Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Collision In The Channel.
THE regular meeting of tho Corinthian Lodge , No . 1208 , waa held at the Royal Hotel , Dover , on the 17 th inst . Tho occasion was observed as a solemn one , the Lodge furniture being draped with black cloth . Only the necessary routine business waa transacted , tho other matters announced in tho agenda ( initiation and raising ) boing postponed . Tlio W . M . Bro . E . Fenn , M . R . C . S ., made a feeling address to the brethren npou tho melancholy circumstances nnd or
which the meeting took place . Not only had they to lament the loss of their respected Bro . Quartor-Mastor Bloomfield , of tho 2 nd Batt . 2 'lth Regiment , who , in the discharge of his duty , fell with so many of his comrades iu arms at the disaster at Isendala , but thoy had also to deplore tho untimely death of two members of the Lodge , by the sad calamity off Dangenuess , on Thursday night . Bros . H . P .
Popkiss and J . V . W . Smith wore both among tho original founders of the Lodge , and in the person of Bro . Popkiss they had to mourn the loss of one of its most valued and esteemed members . Only ono short mouth ago thoy had re-elected him their Treasurer , an office he had held from the consecration of the Lodge in 1868 up to the present time , excepting the three years during which he filled tho
offices of J . W ., S . W . and W . M ., his promotion iu Masonry being marked by his advancement iu tho esteem and affection of his brethren . Ilia knowledge of Freemasonry , together with his constant attendance at the parent Lodge , and Lodge of Instruction , aud his unremitting attention to his Masonio duties had rendered him most valuable as a Mason , while his genial disposition and unvarying
kindness of heart hud endeared him to all who know him . The W . M . concluded by moving the following voto of condolence , and proposed that a copy of the same be forwarded to Mrs . Popkiss : — "The Brethren of the Corinthian Lodge of Freemasons having heard with very great grief of the sad calamity by which their Treasurer , Bro P . M . Henry Paul Popkiss has lost his lifo , beg to
tender their most sincere and heartfelt sympathy to his widow and children , and to assure them of the very high esteem and regard iu which he was held by tho mombors of the Lodge . They also pray that the Almighty may sustain and comfort thorn , under tho heavy affliction He has seen lit in His wisdom to lay upon them . " Rro . U . C . Fultu P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . seconded the propoaitiou .
Bro . Suieeth P . M . aud Sec . asked to be allowed to say how heartily ho cone lined iu the touchiug aud well-merited eulogy the W . M . had passed upon their lost friend and Brother . Bro . Smooth ' s position bad brought him into such constant communication with their late lamented Treasurer that no member of the Lodge could more highly estimate his worth , uor moro fully realise the loss which tho
Lodge had sustained by the sad aud untimely death of one to whose truly Masonic zeal and spirit tho welfare , harmony , and good working of the Corinthian Lodge were mainly due . He was glad to remember , at this solemn moment , that tho appreciation which the brethren entertained of their deceased Brother ' s services had been
testified to him on several occasions . The proposition was unanimously adopted , and tho Lodge was then closed , Bro , Popkiss , who was only in his 47 th year , was initiated iu . tho Union Lodgo : Margate , No . 127 , in 1859 ; joined the Corinthian Lodge No . 1208 , Dover in 1868 , and was W . M . in 1871 , and appointed P . G . Steward Kent 1875 , and P . G . A . D . C . 1876 .
Masonic Funeral.
About fifty Brethren , representing the four Lodges of Stockport , assembled under tho banner of Lodge of Unanimity , No . 287 , at the Dog and Partridge Inn , Churchgate , Stockport , on Saturday , for the purpose of accompanying the remains of their late Bro , Geo . Turner P . M . 287 P . P . G . P . Cheshire , and many years Tyler , to their last resting place , the Borough Cemetery , where ho was interred with Masonic bono irs . Bro . Henry Carrington P . M . 287 , acting as Master ,
read the ceremony in a very impressive and solemn maauer . Bro . John Leigh J . W . 287 , acting as Director of Ceremonies ; after tho funeral the biethreu returned in procession to the Lodge , when it was closed ii . solemn prayer , Amougst the Visitors present we noticed Bros . John H . Civrrington W . M . 322 , John Clark Cheetham P . M . 322 P . P . G . P . Cheshire , Lynch Bradbury 322 , John Green 323 , John Roberts 104 , Woolley 104 , Winterbottom 322 , and several others .
