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A Record Of Four Days' Masonic Work At York.
On Thnrsday morning , the 10 th inst ., at 10 a . m ., there was nnother muster of Mark Masons at York Station , and a pleasant departure was effected for Malton , a prosperous country town about twenty miles distant , whero a new Mark Lodgo , with the title of the Fitstwilliam Lodce , No . 277 , has just beon warranted . A pleasant run of half an hour brought the party to Malton Station , whero
they were met and cordially welcomed by the W . M . designate of the new Lodge and several other Malton brethren , and escorted by them to the Masonic Hall , where they found everything in excellent order , and the Lodgo set out for the ceremony , as well as light refreshment for those who had breakfasted early . After a short interval of arrangements , the visitors were conducted by their hosts through the
quaint old town , and were shown the church and other objects of interest . At twelve o ' clock they were entertained by the Malton brethren at lunch at the Talbot Hotel . At two o ' clock the ceremonies commenced by a Mark Lodge being opened by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , after which the Consecrating Officer was received with Grand Honours , and a goodly number of candidates were advanced bv
him . The following is a list of candidates : —Bros . A . J . Taylor , J . XV . Marshal ] , A . W . Walker , J . D . Dodsworth , T . M . Goldie , W . Heckley , M . F . W . Williamson , J . B . Nicholls , K . Waudby , T . C . Walker , F . Walton , and W . Newby . Bro . T . B . Whytehead acted _ s S . W ., W . C . Lukia as J . W ., S . Middleton as M . O ., J . S . Cumberland as S . D ., and the other chairs were occupied by brethren from
York and Malton . The consecration ceremony was performed most ably and impressively , and the oration was given by R . W . Bro . A . M . Broadley , whose eloquence and elegance of diction was the theme of universal admiration . He congratulated tbe brethren ou the circumstance of their all being members of the same Craft Lodgo ( Camalodunum , No . 660 ) , which be trusted would be a symbol of
unitedness m working and aim . He trusted the Mark aud Craft Lodges wonld work in harmony , and alluded to the fact of the Earl of Lathom Deputy Grand Master of the Craft in England occupying the office of Grand M . M . Mason , and Colouel Shadwell Gierke Grand Secretary filling the chair of Grand Junior Warden in the Mark this year , proving that a feeling of complete amity existed between
the two Grand bodies . This ceremony having been concluded , the chair was taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., of York , who proceeded to instal the W . M . designate , Bro . J . Marshall , in a very able manner . The W . M . having been saluted and greeted by the brethren , appointed and invested his Officers aa follow : —Bros . J . Staniland P . M . 660 S . W ., S . Chadwick J . W ., A . J . Taylor M . O ., J . W . Marshall
W . M . 660 J . O ., A . W . Walker Treasurer , J . D . Dodsworth S . D ., S . M . Goldie J . D ., W . Heckley Organist , M . F . W . Williamson D . C , J . B . Nicholls I . G ., A . Russell Registrar of Marks , K . Waudby Tyler . Before closing the Lodge , the W . M . proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Consecrating Officers , who had taken so much pains on their account , and moved that Bros . A . M . Broadlev , J . W . Woodall , T . B .
Whytehead , and J . S . Cumberland be elected honorary members of the Fitzwilliam Lodge , which was carried by acclamation . Those brethren returned thanks individually for the compliment , and said the labour had been one of love , and that the fraternal courtesy , energy , aud hospitality exhibited by the brethren of the Malton Lodge had far more than compensated them for any trouble they
had been put to . After the close of the Lodge , the Malton brethren again entertained their visitors at a high tea at . the Talbot Hotel , after which a number of toasts were proposed aud honoured , and a most fraternal evening was past , enlivened by songs and glees excellently rendered . At an early hour the fraternal chain was formed , and the brethren joined in singing " Auld Lang Syne , " the York
visitors being accompanied to the station by a warm-hearted party of their entertainers . Amongst the visitors aud brethren present we also noticed Bros . R . H . Peacock P . M . ( Scarborough ) , R . V . Powley P . M . ( Scarborough ) , A . T . B . Turner ( York ) , M . Millington ( York ) , XV . B . Dyson ( York ) , J . Verity ( Scarborough ) , T . Clongh ( Malton ) , J . T . Foster ( York ) , & c .
