Article ROYAL YORK LODGE, No. 315. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TEMPLE LODGE, No. 558, FOLKESTONE. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Royal York Lodge, No. 315.
responded , remarking that among all their Provinces he believed there was nofc greater unity of Lodges than that shown in Sussex . He regretted the absence of their I . P . M . Bro . G . Nash , as he had prepared most interesting particulars of the history of the Royal York Lodge during the last fifty years . Bro . J . Eberall gave the Wor . ship fnl Master , and spoke in eulogistic terms of Bro . W . H . Gibson ,
who responded , and then proposed the Visitors . Bros . C . J . Smith , Francis , and T . Packham acknowledged the toast . The W . M . gave the Pasfc Masters , to which Bros . W . R . Wood and C . W . Hudson responded . The Officers of tho Lodge received acknowledgments from Bros . Lockyer and Ridgo , when the Tyler ' s toast terminated the list .
During the evening some excellent songs were sung by Bros . E . Broadbridge , R . Nicholson , and B . Burfiold . Bro . Kuhe contributed two p ianoforte solos in his usual masterly manner , while Bro . H . S " Gates was an effective accompanyist to the songs . A most enjoyable evening was spent .
Temple Lodge, No. 558, Folkestone.
THE brethren of the above Lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Lodge Room , Town Hall , on Tuesday last , the 7 th of March . A large number of brethren attended , including several Visitors , this being the usual day for installing the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Lodge being opened , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed , the ballot was taken for a candidate for
Freemasonry , and the result being satisfactory , Mr . W . Goddard was duly initiated by the W . M . into the ancient mysteries . The W . M . elect , Bro . W . Francis S . W ., was then presented to the W . M ., who proceeded to instal his successor , the ceremony being rendered in a very able manner , and the working tools in each degree being explained very elaborately by Bro . H . Field
P . M . The Officers invested for the year were as follows : —Bros . A . H . Holbein I . P . M ., G . Hart S . W ., H . Andrews J . W ., Bros . G . Harman S . D ., G . Swoffer J . D ., E . Danel . G ., the Rev . Canon Baynes P . M . P . P . G . Chaplain Warwick Chaplain , H . S . Roberts Organist , S , Joseph Treasnrer , James Kennett P . M . P . P . G . O . Kent Secretary , and J . Baker Tyler . Some further business was transacted
and tbe brethren then adjourned to Bates' Hotel , where an excellent banquet had been prepared by Bro . G . Hart . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given and heartily responded to . That of the Worshipful Master calling forth , from the Rev . Canon Baynes , an admirable speech upon the unity of feeling throughout the Order ; in fact , throughout the world he knew of no society ,
religions , political or social , wherein such unanimity was to be found . In the response to the toast of the Past Masters , the brethren were greatly interested in the remarks of Bro . F . H . Field P . M ., who gave a slight sketch of his adventures and vicissitudes since the last time he was at the Temple Lodge , he having only just arrived from Natal , and having during the past
three years seen a great deal of active service , in both the Zulu and Transvaal campaigns . Bro . Field also bore testimony to the nnity of Freemasonry , having been admirably treated by the Boers ( many of whom were Masons ) when he was wounded , at Majnba Hill , and afterwards made a prisoner . At the toast of the Masonio Charities , allusion was made fco fche late Festival of the Masonio Benevolent
Institution , when no less a sum than £ 12 , 600 was handed in to the Secretary of the Institution by the Stewards who were present . The Steward from Temple Lodge had fche honour of taking up thirty guineas towards this fund , subscribed by the members . Tho charity box was then passed round , and a sum of five guineas ( including two
guineas from Bro . Field ) was found in ifc . . This amount , it was unanimously resolved , should be sent to the Boys' School , and placed npon the next Steward's list . Altogether an exceedingly pleasant evening was spent . The musical arrangements being carried out in the Organist's nsnal incomparable manner .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 768—On 3 rd instant , a numerously attended meeting of . the above Lod ge of Instruction , was held afc Brother Dunham ' s , the Seymour Arms , Seymour-place , W . Amongst those present being Bros . Heath , West , Chambers , Coop , Bellerby , Hart , Dunham , Tribbel , Braun , Smith , Saunders , Weatheritt , Sedgwick , Moore , & o . Bro . West P . M .
