quarterly Court to bo held on Monday , 12 th April 18 . S 0 . Tho chair will be takon at 12 o ' clock at noon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKKS , V . P ., P . G . Std ., 3 rd January 1880 . Secretary . The Eighty-second Anniversary Festival ¦ wi \ l ho held on Wednesday , 30 th Juno 18 S 0 , THB BIGHT HON , LORD SKELMEBSDALE , R . W . Dep . G . Master and Prov . G . Master of West Lancashire , in tho chair . Tho services of Brethren as representative Stewards of Provinces or Lodges aro respectfully and earnestly solicited .
IR , O Y . A . XJ MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ros AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . — : o : — Patron and President : His EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & o . > M . W . G . M . — : o : — THE AMIYERSARY EESTIVAI OP MIS INSTITUTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY , 9 TH FEBRUARY 1880 , AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , ViOS WHICH OCCASION The Bight Hon . the EARL OP ZETLAND , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren dosirons of accepting tho Office of Steward upon this occasion-will greatly oblige by forwarding their Names and Masonio Rank as soon as convenient , to tho Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . JAMES TERRY , P . Prov . G . J . W . Herts , Secrotary . i Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
NOW BEADY . THE ATHOLL MASONS , THEIR AUTHENTIC HISTOBY , COMPILED SBOM OFFICIAL SOURCES , DOWN 10 TnE USION' OF MODEBIT FEEEIIASOKS IK 1813 . An Historical and Discursive Record of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Institutions . BY BOBEET FEEKE GOULD . In Cloth , 12 mo , Prico 5 s . SPENCER & CO ., Opposite Freemason ' s Hall , 23 a Gt . Queen-st ., London , W . C .
Crown . Svo , price 2 s 6 d , cloth lettered . Winmlty ictf ftottit : < g \ MX rnfl , Mmmm , By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May bo read with advantage by tho whole Craft . "—Sunday Times . " Grand lodgo should at onco set to work to secure tho desired uniformity . " —Sheffield Post . " The subject is ably argued by tho author . "—Western Daily Mercury , " Useful and var / iablo in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will have a material effect on tho future of Masonic Ritual . "—SOH ( A Western Star . " Tho author adduces many variations in tho languago used by different Preceptors . "—Cox ' s Monthly Leijal Circular . " Ought to bo in tho hands of every Mason . "—Northampton Guardian . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and wo commend it to their notice accordingly . "—Surrey Count ;/ Observer . " Pro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a large majority . "—Freemason ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodgo meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , on receipt of stamps , by tho Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 312 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C ; or by S . D . EWINS & Co ., Paternoster-row , Loudon , E . C .
A VIEW OF THE FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , and another illustration , nppenrmn , Memoir of the late Mr . F . P . COCR-MIEU , firand Superintendent or . Works , published by tho Royal Institute of British Architects . Price , on application to tho undersigned , Two SHILLINGS : or by Post 20 . Stamps . THOMAS H . WYATT , Hon . Sec . WILLIAM II . WHITE . Secretary . No . n Conduit-strcct , London , W .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QTTEEN STREET . LONDON . W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at thl ^ Establishment for JVH-A-SOliTIC B . A . IN'Q . TriEiTS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonio Body Is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND « JjUAMTY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support onsured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHUECH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Luncheons on the Oxrcmnd Eloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Grill Boom will seat ISO persons . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN- TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS BEADY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERBIES AND OTEEB WINES OF THE BEST QVAL 1 TY . . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
THE CATHEDRAL HOTEL , COKNER OF CHEAPSIDE & ST . PAUL'S CHURCHYARD . E . J . SWEETING , Proprietor . LUNCHEON BAR ON GROUND FLOOR FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENTS . Soups , Fish , Chops , Steaks , Entrees , Cold Joints , & c . from Eight a . m . till Ten p . m . DINING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR . Hot Joints , & c . from Twelve o'clock daily . Dinners a la Carte . Teas , & c . THE "CATHEDRAL HALF-CROWN DINNER " ( Soup , Fish , Joint ) Is served in tho Saloon from Twelve till Fivo daily . The Smoking Boom overlooks the New Gardens round St . Paul ' s Cathedral . PEIVATE BOOMS EOK SMALL PARTIES , MASONIC AUDITS , & c . The following Lodges have recently held their Audit Meetings at this Hoteh-GROSVENOR , STANHOPE , POLISH NATIONAL , LA TOLERANCE , & c .