We have before us the last half-yenrty report of tlie Directors oi the Crystal Palace District Q-ad Company , ., learn from it that tbo working during the half-year ilh ! been satislactory . Ihe balance at cretin of profit and i , .-accoun amounts to £ 11 , 621 18 s tid , ¦ nt , of which hia ,.
it is p roposed to pay dividends , v > inch will ab » urt £ 10 , 452 12 a Id , We are p leased to he ir of this fa ourable state of affairs ; many of the staff ol tbe Company are well known to us and to our read * rs , as officers and members of the Frederick of Unity i id other Lodges ,
Wo also notice that the services of JBrc Magnus Ohren . tbe Secretary of tlie Company , have g iv ; n so much satisfaction to the Directors as to warrant heir proposing i .
substantial addition to his salary . Let •a hope our worth y brother may long enjoy health to exert 1 iniself in tho performance of hia duties , and that we ma again and again have to record his services have receiveo recognition . <
Charterhouse Club Of Instruction.
THIS deservedly appreciated Club , formed some years since , for the purpose of working ceremonial alone , to the entire exclusion of the sections , thereby enabling brethren appointed to offiie in Lodges to have immediate opportunity for perfecting themselves in their duties , has now , after a period of unfortunate changes of places of meeting , settled down in most comfortable quarters iu West Smithfield . The removal of tho Club to the excellent hostelry of
Bro . T . Butt , the New Market Hotel , King-street , Suow . hill , E . G ., took place a few weeks ago , and the meetings since thou have shewn evidence of a now vitality which bids fair to ensure a groat success for tho Club . On the 4 th inst . it was resolved to inaugurate the change of quarters by holding a first annual Festival ou Tuesday , 1 st April , iu the large assembly room recently built by Bro . Butt .
This Festival promises to bo of a noteworthy character . Bro . Wm Butt P . M . of Lodges 917 and 1677 will officiate as President , Bro . James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1216 and 1426 as Senior Vice-President , aud Bro . William Webb W . M ., of the Royal Union Lodge , 382 , at TJxbridge , aa Junior Vice-President . The Director of the Ceremonies on this occasion will bo Bro . John Syer , of the Panmure 720 , and Montefiore 1017 . A Lodgo will bo opened at 6 p . m ., aud will be
followed by banquet . At the Club meeting ou Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., there was a goodly gathering of members , Bros . James Stevens as W . M ., Simmons S . W ., Humphrey J . W ., W . Hames Preceptor , when tbe ceremonies of the first and second degrees were worked , and the detail of arrangements for the Festival discussed . We wish the Club every success , and that the approaching entertainment may result in advantage to the Craft generally , and the thorough enjoyment of its members .
Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
ON Tuesday afternoon , 18 th instant , tho annual general meeting of the friends and supporters of the Royal National Life-boat Institution was held at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' u , Loudon . His Grace tho Duko of Northumberland , Lord Privy Seal , President of the Institution , occupied tho chair on the occasion . The meeting was iuflnontially and numerously attended . There wore present ,
amongst others , Thomas Chapman , Esq ., F . R . S ., V . P ., Admiral of the Fleet , Sir George Sartorious , K . C . B ., the Right Hon . the Earl Percy , M . P ., Col . Fitzroy Clayton , the Marquis of Hertford , W . H . Harton , Esq ., V . P ., tho Hon . T . C . Agar Robartos , the Earl of Courtowu , the Marquis of Headfort , tho Right Hon . Stephen Cave , M . P ., Eugene F . Nool , Esq ., Admiral McHardy , Sir William Clayton ,
Bart ., and Lady Clayton , Capt . the Hou . F . Maude , R . N ., Capt . Do St . Croix , J . Griffith , Esq ., Capt . L . T . Cave , the Right Hon . the Earl Waldegrave , W . Scarth , Esq ., Col . Moncrieff , Capt . Martin , R . N ., F . D . Mocatta , Esq ., Admiral Ward , Chas . H . Cooke , Esq ., F . S . A , \ V . Maunock , Esq ., Rev . E . Hewlett , M . A ., aud Geo . Palmer , Esq . The Chairman , iu opening the proceedings , saij that lie siiould
have very tow words to say , for however ovuniCul the past year had been with regard to tho extraordinary severity of the weather , aud in other respects , yet aa far as the action of tho life-boats had been concerned , it had not produced auy moro than usual startling cases of danger or distress . There was no institution , he believed , that had taken so deep a root in the feelings of English hearts as the
National Life-boat Institution . The interest wnich had been shown at the commencement of the Institution had not iu the slightest degree flagged or diminished . As an instance of this he mighc say that he had been informed of tho gift of a new life . ooac for Corn , wall , contributed by the employe ' s of the Great Western Railway at Swiudou , in memory of Mr . Armstrong , late Superintendent of the
locomotive department , of that company . He ( the Chairman ) hoped that tins by no means solitary example would be folowed by mauy mure . Richaru Lewis , Esq ., Barrister aud Secretary of the Institution , men read LUO annua , report , which stated that , since the last meeting ton now iiie-buuts ii . vu ooeu placed , there now being 268 life-boats under ihe uiann ^ tdJUy of the society . During the year 1 « 78 the
iiie-boats oi tho luoLH . utiou had saved four hundred and seventy-ouo persons from wruobjd or t-udaugered vessels , nearly the whole of them under pen . o .. oucuui tnuoes , wheu ordinary boats could not have been employed wituoui , great risk of life to those on board them . In aud . ti ., 1 ; , tu . i iiie-boatd had helped last year to rescue seventeen veoaaa uvo \ deotriieMon . For those Services , and for saving 145 uvea oy nsiung-uoaws aud other menus , 11 silver medala
and votes of thanks inscribed ou vellum , and £ -, 750 had been granted by the Institution . Tne number of lives saved & ince tue establish * menc of the Institution , either by its life-boats or by special exertions , for which it umJ .. i-.-inind rewards , was Zti , 0 ol . For ttieeo services it . . voted 9 , 4 g ^ i .. .. ii 2 S '« u , ur modais , besides pecun . ary rewards -Ue amount u . ^ / , J . 1 ± ue > uuniimttee cordially acknowledged euutiuueu cu- :- .. UJ : J . iho Locai Branon Committees and
. ir huuoiaiy s ^ . lib . . . a me const , guard , ouacmeu , aud fisher-... u . Tue unu . ai .. . I , ' ¦ . i- douatious , subscriptions , and tfivi-. uus reoeiveu ua _ •, ; i ,.. o » r nud been JBJ-1 , 4 J 3 , of which sum ^ , t , , oo 0 » ere spti . u . ^ i i > < ., <; ray the cost of eiguo lne-buats . Tne expenditure nau , u . o ., , t . ui > JCotAiii ) .
tlonowAv ' a Pitts TO ( IMIIESI . —Influenza , Coughs , and Colds . —In disuses of the throat au- \ : K ¦ ' < , ou prevalent in our changeable climate , nothing o speedily relievos , . > c •¦ ¦ '< c < - ; . u ly cures , RS these inestimable ivmeaies . I ' l . oau disorders are t-. o i ium l ^ g . ected at their commencement , or are iu < LitUeioiisIy trcstcd , rciuiiiuu in oitiiei" case in la-vutti-oiitf eoii-cuut .-net's .
VUatever the couditu > u of i . o patient , HoIIoway ' s remedies will restore , if ¦ jcovery be possible ; iat \ . -. vi . i n-. tard the atarraing symptoms till the blood is ¦ untied onu nature euiisuu . ! liues tuo cure , gradually restorm ; strength and ,-ital nervous power . JLSy ocTaoverin ^ in the use of HoIIoway ' s preparations , one is conferred on the ' stoiaucu and frame generally . Thousands of persons iave testified that by the use ot these remedies ( done they have been restored to uealth , after every other means had failed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Collision In The Channel.
