Article CROYDON LODGE OF MARK MASTERS, No. 198. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DEATH. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 1 Article ST. JOHN'S LODGE, No. 1387. Page 1 of 1
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Croydon Lodge Of Mark Masters, No. 198.
on the minutes . Bro . Rhodes rendered the musical portion of the ceremony with splendid effect on the organ , and by his skill contributed much to the harmony . With a grim sense of humour , and uo doubt with the special object in view of increasing tho Lodge funds , the W . M . offered tho collar of D . C . to a very eminent P . M . ( and honorary member of the Lodge ) , who , in all innocency , at
onco took the bait , and accepted the office , littlo thinking that by so doing ho gave the Lodgo to understand he was willing to forfeit the privileges of honorary membership aud becooio a subscribing member , ifc being a well-known Masonic law that an honorary member of a Lodge is not eligible to hold office iu it . The bnsiness having been completed , the Lodgo was closed in due form , and tho brethren then
adjourned to banquet , which was served in first rate stylo by Bro . Mash . Tho usual toasts were given and received with great warmth of feoliug , and the speeches wore wisely tempered with brevity ; so that all the brethren who had to return by the train wero enabled to remain to tho last , wheu tho Tyler's toast brought to an end a very happy meeting . Now that tho Lodge has entered into the third your of its existence , ifc is tiwo that the members should got out of the
" loading strimr-. " aud show that tho teachings of the Preceptors have afc longrh e-: ai > l' -i ! all the present Officers to master the duties of their respective positions , without depending on their honorary members who have hitherto so kindly given them aid and assistance . Tlio fact of fch t new W . M . hailing from fche Macdonald Mark Lodge ought of itself to bo a tower of strength , and now that tho Lodge is so fortunate as to possess a Lodge-room , with such an accessory as a first-class organ , we hope ifc will increase in efficiency as well as in numbers .
York ! Mark Lodge , Time Immemorial . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , afc York , the W . M . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett presiding , supported by Bros . T . Cooper P . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . and Sec , Rev . W . Valentine S . W ., J . Hollins J . AV ., J . S . Cumberland M . O ., 0 . G . Padel S . O ., G . Garbutfc
J . O ., and othor Officers and brethren . Several candidates were balloted for and accepted , and Bro . Ware was advanced to the degree . Several motions on the paper were disposed of , aud tho Lodge was closed , tho brethren afterwards supping together , excellent provision having been made , under the direction of Bro . T . Humphries Steward of the Lodge .
ON llth March instant , after an illness ( acute bronchitis ) of three days , ia the ( MtU year of her age , anil in the 3-ith of her widowhood , peacefully and sweetly full asleep , in perfect hope , JIAHY , tho loving and beloved mother of Bro . J . J . Gunner ( her only child ) , I . G . of 780 , and Hon . Sec . of 780 Lodge of Instruction .
Installation Meetings, &C.
rpHE fine weather we have experienced during the past few - *• days has brought to our minds tho memory of pleasant Lodge meetings , held at Provincial towns , where the dusfc and turmoil of our Great City cannot even reach , aud has caused us to look forward anxiously to those gatherings , which combine , as a part of the progrtimme , a pleasant hour , or two amid the green fields . Another thing that strikes us ou these occasions
is the apparent disregard of all such evils as time-tables and cabs . Generally the members live in close proximity to the place of meeting , and can afford to look with contempt on the slave who has to rush away iu the middle of a pleasant evening to catch his train ; but unfortunately this is not always the case . There are some Lodges , suburban so far as locality is
concerned , but metropolitan in regard to members . When snch are held in places which , for somo reason or other , appear to lie under the ban of railway companies , and as a consequence are supplied with trains thafc suit no one , the matter which first demands consideration is how to get homo . Of course the remedy is to commence early , and havo only so much work
before the meeting as can ho disposed of in a reasonable time ; but who wonld think of attending such a Lodge on an installation night without there being two or three ceremonies to work p the members generally appear to be ns anxious to have a full business paper on snch occasions as do onr London ones to havo a clear one , and so ib is we hear of . struggles for trains , indigestion next
morning , and u cold for days afterwards . We hope these latter ailments were not experienced hy tho members who visited Usbridge on Monday , bat we certainly could not admire the appearance of onr brethren in the High-street during their return journey . Even Provincial clothing is cumbrous , and weighs heavily after a good dinner ; to say nothing of the damage done by one ' s not having time
to get it fairly " stowed . " On this occasion Lodgo was summoned for fanlf-pasfc two , and the usual forrnaliticH having been disposed of , ifc was advanced , and Bro . Stumm was passed . On being resumed , Mr . Richard Nation , a candidate who had benn approved of at R previous meeting , was admitted , and received the benefit of Masonic light . Lodge won again advanced , tho W . M . Elect obligated , a
Board of Installed Mnstcr . s formed , and the ceremony of Installation completed . Bro . Webb , the incoming Master , being installed by tho Treasurer , Bio . . P . M .. Coulton . La clue course ho fitted the various offices of the Lodge , disposing of the collars to tho following brethren : —Bros . Cook S . W ., Ross J . W ., Coombes P . M . P . Prov . G . S . B . Sec , Brown Assist . Sec , Davis P . M . Tmis ., Lonsdale S . D-, Cobley J . D .,
Installation Meetings, &C.
