Article A RECORD OF FOUR DAYS' MASONIC WORK AT YORK. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ST. JOHN'S, No. 1343. Page 1 of 2 →
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A Record Of Four Days' Masonic Work At York.
devolve upon him . Bro . Taylor returned thanks , and said that from tho timo of his initiation in the Lodge he had aspired tn fill tho position which was now so ably occupied by their Worshipfnl Master . He should continue to attend The Great City Lodge of Instruction , where was laid the foundation of his Masonic knowledge , and thus was ho qualified to ho ' appointed ono of tho Junior Officers . There
was no telling what might happen between then and next October , but bo hoped that tho circumstances would be such aa to enable him to tako hit ) position as XV . Master of tho Lodgo with a desiro to maintain its dignity , he hoped with somo credit to himself , by attention to tho comfort of tho members , and endeavouring to maintain tho excellent working of the Lodge . The W . Master wished to call the
attention of the members for a few minutes to tbe forthcoming soiree , for which there were twenty Stewards , who had all worked hard . It was now beyond a doubt that this soiree -would prove a great success , for a largo number of tickets had beeu applied for , and as there wero only a few on hand any one who wanted them should apply at once . Tho next toast given was that of The Visitors , for whioh the greater part of them responded ; expressing the
gratification they had experienced in visiting The Great City Lodge . Some other toasts were given and responded to . It was announced in the course of the evening that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales had granted a dispensation to allow'the members to wear their Craft clothing and jewels at the forthcoming soiree of the Lodge , on tho 26 th inst . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very successful meeting to a close at about eleven o ' clock .
HAWTON LODGE , No . 100 .
THE annual meeting of the above Lodge of Mark Master Masous was held on 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Ivybridge , when Bro . Frank Pratt P . G . S . B ., who had been previously elected , was installed as the W . M . This ceremony was well performed by Worshipful Bro . Thomas Searle P . P . G . A . D . C , assisted by a Board of Installed Masters , consisting of Worshipfnl Bros . H . Colo P . M .
P . P . G . O ., Samnel Jew P . M . 50 P . P . G . M . O ., J . P . Sawyer P . P . G . S . O ., W . Boxall P . M . P P . G . P ., J . R . H . Harris W . M . 91 . The Officers appointed wero—Bros . J . P . Sawyer I . P . M ., W . H . Mackay S . W ., Richard Lavers J . W ., Henry Cole P . M . Treasurer , Thomas Searle Secretary , G . Gi-Bs M . O ., Richard King jnn . S . O ., W . Boxall J . O ., T . D . Ford Tyler .
ERME LODGE , 1091 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge , was held on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at their new hall in Ivybridge . There was a large attendance . Amongst those present at the ceremonies , and who formed also the Board of Installed Masters , were the Retiring Master , Bro . W . H . Mackay ( who ably performed the ceremony of installing his successor , assisted by W . Bro . T . Searl P . M . ) , and W . Bros . S . Jew P . M . 105 , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 , F . Pratt P . M . 1396 ,
Henry Cole P . M ., John P . Sawyer I . P . M ., W . Boxall P . M ., Richard Cawsey P . M . Treasurer 230 , James R . H . Harris I . P . M . 230 , Richard Ellis W . M . 230 , S . Sandover P . M ., James Gidley P . M . 156 , Capt . Westhead P . M . 710 , R . ' , Grylls W . M . 202 . Treasurer's account was read . It showed that , after large payments for furniture , consequent on the recent removal to new premises , and of donation t o the Devon
Educational Fund , there was a balance of about £ 13 in hand , with dues outstanding about same amount in favour of the Lodge . This account was received and adopted . After a discussion it was unanimously resolved , " That it is desirable that a lasting memorial should be raised to the late P . P . G . Master , the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., P . G . Chaplain of England , and that tbe best form for the memorial
to take would be to found a ' Huyshe Scholarship' in connection with the ' Devon Masonic Educational Fund . '" It was also unanimously resolved that a sufficient sum be given from the Lodge to make it a Governor , with five votes at each election . The Officers for the ensuing year are : —Bros . Richard Lavers W . M ., W . H . Mackay I . P . M ., Thomas D . Ford S . W ., George H . Grills J . W ., Henry
Cole P . M . P . G . S . Treasurer , Richard King jnnior Secretary , John Cobbledick S . D ., Richard King sen . J . D ., James Horton D . C , George Smallridge A . D . C , Alfred S . Coyte 0 ., Francis Henwood I . G ., "William Velvin S . S ., Richard Saunders J . S ., John G . Ford Tyler . W . Bro . XV . H . Mackay was elected at a former meeting the Representative on the Committee of Petitions for the Province of Devon .
