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ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION roB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . H . R . H . THE PKINCE OP WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . PATRON AND PRESIDENT . A VACANCY having occured in the oflico of Collector of this institution , llretnren desirous of becoming Candidates for tiio samo aro requested to send in their applications not later than Monday , tUo l'ith March next , to tho undersigned , Irani whom all intonnatio'i respecting tho same can bo obtained . By order , 2 Jrd February 1877 . JAMES TERRY , Secretary .
To the Patron , President , Vioe-Patrons , Vice-Presidents and Committee of Management OF IDE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB SAGE 0 FREEMASONS AND WiDQWS OF FREEMASONS . YOUB ROVAI , IIIGHMKSS , JIv LORDS ijfD BKiiTHiiES , —I moat respectfully beg to inform you that 1 am u candidate for the appointment of Collector , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . William Lane . I am iu my twenty-fifth , year , and , 1 trust , capable of imparting that amount o £ energy so necessary iu a Collector for such an imp _ < rtant and increasing Institution . I am a Master Mason , and possess a certificate of education from tho Royal College of 1 ' receptors , 1 have had tho honour of being in the service of this Institution as Cloi k for nearly two years , aud hope that my conduct has been such as to recommend mo to your kind coaideration . Should 1 be so fortunate us to obtain the appointment , it shall ever bo my greatest care to perform the duties of so important an office iu such a manner as materially to benefit the Institution aud never cause you to regret having afforded mo the favour of your support . I have the honour to remain , Your Royal Highness , my Lords and Brethren , Yours respectfully and fraternally , GKORUK KNILL . 36 A Tottenham Court Road , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BEO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chance in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Sise Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C
THEMASONIOQUARTETTE. BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements ot tho Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BEO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate Street , E . C ,
67 BARBICAN , E . G .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , should make early application for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , bat of some we have only a few copies left , Cases for binding he several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
Our Weekly Budget
ri'HE week has been a very quiet one in the House of _ I _ Lords . Two Bills , on Bankruptcy aud Law Ileform respectively , were introduced by the Lord Chancellor , and received a first reading , and there was a debate on the motion
for the secoud reading of the Aletropohtan Board of Works Bill , which was negatived without ; a division . In the House of Commons the chief business has been the
introduction of tho Army Estimates in Committee of Supply . Mr . Hardy , as Secretary of State for War , moved the usual resolutions , fixing tho number of meu for tho fcervice of the year , and ihe amount to be voted for their pay aud
allowanoes . f'hese resolutions were passed , the House resumed , aud shortly after adjourned . This was on Monday . A brace of abstract resolutions were disposed of on other evcningo , aud on Wednesday afternoon the second reading
Our Weekly Budget
of the Ancient Monuments Bill was affirmed by the very substantial majority of 48 , in a tolerably full house , the numbers being—for the motion 211 , against it 163 . The result was hailed with cheers by the Opposition . On Friday last the Queen held a Court and Drawing
Room at Buckingham Palace . There were present in the Royal circle the Prince of Wales , the Princesses Louise ( Marchioness of Lome ) and Beatrice , Prince Christian , and the Duke of Teck . The corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms were on duty under the command of their Captain , the Earl
of Shrewsbury and Talbot , and the Yeomen of the Guard under their Captain , Lord Skelmersdale . The diplomatic and general circles were both numerously attended , and
then followed a number of presentations , the names of tbe ladies having been previously left at the Lord Chamberlain ' s offic « , and submitted for Her Majesty ' s approval . The Queen left London for Windsor Castle on Saturday
afternoon . On Monday evening the Prince of Wales presided at the 119 th Anniversary of the Orphan Working School and Alexandra Orphanage . There was a large attendance of noblemen and gentlemen to support His Royal Highness .
Following the toast of the evening , which was proposed by the Prince in the warmest possible terms , the Treasurer , after duly acknowledging the toast , read out a long list of subscriptions and donations , amounting to little short of £ 6 , 650 , the Chairman himself , whose list exceeded £ 3 , 000 ,
contributing £ 100 . On Wednesday His Royal Highness left town for Melton Mowbray on a visit of a few days to Colonel Williams . At Leicester a large crowd was assembled for the purpose of greeting the Prince as the train passed through . During his stay H . R . H . will hunt
with the Quorn , weather permitting ; for , on the day of his departure , snow , hail , and rain fell heavily , and the prospect of any improvement in the weather was extremely doubtful . Previous to leaving town , the Prince presided at a meeting of the Governors of Wellington College .
