Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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•^¦ " - ¦¦ g- OT- ^^^ g ^^^^^^^ | ^ J * 'J ^ - 'W- * V ' - ' ^ ^ 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Installation Meetings, &C.
FORTITUDE AND OLD CUMBERLAND LODGE , No . 12 . THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on the Gth instant , at the Ship and Tnrtle , Leadenhall-street , and was numerously attended . The chair was occupied by Bro . R . Coombs W . M ., he being supported by Bros . E . E . Barratt Kidder S . W ., J . Bedell J . W ., Dudley Rolls P . M . Treasurer , A . Snelgrove P . M . Secretary , D .
Matthews S . D ., G . Pigache J . D ., W . Jones I . G . ; Bros . Angold , Lemaitre , W . B . Kidder , L . Ruf ( the father of the Lodge ) , Lilley , Capes , S . Rolls , Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D ., Past Masters ; and the following , among other Visitors : —T . Vincent P . M . 1863 , Valerian ! J . D . 1687 , A . H . Carr , Lehnieyer 1196 , Dr . Ramsay P . P . G . D . Middlesex , W . Scales P . M ., Cook J . W . 1744 , W . R . Berkeley ,
William M . Stiles Worshipful Master 1507 , Tate Immediate P . M . 862 , Brown W . M . 862 , E . Storr J . D . 167 , J . J . Goode 1580 , Pearson 1319 , W . Marston P . M . 55 , Millward 179 , Rev . J . Rose 1677 , Paget 228 , Scott 78 , Paul Storr 811 , Frederick Binckes P . G . S ., Christie P . M . 1287 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge having been formally opened , Brother 0 . F . Peall was passed to the second degree , after
which Bro . E . E . Barratt Kidder the W . M . elect having been obligated , a board of Installed Masters was opened , and he was duly placed in the chair of K . S . Bro . W . B . Kidder performed the ceremony in a most perfect manner . After receiving the salutations of the brethren , the W . M . appointed the following as his Officers : —Bros . Bedell S . W ., Matthews J . W ., Rolls Treasurer , Snelgrove Secretary ,
Pigache S . D ., Jones J . D ., H . Rolls I . G ., and Marsh Tyler . The ceremony of installation was then completed , and the W . M . proceeded to close the Lodge . Before doing so he invested the I . P . M . with a P . M . ' s jewel , which he did in most appropriate terms . The brethren proceeded , after the close of the Lodge , to banquet , which was provided by Messrs . Painter in first rate style . At the conclusion
of the repast , grace was said by Bro . the Rev . J . Rose and then the W . M . proceeded with the toasts of the evening . With the toast of the G . Officers the name of Bro . Raynham W . Stewart was coupled , and he duly responded . The toast of the Visitors followed from the chair ; the W . M . expressed the pleasure the members of the Lodge felt in seeing so many present . Nothing added more to the good feeling
which existed amongst Freemasons than the frequent interchange of visits among the members of the Craft . Bro . Ramsay replied . He expressed , what he felt mast be the opinion of every Visitor , the pleasure he bad experienced in witnessing the perfect working of Bro . Kidder senior , and the able presidency of Bro . Kidder junior , and begged to tender to them and the other members of the Lodge the heartiest of
good wishes for their future prosperity . Bro . Coombs I . P . M . then gave the health of the Master , referring to the work undertaken by Bro . Kidder to render himself fit for tho office to which he had just been installed . He felt that the new Master of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodgo would be able to discharge the duties of his office in such a manner as to maintain for the Lodge the high reputation which
it had secured in the past . Bro . Kidder , in reply , thanked Bro . Coombs and the brethren generally for the reception they had accorded to the toast . He felt it was a very great honour for any man to ocenpy the position of W . M . in a Lodge which dated back as far as 1772 . For himself , he fnlly appreciated the honour that had been paid him . Between six and seven years since he had sat in the chair as an
initiate of the Lodge , and on that occasion it was remarked to him that he would never sifc in it again . He then replied , no j but expressed a hope that one day he might ocenpy the chair next to it , and now his great ambition had been attained . He trusted he might he able to fulfil the duties appertaining to the position during
the ensuing twelve months . He then proposed the health of the Past Masters , expressing the pleasure ho felt in seeing so many present . Bro . Coombs replied ; ho felt prond at being now classed among so worthy a body of Masons as the Past Masters of No . 12 . He referred particularly to the working of Bro . Kidder , who had that night installed his son into the chair of the Lodge in such a
manner ns to create envy in the hearts of all who heard him . He trusted it might bo many years before either of the Past Masters should be misse . d from their seats , bnt that each might live for many years to take part in the working of tho Lodge . He concluded by proposing tho health of Bro . Kidder , the Installing Master , referring to the pride which mnst naturally bo felt by a father when niacin ?
