Article SPENCER'S GREAT LIBRARY. Page 1 of 1 Article SPENCER'S GREAT LIBRARY. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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Spencer's Great Library.
THIRD NOTICE . LOT 478 begins a rich series of Masonic poems and song-books . From lot 484 we learn that a pantomime called Harlequin Freemason was produced at Covont Garden Theatre in 1781 , and can imagine our ancestors having been mightily diverted over broad hints and farcical ceremonies . We wonder , by tho way , what
references to our mysteries are contained in The Generous Freemason or the Constant Lady ( lot 3 ) , aud whether we were tho butts of Squire "Noodle" and his man "Doodle . " Les Francs-Masons , Come'die ( lot 76 ) , would seem to be of the same genus , and The Mason of Buda ( lot 489 ) . Freemason ' s Companions , Choiresters ,
Assistants , Healths , Museums , Friends , Melodies , Budgets , Glees , Anthems , Minstrels , §' c , abound in bewildering variety . Our gay and festive predecessors seem to have been eminently vocal , though we fear quality was not so conspicuous as quantity in their effusions . On the scarce Lodge lists and Calendars which follow , we offer no
remark , they aro so scarce as to be worth their weight in gold to o Masonic library . Curious particulars relative to tho doings of tho followers of Schrepffer and Cagliostro , also to the sectaries of Von Knigge , Zinnendorff , Schwedenborg and tho Illuminati may be gleaned from lots 520 to 523 . Lot 527 , Anthologia Hibernica ,
Vol II ., should contain Clinch ' s valuable essays on Masonry and the Doctrines of Pythagoras . The scrapbooks and albums , with their interesting data and autographs , speak for themselves , as do also the MSS . portraits and symbolic engravings .
Whilst upon this topic we would say a word upon the fine library collected by Bro . Carson , of Cincinnati , U . S . A . Though not to be compared with Bro . Spencer ' s , in point of Calendars , Constitutions , sectarian , poetical , Rosicrucian , and mystic works , or of portraits and engravings , it yet contains more of tho extremely scarce
revelations of the early part of the last century , aud excels it in other matters of less importance . Bro . Carson is publishing , in parts , for private circulation , at his own expense , a valuable " catalogue raisonnee" of the whole , his critical analyses of contents aud learned remarks upon tho Masonic value of the various books , render
his catalogue a standard of reference , which will be quoted through all time . We abridge from his remarks which relate to certain lots in Bro . Spencer ' s catalogue . ( Lot 528 ) "A most valuable periodical , interesting generally as to
continental Masonry . History of Freemasonry in tho Netherlands , with 225 historical documents from French , Italian , English and Dutch . Editors Melton and de Wargny . Complete sets exceedingl y scarce . "
( Lot 212 , Light on Masonry , original edition ) . "This book is extremely scarce , aud commands a high price . " As to the Bucks ( see Lot 30 ) , Bro . Carson informs us , "they were a convivial Order , with signs , tokens , ceremonies , & o . I a 1770 there were 13 Lodges of the Society iu London and elsewhere . " Of the
pompons discourse which heads this lot , Bro . Carson echoes the immortal Captain Cuttle ' s eulogy , " there ' s wisdom for you !" ( Lot 196 , Chemin-Dupontes ) , " learned and exceedingly interesting , quite scarce , the Memoivo sur l'Ecossismo paged to form 12 th aud 13 th cahicr of the Encyclopedic . A scathing review of the grades
of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . " ( Lot 513 , Almanach Pittorcsqne ) , " 1844-48 , all that was published , difficult to obtain . " ( Lot 80 , Considerations Filosofiques ) , "A very excellent and interesting work , in which the whole subject of Freemasonry ,
historical , doctrinal and moral , is fully discussed , pro and con , by way oi ' dialogue . Tho bulls of Clement XII . and Benedict XIV ., also a sketch of the Kts . Templars , are introduced . Also catalogue of books on Freemasonry . The latter is satirical , thus the first book in it , is Dispute between a Freemason and a Theologian , 81 vols , folio . Price ,
222 livres . Very scarce . " ¦ ( Lot 243 , CoJo'd Constitutions , 1729 ) . One of the rarest of Masonic books . Mr . Hughan , cf Truro , possesses a copy , which ho supposed unique , until he heard of this" ( Bro . Carson ' s . ) Whilst amongst these , we notice one gem in the possession of Bro .
