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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex
I'liK annual meeting of Hie Grand Ln-lge of this Province , was held at Itomt'nnl , on Thursday , the 11 th ins ! ., under tho hanner iif the Hnpt > and Unity I . ndgp , 214 . The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Matthew Clarke , presiding . The Lodgo was opened at 2 o ' clock , and after receiving the D . G . M ., proceeded to business . All the Lodges in the Province were represented , and
regret was expressed at tho absence of the R . W . P . G . Master , Robert Bagshaw Esq ., through illness . The acting Secretary stated that the R . W . P . G . M . had been pleased to re-elect Bro . M . Clarke as his Deputy . This announcement was received with great pleasure , for during the short period our Bro . M . Clarke has been in the Province , he has gained the esteem and respect of the brethren . The other officers ap .
pointed were as follows : —W . Bros . Rev . T . Cochrane Prov . Senior G . Warden , Geo . Corbie Prov . Junior Grand Warden , Rev . J . H . Bridge Prov . Grand Chaplain , and W . J . Burton Prov . Grand Treasurer , elected for tbe 14 th time , he being complimented upon his reappointment . The office of Grand Secretary , which had become vacant by the death of J . W . Carr ( whose services and merits will ever be
remembered in the Province ) was conferred upon Bro . T . J . Railing , of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , a worthy brother , and well fitted for the position . Bros . E . Hunt Carter Prov . Grand Registrar , W . P . Lewis Prov . Senior Grand Deacon , Digory Reed Prov . Junior Grand Deacon , T . G . Day Prov . Grand Superintendant of Works . The office of D . of C . has hitherto been held by W . Bro . Peter
Matthews , who has been a useful member in the Province , especially at installations , but owing to illness , which prevents him taking so active a part now , the appointment was conferred on the assistant D . of C , Bro . A . Locking . Bros . J . A . Wardell acted as Asst . D . of C , B . B . Brayshaw Prov . G . S . B ., W . W . Brown Prov . G . Org ., W . F . Francis Prov . G . Purs ., W . I . Chignell , G . F . Jones , G . W . Patmore ,
A . Manning Prov . G . Stewards . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to St . Edward ' s Church , which had been placed , by kind permission of Bro . the Rev . E . Fox , M . A ., and Vicar , at their disposal , a special service was held , and a sermon preached by the Rev . J . H . Bridge P . G . Chaplain from Luke xi . 26 . After tho sermon , the brethren returned ,
and Prov . Grand Lodge was re-opened . Bro . J . Tanner P . P . S . D . Essex , then brought before the Prov . G . Lodge , a scheme , which he hoped would be entertained , namely , to form a Charitable Association in connection with the Province . After some discussion had taken place , a committee was proposed to take into consideration the best means of carrying out the same . At the present time the Province
were recipients to a larger extent than what was subscribed . Letters expressing regret at thoir inability to attend were received from the R . W . P . G . Master of Oxford , His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , the R . W . P . G . Master of Suffolk , Bro . Lord Waveney , the V . W . Bro . Rev . C . W . Arnold G . Chaplain of England and D . G . M . of Surrey , the V . W . Bro . John Hervey Grand Secretary ,
aud several others . A vote of thanks was passed to the brethren of the Hope and Unity Lodge for their reception of Prov . G . Lodge , and the complete manner in which all the arrangements had been made . Prov . G . Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the Corn Exchange , which had been fitted np very tastefully as a banquetting hall , when about one hundred sat down and partook of a
