Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER , 2 nsrzD MARCH 188 7 . Bro . A . F . GODSON'S Committee sits daily at No . 2 Pump Court , Temple , E . G ., from 2 to 4 , to which place all communications should in future be addressed .
1 R , O " 5 T . A . L MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB ACID FREEMASONS A .-iD WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . — : o : — Grand Patron and President : His E OYAL H IGHNESS T HE P RINCE OT W ALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE AMIYERSiRY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION WILi TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON oir TUESDAY , 22 ND FEBRUARY 1887 , In lien of Wednesday , the 23 rd , as previously announced , UPON WHICH OCCASION W . WITHER B . BEACH , Esq ., M . P . E . W . PROV . G . M . HANTS AHB ISLE OF "WIGHT , has boon pleased to signify Ms intention of presiding' . Brethren aro earnestly invited to accept tho Office of Steward upon this occasion , and thoy will greatly oblige by forwarding their Names and Masonic Hank , as soon , as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly givo any information required , and supply them with all necessary circulars , & c . If , is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to tho largo numbe of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren will use " their influence to obtain donations towavils tho funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at tho present timo . JAMES TERRY , P . Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . < t Freemasons' Hall , London , W . O .
MASONIC JL , JTJ C T U R IS . KNOBS AMD EXCRESCENCES . T ) K 0 . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is open to accept invitations ) for the delivery of his LECTUI : ^ in MiiTHoi'OMTAif or P UOVIXCIAL LODGES , or LODGES OF INSTULXIIO - ' . No Lecture fee ; travelling expenses enly accepted . Address—Clapham S . W .
APRIL ELECTION , 1887 . Tho Votes and Interest of tbe Governors and Subscribers of the Ilomil Hnsoiiic f iTstiiutbii far lews Are earnestly solicited on behalf of JOHN FAWCETT , AGKD NINE YKAR 3 . Whose Father , Biv > . J OHN G ASCOIGNK F AWCETT , Into of the " Limes , " Heme , Kent , was initiated in the " St . Angnstino ' s Lodge , " No . 972 , on tho 18 th of May 1 SS 1 , and continued a subscribing member until Fubrnnry 1880 . lie wos ono of tho Founders of the Ethelbert Lodgo , No . 2099 , nnd was Soi . ior Deacon of that Lod go np to tho time of his death , which took p . nco (; iftor a protracted and severe illness ) on the 0 th of August LSN <> . lie was alwaya ready to help in the canso of clmriiy and hi .- ? fellow creatures , lie has loft a widow and six children almost totally unprovided for . The case is strongly recommended by the following Lodges : — ETHELBBIiT , 2099 , and St . AUG-IISTIIME , 972 ; Also by tlie luiderinentionecl brethren : — V . W . itoin . uc G ' . mx President of tlio "Board of lioitovotoncc , 11 RnSoOll ? f | 'l' ! l'C . W . O . * 0 . F . V /\ c ! r ^ ,: iM' . a . D . 10 ; nt I . P . M . 209 !) P . M . 1209 , Wrnyton House , Broadstaiid . Ono . P IM : IM : R P . P . O . P . C . Kent P . M . 07 . ' , St . PetcrVstrcet , Canterbury . * T . 15 . llo = Hi . "Kii P . M .. 97-, Flour do IA * Ilote > , Canterbury . 8 . P . PKI . VOUFK P . M . 972 , 37 London-road , Canterbury . * . S . XFAYXM , - W . M . 9 " 2 , Sfc . OeoTo'cV-sfcreefc , Canterbury . U . WESTWOOH S . W . 972 , Nunnery Fields , Canterbury ! * U . F . PHISGI-EI : J . W . 972 , 70 Xdkli . wito-street , Canterbury . * J . t' . COZK . VS P . M . 972 . lu Lou snort , Canterbuiv . Kmvi . v li :: i-: i : P . M . 972 P . Z . : jl l . ' . P . O . S . I ! ., tit . Paul ' s , Canterbury . * KDWAI ! II Arm : W . M . 2099 , i !; : 'i : o , iienr Canterbury . * ll . i-.. vi : > - OI : EV W . M . I v 20 , liiillcy lloiu-c , Heme , Canterbury . * P . A . i ' vi . t . ns P . M . 7 ! 2 , Heme Hill . S . U . * F . S . RoiiiSLitri , /) P . M . 12-w , 7 Minna , Heme Bay . * T . M . liicM'o . v P . M . 521 , Uova ! Avoauo , Cliatsca Collet . * K . C . Pi : NOL- [ . ifKcS W . 2999 , Home bay , Kent . , ; 'it . C . . IOXES J . W . 2099 , Kenwood , . Heme Pay . * US' WHOM PlIOXIKS WILL DE iniNKriTLfri- KECEIVED ; Or b y Mrs . FAWCETT , Kidicy Villas , Heme , near Canterbury .
STAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , BROTHER JOHN BRILL , PROPRIETOR . TITHE accommodation at this Popular Establishment for X MASONIC LODGES AUD CHAPTERS W i ll b e fou n d of the most complete and perfect character . THE LODGE ROOMS ARE COMMODIOUS AND WELL APPOINTED , THE BANQUET HALL WILL SEAT OVER 100 GUESTS . The Cu l i n ary Arrangements embrace every modern ^ feature . % ctral < # utilities for 8 ffiUbbiKg breakfasts , & rims , Gtmxte , § 1111 $ , mxH ( Simmnj parties . Tlic Sloclc of WINES comprises all the BEST KNOWN BRANDS , mid will lie ibiind iu PERFECT CONDITION . PEIVATE KOOMS FOE LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES . GOOD STABLING . CARRIAGES . WAGONETTES . BRAKES , & c . ON HIRE . Scale of Charges and further particulars on application . THE ROTAI ALFRED LODGE , CHISWICK LODGE , CHISWICK MABK LODGE , LOI ' ALTY AND CHARITY LODGE , ROSE OF DENMARK CHAPTER , ST . MART ' CHAPTER , AND ROTAL AMRED LODGE or INSTRUCTION , HOLD THEIR MEETINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT .
Victoria fHarcsioros Restaurant , VICTORIA STREET , WESTMINSTER , S . W . A SUITE OF ROOMS , MOST CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . EIGHT LODGES ALREADY MEET HERE ; AMPLE ACCOMMODATION FOR OTHERS Separate Entrance—apart from the Eestaurant—from Victoria Street . The Lodge Koom , Ante Room , & c , on one Floor , Quite Private . THE BANQUET ROOM WILL SEAT UPWARDS OF 100 GUESTS . CHOICE STOCK OF WINES , SPIRITS , do . "Wedding : Breakfasts , Soirees , Concerts , ^ Parties , G-lee Clubs , & cc , & cc , accommodated , Particulars on A pp lication to H . CLOOTS , Proprietor , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , VictoriaJSt ., W e s tm i nster , S . W
EDUCATION AND HOME FOB GIELS , From 6 to 1 < L Years of * -A . ge . "POURNEMOUTH . —A well-known medical man , of West End of JJ London , highly recommends the above , with a Widow lady , who only receives n , few Pupils to Kducafcc with lieronly daughter , and who resides near Sea and Gardens on the bracing East Cliff , . Bournemouth . English , French , and German . 3 ? ian . % arid "Violin ., wifh . Master ' s Lessons . INCLUSIVE MODERATE TERMS , For particulars , address MED re us , c / o Mrs . M ., Sunny Croft , St . Clement ' s Church Itoad , Bournemouth .
Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE N . AND BY ORDER Oi' ALL BOOKSELLERS . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied carriage freo , at 10 / - per dozen .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER , 2 nsrzD MARCH 188 7 . Bro . A . F . GODSON'S Committee sits daily at No . 2 Pump Court , Temple , E . G ., from 2 to 4 , to which place all communications should in future be addressed .