Thus ended four days of real Masonic work , thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part in the labour . The arrangements were planned by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , of York , who received every possible aid from all concerned in successfull y carrying out the programme . Both Mark Consecrations were greatly indebted for their success to Bro . J . S . Cumberland S . W . York Lod ( T . I . ) who wasdeputed b
ge , y the Consecrating Officer to act as Director of Ceremonies , and who performed the duties of his responsible office with that diligence and excellence for which he is deservedly known . It would , however , be invidious to particularise when all worked so heartily in a good cause—that of the good of Masonry , which must certainly be advanced b y such a series of meetings as those we have recorded .
¦ pHE brethren of this Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Highbury . -V street , Portsmouth , on Thursday , 10 th inst ., for the purpose of witnessing the ceremony of installing Bro . T . P . Palsgrave S . W . as •m . tor the ensuing year . The installation was carried I t / lll 1 Vf
ceremony tj a -.- *•- ** - «'' IA V" w » -m w * ^^ a- __ r __ J FUU _ r _ r * -VU P P P I w ° effecti T e aBd P ^ ect manner by Bro . H . Threadingham •. IT . _ . W ., the retiring W . M ., in presence of a very large number er members of the Craft . After the ceremony of installation , the »» . fl _ . appointed and invested his Officers as follow : —Bros . H . Thread
ingham I . P . M ., R . W . Beale S . W ., W . M . Ontridge J . W ., A . Cudlip P M rfn 8- ' W- B- Atkins Sec- > F - Meredith Assist . Sec , E . Groves RW VV , T- Cecil - Assisb- -0-0-. H - p - H ° --ey S . D ., F . H . De uevms J . D ., G . Dean I . G ., G . Pearman Organist , Cowd Steward , ji -p , ' "•j ^ cau j .. ^ ., ur . jr _ arman organist , uowci ocewarci ,
thon 3 iBt - SteWflr ( 1 - Exell and Smith Tylers . The W . M . IPM f ° v a 8 P ecial vote of thilljks to Bro - H - Threadingham for fii able condncfc in the chair during his year of office , and cerem "T ^ exce ,, en (; manner in which he had carried out the Threalr u lris - -- ation * ha < - day . He afterwards presented to Bro . ornamp ^ ' m the name of tbe Lodge > a handsome biscuit box , - mented 0 n each side with pastoral scenes , in oxydised silver in
A Record Of Four Days' Masonic Work At York.
relief on gold ground . The box , which had been subscribed for hy members of the Lodge , was manufactured and supplied by Messrs . Moses and Co ., the Hard , Portsca . On the box the following was inscribed : —Presented to Bro . Henry Threadingham I . P . M . I ' . P . G . Superintendent of Works , by tho Brethren of the Portsmouth Lodge , No . 487 , as a token of their esteem aud hearty appreciation of his
valuable services in the interests of the Lodge during his second year of office , terminating 10 th March 1881 . " A vote of thanks was also unanimously passed to Bro . Mark E . Frost P . M . P . G . Treas ., aud Bro . J . Astridge P . P . G . P ., for their services to tho Lodge , they having for some years acted as Hon . Secretaries . Bro . Frost had occupied tho position for a period of seventeen years , and now
resigned to make room for a younger man . Bro . J . Astridge relinquished his duty as Assistant Secretary , having removed from the town . The musical portion of the installation ceremony was efficiently performed by a choir composed of Bros . Pearman , R . W . Downing , J . W . Dyson , G . Grant , T . Bateholor , and J . Howell . At tho conclusion of the business about sixty of tho brethren sat down to a rScherchd banquet provided by Bro . Georgo Bond .
