Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE DRAMA Page 1 of 1 Article THE DRAMA Page 1 of 1 Article Old Warrants Page 1 of 1
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Our Weekly Budget
comparative penury . This is a result of a life devoted to the interests of Freemasonry , which is neither pleasant to contemplate nor in any wise creditable to our Ohian brethren . It is their duty now , when Bro . Moore has reeched
the evening of his days , to make him amends for theii weak support of him , and we trust the testimonial now about to be raised , will be sufficient to enable him to pass the remainder of his life in comfort .
The Leicester Freemasons' Hall Library was established in the year 1860 , under the auspices of the then D . P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , and the St . John ' s and John of Gaunt Lodges . The number of works in the library has been from time to time increased by donations from Bros . Hodges , Brewin ,
Partridge , Hughan , H . Neilson , and others . The four local Craft Lodges and the Chapter have each voted the annual subscription of two guineas , aad out of this sum the committee are having a number of Masonic pamphlets bound , and have also arranged for a number of Masonic
publications , including the FREEMASON s CHRONICLE , to be supplied for the use of brethren . There are now in this library over 200 volumes and pamphlets , but these are very properly nofc considered an adequate supply of Masonic literary pabulum by our Leicester brethren , nor are the
funds equal to the demands made upon them for the purchase of new works . An appeal , therefore , is being made for further contributions of books or money , and we trust the appeal will not be made in vain . Masonry will go on flourishing the more , the more the cultivation of Masonic literature is pursued by brethren .
The Keystone humorously alludes to a typographical error which occurred in our review of Part VII . of The Eavly History and Transactions of the Qrand Lodge of New York . Ifc seems we had written "Bro . Jacob Norton was re-elected Grand Master , " and again " A iewel was
presented to Past Grand Master Jacob Norton . " We should have said " Morton , " not " Norton . " We do not , however , attach the same degree of importance to the error as our contemporary appears to do . We do not think even
the wildest imagination will associate the Bro . Jacob Norton of Boston , Mass ., now living , in this year 1877 , with the Grand Mastership of New York in the year 1805 . Bro . Norton is nofc a chicken , but neither is he a patriarch —at least as to his age .
The Drama
The Opera Comique—The Compton Benefit at Drury Lane . So amusing a burlesque as the " Bohemian Gynvl , " IIOTT being played at the OPERA COMIQUE THEATRE , has not been produced for some years past . The well-worn opera of Balfe offers so tempting a subject for caricature , that it is a wonder the theme has notoftenor been
employed by writers of this class of entertainment . In witnessing the performance , one is reminded of what enthusiasts might call the palmy clays of burlesque , when STRAND and OLTMPIC audiences were moved to uproarious laughter and applause by the acting of Marie "Wilton , Patty Oliver , Robson , Mathews , and a host of other celebrities who havo now either passed away , or become devoted to a
higher order of dramatic representation . The dialogue is so brisk , the puus so good , so plentiful , and so promptly appreciated by the audience ; and withal the acting is so spirited throughout , that the piece wonld seem to be destined for a very long run indeed . Miss Farrcn is , of course , the foremost figure of the group , and in the character of Thaddeus , of Warsaw , is certainly the life , if not the soul of
the performance . Miss Kate Vaughan is an adequate exponent of the charming Arlino , aud Messrs . Royco and Terry are characteristically amusing in the principal male parts . The Compton benefit at DIUJM LAKE , on Thursday , tho 1 st inst ., •was a great , perhaps tinprecedently great , success . Both in the number and excellence of the artists engaged , aud the general effect of
the performance , the results achieved wore far beyond anything that has hitherto been attained . Financially also , the benefit has been all thafc conld be desired , and moro than was probably expected by the projectors . Tho treasurer announced that ho had himself received £ 2 , 200 ; at Manchester a further sum of £ 1 . 000 had been realised , and more was yet expected . The performance comprised tho council scene from " Othello , " the farco of " Lend me Five
Shillings , ' the first act of ' •Money , " tho ,: booing" scene from "The Man of tho World , " the last act of "The Critic , " Messrs . Gilbert and Sullivan ' s dramatic cantata "Trial by Jury , " aud recitations by Miss Heath and Mr . Irving . With regard to the actors , it would be an easier task to say who were not in tho performance than to enumerate all who were . In "Trial by Jury" alone upwards of sixty artists took part , including Misses Pauline Rita , Carlotta Addison ,
The Drama
Kate Bishop , Lucy Bnckstone , Ella Dietz , Camilla Dubois , Maria and Nelly Harris , Kathleen Irwin , Fanny Josephs , Rachel Sanger , Florence and Marion Terry , Lottie Venue ; and Messrs . George Honey , George Fox , Arthur Cecil , W . H . Cummings , George Barrett , J . Fernandez , Howard Paul , J . D . Stoyle , Ac , & c . The house was , of course , crammed to excess , and tho applause frequent during the perform , anoe of the various portions of the entertainment .
