Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Hoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Star and Garter , Kew . bridge , on 7 th inst . Bros . Franckel W . M ., Blasby S . W ., Skinner J . W ., Gunner ( Hon . Sec ) S . D ., Botley J . D ., Becket I . G ., Roe P . M Preceptor , Goss I . P . M ., 0 , »» P . M . 1319 , Tucker Treas ., . Kyezor , T » lbot , & o . Initiation WHO ivl-. t » ur *> tMl , Bro . Hogg candidate .
Bro . Hogir worked the first three sei-tinna of tho lecture . Votes of thanks wero accorded to Bro . Franckel for the impressive manner in which hy had worked the ceremony of initiacion , nnd to Bro , Hogg for working the sections . Bro . Blasby was elected W . M . for nest meeting , nnd Lodge was closed .
On the 14 th inst ,, Bros . Blasby W . M ., Tucker S . W ., Goss -I . W ., Roe S . D . Preceptor , Talbot J . D ., Pearson I . G . Lodge opened up in first , second nnd third degrees , and closed down . Bro . Roe read a letter from Bro . Gunner Hon . Sec , expressing his regret at being absent , owing to domestic affliction . Bro . Roo Preceptor was
requested to write to Bro . Gunner , informing him that the Lodge of instruction do pass a vote of sympathy with him on hin recent bereavement . Bro , Tucker proposed , nnd Bro . Goss seconded , a vote ,
wishing health and happiness to H . R . H . the Duko of Connaught , Past S . G . W . Bro . Blasby was re-elected W . M . for Friday , tth April , next Friday being Officers' night , ami tho following Friday tha meeting of tlio mother Lodge .
Royal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449— A meeting was held on 17 th March , at Canterbury . Present—Bros , flowarth W . M ., Vautior S . W ., Wlviskin . I . W ., E . Beer Treas ., W . Carter Sec , W . Price S . D ., Blamivos J . O ., Nay lor P . M . D . C , Jeffreys Steward , Tyler I . G . P . M . ' s Bros . Greenwood nnd Tnrner . Bros . Evison , Cntiolle , Hammond , Coates , Paterson , Richards , Monngh .
Visitor—Hammond 218 LO . The Lodgo was opened in the first degree , the working tools explained by Bro . Van tier , and the questions leading from first to second degree put by Bra . Hownrlh . The first lecture , first section , was given by Bro . Miskin . Lodge was called off for refreshment , nnd wsnined Inborn-, whfn Lodge was closed in due form .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —An emergency meeting ol this Lodgo was held on Monday evening , its principal object being the initiation of a cruulidnre who is ab-. mt to leave England for Australia . Accordingly , there was n . good muster , all Officers being in thoir places , nnd tho W . M . Bro . . 1 . S . Cumberland pi-Miding nnd
working the ceremonies . Some snggosfions wero thrown ont ns to making a systematic- . armngnment of the books in the possession of the Lodge , so ns to render them moro available for tho use of tho members . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . gave n copy fa the library of Hntr-hinson ' . i Spirit of Masonry .
Ebor LodgO Of St . Lawrence— A meeting of thin Lodge was held on Tnosdnr , nt York , Bro . Geo . Simpson W . M . in tho chair , supported by Bros . T . B . Whytehend I . P . M .. J . S . Cumberland S . W ., T . Cooper J . W ., Rov . W . 0 . Lnkis Chaplain , A . T . B . Turner Recorder , T . Humphries I . G ., W . P . Husband K . of G ., J . Hanley ( 41 h Dragoon
Guards ) , & e . Two candidates received the degroii , and Bro . P . Pearson wns elected Tyler . Instructions were given to tho Tyler to eommunicafe with tho London brethren who were reported to bo forming a Grand Lodge of tho Order , hut of which the Ehnr Lodge had received no official intimation .
Ancient Carthago Lodge , . No , 1717 . —An emergency meeting was held on 8 th March , at tho Masonic Hall . Tunis , North Africa . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., Dr . Porini S . W ., G . Pentecost J . W ., V . C . Clement See , V . Do Pas as Treas ., V . Finzi S . D ., J . B . Boiirepaux J . D ., S . Arieti D . C , G . Barsotti and C . Fogetta Stewards , M . Lo Gallais I . G ., G . Eymon Tyler , thirty members nnd
one visitor . The business before tho meeting was tho initiation of four candidates , duly elected at tho last regular meeting of tho Lodge . Tho Lodso being opened in ancient form , the following gentlemen were initiated into the secrets and mysteries of the Order , viz .: —Dr . Pace-Williams , and Messrs . Bnlzan , Babiazznnd Boccara . Tho charge was delivered in French , nnd the proceedings ended with the nsual rhnritablo collection .
