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Masonic Ball At Blackburn.
comings . He asked the three Masters of the Lodges at Blackburn , who had drawn the memorial , to accept from him , and tho brethren also , his best thanks , and also to accept from him , as a Past Grand Officer of England , his testimony to the zeal which he had always found to exist in the Lodges of the Province and in Blackburn in particular . Bro . Ashworth rose to propose a voto of thanks
to the Mayor . Ho said that the occasion which had brought them together was a most auspicious , pleasant , and interesting one . The Mayor occupied a high position in the town , and he had done a great service on thafc occasion in presiding and assisting so materially in the proceedings connected with the presentation Bro . Blankhorn seconded the motion , and ifc was supported by Bro .
Starkie , who said he could not allow tho proceedings to be concluded without expressing his thanks to tho Mayor for presiding , and the sentiments ho had uttered respecting him . He thought the town of Blackburn should congratulate itself on the present mayoralty , because he was confident the Mayor would not stoop to anything thafc would demean tho civic office . Ifc was no small position , and ho
hoped hereafter to know the Mayor more personally for the kindness ho had manifested on the present occasion . Tho Mayor , in returning thanks , said he was much obliged to Bro . Starkie and tho others for the marked esteem which they had expressed concerning himself . Ho thought the events which had already taken place during his
mayoralty were a good augury to what he hoped would be a happy 1878 . He trusted it might be a happy new year to all . ( Applause . ) Tho proceedings then terminated , and tho company adjourned to the ball-room , where dancing was kept up till an early hour of the morning , and thoroughly enjoyed .
On Saturday , the 12 th insfc ., was held the Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Creaton presided , and there were present to support him Bros . Griffith-Smith , Raynham W . Stewart , A . H . Tattershall , John Faulkner , Joseph
Morrell , H . A . Dubois , W . F . C . Mourie , J . D . Berry , S . Rawson , F . Binckes , H . Massey , J . Dennison , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , James Terry , J . A . Rucker , D . Nicols , F . W . H . Ramsay , Peter de L . Long , John Boyd , G . J . Barron , L . Ruf , and Louis Hirsch . The minutes of the last Court ,
and those of the General Committee having been read and passed , it was announced that there were eight vacancies to be ballotted for at the April election , and it was resolved that the recommendation of the General Committee , to the effect that ten additonal girls be admitted , should
be agreed to . It was then announced that there were fourteen eligible candidates remaining from last election—one had been struck off the list by reason of her age—and that the names of ten girls had been submitted and approved , thus raising the total number of candidates who will
compete for the eighteen appointments in April to twentyfour . It was then moved by Lieut .-Colonel Creaton , in accordance with the recommendatien of the Building Committee , and duly seconded , that authority be given for the purchase of a small slip of land adjoining the premises ; the
price not to exceed £ 100 . It was also moved that a wall be built , from the new laundry to the end of the new grounds . Both these motions were carried , but a resolution by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart to the effect that a committee
be appointed to enquire into the system of education pursued in the School , with a view to ascertaining if any improvement can be effected , was not accepted . A vote of thanks to the Chairman followed , and the Co art then broke up .
The Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Monday , the 14 th instant , at the hour of noon , Bro . J . Symonds occupying the chair . Present—Bros . S . Rawson , S . Barton Wilson , F . Adlard , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Lt .-Col . Creaton , W .
Roebuck , H . Massey , G . Bolton , J . D . Berry , R . B . Webster , and J . Mason . After the usual preliminary bnsiness , four new applications were submitted , but two of them were quickly out of Court , as they had not been presented in time , and one of the others was found to bo ineligible .
The remaining boy was approved , and his name was placed on the list , so there are now seventy'eight candidates eligible to compete afc the next election . As we stated recentl y , there will be only nine vacancies , but ifc was recommended by the General Committee that a further
twent y-one boys be admitted to the School , and this recommendation has been accepted by the Court . Thus there will be thirt y boys taken into the School at the next halfyearl y election , and for these appointments the number of
competitors is seventy-eight . The recommendation of the General Committee that a sum of £ 1 , 500 be expended in the erection of a new playground was agreed to , and the question of a swimming bath was referred to a Committee ,
Masonic Ball At Blackburn.
who will ascertain what , if any , arrangements can be mado with tho lessees of tho Alexandra Palace . This brought the business to an end , and after the usual compliment to the Chairman , the Court ; was closed .