THE last meeting of this Lodge for tho season was held on Saturday evening , 12 th March , at tho Cannon Street Hotel . Bro . Thomas Hamor W . M . presided , supported by his Officers , amongst whom wero Bros . Headon P . M . Treasurer , Blackie P . M . Secretary , several Past Masters , a goodly inustor of the members , and the following visitors : —Bros . Rossignol 1672 , Eastgate 1563 , Hart 1872 , Lawrence 1804 , Vernon 25 , Reed 1572 , Mariner 1669 ,
Southcott 733 , Randell 145 , Rafter 154 , R . J . Smith 31 , Iluckvalo 1635 , W . J . Buck 1702 , and XV . Perceval 78 . Lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of tho preceding meeting read and confirmed , the Lodge was opened in tho second degree ; Bro . James Lodge was examined as to his proficiency in the science and the examination proving satisfactory , he withdrew . The Lodge was then
advanced to the third degree , and he was impressively raised to tho degree of M . M . The Lodge was then resumed to the first degree , when tbe bye-laws were read by Bro . N . B . Headon , the Treasurer . The next business was the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , and on a ballot being taken , it resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . Charles Taylor S . W ., who , in a few brief sentences , thanked the
brethren for the honour conferred upon him . The next business to be transacted was the election of a Treasurer for the ensuing twelve months , and there was also a unanimous vote in favour of Bro . N . B . Headon P . M ., although that worthy brother disclaimed any idea that the Treasurership of a Lodge shonld ever be considered as a freehold ; he was quite willing to stand aside , aud give way to
any brother who sought to take tho office ; if any did so , ho would render him any assistance in his power iu the discharge of the duties . As Bro . Headon has given the greatest satisfaction for some years past , it is almost unnecessary to say that no ono came forward to dispute with him the honour he uniformly had so well deserved . Bro . Steedman P . M . was also re-elected Tyler of the Lodge . Tbe
Audit Committee was next appointed . The installation of the now W . M . and appointment of Officers will not tako place until the meeting of the Lodge in October next . The next business was a motion by Bro . N . B . Headon , of which he had given notice at the last Lodge , " That the sum of twenty-five guineas be voted from the Benevolent Fund of the Lodge to the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys , and be placed on tho Worshipfnl Master ' s list , who as Steward will represent the Lodge on that occasion . The motion was seconded and unanimously agreed to . Bro . Headon then moved , also pursuant to notice , "That the sum of twenty-five guineas be voted from the Benevolent Fund to assist the orphan children of the late Bro . William Jackson , who was a member
of the Lodge ; and that the said sum be entrusted to tbe Treasurer to expend , as he may see fit , after consultation with the friends of the children . " Bro . Greening seconded the motion , whioh was also unanimously agreed to . Bro . Stanway P . M . moved , " That the usual P . M . ' s jewel be presented to the W . Master on the termination of his year of office . " This was also unanimously agreed to . Some
communications , and a proposition for initiation , having been received , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren ' adjourned to the dining hall for refreshment . This having been disposed of and the cloth with - drawn , the W . Master gave the formal Loyal and Masonio toasts . In reference to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , he commented on the great strides Freemasonry had made since the time when His
Royal Highness assumed the office of Grand Master at the Royal Albert Hall , and the anxiety he had at all times displayed to do everything in his power for the benefit of the Craft . Bro . Blackie I . P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said that although he had come up to that position sooner than was anticipated , Bro . Hamer had done the work as well as any Master who had preceded him , and
he asked the brethren to join with him in drinking the toast . The W . Master , in acknowledging the same , expressed his grateful thanks to the brethren for drinking his health with sucb cordiality , and remarked that it was a great pleasure to serve any office in The Great City Lodge , for while he had been in it he had made many acquaint , ances , and he believed that he enjoyed friendshi p- that only death would sever . When he commenced the duties of the chair he felt
the responsibility , as he knew how the work had been done by preceding Masters ; although he could only attempt to emulate them , be had to the best of his ability endeavoured to promote the welfare of the Lodge , which he would continue to do when he joined the rank of Past Masters , and then he hoped to make up for any
shortcomings on his part during the time he occupied the chair . He would endeavour to do so , and again thanked them all for the very kind manner in which he had always been received in The Great City Lodge . Tbe W . Master then gave tbe health of Bro . Charles Taylor XV . Master elect ; he was sure that every member wished him success in the duties whioh , for the next twelve months , would
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Record Of Four Days' Masonic Work At York.