his son in the chair , and expressing a hopo that Bro . Kidder might hve to place his grandson in a similar position . Bro . Kidder responded . It had , indeed , been a great pleasure to him to have the opportunit y of installing his son , more particularly as it was in his mother Lodge , as well as his son ' s , that the ceremony had been carried
ont . The Master then gavo the ton sfc of the Treasurer and Secretary . They wer ^ two brethren who so ably performed their duties that he felt tbe Lodgo mast prosper so loog as ifc had them to assist in its management . Bro . Dudley Rolls replied . Ho remembered how , some fifteen years since , the Lodge had met some seven or eight membera strong ; now they assembled iu such large
Installation Meetings, &C.
numbers as to severely tax tbo accommodation of tho Old Ship and Turtle Tavern . They had that night witnessed a most pleasing ceremony—thit of an esteemed Past Master of the Lodgo installing his son , and when they boro in mind what an excellent Master the father had made , they could bnt hope the son would follow in the same course . He regretted that his colleague , the Secretary of tho
Lodge had been obliged to leave in consequence of a domestic affliction , but he felt justified in thanking the brethren on his behalf for the kind reception they had accorded to the toast . The toast of the Charities followed , from the chair , the W . M . referring to the presence of Bro . Fred Binckes , the Secretary of tbe Boys' School , for which Institntion he ( the W . M . ) had undertaken tbe office of Steward . He
trusted the brethren would do their utmost to make his list a good one , and that in dne course they wonld not forget the other Institutions . Bro . Binckes having replied , the Master gave the toasfc of the Officers , impressing on them the necessity there was for studying tbe ritnal in order that the work of the Lodge might be conducted
properly . The Wardens having replied , the Tyler s toasfc was given , and tbna finished an evening which was described as one of the most enjoyable ever remembered in this old and influential lodge . During the evening several songs and recitations were given by tbe brethren , which added considerably to the enjoyment of those present .
TO E . E . BARRATT KIDDER , ON HIS INSTALLATION . It is said , my dear Brother , you cannot well err , While wearing the implement known as a Square , Attached to your collar , whilst in Solomon ' s Chair , As Master of Twelve Lodge for the space of a year .
The Brethren around you join in one hearty wish , Thafc health , peace , and friendship may ever oxishf They'll steadfastly aid yon , to work with good grace , Whilst discharging the duties of snch a high place .
May the mem ' ries throughout the term of your reign Be such as you will with pleasure retain ; In feeling the P . M . 's have always sustained An exalted position so worthily gained J
At the end of the year , with loud acclamation , May the Brethren all , withont single exception , Vote a Past Master's jewel , in full approbation , Thafc the work has been done to their satisfaction !
And more we will do , Sir ; as a final reward , We'll regard your example as worthy record , And emblazon your name , with affection ' s regard , Among the old worthies whose names we applaud . W . B . K .
