Article OUR WEEKLY BUDGET. ← Page 4 of 4 Article RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE COUNTESS OF CARNARVON. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN INDIA. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
counter attractions , the Aquarium was crowded , the opera recitals being a great attraction . In the morning the Bohemian Girl was the selection , supported by Bro . Geo .
Perren , Miss Blanche Terri ( soprano ) , Miss Palmer ( contralto ) , and Geo . Fox ( basso ) . The evening concert was also well attended , Wallace ' s opera of Lurline proving equally attractive .
The Prospectus has been issued of the Briton Life Association , which is formed for tbe creation of a " new series " of the Briton Medical and General Life Association on a perfectly independent basis , and entirely free from any of the existing liabilities or engagements of the parent
institution . The capital required is £ 500 , 000 in £ 1 shares , of which 100 , 000 are now offered to the public . Shareholders will receive an annual interest of 5 per cent ., payable half-yearly , in addition to 20 per cent , of the net divisible profits . In the ten years ended the 81 st
December 1873 , the New Annual Premiums of the old Society amounted to an average of £ 21 , 698 per annum ; hence the prospects of the new Company , which has been formed in connection with the 2 , 000 old established agencies , are unusually encouraging .
The Peckham Lodge , No . 1475 , will hold its future meetings at the New Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road .
Bro . Henry Samuel is a candidate for the vacancy created in the Ward of Castle Baynard by the resignation of Alderman Sir Sills John Gibbons , Bart . Bro . S . 0 . Hadley P . A . G . D . C . is also a candidate , and from the numerously signed requisition he has received , has a probable chance of success .
Grand Lodge has voted to our worthy Bro . Superintendent James Mott the Steward ' s Jewel , as a testimonial for the services rendered by him at the Installation of the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M .
A military Lodge , that had hitherto held its meetings in the Garrison at Chatham , has been ordered in future to discontinue doing so .
A new drama , entitled Olive Branch , by Paul Merritt , Esq ., preceded by Who S 2 yealcs First , and concluding with A Bank Holiday , has been drawing good houses during the week at Bro . Nye Chart ' s Theatre Royal , Brighton .
Railway Traffic Returns.
The following statement shows the receipts for traffic on the undermentioned railways for the past week , as compared with the corresponding week in 1874 : — Miles open . Receipts . Railway . 187 fi 1875 1874 £ £
Caledonian 739 58 , 922 57 , 786 Glasgow and South Western . . 315 i- 18 , 747 18 , 469 Great Eastern .... 763 54 , 114 51 , 859 Great Northern .... 523 69 , 246 67 , 890 Great Western .... 1 , 534 117 , 818 113 , 309 Lancashire and Yorkshire . . 430 69 , 702 66 , 302
London and Brighton . . . 376 i 40 , 303 36 , 668 Loudon , Chatham and Dover . . 153 £ 25 , 124 22 , 866 London and North Western . . 1 , 586 189 , 514 186 , 809 London and South Western . . 626 | 45 , 642 41 , 0 / 1 London , Tilbury and Southend . 45 2 , 577 — Manchester and Sheffield . . 259 £ 36 , 485 34 , 437
Midland 975 J 120 , 668 115 , 533 Metropolitan 8 8 , 712 8 , 077 „ „ District ... 8 4 , 307 3 , 967 „ „ St . John ' s Wood . . If 397 376 North British 8444 41 , 727 42 , 293
North Easten 1 , 400 £ 136 , 616 138 , 481 North London ... . 12 7 , 162 6 , 742 North Staffordshire Railway . . 191 11 , 199 10 , 348 „ „ Canal . 118 1 , 657 1 , 630 South Eastern .... 350 46 , 017 41 , 712
1 he Medical Times , in alluding to Feltoe and Sons' " Specialitc Sherry , stales , it is "A very pleasant light wine , with no heat ; a real vinous flavour , which , unlike that of the majority of Sherries at low prices , leaves an impression on the palate of belonging to a real wine .
* * * * it ; exceedingly pleasant to the eye ; the taste is soft , rouud , and not acid : the flavour is vinous aud dry , without any suggestion of artificial bitterness . We have no doubt that as a moderatel y stimulating accessory to the meal of a patient suffering from a tonic dyspepsia it would bo valuable . "
The Late Countess Of Carnarvon.
