Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Eyptian Lodgo of Instruction , No . 27 . —Ou Thursday evening , 17 th inst ., at Bro . Maidwell's , 119 Leadenhall-street , E . C . Bros . Nordon W . M ., Aarons S . W ., Da Silva J . W ., Atkins P . M . Treas ., Grammer Soc , Maidwell S . D ., Campbell J . D ., Smith I . G ., Barnes P . M . as Preceptor , Littis P . M . 27 , Walker W . M . 27 , and numerous
other brothrou . The third ceremony waa rehearsed , Bro . Hewlett candidate . The W . M . of tho Egyptian Lodge then took the chaii and rehearsed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Maidwell as W . M . elect . Bros . Gibbs and Smith were elected members , and after othei business tho Lodgo was closed .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 45 . —At the Old Rodney ' s Head , 12 Old-streot , Goswell-road , on Monday , the 14 th inst . Present—Bro . J . W . Smith W . M ., Wing S . W ., J . W . Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Hallam S . D ., Moseley J . D ., Opporman I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Pearcy , Trewinnard , Sparrow . Eead , Isaac , Hall , Burtlo , Woedeu , G . E . Cook , Halford , & c . All prolimina .
ries having been observed , Bro . Read answered the usual questions leading to the second degree and was entrusted ; Lodgo was opened iu tho second degree , tho ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by tho W . M ., Bro . Eead being candidate . Bro . Fenner worked tho first , Bro . Pearcy tho second and third , and Bro . Tolmie tho fourth and fifth
sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was closed in second degree . Bro . Wing waa unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded tbe W . M . for the very efficient manner in which he had conducted the business of the evening . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , 15 th January . Bros . J . S . Eraser W . M ., AVilliam Eraser S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., Sayer S . D ., Aarons J . D ., Forrest I . G ., Eudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Secretary ; Daniel , Harris , Quiucoy , Brighton , Nordou , Hayes , West . The Lodge was opened iu due form . The three degrees and the traditional history were rehearsed , iu a very perfect maimer , by tho W . M .
Bro . Hayes 1 GG 8 and Bro . Brighton were elected members . Bro . AVilliam Eraser was elected -AV . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday . Notice was given by Bro . Daniel , AV . M . of the Prosperity Lodge , that the Annual Ball would take place on Gth February , at the Cannon-street Hotel , when tho Craft are fraternally invited to attend . The ceremony of installation will be worked at this Lodge of Instruction on Tuesday , 29 th January .
Lebanon Chapter , Ho . 73 . —The regular Convocation and election meeting of this Chapter was held on tho 10 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Comps . J . AV . Baldwin M . E . Z ., J . Mason H ., J . Cattley Mason J ., F . AValters P . Z . S . E ., M . D . Loewonstark S . N ., Isaacs P . S ., W . Dunham 2 nd Asst . The Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed , ono brother was exalted .
Tho election then took place , aud Comps . J . Mason was chosen M . E . Z ., J . 0 . Mason H ., AV . Dunham P . S ., T . C . Speight P . Z . Janitor . A notice of motion was given , to present the retiring M . E . Z . with a gold jewel , iu recognition of the able manner he had carried out the duties during hia year of office . Several candidates were
proposed for exaltation . Tho Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to a vory excellent banquet . Comp . F . Walters P . Z . genially presiding . The usnal Loyal and E . A . toasts were given . Comps . J . Stevens P . Z ., Grabham 17 G , aud several others wero present as Visitors .