On Thnrsday morning , the 10 th inst ., at 10 a . m ., there was nnother muster of Mark Masons at York Station , and a pleasant departure was effected for Malton , a prosperous country town about twenty miles distant , whero a new Mark Lodgo , with the title of the Fitstwilliam Lodce , No . 277 , has just beon warranted . A pleasant run of half an hour brought the party to Malton Station , whero
they were met and cordially welcomed by the W . M . designate of the new Lodge and several other Malton brethren , and escorted by them to the Masonic Hall , where they found everything in excellent order , and the Lodgo set out for the ceremony , as well as light refreshment for those who had breakfasted early . After a short interval of arrangements , the visitors were conducted by their hosts through the
quaint old town , and were shown the church and other objects of interest . At twelve o ' clock they were entertained by the Malton brethren at lunch at the Talbot Hotel . At two o ' clock the ceremonies commenced by a Mark Lodge being opened by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , after which the Consecrating Officer was received with Grand Honours , and a goodly number of candidates were advanced bv
him . The following is a list of candidates : —Bros . A . J . Taylor , J . XV . Marshal ] , A . W . Walker , J . D . Dodsworth , T . M . Goldie , W . Heckley , M . F . W . Williamson , J . B . Nicholls , K . Waudby , T . C . Walker , F . Walton , and W . Newby . Bro . T . B . Whytehead acted _ s S . W ., W . C . Lukia as J . W ., S . Middleton as M . O ., J . S . Cumberland as S . D ., and the other chairs were occupied by brethren from
York and Malton . The consecration ceremony was performed most ably and impressively , and the oration was given by R . W . Bro . A . M . Broadley , whose eloquence and elegance of diction was the theme of universal admiration . He congratulated tbe brethren ou the circumstance of their all being members of the same Craft Lodgo ( Camalodunum , No . 660 ) , which be trusted would be a symbol of
unitedness m working and aim . He trusted the Mark aud Craft Lodges wonld work in harmony , and alluded to the fact of the Earl of Lathom Deputy Grand Master of the Craft in England occupying the office of Grand M . M . Mason , and Colouel Shadwell Gierke Grand Secretary filling the chair of Grand Junior Warden in the Mark this year , proving that a feeling of complete amity existed between
the two Grand bodies . This ceremony having been concluded , the chair was taken by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., of York , who proceeded to instal the W . M . designate , Bro . J . Marshall , in a very able manner . The W . M . having been saluted and greeted by the brethren , appointed and invested his Officers aa follow : —Bros . J . Staniland P . M . 660 S . W ., S . Chadwick J . W ., A . J . Taylor M . O ., J . W . Marshall
W . M . 660 J . O ., A . W . Walker Treasurer , J . D . Dodsworth S . D ., S . M . Goldie J . D ., W . Heckley Organist , M . F . W . Williamson D . C , J . B . Nicholls I . G ., A . Russell Registrar of Marks , K . Waudby Tyler . Before closing the Lodge , the W . M . proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Consecrating Officers , who had taken so much pains on their account , and moved that Bros . A . M . Broadlev , J . W . Woodall , T . B .
Whytehead , and J . S . Cumberland be elected honorary members of the Fitzwilliam Lodge , which was carried by acclamation . Those brethren returned thanks individually for the compliment , and said the labour had been one of love , and that the fraternal courtesy , energy , aud hospitality exhibited by the brethren of the Malton Lodge had far more than compensated them for any trouble they
had been put to . After the close of the Lodge , the Malton brethren again entertained their visitors at a high tea at . the Talbot Hotel , after which a number of toasts were proposed aud honoured , and a most fraternal evening was past , enlivened by songs and glees excellently rendered . At an early hour the fraternal chain was formed , and the brethren joined in singing " Auld Lang Syne , " the York
visitors being accompanied to the station by a warm-hearted party of their entertainers . Amongst the visitors aud brethren present we also noticed Bros . R . H . Peacock P . M . ( Scarborough ) , R . V . Powley P . M . ( Scarborough ) , A . T . B . Turner ( York ) , M . Millington ( York ) , XV . B . Dyson ( York ) , J . Verity ( Scarborough ) , T . Clongh ( Malton ) , J . T . Foster ( York ) , & c .
