Article PROV. G. LODGE WEST YORKSHIRE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROV. G. LODGE WEST YORKSHIRE. Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Prov. G. Lodge West Yorkshire.
rand , 301 , Prov . Grand Tyler ; John North , S . D . 290 , a distinguished ligbtin tbe musical world ; and , lastly , Bro . Thomas Hill , 302 , who com . menoed hia Masonio career in 1848 , aud haa continued from that time—a period of 43 years—to take an active and beneficent interest in the Craft , and especially iu ita Charities , of which he bas always
been a munificent supporter . He waa a fonnder of the Weat York , shire Charity Committee , and held tbe honourable post of Chairman from 1872 to 1876 . By hia death this Province loses no less than 132 votes for the various Masonio Institutions . And now , brethren , let me thank yon , as I do most sincerely , for
the very hearty reception you have given me to-day . I thank you also for the respectful and appreciative attention yon have b > stowed npon my address . It ncaroely needs it , I think , but if it does ,
let me say that no brother in Weat Yorkshire ia more willing to labour for the success and prosperity of onr beloved Craft than myself ; and that no one more reverently or more thoroughly wishes it and yon " God Speed " than does your Depnty Prov . G . Master .
At the conclusion of the Address , whioh -was most cordially received , W . Bro . W . H . Brittain P . M . 130 , P . Prov . G . W ., Past G . Sword Beirer , Acting Deputy Grand Master , tendered bis thanks to tbe Brethren for their kindly
greeting . He deplored the cause which brought about bis position that day , and was sure tbat the words of the Acting Prov . Grand Master ' s Address , relating to Bro . Tew , would find an echo in all their hearts .
W . Bro . C . L . Mason P . M . 2069 , P . Prov . G . Treasurer , then in well chosen words paid a tribute of respect and esteem to the Rt . Wor . Prov . Grand Master . He called attention to the energy and assiduity with -which he had
always discharged the dnties of the ohair , and was snre that Bro . Tew , though absent , waa yet with the Brethren in the spirit that day . He moved the following resolution : —
" That we , the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire here assembled , offer our deep sympathy with our Rt . Wor . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Thomas William Tew , J . P ., during his prolonged illness , and place on record our profound regret that his health has for some time prevented
him from coming amongst us . That we earnestly hope and pray tbat he may be shortly restored to his former strength , to enable him to resume the place which he so worthily fills , and carry out the duties in which he takes so personal and active an interest . "
This was most sympathetically seconded by W . Bro . H . Oxley P . M . 495 , P . Prov . G . Treasurer , and carried unanimously , tho Brethren standing whilst the motion was being pnt . W . Bro . W . 0 . Lupton P . M . 974 , Vice-Chairmnn of the
Charity Committee , m the absence of the Chairman , Bro . T . Bateman Pox P . M . 208 , who was coufiued to his room by illness , then rose to move , pursuant to notice : — " That this Province of W . Yorkshire , wishing to celebrate
the Jubilee Festival of the Royal Masomo Benevolent Institution , and to perpetuate the name of its illustrious Grand Master , pledges itself to raise a sum sufficient to purchase a Presentation for Males , to ho called the ' Thomas William Tew Presentation . '"
Bro . Lupton pointed out the great advantages we in West Yorkshire are obtaining from the Masonic Charities , that the Election for Annuitants become year by year keener and more difficult , that , by possessing a Presentation , we could , without delay , put a deserving case into the
enjoyment of the benefits of the Institution , and concluded a powerful speech by reminding the Brethren that to raise the sum and perpetuate the name of Tew would be a graceful compliment to our illustrious Grand Master , and a delicate recognition of his valuable services .
This was seconded by Wor . Bro . W . F . Smithson P . M . 1001 , ex-chairman of the Charity Committee , who gave useful advice as to the method by which the money might be raised . After some questions Bro . Bingham P . M . 1042 intimated that he was empowered by the Prov . Grand
Treasurer , W . Bro . W . Pepper P . M ., to say that whatever plan was adopted by the Prov . G . Lodge for raising the required sum would meet with his approbation , and that , pecuniary support of a substantial eharanter would bo
forthcoming if required . This statement WAS received with cheers , and after a few remarks from W . Bro . Wrn . Gaukroger P . M . 61 , the chairman put the proposition , which was carried nem con .
A petition for relief was presented by Bro . Wm . G'irjkriger ou behalf of the widow of a Ja ' e Brother of Lodges 61 nnd 1283 . This was f-upported by Bro . Wm . H . Thorpe
W . M . of the Ry burn Lodge , and a grant of £ 10 wa * mncU * Thorn wero no invitations for the April meefine- and Prov . G . Lodge was closed iu due form with solemn prayer at 4 * 30 p . m .
Prov. G. Lodge West Yorkshire.
