Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
ceremony was very carefully rehearsed bv the W . M ., Bro . Pearcy acting candidate . Bro . A . W . Fenner worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd lections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Crouch was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Boyal Standard Lodge , No . 1298 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Wellington Club , Wellington . street , Islington . The W . M ., Bro . J . W . Wright , occupied the chair . Bros . P . Dickinson S . W ., Cohen J . W ., J . F . Wilson I . P . M . Treas ., G . S . Bigley Hon . Sec , Gladwell S . D ., Bnderus J . D ., Stevens I . G ., and P . M . 's Bros . J . F . Wilson , W . J .
Woodman . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes and report of the audit committee were read and confirmed . Bro . W . Simpson , Baltic Lodge No . 284 , New York , was ballotted for and accepted as a joining member . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Peter Dickinson S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge . He was duly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M .,
Bro . J . W . Wright , in a very careful , perfect , and impressive manner , Bro . Nnnn officiating at tho harmonium . The newly installed W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . J . W . Wright I . P . M ., W . H . Cohen S . W ., G . Hunter J . W ., G . Allison Treas ., G . Bigley Sec , H . W . Gladwell S . D ., L . Buderus J . D ., Baldwin I . G ., A . De Metz D . O ., Hicklin Org ., Shearman and Sargeant Stewards , Gilchrist P . M . Tyler
By the marks of approbation , the appointment of officers gave great satisfaction . Bro . J . W . Wright I . P . M . then gave the concluding addresses , deservedly receiving the congratulations of the brethren . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Ahreus . After grace was sung , the W . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by The
Princeof Wales as M . W . G . M ., the National Anthemand "God bless the Prince of Wales" being sung . " The Earl of Carnarvon Pro G . M ., the E . W . Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers was given . Bro . J . W . Wright I . P . M . then rose . He was sure they would all drink with great pleasure the toast of the W . M . j he was prond of having introduced him into Masonry ; he is a credit to the Craft , for
tho manner in which he had conducted the duties since his occupation of the chair , shows that the Lodge had wisely selected him . The W . M . in reply , thanked the I . P . M . and brethren for the kind manner the toast had been given and received , he had worked to occupy the chair ; and he was proud at having attained ifc . He hoped at the expiration of hia year of office , he would have the same feelings exhi .
bited . He hoped to carry out every duty the Lodge required of him in a satisfactory way . He then proposed the I . P . M . and Installing Master for the services he had rendered , the brethren had determined to present him with a jewel . He felt it a great pleasure in their name to place it on his breast , which was worthy of it . He hoped he might live long to wear it . The jewel was of
very elegant design , bearing the Eoyal Standard arms , with suitable inscription . Bro . Keates sang "My old frieud John . " Bro . Wright I . P . M ., in brief and appropriate terms , responded to the toast . The W . M . then proposed the Visitors ; they had some very distinguished brethren among them . The Eoyal Standard Lodge would always be pleased to give them a hearty welcome . He
would call on Bro . Sands , D . G . M . for Japan , to respond to the toast . He having replied , the Masonic Charities was proposed . Bro . H . M , Levy P . M . 188 responded to it . The P . M . 's followed ; in a new Lodge all were aware they were few in number , but they bad done their duties nobly . Bro . Wilson P . M . returned thanks . He was one of the founders of the Lodge . They had seen how ably tho retiring W . M . had installed
his successor , and he was sure it was a good omen for the prosperity of the ensuing year . Before resuming his seat , he hoped they wonld drink the health of those brethren who had contributed to the har . mony—Bros . Nunn and Keates . The toast of the Treasurer and Secretary was given . The W . M . said no Secretary could have discharged his duties more faithfully than Bro . Bigley . Many things
had been done by him , and it is to him the prosperity of the Lodge is due . The freedom of the Lodge had been voted by tho brethren , and he had much pleasure in presenting it , with best wishes of long life and happiness . Bro . Allison , Treasurer , responded in a very excellent speech . Bro . Bigley thanked the brethren for the elegant testimonial presented to him . When hanging on his walls he would
look on it with pride , as an appreciation of the small services rendered by him . It would be an incentive to go on and work for their benefit . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Wardens , said they , having had an opportunity of working in Lodges of Instruction , now reaped the reward of their labours . The Junior Officers are equally worthy . Bro . Linton Rogers then sang " What will you do , Love ? " Bros . Cohen and Hunter responded , after
Notices Of Meetings
which the Tyler ' s toast was given . The W . M . and Bros . Nunn , Wright P . M ., and Rogers contributed to the harmony .
Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting ou Friday , the 2 nd inst . ; at the Castle , Highbury . Present-Bros . Chant W . M ., Hall S . W ., Simpson J . W ., R . Dickinson Secretary , Lee acting Preceptor , Elridge S . D ., Hunter J . D ., Passingham I . G ., & c . Business—The ceremony of mi . tiation was worked , Bro . Gianelli being candidate . The W . M . then
vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wright , who duly installed Bro . Dickinson as W . M . Tho latter then appointed the various officers , and worked the 1 st section . Three brethren were elected members , and a vote of thanks to Bro . Wright recorded on the minutes for his services in working tho installation ceremony . The Lodge was then formally closed .
Wolsey Lodge , No . 1656 , Hampton Wick . —This Lodge , which was consecrated at the White Hart Hotel , by the R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett P . G . M . Middlesex on Saturday , 17 th February , when Bro . William Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesex , was installed as the first Worshipful Master , held its first regular meeting on Monday evening , the 6 th inst . Bro . Hammond commenced proceedings shortly after
six o clock , supported by the following officers : —Bros . J . Hammond P . M . 201 S . W . 1512 Hon . I . P . M ., B . Sharp P . M . 84 , S . W ., J . Bond P . M . 869 , . T . W ., tho Eev . F . J . Champion de Crespigny P . M . 708 , P . P . G . Chap . Middlesex , Chaplain , T . W . Ockonden Sec , B . E . Aston S . D ., J . Hurst J . D ., T . C . Walls I . G . The Lodge being opened in the first degree , the Secretary read the minutes of the preliminary and
Consecration meetings , which were duly confirmed . Bro . C . R . Fifct , of the Hyatt Lodge 205 , Brooklyn , U . S ., was balloted for as a joining member , and unanimously elected . The W . M . then proceeded to initiate Messrs . Albert Marvin , Thomas A . E . Scott , C . Richer , and J . Featherstone into the mysteries of the Craft . Notwithstanding the indisposition of the W . M ., who was suffering from a troublesome
cold , the ceremony was most impressively performed . Each candidate was initiated separately , and the working throughout of the various officers left little , if anything , to be desired . The W . M ., fully alive to the responsibility of his position , has been careful to invest with collars those brethren only who have proved themselves competent to discharge creditably the duties assigned to them . Bro .
A . Nuthall was unanimously elected Treasurer . Several propositions for joining and initiation were handed in , and all business being con . eluded , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Amongst the Visi . tors were Bros . Bnckland , W . M . of the Dobie , Wells , Pearman . J . W . Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex , an honorary member of the Lodge , was also present . At the banquet the usual Loyal and 3 Iaaonio toasts ' were
given and well received . The health of the P . G . M . ( Bro . Colonel Burdett ) was responded to with much enthusiasm , for he is , and very deservedly so , most popular in the province . In proposing the health of tho D . P . G . M . ( Bro . Little ) , reference was made to the fact that , at its consecration , the Wolsey Lodge was the first to be honoured with a visit from that most worthy brother , after the
recent distinction conferred npon him . Bro . Baldwin responded for the P . G . officers . In proposing the health of the W . M . the Senior Warden congratulated the brethren on having so excellent a Mason as Bro . William Hammond in the chair he bein " a Bro . who has already occupied that exalted position in three other Lodges . Tho W . M . acknowledged the toast , assured the brethren of
the great interest he felt in the success cf the Wolsey and trusted the Lodge might always be as well manned by efficient officers as those with whom it had now sot sail . The Initiates were next toasted , Bro . Scott responding on their behalf . The company would have been glad to have heard the other E . A . ' s ., but owing to the " rapid flight of time , " business had to bo proceeded with . For
the Visitors , a toast which mot with a hearty response , Bro . Buokland W . M . 889 responded in a brief , but effective manner ! The ' health of the Officers was next given , and Bro . tho Rev . F . J . C . de Crespigny , the Chaplain , in responding , made an excellent speech ; impressing upon the brethren , in the course of his remarks , that quality must be sought after in the admission of candidates . With
the toast of the Charities , tha W . M . coupled the names of Bro . Bond J . W . who is the Steward of this Lod ge for the Girls' School , and Bro . Ockenden , likewise a Steward for the same Institution , ' and representing a neighbouring Lodge . The T yler ' s toast terminated the proceedings . Before closing our report , we must mention thafc the Lodge . room , though small , is exceedingly well furnished , and all the appointments are admirable .
