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Notices Of Meetings
the Friar . " The W . M . proposed the Past Masters . He always looked to the P . M . ' s for assistance ; ho had nofc yet required it , but : they were always ablo to render their services . Every one is qualified to fill that office , and he could giro testimony that they could and would give their assistance . Bro . White , P . M . 1331 , sang "TheThorn" very excellently , and being deserved ! v encored , followed with "The Union
Jack of Old England . " Bro . A . G . Dobaon LP . it . replied , and said he felt proud to be in the position of P . M ., and to occupy that position in so important a Lodge . Bro . H . M . Levy followed , and in the course of his speech said ho looked with pride around the Lodge to see thafc brethren whom he had appointed to office had risen to be most proficient in their duties , and had so satisfactorily filled the
chair . He urged the necessity of attending Lodges of Instruction , and he felt much pleasure in responding to the toast . The W . M . then proposed the Wardens , and spoke of their excellent working qualifications , for they were capable of filling every office required of them . Misa Alma Yorke sang very artistically ' Nobil Signor . ' Bros . Miller and Spiegel severally responded , and said the bright
example shown by the W . M . would be an incentive to them to occupy the chair . In proposing the toast of the Junior Officers , the W . M . said they had many zealous ones in their Lodge , but none more so than Bros . E . Baker and H . P . Isaac . He hoped to see them in much higher positions , which they were well qualified to fill . Mr . Frank Brough then sang " Love laid his sleepless head . " Bros . Baker and H . P . Isaao replied . The toast of the Treasurer , Bro . L .
Auerhaan , and Secretary , Bro . E . P . Albert , was given and cordially received , and the Tyler's toast concluded , an agreeable and convivial evening . The Visitors were—Bros . A . Catford 1518 , W . Cottrell 1424 , White P . G . P . Hants , P . M . 1331 , E . W . Coombs 1016 , H . Margetson 172 , J . H . Kemp 27 , H . Ashley 77 , J . Chappell 511 , T . Maidwell J . W . 27 , B . Benjamin 1348 , Maxtausky 187 N . S ., F . B . Potts late 188 , 8 . Jewell 1559 , W . Vine P . M . 1016 , M . Davis P . M . 147 , H . T . Eeid W . M .
193 , P . M . 1293 , H . Massey 619 , J . B . Dodson 860 , F . Binckes P . G . S ., and J . Constable P . M . 185 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , at the Blue Anchor Tavern , Coleman . street , at the hour of seven . Present—Bros . Lay W . M ., Walker S . W ., Masou J . W ., Abell S . D ., Croaker J . D ., Ager I . G ., Pitt Secretary . Bro . Christopher Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . E . Gotthiel
( Preceptor ) and Turquand . The Lodge having been opened , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by Bro . Lay , Bro . Feigl as candidate . Bro . Turquand , assisted by the brethren then worked the first four sections of the first lecture . Bro . Marvin 1666 having been elected a member , and Bro . Walker chosen W . M . for the ensuing Wednesday , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren departed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Tina Lodgo held its regular weekly meeting on Saturday , the 3 rd of March , at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington N . Present—Bros . Bedwell W . M ., A . W . Fenner S . W ., Goode J . W ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., Boss S . D ., Powell J . D ., Anshell I . G . P . M . ' s Bros . Musto , Purday , Mackey , & o . Visiters—Bros . H . Wilenski 188 , G . Bue 310 , Job 1076 . Business—The Lodge was duly opened and the minutes confirmed .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . I . P . Cohen acting as candidate . The 1 st and 2 nd sections were worked by Bro . Pearcy , and tho 3 rd and 4 th by Bro . Hewlett , the answers being dictated by Bro . Musto . Bros . D . Bno and Job were elected members . Bro . A . W . Fenner will preside next Saturday . This being the first occasion that Bro . Bedwell had occupied the chair , a well deserved vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for the excellent manner in which he had fulfilled the duties .
