Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIO INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . PATKOV : HER MA-IKSTY 'ME QU'KKX . President : H . R . H . Tin : PIUNCK OF WALKS , K . U ., M . W . G . M . SEVENTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , N ., Wednesday , 27 th Juuo 1877 . B . W . Bro . AV . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., Prov-. Grand Master of Hunts and Isle of Wight , in the Chair . Board of Steieards : President—B . W . Bro . Rt . Hon . the Karl of Dououghmorc , P . G . W . Hon . Vice President—V . AV . Bro . .-Eneas J . Mclntyre , Q . O ., 0 . Reg . Acting Vice President—AV . Bro . Thomas Meggy , V . P . I ., P . G . S ., P . M . iN ' o . 21 , Ac . Vice Presidents , Vice Patrons , and Vice Presidents of the Institution , Present and Past Grand Officers , Present and Past Grand Stewards , Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . Hon . Treasurer— W . Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , V . P . oflnstitution , P . M . No . 59 . AVitU 200 brethren representing Lodges in the metropolis and iu the Provinces . The Musical Arrangements under the direction of Bro . Louis A . Emanuel ( A . B . A . ) , P . G . Organist , & c . & . o . District G . L . Bengal . The names of brethren desirous of serving as Stewards can still be received , and will be gratefully welcomed . Dinner will bo on tbe table at 5 o ' clock . Morning Dress , without Masonic Clothing and Jewels . Tickets : —Ladies l *> s ; Gentlemen 21 s ; may be obtained of the Stewards , and at the Ollico . The Stewards' Visit and Distribution of Prizes will take place at tho Institution ' AVood Green , on Monday , 25 th June , at 2 p . m . Bt . Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore , R . W . t ' . G . S . W ., President of tho Board of Stewards , in the Chair . FREDERICK BINCKES , V . President , P . G . Std ., lion . See . Board of Stewards-Office : —( i FiiEJiiiAsos ' s HALL , W . C .
MASONIC AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY . Incorporated Pursuant to 37 and 3 S Vic , c . 42 . Directors . Jons BiNTusMAifjf ( P . M . So , 1500 ) , 12 Mornington-road , Bow-road , E . JOHN E . BIIAULEV ( iti ) , 27 Highbury-hill , N . Jonx DAVIES ( 1309 ) , 1 lEinsbury-placc-north , E . C . RICHARD C . P . GETIH . Y ( -Iti ) , 10 Wharl ' edale-street , West Brompton , S . W . WALTHH IUDCLIM-K HORNCASTLU ( 1305 ) , 61 Cheapside , E . C . CiiAiiLiis JAHDINB ( P . M . MO , 1320 ) , ( i Red Lion-court , Watling-strect , E . C . THO HAS RICHARDSON ( 1500 ) , 52 Broad-street , E . C . Bankers . —Messrs . WILLIS , PKRCIVAL & Co ., 76 Lombard-street , E . C . Standing Counsel . —M . J . MCINTY-JIE Q . C . ( Grand Registrar ) . Solicitor . —P . H . ROOKE ( P . G . St ., P . M . 16 , 1511 , Nisbct , Rookc and Daw ) , 35 Lincoln's-inn-fields , W . C . Auditors . —H . A . DUBOIS ( Prov . S . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 1326 , 1123 , P . Z . 73 ) , Hcrne-hill-road , S . E ., and 115 Chancery-lane , E . C . JAMES WADDKLI , C . C . ( P . M . 28 ) , 11 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Architect . —ROBERT WALKJSB ( 890 ) , 10 A King ' s-arms-yard , Moorgate-st ., E . C . Surveyor . —EDMUND W . RICHARDSON- ( 715 , P . M . 1300 ) , 50 Finsburysquare , E . C . Secretary . —JAMKS H . GINSBB ( 1599 ) , 1 Gresham-bnildrngs , Basinghall-street , E . C . Offices : 1 Gresham Buildings , Basinghall Street , E . C . Shares , £ 25 each . hold , Copyhold , or Leasehold Pro-Monthly Subscription , 5 s per share . perty . Paid up Shares issued . Safe and sound Investments . Entrance fee , Is per share . Deposits at 1 and 5 per cent . Advances without prcmiumon Eree-Mctubers of tltc Craft are strongly advised to join early . "First Subscription Meeting , Tuesday , 3 rd July 1877 , from 6 to 7 . 30 o'clock , at the Offices , 1 Gresham-buildings , Basinging-street , E . C . Prospectuses and information may be obtained of any of the Officers , at their respective addresses .