St . John's Lodge , No . 90 . —This Lodgo held its monthly meeting on Monday , tho 11 th January , at The Albion , Aldersgatestreot . Present—Bros . Stunner W . M ., AV . Kuapp Henderson S . AV ., Margetson J . W ., J . Grilfiu Sec , Eglese Treas ., Pcarco S . D ., Colpoys J . D ., Stephens D . C , Brown I . G ., Goddard Tyler . Past Masters
Bros . Adam , McDougal ) , 1 . 1 . Griffin , Venn . Visitors—Bros . Baker P . G . D ., Alderman Hadley P . G . D . C ., Dr . Gooding W . M . elect No . 1 G . S ., Gadsby , C . Warwick Jordan , aud several others . Business—Bros . F . McDongall and Morrison wero raised to the third degree . Bro . Henderson was installed as W . M ,, the ceremony being performed by Bro . Veun P . M .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 198 . —This Lodge held Its regular weekly meeting on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington . Present—Bros . J . Lorkin AV . M ., Fenner S . W ., Gibbs J . AV ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., Hawkins S . D ., C . Lorkin J . D ., Bedwell I . G . Visitors—Bros . W . H . L . Davies 192 ,
and F . McClean 193 . After the Lodge had been opened , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Brock candidate . Bro . Moss worked the first four sections of the second lecture . Bros . Davies aud McClean wero elected members , and Bro . A . W . Fenner was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Eoyal Lodge , Ho . 643 . —The regular meeting of tho breth ren of this Lodge was held at Mr . John Welborn's , Foord ' s Hotel , Filey , on Monday evening , for tho purpose of electing tho Officers foi the ensuing year , when Bro . J . J . liekl was elected Worshipful Master by a large majority . Bro . AV . G . Long P . P . G . S . B . was elected Treasurer , aud Bro . W . Jefferson Tyler .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 780 . —On Fridaj the 11 th inst ., at the Star and Garter , Kew-bridge , at 7 . 30 p . m Bros . Blasby AV . M ., May S . W ., Costelow J . W ., Irwin S . D ., Dorej J . D ., Gunner I . G . ; Bro . 0 . Eoo Preceptor ; Bros . Kyezor , Goss W . & l
7 « 0 , & c Lodgo opened iu proper form , and tho minutes were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Gunner candidate . Lodge opened in second degree , and Bro . Gunner was passed by the W . M ., in a creditable manner . Bro . May was tlected to tho chair for tho next meeting .
Notices Of Meetings
Lily of Richmond Lodgo of Instruction . —Met on Saturday , 12 th January , at seven o ' clock , at Bro . Palme' , tho Greyhound , Richmond . Bro . J . Batoman P . M . W . M ., AVade S . ' . V ., Lamb J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Harris J . D ., Phillips Preceptor ; Bros . Fisher , Digby , Harris , Dean , Weaver , & o . Preliminary requirements observed , Bro . Kyezor offered himself as candidate , and Bro . Dean took tho chair of K . S ., and worked the ceremony of initiation . Bro . Dean then
gave tho lecture on tho Tracing Board of tho first degree , in a fluent aud able manner . It was proposed by Bro . Kyezor , and seconded , by Bro . AVade , that the Annual Banquet of tho Lodgo of Instruction bo hold at the Greyhound , ou Saturday , 2 nd February ; this was carried unanimously , Bro . Preceptor Phillips undertaking to seo the necessary arrangements carried out . The Lodge was closed , and tho meeting was adjourned until Saturday , 19 th ult . Bro . Wade will preside .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , tho 15 th inst ., at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . AVallington AV . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Young S . D ., Finch J . D ., Slater I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas . ; Bros . AVeigo , Collins , Sanderson , Darnell , and others . The Lodge was opened and minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Henderson answered tho necessary questions leading to the
third degree . Tho Lodgo was advanced to the third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Henderson candidate . The Preceptor then gavo the traditional history . The Lodge was regularly closed clown to the first degree , when Bro . Collins answered tho necessary questions and was passed to the second degree . Bro . Collins , of Lodge 8 G 0 , and Bro . Henderson , of Lodge 1365 , wero elected members . Bro . J . Lorkin will preside next week .