banquet . Tho V . W . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . Chaplain of England and D . G . M . of Suffolk , returned thanks for the Grand Officers of England , in a very appropriate speech , and the Rev . C . Wigram P . G . Chaplain of England also replied . The D . G . Master , in responding , expressed his regret at the absence of the R . W . P . G . Master , but he should be able to report to him that the Lodges in the Province were in a prosperous
condition , and expressed his satisfaction at the state of the Province . Bro . Burton , the Treasurer , in responding , alluded to this being the 14 th year he had acted as Treasurer to the Province , and thanked them for tbe continuance of the trust reposed in him . Bro . Railing responded for the Secretaryship . Bro . Corbie also spoke for the rest of the P . G . Officers . Bro . the Rev . T . Cochrane , iu returning thanks to
a special toast , was of opinion that the entertainment had been enhanced iu value by the musical brethreu who had given their services gratuitously , for which the thanks of the brethren were duo . Bro . Terry , in responding to the toast of the Charities , spoke of the Rev . C . J . Martyn as one of their noblest supporters , and trusted that the scheme proposed by Bro . Tanner would be carried out in the
Province , feeling assured of its necessity . In referring to the Girls ' School , he mentioned that at the examination at Cambridge the Senior waa educated at their Schools ; then again , with regard to the Boys , no less than 16 passed examination ; and lastl y , in respect to the aged , who have borne the heat and burden of the day , all were good in thoir several objects . At the present time there were six recipients
from this Province . Ho therefore hoped the brethreu of the Province wonld support the Institutions , so that they mi ght be carried on creditably to the Craft . Several other toasts followed , ending with the Tyler ' s . During the evening the music from an old friend and brother , Geo . Buckland , enlivened us , as also did the singing of Bro . Wilkinson , and somo extremely good playing by a brother upon the clarionet .
Consecration Of The Crusader's Lodge, No. 1677.
rpHIS now Lodge was consecrated on Wednesday the 13 th June , JL at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , the presiding officer being Bro . James Terry Prov . G . D . of C . Herts , assisted by Bro . James Hill W . M . 228 , and Bro . Henry Marsh P . M . 1196 . There was a large concourse of influential Masons to witness the ceremony , which was performed in a masterly and most impressive manner by Bro . Terry . Tho necessity for a new Lodge in this locality haa been long aud largel y
Consecration Of The Crusader's Lodge, No. 1677.
foil , and great praise is due to Bros . Thomas Goode and J . G . Defriez , but especially and iu particular to Bro . W . J . Huntor , as well as the rest of the founders , for thoir energy and assiduity in bringing the negotiations for tho new Lodge to a happy and successful issue .
The other founders are Bros . Jarvis Maples W . M . Designate , J . W . Simmonds , F . Rothschild , R . C . Davis , J . S . Knight , A . J . Mill , ward , and W . C . Gray , all of whom devoted time and labour towards the consummation of this desirable end . Among the visitors were—Bros . H . Field 1602 , W . H . Hooper P . M . 435 , R . D . Cunvmings 704
T . II . Miller P . M . 907 , R . H . Marsh 228 , W . J . Randall 228 , D . Posener 185 , W . Best 1288 , Edward Witts P . M . 144 , A . Mullord 1288 , A . H . Hickman 228 , G . Ward Verry P . M . 554 , H . Paine 228 , G . E . Fairchild 1196 , S . S . Bacca 1196 , J . Newton P . M . 174 , R . Grigge P . M . 228 , C . Koester P . M . 435 , R . Snare 228 , J . E . Crump 1223 , J . Walker 37 , S . Price P . M . 1288 , G . C . Baker 228 , Thomas B . Payne P . M . 27 , J . Kew P . M . 179 , S . Rawley 1602 , and many others .