Thus ended four days of real Masonic work , thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part in the labour . The arrangements were planned by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , of York , who received every possible aid from all concerned in successfull y carrying out the programme . Both Mark Consecrations were greatly indebted for their success to Bro . J . S . Cumberland S . W . York Lod ( T . I . ) who wasdeputed b
ge , y the Consecrating Officer to act as Director of Ceremonies , and who performed the duties of his responsible office with that diligence and excellence for which he is deservedly known . It would , however , be invidious to particularise when all worked so heartily in a good cause—that of the good of Masonry , which must certainly be advanced b y such a series of meetings as those we have recorded .
¦ pHE brethren of this Lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Highbury . -V street , Portsmouth , on Thursday , 10 th inst ., for the purpose of witnessing the ceremony of installing Bro . T . P . Palsgrave S . W . as •m . tor the ensuing year . The installation was carried I t / lll 1 Vf
ceremony tj a -.- *•- ** - «'' IA V" w » -m w * ^^ a- __ r __ J FUU _ r _ r * -VU P P P I w ° effecti T e aBd P ^ ect manner by Bro . H . Threadingham •. IT . _ . W ., the retiring W . M ., in presence of a very large number er members of the Craft . After the ceremony of installation , the »» . fl _ . appointed and invested his Officers as follow : —Bros . H . Thread
ingham I . P . M ., R . W . Beale S . W ., W . M . Ontridge J . W ., A . Cudlip P M rfn 8- ' W- B- Atkins Sec- > F - Meredith Assist . Sec , E . Groves RW VV , T- Cecil - Assisb- -0-0-. H - p - H ° --ey S . D ., F . H . De uevms J . D ., G . Dean I . G ., G . Pearman Organist , Cowd Steward , ji -p , ' "•j ^ cau j .. ^ ., ur . jr _ arman organist , uowci ocewarci ,
thon 3 iBt - SteWflr ( 1 - Exell and Smith Tylers . The W . M . IPM f ° v a 8 P ecial vote of thilljks to Bro - H - Threadingham for fii able condncfc in the chair during his year of office , and cerem "T ^ exce ,, en (; manner in which he had carried out the Threalr u lris - -- ation * ha < - day . He afterwards presented to Bro . ornamp ^ ' m the name of tbe Lodge > a handsome biscuit box , - mented 0 n each side with pastoral scenes , in oxydised silver in
A Record Of Four Days' Masonic Work At York.
relief on gold ground . The box , which had been subscribed for hy members of the Lodge , was manufactured and supplied by Messrs . Moses and Co ., the Hard , Portsca . On the box the following was inscribed : —Presented to Bro . Henry Threadingham I . P . M . I ' . P . G . Superintendent of Works , by tho Brethren of the Portsmouth Lodge , No . 487 , as a token of their esteem aud hearty appreciation of his
valuable services in the interests of the Lodge during his second year of office , terminating 10 th March 1881 . " A vote of thanks was also unanimously passed to Bro . Mark E . Frost P . M . P . G . Treas ., aud Bro . J . Astridge P . P . G . P ., for their services to tho Lodge , they having for some years acted as Hon . Secretaries . Bro . Frost had occupied tho position for a period of seventeen years , and now
resigned to make room for a younger man . Bro . J . Astridge relinquished his duty as Assistant Secretary , having removed from the town . The musical portion of the installation ceremony was efficiently performed by a choir composed of Bros . Pearman , R . W . Downing , J . W . Dyson , G . Grant , T . Bateholor , and J . Howell . At tho conclusion of the business about sixty of tho brethren sat down to a rScherchd banquet provided by Bro . Georgo Bond .