Rawles I . G ., Cooper D . of C , Nicholson A . D . C ., Lucy Org ., Garard and Meade Stewards . The election of Tyler followed , and resulting in favour of Bro . Longstaff , that brother was duly invested . The ballot having proved favourable for the admission of Messrs . H . Toogood and Wm . Wifctenbury , tho former of those gentlemen was duly initiated by the new Master , who shewed by his conduct of tho
ceremony thafc he is ably qualified for his post . A Past Master a jewel was presented to tho retiring Master , Bro . S . Holliday , who acknowledged the gift and thanked the members for their co-operation during his term of office . A letter from the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett , regretting his inability to attend tho meeting was read . Several matters wore discussed , among others that of recognising , in
somo substantial form , the services of Bro . P . M . Coulton , who had faithfully filled the office of Treasurer some years . It was announced that the report of the Auditors would bo presented at the next meeting : Tho Lodge wa now closed , and the brethren repaired to tho Chequers Hotel , where , after banquet , the usual toasts wero run through . Brother Albert replied on behalf of the
Grand Officers , and Bro . Swallow on behalf of fche Pasfc Masters . Among tho Visitors were—Bros . E . P . Albert P . G . P ., W . Clarko I . G . 148 , L . Norden J . W . 205 , W . W . Morgan Sec , and F . J . Hentsch 211 , T . F . Baker S . D . 720 , E . Collins P . M . 733 , Festa 831 , G . W . Dixon P . M . 860 , R . Bruce P . M . 869 , John Syer 1017 , T . G . Simmonds J . W . 1107 , James Stevens P . M . 1426 , & o „ J . Irinth 1507 , J . Hancock S . W . and F . V . Groen 1687 .
St. John's Lodge, No. 1387.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 1387 .
THE regular monthly meeting and Festival of St . Johu was held afc the Masonic Hall , Chorltou-cum-Hardy , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst . This meeting was convened to celebrate a double ovonfc , viz ., the installation of fche W . M . elect , and the opening of the now Masonic Hall , where the meetings in future will be held . Tho erection of this spacious and handsome building reflects the greatest credit npou the members of 1387 , who alone subscribed the two
thousand pounds needed for its construction . Tho building is replete with every convenience , with club-room aud billiard-room attached . We caunot but congratulate any Lodge ou attaining possessiou of such a desirable property , and it may truly be said that tho St . John's Lodge has now " a local habitation and a name . " The gathering of members and Visitors commenced at an early hour , and
tho Lodge was opened in due and ancient form by Bro . Dr . John Rains W . M ., assisted by Bros . Jas . G . Batty S . W ., Robert Davies J . W ., E . Brundrett Sec , J . Dewhirsfc S . D ., A . D . Edwards J . D ., H . Marshall Troas ., J . Addey , A . Loue , R . Fowler and D . Williams Steward * , W . E . Norbury Organist , aud W . Cheshire Tyler . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read aud confirmed , after
which the Lodge was advanced to tho second degree , wheu the Installing Master signified his readiness to proceed with tho important ceremony of Installation . For this purpose , Bro . J . G . Batty W . M . elect was formally introduced to the Installing Master , to receive at his hands the benefit of that high hononr . The usual questions having been put and satisfactorily answered , Bro . Batty was solemnly
obligated , and fche Lodge was raised to the M . M . degree , aud eventually to that of a Board of Installed Masters , when Bro . J . 0 . Batty was invested and installed . On the re-admission of tho brethren , he was proclaimed W . M . of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1387 , for the ensuing twelve months , and as such received the salutations of the brethren . The ceremony was proceeded with ,
Bros . Schofield P . M . and Crompton P . M . taking part , and the latter brother assisted the Worshipful Master to invest his Officers for the ensuing year as follow : —Bro . Dr . J . Rains I . P . M ., R . Davis S . W ., E . Brandrefct J . W ., D . Williams Sec , J . Dewhirsfc S . D ., A . D . Edwards J . D ., H . Marshall ( re-elected ) Trea ., Rev . H . B . Jones , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . Chaplain , J . J . Lambert I . G . ; and J . Addy ,
A . Love , R . Fowler , W . Acton , Stewards , W . Cheshire Tyler . The Brethren , in order to evince their appreciation of the valuable services of Bro . Dr . Rains , presented him with a Pasfc Master's jewel . Ifc waa a matter of great satisfaction to the W . M . to announce the fact to the worthy recipient , who appropriately acknowledged this tangible mark of esteem . Tho Brethren of