The granite and marble tomb of the late lamented Countess of Carnarvon has just been completed , aud presents a very chaste and massive appearance . It is situated at the west end of the mortuary ohapel in the cemetery in Highclero Park , near Newbury . Tho monument is composed of axed Peterhead granite , with a fine polished
grey granite kerb . Within this is an open space for flowers ; and in the centre is a slab of red Aberdeen granite , surmounted by a cross of white Sicilian marble . The red slab is splayed , aud has the following inscription cut in raised letters on a rusticated ground : — "Evelyn Georgina Katherine , wife of Henry , fourth Earl of
Carnarvon , Born , 3 rd November 1834 , Died , 25 th January 1875 . " On the plinth of tho red granite slab is the following inscription : — " Wo asked life of Thee , and Thou gavest her a long life , even for ever aud ever . " The monument was designed by Mr . T . H . Wyatt , architect . —Standard .
Freemasonry In India.
The District Grand Lodge of Bengal has appointed a committee , under the resolution passed on tho 24 th June 1875 , whioh has for its object the building and maintaining a Masonic hall worthy of the Freemasons of Bengal and of the capital of India . The committee met at tho Freemasons' Hall in Bentinck-street , Calcutta , on the 3 rd July last , and the whole of the necessary resolutions were
passed to carry oat tho scheme for the building of the new Masonic Temple . A company has been created , and is called " The Bengal Freemasons' Hall Building Company , " with a capital of 1 . 50 . 000 rs ., divided into 100 rs . each , bearing interest at 6 per cent ., and the necessary officers and directors have been appointed . The site for the new Temple has been fully determined upon , and nothing remains but the completion of the list of shareholders , which already
numbers 150 . There are still some 500 shares at the disposal of the committee , and it is hoped some of the Craft in this country may feel disposed to assist tho undertaking . It is anticipated that everything will be in readiness for the commencement of the building during the visit of the Prince of Wales to India , aud that a very forcible appeal will be made to his Eoyal Highness to lay the foundaton stone himself . —Daily Neius .
SEWAGE . —Sewage consists of the entire water-supply of our towns after it has been used for domestic purposes , of the excreta of man and animals , of the rainfall of the towu area , and of earthy matter washed and worn from the streets . It contains valuable fertilising matter in an extremely dilute condition . This can be demonstrated by analysis , and many eminent chemists having examined town
sewage at various times , havo given us a tolerably accurate idea of its composition . Phosphoric acid , nitrogen , and potash , are tho three principal ingredients of agricultural importance . These substances can be purchased in tho form of guano , " superphosphates , " potash salts , and other manures ; and since these substances are marketable , an estimate can readily be formed as to the cheapest rate at which
they may be obtained . Thus , it may be shown that ammouia may bo purchased in the form of somo mauurial substance at the rate of , say , £ 60 per ton . Hence , a commercial value may be attached to tho three substances above mentioned , and by finding tho proportion in which thoy exist in town sewage , an estimate maybe formed as to its
value . It is needless here to enter further into detail , and it is sufficient to state that tho value of sewage , calculated upou purely chemical grounds is l" 8 d per ton , varying , of course , according to season and other conditions . Tho result of sewage irrigation agrees closely with this estimate , being more usually below than above it . — From " Cassell ' s Technical Educator " for September .
A FAMINE INCIDENT . —Just about the time Lord Duff ' erin came of age a dreadful famine broke out in Ireland , aud he and a friend , the Hon . Mr . Boyle , went over to Skibbereen together to see for themselves the actual condition of the people , and to devise what schemes thoy could for their assistance . They published , under their joint names , a brief history of their journey ; and the profits arising from
tho sale of the book were devoted to tho rohof of ' fchc sufferers . Tho amount of good effected by tho journey could , however , be scarcely measured by the monetary product of this little work , which did much to awaken the attention of the general public to the terrible condition of things that prevailed in the district described , aud to incite them to assist in ameliorating it . The narrative is written in a vorv broad ,
plain , straightforward way , and is thoroughly matter-of-fact . There is no attempt made at effect . Tho facts are left to speak for themselves , and the result is a narrative of singular pathos and vigour . Ono part of tho story is remarkably affecting in its simplicity . Ic relates how the two generous young fellows bought a huge basket of broad for distribution among tho starving populace , and how thoy were
besieged when tho fact of this provision was made known . Some ; hing liko an orderly distribution was attempted , but tho dreadful hunger aud impatience of the poor wretches by whom the donors wore . surrounded rendered this absolutely impossible , and tho bread was thrown out to the crowd , loaf by loaf , from a window . It seems tlvit
there was nothing better to be done ; but the struggles of the famished women , over what was after all but a very indifferent supply , were dreadful to witness . When Lord Dulferiit and hi . - * companion left the town , the vehicle in which they rode was impeded by the crowds which followed , invoking blessings and praying f . » r further relief . — From " Cassell ' s National Portrait Gallery " for September .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget.
counter attractions , the Aquarium was crowded , the opera recitals being a great attraction . In the morning the Bohemian Girl was the selection , supported by Bro . Geo .