In the name , and by vote of , the Lodge , the I . P . M . presented to Bro . T . S . Ford , the S . W ., a very handsome Masonic apron . Several brethren -were proposed for initiation , but it was an almost unprecedented occurrence for a newly-installed Master to propose three of his sons , with a probable prospect of three others to come when of mature age . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned for the
annual banquet , at Bro . Sandover s , Erme Hotel . The dinner was all that could be desired , and thoroughly enjoyed by all who were privileged to be present . The XV . Master Bro . Lavers presided , and the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured—that of the Master received with especial enthusiasm . The festivity was enlivened
with appropriate songs . A special toast was tbe health of the host ( Bro . Sandover ) and hostess , and they were heartily thanked for their abundant hospitality and careful attention to the comforts of their guests . In addition to the Past Masters already named , and the Officers appointed , there were present Bros . W . H . Hunt J . W . 1205 , M . Baker ^ J . Arthur , T . Barons , and W . Conway .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On 15 th inst ., at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston . Bros . Wallington W . M ., Polak S . W ., Glass J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Clark J . D ., Christian I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Brasted acting Preceptor , Smyth
Treasurer ; Bros . Collins , Dignam , l & c . The ceremony of passing ¦ was rehearsed , Bro . Dignam candidate , the W . M . giving the Traditional History . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bro . Polak was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
St. John's, No. 1343.
ST . JOHN'S , No . 1343 .
rriHE Installation meeting of this thoroughly genial and worthy and ' worshipfnl Lodge of Freemasons was held on Tuesday , tbe 15 th instant , at the King's Arms Hotel , Grays , Essex . Bro . F . J . Ash W . M . presided , and was numerously supported by his Officers and tho members , as well as by the following visitors , namely , Bros . T . J . Billing Prov . Grand Secretary , A . Lucking Prov . D . C , aud James Elthant Prov . G . Purs . Esaex ; R . II . Blvjrh 1136 , G . Berry W . M .
1 , 000 , E . W . Walter W . M . 554 , W . Hick .- * 483 , G . Glasscock 1817 , J . C Biggs S . W . 77 , H . Mills 257 , XV . XV . Morgan Sec . 211 , and J . C . Minchin 972 . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , tho Report of tbe Audit Committeo , which showed the finances of tho Lodge were in an excellent state , was submitted aud approved . Bro . Ash then vacated the chair
in favour of Bro . Godwin P . M ., by whom Bro . Charles Potter , after he had been interrogated to the satisfaction of the brethren and entrusted , was passed to the degree of E . C . A ballot was taken for Mr . Alwyne Hills Arden , of Stanford-le-Hope Brewery , and that gentleman was accepted , but not initiated . This cleared the way for the especial business of the day — the installation of the
W . M . elect , Bro . E . Sturgeon , tbe officiating Master being Brother Alfred Sturgeon P . M . After the usual preliminary observances , and the retirement of all brethren below the rank of I . M ., a Board of Installed Masters waa formed , aud Bro . E . Sturgeon was most ably installed into tho ohairofK . S . by the acting Presidentof the Board . In due course , the new W . Master appointed and invested
his Officers for tho year , namely , Bros . F . Sackett S . W ., Bartlett J . W ., A . Sturgeon P . M . Treasurer , W . Sackett Secretary , Wingrove S . D ., Rigg J . D ., Norris I . G ., Martin Tyler . There then devolved on Bro . E . Sturgeon the agreeable duty of presenting to his predecessor , Bro . As _ I . P . M ., a haudsome P . M . ' s jewel , which had been unani . monsly voted that brother by the Lodge in testimony of his able
services in the chair dnring the past year ; and in the fulfilment of this duty , the W . M . paid Bro . Ash many a well-deserved compliment , for tho zeal , assiduity , and _ eniality he had exhibited , and expressed tbe very natural hopo that ho might long remain an honoured member of the Lodge . The gift having been suitably acknowledged , and Bro . Sturgeon having responded to the vote of thanks passed
to him for his services as Installing Master , what other business remained was despatched , and Lodge was closed . The brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , which did great credit to the host , Bro . J . A . Cuming , and on the removal of the cloth the customary toasts of the Queen and Craft , H . R . H . tbe Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., and the Grand Officers present and past , were given and lmnoureil .
