Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Else , S . W . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of this Institution , hrld at Freemasons' Ha'l . Great Queen-street . IJncoln ' s-imvfiekls , W . C , ou Satun ' nr . 13 t . lt October 1877 . Colonel JOIIN' URKATON . Trustee ^ and Vict Patron in tho chair . After the general business was disposed of tho Governors and Subscribers p oce"ded to tlie Election by ballot of thirty-five Children iut " th » Instit'V ion from a list of fifty approved Candidates , when the following were declared duly elected : — No . on List . Votes . No . on List . Votes . 6 . Tanare , Ada Blytli ... 1 , 000 15 . llonnet , llona Beatrice ... 61 !> 31 . K'rke , Amy Laura , ... 995 37 . Cor ney , Annio Edith ... 591 7 . fates , Annie Susannah ... 931 5 . Smith , Mary Mildred O . ... 53 i > 30 . L ' nn , Amelia 890 35 . Busher , Lucy Jane ... 52 G 49 . Spnrr , Laura Sophia ... 890 lti . Mo- » ro , Emily Alice G . ... 525 » . Nichols . Annio ... ... 878 46 . God in , Mi"nie Constance 518 21 . Peele , Eleanor Margaret ... 803 19 . Chrimes , Harriott ... 517 1 . Morris , Pinna Gordon ... 835 13 . Priestley , Emily Jane ... 511 25 . Pottf-r , Annio ... ... 822 39 . Hopkins . Florence Annio ... 511 26 . Wo ton , Florence ... 819 10 . Hocking , Amelia Jane ... 503 8 . Hnebes , Rosa , Marian ... 778 10 . Skeates , Agnes Martha ... 195 ! W . Carter , Ada ... ... 750 21 . Pidduek , Helena ... 478 i . Fordham . Araolin . Anne ... 723 33 . Pelham , Eveline Edith ... 478 2 . Parker . Kate Louisa ... 717 42 . Rugg , Mary Alexandra ... 455 17 . Mov . Gortrnilo Henrietta ... 702 47 . Boyd , Kato 411 41 . Muriel , Maude Violet ... 607 43 . Richards , AnnieL . P . ... 42 i 50 . Wnud , Ellen Amelia ... 655 15 . Scott , Dorah ... ... 421 27 . Cowley , Maud Mary ... 630 Tho numbers of Votes recorded for Unsuccessful Candidates can bo obtained on application at tho Secretary ' s Office , and will be duly carried forward at tho next election , if eligible . R . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary . 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , Wood Green , London , N . OFFICE t 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . PATRON : —HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : —H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers , held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's-inn-fields , London , on MONDAY , the 15 th day of October 1877 , for the election of ten boys from an approved list of sixty-six candidates ( one William Jnnies Parker , having been withdrawn ) , tho following were declared to be duly elected : 1— 1 . Cox . George Samuel ... 2329 6—11 . Stevens , Alfred ... 2000 2—40 . Waddington , Thomas H . 2253 7—14 . Gedge , Percy Aubrey 1 . 970 3—3 V Watkin , Hash Roi > crt 2133 8—25 . Btautou , William ... 1915 4—64 . Araitasre , Harry ... 2119 9—39 . Shapnel , H . V . N . Scrope 1805 5—62 . Smith . Frank ... 2097 10—20 . J . huston , William Studer 1730 ( Tho second number in each case is that o £ tho candidate on the list . ) Votes tor tho unsuccessful candidates will be carried to their credit at the next election . List of the result , including successful and unsuccessful candidates , may bo had on 'pplication . FREDERICK BINCKES , London , loth October 1877 . P . G . std ., V . P ., Secretary .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PRKPAIUTIO . V FOB THE CIVIL SERVICE , CAJtBKiDGE MIDIJLIS CLASS , COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS , SOCIETY OF ARTS , THE SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATIONS , lie . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet tho best , and unlimited . References to tho leading banking and commercial firms in London and tho Provinces , ancl to numerous brethren whoso sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . B ROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms .- —Address , BRO . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can bo ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it mil be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FBEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free ,.. ,., £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 o 0 Births . Marriages and Deaths , 6 tl per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application ,
UJi ttwwwasggagg a ^^^^ Mi ^^ a 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
NOTICE . In consequence of the great pressure on our space we are compelled to bold over several important communications .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Lord Chancellor is still Minister iu attendance on Her Majesty , who , with the Princess Beatrice , and attended by the Countess of Erroll , left the Castle on Tuesday afternoon for the Glassalt Shiel . Princo Leopold has been visiting at Abergeldie , and on Sunday the Prince and Princess of Wales lunched with the Queen . On Tuesday ,
the Prince of Wales , with his two sons , the Princes Albert Victor and George , reached Clarence House from Abergeldie , en route for Dartmouth , where the Britannia training ship is stationed . His Eoyal Highness , it was expected , would visit Paris before the week was over .
