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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
pattern . Tho room wa 3 also decorated with plants , and tho banners of the various Lodges added much to tho general effect . Conspicuous among the 3 o latter was a very handsomely worked ono belonging to St . Kew Lodge , representing tho Saint in tho act of imparting instruction . A portion of tho lower end of tho Hall was screened , and formed a reception and clothing room for tho general body of
tho brethren . It had been confidently hoped that tho Provincial Grand Master himself would havo been in attendance , but this hope at the last moment was doomed to disappointment , a letter being received from tho noble Earl conveying tho uuwolcomo intelligence that he was confined to his room at Pixton Park , his Somersetshire seat , by an attack of gout . In his absence , theroforo , tho V . W . Bro .
R . C . Else D . P . G . M . presided , and tho gratificition of the brethrau was much incroasod by tho preseneo of Bro . Colonel A . \ V . Adair , tho most popular P . P . G . M . Among those present were : —Bros . Rev . J . J . Knox-Fletohor P . G . Chaplain , B . Cox P . M . 1222 P . G . Treasurer pro tern , J . C . Hunt P . G . Secretary pro tern , S . Toms P . G . S . D ., Nowington Bridges P . G . J . D ., J . Tompsett W . M . 814 P . G . S . ; representatives
from each of tho Lodges of the Province , and the following Visitors : —R . M . VVorlock P . G . Secretary Bristol , J . R . Shorland 610 P . G . S . W . Bristol , H . Grath 471 P . G . S . W . Monmouth , W . Bluadoll 858 , Gabriel Williams 686 , G . Glossop P . M . 887 , H . M . Tainsh 4 S 2 . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo was opened shortly after twelve o ' clock , when tho Grand Officers entered in
procession , being received with tho customary houonrs by the assembled brethren . The D . P . G . M . took his seat on tho Throne , supported on the right by Bro . General Munbeo , and on tho left by Bro . Col . Adair . Tho D . P . G . M . expressed his regret at tho absence of the P . G . M ., and read a letter of apology from tho noble Earl assigning illness as the cause of his absence , and sondiug his hearty good wishes to the
brethren . The Lodgo was opened in duo form and with prayer by tho P . G . Chaplain , llev . J . J . Kuox-Fletcher . The office of P . G . Sec . being vacant by the death of Bro . Pridcaux , his place was supplied by Bro . J . C . Hunt . The P . G . Treas ., Bro . E . T . Pay no , was absent on account of illness , and Bro . B . Cox acted for him , submitting the accounts . These showed a total incomo of £ 210 3 s 2 d , including a
balance from last account of £ 75 8 s 8 d ; the Lodgo dues amounted to £ 106 13 s Gd . The amouut subscribed for the Masonic Cbaritios was £ 52 10 s . The account closed with a balance iu hand of £ 69 10 s 5 d . The accounts were unanimously passed , and npon the motion of Bro Munbeo , seconded by tho P . G . J . W . Bro . Payno was re-olected P . G .
Treasurer by acclamation . Tho various offices having been declared vacaut , the appointment and investment of now Officers wa 3 proceeded with , collars being bestowed upon tbo following brethren : — Cape . Long P . M . 1190 and 1750 P . G . S . W ., E . S . Blnndoll W . M . 1222 P . G . J . W ., Revs . W . J . Moonoy 285 and J . C . Lyons 291 P . G . Chaps ., E . T . Payno P . G . Treas . ( Bro . Cox received tho collar for him ) ,
A . R . Bailey 973 P . G . R ., J . C . Hunt 291 P . G . Sec , R . Brodie 291 P . G . S . D ., J . E . Jeffries 1199 P . G . J . D ., C . E . Daniel 1755 P . G . Supb . Works , H . C . Hopkins 379 P . G . D . C ., R . J . Damon 329 P . G . A . D . C , J . Butler 285 P . G . S . B ., L . H . Bonn 261 P . G . O ., A . Sargent 1197 P . G . P .. F . U . Wood 291 P . G . A . P ., W . Woodward P . G . Tyler , A . J .