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . rpHE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive libe-X ral education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . 1 'HEl'ABATION FOB THE ClVIt . SERVICE , CAJtBUIDGK MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE OP PiiECEi'TOKS , SOCIETY- or ARTS , THE SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATIONS , & c . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BE 0 . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ms Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH . THEFREEMASON'SOHMICLE, VOLUMES I ., II ., HI . and IV . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in tlie United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . London :- —W . "YV . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Clolh Cases for Binding the Volumes of tlie FREEMASON ' CHKONICLE can bo had from tho Offices , price la 6 d each . j
67 BABBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget
ON Thursday last , in tho House of Lords , Lord Redeadale drew attention to the subject of confession and Absolution , especially to a most objectionable work entitled " The Priest in Absolution , " which appears to be sanctioned by a number of clergymen of the Church , of England . Two or three members of the bench of bishops took part in the
debate that followed . The next day , Lord Stanley of Alderley raised a discussion on the treatment of the united Greek Church iu Asia , after which there took place a debate , originated by the Duke of Argyll , on our policy in Afghanistan . The speakers , besides His Grace , were ,
the Marqtua of Salisbury , Secretary of State for India , and Lords Lawrence and Northbrook , late Viceroys . On Monday , the report of amendments to the Burials Acts Consolidation Bill was taken into consideration . A clause , proposed by the Archbishop of York , was defeated , but
Lord Harrowby ' s clause , which had previously been defeated by the bare majority of one , was brought up again and carried by 127 to 111 , the Government thus sustaining
defeat on one important measure . Thereupon the Duke of Richmond and Gordon proposed the adjournment of the Bill till next week , in order that the Government might consider what course of action they should take .
In the House of Commons , further progress was made with the Prisons Bill , and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge , both of which afc length emerged from Committee in spite of vexatious delays interposed by Mr . Biggar and others . On Friday , the Roads and Bridges
( Scotland ) Bill was read a second time , while a resolution , proposed by Mr . Meldon , the Borough Franchise in Ireland was defeated . On Monday , on the question of going into Committee of Supply on the Navy Estimates , an amendment , proposed by Mr . Lefevre , on the subject of
Naval Cadets was defeated by 171 to 130 . Dr . Playfair having drawn attention to the report of the Arctic Admiralty Committee , the House went into Committee , and Mr . Hunt , who has not yet entirely recovered from his illness , moved sundry votes which wei'e agreed to . The
Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Bill was read a third time , and passed amid much cheering . On Tuesday , the Prisons Bill , after some debate , passed its third reading at the morning sitting . On the House meeting , at 9 o ' clock
there was a count out . On Wednesday afternoon , a Locomotives on Roads Bill was withdrawn , on Colonel Chaplin , who proposed its second reading , receiving an assurance from the Government that they would take the subject into consideration .
Wednesday was the fortieth anniversary of the Queen ' s accession to the throne , and the bells in London rang out a merry peal in honour of the auspicious event . Thursday next will be coronation day , when many of the Government
offices will have a holiday . The day following Avas fixed for the return of Her Majesty from Balmoral to Windsor . Two State Concerts are arranged to be held at Buckingham Palace next month , one on the Gth , and the other on the 11 th prox .
The visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Easthampstead Park was varied on Saturday by the usual water party at Virginia Water . The Princess with her children drove over about half-past six , while the Prince followed shortly after on Lord Carington ' s drag . The Duke
of Cambridge and others were of the party . The young Princes enjoyed the fishing amazingly , some very fine perch and some pike being captured . Dinner was served in the lushing Cottage , and as the weather was fine everything passed off most satisfactorily . On Monday , their Royal
Highnesses concluded their visit to Easthampstead Park , and on their way to town drove to Wellington College , Wokingham , whence they continued their journey to the South Eastern Railway Station , and proceeded by special train to Charing-cross . Ou Tuesday , they gave a dinner
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIO INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . PATKOV : HER MA-IKSTY 'ME QU'KKX . President : H . R . H . Tin : PIUNCK OF WALKS , K . U ., M . W . G . M . SEVENTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , Alexandra Palace , Muswell Hill , N ., Wednesday , 27 th Juuo 1877 . B . W . Bro . AV . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., Prov-. Grand Master of Hunts and Isle of Wight , in the Chair . Board of Steieards : President—B . W . Bro . Rt . Hon . the Karl of Dououghmorc , P . G . W . Hon . Vice President—V . AV . Bro . .-Eneas J . Mclntyre , Q . O ., 0 . Reg . Acting Vice President—AV . Bro . Thomas Meggy , V . P . I ., P . G . S ., P . M . iN ' o . 21 , Ac . Vice Presidents , Vice Patrons , and Vice Presidents of the Institution , Present and Past Grand Officers , Present and Past Grand Stewards , Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . Hon . Treasurer— W . Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , V . P . oflnstitution , P . M . No . 59 . AVitU 200 brethren representing Lodges in the metropolis and iu the Provinces . The Musical Arrangements under the direction of Bro . Louis A . Emanuel ( A . B . A . ) , P . G . Organist , & c . & . o . District G . L . Bengal . The names of brethren desirous of serving as Stewards can still be received , and will be gratefully welcomed . Dinner will bo on tbe table at 5 o ' clock . Morning Dress , without Masonic Clothing and Jewels . Tickets : —Ladies l *> s ; Gentlemen 21 s ; may be obtained of the Stewards , and at the Ollico . The Stewards' Visit and Distribution of Prizes will take place at tho Institution ' AVood Green , on Monday , 25 th June , at 2 p . m . Bt . Hon . the Earl of Donoughmore , R . W . t ' . G . S . W ., President of tho Board of Stewards , in the Chair . FREDERICK BINCKES , V . President , P . G . Std ., lion . See . Board of Stewards-Office : —( i FiiEJiiiAsos ' s HALL , W . C .
MASONIC AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY . Incorporated Pursuant to 37 and 3 S Vic , c . 42 . Directors . Jons BiNTusMAifjf ( P . M . So , 1500 ) , 12 Mornington-road , Bow-road , E . JOHN E . BIIAULEV ( iti ) , 27 Highbury-hill , N . Jonx DAVIES ( 1309 ) , 1 lEinsbury-placc-north , E . C . RICHARD C . P . GETIH . Y ( -Iti ) , 10 Wharl ' edale-street , West Brompton , S . W . WALTHH IUDCLIM-K HORNCASTLU ( 1305 ) , 61 Cheapside , E . C . CiiAiiLiis JAHDINB ( P . M . MO , 1320 ) , ( i Red Lion-court , Watling-strect , E . C . THO HAS RICHARDSON ( 1500 ) , 52 Broad-street , E . C . Bankers . —Messrs . WILLIS , PKRCIVAL & Co ., 76 Lombard-street , E . C . Standing Counsel . —M . J . MCINTY-JIE Q . C . ( Grand Registrar ) . Solicitor . —P . H . ROOKE ( P . G . St ., P . M . 16 , 1511 , Nisbct , Rookc and Daw ) , 35 Lincoln's-inn-fields , W . C . Auditors . —H . A . DUBOIS ( Prov . S . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 1326 , 1123 , P . Z . 73 ) , Hcrne-hill-road , S . E ., and 115 Chancery-lane , E . C . JAMES WADDKLI , C . C . ( P . M . 28 ) , 11 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Architect . —ROBERT WALKJSB ( 890 ) , 10 A King ' s-arms-yard , Moorgate-st ., E . C . Surveyor . —EDMUND W . RICHARDSON- ( 715 , P . M . 1300 ) , 50 Finsburysquare , E . C . Secretary . —JAMKS H . GINSBB ( 1599 ) , 1 Gresham-bnildrngs , Basinghall-street , E . C . Offices : 1 Gresham Buildings , Basinghall Street , E . C . Shares , £ 25 each . hold , Copyhold , or Leasehold Pro-Monthly Subscription , 5 s per share . perty . Paid up Shares issued . Safe and sound Investments . Entrance fee , Is per share . Deposits at 1 and 5 per cent . Advances without prcmiumon Eree-Mctubers of tltc Craft are strongly advised to join early . "First Subscription Meeting , Tuesday , 3 rd July 1877 , from 6 to 7 . 30 o'clock , at the Offices , 1 Gresham-buildings , Basinging-street , E . C . Prospectuses and information may be obtained of any of the Officers , at their respective addresses .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . rpHE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive libe-X ral education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . 1 'HEl'ABATION FOB THE ClVIt . SERVICE , CAJtBUIDGK MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE OP PiiECEi'TOKS , SOCIETY- or ARTS , THE SCIENCE AND ART EXAMINATIONS , & c . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BE 0 . E , MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
