Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Election For Committee Of Management.
previous letter , can be easily ascertained by looking at the Attendance Book . To the worthy Brother the W . M . of that ancient and honour .
able Lodge the Egyptian , I tender my apology for any mis-stato- ; ment I made as to tho benefits ho has conferred upon onr sp lendid j Institutions , bnt if be permits other names to appear and take tlie credit of his good actions , ho mnst not be surprised at such a mistake being made . Bro . Atkins ' s term " insnlt" is entirely and in tnat ¦
out of place , as no insult was intended , . case « uuu «•»> given . Who the brethren were that objected to his being on the Committees , exoept for the reasons I have stated , must bo best known to himself . I am perfectly acquainted with them , and never heard a hint or expression to that effect . My estimate of Bro .
Atkins ' s fitness has been proved , for on former occasions I have supported , and induced others to support him , and wonld again on an assurance from him that he would be in his place when duty called him . Yours fraternally , I P . M . 20 th June 1883 .
Revision Of The Book Of Constitutions.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I have been hoping , with many other brethren , to see some notice taken in your paper as to the suggestion which appeared a short time since , signed "HIRAM , " with regard to limiting the time for which certain Grand Officers should hold their
appointments . The position of Grand Secretary has been held by _ the same worthy brother for three years , why not limit this appointment to five years ? The income , a very fair ODe , is paid by the Craft , and why shonld not the appointment be in the hands of Grand Lodge ? The Most Worshipfnl the Grand Master is always ready and willing to do any and everything for the good of Freemasonry ,
and no doubt would in this instance waive his prerogative , and as Grand Lodge , on tbe occasion of the election of Grand Treasurer , endorsed the views of those who hold that it is good to have at their disposal the means of rewarding " worthy brethren of long Masonic service , " this would appear a fitting time to do so , now that the Book of Constitutions is to be revised .
The present Grand Secretary is a military man ; he quite under , stands the five years' system , and would , no doubt , see tbe fairness of allowing other capable and worthy brethren a chance of promotion , and the service to the Craft would in no wise suffer , as there is an Assistant Grand Secretary , and ample staff for performance of the details of official duties . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , FAIR PLAY .
National College Of Music.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . SIR , —The establishment of a National College of Music having been so universally responded to , induces me to ask , " What will ultimately be tlie fate of its scholars ? " The College will be the means of firstly—Educating , and secondly—throwing upon the musical world a vast number of instrumentalists . The fact appears to be
ignored that there is already in London alone a considerable number of talented English players who cannot obtain a living , owing to the distinguished patronage lavished on foreign artists . British musicians naturally look forward to the London season for their harvest , bat as regularly as the season approaches we find two Hungarian Bands located here , advertising themselves " under the immediate
patronage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the nobility , " engaged day and night at various garden parties , dinners , balls , & c , to tbe exclusion of the English musician . There is also another band here from Vienna , whose arrival has thrown an entire orchestra out of employment , as they first play at a theatre , and afterwards at an aristocratic club , recently formed .
The manifest injustice to English artists must be apparent , and I feel sure the facts need only to be brought under the notice of those who have the power of bestowing their patronage on native talent to remedy the evil . By kindly inserting these few remarks in your influential paper , yon will greatly oblige a large section of the musical profession . I am , Sir , Your 3 obediently , AN ENGLISH MUSICIAN .
Bro . Thomas B . Dunbar , one of the oldest Freemasons in the State , died at his residence in Columbia , on Tuesday , 5 th June , in the eighty-ninth year of his age . Bro . Dunbar was made a Mason in tbe old Lodge known as Eastern Star , No . 196 , Columbia , Pa ., on the 15 th of June 1823 , Robert Spear was then Master , and Thomas Lloyd Secretary . After the formation of the new Lodge , some years afterwards , Columbia , No . 286 , Bro . Dunbar was appointed Tyler , in which capacity ho faithfully served until the day of his death .