Annual Pestival of the Star Lodge , No . ' 219 . —The brethren , with their female friends , assembled in large numbers in their own Hall , 12 Trongate , to celebrate their 78 th anniversary , Bro . J . Martin E . W . M ., in the chair , Bro . J . Ham S . W . being the Croupier . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Wilson , Chapter 27 , J . Kinnaird E . W . M . 73 , A . Bain 103 P . G . B . B ., W . H . Bickerton P . G S . 360 , and
D . Eeid E . W . M . 465 P . G . S . B . On tho dais were J . Morgan I . P . M . P . G . S . D ., and his predecessor P . M . Joseph Wilson . After the usual Loyal toasts , the E . W . M . gave the P . G . L . of Glasgow , suitably acknowledged by Bro . Eeid P . G . S . B . Prosperity to the Star 219 was given by Bro . A . Bain P . G . B . B ., who thought the Star was shining with extra brilliancy , owing to the presence of the ladies . He also paid some well-merited compliments to the T . P . M ., who , as interim P . G .
Secretary , had filled the office so competently , thafc all regretted thafc he wonld nofc retain it . Bro . Marton , in reply , said the Lodge waa prospering morally and financially . The toast of the Sister Lodges , proposed by P . M . Wilson , was responded to by Bro . Kinnaird E . W . M . of 73 , in an excellent speech . After several other toasts , tho ladies joined in the ball , which pleasantly wound up tho evening ' s pro . ceedings .
Boyal York Lodge , No . 315 . —On Tuesday evening the installation meeting took place afc the Eoyal Pavilion , Brighton . The W . M . Bro . S . T . Foat , who has passed with the utmost credit through every minor office , and who was unanimously voted to the chair , was installed in office by Bro . Nell I . P . M . The newly appointed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Hawkes S . W ., Charles Hudson J . W ., H . Saunders Treas ., T . Peckham Sec , R . J .
Pope S . D ., G . Nash J . D ., E . Erredge I . G ., Payne and Willard Stewards and Hughes Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel voted by the Lodge afc the previous meeting was then , in the name of the Lodge , presented by W . M . Foat to Bro . Nell , after which the Lodge was closed with the usualformula . The brethren adjourned to a banquet . The chair was taken by the newly-elected Master , who discharged his duties most admirably . The general company included Bro . Scott ( Provincial G . S . ) , Kuhe , Walter Smith , Bramwell , Brown , Keed , V . P . Freeman
Notices Of Meetings
Booty , and tho Masters of the various Lodges iu tho Province . Tha usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given , and the proceedings passed off most harmoniously . The musical arrangements were under the immediate direction of Bro . Devin , who was most ably assisted by Bro . George Cole and other members .
St . Peters Lodge , No . 442 . —This Lodgo held its regular monthly mooting at tho Masonic Hall , Peterborough , on Thursday , 1 st March . Present—Bros , W . J . Pilcher W . M ., E . Vorgeter juu . S . W ., Rev . H . S . Syers Chaplain , H . Park Treas ., M . Dixey Sec , J . Jones S . D ., W . Wilkins J . D ., J . H . Pearson I . G ., J . Sound D . C , T . M . Eutherford Steward . P . M . ' s Bros . E . Vergetor sen . P . P . G . S . W .,
F . G . Buckle P . G . Sec , W . Paviour , R . H . GriffiuProv . G . S . W ., E . Walter I . P . M . Bros . J . S . Bays , Bond , J . Simpson , H . K . Simpson , Gannt , and several others . Visitors Bros . G . G . Pye W . M . 51 , Piatt 1391 , and Broadley . Tho minutes of the last Lodge meeting having been confirmed , a ballot , which proved favourable in each case , was taken for Messrs . Nichols , Bamber , and Glenn , who were then duly initiated , tho W . M . performing the ceremony in a most efficient
manner . The charge was afterwards delivered by Bro . F . G . Buckle P . M . Four candidates having been proposed for initiation , Lodge was closed in due form . The brethren , to the number of about thirty , adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual Loyal aud Masonio toasts were honoured , interspersed with some excellent songs by Bros . Jones , Piloher , Buckle , Rutherford , and others . This proved one of the most pleasant meetings ever experienced by the brethren of this Lodge .
