Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Massachusetts
dependent Grand Lodge . At the banquet held on the 27 th December , mention was made of this by Past Grand Master Gardner . It had been resolved at the Stated Communication , previousl y held on that day , to celebrate the " Centennial of its independent ancl sovereign existence in
such manner as the Most Worshipful Grand Master may direct . " In referring to this , Bro . Gardner , in the course of his speech , said , " They met on 8 th March 1777 for the purpose of granting a Charter to a new Lodge ; and when they met they found they had no authority ; that the Colonial Coutrross had declared that the . se States were free
and independent , and that b y means of the Declaration of Independence of the Fourth of July they had severed themselves from all connection with both Scotland and England , with the Grand Lodges of which they were connected . It became necessary at that time to form some Lodges . . . .
and the brethren then voted that they were free and independent , " just as the civil government had previousl y voted its freedom and independence on the 4 th Jul y 1776 , and from that day till now it had maintained its independence . We
trust the anniversary passed off in a manner befitting so important an occasion . We congratulate our Massachusetts brethren on the circumstance , and hope the y have before them a long and prosperous career .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
THE results of the Cambridge Local Examination ( Christmas , 1876 ) are now known , aud we aro enabled to say that onr Boys ' School 1 ms had a very fair measure of success . Twenty-eight boys were sent in as candidates for tho examination , and of this number 26 passed ; 1 senior and 25 juniors . Of the 25 juniors more than half ( 14 ) obtained a placo in the honour
list : 2 in the 1 st class ; 3 in the 2 nd class ; 9 in the 3 rd class . These results testify both to tho quantity and quality of the work done in the School , whereby it is placed among the most successful of tho middle class schools which send up candidates to the Cambridge Local Examinations .
The names of those who havo passed are here subjoined SENIOR . Third Class . 1 . E . Bryant . £ V" ™ - 8 . Newman . Jrai 0 RS - 9 . Martin . First Class . 10 . Eose . 2 . Parker . 11 . Grimes . 3 . Green . 12 . Heaviside . Second Class . 13 . Doswoll . 4 . Bowler . 14 . Widdowson . 5 . Sago . 15 . Watkins . 6 . Pawley .
The following satisfied tho Examiners : —W . Sparkes , Pinson , Harding , Tayler , Battye , Booser , Warr , Moon , Whyatt , A . Bryant , and W . White .
Consecration Of The Beaconsfield Lodge, No. 1662.
THE Consecration of this Lodge , and installation of its W . M ., took place at the Chequers , Marsh-street , Waltliamstow , on Satarday , the 24 th Febrnnry , the consecrating Officer being V . W . Bro . Join Hervey G . S . and P . G . D ., who was assisted by Bro . JoshnaNunn P . G . S . D . as S . W ., Bro . W . T . Howe P . G . P . Middlesex , as J . W ., Bro . H . G . Buss P . J . G . W . Middlesex , as D . C , and Bro . W . Stephens P . M . as I . G .
The Lodge was opened in tho three degrees , and the anthems were sung . The brethren of the new Lodge were then arranged in order , and the Secretary read the petition and warrant from Grand Lodge . An oration on the nature and duties of Freemasonry was delivered by the consecrating Officer , which was listened to with very great attention by tho brethren present , and was brought to a close by
reading some very appropriate verses . The Lodge was then constituted , and Bro , Walter T . Christian was installed as the first W . M . He , having been saluted in the antient form , invested his Officers as follows : — Bros . W . Groonio S . W ., W . B . Brand J . W ., Fred . Hallows Hon . Seo ., C . T . Saunders S . D ., T . Franklin J . D ., A . Oldroyd I . G ., T . Upward Organist , G . Brown D . C , J . H . Cambridge W . S ., and J . Gilchrist
Tyler . Tho furniture and the room were well arranged , and the whole of the ceremony was performer ! iu a manner rarely equalled Several propositions were given to the Secretary for initiation , and the names of several brethren as joining members , hearty good wishes were given to the W . M ., and success for the future of the Lodge . After the Lodge was closed , tlie brethren , to the number of thirty , sat down to a banquet ancl dessert . Grace having been said ,
the W . M . proposed " the Queen and Craft , " followed by that of the M . W . G . M ., which was enthusiastically received . The W . M . next proposed the Pro G . M ., and the other Grand Officers , which met with a hearty cheer . Bro . Joshua Nnnn replied for them in a very suitable speech . The next toast was the Consecratirg Officer . Bro . Hervey replied , and thanked the brethren fur the reception he had met with from the Beaconsfielcl Lodge ; he felt sure . by , the working which he
Consecration Of The Beaconsfield Lodge, No. 1662.