St . John's Lodge , and the Companions of the Chapter , testified their regard and gratitude to Bro . R . Davies for the many marks of his favour , by presenting him with a very handsome silver salver , which was suitably acknowledged by him . The labours of the evening being ended , tho W . M . closed the Lodge with solemn prayer , and by his courtesy the Brethren adjourned to banquet
to the Lloyd Hotel , where about fifty Brethren eat dowu , and ' thoroughly enjoyed a menu of the most rdcherchi character , admirably catered and served up . Tho worthy hostess , Mrs . Crnbtreo , had displayed great taste in the decoration of the banquetting-hii . II , which met with the cordial approbation of tho - assemblage . The musical arrangements were carried out under
the direction of Bro . Norbury , aud added greatly to the pleasures of the evening . On the removal of the cloth , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and cordially received by the Brethren . The feature of tho evening , however , was the admirabio address given by the newly-installed W . M . upon Freemasonry , ia which lio successfully combattcd the objections usually
raised by outsiders against the Craft . Ho urged , too , npou all present , nnd more especially upon the members of the St . John ' s Lodge , which had now taken a moro prominent position than heretofore in tho district , the paramount importance of acting up to their obligations , by which they would set an example for good to
those around thorn , thereby tending to raise Freemasonry to that eminence , both socially and morally , which its teachings so justly untitle it . Among the Visitors present wore G . Freeman P . M . Derby Lodge , — Hunter W . M . StUeybridgo Lodge , — Laidlaw P . M . Architect Lodge , Didsbury , J . H . Sillitoc P . M ., P . G . D . of C . East Lancashire , J . Davies St . Paul ' s , Birmingham .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Croydon Lodge Of Mark Masters, No. 198.
on the minutes . Bro . Rhodes rendered the musical portion of the ceremony with splendid effect on the organ , and by his skill contributed much to the harmony . With a grim sense of humour , and uo doubt with the special object in view of increasing tho Lodge funds , the W . M . offered tho collar of D . C . to a very eminent P . M . ( and honorary member of the Lodge ) , who , in all innocency , at
onco took the bait , and accepted the office , littlo thinking that by so doing ho gave the Lodgo to understand he was willing to forfeit the privileges of honorary membership aud becooio a subscribing member , ifc being a well-known Masonic law that an honorary member of a Lodge is not eligible to hold office iu it . The bnsiness having been completed , the Lodgo was closed in due form , and tho brethren then
adjourned to banquet , which was served in first rate stylo by Bro . Mash . Tho usual toasts were given and received with great warmth of feoliug , and the speeches wore wisely tempered with brevity ; so that all the brethren who had to return by the train wero enabled to remain to tho last , wheu tho Tyler's toast brought to an end a very happy meeting . Now that tho Lodge has entered into the third your of its existence , ifc is tiwo that the members should got out of the
" loading strimr-. " aud show that tho teachings of the Preceptors have afc longrh e-: ai > l' -i ! all the present Officers to master the duties of their respective positions , without depending on their honorary members who have hitherto so kindly given them aid and assistance . Tlio fact of fch t new W . M . hailing from fche Macdonald Mark Lodge ought of itself to bo a tower of strength , and now that tho Lodge is so fortunate as to possess a Lodge-room , with such an accessory as a first-class organ , we hope ifc will increase in efficiency as well as in numbers .
York ! Mark Lodge , Time Immemorial . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Tuesday , afc York , the W . M . Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett presiding , supported by Bros . T . Cooper P . M ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . and Sec , Rev . W . Valentine S . W ., J . Hollins J . AV ., J . S . Cumberland M . O ., 0 . G . Padel S . O ., G . Garbutfc
J . O ., and othor Officers and brethren . Several candidates were balloted for and accepted , and Bro . Ware was advanced to the degree . Several motions on the paper were disposed of , aud tho Lodge was closed , tho brethren afterwards supping together , excellent provision having been made , under the direction of Bro . T . Humphries Steward of the Lodge .