THE brethren of this Lodge celebrated their annual meeting on the 2 nd inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Lodge was opened nnder the presidency of Bro . J . H . Conlson the W . M . of the past year , he being supported by the following Officers : —Bros . C . Cuthbertson S . W ., Grammer J . W ., H . G . Buss Assistant Grand Secretary Treasurer , J . B . Poole P . M . Secretary , J . Murch S . D ., J . King J . D ., B . Haynes I . G ., Chapman I . P . M ., D . H . Jacobs P . M ., W . H . Libbis P . M .,
C . Atkins P . M ., T . J . Maidwell P . M ., Green P . M ., Hoare P . M ., Harrison P . M ., Lamble P . M ., Walker P . M ., and others . The customary routine bnsiness having been transacted the Lodge was advanced , tho W . M . elect presented and duly obligated , after which a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and in the presence of twenty-three brethren , Bro . Cuthbertson was installed into the chair
by his predecessor , who performed the work in a very creditable manner . Bro . Buss officiated as M . C , and Bro . Hastings Miller P . G . O . Middlesex as Organist . Tbe Officers for tbe coming year were ap . pointed as follow : —Grammer S . W ., March J . W ., Buss Treasurer , Poole Secretary , King S . D ., Haynes J . D ., Jones I . G ., Hall M . C , D . H . Jacobs P . M . Steward , Hoare jun . Assistant Steward , Potter
Tyler . The resignation of two members was accepted withregret , and then the Lodge was closed . Banquet followed , and at its conelusion the customary toasts wero given . In proposing thafc of the Grand Officers , the W . M . expressed the p leasure the members of the Lodge must feel in being so intimately associated with that body . They had in one of their members a Grand Officer of England ,
who was respected and esteemed by all who knew him . He referred to Bro . Buss , an old P . M . of the Lodge , and its Treasurer for many years past . He felt ifc was indeed an honour to nnmber such a brother among the Officers of any Lodge . On the present occasion they also had the presence of other Grand Officers—Bros . T . Cubitt and E . P . Albert . Bro . Buss , in the course of his reply , briefly referred to the
work carried on by the noblemen at the head of the Craft , not only in Grand Lodge , but also in the Provinces of which they were tho heads ; he felt that thoy had proved themselves worthy of the respect in which they were held . Bro . Cnbitt referred to tbe loss the Lodge had sustained in the death of Bro . John Savage , who hacl for a space of thirty years officiated as Installing Master of tho Lodge ;
and in the decease of Bro . Coutts , who was also a worthy member of the Graft . He paid a jnst compliment to the Installing Master , and also to the W . M . for his ablo presidency , and wished the Lodge every snecess in the future . Bro . Albert also replied . Bro . Conlson I . P . M . said he now claimed the attention of the brethren ; the toast
ho had to propose was thafc of tho Worshipfnl Master of the Lodge . Their present W . M . had most satisfactorily filled every junior office , and now that bo was a ruler ancl governor of _ the Craft he would doubtless do all that lay in his power to maintain tbe good reputation ho had already acquired . The Past Masters would do all they could to assist him , and he felt assured that uuder the rule
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
•^¦ " - ¦¦ g- OT- ^^^ g ^^^^^^^ | ^ J * 'J ^ - 'W- * V ' - ' ^ ^ 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Installation Meetings, &C.
FORTITUDE AND OLD CUMBERLAND LODGE , No . 12 . THE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on the Gth instant , at the Ship and Tnrtle , Leadenhall-street , and was numerously attended . The chair was occupied by Bro . R . Coombs W . M ., he being supported by Bros . E . E . Barratt Kidder S . W ., J . Bedell J . W ., Dudley Rolls P . M . Treasurer , A . Snelgrove P . M . Secretary , D .
Matthews S . D ., G . Pigache J . D ., W . Jones I . G . ; Bros . Angold , Lemaitre , W . B . Kidder , L . Ruf ( the father of the Lodge ) , Lilley , Capes , S . Rolls , Raynham W . Stewart P . G . D ., Past Masters ; and the following , among other Visitors : —T . Vincent P . M . 1863 , Valerian ! J . D . 1687 , A . H . Carr , Lehnieyer 1196 , Dr . Ramsay P . P . G . D . Middlesex , W . Scales P . M ., Cook J . W . 1744 , W . R . Berkeley ,
William M . Stiles Worshipful Master 1507 , Tate Immediate P . M . 862 , Brown W . M . 862 , E . Storr J . D . 167 , J . J . Goode 1580 , Pearson 1319 , W . Marston P . M . 55 , Millward 179 , Rev . J . Rose 1677 , Paget 228 , Scott 78 , Paul Storr 811 , Frederick Binckes P . G . S ., Christie P . M . 1287 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . The Lodge having been formally opened , Brother 0 . F . Peall was passed to the second degree , after
which Bro . E . E . Barratt Kidder the W . M . elect having been obligated , a board of Installed Masters was opened , and he was duly placed in the chair of K . S . Bro . W . B . Kidder performed the ceremony in a most perfect manner . After receiving the salutations of the brethren , the W . M . appointed the following as his Officers : —Bros . Bedell S . W ., Matthews J . W ., Rolls Treasurer , Snelgrove Secretary ,