had seen and heard , and tho brotherly lore and unity which existed amongst the members , that tho Lodgo was bound to prosper ; he wished it every success and further stated he shonldlcomo down and have another look in shortly , to see how tho work was going on . He concluded by proposing the health of the W . M ., who replied ia a very neat and pithy speech , and finished by proposing the Officers of the
new Lodge . Ho folt quite sure that , with such assistance as he had had that day , and also knowing how they could all work , he was confident that the Lodge would bo second to none in the manner in which all the duties would be carried out . The S . and J . W . and S . D ., replied in a few appropriate sentences . The next toast was the Visitors , which was replied to by Bro . Bass , with a few very kind
words and wishes for the success of the new Lodge , and thanking tho brethren for giving them all such a hearty and cordial reception . This was followed by the toast of the host , Bro . W . G . Hallows , whose catering was pronounced by all present to have been perfect . He returned thanks ; he was very pleased to hear every oue of the brethren had appreciated what had been put before them , and hoped
he should always bo able to give them as great satisfaction as he had done that night . During the course of the evening ieveral of the . brethren contributed to the harmony by some capital songs . Altogether tho new Lodge has opened under the most favourable auspices , and there is every reason to congratulate tha founders and joining members upon tho success that has HO far attended it . The following were present as Visitors : —Bros . Barford P . M . 55 , Downing P . M . 20 ,
Lyall P . M . 73 , W . Steadman P . M . 754 , Eumsey P . M . 201 , Mackey P . M . 861 , Leech P . M . 861 , Townsend P . M . 820 , Eev . C . J . Stevens 813 , Davis I . G . 1309 , Carter 1507 , St . Alphonse S . D . 108 , Badkin S . W . 1365 , Warman W . M . elect 15 , Wilson 1228 , Taylor 1598 , Lake 1471 , Grist 1489 and 1637 , Field 1602 , Trebeck 1445 , Evennett 1426 , E . A . Wells 15 , Tolliss 1185 , Claridgel 598 , E . Brown 1598 , Laverack 917 , Baxter 1421 , Bare 1598 , M . Christian 860 , C . B . Payne P . M ., G . T ., 327 , & o . The first meeting was held on Saturday the 3 rd inst . Present—Bros . W . T . Christian W . M ., W . Groome S . W ., W . B . Brand J . W ., Frederick Hallows Sec , C . J . Saunders S . D ., T . Franklin J . D ., W . G . Hallows acting D . C , J . H . Cambridge Steward , A . Oldroyd I . G ., J . Gilchrist Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . J . Binder , & c . Visitors , Bros . Carter 1507 , Varley 1421 , Claridge 1598 , Larorick 917 , Simrns
1445 , Fisher 1498 , & c . Business—The Lodge was opened in the first degree . Tho minutes of the Consecration and Installation meeting read and confirmed . The brethren balloted for several joining members , whose names had already been handed in , they were all elected . Five gentlemen were initiated , and the Lodge adjourned until the first Saturday in April .
The Langthorne Masonic Charitable Association.
THE first anniversary meeting of this prosperous Association was held at the Swan Hotel , Stratford , on Wednesday 28 th February . The annual report and balance sheet disclose the simple fact that in the first year of the operations of this Association the largo amount of £ 2 t 7 had been presented to the Masonio Institutions through its agency .
