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been given and honoured , Bro . P . M . Phillips rose aud gave the toa s of the P . G . M ., Bro . Sir George Elliott , and coupled with it the name of Bro . Tennant , to whom ho gave a hearty Masonic welcomo , it being hia first visit to Brecon since his recent appointment as D . P . G . M . Bro . Phillips spoke of the service the lato Deputy Bro . E . J . Morris had done to the province , and trusted that his successor would prove
as good a friend and brother to the Brecknock Lodge as Bro . Morris had boeu . The D . P . G . M ., in responding , said that on behalf of tho P . G . M . ho returned thanks , and hoped that as tho province became bettor acquainted with Bro . Sir Georgo Elliott , they would learu to like and esteem him . Ou behalf of himself , he thanked them all very much indeed for tho hearty reception
they had given him , and for tho honour they had done him in inviting him to their Lodge . Ho could only toll them , as ho had told other Lodges in tho province , that it was a matter of regret to him thafc he was nofc ablo to pay more frequent visits , bufc , so far aa possible , it Avas his intention to make himself thoroughly acquainted with tho various Lodges , and ,
so far as it was in his power , to know and to be known by every Brother in the province . Although he could not visit tho Brecknock Lodge so frequently as he should like , thoy might depend upon any assistance ho could render them afc any timo they might bo in want of ifc . He was desirous of seeing a uniform working throughout the Lodges of the province . When the lato Pro G . M . Bro . Talbot
entered that office he introduced what was called tho Oxford ritual , and the brethren could not do better than adhere to it , for it was a simple , pare , and most solemn ritual . If any of the Lodges had not adopted that ritual ho trusted that , in course of time , they would do so . He would take that opportunity of impressing npon tho brethren present , and every other brother in the province , tho necessity of
upholding the dignity of Freemasonry . They should carry the principles of Masonry into the outer world , and nofc confine them within the walls of their Lodges . He could assure them , if they did so , the more they would appreciate those principles , and they would thereby become good men and good Christians . He conld nofc sib down without congratulating Bro . Webb upon tho high honour tho
Lodgo had paid him by electing him a second timo to the chair of the Lodge . He Avished him a very prosperous year . Bro . P . M . Caulfeild then proposed the health of the W . M ., and said that he had additional pleasure in doing so from the fact thafc he had proposed his re-election . In proposing the re-election of Bro . Webb , he had clone so from the knowledge of the manner in which Bro . Webb had done his
work daring the past year . He had also known him since he himself had joined the Lodge , and he had always been ono of the most ; constant attendants therein , and his kind manner and good disposition had commended themselves to the brethren in general . The W . M . returned his sincere thanks for the compliment which had been paid him . He had not been so efficient as ho should have liked , but with the kind assistance which the Past Masters and Officers had
given him during his first year of offiee he had been able to pull through , and he hoped that , with the same assistance , he should be able to pass through another year . Bro . Webb having proposed the new Initiate , Bro . Gnilding , who responded in suitable terms , Bro . W . Games proposed the toast of the Visitors , coupling with it tho name of Bro . Bolden . Bro . Bolden , in reply , thanked the brethren
for the kind reception they had given him , and regretted that his early departure from Brecon would prevent his coming among them to join thoir Lodge . The toast ; of the Masonio Charities having been given by the Chairman , tho Deputy Prov . G . M . responded , by saying that charity was one of the most distinguished marks of Masonry . They had their Institution for Aged and Distressed
Masons and for Widows of Masons ; they had their Boys' and Girls ' Schools . A few years ago he had had tho honour of representing tho Boys' School as Steward for the Province , and through the liberality of the Lodges within the Province , he had had the privilege of taking np £ 250 , and towards thafc amount the Brecknock Lodge had contri
buted liberally . He now represented the Girls' School , and he hoped that the result of his Stewardship would prove as successful as it had been in the case of the School for Boys . The toast ; of the Officers for tho Past Year brought a pleasant and instructive evening to a close .