La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 . —The first regular meeting of the above ( late the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ) , will be held on Wednesday , 14 th inst ., at the Horse and Groom , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 7 o ' clock precisely , on which occasion Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , has kindly consented to work the ceremony of installation , Bro . Henry Wocd W . M . No . 538
acting as candidate . The minutes of the last ; meeting of the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction will be put for confirmation , after which a Secretary and Treasurer will be elected , and committees to revise the bye-laws and audit the accounts will be appointed . Lectures on the Tracing Board will be delivered by Bros . H . Wood , and J . Kinch P . M . and Treas . 538 .
"William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . * 766 . — This Lodge held its meeting on Friday , the 2 nd of March , at the Feather ' s Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware-road . Present—Bros . John Murch No . 27 W . M ., Coates S . W ., Gellion J . W ., Brauo . Secretary , Eudderforth Preceptor , Nichols S . D ., Evans J . D ., Hayes I . G ., Peddie , West , Kennard , Parsons , Tribbel , Godden , & c .
Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Parsons acting as candidate . The Preceptor , Bro . Eudderforth , then gave the lecture on the first Tracing Board in extenso , with his customary clearness and exactitude . Bro . Coates was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . Eudderforth then called the attention of the
brethren to the fact thafc it was the first time that Bro . Murch had ever occupied the chair . Considering the highly creditable and praiseworthy manner in which he had fulfilled the duties appertaining to it , ho proposed that a vote of thanks should be recorded to him on the minutes , which was duly seconded and carried . All Masonic
business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form . Brethren in the neighbourhood are requested to observe that a Charity Fund , entitled the " William Preston Benevolent Association , " has just been started afc the Lodge of Instruction , for the purpose of enabling mem . bers , by a small weekly subscription , to become life subscribers to either of the Masonio Institutions .
Eanelagh Lodge of Instruction , No . 834 . —The usual weekly meeting took place at Bro . P . M . Miilis ' s , the Bell and Anchor Hotel , Hammersmith-road , on Friday , the 2 nd instant , Bro . J . H . Gumming ( S . W . Polish National , 534 ) in the chair . After the first ceremony and second sections of the first lecture had been worked , P . M . G . Eeed , the Preceptor , presented the Secretary , Bro . P . M .
Alais , with a handsome cruet frame , well-fitted and suitably engraved , which had been subscribed for by the brethren of the Lodge , at the same time stating how thankful they all were for his past services . Bro . P . M . Alais suitably replied , assuring the brethren that he should always endeavour to study their welfare and promote the success of the Eanelagh Lodge of Instruction .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Held ita weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th of March , afc Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . Crouch W . M ., Smith S . W ., Barker J . W ., E . T . Worsley Sec , Perrin S . D ., Johnson J . D ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor , Perry I . G . Past Masters Bros . Ashburner , Wright , Eos , Dallas , Ould , Appleby , Williams , Macklin ,
Cambridge , Wardell , and Lay . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and coufirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Macklin acting as candidate . Bro . Smith worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 4 th sections of the Lecture , and Bro . Worsley the 3 rd , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Smith was unani . mously elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed his officers . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge closed .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro . Boltous , King and Queen , Norton-folgate , on Friday , the 2 nd in « t , Present—Bros . Laue W . M ., Crouch S . W ., Kent J . W ., Bolton S . D ., Townsend J . D ., Smith I . G ., A . W . Fenner , R . W . Pearcy , Simpson , & c . Lodge opened in due form . Minutes read and confirmed . Tha