Eleanor Cross Lodge , No . 1784 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , lSoh instant , at the Masonic Hall , Northampton . Present —Bros . M . A . Bnemc P . M . 360 W . M ., Butler Wilkins D . P . G . M . aa P . M ., Rov . S . J . W . Sanders S . W ., H . J . Atkins J . W ., Hamilton J . Parker Treas ., H . Brown Sec , H . Hill S . D . and Organist , If . Spoor J . D ., G . Ellard D . C , E . Morris I . G ., Kirby and Dean Tylers ; Bros .
Rev . T . C . Beasley , Brooke , Sampson J . Manning , S . Campion , T . Emery , R . Taylor , R . J . Johnston . Visitor—Bro . Jeffrey Pomfret 360 . Ball , t was taken for the admission of three gentlemen ; all were approved , and they will be initiated at next regular Loclgo . Lodge was advanced , and Bros . Campion , Emery and Taylor wei'o raised , On the Lodge being resumed to the first degree , tho Secretary proposed , and the S . W . seconded , that a cordial vote of thanks be given
to Bro . Parker , who at the recent anniversary of the R . M . B . T . acted as Steward for the Lodge , and presented a list amounting to £ 53 . This was carried tinanirnonsly , and Bro . Parker , in acknowledgment , explained that he had so divided the sum as to endow each of the three chairs . Two gentlemen were proposed for ballot , and the Lodge was closed . A very harmonious evening was scant under the presidency of the W . M .
CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATION , CHBISTMAS 1878 . THE class lists shewing the results of this Examination are now published . Tho results as affecting oar Boys' School are as follow : —Honours : Nine 1 st class ; three 2 nd class ; one 3 rd class . One passed in 4 th division . Total number sent np for examination 14 . No failures . Between forty and fifty Schools sent np candidates to the London Main Centre . There were only at tho Centre fifteen in tho 1 st class , distributed over six schools ; the Royal Masouic Boys gained nine out of this number , leaving only six to be shared by tho other five Schools .
APRIL ELECTION , %lwdPB8onit$tt8tffoii0Hfor(Sirk The favonr of yonr Vptea and Interest is earnestly solicited for FLORENCE LIZZIE DUCKETT , AGED 8 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS Daughter of the Into Eichard Dent Dncfcett , who died suddenly on the 26 th of Juna last . Bro . Dackott , who followed the avocation of reporter , journalist , and shorthand writer , waa for twelve years , and nntil his death , on the staff of tbe " Standard " newspaper . At hia death he left six children , five of them dependent , on his Widow , with no means of mipport , beyond her own exertions . The fnue 1 * ati-oii £ ly i-eoouHiieudeil l > y THfS MEMBERS OP THE SUPREME COUNCIL S 3 " VTCI 3-PATRONS . Sir Edward Watkin , M . P ., Chairman of tlio South Eastern Railway . "W . J . It . Cotton . Esq ., M . P . ( Alderman ) , St . Mary Axe . W . H . Muclford , Kflq ., Editor of the "Standard . " George Kenning , E-s <] ., Proprietor of tho " Freemason , " 195 Fleet Street . G-. R . Benjfoiigri , Eaq ., 3 / 0 Brixton Road . Lieut .-Colonel Creaton , Union Cluh , Trafalgar Square . W . Rav . Richard Morris , LL . I ) ., Hend Master H . M . T . for Bovs , Wood Green , Dr . Pinder , Terrace House , Cambenvell Green , M . liermett , Esq ., 38 Lincoln ' * . Inn Fields . John Faulkner , Esq ., 2 Foster Lane , R . C . Mohn White , F , « v > MS Loughborough Road , Brixton , S . W . 'Mr . II . Massey , 03 Chancery Lane . Mohn Ponler , Esq ., OS Cannon Street Road . 'W . AVallfnrd , E ., rj ., M . H . C . S ., 159 Aldersf , 'att ! Slreer . ' These Gentlemen will thankfully receive Fvraies , which ninv also be sew to tho Secretary , and to Mrs , Duekett , 1 Kemertou Road , Hwna tlill Road , S . W .
