Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON " , N . OFFICE : 6 Freemasons' Hall , Great ( Jneen . street , W . C . PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : H . K . H . THE P RINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY General Court of the Governors and Subscribers will bo hold at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-innflelcls , London , on Monday , tho 16 th day of April 1877 , for the transaction of tho ordinary business of tho Institution , to elect a Treasurer for tho ensuing year , to elect 12 brethren as members of tho General Committee to represent tho life and annual subscribers , to elect la Boys from an approved list of 59 candidates , to consider the following notices of motion : 1 . By Bro . Raynham W . Stewart : — That tho meetings of the Quarterly General Courts , iu January and July , be hold at % p . m . instead of 12 noon . 2 . By Bio . H . G . Wan-en : — That , havinjr regard to tho increased income of the Institution and tho altered position of tho Secretary and Collector , it is ex : edient that Rules 71 and 75 shall be so amended ns t > provide that the Secretary shall give security for , £ 1000 , tho Secretary's Chief Clerk £ 500 , and any other Clerks JB 250 each . Such security to be provided through an Approved Guarantee Society , and the pre . miums paid by this Institution , so as not to be a burthen on the officials . The chair will bo taken at 12 o'clock at noon precisely . Tho ballot for the election of candidates will commence at 1 o ' clock , nnd will close at 3 o ' clock , or earlier , should tho general business bo completed before that hour . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . Steward , Secretary . 7 thAprillS 77 . V Tho SEVENTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY . FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , 27 th June 1877 . Contributions aro earnestly solicited , and the nervices of Brethren as Stewards will be gratefully appreciated .
Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . THE EIGHTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WILL BB HBLD AT FREEMASONS' TAVEUN , OIIEAT (( VEEN STREET , LONDON , On Wednesday , the 9 th May 1877 , at 6 p . m . precisely . The Bight Hon . the Lord Suffield , K . C . B ., B . W . Prov . Grand Master lor Norfolk in the chair . President of tho Board of Stewards : W . Bro . F . A . PniiiiuicK , Q . C , P . G . D . Treasurer : W . Bro . W . R . WOODMAN , M . D ., P . G . S . B . The names of brethren willing to act as Stewards will bo gladly referred by the Secretary , R . AVENTWORTH LITTLE , D . P . G . M . Middlesex .
MASONIC BALL . The Brethren of the PECKHAM LODGE , No . 1475 , Beg to announce that a BALL will be held at tho SCRRET MASONIC HALL , CAJMERWKLL NEW ROAD , on Monday , 23 rd April IS 77 . Tickets can be obtained of the following Stewards : — Bro . GEO . DUCK W . M . Bro . T . HL-QEKS „ W . U . Cxsios I . P . M . „ H . Tujiimi „ A . H . WATKMS P . M . „ T . DaLLY „ E . A . WHITBY l . G . „ H . S UMBERS „ K J . CAIN „ W . N . LASII , of No . 73 „ W . G . SAYBR And of Bro . J . T . DALBY P . M ., Hon . Sec , 812 Old Kent Road , S . E . PRICES : — Single Tickets—Ladies , 10 s ; Gentlemen , 12 s 6 d . Double Ticket ( to admit Lady and Gentleman ) , 21 s . To include Supper and Refreshments throughout the evening , wines excepted . A special dispensation having been procured , Brethren will please wear Masonic Craft ulothing . The net proceeds of the Ball will be devoted to tho Masonic Charities .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies aud Banquets . lor Terms' . —Address , BRO . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate Street , E . C .
nzi S ^^^ Ml ^ a Btrnttvi-mr , - * - ™ ^ WWWrfWWWwl 67 BAKBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget
THE House of Commons reassembled after the Easter recess on ' llmrsday , the 5 th instant . Public business , however , does not seem to have progressed as rapidly as conld be wished . In Committee of Supply several ol
the Civil Service Estimates have been voted , not always , however , without opposition . Matters connected with the Eastern Question have occupied no little share of attention .