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
the Friar . " The W . M . proposed the Past Masters . He always looked to the P . M . ' s for assistance ; ho had nofc yet required it , but : they were always ablo to render their services . Every one is qualified to fill that office , and he could giro testimony that they could and would give their assistance . Bro . White , P . M . 1331 , sang "TheThorn" very excellently , and being deserved ! v encored , followed with "The Union
Jack of Old England . " Bro . A . G . Dobaon LP . it . replied , and said he felt proud to be in the position of P . M ., and to occupy that position in so important a Lodge . Bro . H . M . Levy followed , and in the course of his speech said ho looked with pride around the Lodge to see thafc brethren whom he had appointed to office had risen to be most proficient in their duties , and had so satisfactorily filled the
chair . He urged the necessity of attending Lodges of Instruction , and he felt much pleasure in responding to the toast . The W . M . then proposed the Wardens , and spoke of their excellent working qualifications , for they were capable of filling every office required of them . Misa Alma Yorke sang very artistically ' Nobil Signor . ' Bros . Miller and Spiegel severally responded , and said the bright
example shown by the W . M . would be an incentive to them to occupy the chair . In proposing the toast of the Junior Officers , the W . M . said they had many zealous ones in their Lodge , but none more so than Bros . E . Baker and H . P . Isaac . He hoped to see them in much higher positions , which they were well qualified to fill . Mr . Frank Brough then sang " Love laid his sleepless head . " Bros . Baker and H . P . Isaao replied . The toast of the Treasurer , Bro . L .
Auerhaan , and Secretary , Bro . E . P . Albert , was given and cordially received , and the Tyler's toast concluded , an agreeable and convivial evening . The Visitors were—Bros . A . Catford 1518 , W . Cottrell 1424 , White P . G . P . Hants , P . M . 1331 , E . W . Coombs 1016 , H . Margetson 172 , J . H . Kemp 27 , H . Ashley 77 , J . Chappell 511 , T . Maidwell J . W . 27 , B . Benjamin 1348 , Maxtausky 187 N . S ., F . B . Potts late 188 , 8 . Jewell 1559 , W . Vine P . M . 1016 , M . Davis P . M . 147 , H . T . Eeid W . M .
193 , P . M . 1293 , H . Massey 619 , J . B . Dodson 860 , F . Binckes P . G . S ., and J . Constable P . M . 185 .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 . —The weekly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , at the Blue Anchor Tavern , Coleman . street , at the hour of seven . Present—Bros . Lay W . M ., Walker S . W ., Masou J . W ., Abell S . D ., Croaker J . D ., Ager I . G ., Pitt Secretary . Bro . Christopher Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . E . Gotthiel
( Preceptor ) and Turquand . The Lodge having been opened , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by Bro . Lay , Bro . Feigl as candidate . Bro . Turquand , assisted by the brethren then worked the first four sections of the first lecture . Bro . Marvin 1666 having been elected a member , and Bro . Walker chosen W . M . for the ensuing Wednesday , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren departed .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Tina Lodgo held its regular weekly meeting on Saturday , the 3 rd of March , at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington N . Present—Bros . Bedwell W . M ., A . W . Fenner S . W ., Goode J . W ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., Boss S . D ., Powell J . D ., Anshell I . G . P . M . ' s Bros . Musto , Purday , Mackey , & o . Visiters—Bros . H . Wilenski 188 , G . Bue 310 , Job 1076 . Business—The Lodge was duly opened and the minutes confirmed .
The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . I . P . Cohen acting as candidate . The 1 st and 2 nd sections were worked by Bro . Pearcy , and tho 3 rd and 4 th by Bro . Hewlett , the answers being dictated by Bro . Musto . Bros . D . Bno and Job were elected members . Bro . A . W . Fenner will preside next Saturday . This being the first occasion that Bro . Bedwell had occupied the chair , a well deserved vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for the excellent manner in which he had fulfilled the duties .