Perren , Miss Blanche Terri ( soprano ) , Miss Palmer ( contralto ) , and Geo . Fox ( basso ) . The evening concert was also well attended , Wallace ' s opera of Lurline proving equally attractive .
The Prospectus has been issued of the Briton Life Association , which is formed for tbe creation of a " new series " of the Briton Medical and General Life Association on a perfectly independent basis , and entirely free from any of the existing liabilities or engagements of the parent
institution . The capital required is £ 500 , 000 in £ 1 shares , of which 100 , 000 are now offered to the public . Shareholders will receive an annual interest of 5 per cent ., payable half-yearly , in addition to 20 per cent , of the net divisible profits . In the ten years ended the 81 st
December 1873 , the New Annual Premiums of the old Society amounted to an average of £ 21 , 698 per annum ; hence the prospects of the new Company , which has been formed in connection with the 2 , 000 old established agencies , are unusually encouraging .
The Peckham Lodge , No . 1475 , will hold its future meetings at the New Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road .
Bro . Henry Samuel is a candidate for the vacancy created in the Ward of Castle Baynard by the resignation of Alderman Sir Sills John Gibbons , Bart . Bro . S . 0 . Hadley P . A . G . D . C . is also a candidate , and from the numerously signed requisition he has received , has a probable chance of success .
Grand Lodge has voted to our worthy Bro . Superintendent James Mott the Steward ' s Jewel , as a testimonial for the services rendered by him at the Installation of the Prince of Wales as M . W . G . M .
A military Lodge , that had hitherto held its meetings in the Garrison at Chatham , has been ordered in future to discontinue doing so .
A new drama , entitled Olive Branch , by Paul Merritt , Esq ., preceded by Who S 2 yealcs First , and concluding with A Bank Holiday , has been drawing good houses during the week at Bro . Nye Chart ' s Theatre Royal , Brighton .
Railway Traffic Returns.
The following statement shows the receipts for traffic on the undermentioned railways for the past week , as compared with the corresponding week in 1874 : — Miles open . Receipts . Railway . 187 fi 1875 1874 £ £
Caledonian 739 58 , 922 57 , 786 Glasgow and South Western . . 315 i- 18 , 747 18 , 469 Great Eastern .... 763 54 , 114 51 , 859 Great Northern .... 523 69 , 246 67 , 890 Great Western .... 1 , 534 117 , 818 113 , 309 Lancashire and Yorkshire . . 430 69 , 702 66 , 302
London and Brighton . . . 376 i 40 , 303 36 , 668 Loudon , Chatham and Dover . . 153 £ 25 , 124 22 , 866 London and North Western . . 1 , 586 189 , 514 186 , 809 London and South Western . . 626 | 45 , 642 41 , 0 / 1 London , Tilbury and Southend . 45 2 , 577 — Manchester and Sheffield . . 259 £ 36 , 485 34 , 437
Midland 975 J 120 , 668 115 , 533 Metropolitan 8 8 , 712 8 , 077 „ „ District ... 8 4 , 307 3 , 967 „ „ St . John ' s Wood . . If 397 376 North British 8444 41 , 727 42 , 293
North Easten 1 , 400 £ 136 , 616 138 , 481 North London ... . 12 7 , 162 6 , 742 North Staffordshire Railway . . 191 11 , 199 10 , 348 „ „ Canal . 118 1 , 657 1 , 630 South Eastern .... 350 46 , 017 41 , 712
1 he Medical Times , in alluding to Feltoe and Sons' " Specialitc Sherry , stales , it is "A very pleasant light wine , with no heat ; a real vinous flavour , which , unlike that of the majority of Sherries at low prices , leaves an impression on the palate of belonging to a real wine .
* * * * it ; exceedingly pleasant to the eye ; the taste is soft , rouud , and not acid : the flavour is vinous aud dry , without any suggestion of artificial bitterness . We have no doubt that as a moderatel y stimulating accessory to the meal of a patient suffering from a tonic dyspepsia it would bo valuable . "
The Late Countess Of Carnarvon.
