Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 2 Article PERIODICAL LITERATURE Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings
invest his officers , as follow :-Bros . G . W . Elliott M . P . I . P . M ., W . A . Hutchence S . W ., M . Walmsley J . AV ., E . Palliser Sec , G . Oxendale Treas ., Eev . H . Jones Chap ., AV . Hardy S . D ., J . Wheldon J . D ., J . Stainsby I . G ., G . Walker and G . Chapman Stewards , E . Wilkinson Tyler . After the closing of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to the Golden Lion Hotel , whero an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . J . Simpson . The AV . M . presided , and was supported by a goodly
nnmber of members , and tho following amongst many visitors : — Bros . Geo . Ayre W . M ., AV . Hall and C . Greensides , Falcon 1416 ; J . S . Cumberland S . AV ., Geo . Simpson M . C . and M . Millington I . G ., Eboracum 1611 ; G . H . Simpson , York 236 ; Jas . Usher P . M ., W . Simpson and J . Altson , Philanthropy 910 ; J . Newton , Lennox 123 ; A . Ilry W . M . Tees 509 ; J . C . Martin W . M ., W . Boll and J . W . Johnson , Restoration 111 ; T . Robinson , Harbour of Refuge 764 , & c .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday last , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . Present—Bros . E . T . Kingham W . M ., John Douglass S . AV ., C . J . Scales J . AV ., J . Willing jun . P . M . Treasurer , W . M . Stiles Secretary , W . Side S . D ., H . Stiles D . of C , H . Lovegrovo Steward , G . Colls I . G ., J . Michael P . M . The
minntes having been confirmed , the W . M . proceeded with the business of tho evening , which comprised the raising of Bros . W . Garrett and J . Ford . The passing of Bros . E . Kearns , S . AVartl , C . C . Cruikshanks and J . H . Grant , and the initiation of Messrs . W . E . Smith , W . Davey , F . AV . Dimsdale and H . A . Dimsdalo . These ceremonies concluded , tho W . M . closed the Lodge , and the brethren
adjourned to banquet , after which tho AV . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Willing proposed the health of tho W . M . He was a brother who had done his best to give satisfaction , and always strives to do all he can for the Lodge . This toast having been acknowledged , tho W . M . replied ; he fully appreciated the kind sentiments expressed towards him . The next toast was that of the Past Masters , to which Bros . Willing and Michael responded .
The W . M . now proposed the health of the Visitors . Next to charity he considered hospitality the greatest jewel of a Freemason . The visitors wero welcome , and ho hoped they had passed a pleasant evening . Bros . Webb , Briggs and Shilcock replied . The W . M . next proposed the Initiates , each of whom responded . The Treasurer , Secretary and Officers were severally honoured , after which the Tyler toasted all poor and distressed brethren , thus closing a pleasant evening .
The visitors wero Bros . AV . Roach 49 , H . AVebb P . M . 72 , 193 , 890 , J . T . Briggs P . M . 157 , J . D . Whito J . W . 190 , J . Shilcock P . M . 419 P . P . J . G . AV ., A . Clemow 858 , J . H . Bodwell I . G . 861 , E , F . Pierdon 948 , AV . AV . Morgan jun . 1385 .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1523 . —On Wednesday , the 16 th of January , at the Havelock Hotel , Albion road , Dalston , E . Present—Bros . J . H . Maples AV . M ., Dignam S . W ., C . Lorkin J . AV ., E . Dietrich Sec , G . Ferrar Treasurer , Eobinson S . D ., Francis J . D ., Woolley I . G ., AV . Fieldwick Preceptor ; and Bros . J . B . Shackleton , Slaiter , Brasted , McClean , Jamieson , Pollock , E . Olley ,
T . Ainsley , VV . H . Lea , Somers , & o . After preliminaries , Bro . Slaiter , a candidate for the third degree , was interrogated and entrusted . Tho Lodge was then opened up , and Bro . Slater was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Bro . Dignam was unanimously elected W . M . for the next week . Bro . Lee worked the sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Fifteen Sections will be Worked by Bro . Lee P . M . 1524 on the first AVednesday iu February .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1625 . —Met at the Enval lintel , Milc-ond-road , on Monday , tho 14 th inst . Bros . Ives W . M ., Huggott S . AV ., Turquand J . AV ., W . J . Rawley S . D ., Campbell J . D ., Ou . o I . G ., T . J . Barnes Treasurer , Gottheil Preceptor , George Hollington Secretary . There wero also present Bros . George Verry , Myers , Hogg , Coleman , Bate , Bonner , Holloway , Emery , Deason , & o .
