Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Status Of Past Masters.
world between permission and compulsion . A Lodge ^ in its wisdom and generosity might desire to honour a joining brother . The pleasure of granting such honour would be the greater from the fact that it could be withheld .
Take away this discretion , and mistrust and opposition follow . A rig ht assumed in defiance of the opinion of free men in a perfect Republic is an anomaly , irritating to the members and barren in honour to the intruder .
The more the whole question is examined the more difficult does it become . As time goes on fresh points arise whioh demand examination . Bro . Ralp h Gooding , G . S D ., has raised three very pertinent questions . He asks : " Do Past Masters who joined a Lodge before this special
meeting become Past Masters of that Lodge in virtue of this resolution ? Can members who join a Lodge hereafter , and who are not Past Masters at the time of joining , claim the rank of Past Master of that Lodgo by occupying the chair of any other Lodge ? Can an initiate join another
Lodge , and then by passing the chair ( of that Lodge ) claim the rank of a Past Master of his Mother ^ Lodge ? " These are samples of difficulties and incongruities never dreamt of by the promoters of the new law , and yet they are too important to be allowed to pass unnoticed . We shall not
attempt to answer Bro . Gooding , nor do we think it possible to give a satisfactory reply to his queries . They open up grave difficulties , and point to revolutionary changes , the end of which cannot be foreseen . We implore the Craft to be watchful of this proposed change , to at
least look at the question in all its bearings before finally deciding . It need not be discussed with bitterness ; there need be no striving after mastery . Right , and that only , should prevail , and if the brethren will only approach the subject with an open mind and a pure heart , a happy issue will be the result .
THE following eloquent sermon was preached before the Freemasons of Toronto , assembled to celebrate St . John's Day , by the Rev . Evan Davies , M . A ., Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada : — ' ** " Verily I say onto yon , among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John tbe Baptist : notwithstanding be that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he . "—Matt . xi . ll .
" Brethren , I cannot adequately express to you how glad I am to day to meet with yon in this honse of prayer , and thus show to the world that we , as Freemasons , take a personal interest in the worship of Almighty God . I rejoice that I can take part with yon to . day in celebrating the anniversary of John the Baptist , one of the
patron saints of onr illustrious and venerable Order of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , and I sincerely pray that God may preserve all of us in body and in soul , and that the Snpreme Governor and Architect of the Universe n > ay vouchsafe to each of ns His presence now and for ever , that we may preserve onr Order by adorning onr .
selves with every ornament of Christian virtue . It is nofc necessary for me to tell yon why John the Baptist was selected as the patron saint of onr Order , bnt I shall ask you to note the character of the Baptist , and then endeavour to deal with some of the principles of Freemasonry , together with those of that religion on which our
Order is founded . John the Baptist was one of the greatest apostles , and he was not only an apostle and a preacher , but a witness of the true light and a noble example for onr imitation . He was faithfnl in the discharge of every duty , and inflexible in moral strength . He was sent to prepare the way for Chrisr his Master , and was a witness
of Him . He was ever ready to speak the trnth , and ever bold in reproving vice . History affords no finer instance of self-denial than his unfaltering discharge of duly . How beautiful from the lips of this illustrious and popular man are the word s , fnll of deep piety aud humility . " He it is who cometh after me . the latchet of whose
shoe I am unworthy to unloose , " and again : " He must increase , but I must decrease . " These were the utterances of a true man , —a man of sterling integrity , and pre-eminently one worthy to be held up as onr example . True and faithfnl was he in his denunciations of vice and wickedness . He spoke boldly and plainly to every man . In his
teaching he was an Old Testament prophet , the preacher of a stern morality . His teaching was sharply and concisely put . What denunciation of the Old Testament is stronger than his denunciation of tbe Pharisees— " 0 generation of vipers , who hath warned ye to flee from the wrath to come P" No morality in the Old Testament is