We beg to acknowledge , with thanks , the receipt of a copy of the Lacaster Masonic Calendar for the year 1878 . It has been compiled by Bro . Dr . J . D . Moore , P . G . S . B . England , and is printed by Bro . H . Longman , of Lancaster . It is very neat as well as very serviceable , containing , as ifc
does , the dates of meeting of all tho Masonic bodies in tho City — Lodges , Chapters , Conclave , & c , & c . Clearly printed on coloured cardboard , stiff , to bear frequent handling , and small enough to be easily carried about . This
is the fifth year of publication—a fact which shows that tho brethren in Lancaster appreciate tho labours of Bro Dr . Moore , to whom , accordingly , we send fraternal greeting .
We have great pleasure in announcing thafc on Thursday next , the 24 th inst ., an entertainment will be given , at the St . George ' s Hall , Langham-place , by the employes of Messrs . J . and C . Boyd and Co ., in aid of the funds of tho Royal Hospital for Incurables . The programme is in two
parts , of which the first includes a four-part song , a duet , and glee , followed by Mr . Charles Dance ' s comic drama in two acts of " A Wonderful Woman , " while the second , comprises a long * array of negro selections , and Mr . J .
Kenny s one act farce of " Raising tho Wind . " The doors will be opened at 6 p . m ., and the performances commence at 6 . 30 p . m . precisely . Carriages should bo ordered for 10 . 15 . Full particulars may be had of Bro . Ockenden , Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management .
We understand thafc ifc is the intention of the members of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 , to hold , at their next meeting—which will take place on the 12 th February —what may be termed an open night ; that is to say , any Companion properly vouched for will have the privilege
of attending . It is intended there shall bo no exaltation , though the J . the H . and the Z . will have something to do : —an elucidation of the connexion of Royal Arch Masonry with the Craft ; a part of the ancient ritual ; clauses in the first section . The lectures on Moses' Rod ; Banner ; R . A .
Jewel , & c , will be included in the programme . Those of our readers who remember tbe public nights given by this Chapter a few years back , will doubtless avail themselves of this opportunity of renewing their acquaintance with matters not usually introduced in Chapters . We advise those of our readers who have not heard the lectures to attend .
The Installation Meeting of the Domatic Lodge , No . 177 , took place on Friday , the 11 th inst . ; onr report will appear next week .
We learn that another addition to the family of weekly publications is to appear immediately , under the name of " Society : a Journal of General Literature , for the Upper and Middle Classes . " The first number will be issued on Thursday , 24 th January .
The consecration ox the King s Cross Lodge , No . 1732 , will take place on Wednesday , the 30 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross . Bro . Jas Terry P . M . 228 , P . G . D . C . Herts , & c , is the Officer appointed by the M . W . the Grand Master to officiate . Bro . J . J . Michael P . M .
1507 is the W . M . designate , and Bros . W . M . Stiles and J . T . Briggs the Wardens designate . Bro . Saintsbury is the Secretary pro tern .
"Hottowii ' s OnrorEire AJTD PILLS . —Much watchfulness must be exercised ns winter advances , and the earliest evidences of ill health must bo immediately checked and removed , or a . slight illness may result in n serious malady . Relaxed and sore throat , diphtheria , quinsey , throat cough , chronic coutrh , bronchitis , and most other pulmonary affections will be relieved by rubbing this
cooling Ointment into the skin as near ns practicable to tho seat of mischief . This treatment , so simple and effective , is admirably adapted for tho removal of these diseases during infancy and youth . Old asthmatic invalids will derivo marvellous relief from the use of Holloway ' s remedies , which have brought round many such sufferers , and re-established health after every other means had signally failed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Ball At Blackburn.