OPENING OP THE CRITERION ANNEXE . SPIEES & POND respectfully beg to inform thoir Patrons , that to meet tho increasing demands of their business at tho Criterion , tho premises havo been greatly enlarged , by tho addition of tho above building . Tho principal features of the New Establishment aro as follows : — The Cafe , comprising—The . American . Bar , The "Vienna Bier Saal , VIANDS J'KOJI THE NEW GUILI . SUPPERS SERVED mi . MIDNIGHT . Oysters a , Specialito . The "Victoria Hall , for Banquets , Balls , Wedding Breakfasts , Soirees , and Entertainments . The Prince ' s and . Carnarvon Booms , for Masonic Meetings , Banquets , & c . Private Rooms , suitablo for tho meetings of Public and Corporato Bodies , Arbitrations , & c . The Criterion . Departments . Buffet For Luncheons and Light Refreshments . Restaurant Dinners a la Carte . Cigar Divan Facing Piccadilly entrance . Smoking Boom ... Adjoining tho Buffet . Grill Room Entrance in Jermyn Street . "West Dining Room Lo Diner Parisien daily from 5 . 30 till 9 p . m ., and on Sundays . East Dining Room ... Dinners a la Carte . The Grand Hall ... Table d'Hoto daily , from 5 . 30 till 8 p . m . ( also on Sundays at ( i ) . Private Rooms ... For Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , & c ., & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
% mxl Pasank JnstHutian ; far § 0 } js , " * WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Ollico : G Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . Patrons : IIEU MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY TIIE QUEEN . President . His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OE WALES K . G ., M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY General Court of tho Governors and Subscribers will bo held at Freemasons' Hall , Grent Queen Street ; Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Monday , tho 12 th day of January 1880 , for tho transaction of tho ordinary business of the Institution . To receive and if approved , to adopt a recommendation from tho General Committeo that Twenty Boys shall bo elected from a List of Seventy-Eight Candidates ( which number may bo increased by tho Court to 81 Candidates ) to till that number of Vacancies , at tho Quarterly Court to bo held on Monday , 12 th April 18 . S 0 . Tho chair will be takon at 12 o ' clock at noon precisely . FREDERICK BINCKKS , V . P ., P . G . Std ., 3 rd January 1880 . Secretary . The Eighty-second Anniversary Festival ¦ wi \ l ho held on Wednesday , 30 th Juno 18 S 0 , THB BIGHT HON , LORD SKELMEBSDALE , R . W . Dep . G . Master and Prov . G . Master of West Lancashire , in tho chair . Tho services of Brethren as representative Stewards of Provinces or Lodges aro respectfully and earnestly solicited .
IR , O Y . A . XJ MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ros AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . — : o : — Patron and President : His EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & o . > M . W . G . M . — : o : — THE AMIYERSARY EESTIVAI OP MIS INSTITUTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY , 9 TH FEBRUARY 1880 , AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , ViOS WHICH OCCASION The Bight Hon . the EARL OP ZETLAND , R . W . PROV . G . M . FOR NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren dosirons of accepting tho Office of Steward upon this occasion-will greatly oblige by forwarding their Names and Masonio Rank as soon as convenient , to tho Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . JAMES TERRY , P . Prov . G . J . W . Herts , Secrotary . i Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
NOW BEADY . THE ATHOLL MASONS , THEIR AUTHENTIC HISTOBY , COMPILED SBOM OFFICIAL SOURCES , DOWN 10 TnE USION' OF MODEBIT FEEEIIASOKS IK 1813 . An Historical and Discursive Record of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Institutions . BY BOBEET FEEKE GOULD . In Cloth , 12 mo , Prico 5 s . SPENCER & CO ., Opposite Freemason ' s Hall , 23 a Gt . Queen-st ., London , W . C .
Crown . Svo , price 2 s 6 d , cloth lettered . Winmlty ictf ftottit : < g \ MX rnfl , Mmmm , By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May bo read with advantage by tho whole Craft . "—Sunday Times . " Grand lodgo should at onco set to work to secure tho desired uniformity . " —Sheffield Post . " The subject is ably argued by tho author . "—Western Daily Mercury , " Useful and var / iablo in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will have a material effect on tho future of Masonic Ritual . "—SOH ( A Western Star . " Tho author adduces many variations in tho languago used by different Preceptors . "—Cox ' s Monthly Leijal Circular . " Ought to bo in tho hands of every Mason . "—Northampton Guardian . " To Freemasons generally it will be found useful and valuable , and wo commend it to their notice accordingly . "—Surrey Count ;/ Observer . " Pro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a large majority . "—Freemason ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodgo meeting , 3 rd December 1879 . Sent , by post , on receipt of stamps , by tho Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 312 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C ; or by S . D . EWINS & Co ., Paternoster-row , Loudon , E . C .