THE regular meeting of tho Corinthian Lodge , No . 1208 , waa held at the Royal Hotel , Dover , on the 17 th inst . Tho occasion was observed as a solemn one , the Lodge furniture being draped with black cloth . Only the necessary routine business waa transacted , tho other matters announced in tho agenda ( initiation and raising ) boing postponed . Tlio W . M . Bro . E . Fenn , M . R . C . S ., made a feeling address to the brethren npou tho melancholy circumstances nnd or
which the meeting took place . Not only had they to lament the loss of their respected Bro . Quartor-Mastor Bloomfield , of tho 2 nd Batt . 2 'lth Regiment , who , in the discharge of his duty , fell with so many of his comrades iu arms at the disaster at Isendala , but thoy had also to deplore tho untimely death of two members of the Lodge , by the sad calamity off Dangenuess , on Thursday night . Bros . H . P .
Popkiss and J . V . W . Smith wore both among tho original founders of the Lodge , and in the person of Bro . Popkiss they had to mourn the loss of one of its most valued and esteemed members . Only ono short mouth ago thoy had re-elected him their Treasurer , an office he had held from the consecration of the Lodge in 1868 up to the present time , excepting the three years during which he filled tho
offices of J . W ., S . W . and W . M ., his promotion iu Masonry being marked by his advancement iu tho esteem and affection of his brethren . Ilia knowledge of Freemasonry , together with his constant attendance at the parent Lodge , and Lodge of Instruction , aud his unremitting attention to his Masonio duties had rendered him most valuable as a Mason , while his genial disposition and unvarying
kindness of heart hud endeared him to all who know him . The W . M . concluded by moving the following voto of condolence , and proposed that a copy of the same be forwarded to Mrs . Popkiss : — "The Brethren of the Corinthian Lodge of Freemasons having heard with very great grief of the sad calamity by which their Treasurer , Bro P . M . Henry Paul Popkiss has lost his lifo , beg to
tender their most sincere and heartfelt sympathy to his widow and children , and to assure them of the very high esteem and regard iu which he was held by tho mombors of the Lodge . They also pray that the Almighty may sustain and comfort thorn , under tho heavy affliction He has seen lit in His wisdom to lay upon them . " Rro . U . C . Fultu P . M . P . P . G . A . D . C . seconded the propoaitiou .
Bro . Suieeth P . M . aud Sec . asked to be allowed to say how heartily ho cone lined iu the touchiug aud well-merited eulogy the W . M . had passed upon their lost friend and Brother . Bro . Smooth ' s position bad brought him into such constant communication with their late lamented Treasurer that no member of the Lodge could more highly estimate his worth , uor moro fully realise the loss which tho
Lodge had sustained by the sad aud untimely death of one to whose truly Masonic zeal and spirit tho welfare , harmony , and good working of the Corinthian Lodge were mainly due . He was glad to remember , at this solemn moment , that tho appreciation which the brethren entertained of their deceased Brother ' s services had been
testified to him on several occasions . The proposition was unanimously adopted , and tho Lodge was then closed , Bro , Popkiss , who was only in his 47 th year , was initiated iu . tho Union Lodgo : Margate , No . 127 , in 1859 ; joined the Corinthian Lodge No . 1208 , Dover in 1868 , and was W . M . in 1871 , and appointed P . G . Steward Kent 1875 , and P . G . A . D . C . 1876 .
Masonic Funeral.
About fifty Brethren , representing the four Lodges of Stockport , assembled under tho banner of Lodge of Unanimity , No . 287 , at the Dog and Partridge Inn , Churchgate , Stockport , on Saturday , for the purpose of accompanying the remains of their late Bro , Geo . Turner P . M . 287 P . P . G . P . Cheshire , and many years Tyler , to their last resting place , the Borough Cemetery , where ho was interred with Masonic bono irs . Bro . Henry Carrington P . M . 287 , acting as Master ,
read the ceremony in a very impressive and solemn maauer . Bro . John Leigh J . W . 287 , acting as Director of Ceremonies ; after tho funeral the biethreu returned in procession to the Lodge , when it was closed ii . solemn prayer , Amougst the Visitors present we noticed Bros . John H . Civrrington W . M . 322 , John Clark Cheetham P . M . 322 P . P . G . P . Cheshire , Lynch Bradbury 322 , John Green 323 , John Roberts 104 , Woolley 104 , Winterbottom 322 , and several others .