comings . He asked the three Masters of the Lodges at Blackburn , who had drawn the memorial , to accept from him , and tho brethren also , his best thanks , and also to accept from him , as a Past Grand Officer of England , his testimony to the zeal which he had always found to exist in the Lodges of the Province and in Blackburn in particular . Bro . Ashworth rose to propose a voto of thanks
to the Mayor . Ho said that the occasion which had brought them together was a most auspicious , pleasant , and interesting one . The Mayor occupied a high position in the town , and he had done a great service on thafc occasion in presiding and assisting so materially in the proceedings connected with the presentation Bro . Blankhorn seconded the motion , and ifc was supported by Bro .
Starkie , who said he could not allow tho proceedings to be concluded without expressing his thanks to tho Mayor for presiding , and the sentiments ho had uttered respecting him . He thought the town of Blackburn should congratulate itself on the present mayoralty , because he was confident the Mayor would not stoop to anything thafc would demean tho civic office . Ifc was no small position , and ho
hoped hereafter to know the Mayor more personally for the kindness ho had manifested on the present occasion . Tho Mayor , in returning thanks , said he was much obliged to Bro . Starkie and tho others for the marked esteem which they had expressed concerning himself . Ho thought the events which had already taken place during his
mayoralty were a good augury to what he hoped would be a happy 1878 . He trusted it might be a happy new year to all . ( Applause . ) Tho proceedings then terminated , and tho company adjourned to the ball-room , where dancing was kept up till an early hour of the morning , and thoroughly enjoyed .
On Saturday , the 12 th insfc ., was held the Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Bro . Lieut .-Colonel Creaton presided , and there were present to support him Bros . Griffith-Smith , Raynham W . Stewart , A . H . Tattershall , John Faulkner , Joseph
Morrell , H . A . Dubois , W . F . C . Mourie , J . D . Berry , S . Rawson , F . Binckes , H . Massey , J . Dennison , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , James Terry , J . A . Rucker , D . Nicols , F . W . H . Ramsay , Peter de L . Long , John Boyd , G . J . Barron , L . Ruf , and Louis Hirsch . The minutes of the last Court ,
and those of the General Committee having been read and passed , it was announced that there were eight vacancies to be ballotted for at the April election , and it was resolved that the recommendation of the General Committee , to the effect that ten additonal girls be admitted , should
be agreed to . It was then announced that there were fourteen eligible candidates remaining from last election—one had been struck off the list by reason of her age—and that the names of ten girls had been submitted and approved , thus raising the total number of candidates who will
compete for the eighteen appointments in April to twentyfour . It was then moved by Lieut .-Colonel Creaton , in accordance with the recommendatien of the Building Committee , and duly seconded , that authority be given for the purchase of a small slip of land adjoining the premises ; the
price not to exceed £ 100 . It was also moved that a wall be built , from the new laundry to the end of the new grounds . Both these motions were carried , but a resolution by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart to the effect that a committee
be appointed to enquire into the system of education pursued in the School , with a view to ascertaining if any improvement can be effected , was not accepted . A vote of thanks to the Chairman followed , and the Co art then broke up .
The Quarterly General Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys was held on Monday , the 14 th instant , at the hour of noon , Bro . J . Symonds occupying the chair . Present—Bros . S . Rawson , S . Barton Wilson , F . Adlard , the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Lt .-Col . Creaton , W .
Roebuck , H . Massey , G . Bolton , J . D . Berry , R . B . Webster , and J . Mason . After the usual preliminary bnsiness , four new applications were submitted , but two of them were quickly out of Court , as they had not been presented in time , and one of the others was found to bo ineligible .
The remaining boy was approved , and his name was placed on the list , so there are now seventy'eight candidates eligible to compete afc the next election . As we stated recentl y , there will be only nine vacancies , but ifc was recommended by the General Committee that a further
twent y-one boys be admitted to the School , and this recommendation has been accepted by the Court . Thus there will be thirt y boys taken into the School at the next halfyearl y election , and for these appointments the number of
competitors is seventy-eight . The recommendation of the General Committee that a sum of £ 1 , 500 be expended in the erection of a new playground was agreed to , and the question of a swimming bath was referred to a Committee ,
Masonic Ball At Blackburn.
who will ascertain what , if any , arrangements can be mado with tho lessees of tho Alexandra Palace . This brought the business to an end , and after the usual compliment to the Chairman , the Court ; was closed .