sharper than this , "Now is the axe laid to the root of the tree , and every tree that beareth not good fruit , is hewn down and cast into the fire . " All these expressions show a devoted firmness in the discharge of bis dnties , and worthy indeed was he of our following . Nor was he more a victim to outward influence than to the influences
which might arise in his own mind , but no thought of fear or favour , no desire or ambition for wealth could shake his moral courage . Wealth and honour and great possessions were in his power , but nought could tonch the firm honour of this onr most noble patron saint , Not for a moment did he give way to that feeling which ia
but too prevalent in the world to . day that the rioh and powerful are * not to be harshly spoken to when their conduct is Contrary to the laws of God and man . If the rioh are guilty of these things they shonld be condemned for such Conduct , no matter how high their position . John the Baptist met his death becanse he was honest iu the discharge of his duty , and refnsed to be turned aside by the
threats of the wicked monarch . Brethren , let us learn from tbe noblo example of onr patron saint . I pray you to be unshaken in truth and right , and in act and speech against worldly things when they are evil . The temptation of the preacher of righteousness , who was suddenly made the adviser of the king , and as suddenly required to condone the crime of that king was a terrible one , and ,
brethren , the same temptation attacks all of us at one time or other . You may purchase the friendship of some if yon will only gloss over their faults . If you will ignore the evil conduct and vices of some you will be welcome to their hearts and homes . If you will only keep what the world calls a wise silence you may be very popular with some people . But this is not the life of a true child of Godj
any more than it is the life of a true and honourable Freemasod , The life of St . John the Baptist teaches us to stand forth as a light , reflecting as he did from the light of our Lord Jesus Christ , all the great virtues that teach us tn live the life of Him who was the son of our Father which is in Heaven . The people whom John the Baptist laboured among wanted a religion that they could pnt on
when it suited their pleasure or worldliness , and lay aside in turn when they wanted their freedom . The religion of John the Baptist was not of snch a character . WhbO the Pharisees and tax-gatherers asked them what they might do to be saved , he not alone told them to repent , for that would be easy , but called on them to bring forth fruits meet for repentance . That was too hard . The religion of
John the Baptist was too difficult for them because of its slerh morality . It demanded outward piety , as well as private morality . Some of my headers may ask , what has all this to do with Freemasonry ? Brethren , I make bold to say that this has much to do with it . Yes , it has much to do with Freemasonry , and the more closely we examine the principles of our Order , the more we shall
= ee what it has to do with it ; and the more closely we study the constitution of our venerable Order , we shall learn how to live in the moral precepts therein contained , and thus see how directl y it bears on what I have said . These precepts teach us to follow his doctrines , and so live that we may truly repent according to his teachings . Of the principles of onr ancient society , I hesitate
not to say , I have the highest opinion , and I believe that he who faithfully puts them into practice will be a Christian , a man zealous in every good work and loyal to the constitution of the Country it ) which he lives . Freemasonry shuts out as unworthy of its privileges the atheist and the infidel from its membership . With the open Bible upon its altars it demands of every candidate for its mysteries that
he shall have faith in a personal Redeemer , the Creator and Governor of the universe . The foundations of Freemasonry are laid on the principles of religion . It exercises a moral influence over men , and teaches its members that the all seeing eye of God ever beholds them . It asks its members to have faith in God , hope of immortality and charity for all mankind . It is raised on the sacred pillars of
religion , faith and duty , and has , as our noble Grand Master in England , the Prince of Wales , truly said , loyalty and charity for its watchwords . It teaches us to believe in the resurrection of the body and also in the immortality of the sonl . Still I wonld say that Free- ' masonry does not take the place of religion . It cannot save a man ' s soul . It cannot take away the sting of death or turn it into victory .