We have before us the last half-yenrty report of tlie Directors oi the Crystal Palace District Q-ad Company , ., learn from it that tbo working during the half-year ilh ! been satislactory . Ihe balance at cretin of profit and i , .-accoun amounts to £ 11 , 621 18 s tid , ¦ nt , of which hia ,.
it is p roposed to pay dividends , v > inch will ab » urt £ 10 , 452 12 a Id , We are p leased to he ir of this fa ourable state of affairs ; many of the staff ol tbe Company are well known to us and to our read * rs , as officers and members of the Frederick of Unity i id other Lodges ,
Wo also notice that the services of JBrc Magnus Ohren . tbe Secretary of tlie Company , have g iv ; n so much satisfaction to the Directors as to warrant heir proposing i .
substantial addition to his salary . Let •a hope our worth y brother may long enjoy health to exert 1 iniself in tho performance of hia duties , and that we ma again and again have to record his services have receiveo recognition . <
Charterhouse Club Of Instruction.
THIS deservedly appreciated Club , formed some years since , for the purpose of working ceremonial alone , to the entire exclusion of the sections , thereby enabling brethren appointed to offiie in Lodges to have immediate opportunity for perfecting themselves in their duties , has now , after a period of unfortunate changes of places of meeting , settled down in most comfortable quarters iu West Smithfield . The removal of tho Club to the excellent hostelry of
Bro . T . Butt , the New Market Hotel , King-street , Suow . hill , E . G ., took place a few weeks ago , and the meetings since thou have shewn evidence of a now vitality which bids fair to ensure a groat success for tho Club . On the 4 th inst . it was resolved to inaugurate the change of quarters by holding a first annual Festival ou Tuesday , 1 st April , iu the large assembly room recently built by Bro . Butt .
This Festival promises to bo of a noteworthy character . Bro . Wm Butt P . M . of Lodges 917 and 1677 will officiate as President , Bro . James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1216 and 1426 as Senior Vice-President , aud Bro . William Webb W . M ., of the Royal Union Lodge , 382 , at TJxbridge , aa Junior Vice-President . The Director of the Ceremonies on this occasion will bo Bro . John Syer , of the Panmure 720 , and Montefiore 1017 . A Lodgo will bo opened at 6 p . m ., aud will be
followed by banquet . At the Club meeting ou Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., there was a goodly gathering of members , Bros . James Stevens as W . M ., Simmons S . W ., Humphrey J . W ., W . Hames Preceptor , when tbe ceremonies of the first and second degrees were worked , and the detail of arrangements for the Festival discussed . We wish the Club every success , and that the approaching entertainment may result in advantage to the Craft generally , and the thorough enjoyment of its members .
Royal National Life-Boat Institution.
