Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS, Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND COMMANDERY OF NEW JERSEY. Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings,
St . Vincent Lodge , No . 553 . —The first visitation of this season took place on Thursday , the 16 th September , when Bro . F . A . Barrow D . P . G . M . acting P . G . Master was accompanied to the St . Vincent Lodge by the following P . G . Officers : —A . McTagarth ,
M . A ., P . G . S ., J . Walker P . G . T ., J . Gelles P . G . S . D ., G . Thallon P . O . J . D ., J . Eraser P . G . A . M ., J . Balfour P . G . D . C , AVm . Phillis P . G . S . B ., J . Sinclair Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund , and J . B . Hardie P . G . Tyler . The Lodge having been previously opened by Bros . E . McDongal P . W . M ., assisted by D . Stark S . W ., J . Best J . AV ., R . Clelaud T ., J . Halley S ., E . Stevens S . D ., J . Clayson J . D ., and J . Cull is I . G ., the provincial deputation were received with all the
honours of tho St . Vincent Lodge , and a number of visitors were present . The P . G . S . then read the minutos of the Provincial Grand Lodge relative to the examination of the books , and made a few comments thereon . Tho D . P . G . M . rose , and said , As this is only a young Lodge , and it is our first official visit of inspection , we wish to show the brethren that , at any rate in this province , visitations
are not mere matters of ceremony at which the members of Provincial Grand Lodge may appear in their official clothing for the purpose of receiving honour at the hands of the rest of the brethren , but to practically test the working of the Lodge , to overhaul their books , and see that they were kept correct , and their expenditure properly vouched . He had felt a great interest in the
establishment of this Lodge , as ho had long thought a west end Lodge was wanted in that locality , and he was glad to find , from their books , that though scarcely twelve months since he was in that hall to con . Secrato the Lodge they had initiated 76 gentlemen . He would advise them to raise their fees , and be sure of the quality of the materials they were bringing up for the building . He thought , from the
sample before him , they had been doing so , but it was always wise to give a word of caution . He also trusted they would be very careful with their books ; the P . G . S . had detected a slight inaccuracy , and called attention to it . No doubt it was susceptible of explanation , but he mentioned that the young Masons who constituted the Lodge might have greater confidence by seeing that even if there
was any little error committed by their Secretary there was a supreme body who would be sure to detect it ; altogether he must highly congratulate them on the progress they had made as a Lodge . The R . W . M . said he was pleased to hear these encomiums from tho acting P . G . M . who had already proved a good friend to them at tho time when they obtained their charter . The slight error they had
noticed had arisen from two causes , the neglect of the Grand Lodge to send them a roll book at first , and the vast amount of labour involved upon the young Secretary ; few could say they had time to fetch up the account for 76 entries in so short a time . He was determined , with the aid of the members , to get a better hall in which to meet—this was only a temporary place . The fees , as suggested , should then be raised , and by this time next year he trusted
to be second to none in the province in any respect . The P . G . M . having expressed his satisfaction with , the explanation given , the deputation then retired . Tho Deputy Master , Bro . Stark , then initiated six gentlemen into the Order . After this amount of labour the J . W . took charge , and a very substantial supper was served , about 40 of the brethren , who remained , spending a few hours in harmony , the geniality of the R . W . M . putting all at their ease . The Lodge was again resumed , and then closed in due form .
Star in the East Lodge , No . 650 . —There was a large muster of tho Brethren of this Lodge on the 13 th inst ., to witness the installation of Bro . Geo . Gard Pye , of Dovercoart and Colchester , as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed in a very able and impressive manner by the V . W . Bro . Chas . J . Martyn P . G . Chaplain England . At its close the new AV . M . appointed and
invested his officers as follow : —Bros . J . Durrant I . P . M . and D . C ., J . Dunlop S . W ., S . Dutton jun . J . AV ., S . Dutton sen . Secretary and Treasurer , J . Cartlidge S . D ., W . Axenham J . D ., S . J . Newton I . G ., W . Downs and G . A . Smith Stewards , and E . Barlow T yler . The Brethren afterwards sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Pier Hotel , the catering of Bro . Brice giving great satisfaction . During
the evening tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were heartily drunk , and the proceedings passed off most successfull y . Among the Brethren present , in Lodge or at the banquet , besides those already mentioned , were the E . W . Bro . Matthew E . Clark D . P . G . M . Essex , Bro . John AVright Carr P . G . Secretary , Bros . A , AVelch AV . M ., T . J . Balling Secretary , J . J . C . Turner Organist , J . Hanly I . G ., E .
