Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
Bio . Dick RadclyfTe , whose exertions ou behalf of tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution resulted in the purchase money lor twelve Lifo Governorships being raised , by means of balloting tickets , sold at Is and 2 s b \ i each , is continuing his labours ou
behalf of the Royal Masouic Institution for Boys . We hope to bo ablo to record that he is able to hand over a much larger amount to that Institution when the day of its Festival comes . He informs ns that many of tho tickets sent ont by him have neither been acknowledged
or accounted for . It any of our readers aro among those who have neglected this request of Bro . Radoly lie ' s , wo hope they will now exert themselves to dispose of the tickets on hand , which will serve for tho Boy ' s School ballot , or else immediately return them , in order thafc they
may be sent to others interested in tho scheme . Bro . RadetylTo urges his brethren to help him , if only by Belling one book , and ho has much pleasure iu announcing that tho scheme is supported by , and is under the patronage of , many Grand Officers aud distinguished members of the Craft . Among others he mentions : —
Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , K . G ., Past J . G . W ., t'rov . G . M . Oxon . „ Sir Daniel Gooch , Bt . M . P ., Prov . G . M . Berks aud Bucks . „ His Grace tho Dnko of Athole , X . T ., Fast Grand Master . Scotlaud . „ Right Hon . Lord Houuiker S . G . W ., S . G . W . M . M ., P . Prov . G . W .
Suffolk . ,, Erasmus Wilson , F . E . S ., S . G . D ., Vice-patvou . ,, II . Bradley Prov . G . Secretary Berks and Bucks . ., W . Biggs P . Prov . G . Secretary Berks and Bucks .
,, James 'lorry Secretary R . M . B . I ., P . G . J . W . Herts . ,, J . Constable P . M . Vice-patrou . „ Colouel Frederick Brine , K . E ., P . M ., 30 o . . ., Baron Fielder P . M ., P . G . S . W . Berks and Bucks .
Bru . Jiinra Holmes , whose new book , "Amabel Vaughan , " is dedicated by express permission to H . R . H . Prince Leopold , K . C , President of the Royal Society of Literature , aud P . J . G . W . of England , has received a very gratifying letter from the Prince ' s private secretary , Bro . R . H . Collins , to tbo following effect : —
" His Koyal Highness Princo Leopold desires uio to tbaub you for tbo two copies of your ivork which yoa / mi'c sent to him , and to inform you that ho will lay th » meoud copy balbro thu ( juuen for Her Majesty ' s acceptance . "
The ccrt-miiuies u ! Consecration and iutallatiou will be roheaiviod at the Crusaders Lodge- of Instruction , tSt . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Thursday , 3 rd April , b y Bro . J . Terry P . M . ^ 28 , & c . « fco . Prov . J . G . W . Heru . Lodgo will be opened at 7 p . m . Brethren to appear in Craft clothing .
Prom tho report of the Standing Committee of the Evening Star Lodge , . No , 1719 , published with the summons for the next meeting , which takes placo on the 25 th inst ., wo learn that the Treasurer ' s accounts have been audited and approved . They show a balauce iu hand
of £ 50 18 s lOd , which amount , together with £ > 2 b 4 s Od Fees due , constitutes the assets . Tlie liabilities are about £ 2 . 2 . The Lodge has thus a credit balance of £ t > 3 ' 2 s lOd ; a very creditable position for so young a Lodge . The
Committee report that the furniture , which has been presented by various members of the Lodgo , is perfect , with the exception of three candlesticks ; they consider the question of purchasing these may bo deferred for the present .
The regular meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Middlesex and Surrey will be held on Monday nest , at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Prov . G . Lodgo will be opened at six o ' clock , and atter
the transaction of the business of tlie day , the brethren will dine together at seven . Tickets for the banquet , including mnc , arc one guinea each , and may be had oi the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . W . G . Brighten , 4 Bishopsgatetftreet-witbin , E . C .