ON llth March instant , after an illness ( acute bronchitis ) of three days , ia the ( MtU year of her age , anil in the 3-ith of her widowhood , peacefully and sweetly full asleep , in perfect hope , JIAHY , tho loving and beloved mother of Bro . J . J . Gunner ( her only child ) , I . G . of 780 , and Hon . Sec . of 780 Lodge of Instruction .
Installation Meetings, &C.
rpHE fine weather we have experienced during the past few - *• days has brought to our minds tho memory of pleasant Lodge meetings , held at Provincial towns , where the dusfc and turmoil of our Great City cannot even reach , aud has caused us to look forward anxiously to those gatherings , which combine , as a part of the progrtimme , a pleasant hour , or two amid the green fields . Another thing that strikes us ou these occasions
is the apparent disregard of all such evils as time-tables and cabs . Generally the members live in close proximity to the place of meeting , and can afford to look with contempt on the slave who has to rush away iu the middle of a pleasant evening to catch his train ; but unfortunately this is not always the case . There are some Lodges , suburban so far as locality is
concerned , but metropolitan in regard to members . When snch are held in places which , for somo reason or other , appear to lie under the ban of railway companies , and as a consequence are supplied with trains thafc suit no one , the matter which first demands consideration is how to get homo . Of course the remedy is to commence early , and havo only so much work
before the meeting as can ho disposed of in a reasonable time ; but who wonld think of attending such a Lodge on an installation night without there being two or three ceremonies to work p the members generally appear to be ns anxious to have a full business paper on snch occasions as do onr London ones to havo a clear one , and so ib is we hear of . struggles for trains , indigestion next
morning , and u cold for days afterwards . We hope these latter ailments were not experienced hy tho members who visited Usbridge on Monday , bat we certainly could not admire the appearance of onr brethren in the High-street during their return journey . Even Provincial clothing is cumbrous , and weighs heavily after a good dinner ; to say nothing of the damage done by one ' s not having time
to get it fairly " stowed . " On this occasion Lodgo was summoned for fanlf-pasfc two , and the usual forrnaliticH having been disposed of , ifc was advanced , and Bro . Stumm was passed . On being resumed , Mr . Richard Nation , a candidate who had benn approved of at R previous meeting , was admitted , and received the benefit of Masonic light . Lodge won again advanced , tho W . M . Elect obligated , a
Board of Installed Mnstcr . s formed , and the ceremony of Installation completed . Bro . Webb , the incoming Master , being installed by tho Treasurer , Bio . . P . M .. Coulton . La clue course ho fitted the various offices of the Lodge , disposing of the collars to tho following brethren : —Bros . Cook S . W ., Ross J . W ., Coombes P . M . P . Prov . G . S . B . Sec , Brown Assist . Sec , Davis P . M . Tmis ., Lonsdale S . D-, Cobley J . D .,
Installation Meetings, &C.
Rawles I . G ., Cooper D . of C , Nicholson A . D . C ., Lucy Org ., Garard and Meade Stewards . The election of Tyler followed , and resulting in favour of Bro . Longstaff , that brother was duly invested . The ballot having proved favourable for the admission of Messrs . H . Toogood and Wm . Wifctenbury , tho former of those gentlemen was duly initiated by the new Master , who shewed by his conduct of tho
ceremony thafc he is ably qualified for his post . A Past Master a jewel was presented to tho retiring Master , Bro . S . Holliday , who acknowledged the gift and thanked the members for their co-operation during his term of office . A letter from the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett , regretting his inability to attend tho meeting was read . Several matters wore discussed , among others that of recognising , in
somo substantial form , the services of Bro . P . M . Coulton , who had faithfully filled the office of Treasurer some years . It was announced that the report of the Auditors would bo presented at the next meeting : Tho Lodge wa now closed , and the brethren repaired to tho Chequers Hotel , where , after banquet , the usual toasts wero run through . Brother Albert replied on behalf of the
Grand Officers , and Bro . Swallow on behalf of fche Pasfc Masters . Among tho Visitors were—Bros . E . P . Albert P . G . P ., W . Clarko I . G . 148 , L . Norden J . W . 205 , W . W . Morgan Sec , and F . J . Hentsch 211 , T . F . Baker S . D . 720 , E . Collins P . M . 733 , Festa 831 , G . W . Dixon P . M . 860 , R . Bruce P . M . 869 , John Syer 1017 , T . G . Simmonds J . W . 1107 , James Stevens P . M . 1426 , & o „ J . Irinth 1507 , J . Hancock S . W . and F . V . Groen 1687 .