Eowley Lodge , Ho . 1051 , Lancaster . —The Installation meeting of this select and flourishing Lodge was held on Monday , 7 tb January , at tho Masonic Rooms , Athenceum . There were present Bros . T . Jackson W . M ., H . Longman I . P . M ., N . AV . Helmo S . AV ., Alfred Shorriff J . W ., J . D . Moore Sec , G . T . Taylor S . D ., J . T . Jackson J . D ., E . Simpson P . M . Prov . G . S ., F . Dean P . M ., T . Atkinson
P . M ., and a number of other Officers and brethren . After the transaction of somo Lodge business , the P . O . degree was conferred upon Bro . E . Palmer by the W . M ., on Bro . AV . G . Welch by Bro . Longman I . P . M . Bro . Dr . Moore P . G . S . B . of England then took tho chair as Installing Officer , and Bro . Alfred Sherriff the W . M . elect was presented for Installation by Past Masters Longman and Taylor . The
presentation being received , and tho W . M . elect having signified his adherence to the various rules and regulations , in a Board of Installed Masters he was duly and formally installed into the chair of K . S ., and authorised to rule and conduct the Lodge for the next twelve months . He was then greeted and saluted in due form , and proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , as follow : —Bros . T
Jackson I . P . M ., N . AV . Helmo S . W ., G . T . Taylor J . W ., W . J . Sly Treas ( re-elected ) , H . Longman P . M . Sec , J . T . Jackson S . D ., Thos . Bell . J . D ., J . Vince I . G ., James Aldous Org ., A . K . Allinson Tyler . On the investure of each Officer the Installing Master delivered appropriate addresses as to the nature and character of their duties , and tho symbolism of the jewel with which they were invested . The working
tools were presented by the I . P . M ., and the addresses to the Master , Wardens aud members , delivered by the Installing Officer , Bro . H . Longman P . M . and John Hatch P . M ., and the ceremony of installation was concluded by the presentation of the gavel of Office to the new Master , confirming him in the power and privileges of the high position in which he had inst been placed . A hearty vote of thanks
was awarded to Bro . Moore for the impressive manner in which the ceremony of installation had been conducted , and for which this distinguished Brother is so justly celebrated ; and this was duly responded to . Notice of motion having been given for a vote of ten guineas to the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and other business transacted , the Lodge was closed with the
usual formalities of the Craft . The brethren then adjourned to tho King ' s Arms Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared , to which those assembled , under the presidency of tho new AV . M ., did ample justice . After the cloth was drawn , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and these were enthusiastically received and responded to .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1227 .-At Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , tho 11 th instant . Present—Bros . Hine W . M ., Simmonds S . W ., Ellis J . AV ., Fenner Preceptor , Cleverley S . D ., Lane J . D ., Simpson I . G . ; also Bros . Bolton , Posener jun ., Campbell , Crouch , E . W . Pearcy , and Stroud , & c . The minutes of last Lodge meeting were read and con .
firmed . Bro . Posener jun . answered the usual questions leading to the second degree , aud was entrusted . Lodge was opened to the second degree , when the AV . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of passing , Bro . Posener candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Campbell candidate . Bro . Simmonds was elected AV . M . for the ensuing week .
St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1306 , —Tho usual meeting of this Lodge was hold on Monday , 14 th January , at the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping . Bros . Cox AV . M ., Horsley S . W ., Greely J . W ., Mortlock P . M . J . D ., Jamioson I . G .,
Brume becrotary , aud several other brethreu . The Lodge was opened iu due form , and the ceremony of initiation efficiently rehearsed by the AV . M ., Bro . Braine being tho candidate . Bro . ' <>\ was elected W . M . for next meeting . Tho Lodgo closed in pcrl '^ et harmony , and will meet ou Monday next , 2 lst inst ., at 8 p . m .