The toast of the Right Worshipfnl Provincial Grand Master , Lord Tenterden , K . CB ., the Deputy Provincial G . Master Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers was most cordially received , and as cordially responded to by Bro . Railing P . Grand Secretary , who gave expression to the satisfaction generally felt throughout the Province at the appointment of his Lordship . The noble Lord ' s
official duties of necessity prevented him from visiting the Lodges very frequently , but he took a deep interest in their welfare , and there was no doubt that , since his Lordship's installation , Freemasonry in Essex had made very srreat progress . Ho also paid a compliment to Bro . P _ i \ bri _ k D . P . G . M ., who , iu bis opinion , would be found a most worthy and zealous assistant to Lord Tenterden , and would be moro
highly appreciated by the brethren the more his opportunities of becoming acquainted with them increased . To Bro . Ash I . P . M . wis entrusted the toast of the W . M . —a task as easy as it was agreeable to fulfil . Bro . E . Sturgeon , he pointed out , was in every way worthy of the honour they had conferred upon him . He not only possessed the zeal and ability to discharge his many and arduous duties as their
W . Master , but he was likewise a most genial and hospitable man , and he ( Bro . Ash ) felt sure the Lodge would flourish increasingly during his year of office . After briefly returning thanks for both the friendly manner in which the I . P . M . had proposed his health , and the hearty reception it had met with nt tbe hands of all present , Bro . E . Sturgeon proposed the toast of the Past Masters , who , he felt
confident , would extend towards him the same kindly and courteous offices they had habitually rendered to his predecessors , and , in associating with the toast the name of Bro . Ash , he again spoke in terms of eulogy of that brother ' s services in the chair during the past year . To the health of the Visitors , which waa most cordially received , replies by several of them were made , one
and all concurring in the expression of their belief that in no Lodge could they have experienced a heartier or more hospitable weloome . With the toast of the Charities was connected the name of Bro . Godwin P . M ., who , after an able recitation by Bro . XV . W . Morgan— " The Wreck of the Indian Chief , "—observed , iu reply , that , in supporting their noble Institutions , the Craft was giving a practical illustration
of their faith in the grand ruling principles of Charity , which indeed was the very heart and soul of Freemasonry . He cordially thanked the Worshipfnl Master for having associated his name with the toast , and expressed the hope that tbe Lodge would make a point of being represented at each successive Anniversary Festival . The other toasts followed , and the brethren dispersed at a seasonable hour , well
satisfied with the events of the day . We cannot close this notice without expressing our hearty thanks for the great hospitality shown to ourselves and all the visitors , both in and without the Lodge ; nor was it the fault of the Lodge that the number of their guests was comparatively small . Tho Provincial Grand Master , his Deputy , the Provincial Grand Treasurer aud Secretary , and tho Worship fnl
Masters and Secretaries of tho adjacent Lodges , all had received invitations to be present ; but it was only in the power of a few among them to accept . Still , everything passed off with an eclat which must have been most gratifying to the members of tbe Lodge . Even the Clerk of the Weather must have been under the genial influence of Freemasonry , and was in more brilliant form than he usually is in this country at this season of the year .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Record Of Four Days' Masonic Work At York.