Old Warrants
Old Warrants
— : o : — No . 58 . No . 213 , " Ancients ; " No . 268 at the " Union of A . D . 1813 , " No . 190 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 164 from A . D . 1863 to the present timo . ATHOLL GRAND MASTER , THOMAS HARPER , D . G . M . AKCHIBALO HERRON , S . G . W . JEREMIAH C RAN HELD , J . G . W . Zo BII febom it mug raiwm . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to the Old
Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in tho year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six , iu ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tulli .
bardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardale , Yisconnfc of Ballquider , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belvenyand Gask , Constable of the Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley in the County of Gloucester , & c ., & c , 4 c , Grand Master of Masons , The Right Worshipful Thomas
Harper Esq * Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful Archibald Herron Esq * - Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Wor . shipfnl Jeremiah Cranfield Esq - Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby
authorize and empower our Trusty and Well beloved No . 213 Brethren , viz . The Worshipful Thomas Holland , ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful John Davis , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful William Savage , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid ,
at the house called or known by the name or sign of tho Golden Marine , in Stonehouse , in the County of Devonshire , or elsewhere , upon tho Second and Fourth Wednesdays in every Mouth , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masous according
to the most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known World . And we do hereby further authorize aud empower our said Trusty and Well beloved Brethren , Thomas Holland , John Davis , and William Savage ( with the Consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , choose , and
install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Free Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , choose , and install their Successors , & c . & c . & c . Such Installations to be . upon or near every ST . JOHN ' DAY , during the continuance of this
Lodge for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Respect to this Right Worshipful Graud Lodgo , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this Thirtieth day of June , in tho Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen .
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . s~\ l Seal J NOTE . —This "Warrant is Registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 7 , > Letter H . 10 th October 1781 . j The present title , No ., & c . are , The Lodge of Perseverance , No . llji Sidmonth , Devon .
The annual supper of the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 17 < 1 , will bo held on Monday , the 19 th inst . at Bro . Maidweli ' . -, Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , at 7 p . m .
Bro . Alfred Long , No . 188 , announces his Fifth Annual Ball , ou Thursday , 22 nd March , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . An efticient number of the brethren have consented to aot as Stewards . Tickets can be had at 46 Penton . plaoe , Neirington .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget
comparative penury . This is a result of a life devoted to the interests of Freemasonry , which is neither pleasant to contemplate nor in any wise creditable to our Ohian brethren . It is their duty now , when Bro . Moore has reeched
the evening of his days , to make him amends for theii weak support of him , and we trust the testimonial now about to be raised , will be sufficient to enable him to pass the remainder of his life in comfort .
The Leicester Freemasons' Hall Library was established in the year 1860 , under the auspices of the then D . P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , and the St . John ' s and John of Gaunt Lodges . The number of works in the library has been from time to time increased by donations from Bros . Hodges , Brewin ,
Partridge , Hughan , H . Neilson , and others . The four local Craft Lodges and the Chapter have each voted the annual subscription of two guineas , aad out of this sum the committee are having a number of Masonic pamphlets bound , and have also arranged for a number of Masonic
publications , including the FREEMASON s CHRONICLE , to be supplied for the use of brethren . There are now in this library over 200 volumes and pamphlets , but these are very properly nofc considered an adequate supply of Masonic literary pabulum by our Leicester brethren , nor are the
funds equal to the demands made upon them for the purchase of new works . An appeal , therefore , is being made for further contributions of books or money , and we trust the appeal will not be made in vain . Masonry will go on flourishing the more , the more the cultivation of Masonic literature is pursued by brethren .
The Keystone humorously alludes to a typographical error which occurred in our review of Part VII . of The Eavly History and Transactions of the Qrand Lodge of New York . Ifc seems we had written "Bro . Jacob Norton was re-elected Grand Master , " and again " A iewel was
presented to Past Grand Master Jacob Norton . " We should have said " Morton , " not " Norton . " We do not , however , attach the same degree of importance to the error as our contemporary appears to do . We do not think even
the wildest imagination will associate the Bro . Jacob Norton of Boston , Mass ., now living , in this year 1877 , with the Grand Mastership of New York in the year 1805 . Bro . Norton is nofc a chicken , but neither is he a patriarch —at least as to his age .