The granite and marble tomb of the late lamented Countess of Carnarvon has just been completed , aud presents a very chaste and massive appearance . It is situated at the west end of the mortuary ohapel in the cemetery in Highclero Park , near Newbury . Tho monument is composed of axed Peterhead granite , with a fine polished
grey granite kerb . Within this is an open space for flowers ; and in the centre is a slab of red Aberdeen granite , surmounted by a cross of white Sicilian marble . The red slab is splayed , aud has the following inscription cut in raised letters on a rusticated ground : — "Evelyn Georgina Katherine , wife of Henry , fourth Earl of
Carnarvon , Born , 3 rd November 1834 , Died , 25 th January 1875 . " On the plinth of tho red granite slab is the following inscription : — " Wo asked life of Thee , and Thou gavest her a long life , even for ever aud ever . " The monument was designed by Mr . T . H . Wyatt , architect . —Standard .
Freemasonry In India.
The District Grand Lodge of Bengal has appointed a committee , under the resolution passed on tho 24 th June 1875 , whioh has for its object the building and maintaining a Masonic hall worthy of the Freemasons of Bengal and of the capital of India . The committee met at tho Freemasons' Hall in Bentinck-street , Calcutta , on the 3 rd July last , and the whole of the necessary resolutions were
passed to carry oat tho scheme for the building of the new Masonic Temple . A company has been created , and is called " The Bengal Freemasons' Hall Building Company , " with a capital of 1 . 50 . 000 rs ., divided into 100 rs . each , bearing interest at 6 per cent ., and the necessary officers and directors have been appointed . The site for the new Temple has been fully determined upon , and nothing remains but the completion of the list of shareholders , which already
numbers 150 . There are still some 500 shares at the disposal of the committee , and it is hoped some of the Craft in this country may feel disposed to assist tho undertaking . It is anticipated that everything will be in readiness for the commencement of the building during the visit of the Prince of Wales to India , aud that a very forcible appeal will be made to his Eoyal Highness to lay the foundaton stone himself . —Daily Neius .
SEWAGE . —Sewage consists of the entire water-supply of our towns after it has been used for domestic purposes , of the excreta of man and animals , of the rainfall of the towu area , and of earthy matter washed and worn from the streets . It contains valuable fertilising matter in an extremely dilute condition . This can be demonstrated by analysis , and many eminent chemists having examined town
sewage at various times , havo given us a tolerably accurate idea of its composition . Phosphoric acid , nitrogen , and potash , are tho three principal ingredients of agricultural importance . These substances can be purchased in tho form of guano , " superphosphates , " potash salts , and other manures ; and since these substances are marketable , an estimate can readily be formed as to the cheapest rate at which
they may be obtained . Thus , it may be shown that ammouia may bo purchased in the form of somo mauurial substance at the rate of , say , £ 60 per ton . Hence , a commercial value may be attached to tho three substances above mentioned , and by finding tho proportion in which thoy exist in town sewage , an estimate maybe formed as to its
value . It is needless here to enter further into detail , and it is sufficient to state that tho value of sewage , calculated upou purely chemical grounds is l" 8 d per ton , varying , of course , according to season and other conditions . Tho result of sewage irrigation agrees closely with this estimate , being more usually below than above it . — From " Cassell ' s Technical Educator " for September .
A FAMINE INCIDENT . —Just about the time Lord Duff ' erin came of age a dreadful famine broke out in Ireland , aud he and a friend , the Hon . Mr . Boyle , went over to Skibbereen together to see for themselves the actual condition of the people , and to devise what schemes thoy could for their assistance . They published , under their joint names , a brief history of their journey ; and the profits arising from
tho sale of the book were devoted to tho rohof of ' fchc sufferers . Tho amount of good effected by tho journey could , however , be scarcely measured by the monetary product of this little work , which did much to awaken the attention of the general public to the terrible condition of things that prevailed in the district described , aud to incite them to assist in ameliorating it . The narrative is written in a vorv broad ,
plain , straightforward way , and is thoroughly matter-of-fact . There is no attempt made at effect . Tho facts are left to speak for themselves , and the result is a narrative of singular pathos and vigour . Ono part of tho story is remarkably affecting in its simplicity . Ic relates how the two generous young fellows bought a huge basket of broad for distribution among tho starving populace , and how thoy were
besieged when tho fact of this provision was made known . Some ; hing liko an orderly distribution was attempted , but tho dreadful hunger aud impatience of the poor wretches by whom the donors wore . surrounded rendered this absolutely impossible , and tho bread was thrown out to the crowd , loaf by loaf , from a window . It seems tlvit
there was nothing better to be done ; but the struggles of the famished women , over what was after all but a very indifferent supply , were dreadful to witness . When Lord Dulferiit and hi . - * companion left the town , the vehicle in which they rode was impeded by the crowds which followed , invoking blessings and praying f . » r further relief . — From " Cassell ' s National Portrait Gallery " for September .