Hennemeyer , T . A . Middleton , T . Eix , A . E . Staines and C . Gunner , Tyler of Angel Lodge , No . 51 , W . Rivers P . M . 74 , A . Tennant No ' 153 , late 178 , W . Westgate P . P . G . D . C . Suffolk , F . AVright 213 , 697 and 1 , 500 , A . K . Clench W . M ., T . Eustace P . M . S . W ., H . Everett , T . Downing and W . G . Siggers , of No . 697 , AV . Richey P . M . 700 , AV . F . Laxton P . P . G . S . D . Middlesex , P . M . 1 , 238 , and tho following
members of No . 650 : —Bros . J . W . 0 . Butcher P . M ., R . T . Dickson P M . > W . 0 . Ward P . M ., S . H . AVymark P . M ., C . F . J . Barker , AV . Walker , S . J . Newton , J . AVarren , Charles Lncas , J . H . Robinson , T . W . Naylor , E . Guy , W . Nickerson and G . L . Jackson . Letters expressive of regret at their inability to attend were received from the R . AV . Bro . E . J . Bagshawe P . G . M ., the E . W . Bro . E . Bolton Barton LL D ., P . P . G . M . AVestern India , & c .
Yarborough Lodge No . 811 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 18 th , at the Masonic Rooms , Pavilion , Brighton , Bros . Ecv . Dr . O'Brien AV . M ., Rev . Edward Walker S . W ., M . B . Tanner Treasurer , G . De Paris Secretary , and Past Masters Bro . Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . M . Isle of Wi <* ht C .
Horsley P . P . G . R . Middlesex , Wood P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . Sussex , Cunningham , P . P . G . S . AV . Sussex , and Bro . Alderman Abbey , the future Mayor of Brighton . The Lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed , Bro , Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . of the Grand Lodge oi England , P . l . D . G . M . for the . Isle of Wight , then occupied tho chair , and a Board of Installed Masters was formed . Bro . Rev . Ed . AValker
Notices Of Meetings,
S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge , and Bro . Hyde Pullen installed him into the chair in a very perfect and impressive manner . The W . M . having been saluted , invested his officers . At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly installed W . M . requested Bro . Charles Horsley P . M . to present Bro . Hyde Pullen P . M ., in the name of the Lodge , with a very elegant gold jewel , with
suitable inscription , iu recognition of the services rendered to the Lodge ; Bro . C . Horsley , iu the course of his remarks said , he hoped he might live long to enjoy it , as he was one tho Lodge was proud of , and the unanimous manner tho jewel was voted was a proof how ho was appreciated and respected ( cheers ) . Bro . Hyde Pnllen then returned thanks , and said he felt proud of the honour
shewn him ; he had already received so many acts of kindness from every Bro . in the Lodge that he felt additional pride in receiving the jewel . He had at a very early period been associated in the formation of the Lodge , in conjunction with Bro . AVood , and ho was pleased to say that their exertions were crowned with success ( cheers ) . Bro . Chalk , a son of an old and respected P . M . of the Lodge , was then
proposed as a joining member . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , at the banqnetting hall . The usual loyal and Masonio toasts wero given . Bro . Hyde Pullen returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers , and Bro . Wood , P . P . G . W . Sussex , responded to the toast of the R . AV . Lord
Pelham P . G . M . Sussex , and the rest of the Grand Officers ; Bro . Major Clark P . P . G . W . returned thanks for the toast of the Visitors—who were Bros . B . Ferner P . G . D . and Pros Grand Master for Sussex , Dixon P . P . G . D . Sussex , and S . Rosenthal P . P . G . AV . Middlesex , & o . The toasts of the W . M ., Wardens and Officers were given , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable and harmonious evening .