It does not claim to any such thing , bnt is simply a system of morality . It does not pretend to usurp the power that belongs to God , and to God's Church , but enconrages its members to be faithful in the discharge of their religious duties . I am compelled to admit that some members of our Order neglect their religious duties and seldom or never attend the services of God ' s honse . Some , too
indulge in intemperance and other evils , and neglect their wives and families . Such actions not only give the opponents an opportunit y to speak evil against us , but prove to the outward world that they are unworthy men , and does a grievous injustice to our Order as well as to ourselves , and all should condemn snch h ypocritical conduct , because it is wrong . If we are true Freemasons and faithful followers of John the Baptist , we will live holier and happier lives
here on earth , and die in the hope of a glorious resurrection . I would to God that every man here to-dny was worthy to be made a Freemason . Would to God that every Freemason would follow the principle of his Order in his daily walk and conversation , as did our noble examplar . Brethren , I would urge you to live as Freemasons , and if I did not impress on you the importance of living as sober , temperate , honest , reliable , truthful , God-fearing men , I wonld be unfaithful to the Master whose ambassador I am . I stand before
yon to-day , not only as a Freemason , but a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ to preach His everlnsting gospel to perishing sonls , and as such I proclaim to you that scmething more than mere morality is necessary in order to procure the enjoyment of heavenly life and peace . We must be true to those principles which were inculcated by John the Baptist , and I urge you , dear brethren , to be true to them in all
countries and at all times . Oh , barter not truth , or moral right for any friendship of the earth , but be trne to the ideal of manhood which is shown in the life of onr Saviour and his disciple onr patron s * iut . Freemasonry has for its cardinal principle the brotherhood of man , and the eternal fatherhood of God , so that while I hold , as many others do , to the distinctive tearchings of the church of which I am a hnmble member , I meet with those who differ from me on many
points , but all can stand on common ground in onr Order . The citizens of all nations , and tongnes and sects , meet in this brotherhood , and we have been tanght to live together in one great family , true to each other as God is true to us . As some brother has well * aid : Brotherhood is that which the world craves for . The poor , sick heart of the world needs it . Not that fellowship whioh is cold and barren , nor the religion which is but too often the tool of intolerance . Not that brotherhood which seeks to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Status Of Past Masters.
world between permission and compulsion . A Lodge ^ in its wisdom and generosity might desire to honour a joining brother . The pleasure of granting such honour would be the greater from the fact that it could be withheld .
Take away this discretion , and mistrust and opposition follow . A rig ht assumed in defiance of the opinion of free men in a perfect Republic is an anomaly , irritating to the members and barren in honour to the intruder .
The more the whole question is examined the more difficult does it become . As time goes on fresh points arise whioh demand examination . Bro . Ralp h Gooding , G . S D ., has raised three very pertinent questions . He asks : " Do Past Masters who joined a Lodge before this special
meeting become Past Masters of that Lodge in virtue of this resolution ? Can members who join a Lodge hereafter , and who are not Past Masters at the time of joining , claim the rank of Past Master of that Lodgo by occupying the chair of any other Lodge ? Can an initiate join another
Lodge , and then by passing the chair ( of that Lodge ) claim the rank of a Past Master of his Mother ^ Lodge ? " These are samples of difficulties and incongruities never dreamt of by the promoters of the new law , and yet they are too important to be allowed to pass unnoticed . We shall not
attempt to answer Bro . Gooding , nor do we think it possible to give a satisfactory reply to his queries . They open up grave difficulties , and point to revolutionary changes , the end of which cannot be foreseen . We implore the Craft to be watchful of this proposed change , to at
least look at the question in all its bearings before finally deciding . It need not be discussed with bitterness ; there need be no striving after mastery . Right , and that only , should prevail , and if the brethren will only approach the subject with an open mind and a pure heart , a happy issue will be the result .
THE following eloquent sermon was preached before the Freemasons of Toronto , assembled to celebrate St . John's Day , by the Rev . Evan Davies , M . A ., Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada : — ' ** " Verily I say onto yon , among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John tbe Baptist : notwithstanding be that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he . "—Matt . xi . ll .
