Article ST. JOHN'S, No. 1343. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ST. JOHN'S, No. 1343. Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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St. John's, No. 1343.
Brecknock Lodge , No . 651 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 15 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Brecon . Present—Bros , j . A . Whittle W . M ., John Morgan S . W ., T . H . Prico Treasurer , E . II . Teale Secretary , Rhys Davies S . D ., H . C . Rich jnn . J . D ., Robert Owen and E . T . Edwards Stewards , T . IT . Price I . G ., Henry Martin Tvter ; P . M . Richard Webb . Tho business consisted iu balloting for ,
as rejoining member , Bro . E . A . Wright ; to initiate Mr . Francis Henry Shep herd ; to pass Bro . Henry Martin ; to consider notice of motion from Bro . Grundy I . P . M ., respecting future remuneration of Tyler ; to further consider tho desirability of forming a Benevolent Fund in councction with the Lodge ; to vote a sum of money towards tho relief of the widow of a deceased brother . After the close of the Loil"e the brethren spent a couple of hours in social intercourse .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Friday , 11 th inst ., at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , Bros . F . Botley W . M ., Monson S . W ., Maton J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Dorey J . D ., C . E . Botley I . G ., Roe P . M . Preceptor , Gomm P . M ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Kent , Daniell , Lucas , & c . Lodge was opened and minutes were read and confirmed . The work comprised the rehearsal of the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Lucas candidate , who afterwards answered
questions leading to second degree and retired . Lodge advanced to second , and Bro . Sperring acted as candidate for the rehearsal of the ceremony of the second degree . Bros . Sperring and Daniell answered questions leading to third degree . Lodge closed to first degree , when Bro . Monson was elected W . M . for 1 st April , 18 th March being Officers' night , and 25 th March regular meeting of the mother Lodge . Lodge was closed , and meeting adjourned till 18 th March at 8 o'clock p . m .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 9 th March , at the Masonio Hall , Reading . Bros . Ferguson W . M ., J . Early Banks I . P . M ., Blackwell S . W ., R . Dowsett J . W ., Stransom Treas ., Ivey P . M . Sec , Honey S . D ., Hawkes J . D ., Ravenscroft Steward , Prickett I . G ., Newman Almoner , Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . Hurley , Welch , Brown . Visitors—Bros . Withers
Seo . 414 , Grant 414 . Lodge was opened . Previous to commencing the business the W . M . announced that Bro . Hickie , Organist , owing to severe domestic affliction , was unavoidably absent ; he had therefore to ask Bro . Ravenscroft to fill Bro . Hiekie ' s place . The minutes of the last regular Lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s accounts as audited by the permanent
Committee were passed , with congratulations upon the efficient manner in whioh the accounts and finances were kept . The ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Lowden Cotterell , who was declared to be elected and was initiated into Freemasonry . Mr . Edwin Whitfield was also balloted for and initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Greenaway , a candidate , answered the usual questions satisfactorily , was
entrusted , and retired . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Greenaway was passed . The W . M . read a communication from the Hervey Memorial Committee , but any discussion on the subject was deferred for want of time ; he also announced that , accompanied by his Wardens and the Secretary , he had the honour
of attending Grand Lodge , and was much impressed by tbe beautiful ceremonies of that angusfc assembly . Mr . Marmadnke Sands was proposed as a candidate for initiation by P . M . Brown , seconded by P . M . Welch . The labours of the evening being ended , Lodge was closed according to ancient form .
Burdett-Coutts Lodge of Instruction , Lodge , No . 1278 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 16 th inst ., at the Lamb Tavern , Bethnal-green Junction . Present : —Bros . Chitson W . M ., Clark S . W ., Stewart J . W ., Hand Secretary , Abrahams S . D ., Ward J . D ., Quay I . G . Visitors—Bros . Gaskill , Hammond , Coote , Sturtevant , _ c . Lodge opened ; minutes were read and confirmed . Bro .
Coote answered questions leading to the third degree , aud retired Bro . Sturtevant was duly entrusted . The W . M . opened Lodge in third degree , and rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Sturtevant candidate . Lodge resumed to first degree . Bro . Clarke worked the fourth section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge adjourned till Wednesday next , 23 rd inst ., when the Fifteen Sections will be worked , Bro . Cundick P . M . 1421 to preside .