The second ceremony was rehearsed , and the sections of the degree worked . Bro . Bate , of 1306 , was elected a member . A proposition to vote £ 5 towards the Benevolent Institution , to be placed on Bro . Verry's list , met with some opposition , on the ground that ever since the amalgamation of the Eastern Star aud Tredegar Lodges the proxies appertaining to tho former were pronounced by the
Committee of that Institution to be void , a decree which the members considered unfair aud unjust . The proposition was subsequently agreed to , upon the assurance of Bro . Verry that he possessed information to the effect that the existing disagreement could bo satisfactorily adjusted . Votes of thanks were unanimously passed in favour of Bros . Barnes , Hollington , Eawley , and Gottheil , for their services during
the past twelve months . Bro . Huggett was elected W . M . for next Monday . The first anniversary banquet of this Lodge will take place on Monday , tho 28 ch inst ., at this hotel , Bro . Huggett , W . M . of the Mother Lodge , promising to preside . Taking into consideration the extreme comfort of the room , and that Bro . Yatoswill havo the cater , ing under his especial care , a very enjoyable evening may reasonably be anticipated .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1642 . —On Friday , the 12 th inst ., at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-road , Notthig-hill . Present—Bros . Spiegel AV . M ., Adkins S . W ., Smout sen . J . W ., Smout jun . Sec , Penn Treas ., Smout jun . S . D ., Wootlmason J . D ., Poulter I . G ., Past Master Savage Preceptor ; Murlis P . M ., Newland , Do Haye , Crabb , Hallon and others . The ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Crabb candidate ; after which the ceremony ot
raising , Bro . Hallon as candidate . A vote of thanks was proposed and carried unanimously to Bro . Adkins , for presenting tho Lodge of Instruction with columns ; to Bro . Murlis , for a very valuable ancient Bible ; and to Bro . Smout sen ., for a set of collars . It was announced that the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge would have a Ball on the 22 nd Feb ., for the benefit of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . The Lodge of Instruction consented to join the members of the Mother Lodge . Bro . Adkins was elected W . M . for next meeting .
Notices Of Meetings
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , at the Queen ' s Hotel , York , the W . M . Bro . T . B . Whytehead presiding . A successful ballot was taken for two candidates , and Mr . J . G . Joyce , Bandmaster of the Royal Scots Greys Regiment , now quartered in York , was initiated . The Senior Warden , on behalf of Bro . Richard Boggett P . M ., of Hull , presented
to the Lodge a copy of Dr . Bell ' s valuable Masonio Chart , " The Stream of English Masonry , " and a voto of thanks to Bro . Boggett for his kind gift was heartily passed . Two brethren were proposed as joining members and the name of a candidate for initiation was proposed and seconded , after which the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A short toast list was gono through , the evening being enlivened by singing and recitations by
Bros . Wyatfc P . M ., J . S . Cumberland , T . Humphries , G . C . Lee , & c . There was a good attendance of brethren and visitors , amongst them being Bros . T . Cooper P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., 0 . G . Padel , M . Cooper , J . T . Seller , T . D . Smith , J . R . Jackson , M . Millington , G . Simpson , A . T . B . Turner , J . Kay , Eobert Ware , W . W . Whytehead 236 , W . Powell 236 , and several brethren belonging to the Royal Scots Greys .