Royal Brunswick Lodge , No . 732—On Thursday , 10 th inst ., at the Royal Pavilion Rooms , Brighton , Bro . Alderman Davey was unanimously elected W . M . of this Lodge . Thero was a very numerous assembly of the brethren , including Bro . the R . W . Sir W . W . Burrell Bart . M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Sussex , aud his Officers . Afc the close of the Lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting
room , where a sumptuous repast was provided by Messrs . Mutton , the old established caterers of King ' s-road , who gave tho utmost satisfaction to the company , which numbered in all 100 . The W . M . Bro . Davey presided , supported by his Provincial Officers , as follow : —Bros . J . H . Scott D . P . G . M ., J . Dixon S . W ., C . P . Henty J . W ., H . M . Devvoy ( Rev . ) Chaplain , H . Crosskey Treas ., V . P .
Freeman Sec , Thomas J . Byass S . D ., T . H . Crouch J . D ., G . A . Wallis Superintendent of Works , J . M . Kidd D . C , 0 . Sandeman A . D . of C , G . Marin S . B ., A . King Org ., W . Rintz Pursuivant , W . G . Sharp , J . H . Famcombe , W . J . Nell , and F . Holford Stewards . Tho visitors present included the Mayor of Brighton ( Bro . Alderman Mayall ) , Bros . Aldermen Lamb , Martin , Cox , Abboy , and Brigden ;
also Councillors E . Martin , W . II . Wood , Hayllar , Nell , W . J . Smith , Bennett , and Soper . There were also present the following members of the Ledge : —J . Solomon I . P . M ., J . N . Kidd , V . P . Freeman , "W . Reed , C . G . Reed , Walter Smith , Georgo Smith , G . Day , S . Martin , E . Carpenter , A . Partridge , II . IS ' . Jenner , G . II . Evershed , J . W . Douglas , Joseph Newnham , J . Rutter , E . Histed , J . T .
Chappell , R . W . Mard , T . Hughes ( Tyler ) . The general company present included Bros . W . R . Wood jun ., J . McWhirmie , F . Willard , W . A . Butt , S . T . Foat , C . G . Reed , P . Capon , J . II . Capon , C . J . Corder , Rose , W . H . German , R . B . Smithers , T . J . Nell , Thos . Wilkinson , W . Marchant , F . Willard , W . Wright , G . de Paris , C . Wren , Jas , Curtis , T , J . Sabine , C . H . Hudson , F , Harris , R , J . Pope
W . R . Wood jun ., T . J . Sabine , C . Hudson , Sandeman , F . Tillstone , EL Freeman , Kuhe , Cole , D . Smith , F . Noakos , Dr . Cunningham , Pierpoint , G . Gale , J . Anderson , J . Fabian , G . Stone ( Newhaven ) , J . W . Hughes , Nash , Bennett , & c , & c . After the banquet , the usual toasts appropriate to the Craft wero given , and the health of tho W . M . Bro . Davey was received with the utmost enthusiasm .
Tho Mayor of Brighton responded to tho toast of tho Visitors , iu a most eloquent speech , and Sir W . W . Burrell delivered a truly able exordium to the brethren on the duties of Freemasons . Daring the evening , Bro . Kuho P . G . O ., favoured tho company with one of his exquisite pianoforte performances , and the proceedings were
onlivened by some excellent singing by Bro . Soper and Bro . Willard , accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Cole . Bro . C . W . Hudson also gave , in his usual able stylo , tbe recitation of " My Lord Tom Noddy , " which called down great applause . Tho evening ' s entertainment passed off with tho greatest success .
Wandsworth . Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting was held afc the Spread Eaglo Hotel , on Wednesday . The W . M . Bro . H . R . Jones presided . The following Officers and brethren Avere amongst those present : —Bros . W . A . Morgan S . W ., E . H . Boddy J . W ., J . Frost Sec , P . Cooke P . M ., J . G . Kewnoy P . M ., Wardropor , J . J . Holland , S . C . Landon , W . Price , G . Clark , H . F . Goodchild , G . Torfcescue , R .
Neal , and A . A . Denham . Mr . John Sanders , a solicitor , well known in tho district , and clerk to tho Wandsworth Board of Guardians , was initiated by the W . M . Bro . Price was afterwards passed to the second degree . Upon the motion of Bro . P . Cooko P . M ., who spoko in feeling terms , it was unanimously decided that a letter of condolence bo sent to Bro . George Howick P . M ., who has lately
sustained a severe loss by tho death of his wife . Tho names of Mr . J , W . Marshall , The Oaks , Balham , and Mr . P . V . Denham ( the former proposed by tho W . M ., and seconded by Bro . E . H . Boddy ; and the latter proposed by Bro . A . A . Denham , and seconded by Bro . J . J . Holland ) Avero given in to the Secretary , and these gentlemen will bo ballotted for afc tho next meeting . After other formal business had been transacted , the Lodge was closed .