Priars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , E ., on Tnesday last . Bro . Smith W . M . elect 860 in the chair , Worsley Secretary S . W ., Ives J . W ., Pavitt acting Preceptor S . D ., Rawe W . M . elect 1076 J . D ., Saunders W . S . 860 I . G . ; also present Bros . WyldRoddamBrovvnsom
, , , ln > 7 « ' Forsyth > Spencer , Payne , Watkins , Knopp , Risley G 9 , Batt WJo , Saunders , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Wyld answered the necesaary questions . Lodge opened in the third , and the ceremony of
awmg was rehearsed . Bro . Worsley worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by tbe brethren . The Lodge closed to the first degree , and Bro . Worsley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when he Will work the Fifteen Sections . Tbe following brethren were unanimousl y elected members : —Pavne 1065 , Risley 69 , Batt 1076 , Saunders 860 .
-Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . — aem at Bro . Stevenson ' s , the Mitford Tavern , Sandringbam-road , Ralston , on 7 th inst . Bro . Seymour-Clarke presided as WM . , sup . J ° " ty Bros . J . Aspinall P . M . as I . P . M ., Robson S . W ., Goddard Led M ? Doi-a 1 a ' . Coring , Kimbell , Hildreth , Winsor , and others . Wn S being opened and the minutes read , the ceremony of initiation -s rehearsed b y the XVM ., who afterwards worked tho first and
St. John's, No. 1343.
second sections of tho lecture , and Bro . McDonald worked the third section , both being assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Robson was elected W . M . for Monday next , at 8 p . m . Lodge was-closed in duo form .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 — At tho Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on 10 th instant . Bros . H . E . Tuckei XVM ., J . Green S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., J . J . Gunner S . D ., J . XV Fisher J . D ., J . Wells I . G ., C . O . Walter , T . M . Mitchell , 0 . Cuu . niugham . Aftor preliminaries , tho ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . C . 0 . Walter candidate . Lodge opened in the second , and the ceremony of that degree was rehearsed , Bro . Mitchell candidate . This brother answered the questions prior to reception in tho third . Lodge was resumed . Bro . Cunningham was elected a member .
On Thursday , 17 th inst . Present—Bros . Green W . M ., E . Botley S . W ., Jones J . W ., 0 . E . Botley S . D ., Wilkinson J . D ., Smith I . G ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , Wells Secretary ; Bros . H . Stephens , and C . Bellerby . Lodge was opened and minutes read , confirmed , and signed . Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Bellerby candidate . Bro . F . Botley was elected W . M . for next meeting .
Kings Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —The regular meeting was held on the 6 th instant , at Bro . Devino ' s , Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . Bros . J . Edwards W . M ., F . Silvester S . W ., Burgess J . W ., L . Jacobs S . D ., B . Kauffmauu J . D ., N . Vallentiue I . G ., Devine Treasurer , L . Solomon Secretary , and J . Hemming Preceptor . Lodge was opened and the minutes wero
confirmed . The first , second , and fourth sections of the first lecture were worked . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Solomon acting as candidate . A distressed Brother was relieved from tbe funds . A vote of thanks was accorded to the presiding W . M ., Bro . Edwards , for the able manner in which he for the first
time had occupied the chair , the same to be recorded on the minutes . This was also supplemented by very flattering remarks from several brethren . Bro . Tribbel W . M . 1287 was elected a member . Tho Secretary announced that the Fifteen Sections would be worked on the 27 th inst . Bro . Silvester was elected W . M . for the ensuing week The Lodge of Instruction was then adjoured .