We arc pleased iu announcing that tho efforts of the cmpIo \ es ot Messrs . J . and C . Boyd and Co ., on behalf oi the Aayium for Idiots , on Thursday , tho 23 th inst ,, resulted most successfully , No less than £ 75 will be handed over to the Committee of this deserving charity ,
Earl Of Carnarvon Lodge, 1642.
rpiIE regular meeting was hold on 13 th iust . al the Ladbroke Hall , J- Notting-hill . Bros . S . H . Purkhouso W . M ., E . M . Lander S . W ., S . Smout J . W ., W . J . Murlis P . M . Soo ., G . Pcun P . M . Treas ., Ttev . D . Ite .-ule S . D ., S . Smoufcjuii . J . TX , J . Bnrfcle D . C , Woodmasou and Hook Stewards , Rogers I . G ., Delovuutu Organist ; P . M . Bro . W . Stephens , several members , and the following visitor * : —Bros . C . Davey WM ., . 1 . Driscoll P . M ., nnd T . E . Davcv W . S . No . 30 , G .
Davis J . W . lb' 7 , M . Spinel W . M . 188 , J . Flood P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , G . W . Dixon P . M . 209 , J . Lee 231 , S . L . Hum frees and E . Arrow-smith 733 , A . 15 . Baker W . M .. L . Ilrvett P . M . 831 , 13 . Kelly 831 , A . E . Tavlor , J . P . Maud , W . Austin 1201 , W . Weaver I . G . 1238 , E . C . Daiues W . M . 1366 , W W . Morgan jun . 1385 , J . Johns-j : i J . W . 1123 , J . H . Pearson S . W . 1567 , A . Marchant 1 G 04 , W . Hixou 17-14 ,
aud H . Stevens . Lodge having been opened with tho usual formalities , waa advanced , and Bro . Dr . G . F . Kule was raised to the sublime degree . Tho next business ou tho paper waa tho passing of Bro . M . 11 . Lochuer , but that brother not being iu attendance , tlio W . M . ordered rho bye-laws of tho Lodge to bo read , which done , the ballot was taken for Messrs . Joseph Kob . sou , Charles Dewduoy Cowland ,
and William Henry Ilusdell . Tho result being declared as in their favour , those three gentlemen , together with Mr . Arthur Hoywood , who waa elected at tho previous meeting , were duly initiated into tho mysteries of tho Craft . This completed the ceremonial business . The letter sent by tho Secretary to tho Earl of Carnarvon on his recent marriage , and his reply to the samo ( as published in onr columns
last week ) , were ordered to bo recorded on the minutes . Tho sympathy of the Lodgo with the family of a lato member wes ordered to bo communicated to the widow . A letter was ordered to ho eont to Her Majesty tho Queen , as recorded by us last week . Brother Murlis announced that since their last meeting ; tho Annual Ball iu connection with
tho Lodge had lak » u place . It proved ; i great success , aud although it had not realised as much profit as ho had anticipated , it had produced more than the last one . Tho W . M . proposed that the thanks of the Lodgo bo given to Bro . Murlis , fur the trouble he took in the matter ; this was seconded by the S . W ., aud carried unanimously . Bro . Murlis brieflv acknowledged tho
compliment . Ho was not iu the hubit of doing things by halves , no that if it had not been a success , it would not havo been through any neglect on his part . Nothing further ottering , Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren repaired to banquet , which wns well served by Bro . Linscott , aud ably presided over by tho W . M . In introducing thu customary Loyal toasts , the W . M .
referred specially to thoir connection b" name with tho Pro Grand Master . Bro . Pcun tlio I . P . M . gave tha toast of the W . M . The way in which Bro . Parkhouh ' c pe ; formed his luuk , which was no small ono , wns a credit to him ai-d tlio Lodge . He had always tukon a great interest iu tlio Lc-. lge , aud Brother Pcun hoped he would continue to do ,-u . Tlu W . M .. in replying , expressed
his delight in seeing the Eari of ( Juruurvuu Lodge iu so flourishing a condition . Ho bolicod ilm members were a most united baud , whose umiu obK >; i vs .- to bo happy and piouiote happiness . H >< now eouisUK-red tho toast oE tho Initiates the chief one of i lie evviniiLT : without tiich it would be impossible for a Lodge to go on . Hitherto their initiates had proved a credit to
the Cratt , aud ho had no doubt those admitted at the present meetin ;; would prove no exception . Bro . Kobson promised to use every effort to promote tho interests of tho Craft . Bro . Cowland tendered his thanks for the kindness shown him iu receiving him into the Lodge . Bro . Smith would bo happy to dp anything in his power either for tho Craft or the Lodge . Bro .