Annual Pestival of the Star Lodge , No . ' 219 . —The brethren , with their female friends , assembled in large numbers in their own Hall , 12 Trongate , to celebrate their 78 th anniversary , Bro . J . Martin E . W . M ., in the chair , Bro . J . Ham S . W . being the Croupier . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Wilson , Chapter 27 , J . Kinnaird E . W . M . 73 , A . Bain 103 P . G . B . B ., W . H . Bickerton P . G S . 360 , and
D . Eeid E . W . M . 465 P . G . S . B . On tho dais were J . Morgan I . P . M . P . G . S . D ., and his predecessor P . M . Joseph Wilson . After the usual Loyal toasts , the E . W . M . gave the P . G . L . of Glasgow , suitably acknowledged by Bro . Eeid P . G . S . B . Prosperity to the Star 219 was given by Bro . A . Bain P . G . B . B ., who thought the Star was shining with extra brilliancy , owing to the presence of the ladies . He also paid some well-merited compliments to the T . P . M ., who , as interim P . G .
Secretary , had filled the office so competently , thafc all regretted thafc he wonld nofc retain it . Bro . Marton , in reply , said the Lodge waa prospering morally and financially . The toast of the Sister Lodges , proposed by P . M . Wilson , was responded to by Bro . Kinnaird E . W . M . of 73 , in an excellent speech . After several other toasts , tho ladies joined in the ball , which pleasantly wound up tho evening ' s pro . ceedings .
Boyal York Lodge , No . 315 . —On Tuesday evening the installation meeting took place afc the Eoyal Pavilion , Brighton . The W . M . Bro . S . T . Foat , who has passed with the utmost credit through every minor office , and who was unanimously voted to the chair , was installed in office by Bro . Nell I . P . M . The newly appointed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Hawkes S . W ., Charles Hudson J . W ., H . Saunders Treas ., T . Peckham Sec , R . J .
Pope S . D ., G . Nash J . D ., E . Erredge I . G ., Payne and Willard Stewards and Hughes Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel voted by the Lodge afc the previous meeting was then , in the name of the Lodge , presented by W . M . Foat to Bro . Nell , after which the Lodge was closed with the usualformula . The brethren adjourned to a banquet . The chair was taken by the newly-elected Master , who discharged his duties most admirably . The general company included Bro . Scott ( Provincial G . S . ) , Kuhe , Walter Smith , Bramwell , Brown , Keed , V . P . Freeman
Notices Of Meetings
Booty , and tho Masters of the various Lodges iu tho Province . Tha usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given , and the proceedings passed off most harmoniously . The musical arrangements were under the immediate direction of Bro . Devin , who was most ably assisted by Bro . George Cole and other members .
St . Peters Lodge , No . 442 . —This Lodgo held its regular monthly mooting at tho Masonic Hall , Peterborough , on Thursday , 1 st March . Present—Bros , W . J . Pilcher W . M ., E . Vorgeter juu . S . W ., Rev . H . S . Syers Chaplain , H . Park Treas ., M . Dixey Sec , J . Jones S . D ., W . Wilkins J . D ., J . H . Pearson I . G ., J . Sound D . C , T . M . Eutherford Steward . P . M . ' s Bros . E . Vergetor sen . P . P . G . S . W .,
F . G . Buckle P . G . Sec , W . Paviour , R . H . GriffiuProv . G . S . W ., E . Walter I . P . M . Bros . J . S . Bays , Bond , J . Simpson , H . K . Simpson , Gannt , and several others . Visitors Bros . G . G . Pye W . M . 51 , Piatt 1391 , and Broadley . Tho minutes of the last Lodge meeting having been confirmed , a ballot , which proved favourable in each case , was taken for Messrs . Nichols , Bamber , and Glenn , who were then duly initiated , tho W . M . performing the ceremony in a most efficient
manner . The charge was afterwards delivered by Bro . F . G . Buckle P . M . Four candidates having been proposed for initiation , Lodge was closed in due form . The brethren , to the number of about thirty , adjourned to refreshment , after which the usual Loyal aud Masonio toasts were honoured , interspersed with some excellent songs by Bros . Jones , Piloher , Buckle , Rutherford , and others . This proved one of the most pleasant meetings ever experienced by the brethren of this Lodge .
