Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE DR. DENHAM, OF SOUTH SHIELDS. Page 1 of 1 Article A FUNERAL IN WEST YORKSHIRE. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
THE Consecration of the Temple Chapter , No . 558 , attached tc the Temple Lodge , afc Folkestone , took place in tho Chapter Room at the Town Hall , on Friday , the 18 th November , nnder the most favourable auspices , and with great success . There were present the following Provincial Grand Officers and Companions : —Excellent Companions P . Z . 's Jamea S . Eastes 503 709 P . G . H . Kent , Thomas
Wyles 20 P . G . J . Kent , T . S . Warne 20 P . G . S . E . Kent , R . Kelly Thorpe 709 P . G . Treasurer Kent , James D . Terson 199 P . P . G . S . W . Kent , Felix Kite P . G . Reg . Kent , Horatio Ward 586 622 P . P . G . II . Wilts ; Comps . H . H . Green 709 , F . H . Cozens 907 , A . C . Frederickson 199 , G . Willson Janitor ; E . Comp . Jamea Terry P . Z . 174 228 975 1366 P . G . D . C . Herts , and the following Companions as foundera of
the Temple Chapter , viz .: M . E . Comps . R . H . Baynea P . Z . 251 Z . designate P . P . G . C . Warwickshire , S . H . Knaggs 7 and 1503 H . designate , Francois Klatt 709 J . designate , J . Kennett 709 , A . H . Holbein 79 , R . White Z . 723 , R . Philpott 199 , J . N . Rogers 1503 . The Chapter waa opened by the Consecrating Oflficera E . Companions Jas . Terry as M . E . Z ., Jas . S . Eastes aa H ., Thos . Wyles as J ., T . S . Warne aa S . E .,
and H . Ward aa D . C . Tho Companions being admitted , the petition of the Founders and the warrant of Grand Chapter having been read , and agreed to , the M . E . Z . called upon the Rev . Canon Baynea to give the inaugural address . The Rev . Canon , after expressing his surprise at being unexpectedly called npon to deliver an address , proceeded to give a moat able oration on the advantages of Masonry in general ,
and R . A . Masonry in particular , in the course of which he described tho R . A . aa the culminating point of Masonry , whioh united in one vast bond of brotherhood many thousands of the human race . In Masonry , and R . A . Masonry in particular , men met together irrespective of all religious or social differences , in one bond of unity , and though in all ranks ' and grades of society there must and will be
men who do not act up to their obligations , Masonry , though it cannot make a bad man good , tends to make a good man better . The M . E . Z . then proceeded to consecrate the Chapter in hia usual incomparable style , Companion Cozena preaiding at the organ , and the anthems and chants being rendered in an admirable manner . The ceremony being completed , the acting M . E . Z . next installed the
three First Principals of the new Chapter , viz .: —Companiona the Rev . R . H . Baynes Z ., S . Knaggs H ., F . Klatt J . Thia being done , the M . E . Z . invested his Officers aa follow : —Companions Jamea Kennett S . E ., A . H . Holbein S . N ., Richard White Principal S ., Richard Philpott First Assistant S ., J . N . Rogers Treasurer , G . Willson Janitor . Numeroua brethren were then proposed for exaltation
and joining . The Chapter beiug closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the Leeda Hotel for the banquet , which was excellently served by the boat , Mr . Marchant . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts having been given , Companion Eastes , in responding to tbe health of the Prov . Grand Officers , congratulated tho Companions npon the formation of the Chapter , and the favourable conditions
under whioh it had started . What he had observed from the Officers selected to preside over the Chapter , he augured well of its auccesa , and on behalf of Lord Holmesdale Provincial Grand Superintendent , himself , and the Provincial Grand Officers of the Province , he wished it every success . In responding to the health of the Consecrating and Installing Officer , Companion James Terry again expressed his
pleasure on receiving a vote of thanks from the Companions for the way in which he had performed the ceremony , and iu a most emp hatic manner impressed upon them tbe faithful discharge of tbe serious obligations they had that day taken npon themselves . The health of the Principals and other Officers having been drunk and responded to , the Componions separated in love and harmony .