Periodical Literature
FURTHER progress is made in Cassell ' s Family Magazine with the new serial stories , " Time Shall Try , " and " Suspense . " Mr . Notley is the author of tho former , and ho seems to be working it up very successfully . The same may be said of tho other tale , which is by the author of "A Hard Case . " A highly interesting sketch ia that of " Coffee Taverns , " by the author of " Fish and Flesh in Leather
Lane . The Billingsgate Honse is described at somo length , and from this we gather that tho arrangements for the public comfort are excellent , the coffee , & c , supplied being of very good quality , and everything in the kitchen and offices being a pattern of neatness and cleverness . This was opened in June of last year , but another , in tho Edgware-road , was opened the previous month , and thus had
a brief start of its companion establishment . Particulars are likewise given of this , and it is gratifying to hear that others are in the course of erection , or in contemplation , in such neighbourhoods as St . Giles ' s , Lambeth , Aldgate , and Poplar , and likewise that the matter is being taken up in our large provincial cities and towns . Indeed , Liverpool , wo read , is in advance of London , its " British Workmen Public House Company , Limited , " being of date anterior
to the initiation in London of this excellent movement . Mr . Munro , C . E ., contributes a valuable paper on " Submarine Telegraph Service . " A Family Doctor writes seasonably as to the " Hands and Feet : their Ease and Comfort . " Phillis Browne furnishes partica . lars of "How My Children were Drilled , " and following this is another good paper on " The Nursing of the London Poor . " The illustrated article on " Embroidered House aud Table Linen " is to
be commended , and so are tho contributions entitled " Tho Average Servant , " " A Tin of Sardines , " the " Chit-Chat ou Dress , " and ; ' King Baby ; some Experiences of a Young Mother . " " Iris , " words by Bernard Copes , and music by J . Gordon Saunders , Mus . B ., is a very tuneful song .
We have received from tho same publishers Part I . of a new serial publication , entitled Science for All . It is illustrated freely and well , and , to judge from the contents of the opening issue , we are justified in expecting that it will be very popular . The character of the contents may be gathered from an enumeration of somo few of them , such as Mr . Proctor ' s paper , headed " The Man in the Moon , "
" A Piece of Limestone , " by Dr . H . Alleyne Nicholson ; " A Fallen Leaf , " by Mr . Eobert Brown , F . L . S . ; and J . E . H . Gordon ' s article on "Ice , Water , and Steam . " The Introduction contains a brief sketch of the plan of the work , and from this also the reader will certainly be dis josed to augur favourably of it , for we all know that Messrs . Cassell and Co . are very exact in the performance of what they undertake , and not only exact , but painstaking .
To Messrs . AVard and Graves , of Crown-court , Milton-street , E . G ., we are indebted for Part I . of The Journal of Travels : Adventures Ashore , Afloat , and Aloft . The object in issuing this periodical , we are told , is to supply young people with literary matter of an in . structive and edifying character , so that their attention may be distracted from the mass of pernicious stuff with which the public
is almost overwhelmed . AVe cannot , of course , under these circumstances , refrain from expressing an earnest hope that the new periodical may have a long and prosperous future , and we should do this even had the contents of the first number been less worthy than it is of commendation . But the Journal of Travels begins admirably , and wo hope will soon find itself sufficiently supported ou its inherent
merits , quite as much as for the excellent purpose with which it is started . The contents may be arranged in two categories . In one there is a number of short and interesting sketches , illustrative of the manners and customs of different peo des ; while the other consists of abont half a dozen serial stories , one of which , " Life and
Travels of Christopher Columbus , " is from tho pen of that popular writer , M . Jules Verne . The periodical is issued in weekly parts , which are afterwards bound together into monthly numbers ; the price of the weekly issue being one penny , and that of the monthly sixpence . Thero is room for improvement in the illustrations , but the letter-press is worthy of great praise .