La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction , No . 538 . —The first regular meeting of the above ( late the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction ) , will be held on Wednesday , 14 th inst ., at the Horse and Groom , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 7 o ' clock precisely , on which occasion Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , has kindly consented to work the ceremony of installation , Bro . Henry Wocd W . M . No . 538
acting as candidate . The minutes of the last ; meeting of the Royal Union Lodge of Instruction will be put for confirmation , after which a Secretary and Treasurer will be elected , and committees to revise the bye-laws and audit the accounts will be appointed . Lectures on the Tracing Board will be delivered by Bros . H . Wood , and J . Kinch P . M . and Treas . 538 .
"William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . * 766 . — This Lodge held its meeting on Friday , the 2 nd of March , at the Feather ' s Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware-road . Present—Bros . John Murch No . 27 W . M ., Coates S . W ., Gellion J . W ., Brauo . Secretary , Eudderforth Preceptor , Nichols S . D ., Evans J . D ., Hayes I . G ., Peddie , West , Kennard , Parsons , Tribbel , Godden , & c .
Business—The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Parsons acting as candidate . The Preceptor , Bro . Eudderforth , then gave the lecture on the first Tracing Board in extenso , with his customary clearness and exactitude . Bro . Coates was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . Eudderforth then called the attention of the
brethren to the fact thafc it was the first time that Bro . Murch had ever occupied the chair . Considering the highly creditable and praiseworthy manner in which he had fulfilled the duties appertaining to it , ho proposed that a vote of thanks should be recorded to him on the minutes , which was duly seconded and carried . All Masonic
business being ended , the Lodge was closed in due form . Brethren in the neighbourhood are requested to observe that a Charity Fund , entitled the " William Preston Benevolent Association , " has just been started afc the Lodge of Instruction , for the purpose of enabling mem . bers , by a small weekly subscription , to become life subscribers to either of the Masonio Institutions .
Eanelagh Lodge of Instruction , No . 834 . —The usual weekly meeting took place at Bro . P . M . Miilis ' s , the Bell and Anchor Hotel , Hammersmith-road , on Friday , the 2 nd instant , Bro . J . H . Gumming ( S . W . Polish National , 534 ) in the chair . After the first ceremony and second sections of the first lecture had been worked , P . M . G . Eeed , the Preceptor , presented the Secretary , Bro . P . M .
Alais , with a handsome cruet frame , well-fitted and suitably engraved , which had been subscribed for by the brethren of the Lodge , at the same time stating how thankful they all were for his past services . Bro . P . M . Alais suitably replied , assuring the brethren that he should always endeavour to study their welfare and promote the success of the Eanelagh Lodge of Instruction .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Held ita weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 5 th of March , afc Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . Crouch W . M ., Smith S . W ., Barker J . W ., E . T . Worsley Sec , Perrin S . D ., Johnson J . D ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor , Perry I . G . Past Masters Bros . Ashburner , Wright , Eos , Dallas , Ould , Appleby , Williams , Macklin ,
Cambridge , Wardell , and Lay . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes of the last meeting read and coufirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Macklin acting as candidate . Bro . Smith worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 4 th sections of the Lecture , and Bro . Worsley the 3 rd , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Smith was unani . mously elected W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed his officers . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodge closed .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro . Boltous , King and Queen , Norton-folgate , on Friday , the 2 nd in « t , Present—Bros . Laue W . M ., Crouch S . W ., Kent J . W ., Bolton S . D ., Townsend J . D ., Smith I . G ., A . W . Fenner , R . W . Pearcy , Simpson , & c . Lodge opened in due form . Minutes read and confirmed . Tha