presented tbe report of the Committee , which stated they had made inquiries and inspected the proposed Lodge room afc the Jacob ' s Well , George-street , Manchester . square , and had come to the conclusion that it was suitable for the required purpose . They had made arrangements to pay a certain rental , and had no donbt the terms proposed wonld be mutually satisfactory . Bro . Coop proposed that
the ^ report be received and adopted ; Bro . Braun seconded the proposition , whioh was carried . Bro . Bellerby proposed that a new code of B ye-Laws be framed , and suggested that thoso in use by the Hyde Park Lodge of Instraotion , with which most of the members were familiar , be the basis on which to work . Brother Coop seconded the proposition , which was carried . The Officers for the ensuing year
were then proposed and elected , namely , Bros . Coop Preceptor , Dunham Treasnrer , Moore Secretary . The Secretary reported that he had not received any reply to his application for the Lodge books , and was authorised to purchase such books as were necessary to carry on tbe work of the Lodge efficiently . Bro . West was invited to rake the chair on Friday evening ; Bro . West , in accepting this invitation
, said he would do so with pleasure , and with their assistance would rehearse tho ceremony of installation , so that they might •"" " "¦ gin their labours at their new abode iu a formal and constitutional wanner . After the dues were collected , a vote of thanks was passed «> Bro . Dunham for tbe use of his room , and also to the chairman tO ^ ' aing * Tho meefcin g closed an £ l adjourned till Friday , * vfch instant , at the Jacob's Well George-street , Jlfanob . ester . square .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 7 th March . Present : —Bros . Christian W . M ., Smyth S . W ., T . Clark J . W ., Corbie S . D ., Edwards J . D ., Baker I . G ., F . Carr Hon . Secretary , Brasted P . M . Acting Preceptor , also Bros . Forss , Boyce , Gosling , Catling . After preliminaries , fche ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Boyce candidate . Bro . Forss worked the first section
of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Catling , as candidate for passing , was interrogated and entrusted . Lodge was opened in tho second , and Bro . Catling was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , Bro . Forss worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the second degree , and Bro . Smyth was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 1445 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , 2 nd instant , at Bro Stevenson ' s , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-road , Dalston , under , the presidency of Bro . N . D . Partridge W . M . There were also present Bros . S . Lewis S . W ., W . McDonald J . W ., J . Robson S . D ., Kimbell I . G ., H . Seymour-Clarke M . C , Winkley W . S ., W . H . Myers
P . M . Treasurer , acting as I . P . M ., J . Walters P . M Sec , F . Wilkins P . M ., J . Clark P . M . ; Bros . Stevenson , Bailey , Voillanme , Boarcock , Toombs , Edwards , Gabriel , Newman . Visitors—Bros . W . Cook J . D . 22 , F . Long ( late of 1445 ) , Heatb . Lodge being opened in due form in the three degrees , and neither of the two expected candidates for raising having arrived , the W . M . was compelled to close down , when
the Secretary reported the recei pt of three resignations . A resolution was nnanimously passed that the Secretary write the I . P . M ., express , ing the deep regrefc of the Lodge to receive his resignation , and strongly urging him to re-consider the same , assuring him of the great esteem in whioh he was held by the brethren generally . The other resignations were received with regrefc . Some routine bnsiness
was disposed of , and the brethren adjourned to a well-served repast , when the remainder of the evening was spent in social festivity . The health of her Majesty the Qneen was most cordially received , as usual , though the brethren were then ignorant of the fact that her life bad that afternoon been in jeopardy . Indeed , it is fearful to con . template the gloom whioh wonld have been cast over tbe Craft had not the G . A . O . T . U . averted such a doom .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . —At the weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction , held at The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , on Wednesday , 1 st inst ., Bros . Partridge presided as W . M ., assisted by 0 . Robson S . W ., Richardson J . W ., J . Robson S . D ., Laroom J . D ., Kimbell I . G ., McDonald I . P . M ., Sey . monr-Clarke Secretary ; also Bro . Mncgregor , and others . Lodge
having been opened and the minntes read , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation . Lodge was advanced , and Brother Seymour . Clarke was questioned and entrusted , and afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Lodge was regularly closed to firsfc degree , when Brother C . Robson was elected W . M . for Wednesday , 8 fch March . The annual supper of this Lodge of Instruction will be held afc fche latter end of this month ; of this farther notice will be given .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1812 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 9 th March , afc the Feathers' Hotel Ealing . Present .- —Bros . C . Andrews P . M . W . M ., H . Kasner P . M . S . W ., Murch J . W ., J . Wells Secretary , Cunningham S . D ., A . Jones J . D ., J . Owen I . G ., also Bros . J . A . Smith , H . Hewlings , Pitt , W . Seward . The Lodge was opened in due form , and tbe minntes of the previous meeting were read , confirmed and signed . The W . M .
rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Hewlings candidate . Bro . A . Jones gave the charge . The Lodge was opened in the second , and Bro . Lamb , who bad answered tbe questions , was passed . The Secretary read a notice from the Secretary of the Lodge of Freemasons afc Portsmouth , respecting volunteers who may pay them a visit during tbe Easter Volunteer Review . Bro . H . Kasner was elected W . M . for 16 th March , and Lodge was closed in due form .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original nnd only trne . . ifffiHiMn . TJUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to SM *| i' $ 3 lsHfc -tl * marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and IE ^^ BB' rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-£ * nH * £ tJ ^ ' 8 Pasm 9 ' fo'ic . Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . ff Mi wsL __ ftcts ^ 'k a ° harm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in && 'PftoM ffp ^ Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-* # AD £ UXRr » ever cause > soothes and strengthens the system under ex-£ " hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James . Lord Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles Is l | d , 2 s 9 d , Is 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold hy all Chemists . TESTIMOHIAIS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu ^ -h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is hero existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CHAM . ES W . UWBK , L . R . C . P . Lou ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabal . The Times , Angnst 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with tbe Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks ! onsjer , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as ft doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOKOPVNE , with which I effected miraculous cures
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal York Lodge, No. 315.
responded , remarking that among all their Provinces he believed there was nofc greater unity of Lodges than that shown in Sussex . He regretted the absence of their I . P . M . Bro . G . Nash , as he had prepared most interesting particulars of the history of the Royal York Lodge during the last fifty years . Bro . J . Eberall gave the Wor . ship fnl Master , and spoke in eulogistic terms of Bro . W . H . Gibson ,
who responded , and then proposed the Visitors . Bros . C . J . Smith , Francis , and T . Packham acknowledged the toast . The W . M . gave the Pasfc Masters , to which Bros . W . R . Wood and C . W . Hudson responded . The Officers of tho Lodge received acknowledgments from Bros . Lockyer and Ridgo , when the Tyler ' s toast terminated the list .
During the evening some excellent songs were sung by Bros . E . Broadbridge , R . Nicholson , and B . Burfiold . Bro . Kuhe contributed two p ianoforte solos in his usual masterly manner , while Bro . H . S " Gates was an effective accompanyist to the songs . A most enjoyable evening was spent .
Temple Lodge, No. 558, Folkestone.
THE brethren of the above Lodge held their usual monthly meeting at the Lodge Room , Town Hall , on Tuesday last , the 7 th of March . A large number of brethren attended , including several Visitors , this being the usual day for installing the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . Lodge being opened , and the minutes of last meeting confirmed , the ballot was taken for a candidate for
Freemasonry , and the result being satisfactory , Mr . W . Goddard was duly initiated by the W . M . into the ancient mysteries . The W . M . elect , Bro . W . Francis S . W ., was then presented to the W . M ., who proceeded to instal his successor , the ceremony being rendered in a very able manner , and the working tools in each degree being explained very elaborately by Bro . H . Field
P . M . The Officers invested for the year were as follows : —Bros . A . H . Holbein I . P . M ., G . Hart S . W ., H . Andrews J . W ., Bros . G . Harman S . D ., G . Swoffer J . D ., E . Danel . G ., the Rev . Canon Baynes P . M . P . P . G . Chaplain Warwick Chaplain , H . S . Roberts Organist , S , Joseph Treasnrer , James Kennett P . M . P . P . G . O . Kent Secretary , and J . Baker Tyler . Some further business was transacted
and tbe brethren then adjourned to Bates' Hotel , where an excellent banquet had been prepared by Bro . G . Hart . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given and heartily responded to . That of the Worshipful Master calling forth , from the Rev . Canon Baynes , an admirable speech upon the unity of feeling throughout the Order ; in fact , throughout the world he knew of no society ,
religions , political or social , wherein such unanimity was to be found . In the response to the toast of the Past Masters , the brethren were greatly interested in the remarks of Bro . F . H . Field P . M ., who gave a slight sketch of his adventures and vicissitudes since the last time he was at the Temple Lodge , he having only just arrived from Natal , and having during the past
three years seen a great deal of active service , in both the Zulu and Transvaal campaigns . Bro . Field also bore testimony to the nnity of Freemasonry , having been admirably treated by the Boers ( many of whom were Masons ) when he was wounded , at Majnba Hill , and afterwards made a prisoner . At the toast of the Masonio Charities , allusion was made fco fche late Festival of the Masonio Benevolent