THE last meeting of this Lodge for tho season was held on Saturday evening , 12 th March , at tho Cannon Street Hotel . Bro . Thomas Hamor W . M . presided , supported by his Officers , amongst whom wero Bros . Headon P . M . Treasurer , Blackie P . M . Secretary , several Past Masters , a goodly inustor of the members , and the following visitors : —Bros . Rossignol 1672 , Eastgate 1563 , Hart 1872 , Lawrence 1804 , Vernon 25 , Reed 1572 , Mariner 1669 ,
Southcott 733 , Randell 145 , Rafter 154 , R . J . Smith 31 , Iluckvalo 1635 , W . J . Buck 1702 , and XV . Perceval 78 . Lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of tho preceding meeting read and confirmed , the Lodge was opened in tho second degree ; Bro . James Lodge was examined as to his proficiency in the science and the examination proving satisfactory , he withdrew . The Lodge was then
advanced to the third degree , and he was impressively raised to tho degree of M . M . The Lodge was then resumed to the first degree , when tbe bye-laws were read by Bro . N . B . Headon , the Treasurer . The next business was the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , and on a ballot being taken , it resulted unanimously in favour of Bro . Charles Taylor S . W ., who , in a few brief sentences , thanked the
brethren for the honour conferred upon him . The next business to be transacted was the election of a Treasurer for the ensuing twelve months , and there was also a unanimous vote in favour of Bro . N . B . Headon P . M ., although that worthy brother disclaimed any idea that the Treasurership of a Lodge shonld ever be considered as a freehold ; he was quite willing to stand aside , aud give way to
any brother who sought to take tho office ; if any did so , ho would render him any assistance in his power iu the discharge of the duties . As Bro . Headon has given the greatest satisfaction for some years past , it is almost unnecessary to say that no ono came forward to dispute with him the honour he uniformly had so well deserved . Bro . Steedman P . M . was also re-elected Tyler of the Lodge . Tbe
Audit Committee was next appointed . The installation of the now W . M . and appointment of Officers will not tako place until the meeting of the Lodge in October next . The next business was a motion by Bro . N . B . Headon , of which he had given notice at the last Lodge , " That the sum of twenty-five guineas be voted from the Benevolent Fund of the Lodge to the Royal
Masonic Institution for Boys , and be placed on tho Worshipfnl Master ' s list , who as Steward will represent the Lodge on that occasion . The motion was seconded and unanimously agreed to . Bro . Headon then moved , also pursuant to notice , "That the sum of twenty-five guineas be voted from the Benevolent Fund to assist the orphan children of the late Bro . William Jackson , who was a member
of the Lodge ; and that the said sum be entrusted to tbe Treasurer to expend , as he may see fit , after consultation with the friends of the children . " Bro . Greening seconded the motion , whioh was also unanimously agreed to . Bro . Stanway P . M . moved , " That the usual P . M . ' s jewel be presented to the W . Master on the termination of his year of office . " This was also unanimously agreed to . Some
communications , and a proposition for initiation , having been received , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren ' adjourned to the dining hall for refreshment . This having been disposed of and the cloth with - drawn , the W . Master gave the formal Loyal and Masonio toasts . In reference to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , he commented on the great strides Freemasonry had made since the time when His
Royal Highness assumed the office of Grand Master at the Royal Albert Hall , and the anxiety he had at all times displayed to do everything in his power for the benefit of the Craft . Bro . Blackie I . P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M ., said that although he had come up to that position sooner than was anticipated , Bro . Hamer had done the work as well as any Master who had preceded him , and
he asked the brethren to join with him in drinking the toast . The W . Master , in acknowledging the same , expressed his grateful thanks to the brethren for drinking his health with sucb cordiality , and remarked that it was a great pleasure to serve any office in The Great City Lodge , for while he had been in it he had made many acquaint , ances , and he believed that he enjoyed friendshi p- that only death would sever . When he commenced the duties of the chair he felt
the responsibility , as he knew how the work had been done by preceding Masters ; although he could only attempt to emulate them , be had to the best of his ability endeavoured to promote the welfare of the Lodge , which he would continue to do when he joined the rank of Past Masters , and then he hoped to make up for any
shortcomings on his part during the time he occupied the chair . He would endeavour to do so , and again thanked them all for the very kind manner in which he had always been received in The Great City Lodge . Tbe W . Master then gave tbe health of Bro . Charles Taylor XV . Master elect ; he was sure that every member wished him success in the duties whioh , for the next twelve months , would