The Regular Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held on Wednesday . The attendance was large , and the minutes of the Special Communication were confirmed
without a dissentient voice . Thus the vote of £ 4 , 000 to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution is now nn fait accompli . Full particulars , however , are given elsewhere in our columns .
On Saturday , a Chapter of the Order of St . Patrick was held in St . Patrick's Hall , Dublin , and His Grace the Duke of Manchester , by command of Her Majesty , was formally installed by tho Viceroy , the Duke of Marlborough , as a Knight of that most illustrious order . The scene was a
very , brilliant one , the wives of the Knights being present as well as the ladies of the Viceregal Court . Previous to the investiture , the Duke received the honour of knighthood . The usual ceremony was then performed , after which the Duke ' s banner was unfurled , and His Grace
received the congratulations of those present . A banquet followed , at which the Duke of Marlborough presided . The health of the newly-invested Knight was drunk with great enthusiasm , and appropriately acknowledged . Since then
the Viceroy has held the second Levee of the season , there being a numerous attendance . Thus , Dublin , under the auspices of the new Lord Lieutenant , is having a very gay time of it .
The Cambridge Crew reached their usual quarters at Putney on Monday afternoon , and have been taking their usual practice every day since . Their rivals will arrive from Oxford on Monday next , and then , of course , those who have the time will be watching almost daily the
performance of the two crews , We need not trouble our readers with a disquisition on their merits or demerits . They are both above the average weight , and in this respect are well matched . Moreover , as we said last week , in both boats the number of old blues is greater than usual . It is
to be regretted , for the sake of the spectators , if not of the crews themselves , that the weather should bo so keenly cold ; but young men in perfect training are not so much affected b y weather changes as ordinary mortals . If any of our readers are anxious to " spot" the winner we shall have
great pleasure in communicating to them our views on the subject , if they will call at our offices this day fortnight about the hour of noon . Two new members have been latterly returned to
Parliament—Mr . Hibbert , as member for Oldham , vice Mr . Cobbett deceased , and the Solicitor-General , for Launceston , vice Mr . Deakin , who has accepted the office of Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds . On tho occasion of Sir Harding
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION roB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . H . R . H . THE PKINCE OP WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . PATRON AND PRESIDENT . A VACANCY having occured in the oflico of Collector of this institution , llretnren desirous of becoming Candidates for tiio samo aro requested to send in their applications not later than Monday , tUo l'ith March next , to tho undersigned , Irani whom all intonnatio'i respecting tho same can bo obtained . By order , 2 Jrd February 1877 . JAMES TERRY , Secretary .
To the Patron , President , Vioe-Patrons , Vice-Presidents and Committee of Management OF IDE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB SAGE 0 FREEMASONS AND WiDQWS OF FREEMASONS . YOUB ROVAI , IIIGHMKSS , JIv LORDS ijfD BKiiTHiiES , —I moat respectfully beg to inform you that 1 am u candidate for the appointment of Collector , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . William Lane . I am iu my twenty-fifth , year , and , 1 trust , capable of imparting that amount o £ energy so necessary iu a Collector for such an imp _ < rtant and increasing Institution . I am a Master Mason , and possess a certificate of education from tho Royal College of 1 ' receptors , 1 have had tho honour of being in the service of this Institution as Cloi k for nearly two years , aud hope that my conduct has been such as to recommend mo to your kind coaideration . Should 1 be so fortunate us to obtain the appointment , it shall ever bo my greatest care to perform the duties of so important an office iu such a manner as materially to benefit the Institution aud never cause you to regret having afforded mo the favour of your support . I have the honour to remain , Your Royal Highness , my Lords and Brethren , Yours respectfully and fraternally , GKORUK KNILL . 36 A Tottenham Court Road , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BEO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chance in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution are now ready , price ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Sise Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C
THEMASONIOQUARTETTE. BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements ot tho Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BEO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate Street , E . C ,
67 BARBICAN , E . G .
NOTICE . —BACK NUMBERS . Brethren who desire to complete their sets of the FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE , should make early application for Back Numbers . At present all are in print , bat of some we have only a few copies left , Cases for binding he several volumes can be had at the Office , 67 Barbican .