The Dramatic Lodge , Glasgow . —This now Lodge held its regular meeting on AVednesday , the 15 th September , ab 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . Present— Bros . Dobson W . M ., H . C . Jackman S . W ., J . Seevewright J . AV . There was a goodly number of visitors . Business—The initiation of a candidate , which was
performed in a superior manner by Bro . Dobson . At the conclusion of tho ceremony , Bro . Jackman S . AV . presented the Lodge with a box of working tools . The Master , in accepting the gift , said it was only an additional proof of tho great interest their S . W . felt iu the Lodge , and another augury for its success .
St . Mungo Encampment of Knights Templar . — This Encampment held its annual meeting in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow , on Monday , 20 th September . Sir Knight Boll E . C . presiding . Comp . J . Rotherham , who had taken the Esquire degreo in July , was duly introduced by Sir Knight J . McLeish , and was duly dubbed a Knight , and afterwards created a Knight of the Temple by tho E . G ., assisted
by Sir Knights G . AV . Wheeler as Prelate , 0 . McKonzie as Marshall , and J . McLeish aa Warder . The election of tho whole of the officers for the ensuing year then took place , and tho following Sir Knights wero unanimously appointed to the respective offices : — R . Bell eminent Commander , Sir Knight ' s T . Clanachan Sub-Commander , Rev . J . C . Stewart Prelate , F . Bates Treasurer , S . Scott Recorder .
J . Johnson Chancellor , R . Mitchell Almoner , M . Clanachan Chamberlain , J . McDade Bauncennefer , R . Currie Vexillium Belli , J . McLeish 1 st Aide-de-Camp , R . Muir 2 nd Aide-de-Camp , R . Smith 1 st Warder , J . Smith 2 nd AVarder , J . B . Hardie Sentinel , with G . AV . AVheoler and E . Mitchell as auditors . The Encampment was then closed in ancient form .
Grand Commandery Of New Jersey.
1 " 1 HE Seventeenth Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of - New Jersey met at New Brunswick , on Tuesday , September 7 th inst . It was quite a gala day , and the Conclave was heralded by a Templar parade , in which nine coramandaries participated—Ccour de Leon , No . 8 , Ivanhoe , No . 11 , St . John ' s , No . 9 , Gyrene , No . 7 , Palestine , No . 4 , Helena , No . 5 , De Molay , No . 6 , Hugh Hugh do Payen , No . 1 , and Damascus , No . 5—all with banners displayed , and
bands of music , escorting the Grand Officers in carriages . After proceeding through the principal streets of the city , the parade concluded with a grand inspection and review . All then partook of the hospitalities of Ccour de Lion Commandery , in the Masonic Hall , ample arrangements having been made for eight hundred guests . The Grand Commandery then assembled in tho Blue Room , the
principal Lodge and Commandery Eooms not being yet completed , tho Deputy Grand Commander , Sir AV . L . Newell , presiding , in consequence of the unavoidable absence of tho E . E . Grand Commander , who sent his sincere regrets , together with the report of his proceedings for the past year , which was listened to with marked attention . The Grand Officers were then elected and installed for
the ensuing Templar year , and Camden was selected as the place of tho next annual Conclave , so as to bo adjacent to the Centennial City during the observance of our National festivities in 1876 . The celebration incident to the holding of this 17 th Annual Conclave concluded with a grand promenade concert , tendered by the Knights of New Brunswick to their visiting fratres . It was very
largely attended by the Knights and their ladies , all of whom enjoyed the occasion . The Masonic Hall just erected by tho Masonic Building Association of New Brunswick is a magnificent structure . On tho second floor is a fine Opera House ; the lower portion is rented for stores , there is a large Assembly Room , Music Hall , and Offices on third
Boor . In the upper stories are the Lodge Room , of splendid architectural design , by Bro . AVindrim , of Philadelphia , and a commodious Commandery Room , not yet completed , of which we shall speak further on the occasion of its Dedication , which , judging : rom the energy of our New Jersey brethren , will not be long delayed . The Keystone ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings,
St . Vincent Lodge , No . 553 . —The first visitation of this season took place on Thursday , the 16 th September , when Bro . F . A . Barrow D . P . G . M . acting P . G . Master was accompanied to the St . Vincent Lodge by the following P . G . Officers : —A . McTagarth ,