At the close of business on Wednesday , tho Indian Famine Relief Fund at the Mansion House had reached £ 388 , 000 , of which £ 350 , 000 have already been remitted to India . Among the latest contributions were a further instalment from Warwickshire £ 1000 , twentieth instalment
from Dublin £ 500 , Kendal , third instalment , £ 500 , Bridgewater £ 150 , Saffron Walden £ 104 , Otago , "New Zealand , £ 200 , the Union Bank of Australia £ 200 , the Bank of Australasia £ 105 , Cambridge University , additional , £ 100 ,
the Lodge of Emulation 25 guineas , & c . The Liverpool Indian Famine Relief Fund have remitted a further £ 7000 , making a total already sent out of £ 27 , 000 . South Australia has also sent £ 2 , 000 .
One of those dreadful colliery explosions which occur periodically in one or other of our mining districts happened on Thursday afternoon of last week , at the King Pit , Pemberton , near Wigau , and resulted in the deaths of thirtytwo men and three explorers , or thirty-five in all . It
occurred in what is known as ihe nine feet mine , where , owing to the dangerons quality of the gas , the greatest caution is necessary . The workings are not very extensive , bnt they had been laid out very skilfully , s > nd everything that was possible had been done to prevent accident .
However , a sufficient amount of coal had been opened out to liberate a great quantity of gas , which is of the character known among miners as " sharp , " and fires before there is time for the workmen to escape . Nothing is known as to
the cause of the accident , nor is it likely anything will be known , as all those have perished who could have afforded any explanation . Great gallantry was shown in the attempt to liberate those known to be in the working , and three of the exploring party fell victims in the attempt .
Bro . Sir John Bennett having been a third time elected Alderman of the Ward of Cheap , and by a majority of very nearly two to one , presented himself on Tuesday before the Court of Aldermen , but was a third time rejected on the
ground that he was not a fit and proper person to discbarge the duties and support the dignity of an Alderman of the City of London . Sir John Bennett intimated his intention of not carrying the case before a Court of Law .
The comparative respite from active operations whicb has taken place both in Asia and on the Danube for these last two or three weeks has been rudely disturbed during the last few clays . The Grancl Duke Michael has at length something like a decisive victory to boast of , and
Moukhtar Pasha can no longer be described as Moukhtar the Victorious . On Sunday the Russians under General Lazareff occupied the heights of Orlok , driving out the Turkish troops and compelling them to fall back in the
direction of Kars . On the 15 th . a general attack was delivered along the whole line , and after a severe contest extending over ft ur hours , General Hermann carried the Turkish position on Mount Awlias . Thus Moukhtar ' s army was out in two . One part was driven headlong in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Else , S . W . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of this Institution , hrld at Freemasons' Ha'l . Great Queen-street . IJncoln ' s-imvfiekls , W . C , ou Satun ' nr . 13 t . lt October 1877 . Colonel JOIIN' URKATON . Trustee ^ and Vict Patron in tho chair . After the general business was disposed of tho Governors and Subscribers p oce"ded to tlie Election by ballot of thirty-five Children iut " th » Instit'V ion from a list of fifty approved Candidates , when the following were declared duly elected : — No . on List . Votes . No . on List . Votes . 6 . Tanare , Ada Blytli ... 1 , 000 15 . llonnet , llona Beatrice ... 61 !> 31 . K'rke , Amy Laura , ... 995 37 . Cor ney , Annio Edith ... 591 7 . fates , Annie Susannah ... 931 5 . Smith , Mary Mildred O . ... 53 i > 30 . L ' nn , Amelia 890 35 . Busher , Lucy Jane ... 52 G 49 . Spnrr , Laura Sophia ... 890 lti . Mo- » ro , Emily Alice G . ... 525 » . Nichols . Annio ... ... 878 46 . God in , Mi"nie Constance 518 21 . Peele , Eleanor Margaret ... 803 19 . Chrimes , Harriott ... 517 1 . Morris , Pinna Gordon ... 835 13 . Priestley , Emily Jane ... 511 25 . Pottf-r , Annio ... ... 822 39 . Hopkins . Florence Annio ... 511 26 . Wo ton , Florence ... 819 10 . Hocking , Amelia Jane ... 503 8 . Hnebes , Rosa , Marian ... 778 10 . Skeates , Agnes Martha ... 195 ! W . Carter , Ada ... ... 750 21 . Pidduek , Helena ... 478 i . Fordham . Araolin . Anne ... 723 33 . Pelham , Eveline Edith ... 478 2 . Parker . Kate Louisa ... 717 42 . Rugg , Mary Alexandra ... 455 17 . Mov . Gortrnilo Henrietta ... 702 47 . Boyd , Kato 411 41 . Muriel , Maude Violet ... 607 43 . Richards , AnnieL . P . ... 42 i 50 . Wnud , Ellen Amelia ... 655 15 . Scott , Dorah ... ... 421 27 . Cowley , Maud Mary ... 630 Tho numbers of Votes recorded for Unsuccessful Candidates can bo obtained on application at tho Secretary ' s Office , and will be duly carried forward at tho next election , if eligible . R . WENTWORTH LITTLE , Secretary . 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , Wood Green , London , N . OFFICE t 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . PATRON : —HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PRESIDENT : —H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . AT A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of tho Governors and Subscribers , held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln's-inn-fields , London , on MONDAY , the 15 th day of October 1877 , for the election of ten boys from an approved list of sixty-six candidates ( one William Jnnies Parker , having been withdrawn ) , tho following were declared to be duly elected : 1— 1 . Cox . George Samuel ... 