The brethren marched in procession to the Lodge room , whioh is a new one , adjoining the hall . The Lodge was opened in the threo degrees , after whioh the presiding officer , Bro . Terry , addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting , and ably dilated upon the fine lessons inculcated by Freemasonry , and upon the blessings which it bestows . The founders were assembled round tho board , and the
Acting Secretary Bro . Defriez , read the Petition and Warrant , which were approved by the brethren in Masonic form . The Lodge-board then being uncovered , the elements of consecration were carried thrice round by the Masters and Wardens pro tern ., when corn was scattered from the horn of plenty , and wine and oil were poured , emblematic of " Plenty , " " Joy , and Happiness , " and " Unity . "
During this beautiful and imposing ceremony the brethren chanted different hymns , Bro . Miller presiding at the organ . The Lodge was then dedicated and constituted , and resumed in the second degree . The installation of the W . M . then followed , Bro . Jarvis Maples P . M . 144 , being raised to King Solomon ' s chair . The officers appointed by the W . M . were Bros . J . W . Simmonds S . W ., he being unavoidably
abseut at sea , J . riggot took hia place pro tern ., W . J . Hunter J . W . T . Goode S . D ., F . Rothschild J . D ., R . C . Davis I . G ., J . S , Knight D . C , A . J . Millward W . S ., and J . G . Defriez Sec . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The usual Loyal toasts were well received , and were heartily responded to . Tho toast of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Terry ,
who said that under Bro . Maple ' s Mastership the Lodge was sure to prosper , he is a tried Mason , and one who has already done good work for the Craft . The energy that the W . M . has shown in establishing the Lodge , together with his brother founders , is sufficient guarantee that , dnring his year of office , the interests of the Crusaders Lodge will not be neglected . The W . M . replied in very appropriate
terms , expressing his devotion to the Lodge , and his eagerness to do his duty , however arduous it might be , with credit to himself and honour to the Lodge . The Worshipful Master then proposed the health of the Consecrating Officer , who , in reply , said that during the time he had been a Mason , he had consecrated 19 Lodges , and had become honorary member of 99 Lodges . He had
always endeavoured to do his duty , and acted to the best of his ability to preserve tho honour of Masonry in England . The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Bro . Marsh ( Henry Marston ) , who thanked the brethren kindly for the cordial reception they had accorded to the visitors , and earnestly advised the members of the new Lodge to exercise great discretion as to the kind of candidates
they introduced . The toast of the Officera was then proposed , to which each of them replied . In the course of the evening , Bro . Marsh recited " The Charge of the Six Hundred , " aud Bro . Fairchild gave " My Pipe . " Some excellent music , by Bros . Millward , Millard , and others , gave extreme satisfaction for the skill and tact displayed by the performers . —Islington Gazette .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
THE Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., at 3 p . m ., R . W . Bro . Dr . Robert Hamilton , Provincial Grand Master , presiding . Tho following com . panions were admitted and advanced to the order of H . R . M . of
K . L . W . N . G . : — The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , 33 ° . Richard Joseph Nunn , M . D ., 33 ° , S . J . U . S . A . Lient .-Colonel H . S . Somerville Burney , 31 ° . The Right Hon . Lord de Clifford , 18 ° .
Under a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order at Edinburgh , the Royal Bruce Chapter of H . R . M . of K . L . W . N . G ., waa duly constituted and opened at 4 p . m . by R . W . Bro . Dr . Robert Hamilton , Provincial Grand Master , with the usual ceremonies , and the following candidates were advanced to the Order : —
Comp . The Right Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore , 31 ° . „ The Right Hon . Lord Henniker , 18 el . „ The Right Hon . Lord Brooke , 18 ° . „ The Hon . William T . Warren Vernon , 31 ° . „ Major-Gen . Sir H . Charles B . Daubeney , K . C . B ., 30 ° .