devolve upon him . Bro . Taylor returned thanks , and said that from tho timo of his initiation in the Lodge he had aspired tn fill tho position which was now so ably occupied by their Worshipfnl Master . He should continue to attend The Great City Lodge of Instruction , where was laid the foundation of his Masonic knowledge , and thus was ho qualified to ho ' appointed ono of tho Junior Officers . There
was no telling what might happen between then and next October , but bo hoped that tho circumstances would be such aa to enable him to tako hit ) position as XV . Master of tho Lodgo with a desiro to maintain its dignity , he hoped with somo credit to himself , by attention to tho comfort of tho members , and endeavouring to maintain tho excellent working of the Lodge . The W . Master wished to call the
attention of the members for a few minutes to tbe forthcoming soiree , for which there were twenty Stewards , who had all worked hard . It was now beyond a doubt that this soiree -would prove a great success , for a largo number of tickets had beeu applied for , and as there wero only a few on hand any one who wanted them should apply at once . Tho next toast given was that of The Visitors , for whioh the greater part of them responded ; expressing the
gratification they had experienced in visiting The Great City Lodge . Some other toasts were given and responded to . It was announced in the course of the evening that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales had granted a dispensation to allow'the members to wear their Craft clothing and jewels at the forthcoming soiree of the Lodge , on tho 26 th inst . The Tyler ' s toast brought a very successful meeting to a close at about eleven o ' clock .
HAWTON LODGE , No . 100 .
THE annual meeting of the above Lodge of Mark Master Masous was held on 9 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Ivybridge , when Bro . Frank Pratt P . G . S . B ., who had been previously elected , was installed as the W . M . This ceremony was well performed by Worshipful Bro . Thomas Searle P . P . G . A . D . C , assisted by a Board of Installed Masters , consisting of Worshipfnl Bros . H . Colo P . M .
P . P . G . O ., Samnel Jew P . M . 50 P . P . G . M . O ., J . P . Sawyer P . P . G . S . O ., W . Boxall P . M . P P . G . P ., J . R . H . Harris W . M . 91 . The Officers appointed wero—Bros . J . P . Sawyer I . P . M ., W . H . Mackay S . W ., Richard Lavers J . W ., Henry Cole P . M . Treasurer , Thomas Searle Secretary , G . Gi-Bs M . O ., Richard King jnn . S . O ., W . Boxall J . O ., T . D . Ford Tyler .
ERME LODGE , 1091 .
THE annual meeting of this Lodge , was held on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at their new hall in Ivybridge . There was a large attendance . Amongst those present at the ceremonies , and who formed also the Board of Installed Masters , were the Retiring Master , Bro . W . H . Mackay ( who ably performed the ceremony of installing his successor , assisted by W . Bro . T . Searl P . M . ) , and W . Bros . S . Jew P . M . 105 , J . B . Gover P . M . 70 , F . Pratt P . M . 1396 ,
Henry Cole P . M ., John P . Sawyer I . P . M ., W . Boxall P . M ., Richard Cawsey P . M . Treasurer 230 , James R . H . Harris I . P . M . 230 , Richard Ellis W . M . 230 , S . Sandover P . M ., James Gidley P . M . 156 , Capt . Westhead P . M . 710 , R . ' , Grylls W . M . 202 . Treasurer's account was read . It showed that , after large payments for furniture , consequent on the recent removal to new premises , and of donation t o the Devon
Educational Fund , there was a balance of about £ 13 in hand , with dues outstanding about same amount in favour of the Lodge . This account was received and adopted . After a discussion it was unanimously resolved , " That it is desirable that a lasting memorial should be raised to the late P . P . G . Master , the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., P . G . Chaplain of England , and that tbe best form for the memorial
to take would be to found a ' Huyshe Scholarship' in connection with the ' Devon Masonic Educational Fund . '" It was also unanimously resolved that a sufficient sum be given from the Lodge to make it a Governor , with five votes at each election . The Officers for the ensuing year are : —Bros . Richard Lavers W . M ., W . H . Mackay I . P . M ., Thomas D . Ford S . W ., George H . Grills J . W ., Henry
Cole P . M . P . G . S . Treasurer , Richard King jnnior Secretary , John Cobbledick S . D ., Richard King sen . J . D ., James Horton D . C , George Smallridge A . D . C , Alfred S . Coyte 0 ., Francis Henwood I . G ., "William Velvin S . S ., Richard Saunders J . S ., John G . Ford Tyler . W . Bro . XV . H . Mackay was elected at a former meeting the Representative on the Committee of Petitions for the Province of Devon .
