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THEHIRESYSTEMFURNISHINGCOMPANY. OFFICES—224 TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD , LONDON . SEND FOR PROSPECTUSES . TERMS—£ 5 worth 10 / Premium 4 / Weekly Hire £ 10 „ ... 30 / „ 5 / „ . „ £ 15 „ 50 / „ 7 / „ £ 20 „ 70 / „ ... ... 8 / £ 30 „ 100 / „ 10 / „ £ 40 „ ... 140 / „ 12 / „ £ 50 , 200 / „ 15 / „ £ 100 „ 500 / „ 22 / „ The Goods become the Property of the Hirer when the Premium , with the Weekly Bentals Cover the Value of Goods sent . Twenty Per Cent , lower than any other House .
JOSEPHJ.CANEY, DIAMOND MERCHANT , AND MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND WATCH MAKER , 44 CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . MASONIO JEWELS , OI . OTHING AND FURNITURE . Bpecialite—First Class Jewels—Artistic—Massive—Best Quality—Moderate in Price CJLT-A . IiOa-TTIEIS POST PBEB . A LARGE STOCK OF LOOSE BRILLIANTS FOR EXPENSIVE JEWELS . Diamond Rings , Brooches , Studs , Earrings and bracelets in Great Variety .
THE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS ' PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passage , Grcsham Street , E . C . Established for the purpose of making advances on Freehold and Leasehold Property , or on anyother Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Fees , or extra payments of tny kind . All classes are eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
- ^_ ' ^ "DILLIARD BALLS , Chalks , Cues > w A J ^ ^ and Tips , at HENNIO BROS ., ^ V . W » <^ Ivory Works , 11 High Street , Lon . glo ^^^ A dolli W . C . Cheapest house in the ( fc 3 ~ J % L «§§ trade lor billiard-table requisites and ^ 4 r ^ *^ ivory goods in general . Old balls jd ^ * 9 ^^ s . adjusted or exchanged , and table ? -jE ^ Q JT-TJH a ^^ . recovered . Price Lists on application & r «!» " ^ K » t » bll « lie < l isca .
iCIj*§Iaih%\xim$%wt | By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent , i Latest Invention for | INDELIBLE BLACK REPRODUCTIONS Of Letters , Circulars , Music , Drawings , & c . PEICES . Octavo ... ... 16 / complete Quarto 20 / „ Foolscap ... .. 24 / „ Folio 28 / „ PUBLIC TRIALS FREE AT 36 Farringdou Street , London , E . C .
SAMUELHOLLIDGE,r^) IMatcljmrfur,lelmllermttrSiltesmitjr, 125 UPPER STREET ( at . aSS ^ SLu ^ h ) , ISLINGTON , N . Masonic Jewels and Clothing , Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Silver and Electro Plate , Musical Boxes , Optical G-oods , & c , & c . PRICK LIST ON" -AJPPXJIC ^ TION " . Every description of Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Musical Boxes , & c , & c , carefully cleaned and repaired , by skilful workaion , on the premises . Any article securely packed and sent po 3 t free to any part of Great Britain upon receipt of remittance , A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS AND OTHER ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR TESTIMONIALS .
Summer Tours in Scotland . GLASGOWIANDiiTHEIHIGHLANBS . RO YAL ROUTE , via CRINAN and CALE . DONIAN CANALS . Royal Mail Steamer " COLUMBA " or " IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 9 a . m ., cou . vcyiug , in connection with his West Highland " Steamers , passengers for Obau , Fort-William Inverness , Lochawe , Skye , Gairloch , Staffa , Iona ' Glencoe , Islay , Stornoway , * o . Official Guide , 3 d-Illustrated , 6 d and Is , by post , or at Ch & tto and Windus , 2 U Piccadilly , London , and W . H . Smith and Sons' Railway Bookstalls . Time Bill , with Map and Fares , free from the owner—DAVID MACBRAYNE , 119 Hopo Street , Glasgow .
By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen SIMPSON&CO. COAL MERCHANTS , 5 , 6 , and 7 Cambridge Street , Midland Goal Depot , St . Pancras , HVW ., and 24 Goal Department , Great Northern Railway , King ' s Gross , N . Wallsend 21 s per Ton Silkstone 20 s „ Derby 18 s „ Kitchen 17 s „ Nuts 17 s „ Full -weight guaranteed . 224 lbs . in each , sack , -well screened and free from slate . CASH ON DELIVERY ONLY .