" A suitable gift from a Master to Ms Lodge . " NEATLY BOUND IN CLOTH , PRICE 8 s 6 d EACH . THEFREEMASON'SOHMICLE, VOLUMES I ., II ., HI . and IV . Sent , Carriage Paid , to any address in tlie United Kingdom , on receipt of Cheque or P . O . O . London :- —W . "YV . MORGAN , 67 Barbican , E . C . Clolh Cases for Binding the Volumes of tlie FREEMASON ' CHKONICLE can bo had from tho Offices , price la 6 d each . j
67 BABBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget
ON Thursday last , in tho House of Lords , Lord Redeadale drew attention to the subject of confession and Absolution , especially to a most objectionable work entitled " The Priest in Absolution , " which appears to be sanctioned by a number of clergymen of the Church , of England . Two or three members of the bench of bishops took part in the
debate that followed . The next day , Lord Stanley of Alderley raised a discussion on the treatment of the united Greek Church iu Asia , after which there took place a debate , originated by the Duke of Argyll , on our policy in Afghanistan . The speakers , besides His Grace , were ,
the Marqtua of Salisbury , Secretary of State for India , and Lords Lawrence and Northbrook , late Viceroys . On Monday , the report of amendments to the Burials Acts Consolidation Bill was taken into consideration . A clause , proposed by the Archbishop of York , was defeated , but
Lord Harrowby ' s clause , which had previously been defeated by the bare majority of one , was brought up again and carried by 127 to 111 , the Government thus sustaining
defeat on one important measure . Thereupon the Duke of Richmond and Gordon proposed the adjournment of the Bill till next week , in order that the Government might consider what course of action they should take .
In the House of Commons , further progress was made with the Prisons Bill , and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge , both of which afc length emerged from Committee in spite of vexatious delays interposed by Mr . Biggar and others . On Friday , the Roads and Bridges
( Scotland ) Bill was read a second time , while a resolution , proposed by Mr . Meldon , the Borough Franchise in Ireland was defeated . On Monday , on the question of going into Committee of Supply on the Navy Estimates , an amendment , proposed by Mr . Lefevre , on the subject of
Naval Cadets was defeated by 171 to 130 . Dr . Playfair having drawn attention to the report of the Arctic Admiralty Committee , the House went into Committee , and Mr . Hunt , who has not yet entirely recovered from his illness , moved sundry votes which wei'e agreed to . The
Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Bill was read a third time , and passed amid much cheering . On Tuesday , the Prisons Bill , after some debate , passed its third reading at the morning sitting . On the House meeting , at 9 o ' clock
there was a count out . On Wednesday afternoon , a Locomotives on Roads Bill was withdrawn , on Colonel Chaplin , who proposed its second reading , receiving an assurance from the Government that they would take the subject into consideration .
Wednesday was the fortieth anniversary of the Queen ' s accession to the throne , and the bells in London rang out a merry peal in honour of the auspicious event . Thursday next will be coronation day , when many of the Government
offices will have a holiday . The day following Avas fixed for the return of Her Majesty from Balmoral to Windsor . Two State Concerts are arranged to be held at Buckingham Palace next month , one on the Gth , and the other on the 11 th prox .
The visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Easthampstead Park was varied on Saturday by the usual water party at Virginia Water . The Princess with her children drove over about half-past six , while the Prince followed shortly after on Lord Carington ' s drag . The Duke
of Cambridge and others were of the party . The young Princes enjoyed the fishing amazingly , some very fine perch and some pike being captured . Dinner was served in the lushing Cottage , and as the weather was fine everything passed off most satisfactorily . On Monday , their Royal
Highnesses concluded their visit to Easthampstead Park , and on their way to town drove to Wellington College , Wokingham , whence they continued their journey to the South Eastern Railway Station , and proceeded by special train to Charing-cross . Ou Tuesday , they gave a dinner