In the name , and by vote of , the Lodge , the I . P . M . presented to Bro . T . S . Ford , the S . W ., a very handsome Masonic apron . Several brethren -were proposed for initiation , but it was an almost unprecedented occurrence for a newly-installed Master to propose three of his sons , with a probable prospect of three others to come when of mature age . The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned for the
annual banquet , at Bro . Sandover s , Erme Hotel . The dinner was all that could be desired , and thoroughly enjoyed by all who were privileged to be present . The XV . Master Bro . Lavers presided , and the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured—that of the Master received with especial enthusiasm . The festivity was enlivened
with appropriate songs . A special toast was tbe health of the host ( Bro . Sandover ) and hostess , and they were heartily thanked for their abundant hospitality and careful attention to the comforts of their guests . In addition to the Past Masters already named , and the Officers appointed , there were present Bros . W . H . Hunt J . W . 1205 , M . Baker ^ J . Arthur , T . Barons , and W . Conway .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On 15 th inst ., at Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston . Bros . Wallington W . M ., Polak S . W ., Glass J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Clark J . D ., Christian I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Brasted acting Preceptor , Smyth
Treasurer ; Bros . Collins , Dignam , l & c . The ceremony of passing ¦ was rehearsed , Bro . Dignam candidate , the W . M . giving the Traditional History . Bro . Christian worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bro . Polak was elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
St. John's, No. 1343.
ST . JOHN'S , No . 1343 .
rriHE Installation meeting of this thoroughly genial and worthy and ' worshipfnl Lodge of Freemasons was held on Tuesday , tbe 15 th instant , at the King's Arms Hotel , Grays , Essex . Bro . F . J . Ash W . M . presided , and was numerously supported by his Officers and tho members , as well as by the following visitors , namely , Bros . T . J . Billing Prov . Grand Secretary , A . Lucking Prov . D . C , aud James Elthant Prov . G . Purs . Esaex ; R . II . Blvjrh 1136 , G . Berry W . M .
1 , 000 , E . W . Walter W . M . 554 , W . Hick .- * 483 , G . Glasscock 1817 , J . C Biggs S . W . 77 , H . Mills 257 , XV . XV . Morgan Sec . 211 , and J . C . Minchin 972 . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , tho Report of tbe Audit Committeo , which showed the finances of tho Lodge were in an excellent state , was submitted aud approved . Bro . Ash then vacated the chair
in favour of Bro . Godwin P . M ., by whom Bro . Charles Potter , after he had been interrogated to the satisfaction of the brethren and entrusted , was passed to the degree of E . C . A ballot was taken for Mr . Alwyne Hills Arden , of Stanford-le-Hope Brewery , and that gentleman was accepted , but not initiated . This cleared the way for the especial business of the day — the installation of the
W . M . elect , Bro . E . Sturgeon , tbe officiating Master being Brother Alfred Sturgeon P . M . After the usual preliminary observances , and the retirement of all brethren below the rank of I . M ., a Board of Installed Masters waa formed , aud Bro . E . Sturgeon was most ably installed into tho ohairofK . S . by the acting Presidentof the Board . In due course , the new W . Master appointed and invested
his Officers for tho year , namely , Bros . F . Sackett S . W ., Bartlett J . W ., A . Sturgeon P . M . Treasurer , W . Sackett Secretary , Wingrove S . D ., Rigg J . D ., Norris I . G ., Martin Tyler . There then devolved on Bro . E . Sturgeon the agreeable duty of presenting to his predecessor , Bro . As _ I . P . M ., a haudsome P . M . ' s jewel , which had been unani . monsly voted that brother by the Lodge in testimony of his able
services in the chair dnring the past year ; and in the fulfilment of this duty , the W . M . paid Bro . Ash many a well-deserved compliment , for tho zeal , assiduity , and _ eniality he had exhibited , and expressed tbe very natural hopo that ho might long remain an honoured member of the Lodge . The gift having been suitably acknowledged , and Bro . Sturgeon having responded to the vote of thanks passed
to him for his services as Installing Master , what other business remained was despatched , and Lodge was closed . The brethren then sat down to an excellent banquet , which did great credit to the host , Bro . J . A . Cuming , and on the removal of the cloth the customary toasts of the Queen and Craft , H . R . H . tbe Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., and the Grand Officers present and past , were given and lmnoureil .