„ The Hon . and Rev . Francis E . C . Byng , M . A ., 18 ° . „ Tho Ven . Archdeacon C . G . C . Dunbar , D . D . 18 ° „ Ralph D . Makinson Littler , Q . C ., 18 ° . „ Lewis W . Cave , Q . C ., 18 * . „ Samuel Graham Bake , Dep . Controller , 18 ° . „ The Rev . P . Honore E . Brette , D . D ., 30 ° . Capt . W . F . Portlook Dadson , R . B . G ., 32 ° .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex
I'liK annual meeting of Hie Grand Ln-lge of this Province , was held at Itomt'nnl , on Thursday , the 11 th ins ! ., under tho hanner iif the Hnpt > and Unity I . ndgp , 214 . The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Matthew Clarke , presiding . The Lodgo was opened at 2 o ' clock , and after receiving the D . G . M ., proceeded to business . All the Lodges in the Province were represented , and
regret was expressed at tho absence of the R . W . P . G . Master , Robert Bagshaw Esq ., through illness . The acting Secretary stated that the R . W . P . G . M . had been pleased to re-elect Bro . M . Clarke as his Deputy . This announcement was received with great pleasure , for during the short period our Bro . M . Clarke has been in the Province , he has gained the esteem and respect of the brethren . The other officers ap .
pointed were as follows : —W . Bros . Rev . T . Cochrane Prov . Senior G . Warden , Geo . Corbie Prov . Junior Grand Warden , Rev . J . H . Bridge Prov . Grand Chaplain , and W . J . Burton Prov . Grand Treasurer , elected for tbe 14 th time , he being complimented upon his reappointment . The office of Grand Secretary , which had become vacant by the death of J . W . Carr ( whose services and merits will ever be
remembered in the Province ) was conferred upon Bro . T . J . Railing , of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , a worthy brother , and well fitted for the position . Bros . E . Hunt Carter Prov . Grand Registrar , W . P . Lewis Prov . Senior Grand Deacon , Digory Reed Prov . Junior Grand Deacon , T . G . Day Prov . Grand Superintendant of Works . The office of D . of C . has hitherto been held by W . Bro . Peter
Matthews , who has been a useful member in the Province , especially at installations , but owing to illness , which prevents him taking so active a part now , the appointment was conferred on the assistant D . of C , Bro . A . Locking . Bros . J . A . Wardell acted as Asst . D . of C , B . B . Brayshaw Prov . G . S . B ., W . W . Brown Prov . G . Org ., W . F . Francis Prov . G . Purs ., W . I . Chignell , G . F . Jones , G . W . Patmore ,
A . Manning Prov . G . Stewards . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to St . Edward ' s Church , which had been placed , by kind permission of Bro . the Rev . E . Fox , M . A ., and Vicar , at their disposal , a special service was held , and a sermon preached by the Rev . J . H . Bridge P . G . Chaplain from Luke xi . 26 . After tho sermon , the brethren returned ,
and Prov . Grand Lodge was re-opened . Bro . J . Tanner P . P . S . D . Essex , then brought before the Prov . G . Lodge , a scheme , which he hoped would be entertained , namely , to form a Charitable Association in connection with the Province . After some discussion had taken place , a committee was proposed to take into consideration the best means of carrying out the same . At the present time the Province
were recipients to a larger extent than what was subscribed . Letters expressing regret at thoir inability to attend were received from the R . W . P . G . Master of Oxford , His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , the R . W . P . G . Master of Suffolk , Bro . Lord Waveney , the V . W . Bro . Rev . C . W . Arnold G . Chaplain of England and D . G . M . of Surrey , the V . W . Bro . John Hervey Grand Secretary ,
aud several others . A vote of thanks was passed to the brethren of the Hope and Unity Lodge for their reception of Prov . G . Lodge , and the complete manner in which all the arrangements had been made . Prov . G . Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the Corn Exchange , which had been fitted np very tastefully as a banquetting hall , when about one hundred sat down and partook of a