THE THEATRES , & c . GLOBE . —At . 7 . 1 i'i , A 1 UPPY PAIR . At , s . . 1 , 1 , 3 CLOCHES T ) R CORNEVIf . IiK . HAYMARKET . —At * . M 5 , THE HENYVITCHRRS . At 9 . 20 , DAVID OARTUCK , and DUST IN' THE EYES . STRAND . —At 7 , TUE LOTTERY TICKET . At , 7 . 15 , THE SNOWBALL . At si . 15 , TUE VARY . GAIETY . —At 6 . 45 , EVASIVE REPLY At . 7 . 30 , THE SKRIOUa FAMILY . At . 0 . 30 , THE liOHMMIAN C"YURr .. VATJDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , ONCE M 1 MX . A I . 8 . 0 . OUR BOY 3 , and A HIGHLAND FLING . PRINCE OT" WALES'S .-At 8 . 0 , CASTE . j iDEI . PHI .-At 7 . 1 ' , THE RUXCmUCK . I PRINCESS'S . —At 7 . 0 , FAMILY JAMS . At 7 . 15 , IT'S NEVER TOO J LATE TO MEjTD . | LYCEUM . —At 7 . 30 , HAMLET . j COURT . —At 7 . 45 , COUSIN DICK . —At S . SO , THE LADIES' BATTLE , 4 c . ! OPERA COMIQUE . —At 7 . 15 , CUPS AND SAUCERS . At S . SO H . M . S . PINAFORE , Ac . 1 STANDARD . — . At 7 . 13 , PROOF , nnd TDK SECRET . CRITERION . —At 8 . 0 , THE WAfJ , OF CHINA . At 8 . 30 , ORANCJE BLOSSOMS . At 0 . 0 , TRUTH . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . r : 0 , FARCE . At S . O , LA POULE AUX ( BUS ' S D'OR . CRYSTAL PAI . AOE .-Thh day , CONCERT , . to . Open daily Aqunrinm , Circus , Sec . ALEXANDRA PALACE . —This day , FAUST , Ac . Open daily . EGYPTIAN ( LARG-E HALL ) . —MASKELYi ^ E AND COOKE . Bverv Evening at S . Tuesdays , Thursdays , ami Saturdays , nt 3 and 8 .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will bo supplied direct from tho Office , post freo to Subscribers only , for 13 a Cd per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable lo W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " Loudon and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CimoNiCT / r an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , fid per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , < $ c . single colnmn , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Speniftl Terms for n Series of Insertions on application .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Hoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —Star and Garter , Kew . bridge , on 7 th inst . Bros . Franckel W . M ., Blasby S . W ., Skinner J . W ., Gunner ( Hon . Sec ) S . D ., Botley J . D ., Becket I . G ., Roe P . M Preceptor , Goss I . P . M ., 0 , »» P . M . 1319 , Tucker Treas ., . Kyezor , T » lbot , & o . Initiation WHO ivl-. t » ur *> tMl , Bro . Hogg candidate .
Bro . Hogir worked the first three sei-tinna of tho lecture . Votes of thanks wero accorded to Bro . Franckel for the impressive manner in which hy had worked the ceremony of initiacion , nnd to Bro , Hogg for working the sections . Bro . Blasby was elected W . M . for nest meeting , nnd Lodge was closed .
On the 14 th inst ,, Bros . Blasby W . M ., Tucker S . W ., Goss -I . W ., Roe S . D . Preceptor , Talbot J . D ., Pearson I . G . Lodge opened up in first , second nnd third degrees , and closed down . Bro . Roe read a letter from Bro . Gunner Hon . Sec , expressing his regret at being absent , owing to domestic affliction . Bro . Roo Preceptor was
requested to write to Bro . Gunner , informing him that the Lodge of instruction do pass a vote of sympathy with him on hin recent bereavement . Bro , Tucker proposed , nnd Bro . Goss seconded , a vote ,
wishing health and happiness to H . R . H . the Duko of Connaught , Past S . G . W . Bro . Blasby was re-elected W . M . for Friday , tth April , next Friday being Officers' night , ami tho following Friday tha meeting of tlio mother Lodge .
Royal Military Lodge of Instruction , No . 1449— A meeting was held on 17 th March , at Canterbury . Present—Bros , flowarth W . M ., Vautior S . W ., Wlviskin . I . W ., E . Beer Treas ., W . Carter Sec , W . Price S . D ., Blamivos J . O ., Nay lor P . M . D . C , Jeffreys Steward , Tyler I . G . P . M . ' s Bros . Greenwood nnd Tnrner . Bros . Evison , Cntiolle , Hammond , Coates , Paterson , Richards , Monngh .