1 THB THEATBES , & c . DRUBY LANE . —At 7 . 30 , THK STORES . At 8 . 15 , THE WORLD . HEB MAJESTY'S . — At 7 . 30 , Select OPERATIC AND MUSICAL MATINEES . Last night . HAYMARKET .-At 8 , TAMING A TIGER . At 8 . 30 , MASKS AND FACES . PRINCESS'S . —At 7 . 15 , THAT BLESSED BABY anil KING LEAR . On Monday MERCHANT OF VENICE , STBAND . —At 7 . 30 , A SUMMER CLOUD . At 8 , OLIVETTE . COUBT . —At 7 . 15 , TWO OLD BOYS . At 8 . 15 , HEARTSEASE . ST . JAMES'S . —At 8 , A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING . At 9 , THE MONEY SPINNER . LYCEUM—At 7 . 45 , THE CUP . At 0 . 30 , THE CORSICAN BROTHERS . OLYMPIC—Ac 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 . 30 , JO . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 15 , BARNEY THE BARON . At 8 , MICHAEL STROGOFF . GAIETY . —At 7 . 10 , OPERETTA . At 7 . 20 , LITTLE MOTHER . At 8 . 30 , FORTY THIEVES . Monday , Wednesday , aud Saturday at 2 . 30 , CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLB . GLOBE . —At 7 . 30 , THE GENIUS . At 8 . 15 , NAVAL CADETS . CRITERION . —At 7 . 50 , BRAVE HEARTS . At 8 . 45 , WHERE'S THE CAT ? OPEBA COMIQUE—At 8 , IN THE SULKS . At 8 . 45 , THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , TOM PINCH . At 0 . 15 , DIVORCE . PBINCE OF WALES'S . —At 7 . 50 , IN HONOUR BOUND . At 8 . 40 , THE COLONEL . FOLLY . —At 7 . 30 , HESTER'S MYSTERY . 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , _ *_ . ROYALTY . —At 6 . 45 THE SECRET . At 7 . 30 , PEGGY , and DON JUAN JUNIOR . IMPEBIAL . —At 2 . 30 , LED ASTRAY . At 8 , A LYRICAL LOVER . At 8 . 45 , A LESSON IN LOVE . SURBE Y . —At 7 , LADY AtJDLEY'S SECRET , and ALL FOR GOLD . STANDABD . —At 7 . 15 , DELILAH and BRAVE AS A LION . ALHAMBBA .-At 7 . 30 , FARCE . At 8 . 0 , MEFISTOFELE II ., &_ . NEW SADLER ' S WELLS .-MARY WARNER . CRYSTAL PALACE . —This day , CONCERT . Open Daily . Aquarium Picture Gallery , & c , & c . AL SXANDBA PALACE—This day , CONCERT . At 4 . 0 , SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER . HENGLEB'S CIRQUE . —Daily at 7 . 30 , and Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday at 2 . 30 also .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England , Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN , at High Holborn Office , Cheques crossed " London and County . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. John's, No. 1343.
Brecknock Lodge , No . 651 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 15 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Brecon . Present—Bros , j . A . Whittle W . M ., John Morgan S . W ., T . H . Prico Treasurer , E . II . Teale Secretary , Rhys Davies S . D ., H . C . Rich jnn . J . D ., Robert Owen and E . T . Edwards Stewards , T . IT . Price I . G ., Henry Martin Tvter ; P . M . Richard Webb . Tho business consisted iu balloting for ,
as rejoining member , Bro . E . A . Wright ; to initiate Mr . Francis Henry Shep herd ; to pass Bro . Henry Martin ; to consider notice of motion from Bro . Grundy I . P . M ., respecting future remuneration of Tyler ; to further consider tho desirability of forming a Benevolent Fund in councction with the Lodge ; to vote a sum of money towards tho relief of the widow of a deceased brother . After the close of the Loil"e the brethren spent a couple of hours in social intercourse .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Friday , 11 th inst ., at the Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , Bros . F . Botley W . M ., Monson S . W ., Maton J . W ., Blasby S . D ., Dorey J . D ., C . E . Botley I . G ., Roe P . M . Preceptor , Gomm P . M ., Gunner Hon . Sec , Kent , Daniell , Lucas , & c . Lodge was opened and minutes were read and confirmed . The work comprised the rehearsal of the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Lucas candidate , who afterwards answered
questions leading to second degree and retired . Lodge advanced to second , and Bro . Sperring acted as candidate for the rehearsal of the ceremony of the second degree . Bros . Sperring and Daniell answered questions leading to third degree . Lodge closed to first degree , when Bro . Monson was elected W . M . for 1 st April , 18 th March being Officers' night , and 25 th March regular meeting of the mother Lodge . Lodge was closed , and meeting adjourned till 18 th March at 8 o'clock p . m .