Dinner was served in the large room of the Bull ' s Head Hotel , at 5 p . m . About 90 brethren were present , and Bro . Hy . Smith , acting Prov . G . Master presided .
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . R . Grey P . G . D ., President of the Board , presided . Bro . James Brett P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , was in his place , but Bro . C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , waa
absent through illness , and the announcement of his illness was regretfully made Jby Bro . Brett . The Junior Vice-President ' s position was occupied by Bro . Vallentine G . P . Bros . Shadwell H . Clerko Grand Secretary , A . A . Pendlebury Assistant Grand Secretary , W . Dodd and W . H . Lee
represented the Grand Secretary's office . The other brethren present were Bros . Garrod , Brown , Grieve , Chapman , Dairy , Mercer , Langley , Abraham , Morse , Goldsohmidt , Bunker , Woodward , Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , Haslip , George Read , Whitmarsb , Walter Hopekirk , Adamson ,
Wills , Sutcliffe , Shorrock , Hugh E . Diamond , Mclntyro North , J . Brown , James Cookson , Herbert Finch , J . Ricks , H . Massey , Cusworth , George Mickley , Bertems , McCullough , Charles B . Cooper , Hancock , Cundick , \ Horace S . Foster , Chasteannenf , Shipton , Arthur Blenkarn , Penrose ,
Alfred Moore , Edward Triggs , W . Masters , Mansfield , Coop , Mulvey , Ingle , Sisou Ham , Hamilton , Fromholz , Tobin Willcox , McQueen , D . Radoliffe , and H . Sadler G . T . The brethren first confirmed recommendations to the M . W . G . M . made at last meeting to the amount of £ 250 .
There were 34 new cases on the list . The list was exceptionally a strong one , the number of years for which petitioners subscribed to their Lodges being far above tbe average . In one case the subscription was for 34 years , one was for 25 f , three were for 25 years each , while the
others were respectively 24 , 23 £ , 21 , 19 | , 18 | , 18 £ , 18 , 17 | , 17 f , 15 $ , 15 | , 14 $ ; 3 were for 12 * years each , and the remainder of the larger ones were 12 J , 11 $ , and 11 years . Two of tho cases were dismissed , and four wero deferred : the remainder were voted a total of £ 970 .
Thoro were three recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 100 each , and three of £ 50 each ; four recommendations to the Grand Master of £ 40 each , and five of £ 30 each . Eight grants were made of £ 20 each , aud five of £ 10 each . The Board sat three hoars and a quarter .
The Craft has sustained a sad loss by the death of Bro . W . A . Barrett Past Grand Organist . This loss wdl also be felt by the Musical World , of which Bro . Barrett was a popular member . Bro . Barrett died , somewhat suddenly , on Saturday last , at the early age of 55 years .
Friday , tbe 6 th prox ., has been appointed for a second visit of Bro . James Stevens to continue his lecture on Craft Ritual and Symbolism , at the Masonic Hall , Norwich . It is expected that the Deputy Grand Master of the Proviuce of Norfolk will preside on that occasion .
At the installation meeting of the Lodge of Asaph , No . 1319 , at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , 2 nd November , Bro . Alfred Edward Bishop will be installed as Worshipful Master by Bro . George E . Fairchild P . M . P . Z ., & c . a member of the Board of General Purposes .
Dr . Alloi , Dr . Hugh Macmillan , the Rev . W . Murdoch Johnston , the Re ? . J . G . Kifchin , Miss Payne Smith , and the Rev . A . Boyd Carpenter , will contribut * papers fur Sunday He-ding to the Nov inlior Part of " The Quive " , " which will commence a new volume . The other co . - < t » nta of tho Part will inclnie a pooin bv the Uishoti of
Derry ; papers by Prof . Blaikie , the Rov . J . R . Vernon , J . P . Rowbothinn . and n * hers ; three complete ftories , illustrated ; a parable by Lady Lanra Hampton ; and tbe first inst'il-nnnts nf twin new serial storips , viz ., " The Heiress of Aberstone , " and " Throngh Devious ways . "
IMPORTANT NOTICE . —Confidential Advice free per post to all I in weak ami taiVmg health , with lo .= s nf strenetb nnrl vi'nlity . Fifty years i-xpf-rinnoe in Nervous Ailments . Address , Uio Secretory , 3 Fitzallnn Sqr . are , 8 ! , eftk'M . Form o Correspondence Frne . Write to-day . 00 years experience . All diseasfs nririmr from irrpnritr of tho Wood absolutely cured .