Carson , which we believe is unknown in this country , the reprint of Anderson ' s Constitutions of 1723 , by Benjamin Franklin at Philadel . phia , in 1734 . ( Lot 245 ) . " Scarcer than the first edition . " ( Lot 63 , Corps complet ) . "Complete body of Masonry , adopted by tho G . L . of France ( 1770 ) . Very scarce . "
( Lot 409 , Cross Templars' Chart ) . " Original edition , very scarce . " ( Lot 80 , Essai sur les N . N . ) "Displays much erudition , it is exceedingly scarce . "
( Lot 203 nnd 231 , Des E'tangs ) . " Hia rituals are entirely original , different from the regular ones practised , they were used in the Lodge des Trinosophes and many others . " ( Lot 16 , Le F . M . dans la Eepublique ) . " Called forth by the decree of the Council of Berne , 1745 , forbidding Masons in that Canton , " *
Spencer's Great Library.
Relative to ( lot 379 ) Proceedings of the G . O . of Fiance , Bro . Carson gives a most instructive sketch , too long for ns to reproduce . The metamorphoses of tho great seal , from the lilies to tho eagle , and back again to the lilies , with spots and blanks intervening , thence to a globe , are dwelt upon .
( Lot 194 , Hardie's Monitor . ) "Compilation of Historic matter and imperfect list of Lodges in tho U . S . It is scarce . " ( Lot 29 , Les plus Secrets Mystores . ) " Original edition , curious and interesting ; the author ' s theory is that Masonry was instituted by Godfrey do Bouillon iu Palestine in 1320 . "
( Lot 396 Giirtler ' s Templars ) first edition . " Was made the text for an excellent article in the Retrospective Review . ( Lot 397 , Dupuy . ) "A vast amount of curious documentary evidence . " ( Lot 409 , Jacob , Recherchos . ) " Contains an interesting chapter
on the Secret Tribunals of Germany . " ( Lot 405 , Nicolai Accusations , and in other lots . ) " Has become exceedingly scarce . " ( Lot 20 , Lo Macon Demasqne . ) " Solomon in all his glory is an English translation of this . It is rare and curious , quite different
from other ritualistic productions of the period . " We could go on gleaning interesting matter from Bro . Carson ' s List , but our space compels us to close , with the regret that we
have not been able to do full justice to the subject , a task which Dr . Kloss of Frankfort or Dr . Morison of Paris would have competently dealt with , but which probably , of all living men , Bro . William James Hughan , of Truro , conld alone perform satisfactorily .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor * respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
c DEAR Sin A _\ D BROTHER , —In reply to M . M . M ., in No . 26 of th Chronicle , allow mo to remind him that ho has misquoted tho words of the Book of Constitutions as to printing reports iu the Masonic journals . They nro : " without tho consent of tho Grand Master or Provincial Grand Master ; " and that , as the Masonic journals are
under tho patronage of tho Grand Master and Provincial Grand Masters , no other sanction or consent is necessary , ' the editors of tho journals being responsible that nothing numasouic shall appear in print iu connection with Lodges . MAGNUS OHItEN , P . M . and P . Z . Lower Sydenham , Kent , S . E .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASONS CHUOXICLK . DEAR SI it , —As we have fairly entered on onr Midsummer holidays and as no serious Masonic business will be transacted much before the month of September , a qncstion naturally siiggpats itself , what shall we do in the meantime to further tho ends of Masonry . There are various wavs in which we may subserve the interests of
the Craft . Wo havo become so popular of Jate , our Order has extended its ramifications in so many new directions , that we may certainly look forward to n , still more considerable accession of strength . Wo shall increase and multiply even more rapidly than in recent years , for once tho ball is set rolling there is no saying to what magnitude it may attain ultimately . There is thus ample time for
reflection between now and tho resumption of Masonic meetings as to those who may honour us with their candidature . It must not be overlooked that more numbers are not the principal elements of strength . We should exercise the strictest supervision as to those who seek admission into our ranks , just as did tho Essenes , who wore
scrupulously careful ubout whom they received as brethren . Then ; v ; aui , the time is approaching when we must begin to think about tho election of new officers . And lu , e may we ciovuto our leisure to studying the merits of likely candidate- ; . Tho character of a Lodge is fashioned by that of its rulers . Il ' ther- are men possessing sound
common sense and breadth or vie . v , wo may look for a good Lodge . But if tho oth ' cers aro feeble , or possess bat little influence , wo may anticipate that tho Lodge will be correspondingly weak . These aro points to which a Cow thoughts during our holidays may be fairly devoted . " Yours" Q . "
Answers To Correspondents.
WEEKLY CITIZEN - , OTTAWA . —Thanks lor exchange . Latelv we havo received two copies of each number , we presume through a mistake . APEX . —Wo witnessed the contretemps , and are sorry that it occurred . However , wo do not think your long letter will mend mattera . Your friend might havo been less imperious ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Spencer's Great Library.