Grey Friars Lodge , No . 1101 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 9 th March , at the Masonio Hall , Reading . Bros . Ferguson W . M ., J . Early Banks I . P . M ., Blackwell S . W ., R . Dowsett J . W ., Stransom Treas ., Ivey P . M . Sec , Honey S . D ., Hawkes J . D ., Ravenscroft Steward , Prickett I . G ., Newman Almoner , Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . Hurley , Welch , Brown . Visitors—Bros . Withers
Seo . 414 , Grant 414 . Lodge was opened . Previous to commencing the business the W . M . announced that Bro . Hickie , Organist , owing to severe domestic affliction , was unavoidably absent ; he had therefore to ask Bro . Ravenscroft to fill Bro . Hiekie ' s place . The minutes of the last regular Lodge and Lodge of Emergency were read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s accounts as audited by the permanent
Committee were passed , with congratulations upon the efficient manner in whioh the accounts and finances were kept . The ballot was taken for Mr . Robert Lowden Cotterell , who was declared to be elected and was initiated into Freemasonry . Mr . Edwin Whitfield was also balloted for and initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Greenaway , a candidate , answered the usual questions satisfactorily , was
entrusted , and retired . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Greenaway was passed . The W . M . read a communication from the Hervey Memorial Committee , but any discussion on the subject was deferred for want of time ; he also announced that , accompanied by his Wardens and the Secretary , he had the honour
of attending Grand Lodge , and was much impressed by tbe beautiful ceremonies of that angusfc assembly . Mr . Marmadnke Sands was proposed as a candidate for initiation by P . M . Brown , seconded by P . M . Welch . The labours of the evening being ended , Lodge was closed according to ancient form .
Burdett-Coutts Lodge of Instruction , Lodge , No . 1278 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday , 16 th inst ., at the Lamb Tavern , Bethnal-green Junction . Present : —Bros . Chitson W . M ., Clark S . W ., Stewart J . W ., Hand Secretary , Abrahams S . D ., Ward J . D ., Quay I . G . Visitors—Bros . Gaskill , Hammond , Coote , Sturtevant , _ c . Lodge opened ; minutes were read and confirmed . Bro .
Coote answered questions leading to the third degree , aud retired Bro . Sturtevant was duly entrusted . The W . M . opened Lodge in third degree , and rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Sturtevant candidate . Lodge resumed to first degree . Bro . Clarke worked the fourth section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge adjourned till Wednesday next , 23 rd inst ., when the Fifteen Sections will be worked , Bro . Cundick P . M . 1421 to preside .
Priars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —At Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , E ., on Tnesday last . Bro . Smith W . M . elect 860 in the chair , Worsley Secretary S . W ., Ives J . W ., Pavitt acting Preceptor S . D ., Rawe W . M . elect 1076 J . D ., Saunders W . S . 860 I . G . ; also present Bros . WyldRoddamBrovvnsom
, , , ln > 7 « ' Forsyth > Spencer , Payne , Watkins , Knopp , Risley G 9 , Batt WJo , Saunders , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Wyld answered the necesaary questions . Lodge opened in the third , and the ceremony of
awmg was rehearsed . Bro . Worsley worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by tbe brethren . The Lodge closed to the first degree , and Bro . Worsley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when he Will work the Fifteen Sections . Tbe following brethren were unanimousl y elected members : —Pavne 1065 , Risley 69 , Batt 1076 , Saunders 860 .
-Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 . — aem at Bro . Stevenson ' s , the Mitford Tavern , Sandringbam-road , Ralston , on 7 th inst . Bro . Seymour-Clarke presided as WM . , sup . J ° " ty Bros . J . Aspinall P . M . as I . P . M ., Robson S . W ., Goddard Led M ? Doi-a 1 a ' . Coring , Kimbell , Hildreth , Winsor , and others . Wn S being opened and the minutes read , the ceremony of initiation -s rehearsed b y the XVM ., who afterwards worked tho first and
St. John's, No. 1343.
second sections of tho lecture , and Bro . McDonald worked the third section , both being assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Robson was elected W . M . for Monday next , at 8 p . m . Lodge was-closed in duo form .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 — At tho Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , on 10 th instant . Bros . H . E . Tuckei XVM ., J . Green S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., J . J . Gunner S . D ., J . XV Fisher J . D ., J . Wells I . G ., C . O . Walter , T . M . Mitchell , 0 . Cuu . niugham . Aftor preliminaries , tho ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . C . 0 . Walter candidate . Lodge opened in the second , and the ceremony of that degree was rehearsed , Bro . Mitchell candidate . This brother answered the questions prior to reception in tho third . Lodge was resumed . Bro . Cunningham was elected a member .
On Thursday , 17 th inst . Present—Bros . Green W . M ., E . Botley S . W ., Jones J . W ., 0 . E . Botley S . D ., Wilkinson J . D ., Smith I . G ., Tucker Treasurer and Preceptor , Wells Secretary ; Bros . H . Stephens , and C . Bellerby . Lodge was opened and minutes read , confirmed , and signed . Lodge was advanced , and tho ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Bellerby candidate . Bro . F . Botley was elected W . M . for next meeting .