Bro . J . G . Stevens the President , in his opening remarks explained the objects of this aud kindred Associations to be that every member subscribing Is per week for something like four years , would become a Life Governor of one of the Charities . The appropriations in this
particular Association , have averaged two per month since its forma . tion , and such a result must be highly gratifying to the committee and equally so to all those who have obtained a Life Governorship through its instrumentality . The working expenses of this , the most expen . sive year of the Association ' s operation , havo amounted to only £ 4 14 s . The committee and officers were unanimously re-elected ; and after two Ballots were taken , the members adjourned to a dinner , presided over by the worthy President ( J . G . Stevens ) , the vice-chair being occupied by the vice-President ( W . A . Tharp ) . There were also present the Treasurer ( T . Laoey ) , Bros . Binckes , Sec . R . M . I . B ., Terry E . M . B . I ., and a company of over thirty members of the Craft .
In proposing the Charities , the President paid a high tribute to the three Secretaries ; he hoped Bros . Binckes and Little would not be downcast at the result of Bro . Terry ' s festival , but would go in and get , if possible , £ 20 , 000 each . ( Applause ) . Bro . Binckes being obliged to leave , Bro . Terry responded for the Three Charities , aud was warm in his commendations of the
Association , under whose auspices they had met . He related his experience while Hon . Seo . of three similar Associations , and trusted the brethren would rally round and bring this to a successful termination . As an encouragement to brethren in all positions in life , he would state as a fact , that a most distinguished Peer of the realm thought it not
beneath his dignity to subscribe Is per week to one of tlie Associations , He also said the popular opinion was that Freemasons were a selfish race of men , but the proposals then under consideration for commemorating the safe return of our M . W . G . M . from India were sufficient answer to this , and abundantly shewed the Catholicity of
Freemasons . The health of the Chairman and vice-chairman , Hon . Seo . and others , brought this , the first annual meeting to a conclusion .
The First Annual Supper of the Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , will take place at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Nortonfolgate , E . G ., on Friday , the 16 th instant , when it is hoped a goodly muster of brethren will take place . Tickets , 4 s each , can be had of Bro , Bolton , or of any of the Stewards .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge Of Massachusetts
dependent Grand Lodge . At the banquet held on the 27 th December , mention was made of this by Past Grand Master Gardner . It had been resolved at the Stated Communication , previousl y held on that day , to celebrate the " Centennial of its independent ancl sovereign existence in
such manner as the Most Worshipful Grand Master may direct . " In referring to this , Bro . Gardner , in the course of his speech , said , " They met on 8 th March 1777 for the purpose of granting a Charter to a new Lodge ; and when they met they found they had no authority ; that the Colonial Coutrross had declared that the . se States were free
and independent , and that b y means of the Declaration of Independence of the Fourth of July they had severed themselves from all connection with both Scotland and England , with the Grand Lodges of which they were connected . It became necessary at that time to form some Lodges . . . .
and the brethren then voted that they were free and independent , " just as the civil government had previousl y voted its freedom and independence on the 4 th Jul y 1776 , and from that day till now it had maintained its independence . We
trust the anniversary passed off in a manner befitting so important an occasion . We congratulate our Massachusetts brethren on the circumstance , and hope the y have before them a long and prosperous career .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
THE results of the Cambridge Local Examination ( Christmas , 1876 ) are now known , aud we aro enabled to say that onr Boys ' School 1 ms had a very fair measure of success . Twenty-eight boys were sent in as candidates for tho examination , and of this number 26 passed ; 1 senior and 25 juniors . Of the 25 juniors more than half ( 14 ) obtained a placo in the honour
list : 2 in the 1 st class ; 3 in the 2 nd class ; 9 in the 3 rd class . These results testify both to tho quantity and quality of the work done in the School , whereby it is placed among the most successful of tho middle class schools which send up candidates to the Cambridge Local Examinations .
The names of those who havo passed are here subjoined SENIOR . Third Class . 1 . E . Bryant . £ V" ™ - 8 . Newman . Jrai 0 RS - 9 . Martin . First Class . 10 . Eose . 2 . Parker . 11 . Grimes . 3 . Green . 12 . Heaviside . Second Class . 13 . Doswoll . 4 . Bowler . 14 . Widdowson . 5 . Sago . 15 . Watkins . 6 . Pawley .