The TOWKR FCBSISHIJ-G COMPASX LIMITRD snppy goods on Hire direct from Manufacturers ; one , two or three years' credit without security . Purchasers have the choice of 100 Wholesale Honse * . C : tll or write for Prospectus . Address—Secretary , 43 Groat Tower Street , B . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. G. Lodge West Yorkshire.
rand , 301 , Prov . Grand Tyler ; John North , S . D . 290 , a distinguished ligbtin tbe musical world ; and , lastly , Bro . Thomas Hill , 302 , who com . menoed hia Masonio career in 1848 , aud haa continued from that time—a period of 43 years—to take an active and beneficent interest in the Craft , and especially iu ita Charities , of which he bas always
been a munificent supporter . He waa a fonnder of the Weat York , shire Charity Committee , and held tbe honourable post of Chairman from 1872 to 1876 . By hia death this Province loses no less than 132 votes for the various Masonio Institutions . And now , brethren , let me thank yon , as I do most sincerely , for
the very hearty reception you have given me to-day . I thank you also for the respectful and appreciative attention yon have b > stowed npon my address . It ncaroely needs it , I think , but if it does ,
let me say that no brother in Weat Yorkshire ia more willing to labour for the success and prosperity of onr beloved Craft than myself ; and that no one more reverently or more thoroughly wishes it and yon " God Speed " than does your Depnty Prov . G . Master .
At the conclusion of the Address , whioh -was most cordially received , W . Bro . W . H . Brittain P . M . 130 , P . Prov . G . W ., Past G . Sword Beirer , Acting Deputy Grand Master , tendered bis thanks to tbe Brethren for their kindly
greeting . He deplored the cause which brought about bis position that day , and was sure tbat the words of the Acting Prov . Grand Master ' s Address , relating to Bro . Tew , would find an echo in all their hearts .
W . Bro . C . L . Mason P . M . 2069 , P . Prov . G . Treasurer , then in well chosen words paid a tribute of respect and esteem to the Rt . Wor . Prov . Grand Master . He called attention to the energy and assiduity with -which he had
always discharged the dnties of the ohair , and was snre that Bro . Tew , though absent , waa yet with the Brethren in the spirit that day . He moved the following resolution : —
" That we , the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire here assembled , offer our deep sympathy with our Rt . Wor . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Thomas William Tew , J . P ., during his prolonged illness , and place on record our profound regret that his health has for some time prevented
him from coming amongst us . That we earnestly hope and pray tbat he may be shortly restored to his former strength , to enable him to resume the place which he so worthily fills , and carry out the duties in which he takes so personal and active an interest . "
This was most sympathetically seconded by W . Bro . H . Oxley P . M . 495 , P . Prov . G . Treasurer , and carried unanimously , tho Brethren standing whilst the motion was being pnt . W . Bro . W . 0 . Lupton P . M . 974 , Vice-Chairmnn of the
Charity Committee , m the absence of the Chairman , Bro . T . Bateman Pox P . M . 208 , who was coufiued to his room by illness , then rose to move , pursuant to notice : — " That this Province of W . Yorkshire , wishing to celebrate
the Jubilee Festival of the Royal Masomo Benevolent Institution , and to perpetuate the name of its illustrious Grand Master , pledges itself to raise a sum sufficient to purchase a Presentation for Males , to ho called the ' Thomas William Tew Presentation . '"
Bro . Lupton pointed out the great advantages we in West Yorkshire are obtaining from the Masonic Charities , that the Election for Annuitants become year by year keener and more difficult , that , by possessing a Presentation , we could , without delay , put a deserving case into the
enjoyment of the benefits of the Institution , and concluded a powerful speech by reminding the Brethren that to raise the sum and perpetuate the name of Tew would be a graceful compliment to our illustrious Grand Master , and a delicate recognition of his valuable services .
This was seconded by Wor . Bro . W . F . Smithson P . M . 1001 , ex-chairman of the Charity Committee , who gave useful advice as to the method by which the money might be raised . After some questions Bro . Bingham P . M . 1042 intimated that he was empowered by the Prov . Grand
Treasurer , W . Bro . W . Pepper P . M ., to say that whatever plan was adopted by the Prov . G . Lodge for raising the required sum would meet with his approbation , and that , pecuniary support of a substantial eharanter would bo
forthcoming if required . This statement WAS received with cheers , and after a few remarks from W . Bro . Wrn . Gaukroger P . M . 61 , the chairman put the proposition , which was carried nem con .
A petition for relief was presented by Bro . Wm . G'irjkriger ou behalf of the widow of a Ja ' e Brother of Lodges 61 nnd 1283 . This was f-upported by Bro . Wm . H . Thorpe
W . M . of the Ry burn Lodge , and a grant of £ 10 wa * mncU * Thorn wero no invitations for the April meefine- and Prov . G . Lodge was closed iu due form with solemn prayer at 4 * 30 p . m .
Prov. G. Lodge West Yorkshire.