Our Weekly Budget
Sevei'al questions havo been asked , the inquisitors of the Government being chiefly Messrs . E . Jenkins , Rylands and W . E . Forster . A bold attempt was made on Tuesday by Mr . P . A . Taylor to abolish flogging in the navy . His motion was opposed by the
Government , and on division , the honourable member for Leicester was defeated by 164 to 102 . The announcement of the numbers was received with considerable cheering by the minority . When this question had been disposed of , Sir It . Anstruther moved , and Mr . Walpole seconded ,
a motion for a committee of inquiry into the petition of Lord Cochrane , grandson of tho late Earl of Dnndonald . The object of this petition is to induce the House of Commons to vote tho half-pay which his grandfather would have been entitled to had he not been dismissed the
Service for alleged participation in certain Stock Exchange frauds . The dismissal occurred in 1814 , and the late Earl was not restored to his place in the Navy List till 1832 , when the bitterness of political rancour had passed away , and it was known that one of our most gallant officers
had been treated most shamefully . But though restored to rank , the late Earl did not receive the half-pay he would have received in the eighteen years between 1814 and 1832 , had he been retained in the Navy . The old sea-wolf , as he was called , is long since dead and
gone , ancl now his grandson is seeking to recover these moneys , less on account of their value than because , if they are voted , the reparation made to his grandfather ' s honour will be complete . It would have been a graceful as well as a prudent act on the part of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
had he accepted the motion . Instead of this he opposed it on technical grounds , and then , feeling that the House was not with him , he , as it were , let judgment go by default , or , in other words , he declined to carry his opposition to the length of a division . This is not creditable to Sir Stafford
Northcote ' s business habits . On Wednesday afternoon , a Newspaper Registration Bill was rejected on its second reading by 149 to 69 votes . In the course of the debate Mr . Sullivan delivered a very impassioned speech against the further progress of the Bill , in the course of which
he denounced a certain infamous publication . Though its name was never even mentioned , the House very keenly appreciated the honourable gentleman ' s emphatic utterances . What may fairly be described as a scene was the consequence of this speech . When the result of the voting
had been announced , Mr . Sullivan rose , and informed Mr . Speaker that , while the division was taking place , Dr . Kenealy had approached him and called him a liar .
Having thus placed the matter in his hands , Mr . Speaker rose , and pointed out that such language had been very properly brought under his notice , and he left it to the house to determine its course of action in the matter .
Dr . Kenealy having risen and offered certain explanations , withdrew ; whereupon Mr . Forster proposed , and the Home Secretary seconded , a motion to the effect that Dr . Kenealy should withdraw the offensive expressions , and apologise to the House for having used them . Dr . Kenealy
shortly reappeared , and at once withdrew the words and tendered the required apology . On Thursday the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means , and the Chancellor of Exchequer delivered his annual financial statement , there being , as usual , a very full house to hear
it . Yesterday evening was fixed for an exciting debate on the Eastern Question , tho Marquis of Hartington having given notice on Monday of his intention to ask for certain
papers relating to the Protocol and a Russian despatch of the 19 th January . Whether the debate came off or nofc , and , if so , with what result , our readers will learn as soon as wo shall .