Patronized by H . R . H . the PHIHCS of WALIS . THB THIRTY-THIRD EDITION . Now ready , price 1 «; post freo Is Id . JOHN LILLYWHITE'S "CRICKETERS ' COMPANION A GUIDE TO CRICKETERS . " Containing Special Articles , entitled , " Cricket ana Cricketers in 1876 . " "Cricket FaulU and Fallacies , " "Old Fashions r . New , " "Public School Cricket , Wandering Cricket . Ac . " With lull Reviews of all First-class Cricket of 1878 j tho Averages ; Highest Innings ); Mr . W . G . Grace ' s Doings , 4 c . ; and Critiques on the Universities , Public Schools , Colleges , and Clubs , Ac , 4 c . JOHN LILLY-WHITE , 10 , SSTMOPB SIBBM , Jft / STOjr SQl'XHJ , LOXDOX , If . W .
ACCIDENT INSUEAXCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lotbbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidtnU , I Death by accident . 0 , HARDING , Manager ,
" There should be a better reason for the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—IX . VISTOR ' S Gl'ARBIAIf . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . -Li 35 Lombiird-street , City ; and 277 and 'J 7 D Regentutreet , W . Established ISO , receives Deposits . Or . Demand , 5 per cent . Subject ti Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine thU new aad improved system , that ensures a hlcjh rate of interest with periect security . The Directors hare never re-dincounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BOKUOWERS .-It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt Advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm prc * luce , warrants , and fumiturc , without removal pub . licity , sureties , or foes . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . I 0 MBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , JLJ 35 Lombard-street , City : and OT and 27 'J Regent street , W . Established 18 tH > . Incorporated under the New Act , 1874 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every Investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , Ac . New and Special Feature . —The Society will buiid Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of the building at 5 per cent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying or giving security for the first 5 years' insteret . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and cress opinion ! ([ ft . Attivi Agents Wanted . UMSS PBYOdR , Manage ,
Bro . A . 0 LDE 0 YD , Leyton , London , E , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name In raised letter * . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker , at tha mulcrmeationeil prices , on . receipt « t P . OO . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer •£ Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , E ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
ceremony was very carefully rehearsed bv the W . M ., Bro . Pearcy acting candidate . Bro . A . W . Fenner worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd lections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Crouch was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Boyal Standard Lodge , No . 1298 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Wellington Club , Wellington . street , Islington . The W . M ., Bro . J . W . Wright , occupied the chair . Bros . P . Dickinson S . W ., Cohen J . W ., J . F . Wilson I . P . M . Treas ., G . S . Bigley Hon . Sec , Gladwell S . D ., Bnderus J . D ., Stevens I . G ., and P . M . 's Bros . J . F . Wilson , W . J .
Woodman . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes and report of the audit committee were read and confirmed . Bro . W . Simpson , Baltic Lodge No . 284 , New York , was ballotted for and accepted as a joining member . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Peter Dickinson S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge . He was duly installed into the chair by the retiring W . M .,
Bro . J . W . Wright , in a very careful , perfect , and impressive manner , Bro . Nnnn officiating at tho harmonium . The newly installed W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . J . W . Wright I . P . M ., W . H . Cohen S . W ., G . Hunter J . W ., G . Allison Treas ., G . Bigley Sec , H . W . Gladwell S . D ., L . Buderus J . D ., Baldwin I . G ., A . De Metz D . O ., Hicklin Org ., Shearman and Sargeant Stewards , Gilchrist P . M . Tyler
By the marks of approbation , the appointment of officers gave great satisfaction . Bro . J . W . Wright I . P . M . then gave the concluding addresses , deservedly receiving the congratulations of the brethren . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Ahreus . After grace was sung , the W . M . proposed " The Queen and the Craft , " followed by The
Princeof Wales as M . W . G . M ., the National Anthemand "God bless the Prince of Wales" being sung . " The Earl of Carnarvon Pro G . M ., the E . W . Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , and the rest of the Grand Officers was given . Bro . J . W . Wright I . P . M . then rose . He was sure they would all drink with great pleasure the toast of the W . M . j he was prond of having introduced him into Masonry ; he is a credit to the Craft , for
tho manner in which he had conducted the duties since his occupation of the chair , shows that the Lodge had wisely selected him . The W . M . in reply , thanked the I . P . M . and brethren for the kind manner the toast had been given and received , he had worked to occupy the chair ; and he was proud at having attained ifc . He hoped at the expiration of hia year of office , he would have the same feelings exhi .