1 R , O " 5 T . A . L MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOB ACID FREEMASONS A .-iD WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROYDON . — : o : — Grand Patron and President : His E OYAL H IGHNESS T HE P RINCE OT W ALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE AMIYERSiRY FESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION WILi TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON oir TUESDAY , 22 ND FEBRUARY 1887 , In lien of Wednesday , the 23 rd , as previously announced , UPON WHICH OCCASION W . WITHER B . BEACH , Esq ., M . P . E . W . PROV . G . M . HANTS AHB ISLE OF "WIGHT , has boon pleased to signify Ms intention of presiding' . Brethren aro earnestly invited to accept tho Office of Steward upon this occasion , and thoy will greatly oblige by forwarding their Names and Masonic Hank , as soon , as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly givo any information required , and supply them with all necessary circulars , & c . If , is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to tho largo numbe of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren will use " their influence to obtain donations towavils tho funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at tho present timo . JAMES TERRY , P . Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , Secretary . < t Freemasons' Hall , London , W . O .
MASONIC JL , JTJ C T U R IS . KNOBS AMD EXCRESCENCES . T ) K 0 . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is open to accept invitations ) for the delivery of his LECTUI : ^ in MiiTHoi'OMTAif or P UOVIXCIAL LODGES , or LODGES OF INSTULXIIO - ' . No Lecture fee ; travelling expenses enly accepted . Address—Clapham S . W .
APRIL ELECTION , 1887 . Tho Votes and Interest of tbe Governors and Subscribers of the Ilomil Hnsoiiic f iTstiiutbii far lews Are earnestly solicited on behalf of JOHN FAWCETT , AGKD NINE YKAR 3 . Whose Father , Biv > . J OHN G ASCOIGNK F AWCETT , Into of the " Limes , " Heme , Kent , was initiated in the " St . Angnstino ' s Lodge , " No . 972 , on tho 18 th of May 1 SS 1 , and continued a subscribing member until Fubrnnry 1880 . lie wos ono of tho Founders of the Ethelbert Lodgo , No . 2099 , nnd was Soi . ior Deacon of that Lod go np to tho time of his death , which took p . nco (; iftor a protracted and severe illness ) on the 0 th of August LSN <> . lie was alwaya ready to help in the canso of clmriiy and hi .- ? fellow creatures , lie has loft a widow and six children almost totally unprovided for . The case is strongly recommended by the following Lodges : — ETHELBBIiT , 2099 , and St . AUG-IISTIIME , 972 ; Also by tlie luiderinentionecl brethren : — V . W . itoin . uc G ' . mx President of tlio "Board of lioitovotoncc , 11 RnSoOll ? f | 'l' ! l'C . W . O . * 0 . F . V /\ c ! r ^ ,: iM' . a . D . 10 ; nt I . P . M . 209 !) P . M . 1209 , Wrnyton House , Broadstaiid . Ono . P IM : IM : R P . P . O . P . C . Kent P . M . 07 . ' , St . PetcrVstrcet , Canterbury . * T . 15 . llo = Hi . "Kii P . M .. 97-, Flour do IA * Ilote > , Canterbury . 8 . P . PKI . VOUFK P . M . 972 , 37 London-road , Canterbury . * . S . XFAYXM , - W . M . 9 " 2 , Sfc . OeoTo'cV-sfcreefc , Canterbury . U . WESTWOOH S . W . 972 , Nunnery Fields , Canterbury ! * U . F . PHISGI-EI : J . W . 972 , 70 Xdkli . wito-street , Canterbury . * J . t' . COZK . VS P . M . 972 . lu Lou snort , Canterbuiv . Kmvi . v li :: i-: i : P . M . 972 P . Z . : jl l . ' . P . O . S . I ! ., tit . Paul ' s , Canterbury . * KDWAI ! II Arm : W . M . 2099 , i !; : 'i : o , iienr Canterbury . * ll . i-.. vi : > - OI : EV W . M . I v 20 , liiillcy lloiu-c , Heme , Canterbury . * P . A . i ' vi . t . ns P . M . 7 ! 2 , Heme Hill . S . U . * F . S . RoiiiSLitri , /) P . M . 12-w , 7 Minna , Heme Bay . * T . M . liicM'o . v P . M . 521 , Uova ! Avoauo , Cliatsca Collet . * K . C . Pi : NOL- [ . ifKcS W . 2999 , Home bay , Kent . , ; 'it . C . . IOXES J . W . 2099 , Kenwood , . Heme Pay . * US' WHOM PlIOXIKS WILL DE iniNKriTLfri- KECEIVED ; Or b y Mrs . FAWCETT , Kidicy Villas , Heme , near Canterbury .
STAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , BROTHER JOHN BRILL , PROPRIETOR . TITHE accommodation at this Popular Establishment for X MASONIC LODGES AUD CHAPTERS W i ll b e fou n d of the most complete and perfect character . THE LODGE ROOMS ARE COMMODIOUS AND WELL APPOINTED , THE BANQUET HALL WILL SEAT OVER 100 GUESTS . The Cu l i n ary Arrangements embrace every modern ^ feature . % ctral < # utilities for 8 ffiUbbiKg breakfasts , & rims , Gtmxte , § 1111 $ , mxH ( Simmnj parties . Tlic Sloclc of WINES comprises all the BEST KNOWN BRANDS , mid will lie ibiind iu PERFECT CONDITION . PEIVATE KOOMS FOE LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES . GOOD STABLING . CARRIAGES . WAGONETTES . BRAKES , & c . ON HIRE . Scale of Charges and further particulars on application . THE ROTAI ALFRED LODGE , CHISWICK LODGE , CHISWICK MABK LODGE , LOI ' ALTY AND CHARITY LODGE , ROSE OF DENMARK CHAPTER , ST . MART ' CHAPTER , AND ROTAL AMRED LODGE or INSTRUCTION , HOLD THEIR MEETINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT .
Victoria fHarcsioros Restaurant , VICTORIA STREET , WESTMINSTER , S . W . A SUITE OF ROOMS , MOST CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED FOR MASONIC MEETINGS . EIGHT LODGES ALREADY MEET HERE ; AMPLE ACCOMMODATION FOR OTHERS Separate Entrance—apart from the Eestaurant—from Victoria Street . The Lodge Koom , Ante Room , & c , on one Floor , Quite Private . THE BANQUET ROOM WILL SEAT UPWARDS OF 100 GUESTS . CHOICE STOCK OF WINES , SPIRITS , do . "Wedding : Breakfasts , Soirees , Concerts , ^ Parties , G-lee Clubs , & cc , & cc , accommodated , Particulars on A pp lication to H . CLOOTS , Proprietor , Victoria Mansions Restaurant , VictoriaJSt ., W e s tm i nster , S . W
EDUCATION AND HOME FOB GIELS , From 6 to 1 < L Years of * -A . ge . "POURNEMOUTH . —A well-known medical man , of West End of JJ London , highly recommends the above , with a Widow lady , who only receives n , few Pupils to Kducafcc with lieronly daughter , and who resides near Sea and Gardens on the bracing East Cliff , . Bournemouth . English , French , and German . 3 ? ian . % arid "Violin ., wifh . Master ' s Lessons . INCLUSIVE MODERATE TERMS , For particulars , address MED re us , c / o Mrs . M ., Sunny Croft , St . Clement ' s Church Itoad , Bournemouth .
Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE N . AND BY ORDER Oi' ALL BOOKSELLERS . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied carriage freo , at 10 / - per dozen .