ON Tuesday afternoon , 18 th instant , tho annual general meeting of the friends and supporters of the Royal National Life-boat Institution was held at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' u , Loudon . His Grace tho Duko of Northumberland , Lord Privy Seal , President of the Institution , occupied tho chair on the occasion . The meeting was iuflnontially and numerously attended . There wore present ,
amongst others , Thomas Chapman , Esq ., F . R . S ., V . P ., Admiral of the Fleet , Sir George Sartorious , K . C . B ., the Right Hon . the Earl Percy , M . P ., Col . Fitzroy Clayton , the Marquis of Hertford , W . H . Harton , Esq ., V . P ., tho Hon . T . C . Agar Robartos , the Earl of Courtowu , the Marquis of Headfort , tho Right Hon . Stephen Cave , M . P ., Eugene F . Nool , Esq ., Admiral McHardy , Sir William Clayton ,
Bart ., and Lady Clayton , Capt . the Hou . F . Maude , R . N ., Capt . Do St . Croix , J . Griffith , Esq ., Capt . L . T . Cave , the Right Hon . the Earl Waldegrave , W . Scarth , Esq ., Col . Moncrieff , Capt . Martin , R . N ., F . D . Mocatta , Esq ., Admiral Ward , Chas . H . Cooke , Esq ., F . S . A , \ V . Maunock , Esq ., Rev . E . Hewlett , M . A ., aud Geo . Palmer , Esq . The Chairman , iu opening the proceedings , saij that lie siiould
have very tow words to say , for however ovuniCul the past year had been with regard to tho extraordinary severity of the weather , aud in other respects , yet aa far as the action of tho life-boats had been concerned , it had not produced auy moro than usual startling cases of danger or distress . There was no institution , he believed , that had taken so deep a root in the feelings of English hearts as the
National Life-boat Institution . The interest wnich had been shown at the commencement of the Institution had not iu the slightest degree flagged or diminished . As an instance of this he mighc say that he had been informed of tho gift of a new life . ooac for Corn , wall , contributed by the employe ' s of the Great Western Railway at Swiudou , in memory of Mr . Armstrong , late Superintendent of the
locomotive department , of that company . He ( the Chairman ) hoped that tins by no means solitary example would be folowed by mauy mure . Richaru Lewis , Esq ., Barrister aud Secretary of the Institution , men read LUO annua , report , which stated that , since the last meeting ton now iiie-buuts ii . vu ooeu placed , there now being 268 life-boats under ihe uiann ^ tdJUy of the society . During the year 1 « 78 the
iiie-boats oi tho luoLH . utiou had saved four hundred and seventy-ouo persons from wruobjd or t-udaugered vessels , nearly the whole of them under pen . o .. oucuui tnuoes , wheu ordinary boats could not have been employed wituoui , great risk of life to those on board them . In aud . ti ., 1 ; , tu . i iiie-boatd had helped last year to rescue seventeen veoaaa uvo \ deotriieMon . For those Services , and for saving 145 uvea oy nsiung-uoaws aud other menus , 11 silver medala
and votes of thanks inscribed ou vellum , and £ -, 750 had been granted by the Institution . Tne number of lives saved & ince tue establish * menc of the Institution , either by its life-boats or by special exertions , for which it umJ .. i-.-inind rewards , was Zti , 0 ol . For ttieeo services it . . voted 9 , 4 g ^ i .. .. ii 2 S '« u , ur modais , besides pecun . ary rewards -Ue amount u . ^ / , J . 1 ± ue > uuniimttee cordially acknowledged euutiuueu cu- :- .. UJ : J . iho Locai Branon Committees and
. ir huuoiaiy s ^ . lib . . . a me const , guard , ouacmeu , aud fisher-... u . Tue unu . ai .. . I , ' ¦ . i- douatious , subscriptions , and tfivi-. uus reoeiveu ua _ •, ; i ,.. o » r nud been JBJ-1 , 4 J 3 , of which sum ^ , t , , oo 0 » ere spti . u . ^ i i > < ., <; ray the cost of eiguo lne-buats . Tne expenditure nau , u . o ., , t . ui > JCotAiii ) .
tlonowAv ' a Pitts TO ( IMIIESI . —Influenza , Coughs , and Colds . —In disuses of the throat au- \ : K ¦ ' < , ou prevalent in our changeable climate , nothing o speedily relievos , . > c •¦ ¦ '< c < - ; . u ly cures , RS these inestimable ivmeaies . I ' l . oau disorders are t-. o i ium l ^ g . ected at their commencement , or are iu < LitUeioiisIy trcstcd , rciuiiiuu in oitiiei" case in la-vutti-oiitf eoii-cuut .-net's .
VUatever the couditu > u of i . o patient , HoIIoway ' s remedies will restore , if ¦ jcovery be possible ; iat \ . -. vi . i n-. tard the atarraing symptoms till the blood is ¦ untied onu nature euiisuu . ! liues tuo cure , gradually restorm ; strength and ,-ital nervous power . JLSy ocTaoverin ^ in the use of HoIIoway ' s preparations , one is conferred on the ' stoiaucu and frame generally . Thousands of persons iave testified that by the use ot these remedies ( done they have been restored to uealth , after every other means had failed .