bited . He hoped to carry out every duty the Lodge required of him in a satisfactory way . He then proposed the I . P . M . and Installing Master for the services he had rendered , the brethren had determined to present him with a jewel . He felt it a great pleasure in their name to place it on his breast , which was worthy of it . He hoped he might live long to wear it . The jewel was of
very elegant design , bearing the Eoyal Standard arms , with suitable inscription . Bro . Keates sang "My old frieud John . " Bro . Wright I . P . M ., in brief and appropriate terms , responded to the toast . The W . M . then proposed the Visitors ; they had some very distinguished brethren among them . The Eoyal Standard Lodge would always be pleased to give them a hearty welcome . He
would call on Bro . Sands , D . G . M . for Japan , to respond to the toast . He having replied , the Masonic Charities was proposed . Bro . H . M , Levy P . M . 188 responded to it . The P . M . 's followed ; in a new Lodge all were aware they were few in number , but they bad done their duties nobly . Bro . Wilson P . M . returned thanks . He was one of the founders of the Lodge . They had seen how ably tho retiring W . M . had installed
his successor , and he was sure it was a good omen for the prosperity of the ensuing year . Before resuming his seat , he hoped they wonld drink the health of those brethren who had contributed to the har . mony—Bros . Nunn and Keates . The toast of the Treasurer and Secretary was given . The W . M . said no Secretary could have discharged his duties more faithfully than Bro . Bigley . Many things
had been done by him , and it is to him the prosperity of the Lodge is due . The freedom of the Lodge had been voted by tho brethren , and he had much pleasure in presenting it , with best wishes of long life and happiness . Bro . Allison , Treasurer , responded in a very excellent speech . Bro . Bigley thanked the brethren for the elegant testimonial presented to him . When hanging on his walls he would
look on it with pride , as an appreciation of the small services rendered by him . It would be an incentive to go on and work for their benefit . The W . M ., in proposing the toast of the Wardens , said they , having had an opportunity of working in Lodges of Instruction , now reaped the reward of their labours . The Junior Officers are equally worthy . Bro . Linton Rogers then sang " What will you do , Love ? " Bros . Cohen and Hunter responded , after
Notices Of Meetings
which the Tyler ' s toast was given . The W . M . and Bros . Nunn , Wright P . M ., and Rogers contributed to the harmony .
Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting ou Friday , the 2 nd inst . ; at the Castle , Highbury . Present-Bros . Chant W . M ., Hall S . W ., Simpson J . W ., R . Dickinson Secretary , Lee acting Preceptor , Elridge S . D ., Hunter J . D ., Passingham I . G ., & c . Business—The ceremony of mi . tiation was worked , Bro . Gianelli being candidate . The W . M . then
vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wright , who duly installed Bro . Dickinson as W . M . Tho latter then appointed the various officers , and worked the 1 st section . Three brethren were elected members , and a vote of thanks to Bro . Wright recorded on the minutes for his services in working tho installation ceremony . The Lodge was then formally closed .
Wolsey Lodge , No . 1656 , Hampton Wick . —This Lodge , which was consecrated at the White Hart Hotel , by the R . W . Bro . Colonel Burdett P . G . M . Middlesex on Saturday , 17 th February , when Bro . William Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesex , was installed as the first Worshipful Master , held its first regular meeting on Monday evening , the 6 th inst . Bro . Hammond commenced proceedings shortly after
six o clock , supported by the following officers : —Bros . J . Hammond P . M . 201 S . W . 1512 Hon . I . P . M ., B . Sharp P . M . 84 , S . W ., J . Bond P . M . 869 , . T . W ., tho Eev . F . J . Champion de Crespigny P . M . 708 , P . P . G . Chap . Middlesex , Chaplain , T . W . Ockonden Sec , B . E . Aston S . D ., J . Hurst J . D ., T . C . Walls I . G . The Lodge being opened in the first degree , the Secretary read the minutes of the preliminary and
Consecration meetings , which were duly confirmed . Bro . C . R . Fifct , of the Hyatt Lodge 205 , Brooklyn , U . S ., was balloted for as a joining member , and unanimously elected . The W . M . then proceeded to initiate Messrs . Albert Marvin , Thomas A . E . Scott , C . Richer , and J . Featherstone into the mysteries of the Craft . Notwithstanding the indisposition of the W . M ., who was suffering from a troublesome
cold , the ceremony was most impressively performed . Each candidate was initiated separately , and the working throughout of the various officers left little , if anything , to be desired . The W . M ., fully alive to the responsibility of his position , has been careful to invest with collars those brethren only who have proved themselves competent to discharge creditably the duties assigned to them . Bro .