The Sunday Courier of New York states that Confidence Lodge , No . 52 , of Marysville , Kentucky , has been declared clandestine b y the Grand Master of that jurisdiction ,
because the Master refused to surrender the Warrant . The ground of the trouble is the refusal of the Lodge in question to pay the tax imposed b y the Grand Lodge for tb © Widow and Orphan Asylum ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
invest his officers , as follow :-Bros . G . W . Elliott M . P . I . P . M ., W . A . Hutchence S . W ., M . Walmsley J . AV ., E . Palliser Sec , G . Oxendale Treas ., Eev . H . Jones Chap ., AV . Hardy S . D ., J . Wheldon J . D ., J . Stainsby I . G ., G . Walker and G . Chapman Stewards , E . Wilkinson Tyler . After the closing of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to the Golden Lion Hotel , whero an excellent banquet was provided by Bro . J . Simpson . The AV . M . presided , and was supported by a goodly
nnmber of members , and tho following amongst many visitors : — Bros . Geo . Ayre W . M ., AV . Hall and C . Greensides , Falcon 1416 ; J . S . Cumberland S . AV ., Geo . Simpson M . C . and M . Millington I . G ., Eboracum 1611 ; G . H . Simpson , York 236 ; Jas . Usher P . M ., W . Simpson and J . Altson , Philanthropy 910 ; J . Newton , Lennox 123 ; A . Ilry W . M . Tees 509 ; J . C . Martin W . M ., W . Boll and J . W . Johnson , Restoration 111 ; T . Robinson , Harbour of Refuge 764 , & c .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —Tho regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday last , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . Present—Bros . E . T . Kingham W . M ., John Douglass S . AV ., C . J . Scales J . AV ., J . Willing jun . P . M . Treasurer , W . M . Stiles Secretary , W . Side S . D ., H . Stiles D . of C , H . Lovegrovo Steward , G . Colls I . G ., J . Michael P . M . The
minntes having been confirmed , the W . M . proceeded with the business of tho evening , which comprised the raising of Bros . W . Garrett and J . Ford . The passing of Bros . E . Kearns , S . AVartl , C . C . Cruikshanks and J . H . Grant , and the initiation of Messrs . W . E . Smith , W . Davey , F . AV . Dimsdale and H . A . Dimsdalo . These ceremonies concluded , tho W . M . closed the Lodge , and the brethren
adjourned to banquet , after which tho AV . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Willing proposed the health of tho W . M . He was a brother who had done his best to give satisfaction , and always strives to do all he can for the Lodge . This toast having been acknowledged , tho W . M . replied ; he fully appreciated the kind sentiments expressed towards him . The next toast was that of the Past Masters , to which Bros . Willing and Michael responded .
The W . M . now proposed the health of the Visitors . Next to charity he considered hospitality the greatest jewel of a Freemason . The visitors wero welcome , and ho hoped they had passed a pleasant evening . Bros . Webb , Briggs and Shilcock replied . The W . M . next proposed the Initiates , each of whom responded . The Treasurer , Secretary and Officers were severally honoured , after which the Tyler toasted all poor and distressed brethren , thus closing a pleasant evening .
The visitors wero Bros . AV . Roach 49 , H . AVebb P . M . 72 , 193 , 890 , J . T . Briggs P . M . 157 , J . D . Whito J . W . 190 , J . Shilcock P . M . 419 P . P . J . G . AV ., A . Clemow 858 , J . H . Bodwell I . G . 861 , E , F . Pierdon 948 , AV . AV . Morgan jun . 1385 .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1523 . —On Wednesday , the 16 th of January , at the Havelock Hotel , Albion road , Dalston , E . Present—Bros . J . H . Maples AV . M ., Dignam S . W ., C . Lorkin J . AV ., E . Dietrich Sec , G . Ferrar Treasurer , Eobinson S . D ., Francis J . D ., Woolley I . G ., AV . Fieldwick Preceptor ; and Bros . J . B . Shackleton , Slaiter , Brasted , McClean , Jamieson , Pollock , E . Olley ,
T . Ainsley , VV . H . Lea , Somers , & o . After preliminaries , Bro . Slaiter , a candidate for the third degree , was interrogated and entrusted . Tho Lodge was then opened up , and Bro . Slater was raised to the degree of Master Mason . Bro . Dignam was unanimously elected W . M . for the next week . Bro . Lee worked the sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Fifteen Sections will be Worked by Bro . Lee P . M . 1524 on the first AVednesday iu February .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1625 . —Met at the Enval lintel , Milc-ond-road , on Monday , tho 14 th inst . Bros . Ives W . M ., Huggott S . AV ., Turquand J . AV ., W . J . Rawley S . D ., Campbell J . D ., Ou . o I . G ., T . J . Barnes Treasurer , Gottheil Preceptor , George Hollington Secretary . There wero also present Bros . George Verry , Myers , Hogg , Coleman , Bate , Bonner , Holloway , Emery , Deason , & o .