The Prince of Wales , we rejoice to say , has sufficiently recovered to be enabled to start on his visit to the Continent . His Royal Highness left Marlborough House on Wednesday evening for Paris and the South of France , via Folkestone and Boulogne . At the Charing-cross Station
Prince Christian , the Russian , Danish , Portuguese , and Spanish Ambassadors , with other gentlemen , were assembled to bid farewell to the Prince , who reached Folkestone shortly after 10 P . M ., and immediately went on board the steamer Victoria . It was expected he would have reached
Boulogne shortly after midnight , whence , after a brief rest , he would continue his journey to Paris . Here apartments have been engaged for him . On Thursday evening or Friday morning he was to leave for the South of France . The Princess of Wales reached Briuclisi on Sunday evening , and left at midnight on board the Royal Yacht Osborne for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON " , N . OFFICE : 6 Freemasons' Hall , Great ( Jneen . street , W . C . PATRON : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : H . K . H . THE P RINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . A QUARTERLY General Court of the Governors and Subscribers will bo hold at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-innflelcls , London , on Monday , tho 16 th day of April 1877 , for the transaction of tho ordinary business of tho Institution , to elect a Treasurer for tho ensuing year , to elect 12 brethren as members of tho General Committee to represent tho life and annual subscribers , to elect la Boys from an approved list of 59 candidates , to consider the following notices of motion : 1 . By Bro . Raynham W . Stewart : — That tho meetings of the Quarterly General Courts , iu January and July , be hold at % p . m . instead of 12 noon . 2 . By Bio . H . G . Wan-en : — That , havinjr regard to tho increased income of the Institution and tho altered position of tho Secretary and Collector , it is ex : edient that Rules 71 and 75 shall be so amended ns t > provide that the Secretary shall give security for , £ 1000 , tho Secretary's Chief Clerk £ 500 , and any other Clerks JB 250 each . Such security to be provided through an Approved Guarantee Society , and the pre . miums paid by this Institution , so as not to be a burthen on the officials . The chair will bo taken at 12 o'clock at noon precisely . Tho ballot for the election of candidates will commence at 1 o ' clock , nnd will close at 3 o ' clock , or earlier , should tho general business bo completed before that hour . By order , FREDERICK BINCKES , P . G . Steward , Secretary . 7 thAprillS 77 . V Tho SEVENTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY . FESTIVAL will be held on Wednesday , 27 th June 1877 . Contributions aro earnestly solicited , and the nervices of Brethren as Stewards will be gratefully appreciated .
Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . THE EIGHTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL WILL BB HBLD AT FREEMASONS' TAVEUN , OIIEAT (( VEEN STREET , LONDON , On Wednesday , the 9 th May 1877 , at 6 p . m . precisely . The Bight Hon . the Lord Suffield , K . C . B ., B . W . Prov . Grand Master lor Norfolk in the chair . President of tho Board of Stewards : W . Bro . F . A . PniiiiuicK , Q . C , P . G . D . Treasurer : W . Bro . W . R . WOODMAN , M . D ., P . G . S . B . The names of brethren willing to act as Stewards will bo gladly referred by the Secretary , R . AVENTWORTH LITTLE , D . P . G . M . Middlesex .
MASONIC BALL . The Brethren of the PECKHAM LODGE , No . 1475 , Beg to announce that a BALL will be held at tho SCRRET MASONIC HALL , CAJMERWKLL NEW ROAD , on Monday , 23 rd April IS 77 . Tickets can be obtained of the following Stewards : — Bro . GEO . DUCK W . M . Bro . T . HL-QEKS „ W . U . Cxsios I . P . M . „ H . Tujiimi „ A . H . WATKMS P . M . „ T . DaLLY „ E . A . WHITBY l . G . „ H . S UMBERS „ K J . CAIN „ W . N . LASII , of No . 73 „ W . G . SAYBR And of Bro . J . T . DALBY P . M ., Hon . Sec , 812 Old Kent Road , S . E . PRICES : — Single Tickets—Ladies , 10 s ; Gentlemen , 12 s 6 d . Double Ticket ( to admit Lady and Gentleman ) , 21 s . To include Supper and Refreshments throughout the evening , wines excepted . A special dispensation having been procured , Brethren will please wear Masonic Craft ulothing . The net proceeds of the Ball will be devoted to tho Masonic Charities .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BEOS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies aud Banquets . lor Terms' . —Address , BRO . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate Street , E . C .
nzi S ^^^ Ml ^ a Btrnttvi-mr , - * - ™ ^ WWWrfWWWwl 67 BAKBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget
THE House of Commons reassembled after the Easter recess on ' llmrsday , the 5 th instant . Public business , however , does not seem to have progressed as rapidly as conld be wished . In Committee of Supply several ol
the Civil Service Estimates have been voted , not always , however , without opposition . Matters connected with the Eastern Question have occupied no little share of attention .