THIRD NOTICE . LOT 478 begins a rich series of Masonic poems and song-books . From lot 484 we learn that a pantomime called Harlequin Freemason was produced at Covont Garden Theatre in 1781 , and can imagine our ancestors having been mightily diverted over broad hints and farcical ceremonies . We wonder , by tho way , what
references to our mysteries are contained in The Generous Freemason or the Constant Lady ( lot 3 ) , aud whether we were tho butts of Squire "Noodle" and his man "Doodle . " Les Francs-Masons , Come'die ( lot 76 ) , would seem to be of the same genus , and The Mason of Buda ( lot 489 ) . Freemason ' s Companions , Choiresters ,
Assistants , Healths , Museums , Friends , Melodies , Budgets , Glees , Anthems , Minstrels , §' c , abound in bewildering variety . Our gay and festive predecessors seem to have been eminently vocal , though we fear quality was not so conspicuous as quantity in their effusions . On the scarce Lodge lists and Calendars which follow , we offer no
remark , they aro so scarce as to be worth their weight in gold to o Masonic library . Curious particulars relative to tho doings of tho followers of Schrepffer and Cagliostro , also to the sectaries of Von Knigge , Zinnendorff , Schwedenborg and tho Illuminati may be gleaned from lots 520 to 523 . Lot 527 , Anthologia Hibernica ,
Vol II ., should contain Clinch ' s valuable essays on Masonry and the Doctrines of Pythagoras . The scrapbooks and albums , with their interesting data and autographs , speak for themselves , as do also the MSS . portraits and symbolic engravings .
Whilst upon this topic we would say a word upon the fine library collected by Bro . Carson , of Cincinnati , U . S . A . Though not to be compared with Bro . Spencer ' s , in point of Calendars , Constitutions , sectarian , poetical , Rosicrucian , and mystic works , or of portraits and engravings , it yet contains more of tho extremely scarce
revelations of the early part of the last century , aud excels it in other matters of less importance . Bro . Carson is publishing , in parts , for private circulation , at his own expense , a valuable " catalogue raisonnee" of the whole , his critical analyses of contents aud learned remarks upon tho Masonic value of the various books , render
his catalogue a standard of reference , which will be quoted through all time . We abridge from his remarks which relate to certain lots in Bro . Spencer ' s catalogue . ( Lot 528 ) "A most valuable periodical , interesting generally as to
continental Masonry . History of Freemasonry in tho Netherlands , with 225 historical documents from French , Italian , English and Dutch . Editors Melton and de Wargny . Complete sets exceedingl y scarce . "
( Lot 212 , Light on Masonry , original edition ) . "This book is extremely scarce , aud commands a high price . " As to the Bucks ( see Lot 30 ) , Bro . Carson informs us , "they were a convivial Order , with signs , tokens , ceremonies , & o . I a 1770 there were 13 Lodges of the Society iu London and elsewhere . " Of the
pompons discourse which heads this lot , Bro . Carson echoes the immortal Captain Cuttle ' s eulogy , " there ' s wisdom for you !" ( Lot 196 , Chemin-Dupontes ) , " learned and exceedingly interesting , quite scarce , the Memoivo sur l'Ecossismo paged to form 12 th aud 13 th cahicr of the Encyclopedic . A scathing review of the grades
of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . " ( Lot 513 , Almanach Pittorcsqne ) , " 1844-48 , all that was published , difficult to obtain . " ( Lot 80 , Considerations Filosofiques ) , "A very excellent and interesting work , in which the whole subject of Freemasonry ,
historical , doctrinal and moral , is fully discussed , pro and con , by way oi ' dialogue . Tho bulls of Clement XII . and Benedict XIV ., also a sketch of the Kts . Templars , are introduced . Also catalogue of books on Freemasonry . The latter is satirical , thus the first book in it , is Dispute between a Freemason and a Theologian , 81 vols , folio . Price ,
222 livres . Very scarce . " ¦ ( Lot 243 , CoJo'd Constitutions , 1729 ) . One of the rarest of Masonic books . Mr . Hughan , cf Truro , possesses a copy , which ho supposed unique , until he heard of this" ( Bro . Carson ' s . ) Whilst amongst these , we notice one gem in the possession of Bro .