The second ceremony was rehearsed , and the sections of the degree worked . Bro . Bate , of 1306 , was elected a member . A proposition to vote £ 5 towards the Benevolent Institution , to be placed on Bro . Verry's list , met with some opposition , on the ground that ever since the amalgamation of the Eastern Star aud Tredegar Lodges the proxies appertaining to tho former were pronounced by the
Committee of that Institution to be void , a decree which the members considered unfair aud unjust . The proposition was subsequently agreed to , upon the assurance of Bro . Verry that he possessed information to the effect that the existing disagreement could bo satisfactorily adjusted . Votes of thanks were unanimously passed in favour of Bros . Barnes , Hollington , Eawley , and Gottheil , for their services during
the past twelve months . Bro . Huggett was elected W . M . for next Monday . The first anniversary banquet of this Lodge will take place on Monday , tho 28 ch inst ., at this hotel , Bro . Huggett , W . M . of the Mother Lodge , promising to preside . Taking into consideration the extreme comfort of the room , and that Bro . Yatoswill havo the cater , ing under his especial care , a very enjoyable evening may reasonably be anticipated .
Earl of Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , Ho . 1642 . —On Friday , the 12 th inst ., at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-road , Notthig-hill . Present—Bros . Spiegel AV . M ., Adkins S . W ., Smout sen . J . W ., Smout jun . Sec , Penn Treas ., Smout jun . S . D ., Wootlmason J . D ., Poulter I . G ., Past Master Savage Preceptor ; Murlis P . M ., Newland , Do Haye , Crabb , Hallon and others . The ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Crabb candidate ; after which the ceremony ot
raising , Bro . Hallon as candidate . A vote of thanks was proposed and carried unanimously to Bro . Adkins , for presenting tho Lodge of Instruction with columns ; to Bro . Murlis , for a very valuable ancient Bible ; and to Bro . Smout sen ., for a set of collars . It was announced that the Earl of Carnarvon Lodge would have a Ball on the 22 nd Feb ., for the benefit of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . The Lodge of Instruction consented to join the members of the Mother Lodge . Bro . Adkins was elected W . M . for next meeting .
Notices Of Meetings
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , at the Queen ' s Hotel , York , the W . M . Bro . T . B . Whytehead presiding . A successful ballot was taken for two candidates , and Mr . J . G . Joyce , Bandmaster of the Royal Scots Greys Regiment , now quartered in York , was initiated . The Senior Warden , on behalf of Bro . Richard Boggett P . M ., of Hull , presented
to the Lodge a copy of Dr . Bell ' s valuable Masonio Chart , " The Stream of English Masonry , " and a voto of thanks to Bro . Boggett for his kind gift was heartily passed . Two brethren were proposed as joining members and the name of a candidate for initiation was proposed and seconded , after which the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A short toast list was gono through , the evening being enlivened by singing and recitations by
Bros . Wyatfc P . M ., J . S . Cumberland , T . Humphries , G . C . Lee , & c . There was a good attendance of brethren and visitors , amongst them being Bros . T . Cooper P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., 0 . G . Padel , M . Cooper , J . T . Seller , T . D . Smith , J . R . Jackson , M . Millington , G . Simpson , A . T . B . Turner , J . Kay , Eobert Ware , W . W . Whytehead 236 , W . Powell 236 , and several brethren belonging to the Royal Scots Greys .