Institution , when no less a sum than £ 12 , 600 was handed in to the Secretary of the Institution by the Stewards who were present . The Steward from Temple Lodge had fche honour of taking up thirty guineas towards this fund , subscribed by the members . Tho charity box was then passed round , and a sum of five guineas ( including two
guineas from Bro . Field ) was found in ifc . . This amount , it was unanimously resolved , should be sent to the Boys' School , and placed npon the next Steward's list . Altogether an exceedingly pleasant evening was spent . The musical arrangements being carried out in the Organist's nsnal incomparable manner .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 768—On 3 rd instant , a numerously attended meeting of . the above Lod ge of Instruction , was held afc Brother Dunham ' s , the Seymour Arms , Seymour-place , W . Amongst those present being Bros . Heath , West , Chambers , Coop , Bellerby , Hart , Dunham , Tribbel , Braun , Smith , Saunders , Weatheritt , Sedgwick , Moore , & o . Bro . West P . M .
presented tbe report of the Committee , which stated they had made inquiries and inspected the proposed Lodge room afc the Jacob ' s Well , George-street , Manchester . square , and had come to the conclusion that it was suitable for the required purpose . They had made arrangements to pay a certain rental , and had no donbt the terms proposed wonld be mutually satisfactory . Bro . Coop proposed that
the ^ report be received and adopted ; Bro . Braun seconded the proposition , whioh was carried . Bro . Bellerby proposed that a new code of B ye-Laws be framed , and suggested that thoso in use by the Hyde Park Lodge of Instraotion , with which most of the members were familiar , be the basis on which to work . Brother Coop seconded the proposition , which was carried . The Officers for the ensuing year
were then proposed and elected , namely , Bros . Coop Preceptor , Dunham Treasnrer , Moore Secretary . The Secretary reported that he had not received any reply to his application for the Lodge books , and was authorised to purchase such books as were necessary to carry on tbe work of the Lodge efficiently . Bro . West was invited to rake the chair on Friday evening ; Bro . West , in accepting this invitation
, said he would do so with pleasure , and with their assistance would rehearse tho ceremony of installation , so that they might •"" " "¦ gin their labours at their new abode iu a formal and constitutional wanner . After the dues were collected , a vote of thanks was passed «> Bro . Dunham for tbe use of his room , and also to the chairman tO ^ ' aing * Tho meefcin g closed an £ l adjourned till Friday , * vfch instant , at the Jacob's Well George-street , Jlfanob . ester . square .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —At Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 7 th March . Present : —Bros . Christian W . M ., Smyth S . W ., T . Clark J . W ., Corbie S . D ., Edwards J . D ., Baker I . G ., F . Carr Hon . Secretary , Brasted P . M . Acting Preceptor , also Bros . Forss , Boyce , Gosling , Catling . After preliminaries , fche ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Boyce candidate . Bro . Forss worked the first section
of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Catling , as candidate for passing , was interrogated and entrusted . Lodge was opened in tho second , and Bro . Catling was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , Bro . Forss worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was closed in the second degree , and Bro . Smyth was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 1445 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , 2 nd instant , at Bro Stevenson ' s , Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-road , Dalston , under , the presidency of Bro . N . D . Partridge W . M . There were also present Bros . S . Lewis S . W ., W . McDonald J . W ., J . Robson S . D ., Kimbell I . G ., H . Seymour-Clarke M . C , Winkley W . S ., W . H . Myers
P . M . Treasurer , acting as I . P . M ., J . Walters P . M Sec , F . Wilkins P . M ., J . Clark P . M . ; Bros . Stevenson , Bailey , Voillanme , Boarcock , Toombs , Edwards , Gabriel , Newman . Visitors—Bros . W . Cook J . D . 22 , F . Long ( late of 1445 ) , Heatb . Lodge being opened in due form in the three degrees , and neither of the two expected candidates for raising having arrived , the W . M . was compelled to close down , when
the Secretary reported the recei pt of three resignations . A resolution was nnanimously passed that the Secretary write the I . P . M ., express , ing the deep regrefc of the Lodge to receive his resignation , and strongly urging him to re-consider the same , assuring him of the great esteem in whioh he was held by the brethren generally . The other resignations were received with regrefc . Some routine bnsiness
was disposed of , and the brethren adjourned to a well-served repast , when the remainder of the evening was spent in social festivity . The health of her Majesty the Qneen was most cordially received , as usual , though the brethren were then ignorant of the fact that her life bad that afternoon been in jeopardy . Indeed , it is fearful to con . template the gloom whioh wonld have been cast over tbe Craft had not the G . A . O . T . U . averted such a doom .
Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . —At the weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction , held at The Moorgate , Finsbury Pavement , on Wednesday , 1 st inst ., Bros . Partridge presided as W . M ., assisted by 0 . Robson S . W ., Richardson J . W ., J . Robson S . D ., Laroom J . D ., Kimbell I . G ., McDonald I . P . M ., Sey . monr-Clarke Secretary ; also Bro . Mncgregor , and others . Lodge
having been opened and the minntes read , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation . Lodge was advanced , and Brother Seymour . Clarke was questioned and entrusted , and afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Lodge was regularly closed to firsfc degree , when Brother C . Robson was elected W . M . for Wednesday , 8 fch March . The annual supper of this Lodge of Instruction will be held afc fche latter end of this month ; of this farther notice will be given .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1812 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 9 th March , afc the Feathers' Hotel Ealing . Present .- —Bros . C . Andrews P . M . W . M ., H . Kasner P . M . S . W ., Murch J . W ., J . Wells Secretary , Cunningham S . D ., A . Jones J . D ., J . Owen I . G ., also Bros . J . A . Smith , H . Hewlings , Pitt , W . Seward . The Lodge was opened in due form , and tbe minntes of the previous meeting were read , confirmed and signed . The W . M .
rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Hewlings candidate . Bro . A . Jones gave the charge . The Lodge was opened in the second , and Bro . Lamb , who bad answered tbe questions , was passed . The Secretary read a notice from the Secretary of the Lodge of Freemasons afc Portsmouth , respecting volunteers who may pay them a visit during tbe Easter Volunteer Review . Bro . H . Kasner was elected W . M . for 16 th March , and Lodge was closed in due form .
FREEMAN'S CHLORODYNE . The Original nnd only trne . . ifffiHiMn . TJUNDREDS of Medical Practitioners testify to SM *| i' $ 3 lsHfc -tl * marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and IE ^^ BB' rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural-£ * nH * £ tJ ^ ' 8 Pasm 9 ' fo'ic . Whooping Cough , and all Nerve Pains . ff Mi wsL __ ftcts ^ 'k a ° harm in Diarrhoea , and is the only specific in && 'PftoM ffp ^ Cholera and Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what-* # AD £ UXRr » ever cause > soothes and strengthens the system under ex-£ " hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James . Lord Justice Hellish decided in favour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . See Times of July 21 th , 1873 . Bottles Is l | d , 2 s 9 d , Is 6 d , lis , and 20 s . Sold hy all Chemists . TESTIMOHIAIS . —Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 . Mr . R . Freeman , Dear Sir , —It is with mu ^ -h pleasure I am able to state that your Chlorodyne has been of special service to me in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is hero existent in an aggravated form . Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is your Chlorodyne . Yours faithfully , CHAM . ES W . UWBK , L . R . C . P . Lou ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Surgeon , Cabal . The Times , Angnst 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with tbe Russian Army . Okoum , July 25 th , 1877 . The want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks ! onsjer , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as ft doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOKOPVNE , with which I effected miraculous cures