The following satisfied tho Examiners : —W . Sparkes , Pinson , Harding , Tayler , Battye , Booser , Warr , Moon , Whyatt , A . Bryant , and W . White .
Consecration Of The Beaconsfield Lodge, No. 1662.
THE Consecration of this Lodge , and installation of its W . M ., took place at the Chequers , Marsh-street , Waltliamstow , on Satarday , the 24 th Febrnnry , the consecrating Officer being V . W . Bro . Join Hervey G . S . and P . G . D ., who was assisted by Bro . JoshnaNunn P . G . S . D . as S . W ., Bro . W . T . Howe P . G . P . Middlesex , as J . W ., Bro . H . G . Buss P . J . G . W . Middlesex , as D . C , and Bro . W . Stephens P . M . as I . G .
The Lodge was opened in tho three degrees , and the anthems were sung . The brethren of the new Lodge were then arranged in order , and the Secretary read the petition and warrant from Grand Lodge . An oration on the nature and duties of Freemasonry was delivered by the consecrating Officer , which was listened to with very great attention by tho brethren present , and was brought to a close by
reading some very appropriate verses . The Lodge was then constituted , and Bro , Walter T . Christian was installed as the first W . M . He , having been saluted in the antient form , invested his Officers as follows : — Bros . W . Groonio S . W ., W . B . Brand J . W ., Fred . Hallows Hon . Seo ., C . T . Saunders S . D ., T . Franklin J . D ., A . Oldroyd I . G ., T . Upward Organist , G . Brown D . C , J . H . Cambridge W . S ., and J . Gilchrist
Tyler . Tho furniture and the room were well arranged , and the whole of the ceremony was performer ! iu a manner rarely equalled Several propositions were given to the Secretary for initiation , and the names of several brethren as joining members , hearty good wishes were given to the W . M ., and success for the future of the Lodge . After the Lodge was closed , tlie brethren , to the number of thirty , sat down to a banquet ancl dessert . Grace having been said ,
the W . M . proposed " the Queen and Craft , " followed by that of the M . W . G . M ., which was enthusiastically received . The W . M . next proposed the Pro G . M ., and the other Grand Officers , which met with a hearty cheer . Bro . Joshua Nnnn replied for them in a very suitable speech . The next toast was the Consecratirg Officer . Bro . Hervey replied , and thanked the brethren fur the reception he had met with from the Beaconsfielcl Lodge ; he felt sure . by , the working which he
Consecration Of The Beaconsfield Lodge, No. 1662.
had seen and heard , and tho brotherly lore and unity which existed amongst the members , that tho Lodgo was bound to prosper ; he wished it every success and further stated he shonldlcomo down and have another look in shortly , to see how tho work was going on . He concluded by proposing the health of the W . M ., who replied ia a very neat and pithy speech , and finished by proposing the Officers of the
new Lodge . Ho folt quite sure that , with such assistance as he had had that day , and also knowing how they could all work , he was confident that the Lodge would bo second to none in the manner in which all the duties would be carried out . The S . and J . W . and S . D ., replied in a few appropriate sentences . The next toast was the Visitors , which was replied to by Bro . Bass , with a few very kind
words and wishes for the success of the new Lodge , and thanking tho brethren for giving them all such a hearty and cordial reception . This was followed by the toast of the host , Bro . W . G . Hallows , whose catering was pronounced by all present to have been perfect . He returned thanks ; he was very pleased to hear every oue of the brethren had appreciated what had been put before them , and hoped
he should always bo able to give them as great satisfaction as he had done that night . During the course of the evening ieveral of the . brethren contributed to the harmony by some capital songs . Altogether tho new Lodge has opened under the most favourable auspices , and there is every reason to congratulate tha founders and joining members upon tho success that has HO far attended it . The following were present as Visitors : —Bros . Barford P . M . 55 , Downing P . M . 20 ,