Salter Bath P . G . Asst . Tyler , J . S . Boyd 976 , J . Tuckey 905 , H . S . Brown 41 , F . T . Elworthy 261 , W . E . Porrett 1222 , and W . iteeco 1139 P . G . Stewards . Iu bestowing tho Senior Warden ' s collar upon Captain Long , who received a most cordial greeting , the D . P . G . M . informed him that it was given by tho P . G . M . to mark his appreciation of tlio services ho had rendered to
tho Province as tho chief promoter aud first Master ot" tlio Coloiidgo Lodgo at Clovcdon . The collar of J . W . was given to Bro . E . S . Biundell as W . M . of St . Kow , the receiving Lolgo . Upou the motion of tho D . P . G . M ., a sum of £ 50 was unanimously voted to the widow of Bro . F . R . Pridcaux , tho late P . G . Secretary . Bro . J . L . Stothert , in the absence of the Treasurer , propose-l that a
sum of 52 guineas be paid to the Girls School , in order to constitute the Lodge a Vice-Patron of that Institution . Bro . C . 11 . Davey sesonded the motion , which was carried ; the D . P . G . M . said tho Treasurer had ascertained that £ 21 more would be needed , but this must be deferred . The sum of £ 21 was , upou tho motion of Bro . Reeves , seconded by Bro . Moutrie , voted to tho widow
of Bro . E . S . Appleby . Tho Past Graud Secretary read the report of the Charity Organisation Committee of the Province , which stated that tho whole of the twenty-two Lodges bad appointed delegates who performed their duties in the most efficient manner . The very gratifying statement was made that from tbe date of its inception to the present time the Committee had succeeded in carrying every case
it had taken in hand . Tbo report was received and adopted , upon tho motion of Bro . Newington Bridges , seconded by Bro . Marwood . Bro . J . L . Stothert and Bro . Genl . Munbeo spoke very highly of tho efforts of the D . P . G . M . to promote tho success of the scheme , aud a cordial vote of thank 3 was passed to him for his zealous labours . The alms collected at the Lodge , amounting co £ 6 0 s 8 d , were , upon the
propositiou of Bro . J . J . E . Wiliuiott , seconded by Bro . C . R . Davey , voted to tho West if England Sanatorium . At the close of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to tho Old Assembly Room , Railway Hotel , where the banquet took place . Tho menu was that of a high class dinner , served a la Russe . The viands were of the choicest , the service was as efficient aud satisfactory as it . could well bo , aud the
wines were of the best vintages . Groat credit is due to Bro . J . R . Britton , as well as to Mrs . Britton , for the excellence of their entertainment . The D . P . G . M . presided , being supported by somo of tho moro distinguished brethren . Duo honour having been paid to the Queen and Craft , aud the Prince of Wales as Grand Master , the Pro Grand Masterand Officers of GrandLodge were toasted . Bros . Col . Adair and Rev . C . J . J . Davy responded , the last-named expressing a
hope that tho much respected D . Prov . G . M . of the Province ( Bro . Else ) would before long bo appointed a member of Grand Lodge—a hope that evoked a hearty "Hear , hear " from every one present . In proposing the health of the P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M . again a . ivorted to the cause of his absence , and stated that his lordship requested Mm to assure the brethren that nothing but the distinct aud positive orders of his physician would have kept him away . Iu very warm
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
terms the D . P . G . M . proposed tho health of tho much beloved lato P . G . M . ( Bro . Col . Adair ) , who suitably responded , and proposed that of tho D . P . G . M . and tbo ro 3 t of tho P . G . Officer past aud present . Ho traced the rise of tho D . P . G . M . from tho time when ho accepted tho collar of Assistant Secretary , and testified to hi 3 unwearied labours in the causa of Masonry ; ho re-echoed the wish expressed by Bro .