The Drama
The Opera Comique—The Compton Benefit at Drury Lane . So amusing a burlesque as the " Bohemian Gynvl , " IIOTT being played at the OPERA COMIQUE THEATRE , has not been produced for some years past . The well-worn opera of Balfe offers so tempting a subject for caricature , that it is a wonder the theme has notoftenor been
employed by writers of this class of entertainment . In witnessing the performance , one is reminded of what enthusiasts might call the palmy clays of burlesque , when STRAND and OLTMPIC audiences were moved to uproarious laughter and applause by the acting of Marie "Wilton , Patty Oliver , Robson , Mathews , and a host of other celebrities who havo now either passed away , or become devoted to a
higher order of dramatic representation . The dialogue is so brisk , the puus so good , so plentiful , and so promptly appreciated by the audience ; and withal the acting is so spirited throughout , that the piece wonld seem to be destined for a very long run indeed . Miss Farrcn is , of course , the foremost figure of the group , and in the character of Thaddeus , of Warsaw , is certainly the life , if not the soul of
the performance . Miss Kate Vaughan is an adequate exponent of the charming Arlino , aud Messrs . Royco and Terry are characteristically amusing in the principal male parts . The Compton benefit at DIUJM LAKE , on Thursday , tho 1 st inst ., •was a great , perhaps tinprecedently great , success . Both in the number and excellence of the artists engaged , aud the general effect of
the performance , the results achieved wore far beyond anything that has hitherto been attained . Financially also , the benefit has been all thafc conld be desired , and moro than was probably expected by the projectors . Tho treasurer announced that ho had himself received £ 2 , 200 ; at Manchester a further sum of £ 1 . 000 had been realised , and more was yet expected . The performance comprised tho council scene from " Othello , " the farco of " Lend me Five
Shillings , ' the first act of ' •Money , " tho ,: booing" scene from "The Man of tho World , " the last act of "The Critic , " Messrs . Gilbert and Sullivan ' s dramatic cantata "Trial by Jury , " aud recitations by Miss Heath and Mr . Irving . With regard to the actors , it would be an easier task to say who were not in tho performance than to enumerate all who were . In "Trial by Jury" alone upwards of sixty artists took part , including Misses Pauline Rita , Carlotta Addison ,
The Drama
Kate Bishop , Lucy Bnckstone , Ella Dietz , Camilla Dubois , Maria and Nelly Harris , Kathleen Irwin , Fanny Josephs , Rachel Sanger , Florence and Marion Terry , Lottie Venue ; and Messrs . George Honey , George Fox , Arthur Cecil , W . H . Cummings , George Barrett , J . Fernandez , Howard Paul , J . D . Stoyle , Ac , & c . The house was , of course , crammed to excess , and tho applause frequent during the perform , anoe of the various portions of the entertainment .
Old Warrants
Old Warrants
— : o : — No . 58 . No . 213 , " Ancients ; " No . 268 at the " Union of A . D . 1813 , " No . 190 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 164 from A . D . 1863 to the present timo . ATHOLL GRAND MASTER , THOMAS HARPER , D . G . M . AKCHIBALO HERRON , S . G . W . JEREMIAH C RAN HELD , J . G . W . Zo BII febom it mug raiwm . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to the Old
Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in tho year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six , iu ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tulli .
bardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardale , Yisconnfc of Ballquider , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belvenyand Gask , Constable of the Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley in the County of Gloucester , & c ., & c , 4 c , Grand Master of Masons , The Right Worshipful Thomas
Harper Esq * Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful Archibald Herron Esq * - Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Wor . shipfnl Jeremiah Cranfield Esq - Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby
authorize and empower our Trusty and Well beloved No . 213 Brethren , viz . The Worshipful Thomas Holland , ono of our Master Masons , The Worshipful John Davis , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful William Savage , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid ,
at the house called or known by the name or sign of tho Golden Marine , in Stonehouse , in the County of Devonshire , or elsewhere , upon tho Second and Fourth Wednesdays in every Mouth , and on all seasonable Times and lawful Occasions . And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masous according
to the most Ancient and Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known World . And we do hereby further authorize aud empower our said Trusty and Well beloved Brethren , Thomas Holland , John Davis , and William Savage ( with the Consent of tho Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , choose , and
install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as Free Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , choose , and install their Successors , & c . & c . & c . Such Installations to be . upon or near every ST . JOHN ' DAY , during the continuance of this
Lodge for ever . Providing the above named Brethren and all their Successors always pay due Respect to this Right Worshipful Graud Lodgo , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this Thirtieth day of June , in tho Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirteen .
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . s~\ l Seal J NOTE . —This "Warrant is Registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 7 , > Letter H . 10 th October 1781 . j The present title , No ., & c . are , The Lodge of Perseverance , No . llji Sidmonth , Devon .
The annual supper of the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 17 < 1 , will bo held on Monday , the 19 th inst . at Bro . Maidweli ' . -, Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , at 7 p . m .
Bro . Alfred Long , No . 188 , announces his Fifth Annual Ball , ou Thursday , 22 nd March , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . An efticient number of the brethren have consented to aot as Stewards . Tickets can be had at 46 Penton . plaoe , Neirington .