Lyall P . M . 73 , W . Steadman P . M . 754 , Eumsey P . M . 201 , Mackey P . M . 861 , Leech P . M . 861 , Townsend P . M . 820 , Eev . C . J . Stevens 813 , Davis I . G . 1309 , Carter 1507 , St . Alphonse S . D . 108 , Badkin S . W . 1365 , Warman W . M . elect 15 , Wilson 1228 , Taylor 1598 , Lake 1471 , Grist 1489 and 1637 , Field 1602 , Trebeck 1445 , Evennett 1426 , E . A . Wells 15 , Tolliss 1185 , Claridgel 598 , E . Brown 1598 , Laverack 917 , Baxter 1421 , Bare 1598 , M . Christian 860 , C . B . Payne P . M ., G . T ., 327 , & o . The first meeting was held on Saturday the 3 rd inst . Present—Bros . W . T . Christian W . M ., W . Groome S . W ., W . B . Brand J . W ., Frederick Hallows Sec , C . J . Saunders S . D ., T . Franklin J . D ., W . G . Hallows acting D . C , J . H . Cambridge Steward , A . Oldroyd I . G ., J . Gilchrist Tyler . Past Masters , Bros . J . Binder , & c . Visitors , Bros . Carter 1507 , Varley 1421 , Claridge 1598 , Larorick 917 , Simrns
1445 , Fisher 1498 , & c . Business—The Lodge was opened in the first degree . Tho minutes of the Consecration and Installation meeting read and confirmed . The brethren balloted for several joining members , whose names had already been handed in , they were all elected . Five gentlemen were initiated , and the Lodge adjourned until the first Saturday in April .
The Langthorne Masonic Charitable Association.
THE first anniversary meeting of this prosperous Association was held at the Swan Hotel , Stratford , on Wednesday 28 th February . The annual report and balance sheet disclose the simple fact that in the first year of the operations of this Association the largo amount of £ 2 t 7 had been presented to the Masonio Institutions through its agency .
Bro . J . G . Stevens the President , in his opening remarks explained the objects of this aud kindred Associations to be that every member subscribing Is per week for something like four years , would become a Life Governor of one of the Charities . The appropriations in this
particular Association , have averaged two per month since its forma . tion , and such a result must be highly gratifying to the committee and equally so to all those who have obtained a Life Governorship through its instrumentality . The working expenses of this , the most expen . sive year of the Association ' s operation , havo amounted to only £ 4 14 s . The committee and officers were unanimously re-elected ; and after two Ballots were taken , the members adjourned to a dinner , presided over by the worthy President ( J . G . Stevens ) , the vice-chair being occupied by the vice-President ( W . A . Tharp ) . There were also present the Treasurer ( T . Laoey ) , Bros . Binckes , Sec . R . M . I . B ., Terry E . M . B . I ., and a company of over thirty members of the Craft .
In proposing the Charities , the President paid a high tribute to the three Secretaries ; he hoped Bros . Binckes and Little would not be downcast at the result of Bro . Terry ' s festival , but would go in and get , if possible , £ 20 , 000 each . ( Applause ) . Bro . Binckes being obliged to leave , Bro . Terry responded for the Three Charities , aud was warm in his commendations of the
Association , under whose auspices they had met . He related his experience while Hon . Seo . of three similar Associations , and trusted the brethren would rally round and bring this to a successful termination . As an encouragement to brethren in all positions in life , he would state as a fact , that a most distinguished Peer of the realm thought it not
beneath his dignity to subscribe Is per week to one of tlie Associations , He also said the popular opinion was that Freemasons were a selfish race of men , but the proposals then under consideration for commemorating the safe return of our M . W . G . M . from India were sufficient answer to this , and abundantly shewed the Catholicity of
Freemasons . The health of the Chairman and vice-chairman , Hon . Seo . and others , brought this , the first annual meeting to a conclusion .
The First Annual Supper of the Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 , will take place at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Nortonfolgate , E . G ., on Friday , the 16 th instant , when it is hoped a goodly muster of brethren will take place . Tickets , 4 s each , can be had of Bro , Bolton , or of any of the Stewards .