Da 7 y . Acknowledging tho services he receive 1 from the Officers when he occupied tho post of P . G . M ., ho mentioned that it was twonty-six yeara since ho received tho collar of P . G . J . D . Tho D . P . G . M ., in returning thanks , assured tho brethren that if auy honour were conferred upon him ho should consider it aa bestowed upon tho Province . Roviowiug tho past year , he congratulated tho brethren of Taunton
upou tho dedication of tlio Masonic Hall , tho effect of which wonld , he said , elevate tho tone of Masonry . Nothing tended moro to contradict tho idoa that Ma 3 on 3 woro merely " kuifo and fork men " than the establishment of the 3 e halls , and tho promotion of tho cause of charity . Tho other events wero tho Consecration of tho Keynsham Lodge and the death of tho P . G . Secretary , to both of which he
alluded . Bro 3 . Captain Long P . G . S . W ., W . A . Scott ( in the absence of tho P . G . J . W . ) , and General Munbeo also responded . Bro . Grath , of fcho Province of Monmouth , replied for tho visiting brethren , a 3 did also Bros . Worlock and Shorlaud . Bro . J . L . Stothert submitted tho toast of " The Masonio Charities , " referring to tho success whioh attended thoir candidates at olections , and acknowledging the
co-operation of tho Provinces of Bristol and Monmouth . Bro . Bridges responded , and thanked tho Somerset Charity Association for the assistanco given to him in securing the election of a London caudidate . He promised in future not only to place his votes in the hands of tho D . P . G . M ., but to represent tho Province as Steward for tho Boys ' School tho Festival aftor next . In proposing the health of the W . M .,
Officers and brethren of St . Kew , tho D . P . G . M . said ho did not remember an occasion whon the arrangements were more complete , moro satisfactory , or moro comfortably carried out than they were in tho Town Hall , and tho reception at the hospitable board was most handsome . In tho absence of the W . M ., who was obliged to leave , the toast was responded to by tho I . P . M . ( Bro . Sidney Lewis ) , and
likewise by Bro 3 . W . M . Forty ( Secretary ) and Wiliuiott S . W . of the Lodge . Bro . Villa , the I . P . M . of Taunton , in replying for the Master and brethren , of other Lodges , said the hopes of tho brethren at Taunton entertained in providing a Masonic Hall had been more than realised , since the toue of Masonry had been raised and the
number of members increased . Tho experiment , ho thought , should encourage tho brethren in other towns to follow thoir example . " Tho Host and Hostess , with thanks for tho dinner , " was proposed , and the Tyler ' s toast completed the programme . —Westonsuper-Mare Gazette .
Mark Masonry.
A SOMEWHAT moro thaa ordinarily interesting meeting in the Mark Dogreo took place on tho occasion of an Emergency Bloating of this Lodge , which was held at the Lodge-rooms , 61 Weymouth-street , Portlaud-place , London , ou tho 8 th instant . Tho opportunity for entertaining two highly distinguished brethrenviz . Bros . Croft Morgan DKIW , P . Grand Chancellor of tho Supremo Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , aud A . M . Broadloy ,
D . D . G . M . Malta , and P . G . M . M . M . Tunis and Malta , was taken by our esteemed Bro . E . Passawer LL . U . P . G . Reg . for Middlesex and Surrey , the present W . M . of tho Trinity College Mark Lodge , and the result was uot only creditable to the Lodge itsalf , but was of great importance to the Order , as it afforded the first opportunity for a personal greeting aud acknowledgment of the Mark Degree by an
Officer of the Supreme Royal Arch Degreo of Scotland . It will be remembered by our Mark brethreu that the fact of tho official acknowledgment referred to was made known to them at last Grand Mark Lodge by Bro . Portal , the then acting Grand Mark Master . Bro . Passawerjwas enabled to give only short notice of the meeting , and consequently , though well attended , it had not the presence of
several important Mark brethren , who were compelled to send apologies for absence . Amongst the many present , however , in addition to the distinguished brethren before mentioned , were—The V . W . Bros . F . Davison Dep . G . M . Middlesex and Surroy , F . Binckes P . G . W . and Grand Secretary , Donald M . Dewar P . G . M . O . and Assistant Grand Secretary , Jamea Stevens P . G . J . O .,
S . Rosenthal P . G . O ., H . Lovegrove Prov . G . S . W . Middlesex and Surrey , & o . Amongst the Lodge members wore—Bros . P . Draigo J . W ., J . do Orellana- Treasurer , M . A . Cuffo Secretary , Bradbury Turner S . D ., J . Gordon Saunders Org ., W . J . Jenuings , Plant , Martin , J . Stedman , A . W . S . Hoare , and others . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . Passawer , and after duo ballot and preparation , Bro . Frank
Ward , of the Alexandra Palaco Lodge , No . loll , was duly advanced . The ceremony was rendered with the fullest possible effect , and its grandeur and solemnity was greatly enhanced by the elaborate musical service . The excellent chamber organ , at which Bro . J . Gordon Saunders presided , and tho musical abilities of several membors of the Lodge materially aided the zealous efforts of the W . M .
and his Officers to produce a complete ceremony , and the Grand Officers present unanimously agreed that a better exemplification of Mark Masouic work had not been within their experience . The principal vocalists were—Bros . Martin , Stedman , Turner , Hoare , and Jeuniugs , all of Trinity College . After propositiou had been
made of further candidates for advancement , the V . W . Bro . Croft Morgan Dow , in his capacity as P . Grand Chancellor of the Supremo Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , briefly addressed tho Worshipful Master , and extended a formal personal acknowledgment of tho recent couuection which had been formed between
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
pattern . Tho room wa 3 also decorated with plants , and tho banners of the various Lodges added much to tho general effect . Conspicuous among the 3 o latter was a very handsomely worked ono belonging to St . Kew Lodge , representing tho Saint in tho act of imparting instruction . A portion of tho lower end of tho Hall was screened , and formed a reception and clothing room for tho general body of
tho brethren . It had been confidently hoped that tho Provincial Grand Master himself would havo been in attendance , but this hope at the last moment was doomed to disappointment , a letter being received from tho noble Earl conveying tho uuwolcomo intelligence that he was confined to his room at Pixton Park , his Somersetshire seat , by an attack of gout . In his absence , theroforo , tho V . W . Bro .