JBeetive Chapter , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale . —The regular Quarterly Convocation of this Chapter was held on Friday , 11 th January , at one o ' clook . In the unavoidable absence of tho M . E . Z ., Earl Bective , M . P . Prov . Grand Superintendent , the chair was occupied by E . Comp . John Bowes P . Z . Prov . G . S . N ., supported by E . Comps . W . Dodd P . Z . H ., Rev . Canon Ware as J ., Compa . Dr . Page E ., Robert Godfrey N . acting P . S ., W . James , Dr . Waller No . 2
S . C ., and a goodly number of other Companions . The Chapter was opened by the Principals , Avhen the members generally were admitted . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for three candidates , duly proposed , all of which were unanimously accepted , and Bros . Wareing P . M . aud Anderson being present , were duly exalted . The thanks of the Chapter having been accorded to the acting M . E . Z ., and there being no further business , it was closed with tho usual solemnities .
Underley Lodge , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale . —The annual Festival of this flourishing Lodge was held ou Friday , 11 th January , at three o'clock , when the members and visitors assembled unusually strong . The Lodge was opened in due form by the W . M . Bro . Robert ; Godfrey , assisted by his Wardens , and Bros . John Bowes P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., W . Dodd P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., Rev . Canon
Ware P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., Wareing P . M ., W . James P . M ., Atkinson P . M ., Dr . Page P . M ., Greenbank , — Wilkinson , Quinoy , Dr . Waller No . 2 S . C ., Pusey S . W . W . M . elect ., Anderson Tyler , and a number of other brethren . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , tho Lodge was opened in tho second degree , when Bro . Greenbank claimed preferment , and having proved his claim , was
entrusted ; and in due course raised by the W . M . Tho Lodge having been lowered , Bro . John Bowes assumed tho chair of K . S ., and Bro . Pusoy having been presented , was installed in ample form as W . M . for the ensuing year , and saluted , proclaimed , and greeted in the several degrees . A cordial vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Bro . Bowes , the Installing Master . After labonr , the
brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , for the annual banquet , which did great credit to tho hostess , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , under the guidance of the genial W . M . The toasts wero enlivened by recitations aud songs , from Bros . Dr . Waller , Dr . Page , W . James , R . Godfrey W . M ., Quincy , Sisson , & o . Bro . Pago
proposed the health of the Installing Master , and referred to his long and intimate acquaintance with that brother , and his readiness at all times to " come to the rescue . " We will only add that the W . M . lives in the hearts of the brethren , and that his year of office must bo a happy and prosperous one . So moto ifc be .
York Mai'k Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , at the Masonic Hall , York , the following brethren being present : —T . B . Whytehead W . M ., Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlott S . W ., J . Ward as J . W ., G . Garbutfc Secretary , T . Cooper P . M . as M . O ., J . Tissiman S . O ., C . G . Padel
J . O ., C . D . Barstow as S . D ., M . Millington J . D ., A . T . B . Turner I . G ., J . Redfaro Tyler . A successful ballot was taken for two candidate ? , and Bro . E . Whitehead , York 930 , and Bro . G . 0 . Lee , Eboracum 1011 , were advanced to the honourable degree . A petition for an appendant Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners was then brought forward , and received tho unanimous recommendation of tho Lodge . A vote of thanks was passed to the S . W ., for a handsome gill of collar jewels
for Senior and Junior Wardens . The Lodge then went into com . nittco on the Report of tho B 3 'e Laws Committee , which was afterwards , with some trifling alterations , agreed to , and formally ndopted . The W . M . ( Bro . T . B . Whytehead ) proposed , aud the S . W . ( Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett ) seconded , W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , Grand Mark Secretary , as an honorary member of the Lodge . Two candidates for advancement wero proposed , and one joining member , and the Lodgo was closed in ancient form ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
been given and honoured , Bro . P . M . Phillips rose aud gave the toa s of the P . G . M ., Bro . Sir George Elliott , and coupled with it the name of Bro . Tennant , to whom ho gave a hearty Masonic welcomo , it being hia first visit to Brecon since his recent appointment as D . P . G . M . Bro . Phillips spoke of the service the lato Deputy Bro . E . J . Morris had done to the province , and trusted that his successor would prove