Pigache S . D ., Jones J . D ., H . Rolls I . G ., and Marsh Tyler . The ceremony of installation was then completed , and the W . M . proceeded to close the Lodge . Before doing so he invested the I . P . M . with a P . M . ' s jewel , which he did in most appropriate terms . The brethren proceeded , after the close of the Lodge , to banquet , which was provided by Messrs . Painter in first rate style . At the conclusion
of the repast , grace was said by Bro . the Rev . J . Rose and then the W . M . proceeded with the toasts of the evening . With the toast of the G . Officers the name of Bro . Raynham W . Stewart was coupled , and he duly responded . The toast of the Visitors followed from the chair ; the W . M . expressed the pleasure the members of the Lodge felt in seeing so many present . Nothing added more to the good feeling
which existed amongst Freemasons than the frequent interchange of visits among the members of the Craft . Bro . Ramsay replied . He expressed , what he felt mast be the opinion of every Visitor , the pleasure he bad experienced in witnessing the perfect working of Bro . Kidder senior , and the able presidency of Bro . Kidder junior , and begged to tender to them and the other members of the Lodge the heartiest of
good wishes for their future prosperity . Bro . Coombs I . P . M . then gave the health of the Master , referring to the work undertaken by Bro . Kidder to render himself fit for tho office to which he had just been installed . He felt that the new Master of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodgo would be able to discharge the duties of his office in such a manner as to maintain for the Lodge the high reputation which
it had secured in the past . Bro . Kidder , in reply , thanked Bro . Coombs and the brethren generally for the reception they had accorded to the toast . He felt it was a very great honour for any man to ocenpy the position of W . M . in a Lodge which dated back as far as 1772 . For himself , he fnlly appreciated the honour that had been paid him . Between six and seven years since he had sat in the chair as an
initiate of the Lodge , and on that occasion it was remarked to him that he would never sifc in it again . He then replied , no j but expressed a hope that one day he might ocenpy the chair next to it , and now his great ambition had been attained . He trusted he might he able to fulfil the duties appertaining to the position during
the ensuing twelve months . He then proposed the health of the Past Masters , expressing the pleasure ho felt in seeing so many present . Bro . Coombs replied ; ho felt prond at being now classed among so worthy a body of Masons as the Past Masters of No . 12 . He referred particularly to the working of Bro . Kidder , who had that night installed his son into the chair of the Lodge in such a
manner ns to create envy in the hearts of all who heard him . He trusted it might bo many years before either of the Past Masters should be misse . d from their seats , bnt that each might live for many years to take part in the working of tho Lodge . He concluded by proposing tho health of Bro . Kidder , the Installing Master , referring to the pride which mnst naturally bo felt by a father when niacin ?
his son in the chair , and expressing a hopo that Bro . Kidder might hve to place his grandson in a similar position . Bro . Kidder responded . It had , indeed , been a great pleasure to him to have the opportunit y of installing his son , more particularly as it was in his mother Lodge , as well as his son ' s , that the ceremony had been carried
ont . The Master then gavo the ton sfc of the Treasurer and Secretary . They wer ^ two brethren who so ably performed their duties that he felt tbe Lodgo mast prosper so loog as ifc had them to assist in its management . Bro . Dudley Rolls replied . Ho remembered how , some fifteen years since , the Lodge had met some seven or eight membera strong ; now they assembled iu such large
Installation Meetings, &C.
numbers as to severely tax tbo accommodation of tho Old Ship and Turtle Tavern . They had that night witnessed a most pleasing ceremony—thit of an esteemed Past Master of the Lodgo installing his son , and when they boro in mind what an excellent Master the father had made , they could bnt hope the son would follow in the same course . He regretted that his colleague , the Secretary of tho
Lodge had been obliged to leave in consequence of a domestic affliction , but he felt justified in thanking the brethren on his behalf for the kind reception they had accorded to the toast . The toast of the Charities followed , from the chair , the W . M . referring to the presence of Bro . Fred Binckes , the Secretary of tbe Boys' School , for which Institntion he ( the W . M . ) had undertaken tbe office of Steward . He
trusted the brethren would do their utmost to make his list a good one , and that in dne course they wonld not forget the other Institutions . Bro . Binckes having replied , the Master gave the toasfc of the Officers , impressing on them the necessity there was for studying tbe ritnal in order that the work of the Lodge might be conducted
properly . The Wardens having replied , the Tyler s toasfc was given , and tbna finished an evening which was described as one of the most enjoyable ever remembered in this old and influential lodge . During the evening several songs and recitations were given by tbe brethren , which added considerably to the enjoyment of those present .