banquet . Tho V . W . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . Chaplain of England and D . G . M . of Suffolk , returned thanks for the Grand Officers of England , in a very appropriate speech , and the Rev . C . Wigram P . G . Chaplain of England also replied . The D . G . Master , in responding , expressed his regret at the absence of the R . W . P . G . Master , but he should be able to report to him that the Lodges in the Province were in a prosperous
condition , and expressed his satisfaction at the state of the Province . Bro . Burton , the Treasurer , in responding , alluded to this being the 14 th year he had acted as Treasurer to the Province , and thanked them for tbe continuance of the trust reposed in him . Bro . Railing responded for the Secretaryship . Bro . Corbie also spoke for the rest of the P . G . Officers . Bro . the Rev . T . Cochrane , iu returning thanks to
a special toast , was of opinion that the entertainment had been enhanced iu value by the musical brethreu who had given their services gratuitously , for which the thanks of the brethren were duo . Bro . Terry , in responding to the toast of the Charities , spoke of the Rev . C . J . Martyn as one of their noblest supporters , and trusted that the scheme proposed by Bro . Tanner would be carried out in the
Province , feeling assured of its necessity . In referring to the Girls ' School , he mentioned that at the examination at Cambridge the Senior waa educated at their Schools ; then again , with regard to the Boys , no less than 16 passed examination ; and lastl y , in respect to the aged , who have borne the heat and burden of the day , all were good in thoir several objects . At the present time there were six recipients
from this Province . Ho therefore hoped the brethreu of the Province wonld support the Institutions , so that they mi ght be carried on creditably to the Craft . Several other toasts followed , ending with the Tyler ' s . During the evening the music from an old friend and brother , Geo . Buckland , enlivened us , as also did the singing of Bro . Wilkinson , and somo extremely good playing by a brother upon the clarionet .
Consecration Of The Crusader's Lodge, No. 1677.
rpHIS now Lodge was consecrated on Wednesday the 13 th June , JL at St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , the presiding officer being Bro . James Terry Prov . G . D . of C . Herts , assisted by Bro . James Hill W . M . 228 , and Bro . Henry Marsh P . M . 1196 . There was a large concourse of influential Masons to witness the ceremony , which was performed in a masterly and most impressive manner by Bro . Terry . Tho necessity for a new Lodge in this locality haa been long aud largel y
Consecration Of The Crusader's Lodge, No. 1677.
foil , and great praise is due to Bros . Thomas Goode and J . G . Defriez , but especially and iu particular to Bro . W . J . Huntor , as well as the rest of the founders , for thoir energy and assiduity in bringing the negotiations for tho new Lodge to a happy and successful issue .
The other founders are Bros . Jarvis Maples W . M . Designate , J . W . Simmonds , F . Rothschild , R . C . Davis , J . S . Knight , A . J . Mill , ward , and W . C . Gray , all of whom devoted time and labour towards the consummation of this desirable end . Among the visitors were—Bros . H . Field 1602 , W . H . Hooper P . M . 435 , R . D . Cunvmings 704
T . II . Miller P . M . 907 , R . H . Marsh 228 , W . J . Randall 228 , D . Posener 185 , W . Best 1288 , Edward Witts P . M . 144 , A . Mullord 1288 , A . H . Hickman 228 , G . Ward Verry P . M . 554 , H . Paine 228 , G . E . Fairchild 1196 , S . S . Bacca 1196 , J . Newton P . M . 174 , R . Grigge P . M . 228 , C . Koester P . M . 435 , R . Snare 228 , J . E . Crump 1223 , J . Walker 37 , S . Price P . M . 1288 , G . C . Baker 228 , Thomas B . Payne P . M . 27 , J . Kew P . M . 179 , S . Rawley 1602 , and many others .