as good a friend and brother to the Brecknock Lodge as Bro . Morris had boeu . The D . P . G . M ., in responding , said that on behalf of tho P . G . M . ho returned thanks , and hoped that as tho province became bettor acquainted with Bro . Sir Georgo Elliott , they would learu to like and esteem him . Ou behalf of himself , he thanked them all very much indeed for tho hearty reception
they had given him , and for tho honour they had done him in inviting him to their Lodge . Ho could only toll them , as ho had told other Lodges in tho province , that it was a matter of regret to him thafc he was nofc ablo to pay more frequent visits , bufc , so far aa possible , it Avas his intention to make himself thoroughly acquainted with tho various Lodges , and ,
so far as it was in his power , to know and to be known by every Brother in the province . Although he could not visit tho Brecknock Lodge so frequently as he should like , thoy might depend upon any assistance ho could render them afc any timo they might bo in want of ifc . He was desirous of seeing a uniform working throughout the Lodges of the province . When the lato Pro G . M . Bro . Talbot
entered that office he introduced what was called tho Oxford ritual , and the brethren could not do better than adhere to it , for it was a simple , pare , and most solemn ritual . If any of the Lodges had not adopted that ritual ho trusted that , in course of time , they would do so . He would take that opportunity of impressing npon tho brethren present , and every other brother in the province , tho necessity of
upholding the dignity of Freemasonry . They should carry the principles of Masonry into the outer world , and nofc confine them within the walls of their Lodges . He could assure them , if they did so , the more they would appreciate those principles , and they would thereby become good men and good Christians . He conld nofc sib down without congratulating Bro . Webb upon tho high honour tho
Lodgo had paid him by electing him a second timo to the chair of the Lodge . He Avished him a very prosperous year . Bro . P . M . Caulfeild then proposed the health of the W . M ., and said that he had additional pleasure in doing so from the fact thafc he had proposed his re-election . In proposing the re-election of Bro . Webb , he had clone so from the knowledge of the manner in which Bro . Webb had done his
work daring the past year . He had also known him since he himself had joined the Lodge , and he had always been ono of the most ; constant attendants therein , and his kind manner and good disposition had commended themselves to the brethren in general . The W . M . returned his sincere thanks for the compliment which had been paid him . He had not been so efficient as ho should have liked , but with the kind assistance which the Past Masters and Officers had
given him during his first year of offiee he had been able to pull through , and he hoped that , with the same assistance , he should be able to pass through another year . Bro . Webb having proposed the new Initiate , Bro . Gnilding , who responded in suitable terms , Bro . W . Games proposed the toast of the Visitors , coupling with it tho name of Bro . Bolden . Bro . Bolden , in reply , thanked the brethren
for the kind reception they had given him , and regretted that his early departure from Brecon would prevent his coming among them to join thoir Lodge . The toast ; of the Masonio Charities having been given by the Chairman , tho Deputy Prov . G . M . responded , by saying that charity was one of the most distinguished marks of Masonry . They had their Institution for Aged and Distressed
Masons and for Widows of Masons ; they had their Boys' and Girls ' Schools . A few years ago he had had tho honour of representing tho Boys' School as Steward for the Province , and through the liberality of the Lodges within the Province , he had had the privilege of taking np £ 250 , and towards thafc amount the Brecknock Lodge had contri
buted liberally . He now represented the Girls' School , and he hoped that the result of his Stewardship would prove as successful as it had been in the case of the School for Boys . The toast ; of the Officers for tho Past Year brought a pleasant and instructive evening to a close .
Royal Brunswick Lodge , No . 732—On Thursday , 10 th inst ., at the Royal Pavilion Rooms , Brighton , Bro . Alderman Davey was unanimously elected W . M . of this Lodge . Thero was a very numerous assembly of the brethren , including Bro . the R . W . Sir W . W . Burrell Bart . M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Sussex , aud his Officers . Afc the close of the Lodge , the brethren adjourned to the banqueting
room , where a sumptuous repast was provided by Messrs . Mutton , the old established caterers of King ' s-road , who gave tho utmost satisfaction to the company , which numbered in all 100 . The W . M . Bro . Davey presided , supported by his Provincial Officers , as follow : —Bros . J . H . Scott D . P . G . M ., J . Dixon S . W ., C . P . Henty J . W ., H . M . Devvoy ( Rev . ) Chaplain , H . Crosskey Treas ., V . P .