R . C . Else D . P . G . M . presided , and tho gratificition of the brethrau was much incroasod by tho preseneo of Bro . Colonel A . \ V . Adair , tho most popular P . P . G . M . Among those present were : —Bros . Rev . J . J . Knox-Fletohor P . G . Chaplain , B . Cox P . M . 1222 P . G . Treasurer pro tern , J . C . Hunt P . G . Secretary pro tern , S . Toms P . G . S . D ., Nowington Bridges P . G . J . D ., J . Tompsett W . M . 814 P . G . S . ; representatives
from each of tho Lodges of the Province , and the following Visitors : —R . M . VVorlock P . G . Secretary Bristol , J . R . Shorland 610 P . G . S . W . Bristol , H . Grath 471 P . G . S . W . Monmouth , W . Bluadoll 858 , Gabriel Williams 686 , G . Glossop P . M . 887 , H . M . Tainsh 4 S 2 . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo was opened shortly after twelve o ' clock , when tho Grand Officers entered in
procession , being received with tho customary houonrs by the assembled brethren . The D . P . G . M . took his seat on tho Throne , supported on the right by Bro . General Munbeo , and on tho left by Bro . Col . Adair . Tho D . P . G . M . expressed his regret at tho absence of the P . G . M ., and read a letter of apology from tho noble Earl assigning illness as the cause of his absence , and sondiug his hearty good wishes to the
brethren . The Lodgo was opened in duo form and with prayer by tho P . G . Chaplain , llev . J . J . Kuox-Fletcher . The office of P . G . Sec . being vacant by the death of Bro . Pridcaux , his place was supplied by Bro . J . C . Hunt . The P . G . Treas ., Bro . E . T . Pay no , was absent on account of illness , and Bro . B . Cox acted for him , submitting the accounts . These showed a total incomo of £ 210 3 s 2 d , including a
balance from last account of £ 75 8 s 8 d ; the Lodgo dues amounted to £ 106 13 s Gd . The amouut subscribed for the Masonic Cbaritios was £ 52 10 s . The account closed with a balance iu hand of £ 69 10 s 5 d . The accounts were unanimously passed , and npon the motion of Bro Munbeo , seconded by tho P . G . J . W . Bro . Payno was re-olected P . G .
Treasurer by acclamation . Tho various offices having been declared vacaut , the appointment and investment of now Officers wa 3 proceeded with , collars being bestowed upon tbo following brethren : — Cape . Long P . M . 1190 and 1750 P . G . S . W ., E . S . Blnndoll W . M . 1222 P . G . J . W ., Revs . W . J . Moonoy 285 and J . C . Lyons 291 P . G . Chaps ., E . T . Payno P . G . Treas . ( Bro . Cox received tho collar for him ) ,
A . R . Bailey 973 P . G . R ., J . C . Hunt 291 P . G . Sec , R . Brodie 291 P . G . S . D ., J . E . Jeffries 1199 P . G . J . D ., C . E . Daniel 1755 P . G . Supb . Works , H . C . Hopkins 379 P . G . D . C ., R . J . Damon 329 P . G . A . D . C , J . Butler 285 P . G . S . B ., L . H . Bonn 261 P . G . O ., A . Sargent 1197 P . G . P .. F . U . Wood 291 P . G . A . P ., W . Woodward P . G . Tyler , A . J .