Our Weekly Budget
ri'HE week has been a very quiet one in the House of _ I _ Lords . Two Bills , on Bankruptcy aud Law Ileform respectively , were introduced by the Lord Chancellor , and received a first reading , and there was a debate on the motion
for the secoud reading of the Aletropohtan Board of Works Bill , which was negatived without ; a division . In the House of Commons the chief business has been the
introduction of tho Army Estimates in Committee of Supply . Mr . Hardy , as Secretary of State for War , moved the usual resolutions , fixing tho number of meu for tho fcervice of the year , and ihe amount to be voted for their pay aud
allowanoes . f'hese resolutions were passed , the House resumed , aud shortly after adjourned . This was on Monday . A brace of abstract resolutions were disposed of on other evcningo , aud on Wednesday afternoon the second reading
Our Weekly Budget
of the Ancient Monuments Bill was affirmed by the very substantial majority of 48 , in a tolerably full house , the numbers being—for the motion 211 , against it 163 . The result was hailed with cheers by the Opposition . On Friday last the Queen held a Court and Drawing
Room at Buckingham Palace . There were present in the Royal circle the Prince of Wales , the Princesses Louise ( Marchioness of Lome ) and Beatrice , Prince Christian , and the Duke of Teck . The corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms were on duty under the command of their Captain , the Earl
of Shrewsbury and Talbot , and the Yeomen of the Guard under their Captain , Lord Skelmersdale . The diplomatic and general circles were both numerously attended , and
then followed a number of presentations , the names of tbe ladies having been previously left at the Lord Chamberlain ' s offic « , and submitted for Her Majesty ' s approval . The Queen left London for Windsor Castle on Saturday
afternoon . On Monday evening the Prince of Wales presided at the 119 th Anniversary of the Orphan Working School and Alexandra Orphanage . There was a large attendance of noblemen and gentlemen to support His Royal Highness .
Following the toast of the evening , which was proposed by the Prince in the warmest possible terms , the Treasurer , after duly acknowledging the toast , read out a long list of subscriptions and donations , amounting to little short of £ 6 , 650 , the Chairman himself , whose list exceeded £ 3 , 000 ,
contributing £ 100 . On Wednesday His Royal Highness left town for Melton Mowbray on a visit of a few days to Colonel Williams . At Leicester a large crowd was assembled for the purpose of greeting the Prince as the train passed through . During his stay H . R . H . will hunt
with the Quorn , weather permitting ; for , on the day of his departure , snow , hail , and rain fell heavily , and the prospect of any improvement in the weather was extremely doubtful . Previous to leaving town , the Prince presided at a meeting of the Governors of Wellington College .
The Regular Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held on Wednesday . The attendance was large , and the minutes of the Special Communication were confirmed
without a dissentient voice . Thus the vote of £ 4 , 000 to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution is now nn fait accompli . Full particulars , however , are given elsewhere in our columns .
On Saturday , a Chapter of the Order of St . Patrick was held in St . Patrick's Hall , Dublin , and His Grace the Duke of Manchester , by command of Her Majesty , was formally installed by tho Viceroy , the Duke of Marlborough , as a Knight of that most illustrious order . The scene was a
very , brilliant one , the wives of the Knights being present as well as the ladies of the Viceregal Court . Previous to the investiture , the Duke received the honour of knighthood . The usual ceremony was then performed , after which the Duke ' s banner was unfurled , and His Grace
received the congratulations of those present . A banquet followed , at which the Duke of Marlborough presided . The health of the newly-invested Knight was drunk with great enthusiasm , and appropriately acknowledged . Since then
the Viceroy has held the second Levee of the season , there being a numerous attendance . Thus , Dublin , under the auspices of the new Lord Lieutenant , is having a very gay time of it .
The Cambridge Crew reached their usual quarters at Putney on Monday afternoon , and have been taking their usual practice every day since . Their rivals will arrive from Oxford on Monday next , and then , of course , those who have the time will be watching almost daily the
performance of the two crews , We need not trouble our readers with a disquisition on their merits or demerits . They are both above the average weight , and in this respect are well matched . Moreover , as we said last week , in both boats the number of old blues is greater than usual . It is
to be regretted , for the sake of the spectators , if not of the crews themselves , that the weather should bo so keenly cold ; but young men in perfect training are not so much affected b y weather changes as ordinary mortals . If any of our readers are anxious to " spot" the winner we shall have
great pleasure in communicating to them our views on the subject , if they will call at our offices this day fortnight about the hour of noon . Two new members have been latterly returned to
Parliament—Mr . Hibbert , as member for Oldham , vice Mr . Cobbett deceased , and the Solicitor-General , for Launceston , vice Mr . Deakin , who has accepted the office of Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds . On tho occasion of Sir Harding