HotLOWAT ' s P ILLS . —Nervous Irritability . —No part of tbe human machine requires more constant supervision than the nervous system—for upon it our health—and even life—depends . Theso Pills strengthen the nerves , and are the safest general purifiers for the blood . Nausea , headache , giddiness , numbness , and mental apathy yield to them . They dispatch in a summary manner
those distressing dyspeptic symptoms , stomachic pains , fullness at tho pit o tho stomach and abdominal distension , and regulate alike capricious appetites and confined bowels—the commonly accompanying signs of defective or diminished nerve tone . Hollo way's Pills are particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits , who gradually fall into a norvous and irritable state , unless some such restorative be occasionally taken .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
WINDSOR , the Royal Borough , was the locality selected this year for the annual meeting of the Craftsmen of this Province , and , accordingly , on Monday last , a goodly assemblage of the brethren ranged themseives under their respective banners at the Albert Institute , Sheet-street . The Right Worshipfnl Sir Daniel Gooch ,
Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , presided , and he was sup . ported by the V . W . the Depnty Prov . Grand Master , the Rev , J . Studholme Brownrigg P . G . C , and the following Prov . Grand Officers of the year : —Bros . " Reginald C . Mount W . M . 414 Grand Senior Warren . T . owis Ponlton W . M . 591 Grand Junior Warden , Rev . Gil .
bert H . Layton 591 Grand Chaplain , Rev . Arthur Fearon 1566 Grand Junior Chaplain , Charles Stevens P . M . 414 Grand Treasurer , Robert Bradley P . M . 414 Grand Secretary , John Roseby Slator W . M . 1787 Grand Senior Deacon , Edward John Black well W . M . 1101 Grand
Jnnior Deacon , Robert King W . M . 840 Grand Superintendent of Works , A . McDowell P . M . 948 Grand Director of Ceremonies , Robt . Nicholson W . M . 1566 Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , Francis Henry Lyon P . M . 574 Grand Sword Bearer , Edward Home W . M . 1887 Grand Pursuivant , Charles Nowell Grand Assistant Pursuivant ; Joseph Andrews 209 , Andrew Pears P . M . 209 , John
Goddard 771 , J . Ashby 771 , R . E . Hannis 771 , G . i , Stewards ; William Hemmings Grand Tyler . After the Prov . Grand Lodge had been opened in due form , the roll of Lodges in the Province ( to the num . ber of twenty-one ) was called , and in each case representatives were present . In response to the call for Provincial Grand Officers , as will be seen by the list we have already given , the brethren were
mindful of the trust that had been reposed in them , and promptly answered the summons . It is the custom of this Proviuce to have a record of the proceedings prepared , printed , and extensively oir . culated ; consequently , at the annual gatherings , the labour is considerably lessened , and tbe mere acceptation of the details are passed without the time of the meeting being occupied by the
formal reading of the previous minutes . The balance sheet of the Provincial Grand Treasurer showed an amount of £ 211 9 s 8 d in hand . The Lodges also were reported in a satisfactory condition , with an increasing membership . The Charity Account was next presented , and grants to the extent of £ 110 5 s recommended ; this amount being divided in sums of £ 10 10 s and £ 5 5 s respeo .
tively , the following Lodges receiving the larger sum , namely—Etonian 209 , Buckingham 591 , Windsor Castle 771 , Scientific 840 , Grey Friars 1101 , Ellington 1566 . The nine Lodges enu . merated below were recommended the smaller sum , of five guineas , for each : — Union 414 , Hope 574 , Abbey 945 , St . Peter and St . Paul 1410 , Wycombe 1501 , Watling Street 1639 ,
Vale of White Horse 1770 , Grenville 1787 , and Herschel 1894 . Tho Prov . Grand Master moved that these recommendations be adopted , and on this being seconded by tbe Deputy Grand Master , the resolution was unanimously agreed to . The sum of five guineas was voted in relief of the sufferers by the late fire in
Jamaica , and the Prov . Grand Treasurer was then re-elected , which compliment was briefly but gracefully acknowledged by Bro . Stephens . After Bro . W . H . Belcher , 574 , had been invested with the Provincial Charity jewel , tho appointment and investiture of Provincial Grand Officers was proceeded with , as follows : —
Bro . R . G . Barton 771 - - - G . Senior Warden William Henry Bull 1639 - - G . Jnnior Warden Rev . Arthur Fearon 1566 - - } r < / - < t „ . „ i „ -. _ ., Rev . F . G . Kiddle 1787 - - j " Chapkln 8 Charles Stephens 414 - - G . Treasurer Major Cooper King 1899 - - G . Registrar Robert Bradley 414 - - - G . Secretary Francis , T . Fertrnsnn 414 - - G . Senior Deacon