Carson , which we believe is unknown in this country , the reprint of Anderson ' s Constitutions of 1723 , by Benjamin Franklin at Philadel . phia , in 1734 . ( Lot 245 ) . " Scarcer than the first edition . " ( Lot 63 , Corps complet ) . "Complete body of Masonry , adopted by tho G . L . of France ( 1770 ) . Very scarce . "
( Lot 409 , Cross Templars' Chart ) . " Original edition , very scarce . " ( Lot 80 , Essai sur les N . N . ) "Displays much erudition , it is exceedingly scarce . "
( Lot 203 nnd 231 , Des E'tangs ) . " Hia rituals are entirely original , different from the regular ones practised , they were used in the Lodge des Trinosophes and many others . " ( Lot 16 , Le F . M . dans la Eepublique ) . " Called forth by the decree of the Council of Berne , 1745 , forbidding Masons in that Canton , " *
Spencer's Great Library.
Relative to ( lot 379 ) Proceedings of the G . O . of Fiance , Bro . Carson gives a most instructive sketch , too long for ns to reproduce . The metamorphoses of tho great seal , from the lilies to tho eagle , and back again to the lilies , with spots and blanks intervening , thence to a globe , are dwelt upon .
( Lot 194 , Hardie's Monitor . ) "Compilation of Historic matter and imperfect list of Lodges in tho U . S . It is scarce . " ( Lot 29 , Les plus Secrets Mystores . ) " Original edition , curious and interesting ; the author ' s theory is that Masonry was instituted by Godfrey do Bouillon iu Palestine in 1320 . "
( Lot 396 Giirtler ' s Templars ) first edition . " Was made the text for an excellent article in the Retrospective Review . ( Lot 397 , Dupuy . ) "A vast amount of curious documentary evidence . " ( Lot 409 , Jacob , Recherchos . ) " Contains an interesting chapter
on the Secret Tribunals of Germany . " ( Lot 405 , Nicolai Accusations , and in other lots . ) " Has become exceedingly scarce . " ( Lot 20 , Lo Macon Demasqne . ) " Solomon in all his glory is an English translation of this . It is rare and curious , quite different
from other ritualistic productions of the period . " We could go on gleaning interesting matter from Bro . Carson ' s List , but our space compels us to close , with the regret that we
have not been able to do full justice to the subject , a task which Dr . Kloss of Frankfort or Dr . Morison of Paris would have competently dealt with , but which probably , of all living men , Bro . William James Hughan , of Truro , conld alone perform satisfactorily .
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor * respondents . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications . All Letters must bear the name and address of the Writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
c DEAR Sin A _\ D BROTHER , —In reply to M . M . M ., in No . 26 of th Chronicle , allow mo to remind him that ho has misquoted tho words of the Book of Constitutions as to printing reports iu the Masonic journals . They nro : " without tho consent of tho Grand Master or Provincial Grand Master ; " and that , as the Masonic journals are
under tho patronage of tho Grand Master and Provincial Grand Masters , no other sanction or consent is necessary , ' the editors of tho journals being responsible that nothing numasouic shall appear in print iu connection with Lodges . MAGNUS OHItEN , P . M . and P . Z . Lower Sydenham , Kent , S . E .
To the Editor of THE FREEMASONS CHUOXICLK . DEAR SI it , —As we have fairly entered on onr Midsummer holidays and as no serious Masonic business will be transacted much before the month of September , a qncstion naturally siiggpats itself , what shall we do in the meantime to further tho ends of Masonry . There are various wavs in which we may subserve the interests of
the Craft . Wo havo become so popular of Jate , our Order has extended its ramifications in so many new directions , that we may certainly look forward to n , still more considerable accession of strength . Wo shall increase and multiply even more rapidly than in recent years , for once tho ball is set rolling there is no saying to what magnitude it may attain ultimately . There is thus ample time for
reflection between now and tho resumption of Masonic meetings as to those who may honour us with their candidature . It must not be overlooked that more numbers are not the principal elements of strength . We should exercise the strictest supervision as to those who seek admission into our ranks , just as did tho Essenes , who wore
scrupulously careful ubout whom they received as brethren . Then ; v ; aui , the time is approaching when we must begin to think about tho election of new officers . And lu , e may we ciovuto our leisure to studying the merits of likely candidate- ; . Tho character of a Lodge is fashioned by that of its rulers . Il ' ther- are men possessing sound
common sense and breadth or vie . v , wo may look for a good Lodge . But if tho oth ' cers aro feeble , or possess bat little influence , wo may anticipate that tho Lodge will be correspondingly weak . These aro points to which a Cow thoughts during our holidays may be fairly devoted . " Yours" Q . "
Answers To Correspondents.
WEEKLY CITIZEN - , OTTAWA . —Thanks lor exchange . Latelv we havo received two copies of each number , we presume through a mistake . APEX . —Wo witnessed the contretemps , and are sorry that it occurred . However , wo do not think your long letter will mend mattera . Your friend might havo been less imperious ,