TO E . E . BARRATT KIDDER , ON HIS INSTALLATION . It is said , my dear Brother , you cannot well err , While wearing the implement known as a Square , Attached to your collar , whilst in Solomon ' s Chair , As Master of Twelve Lodge for the space of a year .
The Brethren around you join in one hearty wish , Thafc health , peace , and friendship may ever oxishf They'll steadfastly aid yon , to work with good grace , Whilst discharging the duties of snch a high place .
May the mem ' ries throughout the term of your reign Be such as you will with pleasure retain ; In feeling the P . M . 's have always sustained An exalted position so worthily gained J
At the end of the year , with loud acclamation , May the Brethren all , withont single exception , Vote a Past Master's jewel , in full approbation , Thafc the work has been done to their satisfaction !
And more we will do , Sir ; as a final reward , We'll regard your example as worthy record , And emblazon your name , with affection ' s regard , Among the old worthies whose names we applaud . W . B . K .
THE brethren of this Lodge celebrated their annual meeting on the 2 nd inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Lodge was opened nnder the presidency of Bro . J . H . Conlson the W . M . of the past year , he being supported by the following Officers : —Bros . C . Cuthbertson S . W ., Grammer J . W ., H . G . Buss Assistant Grand Secretary Treasurer , J . B . Poole P . M . Secretary , J . Murch S . D ., J . King J . D ., B . Haynes I . G ., Chapman I . P . M ., D . H . Jacobs P . M ., W . H . Libbis P . M .,
C . Atkins P . M ., T . J . Maidwell P . M ., Green P . M ., Hoare P . M ., Harrison P . M ., Lamble P . M ., Walker P . M ., and others . The customary routine bnsiness having been transacted the Lodge was advanced , tho W . M . elect presented and duly obligated , after which a Board of Installed Masters was opened , and in the presence of twenty-three brethren , Bro . Cuthbertson was installed into the chair
by his predecessor , who performed the work in a very creditable manner . Bro . Buss officiated as M . C , and Bro . Hastings Miller P . G . O . Middlesex as Organist . Tbe Officers for tbe coming year were ap . pointed as follow : —Grammer S . W ., March J . W ., Buss Treasurer , Poole Secretary , King S . D ., Haynes J . D ., Jones I . G ., Hall M . C , D . H . Jacobs P . M . Steward , Hoare jun . Assistant Steward , Potter
Tyler . The resignation of two members was accepted withregret , and then the Lodge was closed . Banquet followed , and at its conelusion the customary toasts wero given . In proposing thafc of the Grand Officers , the W . M . expressed the p leasure the members of the Lodge must feel in being so intimately associated with that body . They had in one of their members a Grand Officer of England ,
who was respected and esteemed by all who knew him . He referred to Bro . Buss , an old P . M . of the Lodge , and its Treasurer for many years past . He felt ifc was indeed an honour to nnmber such a brother among the Officers of any Lodge . On the present occasion they also had the presence of other Grand Officers—Bros . T . Cubitt and E . P . Albert . Bro . Buss , in the course of his reply , briefly referred to the
work carried on by the noblemen at the head of the Craft , not only in Grand Lodge , but also in the Provinces of which they were tho heads ; he felt that thoy had proved themselves worthy of the respect in which they were held . Bro . Cnbitt referred to tbe loss the Lodge had sustained in the death of Bro . John Savage , who hacl for a space of thirty years officiated as Installing Master of tho Lodge ;
and in the decease of Bro . Coutts , who was also a worthy member of the Graft . He paid a jnst compliment to the Installing Master , and also to the W . M . for his ablo presidency , and wished the Lodge every snecess in the future . Bro . Albert also replied . Bro . Conlson I . P . M . said he now claimed the attention of the brethren ; the toast
ho had to propose was thafc of tho Worshipfnl Master of the Lodge . Their present W . M . had most satisfactorily filled every junior office , and now that bo was a ruler ancl governor of _ the Craft he would doubtless do all that lay in his power to maintain tbe good reputation ho had already acquired . The Past Masters would do all they could to assist him , and he felt assured that uuder the rule