Visitor—Hammond 218 LO . The Lodgo was opened in the first degree , the working tools explained by Bro . Van tier , and the questions leading from first to second degree put by Bra . Hownrlh . The first lecture , first section , was given by Bro . Miskin . Lodge was called off for refreshment , nnd wsnined Inborn-, whfn Lodge was closed in due form .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 . —An emergency meeting ol this Lodgo was held on Monday evening , its principal object being the initiation of a cruulidnre who is ab-. mt to leave England for Australia . Accordingly , there was n . good muster , all Officers being in thoir places , nnd tho W . M . Bro . . 1 . S . Cumberland pi-Miding nnd
working the ceremonies . Some snggosfions wero thrown ont ns to making a systematic- . armngnment of the books in the possession of the Lodge , so ns to render them moro available for tho use of tho members . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . gave n copy fa the library of Hntr-hinson ' . i Spirit of Masonry .
Ebor LodgO Of St . Lawrence— A meeting of thin Lodge was held on Tnosdnr , nt York , Bro . Geo . Simpson W . M . in tho chair , supported by Bros . T . B . Whytehend I . P . M .. J . S . Cumberland S . W ., T . Cooper J . W ., Rov . W . 0 . Lnkis Chaplain , A . T . B . Turner Recorder , T . Humphries I . G ., W . P . Husband K . of G ., J . Hanley ( 41 h Dragoon
Guards ) , & e . Two candidates received the degroii , and Bro . P . Pearson wns elected Tyler . Instructions were given to tho Tyler to eommunicafe with tho London brethren who were reported to bo forming a Grand Lodge of tho Order , hut of which the Ehnr Lodge had received no official intimation .
Ancient Carthago Lodge , . No , 1717 . —An emergency meeting was held on 8 th March , at tho Masonic Hall . Tunis , North Africa . Present—Bros . A . M . Broadley D . G . S . W . Malta W . M ., Dr . Porini S . W ., G . Pentecost J . W ., V . C . Clement See , V . Do Pas as Treas ., V . Finzi S . D ., J . B . Boiirepaux J . D ., S . Arieti D . C , G . Barsotti and C . Fogetta Stewards , M . Lo Gallais I . G ., G . Eymon Tyler , thirty members nnd
one visitor . The business before tho meeting was tho initiation of four candidates , duly elected at tho last regular meeting of tho Lodge . Tho Lodso being opened in ancient form , the following gentlemen were initiated into the secrets and mysteries of the Order , viz .: —Dr . Pace-Williams , and Messrs . Bnlzan , Babiazznnd Boccara . Tho charge was delivered in French , nnd the proceedings ended with the nsual rhnritablo collection .
Eleanor Cross Lodge , No . 1784 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , lSoh instant , at the Masonic Hall , Northampton . Present —Bros . M . A . Bnemc P . M . 360 W . M ., Butler Wilkins D . P . G . M . aa P . M ., Rov . S . J . W . Sanders S . W ., H . J . Atkins J . W ., Hamilton J . Parker Treas ., H . Brown Sec , H . Hill S . D . and Organist , If . Spoor J . D ., G . Ellard D . C , E . Morris I . G ., Kirby and Dean Tylers ; Bros .
Rev . T . C . Beasley , Brooke , Sampson J . Manning , S . Campion , T . Emery , R . Taylor , R . J . Johnston . Visitor—Bro . Jeffrey Pomfret 360 . Ball , t was taken for the admission of three gentlemen ; all were approved , and they will be initiated at next regular Loclgo . Lodge was advanced , and Bros . Campion , Emery and Taylor wei'o raised , On the Lodge being resumed to the first degree , tho Secretary proposed , and the S . W . seconded , that a cordial vote of thanks be given
to Bro . Parker , who at the recent anniversary of the R . M . B . T . acted as Steward for the Lodge , and presented a list amounting to £ 53 . This was carried tinanirnonsly , and Bro . Parker , in acknowledgment , explained that he had so divided the sum as to endow each of the three chairs . Two gentlemen were proposed for ballot , and the Lodge was closed . A very harmonious evening was scant under the presidency of the W . M .
CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATION , CHBISTMAS 1878 . THE class lists shewing the results of this Examination are now published . Tho results as affecting oar Boys' School are as follow : —Honours : Nine 1 st class ; three 2 nd class ; one 3 rd class . One passed in 4 th division . Total number sent np for examination 14 . No failures . Between forty and fifty Schools sent np candidates to the London Main Centre . There were only at tho Centre fifteen in tho 1 st class , distributed over six schools ; the Royal Masouic Boys gained nine out of this number , leaving only six to be shared by tho other five Schools .