M . A ., P . G . S ., J . Walker P . G . T ., J . Gelles P . G . S . D ., G . Thallon P . O . J . D ., J . Eraser P . G . A . M ., J . Balfour P . G . D . C , AVm . Phillis P . G . S . B ., J . Sinclair Treasurer of the Benevolent Fund , and J . B . Hardie P . G . Tyler . The Lodge having been previously opened by Bros . E . McDongal P . W . M ., assisted by D . Stark S . W ., J . Best J . AV ., R . Clelaud T ., J . Halley S ., E . Stevens S . D ., J . Clayson J . D ., and J . Cull is I . G ., the provincial deputation were received with all the
honours of tho St . Vincent Lodge , and a number of visitors were present . The P . G . S . then read the minutos of the Provincial Grand Lodge relative to the examination of the books , and made a few comments thereon . Tho D . P . G . M . rose , and said , As this is only a young Lodge , and it is our first official visit of inspection , we wish to show the brethren that , at any rate in this province , visitations
are not mere matters of ceremony at which the members of Provincial Grand Lodge may appear in their official clothing for the purpose of receiving honour at the hands of the rest of the brethren , but to practically test the working of the Lodge , to overhaul their books , and see that they were kept correct , and their expenditure properly vouched . He had felt a great interest in the
establishment of this Lodge , as ho had long thought a west end Lodge was wanted in that locality , and he was glad to find , from their books , that though scarcely twelve months since he was in that hall to con . Secrato the Lodge they had initiated 76 gentlemen . He would advise them to raise their fees , and be sure of the quality of the materials they were bringing up for the building . He thought , from the
sample before him , they had been doing so , but it was always wise to give a word of caution . He also trusted they would be very careful with their books ; the P . G . S . had detected a slight inaccuracy , and called attention to it . No doubt it was susceptible of explanation , but he mentioned that the young Masons who constituted the Lodge might have greater confidence by seeing that even if there
was any little error committed by their Secretary there was a supreme body who would be sure to detect it ; altogether he must highly congratulate them on the progress they had made as a Lodge . The R . W . M . said he was pleased to hear these encomiums from tho acting P . G . M . who had already proved a good friend to them at tho time when they obtained their charter . The slight error they had
noticed had arisen from two causes , the neglect of the Grand Lodge to send them a roll book at first , and the vast amount of labour involved upon the young Secretary ; few could say they had time to fetch up the account for 76 entries in so short a time . He was determined , with the aid of the members , to get a better hall in which to meet—this was only a temporary place . The fees , as suggested , should then be raised , and by this time next year he trusted
to be second to none in the province in any respect . The P . G . M . having expressed his satisfaction with , the explanation given , the deputation then retired . Tho Deputy Master , Bro . Stark , then initiated six gentlemen into the Order . After this amount of labour the J . W . took charge , and a very substantial supper was served , about 40 of the brethren , who remained , spending a few hours in harmony , the geniality of the R . W . M . putting all at their ease . The Lodge was again resumed , and then closed in due form .
Star in the East Lodge , No . 650 . —There was a large muster of tho Brethren of this Lodge on the 13 th inst ., to witness the installation of Bro . Geo . Gard Pye , of Dovercoart and Colchester , as AV . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was performed in a very able and impressive manner by the V . W . Bro . Chas . J . Martyn P . G . Chaplain England . At its close the new AV . M . appointed and
invested his officers as follow : —Bros . J . Durrant I . P . M . and D . C ., J . Dunlop S . W ., S . Dutton jun . J . AV ., S . Dutton sen . Secretary and Treasurer , J . Cartlidge S . D ., W . Axenham J . D ., S . J . Newton I . G ., W . Downs and G . A . Smith Stewards , and E . Barlow T yler . The Brethren afterwards sat down to a sumptuous banquet at the Pier Hotel , the catering of Bro . Brice giving great satisfaction . During
the evening tho usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were heartily drunk , and the proceedings passed off most successfull y . Among the Brethren present , in Lodge or at the banquet , besides those already mentioned , were the E . W . Bro . Matthew E . Clark D . P . G . M . Essex , Bro . John AVright Carr P . G . Secretary , Bros . A , AVelch AV . M ., T . J . Balling Secretary , J . J . C . Turner Organist , J . Hanly I . G ., E .