Our Weekly Budget
Sevei'al questions havo been asked , the inquisitors of the Government being chiefly Messrs . E . Jenkins , Rylands and W . E . Forster . A bold attempt was made on Tuesday by Mr . P . A . Taylor to abolish flogging in the navy . His motion was opposed by the
Government , and on division , the honourable member for Leicester was defeated by 164 to 102 . The announcement of the numbers was received with considerable cheering by the minority . When this question had been disposed of , Sir It . Anstruther moved , and Mr . Walpole seconded ,
a motion for a committee of inquiry into the petition of Lord Cochrane , grandson of tho late Earl of Dnndonald . The object of this petition is to induce the House of Commons to vote tho half-pay which his grandfather would have been entitled to had he not been dismissed the
Service for alleged participation in certain Stock Exchange frauds . The dismissal occurred in 1814 , and the late Earl was not restored to his place in the Navy List till 1832 , when the bitterness of political rancour had passed away , and it was known that one of our most gallant officers
had been treated most shamefully . But though restored to rank , the late Earl did not receive the half-pay he would have received in the eighteen years between 1814 and 1832 , had he been retained in the Navy . The old sea-wolf , as he was called , is long since dead and
gone , ancl now his grandson is seeking to recover these moneys , less on account of their value than because , if they are voted , the reparation made to his grandfather ' s honour will be complete . It would have been a graceful as well as a prudent act on the part of the Chancellor of the Exchequer
had he accepted the motion . Instead of this he opposed it on technical grounds , and then , feeling that the House was not with him , he , as it were , let judgment go by default , or , in other words , he declined to carry his opposition to the length of a division . This is not creditable to Sir Stafford
Northcote ' s business habits . On Wednesday afternoon , a Newspaper Registration Bill was rejected on its second reading by 149 to 69 votes . In the course of the debate Mr . Sullivan delivered a very impassioned speech against the further progress of the Bill , in the course of which
he denounced a certain infamous publication . Though its name was never even mentioned , the House very keenly appreciated the honourable gentleman ' s emphatic utterances . What may fairly be described as a scene was the consequence of this speech . When the result of the voting
had been announced , Mr . Sullivan rose , and informed Mr . Speaker that , while the division was taking place , Dr . Kenealy had approached him and called him a liar .
Having thus placed the matter in his hands , Mr . Speaker rose , and pointed out that such language had been very properly brought under his notice , and he left it to the house to determine its course of action in the matter .
Dr . Kenealy having risen and offered certain explanations , withdrew ; whereupon Mr . Forster proposed , and the Home Secretary seconded , a motion to the effect that Dr . Kenealy should withdraw the offensive expressions , and apologise to the House for having used them . Dr . Kenealy
shortly reappeared , and at once withdrew the words and tendered the required apology . On Thursday the House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means , and the Chancellor of Exchequer delivered his annual financial statement , there being , as usual , a very full house to hear
it . Yesterday evening was fixed for an exciting debate on the Eastern Question , tho Marquis of Hartington having given notice on Monday of his intention to ask for certain
papers relating to the Protocol and a Russian despatch of the 19 th January . Whether the debate came off or nofc , and , if so , with what result , our readers will learn as soon as wo shall .
The Prince of Wales , we rejoice to say , has sufficiently recovered to be enabled to start on his visit to the Continent . His Royal Highness left Marlborough House on Wednesday evening for Paris and the South of France , via Folkestone and Boulogne . At the Charing-cross Station
Prince Christian , the Russian , Danish , Portuguese , and Spanish Ambassadors , with other gentlemen , were assembled to bid farewell to the Prince , who reached Folkestone shortly after 10 P . M ., and immediately went on board the steamer Victoria . It was expected he would have reached
Boulogne shortly after midnight , whence , after a brief rest , he would continue his journey to Paris . Here apartments have been engaged for him . On Thursday evening or Friday morning he was to leave for the South of France . The Princess of Wales reached Briuclisi on Sunday evening , and left at midnight on board the Royal Yacht Osborne for