Anchor Lodge , Ho . 1337 . —Tho annual meeting for the in-. stallation of tho W . il . was held at Northallerton on Tuesday . At I- p . m . the brethren met in the Lodgo room , and tho ceremony of installation was performed very ably by AV . Bro . A . C . Knowles P . M . 9-10 P . P . G . S . D . Durham . The AV . M . thou proceeded to appoint and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Eyptian Lodgo of Instruction , No . 27 . —Ou Thursday evening , 17 th inst ., at Bro . Maidwell's , 119 Leadenhall-street , E . C . Bros . Nordon W . M ., Aarons S . W ., Da Silva J . W ., Atkins P . M . Treas ., Grammer Soc , Maidwell S . D ., Campbell J . D ., Smith I . G ., Barnes P . M . as Preceptor , Littis P . M . 27 , Walker W . M . 27 , and numerous
other brothrou . The third ceremony waa rehearsed , Bro . Hewlett candidate . The W . M . of tho Egyptian Lodge then took the chaii and rehearsed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Maidwell as W . M . elect . Bros . Gibbs and Smith were elected members , and after othei business tho Lodgo was closed .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 45 . —At the Old Rodney ' s Head , 12 Old-streot , Goswell-road , on Monday , the 14 th inst . Present—Bro . J . W . Smith W . M ., Wing S . W ., J . W . Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Hallam S . D ., Moseley J . D ., Opporman I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Pearcy , Trewinnard , Sparrow . Eead , Isaac , Hall , Burtlo , Woedeu , G . E . Cook , Halford , & c . All prolimina .
ries having been observed , Bro . Read answered the usual questions leading to the second degree and was entrusted ; Lodgo was opened iu tho second degree , tho ceremony of passing was ably rehearsed by tho W . M ., Bro . Eead being candidate . Bro . Fenner worked tho first , Bro . Pearcy tho second and third , and Bro . Tolmie tho fourth and fifth
sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was closed in second degree . Bro . Wing waa unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was accorded tbe W . M . for the very efficient manner in which he had conducted the business of the evening . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , 15 th January . Bros . J . S . Eraser W . M ., AVilliam Eraser S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., Sayer S . D ., Aarons J . D ., Forrest I . G ., Eudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Secretary ; Daniel , Harris , Quiucoy , Brighton , Nordou , Hayes , West . The Lodge was opened iu due form . The three degrees and the traditional history were rehearsed , iu a very perfect maimer , by tho W . M .
Bro . Hayes 1 GG 8 and Bro . Brighton were elected members . Bro . AVilliam Eraser was elected -AV . M . for tho ensuing Tuesday . Notice was given by Bro . Daniel , AV . M . of the Prosperity Lodge , that the Annual Ball would take place on Gth February , at the Cannon-street Hotel , when tho Craft are fraternally invited to attend . The ceremony of installation will be worked at this Lodge of Instruction on Tuesday , 29 th January .
Lebanon Chapter , Ho . 73 . —The regular Convocation and election meeting of this Chapter was held on tho 10 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Comps . J . AV . Baldwin M . E . Z ., J . Mason H ., J . Cattley Mason J ., F . AValters P . Z . S . E ., M . D . Loewonstark S . N ., Isaacs P . S ., W . Dunham 2 nd Asst . The Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed , ono brother was exalted .
Tho election then took place , aud Comps . J . Mason was chosen M . E . Z ., J . 0 . Mason H ., AV . Dunham P . S ., T . C . Speight P . Z . Janitor . A notice of motion was given , to present the retiring M . E . Z . with a gold jewel , iu recognition of the able manner he had carried out the duties during hia year of office . Several candidates were
proposed for exaltation . Tho Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to a vory excellent banquet . Comp . F . Walters P . Z . genially presiding . The usnal Loyal and E . A . toasts were given . Comps . J . Stevens P . Z ., Grabham 17 G , aud several others wero present as Visitors .