A . Nuthall was unanimously elected Treasurer . Several propositions for joining and initiation were handed in , and all business being con . eluded , the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Amongst the Visi . tors were Bros . Bnckland , W . M . of the Dobie , Wells , Pearman . J . W . Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex , an honorary member of the Lodge , was also present . At the banquet the usual Loyal and 3 Iaaonio toasts ' were
given and well received . The health of the P . G . M . ( Bro . Colonel Burdett ) was responded to with much enthusiasm , for he is , and very deservedly so , most popular in the province . In proposing the health of tho D . P . G . M . ( Bro . Little ) , reference was made to the fact that , at its consecration , the Wolsey Lodge was the first to be honoured with a visit from that most worthy brother , after the
recent distinction conferred npon him . Bro . Baldwin responded for the P . G . officers . In proposing the health of the W . M . the Senior Warden congratulated the brethren on having so excellent a Mason as Bro . William Hammond in the chair he bein " a Bro . who has already occupied that exalted position in three other Lodges . Tho W . M . acknowledged the toast , assured the brethren of
the great interest he felt in the success cf the Wolsey and trusted the Lodge might always be as well manned by efficient officers as those with whom it had now sot sail . The Initiates were next toasted , Bro . Scott responding on their behalf . The company would have been glad to have heard the other E . A . ' s ., but owing to the " rapid flight of time , " business had to bo proceeded with . For
the Visitors , a toast which mot with a hearty response , Bro . Buokland W . M . 889 responded in a brief , but effective manner ! The ' health of the Officers was next given , and Bro . tho Rev . F . J . C . de Crespigny , the Chaplain , in responding , made an excellent speech ; impressing upon the brethren , in the course of his remarks , that quality must be sought after in the admission of candidates . With
the toast of the Charities , tha W . M . coupled the names of Bro . Bond J . W . who is the Steward of this Lod ge for the Girls' School , and Bro . Ockenden , likewise a Steward for the same Institution , ' and representing a neighbouring Lodge . The T yler ' s toast terminated the proceedings . Before closing our report , we must mention thafc the Lodge . room , though small , is exceedingly well furnished , and all the appointments are admirable .
Patronized by H . R . H . the PHIHCS of WALIS . THB THIRTY-THIRD EDITION . Now ready , price 1 «; post freo Is Id . JOHN LILLYWHITE'S "CRICKETERS ' COMPANION A GUIDE TO CRICKETERS . " Containing Special Articles , entitled , " Cricket ana Cricketers in 1876 . " "Cricket FaulU and Fallacies , " "Old Fashions r . New , " "Public School Cricket , Wandering Cricket . Ac . " With lull Reviews of all First-class Cricket of 1878 j tho Averages ; Highest Innings ); Mr . W . G . Grace ' s Doings , 4 c . ; and Critiques on the Universities , Public Schools , Colleges , and Clubs , Ac , 4 c . JOHN LILLY-WHITE , 10 , SSTMOPB SIBBM , Jft / STOjr SQl'XHJ , LOXDOX , If . W .
ACCIDENT INSUEAXCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lotbbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidtnU , I Death by accident . 0 , HARDING , Manager ,
" There should be a better reason for the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—IX . VISTOR ' S Gl'ARBIAIf . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . -Li 35 Lombiird-street , City ; and 277 and 'J 7 D Regentutreet , W . Established ISO , receives Deposits . Or . Demand , 5 per cent . Subject ti Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine thU new aad improved system , that ensures a hlcjh rate of interest with periect security . The Directors hare never re-dincounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BOKUOWERS .-It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt Advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm prc * luce , warrants , and fumiturc , without removal pub . licity , sureties , or foes . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . I 0 MBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , JLJ 35 Lombard-street , City : and OT and 27 'J Regent street , W . Established 18 tH > . Incorporated under the New Act , 1874 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every Investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , Ac . New and Special Feature . —The Society will buiid Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of the building at 5 per cent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying or giving security for the first 5 years' insteret . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and cress opinion ! ([ ft . Attivi Agents Wanted . UMSS PBYOdR , Manage ,
Bro . A . 0 LDE 0 YD , Leyton , London , E , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name In raised letter * . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker , at tha mulcrmeationeil prices , on . receipt « t P . OO . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer •£ Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , E ,