Freeman Sec , Thomas J . Byass S . D ., T . H . Crouch J . D ., G . A . Wallis Superintendent of Works , J . M . Kidd D . C , 0 . Sandeman A . D . of C , G . Marin S . B ., A . King Org ., W . Rintz Pursuivant , W . G . Sharp , J . H . Famcombe , W . J . Nell , and F . Holford Stewards . Tho visitors present included the Mayor of Brighton ( Bro . Alderman Mayall ) , Bros . Aldermen Lamb , Martin , Cox , Abboy , and Brigden ;
also Councillors E . Martin , W . II . Wood , Hayllar , Nell , W . J . Smith , Bennett , and Soper . There were also present the following members of the Ledge : —J . Solomon I . P . M ., J . N . Kidd , V . P . Freeman , "W . Reed , C . G . Reed , Walter Smith , Georgo Smith , G . Day , S . Martin , E . Carpenter , A . Partridge , II . IS ' . Jenner , G . II . Evershed , J . W . Douglas , Joseph Newnham , J . Rutter , E . Histed , J . T .
Chappell , R . W . Mard , T . Hughes ( Tyler ) . The general company present included Bros . W . R . Wood jun ., J . McWhirmie , F . Willard , W . A . Butt , S . T . Foat , C . G . Reed , P . Capon , J . II . Capon , C . J . Corder , Rose , W . H . German , R . B . Smithers , T . J . Nell , Thos . Wilkinson , W . Marchant , F . Willard , W . Wright , G . de Paris , C . Wren , Jas , Curtis , T , J . Sabine , C . H . Hudson , F , Harris , R , J . Pope
W . R . Wood jun ., T . J . Sabine , C . Hudson , Sandeman , F . Tillstone , EL Freeman , Kuhe , Cole , D . Smith , F . Noakos , Dr . Cunningham , Pierpoint , G . Gale , J . Anderson , J . Fabian , G . Stone ( Newhaven ) , J . W . Hughes , Nash , Bennett , & c , & c . After the banquet , the usual toasts appropriate to the Craft wero given , and the health of tho W . M . Bro . Davey was received with the utmost enthusiasm .
Tho Mayor of Brighton responded to tho toast of tho Visitors , iu a most eloquent speech , and Sir W . W . Burrell delivered a truly able exordium to the brethren on the duties of Freemasons . Daring the evening , Bro . Kuho P . G . O ., favoured tho company with one of his exquisite pianoforte performances , and the proceedings were
onlivened by some excellent singing by Bro . Soper and Bro . Willard , accompanied on the pianoforte by Bro . Cole . Bro . C . W . Hudson also gave , in his usual able stylo , tbe recitation of " My Lord Tom Noddy , " which called down great applause . Tho evening ' s entertainment passed off with tho greatest success .
Wandsworth . Lodge , No . 1044 . —A meeting was held afc the Spread Eaglo Hotel , on Wednesday . The W . M . Bro . H . R . Jones presided . The following Officers and brethren Avere amongst those present : —Bros . W . A . Morgan S . W ., E . H . Boddy J . W ., J . Frost Sec , P . Cooke P . M ., J . G . Kewnoy P . M ., Wardropor , J . J . Holland , S . C . Landon , W . Price , G . Clark , H . F . Goodchild , G . Torfcescue , R .
Neal , and A . A . Denham . Mr . John Sanders , a solicitor , well known in tho district , and clerk to tho Wandsworth Board of Guardians , was initiated by the W . M . Bro . Price was afterwards passed to the second degree . Upon the motion of Bro . P . Cooko P . M ., who spoko in feeling terms , it was unanimously decided that a letter of condolence bo sent to Bro . George Howick P . M ., who has lately
sustained a severe loss by tho death of his wife . Tho names of Mr . J , W . Marshall , The Oaks , Balham , and Mr . P . V . Denham ( the former proposed by tho W . M ., and seconded by Bro . E . H . Boddy ; and the latter proposed by Bro . A . A . Denham , and seconded by Bro . J . J . Holland ) Avero given in to the Secretary , and these gentlemen will bo ballotted for afc tho next meeting . After other formal business had been transacted , the Lodge was closed .