" Brethren , I cannot adequately express to you how glad I am to day to meet with yon in this honse of prayer , and thus show to the world that we , as Freemasons , take a personal interest in the worship of Almighty God . I rejoice that I can take part with yon to . day in celebrating the anniversary of John the Baptist , one of the
patron saints of onr illustrious and venerable Order of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , and I sincerely pray that God may preserve all of us in body and in soul , and that the Snpreme Governor and Architect of the Universe n > ay vouchsafe to each of ns His presence now and for ever , that we may preserve onr Order by adorning onr .
selves with every ornament of Christian virtue . It is nofc necessary for me to tell yon why John the Baptist was selected as the patron saint of onr Order , bnt I shall ask you to note the character of the Baptist , and then endeavour to deal with some of the principles of Freemasonry , together with those of that religion on which our
Order is founded . John the Baptist was one of the greatest apostles , and he was not only an apostle and a preacher , but a witness of the true light and a noble example for onr imitation . He was faithfnl in the discharge of every duty , and inflexible in moral strength . He was sent to prepare the way for Chrisr his Master , and was a witness
of Him . He was ever ready to speak the trnth , and ever bold in reproving vice . History affords no finer instance of self-denial than his unfaltering discharge of duly . How beautiful from the lips of this illustrious and popular man are the word s , fnll of deep piety aud humility . " He it is who cometh after me . the latchet of whose
shoe I am unworthy to unloose , " and again : " He must increase , but I must decrease . " These were the utterances of a true man , —a man of sterling integrity , and pre-eminently one worthy to be held up as onr example . True and faithfnl was he in his denunciations of vice and wickedness . He spoke boldly and plainly to every man . In his
teaching he was an Old Testament prophet , the preacher of a stern morality . His teaching was sharply and concisely put . What denunciation of the Old Testament is stronger than his denunciation of tbe Pharisees— " 0 generation of vipers , who hath warned ye to flee from the wrath to come P" No morality in the Old Testament is
sharper than this , "Now is the axe laid to the root of the tree , and every tree that beareth not good fruit , is hewn down and cast into the fire . " All these expressions show a devoted firmness in the discharge of bis dnties , and worthy indeed was he of our following . Nor was he more a victim to outward influence than to the influences
which might arise in his own mind , but no thought of fear or favour , no desire or ambition for wealth could shake his moral courage . Wealth and honour and great possessions were in his power , but nought could tonch the firm honour of this onr most noble patron saint , Not for a moment did he give way to that feeling which ia
but too prevalent in the world to . day that the rioh and powerful are * not to be harshly spoken to when their conduct is Contrary to the laws of God and man . If the rioh are guilty of these things they shonld be condemned for such Conduct , no matter how high their position . John the Baptist met his death becanse he was honest iu the discharge of his duty , and refnsed to be turned aside by the
threats of the wicked monarch . Brethren , let us learn from tbe noblo example of onr patron saint . I pray you to be unshaken in truth and right , and in act and speech against worldly things when they are evil . The temptation of the preacher of righteousness , who was suddenly made the adviser of the king , and as suddenly required to condone the crime of that king was a terrible one , and ,
brethren , the same temptation attacks all of us at one time or other . You may purchase the friendship of some if yon will only gloss over their faults . If you will ignore the evil conduct and vices of some you will be welcome to their hearts and homes . If you will only keep what the world calls a wise silence you may be very popular with some people . But this is not the life of a true child of Godj
any more than it is the life of a true and honourable Freemasod , The life of St . John the Baptist teaches us to stand forth as a light , reflecting as he did from the light of our Lord Jesus Christ , all the great virtues that teach us tn live the life of Him who was the son of our Father which is in Heaven . The people whom John the Baptist laboured among wanted a religion that they could pnt on
when it suited their pleasure or worldliness , and lay aside in turn when they wanted their freedom . The religion of John the Baptist was not of snch a character . WhbO the Pharisees and tax-gatherers asked them what they might do to be saved , he not alone told them to repent , for that would be easy , but called on them to bring forth fruits meet for repentance . That was too hard . The religion of