A VIEW OF THE FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , and another illustration , nppenrmn , Memoir of the late Mr . F . P . COCR-MIEU , firand Superintendent or . Works , published by tho Royal Institute of British Architects . Price , on application to tho undersigned , Two SHILLINGS : or by Post 20 . Stamps . THOMAS H . WYATT , Hon . Sec . WILLIAM II . WHITE . Secretary . No . n Conduit-strcct , London , W .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QTTEEN STREET . LONDON . W . C . Tho admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at thl ^ Establishment for JVH-A-SOliTIC B . A . IN'Q . TriEiTS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonio Body Is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OE THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND « JjUAMTY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support onsured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
SAWYER'S ( LATE STATION ) RESTAURANT , 5 RAILWAY PLACE , FENCHUECH STREET , E . C . ENGLISH , FRENCH & GERMAN CUISINE . Hot and Cold Luncheons on the Oxrcmnd Eloor ; This Room will accommodate 100 persons . CHOPS , STEAKS , & c , FROM THE GRILL ; The Grill Boom will seat ISO persons . REID'S TREBLE STOUT . WORTHINCTON'S ALES , BERLIN- TIVOLI BEER . TEA AND COFFEE ALWAYS BEADY . CHAMPAGNES OF THE BEST BRANDS . OLD BOTTLED PORTS . SHERBIES AND OTEEB WINES OF THE BEST QVAL 1 TY . . Bro . F . J . SAWYER , Proprietor . Late of Pimm ' s , and the Crystal Palace .
THE CATHEDRAL HOTEL , COKNER OF CHEAPSIDE & ST . PAUL'S CHURCHYARD . E . J . SWEETING , Proprietor . LUNCHEON BAR ON GROUND FLOOR FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENTS . Soups , Fish , Chops , Steaks , Entrees , Cold Joints , & c . from Eight a . m . till Ten p . m . DINING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR . Hot Joints , & c . from Twelve o'clock daily . Dinners a la Carte . Teas , & c . THE "CATHEDRAL HALF-CROWN DINNER " ( Soup , Fish , Joint ) Is served in tho Saloon from Twelve till Fivo daily . The Smoking Boom overlooks the New Gardens round St . Paul ' s Cathedral . PEIVATE BOOMS EOK SMALL PARTIES , MASONIC AUDITS , & c . The following Lodges have recently held their Audit Meetings at this Hoteh-GROSVENOR , STANHOPE , POLISH NATIONAL , LA TOLERANCE , & c .
OPENING OP THE CRITERION ANNEXE . SPIEES & POND respectfully beg to inform thoir Patrons , that to meet tho increasing demands of their business at tho Criterion , tho premises havo been greatly enlarged , by tho addition of tho above building . Tho principal features of the New Establishment aro as follows : — The Cafe , comprising—The . American . Bar , The "Vienna Bier Saal , VIANDS J'KOJI THE NEW GUILI . SUPPERS SERVED mi . MIDNIGHT . Oysters a , Specialito . The "Victoria Hall , for Banquets , Balls , Wedding Breakfasts , Soirees , and Entertainments . The Prince ' s and . Carnarvon Booms , for Masonic Meetings , Banquets , & c . Private Rooms , suitablo for tho meetings of Public and Corporato Bodies , Arbitrations , & c . The Criterion . Departments . Buffet For Luncheons and Light Refreshments . Restaurant Dinners a la Carte . Cigar Divan Facing Piccadilly entrance . Smoking Boom ... Adjoining tho Buffet . Grill Room Entrance in Jermyn Street . "West Dining Room Lo Diner Parisien daily from 5 . 30 till 9 p . m ., and on Sundays . East Dining Room ... Dinners a la Carte . The Grand Hall ... Table d'Hoto daily , from 5 . 30 till 8 p . m . ( also on Sundays at ( i ) . Private Rooms ... For Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , & c ., & c .