Ilusdell also thanked tbe brethren . The Past Musters were next toasted . Brother Penu had dono good service for the Lodgo during his year of office , and since that time had taken , if possible , greater interest in its welfare . The labours of Bro . Murlis were too well known to need recounting ; he had performed the hard work entailed by a first Master to the utmost
satisfaction , and since that time had assisted them in no small degree . Thoy also looked upon Bro . Stephens as ono of their Past Masters ; he certainly was ever ready at hand to render aid . Thoy had Past Masters among their members , notably Bros . Pearson and Woodward , the latter an old champion of Freemasonry , aud one who endeavoured to carry out its truest principles . Each of the
Past Masters having replied , tho health of tho Visitors was drunk ; Bros . Bryett , Taylor , Weaver and others replying . Tho Treasurer aud Secretary received due praise . Bro . Peun now referred to his Stewardship for the R M . B . I . He had mado up his mind to get a list of 300 guineas : how ho had succeeded they well knew . Bro . Murlis replied as Secretary , iu as short a speech as wo should
think him capable of making , bis large heartednesi generally requiring a full complo u ^ ui of words for tho expression of his feelings . The Officers vore duly honoured , and sevo .-al replied . The thanks of tho membo a w wo given , to Bro . Davis , w io has now undertaken tho duties * :. ' Preceptor to the Lodge of Instruction
working under sanction o ! lf ' i' 2 , and ho tendered his o iknowlodgmeuts . Tho Tyler ' s toast baught tho proceedings to a termination . During the evening several b oth -en contributed to the harmony , in all cases being ably supported i'i thoir endeavours by ihe efficient Organist of the Lodgo , Bio . Delb ante .
The Tyuo Theatre , Jf- ^ wcastle-on-Tyno , waa re-opened on tho 15 th , under the management of Bio . Charles Harrington . The IIOUKO hag ' neon re-decorated , and many improvements introduced . Bro . Harrington has engaged a strong and talented compxuy , aud there is littlo doubt ho will gain the support of the public . We wish him every success .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
Bio . Dick RadclyfTe , whose exertions ou behalf of tho Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institution resulted in the purchase money lor twelve Lifo Governorships being raised , by means of balloting tickets , sold at Is and 2 s b \ i each , is continuing his labours ou
behalf of the Royal Masouic Institution for Boys . We hope to bo ablo to record that he is able to hand over a much larger amount to that Institution when the day of its Festival comes . He informs ns that many of tho tickets sent ont by him have neither been acknowledged
or accounted for . It any of our readers aro among those who have neglected this request of Bro . Radoly lie ' s , wo hope they will now exert themselves to dispose of the tickets on hand , which will serve for tho Boy ' s School ballot , or else immediately return them , in order thafc they
may be sent to others interested in tho scheme . Bro . RadetylTo urges his brethren to help him , if only by Belling one book , and ho has much pleasure iu announcing that tho scheme is supported by , and is under the patronage of , many Grand Officers aud distinguished members of the Craft . Among others he mentions : —
Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold , K . G ., Past J . G . W ., t'rov . G . M . Oxon . „ Sir Daniel Gooch , Bt . M . P ., Prov . G . M . Berks aud Bucks . „ His Grace tho Dnko of Athole , X . T ., Fast Grand Master . Scotlaud . „ Right Hon . Lord Houuiker S . G . W ., S . G . W . M . M ., P . Prov . G . W .
Suffolk . ,, Erasmus Wilson , F . E . S ., S . G . D ., Vice-patvou . ,, II . Bradley Prov . G . Secretary Berks and Bucks . ., W . Biggs P . Prov . G . Secretary Berks and Bucks .
,, James 'lorry Secretary R . M . B . I ., P . G . J . W . Herts . ,, J . Constable P . M . Vice-patrou . „ Colouel Frederick Brine , K . E ., P . M ., 30 o . . ., Baron Fielder P . M ., P . G . S . W . Berks and Bucks .