Salter Bath P . G . Asst . Tyler , J . S . Boyd 976 , J . Tuckey 905 , H . S . Brown 41 , F . T . Elworthy 261 , W . E . Porrett 1222 , and W . iteeco 1139 P . G . Stewards . Iu bestowing tho Senior Warden ' s collar upon Captain Long , who received a most cordial greeting , the D . P . G . M . informed him that it was given by tho P . G . M . to mark his appreciation of tlio services ho had rendered to
tho Province as tho chief promoter aud first Master ot" tlio Coloiidgo Lodgo at Clovcdon . The collar of J . W . was given to Bro . E . S . Biundell as W . M . of St . Kow , the receiving Lolgo . Upou the motion of tho D . P . G . M ., a sum of £ 50 was unanimously voted to the widow of Bro . F . R . Pridcaux , tho late P . G . Secretary . Bro . J . L . Stothert , in the absence of the Treasurer , propose-l that a
sum of 52 guineas be paid to the Girls School , in order to constitute the Lodge a Vice-Patron of that Institution . Bro . C . 11 . Davey sesonded the motion , which was carried ; the D . P . G . M . said tho Treasurer had ascertained that £ 21 more would be needed , but this must be deferred . The sum of £ 21 was , upou tho motion of Bro . Reeves , seconded by Bro . Moutrie , voted to tho widow
of Bro . E . S . Appleby . Tho Past Graud Secretary read the report of the Charity Organisation Committee of the Province , which stated that tho whole of the twenty-two Lodges bad appointed delegates who performed their duties in the most efficient manner . The very gratifying statement was made that from tbe date of its inception to the present time the Committee had succeeded in carrying every case
it had taken in hand . Tbo report was received and adopted , upon tho motion of Bro . Newington Bridges , seconded by Bro . Marwood . Bro . J . L . Stothert and Bro . Genl . Munbeo spoke very highly of tho efforts of the D . P . G . M . to promote tho success of the scheme , aud a cordial vote of thank 3 was passed to him for his zealous labours . The alms collected at the Lodge , amounting co £ 6 0 s 8 d , were , upon the
propositiou of Bro . J . J . E . Wiliuiott , seconded by Bro . C . R . Davey , voted to tho West if England Sanatorium . At the close of the Lodge the brethren adjourned to tho Old Assembly Room , Railway Hotel , where the banquet took place . Tho menu was that of a high class dinner , served a la Russe . The viands were of the choicest , the service was as efficient aud satisfactory as it . could well bo , aud the
wines were of the best vintages . Groat credit is due to Bro . J . R . Britton , as well as to Mrs . Britton , for the excellence of their entertainment . The D . P . G . M . presided , being supported by somo of tho moro distinguished brethren . Duo honour having been paid to the Queen and Craft , aud the Prince of Wales as Grand Master , the Pro Grand Masterand Officers of GrandLodge were toasted . Bros . Col . Adair and Rev . C . J . J . Davy responded , the last-named expressing a
hope that tho much respected D . Prov . G . M . of the Province ( Bro . Else ) would before long bo appointed a member of Grand Lodge—a hope that evoked a hearty "Hear , hear " from every one present . In proposing the health of the P . G . M ., the D . P . G . M . again a . ivorted to the cause of his absence , and stated that his lordship requested Mm to assure the brethren that nothing but the distinct aud positive orders of his physician would have kept him away . Iu very warm
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
terms the D . P . G . M . proposed tho health of tho much beloved lato P . G . M . ( Bro . Col . Adair ) , who suitably responded , and proposed that of tho D . P . G . M . and tbo ro 3 t of tho P . G . Officer past aud present . Ho traced the rise of tho D . P . G . M . from tho time when ho accepted tho collar of Assistant Secretary , and testified to hi 3 unwearied labours in the causa of Masonry ; ho re-echoed the wish expressed by Bro .