JBeetive Chapter , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale . —The regular Quarterly Convocation of this Chapter was held on Friday , 11 th January , at one o ' clook . In the unavoidable absence of tho M . E . Z ., Earl Bective , M . P . Prov . Grand Superintendent , the chair was occupied by E . Comp . John Bowes P . Z . Prov . G . S . N ., supported by E . Comps . W . Dodd P . Z . H ., Rev . Canon Ware as J ., Compa . Dr . Page E ., Robert Godfrey N . acting P . S ., W . James , Dr . Waller No . 2
S . C ., and a goodly number of other Companions . The Chapter was opened by the Principals , Avhen the members generally were admitted . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for three candidates , duly proposed , all of which were unanimously accepted , and Bros . Wareing P . M . aud Anderson being present , were duly exalted . The thanks of the Chapter having been accorded to the acting M . E . Z ., and there being no further business , it was closed with tho usual solemnities .
Underley Lodge , No . 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale . —The annual Festival of this flourishing Lodge was held ou Friday , 11 th January , at three o'clock , when the members and visitors assembled unusually strong . The Lodge was opened in due form by the W . M . Bro . Robert ; Godfrey , assisted by his Wardens , and Bros . John Bowes P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., W . Dodd P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., Rev . Canon
Ware P . M . P . P . J . G . W ., Wareing P . M ., W . James P . M ., Atkinson P . M ., Dr . Page P . M ., Greenbank , — Wilkinson , Quinoy , Dr . Waller No . 2 S . C ., Pusey S . W . W . M . elect ., Anderson Tyler , and a number of other brethren . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , tho Lodge was opened in tho second degree , when Bro . Greenbank claimed preferment , and having proved his claim , was
entrusted ; and in due course raised by the W . M . Tho Lodge having been lowered , Bro . John Bowes assumed tho chair of K . S ., and Bro . Pusoy having been presented , was installed in ample form as W . M . for the ensuing year , and saluted , proclaimed , and greeted in the several degrees . A cordial vote of thanks was carried by acclamation to Bro . Bowes , the Installing Master . After labonr , the
brethren adjourned to the Royal Hotel , for the annual banquet , which did great credit to tho hostess , and a most enjoyable evening was spent , under the guidance of the genial W . M . The toasts wero enlivened by recitations aud songs , from Bros . Dr . Waller , Dr . Page , W . James , R . Godfrey W . M ., Quincy , Sisson , & o . Bro . Pago
proposed the health of the Installing Master , and referred to his long and intimate acquaintance with that brother , and his readiness at all times to " come to the rescue . " We will only add that the W . M . lives in the hearts of the brethren , and that his year of office must bo a happy and prosperous one . So moto ifc be .
York Mai'k Lodge ( Time Immemorial ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , at the Masonic Hall , York , the following brethren being present : —T . B . Whytehead W . M ., Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlott S . W ., J . Ward as J . W ., G . Garbutfc Secretary , T . Cooper P . M . as M . O ., J . Tissiman S . O ., C . G . Padel
J . O ., C . D . Barstow as S . D ., M . Millington J . D ., A . T . B . Turner I . G ., J . Redfaro Tyler . A successful ballot was taken for two candidate ? , and Bro . E . Whitehead , York 930 , and Bro . G . 0 . Lee , Eboracum 1011 , were advanced to the honourable degree . A petition for an appendant Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners was then brought forward , and received tho unanimous recommendation of tho Lodge . A vote of thanks was passed to the S . W ., for a handsome gill of collar jewels
for Senior and Junior Wardens . The Lodge then went into com . nittco on the Report of tho B 3 'e Laws Committee , which was afterwards , with some trifling alterations , agreed to , and formally ndopted . The W . M . ( Bro . T . B . Whytehead ) proposed , aud the S . W . ( Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett ) seconded , W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , Grand Mark Secretary , as an honorary member of the Lodge . Two candidates for advancement wero proposed , and one joining member , and the Lodgo was closed in ancient form ,