St . John's Lodge , No . 90 . —This Lodgo held its monthly meeting on Monday , tho 11 th January , at The Albion , Aldersgatestreot . Present—Bros . Stunner W . M ., AV . Kuapp Henderson S . AV ., Margetson J . W ., J . Grilfiu Sec , Eglese Treas ., Pcarco S . D ., Colpoys J . D ., Stephens D . C , Brown I . G ., Goddard Tyler . Past Masters
Bros . Adam , McDougal ) , 1 . 1 . Griffin , Venn . Visitors—Bros . Baker P . G . D ., Alderman Hadley P . G . D . C ., Dr . Gooding W . M . elect No . 1 G . S ., Gadsby , C . Warwick Jordan , aud several others . Business—Bros . F . McDongall and Morrison wero raised to the third degree . Bro . Henderson was installed as W . M ,, the ceremony being performed by Bro . Veun P . M .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 198 . —This Lodge held Its regular weekly meeting on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington . Present—Bros . J . Lorkin AV . M ., Fenner S . W ., Gibbs J . AV ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., Hawkins S . D ., C . Lorkin J . D ., Bedwell I . G . Visitors—Bros . W . H . L . Davies 192 ,
and F . McClean 193 . After the Lodge had been opened , the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Brock candidate . Bro . Moss worked the first four sections of the second lecture . Bros . Davies aud McClean wero elected members , and Bro . A . W . Fenner was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Eoyal Lodge , Ho . 643 . —The regular meeting of tho breth ren of this Lodge was held at Mr . John Welborn's , Foord ' s Hotel , Filey , on Monday evening , for tho purpose of electing tho Officers foi the ensuing year , when Bro . J . J . liekl was elected Worshipful Master by a large majority . Bro . AV . G . Long P . P . G . S . B . was elected Treasurer , aud Bro . W . Jefferson Tyler .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 780 . —On Fridaj the 11 th inst ., at the Star and Garter , Kew-bridge , at 7 . 30 p . m Bros . Blasby AV . M ., May S . W ., Costelow J . W ., Irwin S . D ., Dorej J . D ., Gunner I . G . ; Bro . 0 . Eoo Preceptor ; Bros . Kyezor , Goss W . & l
7 « 0 , & c Lodgo opened iu proper form , and tho minutes were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Gunner candidate . Lodge opened in second degree , and Bro . Gunner was passed by the W . M ., in a creditable manner . Bro . May was tlected to tho chair for tho next meeting .
Notices Of Meetings
Lily of Richmond Lodgo of Instruction . —Met on Saturday , 12 th January , at seven o ' clock , at Bro . Palme' , tho Greyhound , Richmond . Bro . J . Batoman P . M . W . M ., AVade S . ' . V ., Lamb J . W ., Kyezor S . D ., Harris J . D ., Phillips Preceptor ; Bros . Fisher , Digby , Harris , Dean , Weaver , & o . Preliminary requirements observed , Bro . Kyezor offered himself as candidate , and Bro . Dean took tho chair of K . S ., and worked the ceremony of initiation . Bro . Dean then
gave tho lecture on tho Tracing Board of tho first degree , in a fluent aud able manner . It was proposed by Bro . Kyezor , and seconded , by Bro . AVade , that the Annual Banquet of tho Lodgo of Instruction bo hold at the Greyhound , ou Saturday , 2 nd February ; this was carried unanimously , Bro . Preceptor Phillips undertaking to seo the necessary arrangements carried out . The Lodge was closed , and tho meeting was adjourned until Saturday , 19 th ult . Bro . Wade will preside .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , tho 15 th inst ., at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . AVallington AV . M ., J . Lorkin S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Young S . D ., Finch J . D ., Slater I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas . ; Bros . AVeigo , Collins , Sanderson , Darnell , and others . The Lodge was opened and minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Henderson answered tho necessary questions leading to the
third degree . Tho Lodgo was advanced to the third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Henderson candidate . The Preceptor then gavo the traditional history . The Lodge was regularly closed clown to the first degree , when Bro . Collins answered tho necessary questions and was passed to the second degree . Bro . Collins , of Lodge 8 G 0 , and Bro . Henderson , of Lodge 1365 , wero elected members . Bro . J . Lorkin will preside next week .