John the Baptist was too difficult for them because of its slerh morality . It demanded outward piety , as well as private morality . Some of my headers may ask , what has all this to do with Freemasonry ? Brethren , I make bold to say that this has much to do with it . Yes , it has much to do with Freemasonry , and the more closely we examine the principles of our Order , the more we shall
= ee what it has to do with it ; and the more closely we study the constitution of our venerable Order , we shall learn how to live in the moral precepts therein contained , and thus see how directl y it bears on what I have said . These precepts teach us to follow his doctrines , and so live that we may truly repent according to his teachings . Of the principles of onr ancient society , I hesitate
not to say , I have the highest opinion , and I believe that he who faithfully puts them into practice will be a Christian , a man zealous in every good work and loyal to the constitution of the Country it ) which he lives . Freemasonry shuts out as unworthy of its privileges the atheist and the infidel from its membership . With the open Bible upon its altars it demands of every candidate for its mysteries that
he shall have faith in a personal Redeemer , the Creator and Governor of the universe . The foundations of Freemasonry are laid on the principles of religion . It exercises a moral influence over men , and teaches its members that the all seeing eye of God ever beholds them . It asks its members to have faith in God , hope of immortality and charity for all mankind . It is raised on the sacred pillars of
religion , faith and duty , and has , as our noble Grand Master in England , the Prince of Wales , truly said , loyalty and charity for its watchwords . It teaches us to believe in the resurrection of the body and also in the immortality of the sonl . Still I wonld say that Free- ' masonry does not take the place of religion . It cannot save a man ' s soul . It cannot take away the sting of death or turn it into victory .
It does not claim to any such thing , bnt is simply a system of morality . It does not pretend to usurp the power that belongs to God , and to God's Church , but enconrages its members to be faithful in the discharge of their religious duties . I am compelled to admit that some members of our Order neglect their religious duties and seldom or never attend the services of God ' s honse . Some , too
indulge in intemperance and other evils , and neglect their wives and families . Such actions not only give the opponents an opportunit y to speak evil against us , but prove to the outward world that they are unworthy men , and does a grievous injustice to our Order as well as to ourselves , and all should condemn snch h ypocritical conduct , because it is wrong . If we are true Freemasons and faithful followers of John the Baptist , we will live holier and happier lives
here on earth , and die in the hope of a glorious resurrection . I would to God that every man here to-dny was worthy to be made a Freemason . Would to God that every Freemason would follow the principle of his Order in his daily walk and conversation , as did our noble examplar . Brethren , I would urge you to live as Freemasons , and if I did not impress on you the importance of living as sober , temperate , honest , reliable , truthful , God-fearing men , I wonld be unfaithful to the Master whose ambassador I am . I stand before
yon to-day , not only as a Freemason , but a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ to preach His everlnsting gospel to perishing sonls , and as such I proclaim to you that scmething more than mere morality is necessary in order to procure the enjoyment of heavenly life and peace . We must be true to those principles which were inculcated by John the Baptist , and I urge you , dear brethren , to be true to them in all
countries and at all times . Oh , barter not truth , or moral right for any friendship of the earth , but be trne to the ideal of manhood which is shown in the life of onr Saviour and his disciple onr patron s * iut . Freemasonry has for its cardinal principle the brotherhood of man , and the eternal fatherhood of God , so that while I hold , as many others do , to the distinctive tearchings of the church of which I am a hnmble member , I meet with those who differ from me on many
points , but all can stand on common ground in onr Order . The citizens of all nations , and tongnes and sects , meet in this brotherhood , and we have been tanght to live together in one great family , true to each other as God is true to us . As some brother has well * aid : Brotherhood is that which the world craves for . The poor , sick heart of the world needs it . Not that fellowship whioh is cold and barren , nor the religion which is but too often the tool of intolerance . Not that brotherhood which seeks to