We beg to acknowledge , with thanks , the receipt of a copy of the Lacaster Masonic Calendar for the year 1878 . It has been compiled by Bro . Dr . J . D . Moore , P . G . S . B . England , and is printed by Bro . H . Longman , of Lancaster . It is very neat as well as very serviceable , containing , as ifc
does , the dates of meeting of all tho Masonic bodies in tho City — Lodges , Chapters , Conclave , & c , & c . Clearly printed on coloured cardboard , stiff , to bear frequent handling , and small enough to be easily carried about . This
is the fifth year of publication—a fact which shows that tho brethren in Lancaster appreciate tho labours of Bro Dr . Moore , to whom , accordingly , we send fraternal greeting .
We have great pleasure in announcing thafc on Thursday next , the 24 th inst ., an entertainment will be given , at the St . George ' s Hall , Langham-place , by the employes of Messrs . J . and C . Boyd and Co ., in aid of the funds of tho Royal Hospital for Incurables . The programme is in two
parts , of which the first includes a four-part song , a duet , and glee , followed by Mr . Charles Dance ' s comic drama in two acts of " A Wonderful Woman , " while the second , comprises a long * array of negro selections , and Mr . J .
Kenny s one act farce of " Raising tho Wind . " The doors will be opened at 6 p . m ., and the performances commence at 6 . 30 p . m . precisely . Carriages should bo ordered for 10 . 15 . Full particulars may be had of Bro . Ockenden , Honorary Secretary of the Committee of Management .
We understand thafc ifc is the intention of the members of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . 145 , to hold , at their next meeting—which will take place on the 12 th February —what may be termed an open night ; that is to say , any Companion properly vouched for will have the privilege
of attending . It is intended there shall bo no exaltation , though the J . the H . and the Z . will have something to do : —an elucidation of the connexion of Royal Arch Masonry with the Craft ; a part of the ancient ritual ; clauses in the first section . The lectures on Moses' Rod ; Banner ; R . A .
Jewel , & c , will be included in the programme . Those of our readers who remember tbe public nights given by this Chapter a few years back , will doubtless avail themselves of this opportunity of renewing their acquaintance with matters not usually introduced in Chapters . We advise those of our readers who have not heard the lectures to attend .
The Installation Meeting of the Domatic Lodge , No . 177 , took place on Friday , the 11 th inst . ; onr report will appear next week .
We learn that another addition to the family of weekly publications is to appear immediately , under the name of " Society : a Journal of General Literature , for the Upper and Middle Classes . " The first number will be issued on Thursday , 24 th January .
The consecration ox the King s Cross Lodge , No . 1732 , will take place on Wednesday , the 30 th inst ., at the Metropolitan Club , King ' s Cross . Bro . Jas Terry P . M . 228 , P . G . D . C . Herts , & c , is the Officer appointed by the M . W . the Grand Master to officiate . Bro . J . J . Michael P . M .
1507 is the W . M . designate , and Bros . W . M . Stiles and J . T . Briggs the Wardens designate . Bro . Saintsbury is the Secretary pro tern .
"Hottowii ' s OnrorEire AJTD PILLS . —Much watchfulness must be exercised ns winter advances , and the earliest evidences of ill health must bo immediately checked and removed , or a . slight illness may result in n serious malady . Relaxed and sore throat , diphtheria , quinsey , throat cough , chronic coutrh , bronchitis , and most other pulmonary affections will be relieved by rubbing this
cooling Ointment into the skin as near ns practicable to tho seat of mischief . This treatment , so simple and effective , is admirably adapted for tho removal of these diseases during infancy and youth . Old asthmatic invalids will derivo marvellous relief from the use of Holloway ' s remedies , which have brought round many such sufferers , and re-established health after every other means had signally failed .