Hennemeyer , T . A . Middleton , T . Eix , A . E . Staines and C . Gunner , Tyler of Angel Lodge , No . 51 , W . Rivers P . M . 74 , A . Tennant No ' 153 , late 178 , W . Westgate P . P . G . D . C . Suffolk , F . AVright 213 , 697 and 1 , 500 , A . K . Clench W . M ., T . Eustace P . M . S . W ., H . Everett , T . Downing and W . G . Siggers , of No . 697 , AV . Richey P . M . 700 , AV . F . Laxton P . P . G . S . D . Middlesex , P . M . 1 , 238 , and tho following
members of No . 650 : —Bros . J . W . 0 . Butcher P . M ., R . T . Dickson P M . > W . 0 . Ward P . M ., S . H . AVymark P . M ., C . F . J . Barker , AV . Walker , S . J . Newton , J . AVarren , Charles Lncas , J . H . Robinson , T . W . Naylor , E . Guy , W . Nickerson and G . L . Jackson . Letters expressive of regret at their inability to attend were received from the R . AV . Bro . E . J . Bagshawe P . G . M ., the E . W . Bro . E . Bolton Barton LL D ., P . P . G . M . AVestern India , & c .
Yarborough Lodge No . 811 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Saturday , the 18 th , at the Masonic Rooms , Pavilion , Brighton , Bros . Ecv . Dr . O'Brien AV . M ., Rev . Edward Walker S . W ., M . B . Tanner Treasurer , G . De Paris Secretary , and Past Masters Bro . Hyde Pullen P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . M . Isle of Wi <* ht C .
Horsley P . P . G . R . Middlesex , Wood P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . Sussex , Cunningham , P . P . G . S . AV . Sussex , and Bro . Alderman Abbey , the future Mayor of Brighton . The Lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed , Bro , Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . of the Grand Lodge oi England , P . l . D . G . M . for the . Isle of Wight , then occupied tho chair , and a Board of Installed Masters was formed . Bro . Rev . Ed . AValker
Notices Of Meetings,
S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented to the Lodge , and Bro . Hyde Pullen installed him into the chair in a very perfect and impressive manner . The W . M . having been saluted , invested his officers . At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly installed W . M . requested Bro . Charles Horsley P . M . to present Bro . Hyde Pullen P . M ., in the name of the Lodge , with a very elegant gold jewel , with
suitable inscription , iu recognition of the services rendered to the Lodge ; Bro . C . Horsley , iu the course of his remarks said , he hoped he might live long to enjoy it , as he was one tho Lodge was proud of , and the unanimous manner tho jewel was voted was a proof how ho was appreciated and respected ( cheers ) . Bro . Hyde Pnllen then returned thanks , and said he felt proud of the honour
shewn him ; he had already received so many acts of kindness from every Bro . in the Lodge that he felt additional pride in receiving the jewel . He had at a very early period been associated in the formation of the Lodge , in conjunction with Bro . AVood , and ho was pleased to say that their exertions were crowned with success ( cheers ) . Bro . Chalk , a son of an old and respected P . M . of the Lodge , was then
proposed as a joining member . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , at the banqnetting hall . The usual loyal and Masonio toasts wero given . Bro . Hyde Pullen returned thanks for the toast of the Grand Officers , and Bro . Wood , P . P . G . W . Sussex , responded to the toast of the R . AV . Lord
Pelham P . G . M . Sussex , and the rest of the Grand Officers ; Bro . Major Clark P . P . G . W . returned thanks for the toast of the Visitors—who were Bros . B . Ferner P . G . D . and Pros Grand Master for Sussex , Dixon P . P . G . D . Sussex , and S . Rosenthal P . P . G . AV . Middlesex , & o . The toasts of the W . M ., Wardens and Officers were given , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable and harmonious evening .