Richard Dowsetfe 1101 - - G . Junior Deacon A . J . Coales 1410 - - - G . Sup . of Works W . Biggs ( acting ) . . - ] G . Directors of Cerem . S . G . Hant 574 - - - ) C . A . Barrett 945 - - G . Asst . Dir . of Cer . Captain Trollope 1887 - - G . Sword Bearer J . C . B . Tirbutt 414 - - - G . Organist E . C . Knight 948 ¦ - - G . Pursuivant
U . O .. fciturr 1501 - - - 1 H . R . Ruckley 1501 - S . J Wheeler 414 - - - ^^^ C . W . Seymour 771 S . Volckmanjun . 209 . - - — Arnold 209 ... '
William Hemmings - - - G . Tyler In the conrse of his remarks , Sir Daniel Gooch said the several reports were , he thought , as satisfactory as they could wish , and fully denoted the progress Freemasonry was making in the Province . Letters of apology , for non-attendance , were read or announced ; among others one from Brother Collins , Comptroller of the
Household of the Duke of Albany , expressing His Royal Highness's thanks , but regratting a prior engagement prevented him from availing himself of the invitation . It was announced that tbe next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodgo would be held at Wycombe , under the banner of No . 1501 , and shortly afterwards Provincial Grand Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served at the Town Hall , under
the presidency of the Provincial Grand Master , when the usual toasts were done full justice to . The tables were handsomely decorated , Bros . Ashby and Turner providing some splendid flowers for tbe occasion . The musical arrangements were all that could be desired , Brother Summers , to whom they were entrusted , beiDg highly and deservedly complimented .
The meetings of the Fiusbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 , held at the " Cock" Tavern , Highbury , have been adjourned until Wednesday , 5 th September .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Election For Committee Of Management.
previous letter , can be easily ascertained by looking at the Attendance Book . To the worthy Brother the W . M . of that ancient and honour .
able Lodge the Egyptian , I tender my apology for any mis-stato- ; ment I made as to tho benefits ho has conferred upon onr sp lendid j Institutions , bnt if be permits other names to appear and take tlie credit of his good actions , ho mnst not be surprised at such a mistake being made . Bro . Atkins ' s term " insnlt" is entirely and in tnat ¦
out of place , as no insult was intended , . case « uuu «•»> given . Who the brethren were that objected to his being on the Committees , exoept for the reasons I have stated , must bo best known to himself . I am perfectly acquainted with them , and never heard a hint or expression to that effect . My estimate of Bro .
Atkins ' s fitness has been proved , for on former occasions I have supported , and induced others to support him , and wonld again on an assurance from him that he would be in his place when duty called him . Yours fraternally , I P . M . 20 th June 1883 .
Revision Of The Book Of Constitutions.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I have been hoping , with many other brethren , to see some notice taken in your paper as to the suggestion which appeared a short time since , signed "HIRAM , " with regard to limiting the time for which certain Grand Officers should hold their
appointments . The position of Grand Secretary has been held by _ the same worthy brother for three years , why not limit this appointment to five years ? The income , a very fair ODe , is paid by the Craft , and why shonld not the appointment be in the hands of Grand Lodge ? The Most Worshipfnl the Grand Master is always ready and willing to do any and everything for the good of Freemasonry ,
and no doubt would in this instance waive his prerogative , and as Grand Lodge , on tbe occasion of the election of Grand Treasurer , endorsed the views of those who hold that it is good to have at their disposal the means of rewarding " worthy brethren of long Masonic service , " this would appear a fitting time to do so , now that the Book of Constitutions is to be revised .
The present Grand Secretary is a military man ; he quite under , stands the five years' system , and would , no doubt , see tbe fairness of allowing other capable and worthy brethren a chance of promotion , and the service to the Craft would in no wise suffer , as there is an Assistant Grand Secretary , and ample staff for performance of the details of official duties . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours fraternally , FAIR PLAY .