St. John's Lodge, No. 1387.
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 1387 .
THE regular monthly meeting and Festival of St . Johu was held afc the Masonic Hall , Chorltou-cum-Hardy , on Wednesday , the 12 th inst . This meeting was convened to celebrate a double ovonfc , viz ., the installation of fche W . M . elect , and the opening of the now Masonic Hall , where the meetings in future will be held . Tho erection of this spacious and handsome building reflects the greatest credit npou the members of 1387 , who alone subscribed the two
thousand pounds needed for its construction . Tho building is replete with every convenience , with club-room aud billiard-room attached . We caunot but congratulate any Lodge ou attaining possessiou of such a desirable property , and it may truly be said that tho St . John's Lodge has now " a local habitation and a name . " The gathering of members and Visitors commenced at an early hour , and
tho Lodge was opened in due and ancient form by Bro . Dr . John Rains W . M ., assisted by Bros . Jas . G . Batty S . W ., Robert Davies J . W ., E . Brundrett Sec , J . Dewhirsfc S . D ., A . D . Edwards J . D ., H . Marshall Troas ., J . Addey , A . Loue , R . Fowler and D . Williams Steward * , W . E . Norbury Organist , aud W . Cheshire Tyler . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read aud confirmed , after
which the Lodge was advanced to tho second degree , wheu the Installing Master signified his readiness to proceed with tho important ceremony of Installation . For this purpose , Bro . J . G . Batty W . M . elect was formally introduced to the Installing Master , to receive at his hands the benefit of that high hononr . The usual questions having been put and satisfactorily answered , Bro . Batty was solemnly
obligated , and fche Lodge was raised to the M . M . degree , aud eventually to that of a Board of Installed Masters , when Bro . J . 0 . Batty was invested and installed . On the re-admission of tho brethren , he was proclaimed W . M . of the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1387 , for the ensuing twelve months , and as such received the salutations of the brethren . The ceremony was proceeded with ,
Bros . Schofield P . M . and Crompton P . M . taking part , and the latter brother assisted the Worshipful Master to invest his Officers for the ensuing year as follow : —Bro . Dr . J . Rains I . P . M ., R . Davis S . W ., E . Brandrefct J . W ., D . Williams Sec , J . Dewhirsfc S . D ., A . D . Edwards J . D ., H . Marshall ( re-elected ) Trea ., Rev . H . B . Jones , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . Chaplain , J . J . Lambert I . G . ; and J . Addy ,
A . Love , R . Fowler , W . Acton , Stewards , W . Cheshire Tyler . The Brethren , in order to evince their appreciation of the valuable services of Bro . Dr . Rains , presented him with a Pasfc Master's jewel . Ifc waa a matter of great satisfaction to the W . M . to announce the fact to the worthy recipient , who appropriately acknowledged this tangible mark of esteem . Tho Brethren of
St . John's Lodge , and the Companions of the Chapter , testified their regard and gratitude to Bro . R . Davies for the many marks of his favour , by presenting him with a very handsome silver salver , which was suitably acknowledged by him . The labours of the evening being ended , tho W . M . closed the Lodge with solemn prayer , and by his courtesy the Brethren adjourned to banquet
to the Lloyd Hotel , where about fifty Brethren eat dowu , and ' thoroughly enjoyed a menu of the most rdcherchi character , admirably catered and served up . Tho worthy hostess , Mrs . Crnbtreo , had displayed great taste in the decoration of the banquetting-hii . II , which met with the cordial approbation of tho - assemblage . The musical arrangements were carried out under
the direction of Bro . Norbury , aud added greatly to the pleasures of the evening . On the removal of the cloth , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and cordially received by the Brethren . The feature of tho evening , however , was the admirabio address given by the newly-installed W . M . upon Freemasonry , ia which lio successfully combattcd the objections usually
raised by outsiders against the Craft . Ho urged , too , npou all present , nnd more especially upon the members of the St . John ' s Lodge , which had now taken a moro prominent position than heretofore in tho district , the paramount importance of acting up to their obligations , by which they would set an example for good to
those around thorn , thereby tending to raise Freemasonry to that eminence , both socially and morally , which its teachings so justly untitle it . Among the Visitors present wore G . Freeman P . M . Derby Lodge , — Hunter W . M . StUeybridgo Lodge , — Laidlaw P . M . Architect Lodge , Didsbury , J . H . Sillitoc P . M ., P . G . D . of C . East Lancashire , J . Davies St . Paul ' s , Birmingham .