The brethren marched in procession to the Lodge room , whioh is a new one , adjoining the hall . The Lodge was opened in the threo degrees , after whioh the presiding officer , Bro . Terry , addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting , and ably dilated upon the fine lessons inculcated by Freemasonry , and upon the blessings which it bestows . The founders were assembled round tho board , and the
Acting Secretary Bro . Defriez , read the Petition and Warrant , which were approved by the brethren in Masonic form . The Lodge-board then being uncovered , the elements of consecration were carried thrice round by the Masters and Wardens pro tern ., when corn was scattered from the horn of plenty , and wine and oil were poured , emblematic of " Plenty , " " Joy , and Happiness , " and " Unity . "
During this beautiful and imposing ceremony the brethren chanted different hymns , Bro . Miller presiding at the organ . The Lodge was then dedicated and constituted , and resumed in the second degree . The installation of the W . M . then followed , Bro . Jarvis Maples P . M . 144 , being raised to King Solomon ' s chair . The officers appointed by the W . M . were Bros . J . W . Simmonds S . W ., he being unavoidably
abseut at sea , J . riggot took hia place pro tern ., W . J . Hunter J . W . T . Goode S . D ., F . Rothschild J . D ., R . C . Davis I . G ., J . S , Knight D . C , A . J . Millward W . S ., and J . G . Defriez Sec . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet . The usual Loyal toasts were well received , and were heartily responded to . Tho toast of the W . M . was proposed by Bro . Terry ,
who said that under Bro . Maple ' s Mastership the Lodge was sure to prosper , he is a tried Mason , and one who has already done good work for the Craft . The energy that the W . M . has shown in establishing the Lodge , together with his brother founders , is sufficient guarantee that , dnring his year of office , the interests of the Crusaders Lodge will not be neglected . The W . M . replied in very appropriate
terms , expressing his devotion to the Lodge , and his eagerness to do his duty , however arduous it might be , with credit to himself and honour to the Lodge . The Worshipful Master then proposed the health of the Consecrating Officer , who , in reply , said that during the time he had been a Mason , he had consecrated 19 Lodges , and had become honorary member of 99 Lodges . He had
always endeavoured to do his duty , and acted to the best of his ability to preserve tho honour of Masonry in England . The toast of the Visitors was responded to by Bro . Marsh ( Henry Marston ) , who thanked the brethren kindly for the cordial reception they had accorded to the visitors , and earnestly advised the members of the new Lodge to exercise great discretion as to the kind of candidates
they introduced . The toast of the Officera was then proposed , to which each of them replied . In the course of the evening , Bro . Marsh recited " The Charge of the Six Hundred , " aud Bro . Fairchild gave " My Pipe . " Some excellent music , by Bros . Millward , Millard , and others , gave extreme satisfaction for the skill and tact displayed by the performers . —Islington Gazette .
Royal Order Of Scotland.
THE Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., at 3 p . m ., R . W . Bro . Dr . Robert Hamilton , Provincial Grand Master , presiding . Tho following com . panions were admitted and advanced to the order of H . R . M . of
K . L . W . N . G . : — The Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , 33 ° . Richard Joseph Nunn , M . D ., 33 ° , S . J . U . S . A . Lient .-Colonel H . S . Somerville Burney , 31 ° . The Right Hon . Lord de Clifford , 18 ° .
Under a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of the Royal Order at Edinburgh , the Royal Bruce Chapter of H . R . M . of K . L . W . N . G ., waa duly constituted and opened at 4 p . m . by R . W . Bro . Dr . Robert Hamilton , Provincial Grand Master , with the usual ceremonies , and the following candidates were advanced to the Order : —
Comp . The Right Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore , 31 ° . „ The Right Hon . Lord Henniker , 18 el . „ The Right Hon . Lord Brooke , 18 ° . „ The Hon . William T . Warren Vernon , 31 ° . „ Major-Gen . Sir H . Charles B . Daubeney , K . C . B ., 30 ° .
„ The Hon . and Rev . Francis E . C . Byng , M . A ., 18 ° . „ Tho Ven . Archdeacon C . G . C . Dunbar , D . D . 18 ° „ Ralph D . Makinson Littler , Q . C ., 18 ° . „ Lewis W . Cave , Q . C ., 18 * . „ Samuel Graham Bake , Dep . Controller , 18 ° . „ The Rev . P . Honore E . Brette , D . D ., 30 ° . Capt . W . F . Portlook Dadson , R . B . G ., 32 ° .