2329 6—11 . Stevens , Alfred ... 2000 2—40 . Waddington , Thomas H . 2253 7—14 . Gedge , Percy Aubrey 1 . 970 3—3 V Watkin , Hash Roi > crt 2133 8—25 . Btautou , William ... 1915 4—64 . Araitasre , Harry ... 2119 9—39 . Shapnel , H . V . N . Scrope 1805 5—62 . Smith . Frank ... 2097 10—20 . J . huston , William Studer 1730 ( Tho second number in each case is that o £ tho candidate on the list . ) Votes tor tho unsuccessful candidates will be carried to their credit at the next election . List of the result , including successful and unsuccessful candidates , may bo had on 'pplication . FREDERICK BINCKES , London , loth October 1877 . P . G . std ., V . P ., Secretary .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PRKPAIUTIO . V FOB THE CIVIL SERVICE , CAJtBKiDGE MIDIJLIS CLASS , COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS , SOCIETY OF ARTS , THE SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATIONS , lie . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet tho best , and unlimited . References to tho leading banking and commercial firms in London and tho Provinces , ancl to numerous brethren whoso sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . B ROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms .- —Address , BRO . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE can bo ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , but should any difficulty be experienced , it mil be forwarded direct from the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) to THE FBEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free ,.. ,., £ 0 13 6 Six Months ditto 0 7 0 Three Months ditto 0 3 6 Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 o 0 Births . Marriages and Deaths , 6 tl per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application ,
UJi ttwwwasggagg a ^^^^ Mi ^^ a 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
NOTICE . In consequence of the great pressure on our space we are compelled to bold over several important communications .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Lord Chancellor is still Minister iu attendance on Her Majesty , who , with the Princess Beatrice , and attended by the Countess of Erroll , left the Castle on Tuesday afternoon for the Glassalt Shiel . Princo Leopold has been visiting at Abergeldie , and on Sunday the Prince and Princess of Wales lunched with the Queen . On Tuesday ,
the Prince of Wales , with his two sons , the Princes Albert Victor and George , reached Clarence House from Abergeldie , en route for Dartmouth , where the Britannia training ship is stationed . His Eoyal Highness , it was expected , would visit Paris before the week was over .
At the close of business on Wednesday , tho Indian Famine Relief Fund at the Mansion House had reached £ 388 , 000 , of which £ 350 , 000 have already been remitted to India . Among the latest contributions were a further instalment from Warwickshire £ 1000 , twentieth instalment
from Dublin £ 500 , Kendal , third instalment , £ 500 , Bridgewater £ 150 , Saffron Walden £ 104 , Otago , "New Zealand , £ 200 , the Union Bank of Australia £ 200 , the Bank of Australasia £ 105 , Cambridge University , additional , £ 100 ,
the Lodge of Emulation 25 guineas , & c . The Liverpool Indian Famine Relief Fund have remitted a further £ 7000 , making a total already sent out of £ 27 , 000 . South Australia has also sent £ 2 , 000 .
One of those dreadful colliery explosions which occur periodically in one or other of our mining districts happened on Thursday afternoon of last week , at the King Pit , Pemberton , near Wigau , and resulted in the deaths of thirtytwo men and three explorers , or thirty-five in all . It
occurred in what is known as ihe nine feet mine , where , owing to the dangerons quality of the gas , the greatest caution is necessary . The workings are not very extensive , bnt they had been laid out very skilfully , s > nd everything that was possible had been done to prevent accident .
However , a sufficient amount of coal had been opened out to liberate a great quantity of gas , which is of the character known among miners as " sharp , " and fires before there is time for the workmen to escape . Nothing is known as to
the cause of the accident , nor is it likely anything will be known , as all those have perished who could have afforded any explanation . Great gallantry was shown in the attempt to liberate those known to be in the working , and three of the exploring party fell victims in the attempt .
Bro . Sir John Bennett having been a third time elected Alderman of the Ward of Cheap , and by a majority of very nearly two to one , presented himself on Tuesday before the Court of Aldermen , but was a third time rejected on the
ground that he was not a fit and proper person to discbarge the duties and support the dignity of an Alderman of the City of London . Sir John Bennett intimated his intention of not carrying the case before a Court of Law .
The comparative respite from active operations whicb has taken place both in Asia and on the Danube for these last two or three weeks has been rudely disturbed during the last few clays . The Grancl Duke Michael has at length something like a decisive victory to boast of , and
Moukhtar Pasha can no longer be described as Moukhtar the Victorious . On Sunday the Russians under General Lazareff occupied the heights of Orlok , driving out the Turkish troops and compelling them to fall back in the
direction of Kars . On the 15 th . a general attack was delivered along the whole line , and after a severe contest extending over ft ur hours , General Hermann carried the Turkish position on Mount Awlias . Thus Moukhtar ' s army was out in two . One part was driven headlong in