National College Of Music.
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . SIR , —The establishment of a National College of Music having been so universally responded to , induces me to ask , " What will ultimately be tlie fate of its scholars ? " The College will be the means of firstly—Educating , and secondly—throwing upon the musical world a vast number of instrumentalists . The fact appears to be
ignored that there is already in London alone a considerable number of talented English players who cannot obtain a living , owing to the distinguished patronage lavished on foreign artists . British musicians naturally look forward to the London season for their harvest , bat as regularly as the season approaches we find two Hungarian Bands located here , advertising themselves " under the immediate
patronage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the nobility , " engaged day and night at various garden parties , dinners , balls , & c , to tbe exclusion of the English musician . There is also another band here from Vienna , whose arrival has thrown an entire orchestra out of employment , as they first play at a theatre , and afterwards at an aristocratic club , recently formed .
The manifest injustice to English artists must be apparent , and I feel sure the facts need only to be brought under the notice of those who have the power of bestowing their patronage on native talent to remedy the evil . By kindly inserting these few remarks in your influential paper , yon will greatly oblige a large section of the musical profession . I am , Sir , Your 3 obediently , AN ENGLISH MUSICIAN .
Bro . Thomas B . Dunbar , one of the oldest Freemasons in the State , died at his residence in Columbia , on Tuesday , 5 th June , in the eighty-ninth year of his age . Bro . Dunbar was made a Mason in tbe old Lodge known as Eastern Star , No . 196 , Columbia , Pa ., on the 15 th of June 1823 , Robert Spear was then Master , and Thomas Lloyd Secretary . After the formation of the new Lodge , some years afterwards , Columbia , No . 286 , Bro . Dunbar was appointed Tyler , in which capacity ho faithfully served until the day of his death .
HotLOWAT ' s P ILLS . —Nervous Irritability . —No part of tbe human machine requires more constant supervision than the nervous system—for upon it our health—and even life—depends . Theso Pills strengthen the nerves , and are the safest general purifiers for the blood . Nausea , headache , giddiness , numbness , and mental apathy yield to them . They dispatch in a summary manner
those distressing dyspeptic symptoms , stomachic pains , fullness at tho pit o tho stomach and abdominal distension , and regulate alike capricious appetites and confined bowels—the commonly accompanying signs of defective or diminished nerve tone . Hollo way's Pills are particularly recommended to persons of studious and sedentary habits , who gradually fall into a norvous and irritable state , unless some such restorative be occasionally taken .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
WINDSOR , the Royal Borough , was the locality selected this year for the annual meeting of the Craftsmen of this Province , and , accordingly , on Monday last , a goodly assemblage of the brethren ranged themseives under their respective banners at the Albert Institute , Sheet-street . The Right Worshipfnl Sir Daniel Gooch ,
Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master , presided , and he was sup . ported by the V . W . the Depnty Prov . Grand Master , the Rev , J . Studholme Brownrigg P . G . C , and the following Prov . Grand Officers of the year : —Bros . " Reginald C . Mount W . M . 414 Grand Senior Warren . T . owis Ponlton W . M . 591 Grand Junior Warden , Rev . Gil .
bert H . Layton 591 Grand Chaplain , Rev . Arthur Fearon 1566 Grand Junior Chaplain , Charles Stevens P . M . 414 Grand Treasurer , Robert Bradley P . M . 414 Grand Secretary , John Roseby Slator W . M . 1787 Grand Senior Deacon , Edward John Black well W . M . 1101 Grand
Jnnior Deacon , Robert King W . M . 840 Grand Superintendent of Works , A . McDowell P . M . 948 Grand Director of Ceremonies , Robt . Nicholson W . M . 1566 Grand Assistant Director of Ceremonies , Francis Henry Lyon P . M . 574 Grand Sword Bearer , Edward Home W . M . 1887 Grand Pursuivant , Charles Nowell Grand Assistant Pursuivant ; Joseph Andrews 209 , Andrew Pears P . M . 209 , John
Goddard 771 , J . Ashby 771 , R . E . Hannis 771 , G . i , Stewards ; William Hemmings Grand Tyler . After the Prov . Grand Lodge had been opened in due form , the roll of Lodges in the Province ( to the num . ber of twenty-one ) was called , and in each case representatives were present . In response to the call for Provincial Grand Officers , as will be seen by the list we have already given , the brethren were
mindful of the trust that had been reposed in them , and promptly answered the summons . It is the custom of this Proviuce to have a record of the proceedings prepared , printed , and extensively oir . culated ; consequently , at the annual gatherings , the labour is considerably lessened , and tbe mere acceptation of the details are passed without the time of the meeting being occupied by the
formal reading of the previous minutes . The balance sheet of the Provincial Grand Treasurer showed an amount of £ 211 9 s 8 d in hand . The Lodges also were reported in a satisfactory condition , with an increasing membership . The Charity Account was next presented , and grants to the extent of £ 110 5 s recommended ; this amount being divided in sums of £ 10 10 s and £ 5 5 s respeo .