Dinner was served in the large room of the Bull ' s Head Hotel , at 5 p . m . About 90 brethren were present , and Bro . Hy . Smith , acting Prov . G . Master presided .
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . R . Grey P . G . D ., President of the Board , presided . Bro . James Brett P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , was in his place , but Bro . C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , waa
absent through illness , and the announcement of his illness was regretfully made Jby Bro . Brett . The Junior Vice-President ' s position was occupied by Bro . Vallentine G . P . Bros . Shadwell H . Clerko Grand Secretary , A . A . Pendlebury Assistant Grand Secretary , W . Dodd and W . H . Lee
represented the Grand Secretary's office . The other brethren present were Bros . Garrod , Brown , Grieve , Chapman , Dairy , Mercer , Langley , Abraham , Morse , Goldsohmidt , Bunker , Woodward , Rev . J . S . Brownrigg , Haslip , George Read , Whitmarsb , Walter Hopekirk , Adamson ,
Wills , Sutcliffe , Shorrock , Hugh E . Diamond , Mclntyro North , J . Brown , James Cookson , Herbert Finch , J . Ricks , H . Massey , Cusworth , George Mickley , Bertems , McCullough , Charles B . Cooper , Hancock , Cundick , \ Horace S . Foster , Chasteannenf , Shipton , Arthur Blenkarn , Penrose ,
Alfred Moore , Edward Triggs , W . Masters , Mansfield , Coop , Mulvey , Ingle , Sisou Ham , Hamilton , Fromholz , Tobin Willcox , McQueen , D . Radoliffe , and H . Sadler G . T . The brethren first confirmed recommendations to the M . W . G . M . made at last meeting to the amount of £ 250 .
There were 34 new cases on the list . The list was exceptionally a strong one , the number of years for which petitioners subscribed to their Lodges being far above tbe average . In one case the subscription was for 34 years , one was for 25 f , three were for 25 years each , while the
others were respectively 24 , 23 £ , 21 , 19 | , 18 | , 18 £ , 18 , 17 | , 17 f , 15 $ , 15 | , 14 $ ; 3 were for 12 * years each , and the remainder of the larger ones were 12 J , 11 $ , and 11 years . Two of tho cases were dismissed , and four wero deferred : the remainder were voted a total of £ 970 .
Thoro were three recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 100 each , and three of £ 50 each ; four recommendations to the Grand Master of £ 40 each , and five of £ 30 each . Eight grants were made of £ 20 each , aud five of £ 10 each . The Board sat three hoars and a quarter .
The Craft has sustained a sad loss by the death of Bro . W . A . Barrett Past Grand Organist . This loss wdl also be felt by the Musical World , of which Bro . Barrett was a popular member . Bro . Barrett died , somewhat suddenly , on Saturday last , at the early age of 55 years .
Friday , tbe 6 th prox ., has been appointed for a second visit of Bro . James Stevens to continue his lecture on Craft Ritual and Symbolism , at the Masonic Hall , Norwich . It is expected that the Deputy Grand Master of the Proviuce of Norfolk will preside on that occasion .
At the installation meeting of the Lodge of Asaph , No . 1319 , at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , 2 nd November , Bro . Alfred Edward Bishop will be installed as Worshipful Master by Bro . George E . Fairchild P . M . P . Z ., & c . a member of the Board of General Purposes .
Dr . Alloi , Dr . Hugh Macmillan , the Rev . W . Murdoch Johnston , the Re ? . J . G . Kifchin , Miss Payne Smith , and the Rev . A . Boyd Carpenter , will contribut * papers fur Sunday He-ding to the Nov inlior Part of " The Quive " , " which will commence a new volume . The other co . - < t » nta of tho Part will inclnie a pooin bv the Uishoti of
Derry ; papers by Prof . Blaikie , the Rov . J . R . Vernon , J . P . Rowbothinn . and n * hers ; three complete ftories , illustrated ; a parable by Lady Lanra Hampton ; and tbe first inst'il-nnnts nf twin new serial storips , viz ., " The Heiress of Aberstone , " and " Throngh Devious ways . "
IMPORTANT NOTICE . —Confidential Advice free per post to all I in weak ami taiVmg health , with lo .= s nf strenetb nnrl vi'nlity . Fifty years i-xpf-rinnoe in Nervous Ailments . Address , Uio Secretory , 3 Fitzallnn Sqr . are , 8 ! , eftk'M . Form o Correspondence Frne . Write to-day . 00 years experience . All diseasfs nririmr from irrpnritr of tho Wood absolutely cured .
The TOWKR FCBSISHIJ-G COMPASX LIMITRD snppy goods on Hire direct from Manufacturers ; one , two or three years' credit without security . Purchasers have the choice of 100 Wholesale Honse * . C : tll or write for Prospectus . Address—Secretary , 43 Groat Tower Street , B . C .