ESTABLISHED 1832 . T REASON , Manufacturer of Perambn . . lators and Invalid Chairs , & e ., of every description . 317 and 348 Upper Street , Islington , N . ; and at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG CIRCULAR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
BY ORDEB OF THE HOBTOAQBS . LEASE OP A 12 ROOMED HOUSE AT A PEPPERCORN . TWENTY-SIX YEARS TO RUN . LKT FOB TWELVE YBAES AT £ 50—WOBTH £ 100 . Neighbourhood of Portman-square , W . Apply , by letter only , to Mr . Johns , care of Mr . W . W . Morgan jun ., 23 Gt . Queen-street , London , W . C .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . O . HARDING , Manager .
Demy 8 vo , Price 7 s 6 d , mHE CHESS OPENINGS , By ROBERT B . WORMALD . W . W . MOBQAJT , 23 GT . QUBBK ST ., LONDOS , W . C .
NOW BEADY . QYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS . O A Tabulated Analysis . Third Edition , with additions and emendations . By WIDIIAM COOK . Price 3 s 6 d . W . W . MOKOAN , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Clotb , 6 s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEM ^ * THB CHBSS BOAED , by Captain Hugh K . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Ones ? Association . | LOITDOV : W . W . MOBOAJT , 23 GBBAT Q CBBK S TBBBT .
Ii^^^^^&M ^^BB^S^PS^^^! oJsiiyinwteM?$Mm®Mfw*< MM;rSrali) Pfl\ntuiaUluniutaf^:x^: WSEmfiW AhUtttaffiSi H : lLLusTRAreD mc & i jj 5j|||ij f ^ . hlSb'ftOLBOBrvS
Printed for the FBEEMASOH ' S CEBONICLB P CBHSHINO C OMPASS LIMITED , by Bro . W . WBAT MOBGAW , at Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , Saturday , 24 th June 1882 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEHIRESYSTEMFURNISHINGCOMPANY. OFFICES—224 TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD , LONDON . SEND FOR PROSPECTUSES . TERMS—£ 5 worth 10 / Premium 4 / Weekly Hire £ 10 „ ... 30 / „ 5 / „ . „ £ 15 „ 50 / „ 7 / „ £ 20 „ 70 / „ ... ... 8 / £ 30 „ 100 / „ 10 / „ £ 40 „ ... 140 / „ 12 / „ £ 50 , 200 / „ 15 / „ £ 100 „ 500 / „ 22 / „ The Goods become the Property of the Hirer when the Premium , with the Weekly Bentals Cover the Value of Goods sent . Twenty Per Cent , lower than any other House .
JOSEPHJ.CANEY, DIAMOND MERCHANT , AND MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND WATCH MAKER , 44 CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . MASONIO JEWELS , OI . OTHING AND FURNITURE . Bpecialite—First Class Jewels—Artistic—Massive—Best Quality—Moderate in Price CJLT-A . IiOa-TTIEIS POST PBEB . A LARGE STOCK OF LOOSE BRILLIANTS FOR EXPENSIVE JEWELS . Diamond Rings , Brooches , Studs , Earrings and bracelets in Great Variety .
THE WAREHOUSEMEN AND CLERKS ' PERMANENT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY , Offices—2 Church Passage , Grcsham Street , E . C . Established for the purpose of making advances on Freehold and Leasehold Property , or on anyother Good Securities . No Premium , Bonus , Fees , or extra payments of tny kind . All classes are eligible to become borrowers . Write for Prospectus . ARTHUR RUMBELOW , Manager .
- ^_ ' ^ "DILLIARD BALLS , Chalks , Cues > w A J ^ ^ and Tips , at HENNIO BROS ., ^ V . W » <^ Ivory Works , 11 High Street , Lon . glo ^^^ A dolli W . C . Cheapest house in the ( fc 3 ~ J % L «§§ trade lor billiard-table requisites and ^ 4 r ^ *^ ivory goods in general . Old balls jd ^ * 9 ^^ s . adjusted or exchanged , and table ? -jE ^ Q JT-TJH a ^^ . recovered . Price Lists on application & r «!» " ^ K » t » bll « lie < l isca .
iCIj*§Iaih%\xim$%wt | By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent , i Latest Invention for | INDELIBLE BLACK REPRODUCTIONS Of Letters , Circulars , Music , Drawings , & c . PEICES . Octavo ... ... 16 / complete Quarto 20 / „ Foolscap ... .. 24 / „ Folio 28 / „ PUBLIC TRIALS FREE AT 36 Farringdou Street , London , E . C .