Periodical Literature
FURTHER progress is made in Cassell ' s Family Magazine with the new serial stories , " Time Shall Try , " and " Suspense . " Mr . Notley is the author of tho former , and ho seems to be working it up very successfully . The same may be said of tho other tale , which is by the author of "A Hard Case . " A highly interesting sketch ia that of " Coffee Taverns , " by the author of " Fish and Flesh in Leather
Lane . The Billingsgate Honse is described at somo length , and from this we gather that tho arrangements for the public comfort are excellent , the coffee , & c , supplied being of very good quality , and everything in the kitchen and offices being a pattern of neatness and cleverness . This was opened in June of last year , but another , in tho Edgware-road , was opened the previous month , and thus had
a brief start of its companion establishment . Particulars are likewise given of this , and it is gratifying to hear that others are in the course of erection , or in contemplation , in such neighbourhoods as St . Giles ' s , Lambeth , Aldgate , and Poplar , and likewise that the matter is being taken up in our large provincial cities and towns . Indeed , Liverpool , wo read , is in advance of London , its " British Workmen Public House Company , Limited , " being of date anterior
to the initiation in London of this excellent movement . Mr . Munro , C . E ., contributes a valuable paper on " Submarine Telegraph Service . " A Family Doctor writes seasonably as to the " Hands and Feet : their Ease and Comfort . " Phillis Browne furnishes partica . lars of "How My Children were Drilled , " and following this is another good paper on " The Nursing of the London Poor . " The illustrated article on " Embroidered House aud Table Linen " is to
be commended , and so are tho contributions entitled " Tho Average Servant , " " A Tin of Sardines , " the " Chit-Chat ou Dress , " and ; ' King Baby ; some Experiences of a Young Mother . " " Iris , " words by Bernard Copes , and music by J . Gordon Saunders , Mus . B ., is a very tuneful song .
We have received from tho same publishers Part I . of a new serial publication , entitled Science for All . It is illustrated freely and well , and , to judge from the contents of the opening issue , we are justified in expecting that it will be very popular . The character of the contents may be gathered from an enumeration of somo few of them , such as Mr . Proctor ' s paper , headed " The Man in the Moon , "
" A Piece of Limestone , " by Dr . H . Alleyne Nicholson ; " A Fallen Leaf , " by Mr . Eobert Brown , F . L . S . ; and J . E . H . Gordon ' s article on "Ice , Water , and Steam . " The Introduction contains a brief sketch of the plan of the work , and from this also the reader will certainly be dis josed to augur favourably of it , for we all know that Messrs . Cassell and Co . are very exact in the performance of what they undertake , and not only exact , but painstaking .
To Messrs . AVard and Graves , of Crown-court , Milton-street , E . G ., we are indebted for Part I . of The Journal of Travels : Adventures Ashore , Afloat , and Aloft . The object in issuing this periodical , we are told , is to supply young people with literary matter of an in . structive and edifying character , so that their attention may be distracted from the mass of pernicious stuff with which the public
is almost overwhelmed . AVe cannot , of course , under these circumstances , refrain from expressing an earnest hope that the new periodical may have a long and prosperous future , and we should do this even had the contents of the first number been less worthy than it is of commendation . But the Journal of Travels begins admirably , and wo hope will soon find itself sufficiently supported ou its inherent
merits , quite as much as for the excellent purpose with which it is started . The contents may be arranged in two categories . In one there is a number of short and interesting sketches , illustrative of the manners and customs of different peo des ; while the other consists of abont half a dozen serial stories , one of which , " Life and
Travels of Christopher Columbus , " is from tho pen of that popular writer , M . Jules Verne . The periodical is issued in weekly parts , which are afterwards bound together into monthly numbers ; the price of the weekly issue being one penny , and that of the monthly sixpence . Thero is room for improvement in the illustrations , but the letter-press is worthy of great praise .
The Sunday Courier of New York states that Confidence Lodge , No . 52 , of Marysville , Kentucky , has been declared clandestine b y the Grand Master of that jurisdiction ,
because the Master refused to surrender the Warrant . The ground of the trouble is the refusal of the Lodge in question to pay the tax imposed b y the Grand Lodge for tb © Widow and Orphan Asylum ,