tively , the following Lodges receiving the larger sum , namely—Etonian 209 , Buckingham 591 , Windsor Castle 771 , Scientific 840 , Grey Friars 1101 , Ellington 1566 . The nine Lodges enu . merated below were recommended the smaller sum , of five guineas , for each : — Union 414 , Hope 574 , Abbey 945 , St . Peter and St . Paul 1410 , Wycombe 1501 , Watling Street 1639 ,
Vale of White Horse 1770 , Grenville 1787 , and Herschel 1894 . Tho Prov . Grand Master moved that these recommendations be adopted , and on this being seconded by tbe Deputy Grand Master , the resolution was unanimously agreed to . The sum of five guineas was voted in relief of the sufferers by the late fire in
Jamaica , and the Prov . Grand Treasurer was then re-elected , which compliment was briefly but gracefully acknowledged by Bro . Stephens . After Bro . W . H . Belcher , 574 , had been invested with the Provincial Charity jewel , tho appointment and investiture of Provincial Grand Officers was proceeded with , as follows : —
Bro . R . G . Barton 771 - - - G . Senior Warden William Henry Bull 1639 - - G . Jnnior Warden Rev . Arthur Fearon 1566 - - } r < / - < t „ . „ i „ -. _ ., Rev . F . G . Kiddle 1787 - - j " Chapkln 8 Charles Stephens 414 - - G . Treasurer Major Cooper King 1899 - - G . Registrar Robert Bradley 414 - - - G . Secretary Francis , T . Fertrnsnn 414 - - G . Senior Deacon
Richard Dowsetfe 1101 - - G . Junior Deacon A . J . Coales 1410 - - - G . Sup . of Works W . Biggs ( acting ) . . - ] G . Directors of Cerem . S . G . Hant 574 - - - ) C . A . Barrett 945 - - G . Asst . Dir . of Cer . Captain Trollope 1887 - - G . Sword Bearer J . C . B . Tirbutt 414 - - - G . Organist E . C . Knight 948 ¦ - - G . Pursuivant
U . O .. fciturr 1501 - - - 1 H . R . Ruckley 1501 - S . J Wheeler 414 - - - ^^^ C . W . Seymour 771 S . Volckmanjun . 209 . - - — Arnold 209 ... '
William Hemmings - - - G . Tyler In the conrse of his remarks , Sir Daniel Gooch said the several reports were , he thought , as satisfactory as they could wish , and fully denoted the progress Freemasonry was making in the Province . Letters of apology , for non-attendance , were read or announced ; among others one from Brother Collins , Comptroller of the
Household of the Duke of Albany , expressing His Royal Highness's thanks , but regratting a prior engagement prevented him from availing himself of the invitation . It was announced that tbe next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodgo would be held at Wycombe , under the banner of No . 1501 , and shortly afterwards Provincial Grand Lodge was closed . A capital banquet was served at the Town Hall , under
the presidency of the Provincial Grand Master , when the usual toasts were done full justice to . The tables were handsomely decorated , Bros . Ashby and Turner providing some splendid flowers for tbe occasion . The musical arrangements were all that could be desired , Brother Summers , to whom they were entrusted , beiDg highly and deservedly complimented .
The meetings of the Fiusbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1288 , held at the " Cock" Tavern , Highbury , have been adjourned until Wednesday , 5 th September .