SAMUELHOLLIDGE,r^) IMatcljmrfur,lelmllermttrSiltesmitjr, 125 UPPER STREET ( at . aSS ^ SLu ^ h ) , ISLINGTON , N . Masonic Jewels and Clothing , Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Silver and Electro Plate , Musical Boxes , Optical G-oods , & c , & c . PRICK LIST ON" -AJPPXJIC ^ TION " . Every description of Watches , Clocks , Jewellery , Musical Boxes , & c , & c , carefully cleaned and repaired , by skilful workaion , on the premises . Any article securely packed and sent po 3 t free to any part of Great Britain upon receipt of remittance , A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CLOCKS AND OTHER ARTICLES SUITABLE FOR TESTIMONIALS .
Summer Tours in Scotland . GLASGOWIANDiiTHEIHIGHLANBS . RO YAL ROUTE , via CRINAN and CALE . DONIAN CANALS . Royal Mail Steamer " COLUMBA " or " IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 9 a . m ., cou . vcyiug , in connection with his West Highland " Steamers , passengers for Obau , Fort-William Inverness , Lochawe , Skye , Gairloch , Staffa , Iona ' Glencoe , Islay , Stornoway , * o . Official Guide , 3 d-Illustrated , 6 d and Is , by post , or at Ch & tto and Windus , 2 U Piccadilly , London , and W . H . Smith and Sons' Railway Bookstalls . Time Bill , with Map and Fares , free from the owner—DAVID MACBRAYNE , 119 Hopo Street , Glasgow .
By appointment to Her Majesty the Queen SIMPSON&CO. COAL MERCHANTS , 5 , 6 , and 7 Cambridge Street , Midland Goal Depot , St . Pancras , HVW ., and 24 Goal Department , Great Northern Railway , King ' s Gross , N . Wallsend 21 s per Ton Silkstone 20 s „ Derby 18 s „ Kitchen 17 s „ Nuts 17 s „ Full -weight guaranteed . 224 lbs . in each , sack , -well screened and free from slate . CASH ON DELIVERY ONLY .
ESTABLISHED 1832 . T REASON , Manufacturer of Perambn . . lators and Invalid Chairs , & e ., of every description . 317 and 348 Upper Street , Islington , N . ; and at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG CIRCULAR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
BY ORDEB OF THE HOBTOAQBS . LEASE OP A 12 ROOMED HOUSE AT A PEPPERCORN . TWENTY-SIX YEARS TO RUN . LKT FOB TWELVE YBAES AT £ 50—WOBTH £ 100 . Neighbourhood of Portman-square , W . Apply , by letter only , to Mr . Johns , care of Mr . W . W . Morgan jun ., 23 Gt . Queen-street , London , W . C .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . | Death by accident . O . HARDING , Manager .
Demy 8 vo , Price 7 s 6 d , mHE CHESS OPENINGS , By ROBERT B . WORMALD . W . W . MOBQAJT , 23 GT . QUBBK ST ., LONDOS , W . C .
NOW BEADY . QYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS . O A Tabulated Analysis . Third Edition , with additions and emendations . By WIDIIAM COOK . Price 3 s 6 d . W . W . MOKOAN , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Clotb , 6 s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEM ^ * THB CHBSS BOAED , by Captain Hugh K . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Ones ? Association . | LOITDOV : W . W . MOBOAJT , 23 GBBAT Q CBBK S TBBBT .
Ii^^^^^&M ^^BB^S^PS^^^! oJsiiyinwteM?$Mm®Mfw*< MM;rSrali) Pfl\ntuiaUluniutaf^:x^: WSEmfiW AhUtttaffiSi H : lLLusTRAreD mc & i jj 5j|||ij f ^ . hlSb'ftOLBOBrvS
Printed for the FBEEMASOH ' S CEBONICLB P CBHSHINO C OMPASS LIMITED , by Bro . W . WBAT MOBGAW , at Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , Saturday , 24 th June 1882 .