Kings Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —The regular meeting was held on the 6 th instant , at Bro . Devino ' s , Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . Bros . J . Edwards W . M ., F . Silvester S . W ., Burgess J . W ., L . Jacobs S . D ., B . Kauffmauu J . D ., N . Vallentiue I . G ., Devine Treasurer , L . Solomon Secretary , and J . Hemming Preceptor . Lodge was opened and the minutes wero
confirmed . The first , second , and fourth sections of the first lecture were worked . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Solomon acting as candidate . A distressed Brother was relieved from tbe funds . A vote of thanks was accorded to the presiding W . M ., Bro . Edwards , for the able manner in which he for the first
time had occupied the chair , the same to be recorded on the minutes . This was also supplemented by very flattering remarks from several brethren . Bro . Tribbel W . M . 1287 was elected a member . Tho Secretary announced that the Fifteen Sections would be worked on the 27 th inst . Bro . Silvester was elected W . M . for the ensuing week The Lodge of Instruction was then adjoured .
1 THB THEATBES , & c . DRUBY LANE . —At 7 . 30 , THK STORES . At 8 . 15 , THE WORLD . HEB MAJESTY'S . — At 7 . 30 , Select OPERATIC AND MUSICAL MATINEES . Last night . HAYMARKET .-At 8 , TAMING A TIGER . At 8 . 30 , MASKS AND FACES . PRINCESS'S . —At 7 . 15 , THAT BLESSED BABY anil KING LEAR . On Monday MERCHANT OF VENICE , STBAND . —At 7 . 30 , A SUMMER CLOUD . At 8 , OLIVETTE . COUBT . —At 7 . 15 , TWO OLD BOYS . At 8 . 15 , HEARTSEASE . ST . JAMES'S . —At 8 , A SHEEP IN WOLF'S CLOTHING . At 9 , THE MONEY SPINNER . LYCEUM—At 7 . 45 , THE CUP . At 0 . 30 , THE CORSICAN BROTHERS . OLYMPIC—Ac 7 . 30 , FAMILY JARS . At 8 . 30 , JO . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 15 , BARNEY THE BARON . At 8 , MICHAEL STROGOFF . GAIETY . —At 7 . 10 , OPERETTA . At 7 . 20 , LITTLE MOTHER . At 8 . 30 , FORTY THIEVES . Monday , Wednesday , aud Saturday at 2 . 30 , CLOCHES DE CORNEVILLB . GLOBE . —At 7 . 30 , THE GENIUS . At 8 . 15 , NAVAL CADETS . CRITERION . —At 7 . 50 , BRAVE HEARTS . At 8 . 45 , WHERE'S THE CAT ? OPEBA COMIQUE—At 8 , IN THE SULKS . At 8 . 45 , THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE . VAUDEVILLE . —At 7 . 30 , TOM PINCH . At 0 . 15 , DIVORCE . PBINCE OF WALES'S . —At 7 . 50 , IN HONOUR BOUND . At 8 . 40 , THE COLONEL . FOLLY . —At 7 . 30 , HESTER'S MYSTERY . 8 . 30 , THE UPPER CRUST , _ *_ . ROYALTY . —At 6 . 45 THE SECRET . At 7 . 30 , PEGGY , and DON JUAN JUNIOR . IMPEBIAL . —At 2 . 30 , LED ASTRAY . At 8 , A LYRICAL LOVER . At 8 . 45 , A LESSON IN LOVE . SURBE Y . —At 7 , LADY AtJDLEY'S SECRET , and ALL FOR GOLD . STANDABD . —At 7 . 15 , DELILAH and BRAVE AS A LION . ALHAMBBA .-At 7 . 30 , FARCE . At 8 . 0 , MEFISTOFELE II ., &_ . NEW SADLER ' S WELLS .-MARY WARNER . CRYSTAL PALACE . —This day , CONCERT . Open Daily . Aquarium Picture Gallery , & c , & c . AL SXANDBA PALACE—This day , CONCERT . At 4 . 0 , SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER . HENGLEB'S CIRQUE . —Daily at 7 . 30 , and Monday , Wednesday , and Saturday at 2 . 30 also .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence , Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England , Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons' Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN , at High Holborn Office , Cheques crossed " London and County . "