Eowley Lodge , Ho . 1051 , Lancaster . —The Installation meeting of this select and flourishing Lodge was held on Monday , 7 tb January , at tho Masonic Rooms , Athenceum . There were present Bros . T . Jackson W . M ., H . Longman I . P . M ., N . AV . Helmo S . AV ., Alfred Shorriff J . W ., J . D . Moore Sec , G . T . Taylor S . D ., J . T . Jackson J . D ., E . Simpson P . M . Prov . G . S ., F . Dean P . M ., T . Atkinson
P . M ., and a number of other Officers and brethren . After the transaction of somo Lodge business , the P . O . degree was conferred upon Bro . E . Palmer by the W . M ., on Bro . AV . G . Welch by Bro . Longman I . P . M . Bro . Dr . Moore P . G . S . B . of England then took tho chair as Installing Officer , and Bro . Alfred Sherriff the W . M . elect was presented for Installation by Past Masters Longman and Taylor . The
presentation being received , and tho W . M . elect having signified his adherence to the various rules and regulations , in a Board of Installed Masters he was duly and formally installed into the chair of K . S ., and authorised to rule and conduct the Lodge for the next twelve months . He was then greeted and saluted in due form , and proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers , as follow : —Bros . T
Jackson I . P . M ., N . AV . Helmo S . W ., G . T . Taylor J . W ., W . J . Sly Treas ( re-elected ) , H . Longman P . M . Sec , J . T . Jackson S . D ., Thos . Bell . J . D ., J . Vince I . G ., James Aldous Org ., A . K . Allinson Tyler . On the investure of each Officer the Installing Master delivered appropriate addresses as to the nature and character of their duties , and tho symbolism of the jewel with which they were invested . The working
tools were presented by the I . P . M ., and the addresses to the Master , Wardens aud members , delivered by the Installing Officer , Bro . H . Longman P . M . and John Hatch P . M ., and the ceremony of installation was concluded by the presentation of the gavel of Office to the new Master , confirming him in the power and privileges of the high position in which he had inst been placed . A hearty vote of thanks
was awarded to Bro . Moore for the impressive manner in which the ceremony of installation had been conducted , and for which this distinguished Brother is so justly celebrated ; and this was duly responded to . Notice of motion having been given for a vote of ten guineas to the Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons , and other business transacted , the Lodge was closed with the
usual formalities of the Craft . The brethren then adjourned to tho King ' s Arms Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been prepared , to which those assembled , under the presidency of tho new AV . M ., did ample justice . After the cloth was drawn , tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and these were enthusiastically received and responded to .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1227 .-At Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , tho 11 th instant . Present—Bros . Hine W . M ., Simmonds S . W ., Ellis J . AV ., Fenner Preceptor , Cleverley S . D ., Lane J . D ., Simpson I . G . ; also Bros . Bolton , Posener jun ., Campbell , Crouch , E . W . Pearcy , and Stroud , & c . The minutes of last Lodge meeting were read and con .
firmed . Bro . Posener jun . answered the usual questions leading to the second degree , aud was entrusted . Lodge was opened to the second degree , when the AV . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of passing , Bro . Posener candidate . Bro . Fenner worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed , and the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Campbell candidate . Bro . Simmonds was elected AV . M . for the ensuing week .
St . John of Wapping Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1306 , —Tho usual meeting of this Lodge was hold on Monday , 14 th January , at the Gun Hotel , High-street , Wapping . Bros . Cox AV . M ., Horsley S . W ., Greely J . W ., Mortlock P . M . J . D ., Jamioson I . G .,
Brume becrotary , aud several other brethreu . The Lodge was opened iu due form , and the ceremony of initiation efficiently rehearsed by the AV . M ., Bro . Braine being tho candidate . Bro . ' <>\ was elected W . M . for next meeting . Tho Lodgo closed in pcrl '^ et harmony , and will meet ou Monday next , 2 lst inst ., at 8 p . m .
Anchor Lodge , Ho . 1337 . —Tho annual meeting for the in-. stallation of tho W . il . was held at Northallerton on Tuesday . At I- p . m . the brethren met in the Lodgo room , and tho ceremony of installation was performed very ably by AV . Bro . A . C . Knowles P . M . 9-10 P . P . G . S . D . Durham . The AV . M . thou proceeded to appoint and