Bru . Jiinra Holmes , whose new book , "Amabel Vaughan , " is dedicated by express permission to H . R . H . Prince Leopold , K . C , President of the Royal Society of Literature , aud P . J . G . W . of England , has received a very gratifying letter from the Prince ' s private secretary , Bro . R . H . Collins , to tbo following effect : —
" His Koyal Highness Princo Leopold desires uio to tbaub you for tbo two copies of your ivork which yoa / mi'c sent to him , and to inform you that ho will lay th » meoud copy balbro thu ( juuen for Her Majesty ' s acceptance . "
The ccrt-miiuies u ! Consecration and iutallatiou will be roheaiviod at the Crusaders Lodge- of Instruction , tSt . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Thursday , 3 rd April , b y Bro . J . Terry P . M . ^ 28 , & c . « fco . Prov . J . G . W . Heru . Lodgo will be opened at 7 p . m . Brethren to appear in Craft clothing .
Prom tho report of the Standing Committee of the Evening Star Lodge , . No , 1719 , published with the summons for the next meeting , which takes placo on the 25 th inst ., wo learn that the Treasurer ' s accounts have been audited and approved . They show a balauce iu hand
of £ 50 18 s lOd , which amount , together with £ > 2 b 4 s Od Fees due , constitutes the assets . Tlie liabilities are about £ 2 . 2 . The Lodge has thus a credit balance of £ t > 3 ' 2 s lOd ; a very creditable position for so young a Lodge . The
Committee report that the furniture , which has been presented by various members of the Lodgo , is perfect , with the exception of three candlesticks ; they consider the question of purchasing these may bo deferred for the present .
The regular meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Middlesex and Surrey will be held on Monday nest , at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Prov . G . Lodgo will be opened at six o ' clock , and atter
the transaction of the business of tlie day , the brethren will dine together at seven . Tickets for the banquet , including mnc , arc one guinea each , and may be had oi the Prov . G . Sec , Bro . W . G . Brighten , 4 Bishopsgatetftreet-witbin , E . C .
We arc pleased iu announcing that tho efforts of the cmpIo \ es ot Messrs . J . and C . Boyd and Co ., on behalf oi the Aayium for Idiots , on Thursday , tho 23 th inst ,, resulted most successfully , No less than £ 75 will be handed over to the Committee of this deserving charity ,
Earl Of Carnarvon Lodge, 1642.
rpiIE regular meeting was hold on 13 th iust . al the Ladbroke Hall , J- Notting-hill . Bros . S . H . Purkhouso W . M ., E . M . Lander S . W ., S . Smout J . W ., W . J . Murlis P . M . Soo ., G . Pcun P . M . Treas ., Ttev . D . Ite .-ule S . D ., S . Smoufcjuii . J . TX , J . Bnrfcle D . C , Woodmasou and Hook Stewards , Rogers I . G ., Delovuutu Organist ; P . M . Bro . W . Stephens , several members , and the following visitor * : —Bros . C . Davey WM ., . 1 . Driscoll P . M ., nnd T . E . Davcv W . S . No . 30 , G .
Davis J . W . lb' 7 , M . Spinel W . M . 188 , J . Flood P . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks , G . W . Dixon P . M . 209 , J . Lee 231 , S . L . Hum frees and E . Arrow-smith 733 , A . 15 . Baker W . M .. L . Ilrvett P . M . 831 , 13 . Kelly 831 , A . E . Tavlor , J . P . Maud , W . Austin 1201 , W . Weaver I . G . 1238 , E . C . Daiues W . M . 1366 , W W . Morgan jun . 1385 , J . Johns-j : i J . W . 1123 , J . H . Pearson S . W . 1567 , A . Marchant 1 G 04 , W . Hixou 17-14 ,
aud H . Stevens . Lodge having been opened with tho usual formalities , waa advanced , and Bro . Dr . G . F . Kule was raised to the sublime degree . Tho next business ou tho paper waa tho passing of Bro . M . 11 . Lochuer , but that brother not being iu attendance , tlio W . M . ordered rho bye-laws of tho Lodge to bo read , which done , the ballot was taken for Messrs . Joseph Kob . sou , Charles Dewduoy Cowland ,
and William Henry Ilusdell . Tho result being declared as in their favour , those three gentlemen , together with Mr . Arthur Hoywood , who waa elected at tho previous meeting , were duly initiated into tho mysteries of tho Craft . This completed the ceremonial business . The letter sent by tho Secretary to tho Earl of Carnarvon on his recent marriage , and his reply to the samo ( as published in onr columns
last week ) , were ordered to bo recorded on the minutes . Tho sympathy of the Lodgo with the family of a lato member wes ordered to bo communicated to the widow . A letter was ordered to ho eont to Her Majesty tho Queen , as recorded by us last week . Brother Murlis announced that since their last meeting ; tho Annual Ball iu connection with
tho Lodge had lak » u place . It proved ; i great success , aud although it had not realised as much profit as ho had anticipated , it had produced more than the last one . Tho W . M . proposed that the thanks of the Lodgo bo given to Bro . Murlis , fur the trouble he took in the matter ; this was seconded by the S . W ., aud carried unanimously . Bro . Murlis brieflv acknowledged tho
compliment . Ho was not iu the hubit of doing things by halves , no that if it had not been a success , it would not havo been through any neglect on his part . Nothing further ottering , Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren repaired to banquet , which wns well served by Bro . Linscott , aud ably presided over by tho W . M . In introducing thu customary Loyal toasts , the W . M .