Da 7 y . Acknowledging tho services he receive 1 from the Officers when he occupied tho post of P . G . M ., ho mentioned that it was twonty-six yeara since ho received tho collar of P . G . J . D . Tho D . P . G . M ., in returning thanks , assured tho brethren that if auy honour were conferred upon him ho should consider it aa bestowed upon tho Province . Roviowiug tho past year , he congratulated tho brethren of Taunton
upou tho dedication of tlio Masonic Hall , tho effect of which wonld , he said , elevate tho tone of Masonry . Nothing tended moro to contradict tho idoa that Ma 3 on 3 woro merely " kuifo and fork men " than the establishment of the 3 e halls , and tho promotion of tho cause of charity . Tho other events wero tho Consecration of tho Keynsham Lodge and the death of tho P . G . Secretary , to both of which he
alluded . Bro 3 . Captain Long P . G . S . W ., W . A . Scott ( in the absence of tho P . G . J . W . ) , and General Munbeo also responded . Bro . Grath , of fcho Province of Monmouth , replied for tho visiting brethren , a 3 did also Bros . Worlock and Shorlaud . Bro . J . L . Stothert submitted tho toast of " The Masonio Charities , " referring to tho success whioh attended thoir candidates at olections , and acknowledging the
co-operation of tho Provinces of Bristol and Monmouth . Bro . Bridges responded , and thanked tho Somerset Charity Association for the assistanco given to him in securing the election of a London caudidate . He promised in future not only to place his votes in the hands of tho D . P . G . M ., but to represent tho Province as Steward for tho Boys ' School tho Festival aftor next . In proposing the health of the W . M .,
Officers and brethren of St . Kew , tho D . P . G . M . said ho did not remember an occasion whon the arrangements were more complete , moro satisfactory , or moro comfortably carried out than they were in tho Town Hall , and tho reception at the hospitable board was most handsome . In tho absence of the W . M ., who was obliged to leave , the toast was responded to by tho I . P . M . ( Bro . Sidney Lewis ) , and
likewise by Bro 3 . W . M . Forty ( Secretary ) and Wiliuiott S . W . of the Lodge . Bro . Villa , the I . P . M . of Taunton , in replying for the Master and brethren , of other Lodges , said the hopes of tho brethren at Taunton entertained in providing a Masonic Hall had been more than realised , since the toue of Masonry had been raised and the
number of members increased . Tho experiment , ho thought , should encourage tho brethren in other towns to follow thoir example . " Tho Host and Hostess , with thanks for tho dinner , " was proposed , and the Tyler ' s toast completed the programme . —Westonsuper-Mare Gazette .
Mark Masonry.
A SOMEWHAT moro thaa ordinarily interesting meeting in the Mark Dogreo took place on tho occasion of an Emergency Bloating of this Lodge , which was held at the Lodge-rooms , 61 Weymouth-street , Portlaud-place , London , ou tho 8 th instant . Tho opportunity for entertaining two highly distinguished brethrenviz . Bros . Croft Morgan DKIW , P . Grand Chancellor of tho Supremo Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , aud A . M . Broadloy ,
D . D . G . M . Malta , and P . G . M . M . M . Tunis and Malta , was taken by our esteemed Bro . E . Passawer LL . U . P . G . Reg . for Middlesex and Surrey , the present W . M . of tho Trinity College Mark Lodge , and the result was uot only creditable to the Lodge itsalf , but was of great importance to the Order , as it afforded the first opportunity for a personal greeting aud acknowledgment of the Mark Degree by an
Officer of the Supreme Royal Arch Degreo of Scotland . It will be remembered by our Mark brethreu that the fact of tho official acknowledgment referred to was made known to them at last Grand Mark Lodge by Bro . Portal , the then acting Grand Mark Master . Bro . Passawerjwas enabled to give only short notice of the meeting , and consequently , though well attended , it had not the presence of
several important Mark brethren , who were compelled to send apologies for absence . Amongst the many present , however , in addition to the distinguished brethren before mentioned , were—The V . W . Bros . F . Davison Dep . G . M . Middlesex and Surroy , F . Binckes P . G . W . and Grand Secretary , Donald M . Dewar P . G . M . O . and Assistant Grand Secretary , Jamea Stevens P . G . J . O .,
S . Rosenthal P . G . O ., H . Lovegrove Prov . G . S . W . Middlesex and Surrey , & o . Amongst the Lodge members wore—Bros . P . Draigo J . W ., J . do Orellana- Treasurer , M . A . Cuffo Secretary , Bradbury Turner S . D ., J . Gordon Saunders Org ., W . J . Jenuings , Plant , Martin , J . Stedman , A . W . S . Hoare , and others . Tho Lodge was opened by Bro . Passawer , and after duo ballot and preparation , Bro . Frank
Ward , of the Alexandra Palaco Lodge , No . loll , was duly advanced . The ceremony was rendered with the fullest possible effect , and its grandeur and solemnity was greatly enhanced by the elaborate musical service . The excellent chamber organ , at which Bro . J . Gordon Saunders presided , and tho musical abilities of several membors of the Lodge materially aided the zealous efforts of the W . M .
and his Officers to produce a complete ceremony , and the Grand Officers present unanimously agreed that a better exemplification of Mark Masouic work had not been within their experience . The principal vocalists were—Bros . Martin , Stedman , Turner , Hoare , and Jeuniugs , all of Trinity College . After propositiou had been
made of further candidates for advancement , the V . W . Bro . Croft Morgan Dow , in his capacity as P . Grand Chancellor of the Supremo Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , briefly addressed tho Worshipful Master , and extended a formal personal acknowledgment of tho recent couuection which had been formed between