APRIL ELECTION , %lwdPB8onit$tt8tffoii0Hfor(Sirk The favonr of yonr Vptea and Interest is earnestly solicited for FLORENCE LIZZIE DUCKETT , AGED 8 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS Daughter of the Into Eichard Dent Dncfcett , who died suddenly on the 26 th of Juna last . Bro . Dackott , who followed the avocation of reporter , journalist , and shorthand writer , waa for twelve years , and nntil his death , on the staff of tbe " Standard " newspaper . At hia death he left six children , five of them dependent , on his Widow , with no means of mipport , beyond her own exertions . The fnue 1 * ati-oii £ ly i-eoouHiieudeil l > y THfS MEMBERS OP THE SUPREME COUNCIL S 3 " VTCI 3-PATRONS . Sir Edward Watkin , M . P ., Chairman of tlio South Eastern Railway . "W . J . It . Cotton . Esq ., M . P . ( Alderman ) , St . Mary Axe . W . H . Muclford , Kflq ., Editor of the "Standard . " George Kenning , E-s <] ., Proprietor of tho " Freemason , " 195 Fleet Street . G-. R . Benjfoiigri , Eaq ., 3 / 0 Brixton Road . Lieut .-Colonel Creaton , Union Cluh , Trafalgar Square . W . Rav . Richard Morris , LL . I ) ., Hend Master H . M . T . for Bovs , Wood Green , Dr . Pinder , Terrace House , Cambenvell Green , M . liermett , Esq ., 38 Lincoln ' * . Inn Fields . John Faulkner , Esq ., 2 Foster Lane , R . C . Mohn White , F , « v > MS Loughborough Road , Brixton , S . W . 'Mr . II . Massey , 03 Chancery Lane . Mohn Ponler , Esq ., OS Cannon Street Road . 'W . AVallfnrd , E ., rj ., M . H . C . S ., 159 Aldersf , 'att ! Slreer . ' These Gentlemen will thankfully receive Fvraies , which ninv also be sew to tho Secretary , and to Mrs , Duekett , 1 Kemertou Road , Hwna tlill Road , S . W .
THE THEATRES , & c . GLOBE . —At . 7 . 1 i'i , A 1 UPPY PAIR . At , s . . 1 , 1 , 3 CLOCHES T ) R CORNEVIf . IiK . HAYMARKET . —At * . M 5 , THE HENYVITCHRRS . At 9 . 20 , DAVID OARTUCK , and DUST IN' THE EYES . STRAND . —At 7 , TUE LOTTERY TICKET . At , 7 . 15 , THE SNOWBALL . At si . 15 , TUE VARY . GAIETY . —At 6 . 45 , EVASIVE REPLY At . 7 . 30 , THE SKRIOUa FAMILY . At . 0 . 30 , THE liOHMMIAN C"YURr .. VATJDEVILLE .-At 7 . 30 , ONCE M 1 MX . A I . 8 . 0 . OUR BOY 3 , and A HIGHLAND FLING . PRINCE OT" WALES'S .-At 8 . 0 , CASTE . j iDEI . PHI .-At 7 . 1 ' , THE RUXCmUCK . I PRINCESS'S . —At 7 . 0 , FAMILY JAMS . At 7 . 15 , IT'S NEVER TOO J LATE TO MEjTD . | LYCEUM . —At 7 . 30 , HAMLET . j COURT . —At 7 . 45 , COUSIN DICK . —At S . SO , THE LADIES' BATTLE , 4 c . ! OPERA COMIQUE . —At 7 . 15 , CUPS AND SAUCERS . At S . SO H . M . S . PINAFORE , Ac . 1 STANDARD . — . At 7 . 13 , PROOF , nnd TDK SECRET . CRITERION . —At 8 . 0 , THE WAfJ , OF CHINA . At 8 . 30 , ORANCJE BLOSSOMS . At 0 . 0 , TRUTH . ALHAMBRA . —At 7 . r : 0 , FARCE . At S . O , LA POULE AUX ( BUS ' S D'OR . CRYSTAL PAI . AOE .-Thh day , CONCERT , . to . Open daily Aqunrinm , Circus , Sec . ALEXANDRA PALACE . —This day , FAUST , Ac . Open daily . EGYPTIAN ( LARG-E HALL ) . —MASKELYi ^ E AND COOKE . Bverv Evening at S . Tuesdays , Thursdays , ami Saturdays , nt 3 and 8 .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will bo supplied direct from tho Office , post freo to Subscribers only , for 13 a Cd per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable lo W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed " Loudon and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' S CimoNiCT / r an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . Per Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , fid per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , < $ c . single colnmn , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Speniftl Terms for n Series of Insertions on application .