referred specially to thoir connection b" name with tho Pro Grand Master . Bro . Pcun tlio I . P . M . gave tha toast of the W . M . The way in which Bro . Parkhouh ' c pe ; formed his luuk , which was no small ono , wns a credit to him ai-d tlio Lodge . He had always tukon a great interest iu tlio Lc-. lge , aud Brother Pcun hoped he would continue to do ,-u . Tlu W . M .. in replying , expressed
his delight in seeing the Eari of ( Juruurvuu Lodge iu so flourishing a condition . Ho bolicod ilm members were a most united baud , whose umiu obK >; i vs .- to bo happy and piouiote happiness . H >< now eouisUK-red tho toast oE tho Initiates the chief one of i lie evviniiLT : without tiich it would be impossible for a Lodge to go on . Hitherto their initiates had proved a credit to
the Cratt , aud ho had no doubt those admitted at the present meetin ;; would prove no exception . Bro . Kobson promised to use every effort to promote tho interests of tho Craft . Bro . Cowland tendered his thanks for the kindness shown him iu receiving him into the Lodge . Bro . Smith would bo happy to dp anything in his power either for tho Craft or the Lodge . Bro .
Ilusdell also thanked tbe brethren . The Past Musters were next toasted . Brother Penu had dono good service for the Lodgo during his year of office , and since that time had taken , if possible , greater interest in its welfare . The labours of Bro . Murlis were too well known to need recounting ; he had performed the hard work entailed by a first Master to the utmost
satisfaction , and since that time had assisted them in no small degree . Thoy also looked upon Bro . Stephens as ono of their Past Masters ; he certainly was ever ready at hand to render aid . Thoy had Past Masters among their members , notably Bros . Pearson and Woodward , the latter an old champion of Freemasonry , aud one who endeavoured to carry out its truest principles . Each of the
Past Masters having replied , tho health of tho Visitors was drunk ; Bros . Bryett , Taylor , Weaver and others replying . Tho Treasurer aud Secretary received due praise . Bro . Peun now referred to his Stewardship for the R M . B . I . He had mado up his mind to get a list of 300 guineas : how ho had succeeded they well knew . Bro . Murlis replied as Secretary , iu as short a speech as wo should
think him capable of making , bis large heartednesi generally requiring a full complo u ^ ui of words for tho expression of his feelings . The Officers vore duly honoured , and sevo .-al replied . The thanks of tho membo a w wo given , to Bro . Davis , w io has now undertaken tho duties * :. ' Preceptor to the Lodge of Instruction
working under sanction o ! lf ' i' 2 , and ho tendered his o iknowlodgmeuts . Tho Tyler ' s toast baught tho proceedings to a termination . During the evening several b oth -en contributed to the harmony , in all cases being ably supported i'i thoir endeavours by ihe efficient Organist of the Lodgo , Bio . Delb ante .
The Tyuo Theatre , Jf- ^ wcastle-on-Tyno , waa re-opened on tho 15 th , under the management of Bio . Charles Harrington . The IIOUKO hag ' neon re-decorated , and many improvements introduced . Bro . Harrington has engaged a strong and talented compxuy , aud there is littlo doubt ho will gain the support of the public . We wish him every success .