The Dramatic Lodge , Glasgow . —This now Lodge held its regular meeting on AVednesday , the 15 th September , ab 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow . Present— Bros . Dobson W . M ., H . C . Jackman S . W ., J . Seevewright J . AV . There was a goodly number of visitors . Business—The initiation of a candidate , which was
performed in a superior manner by Bro . Dobson . At the conclusion of tho ceremony , Bro . Jackman S . AV . presented the Lodge with a box of working tools . The Master , in accepting the gift , said it was only an additional proof of tho great interest their S . W . felt iu the Lodge , and another augury for its success .
St . Mungo Encampment of Knights Templar . — This Encampment held its annual meeting in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow , on Monday , 20 th September . Sir Knight Boll E . C . presiding . Comp . J . Rotherham , who had taken the Esquire degreo in July , was duly introduced by Sir Knight J . McLeish , and was duly dubbed a Knight , and afterwards created a Knight of the Temple by tho E . G ., assisted
by Sir Knights G . AV . Wheeler as Prelate , 0 . McKonzie as Marshall , and J . McLeish aa Warder . The election of tho whole of the officers for the ensuing year then took place , and tho following Sir Knights wero unanimously appointed to the respective offices : — R . Bell eminent Commander , Sir Knight ' s T . Clanachan Sub-Commander , Rev . J . C . Stewart Prelate , F . Bates Treasurer , S . Scott Recorder .
J . Johnson Chancellor , R . Mitchell Almoner , M . Clanachan Chamberlain , J . McDade Bauncennefer , R . Currie Vexillium Belli , J . McLeish 1 st Aide-de-Camp , R . Muir 2 nd Aide-de-Camp , R . Smith 1 st Warder , J . Smith 2 nd AVarder , J . B . Hardie Sentinel , with G . AV . AVheoler and E . Mitchell as auditors . The Encampment was then closed in ancient form .
Grand Commandery Of New Jersey.
1 " 1 HE Seventeenth Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of - New Jersey met at New Brunswick , on Tuesday , September 7 th inst . It was quite a gala day , and the Conclave was heralded by a Templar parade , in which nine coramandaries participated—Ccour de Leon , No . 8 , Ivanhoe , No . 11 , St . John ' s , No . 9 , Gyrene , No . 7 , Palestine , No . 4 , Helena , No . 5 , De Molay , No . 6 , Hugh Hugh do Payen , No . 1 , and Damascus , No . 5—all with banners displayed , and
bands of music , escorting the Grand Officers in carriages . After proceeding through the principal streets of the city , the parade concluded with a grand inspection and review . All then partook of the hospitalities of Ccour de Lion Commandery , in the Masonic Hall , ample arrangements having been made for eight hundred guests . The Grand Commandery then assembled in tho Blue Room , the
principal Lodge and Commandery Eooms not being yet completed , tho Deputy Grand Commander , Sir AV . L . Newell , presiding , in consequence of the unavoidable absence of tho E . E . Grand Commander , who sent his sincere regrets , together with the report of his proceedings for the past year , which was listened to with marked attention . The Grand Officers were then elected and installed for
the ensuing Templar year , and Camden was selected as the place of tho next annual Conclave , so as to bo adjacent to the Centennial City during the observance of our National festivities in 1876 . The celebration incident to the holding of this 17 th Annual Conclave concluded with a grand promenade concert , tendered by the Knights of New Brunswick to their visiting fratres . It was very
largely attended by the Knights and their ladies , all of whom enjoyed the occasion . The Masonic Hall just erected by tho Masonic Building Association of New Brunswick is a magnificent structure . On tho second floor is a fine Opera House ; the lower portion is rented for stores , there is a large Assembly Room , Music Hall , and Offices on third
Boor . In the upper stories are the Lodge Room , of splendid architectural design , by Bro . AVindrim , of Philadelphia , and a commodious Commandery Room , not yet completed , of which we shall speak further on the occasion of its Dedication , which , judging : rom the energy of our New Jersey brethren , will not be long delayed . The Keystone ,