The toast of the Right Worshipfnl Provincial Grand Master , Lord Tenterden , K . CB ., the Deputy Provincial G . Master Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers was most cordially received , and as cordially responded to by Bro . Railing P . Grand Secretary , who gave expression to the satisfaction generally felt throughout the Province at the appointment of his Lordship . The noble Lord ' s
official duties of necessity prevented him from visiting the Lodges very frequently , but he took a deep interest in their welfare , and there was no doubt that , since his Lordship's installation , Freemasonry in Essex had made very srreat progress . Ho also paid a compliment to Bro . P _ i \ bri _ k D . P . G . M ., who , iu bis opinion , would be found a most worthy and zealous assistant to Lord Tenterden , and would be moro
highly appreciated by the brethren the more his opportunities of becoming acquainted with them increased . To Bro . Ash I . P . M . wis entrusted the toast of the W . M . —a task as easy as it was agreeable to fulfil . Bro . E . Sturgeon , he pointed out , was in every way worthy of the honour they had conferred upon him . He not only possessed the zeal and ability to discharge his many and arduous duties as their
W . Master , but he was likewise a most genial and hospitable man , and he ( Bro . Ash ) felt sure the Lodge would flourish increasingly during his year of office . After briefly returning thanks for both the friendly manner in which the I . P . M . had proposed his health , and the hearty reception it had met with nt tbe hands of all present , Bro . E . Sturgeon proposed the toast of the Past Masters , who , he felt
confident , would extend towards him the same kindly and courteous offices they had habitually rendered to his predecessors , and , in associating with the toast the name of Bro . Ash , he again spoke in terms of eulogy of that brother ' s services in the chair during the past year . To the health of the Visitors , which waa most cordially received , replies by several of them were made , one
and all concurring in the expression of their belief that in no Lodge could they have experienced a heartier or more hospitable weloome . With the toast of the Charities was connected the name of Bro . Godwin P . M ., who , after an able recitation by Bro . XV . W . Morgan— " The Wreck of the Indian Chief , "—observed , iu reply , that , in supporting their noble Institutions , the Craft was giving a practical illustration
of their faith in the grand ruling principles of Charity , which indeed was the very heart and soul of Freemasonry . He cordially thanked the Worshipfnl Master for having associated his name with the toast , and expressed the hope that tbe Lodge would make a point of being represented at each successive Anniversary Festival . The other toasts followed , and the brethren dispersed at a seasonable hour , well
satisfied with the events of the day . We cannot close this notice without expressing our hearty thanks for the great hospitality shown to ourselves and all the visitors , both in and without the Lodge ; nor was it the fault of the Lodge that the number of their guests was comparatively small . Tho Provincial Grand Master , his Deputy , the Provincial Grand Treasurer aud Secretary , and tho Worship fnl
Masters and Secretaries of tho adjacent Lodges , all had received invitations to be present ; but it was only in the power of a few among them to accept . Still , everything passed off with an eclat which must have been most gratifying to the members of tbe Lodge . Even the Clerk of the Weather must have been under the genial influence of Freemasonry , and was in more brilliant form than he usually is in this country at this season of the year .