Patriotic Chapter , No . 51 . —The annual meeting of this Chapter , for the installation of Principals , & c , was held on the 10 th inst ., at Colchester , when there were present E . Comps . A . Welch M . E . Z ., W . Richey H ., T . J . Railing J ., E . H . Crate P . Z ., W . P . Lewis P . Z . Comps . W . Sowman E ., E . Hennemeyer P . S ., S . Munson Janitor , R . Little , C . Gunner ; Visitors , E . Gassner ( Ara Chapter ) , T . M . Richey ( Zetland Chapter ) , E . Dorling P . Z ., and W . Hoare . The
Principals were installed by E . Comp . E . Dorling P . Z . as under : — E . Comps . W . Richey M . E . Z ., T . J . Railing H ., E . Hennemeyer J ., and the other Officers were invested as follow : —E . Comp . A . Welch I . P . Z ., Comp . W . Sowman S . E ., E . Comp . W . P . Lewis P . Z . Treas ., Comp . J . E . Wiseman P . S ., Comp . S . Munson Janitor . Two candidates were then exalted , and there were two propositions for next Chapter . The Companiona subsequently adjourned to the festive board , and spent a happy evening .
Alexander Chapter , No . 16 31 , Newark-on-Trent . —On Thursday , the 17 th instant , a Chapter of the Supreme Degree of Holy Royal Arch Masons was consecrated and dedicated at the Town Hall , Newark . The Officer appointed to consecrate the Chapter was M . E . Comp . Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke P . Z . G . S . E ., who was ably assisted by M . E . Compa . Major XV . H . Smyth P . Z . Grand Superintendent Lino , as H ., Ensor Drury P . Z . P . P . G . H . West Yorka .
as J . ; Comps . J . C . Lazenby P . G . R . Line , as D . C , Charles Harrison P . Z . P . P . G . J . Line , as S . E ., C . G . Wragg P . Z . 47 as S . N ., M . Vowlea P . Z . 47 as P . Soj . Among the Companions present we noticed Sir Henry Bromley , Bart ., 402 , F . D . Marsdeu P . G . S . E . Line , H . W . Malebam P . Z . P . G . P . Soj . West Yorkshire , John Watson , J . P ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master Notts ( Craft ) Z . 402 ; P . Z . ' s Georgo Housham 422 , James Fowler P . P . G . H . Line , C . B . Truman 47 , Arthur Stubbs H . 402 , W . M . Hewitt J . 081 , Alf . J . Field J . 47 , H . Hitchman 540 ,
Royal Arch.
_ .. D . Pidd 602 . The Chapter is attached to tho Newton Lodge , and takes its name , " Tho Alexander " from Bishop Alexander of Lincoln , who built tho well-known old Castlo of Newark during the reign of King Stephen . The ceremony concluded with tho instaltat . inu and investment of the following Officers •Comps . tho Rev . F . Vernon Bin-sell M . E . Z ., Major Newton If ., H . F . IT . King . ! ., Henry Georgo
S . E ., XV . Curtis S . N ., Henry Walton Treasurer , J . II . Tomlinson Principal Sojourner , C . Johnson , and W . Kelly Assistant Sojourners . There is no doubt but that tho Alexander Chapter will progress as prosperously as the Newton Lodge , to which it ia attached , there being sixteen founders , and no less than six propositions for new
members to be balloted for at tho first regular meeting . In the evening the Visitors were entertained by the Founders of tho new Chapter at a banquet , when the usual Loyal and Royal Arch toasts wero duly honoured , cheerfully interspersed with songs , glees , & c , iu which the Chapter Choir was greatly assisted by Comp . E . D . Pidd , of Retford .
The Late Dr. Denham, Of South Shields.
THE funeral of Dr . Jacob Sanderson Denham took place yesterday afternoon , at St . Hilda ' s Parish Churchyard , South Shields . The deceased gentleman having been surgeon to tho D , E , and F Divisions of the Sth Durham Rifle Volunteers , the funeral was a military one . Tho cortege proceeded from tho residence of deceased , in Chapter Row , by way of Waterloo Vale , Smithy Street , Russell Street , King Street , and the Market Place , to tho churchyard .
The procession was headed by a firing party , 32 in number , of tho 3 rd Durham Rifles , under the command of Capt . W . Bewicke , followed by the band of the corps , playing tho Dead March in " Saul , " and the coffin ( covered wiih the Union Jack ) , surmounted by the hat and accoutrements of the deceased , borne upon the shouldera of six sergeants . Then followed the Masonic brethren of
deceased , among whom were Bros . J . T . Wilson W . M ., J . H . Morton W . M ., John Hinde . P . M . ( Treasurer ) , J . S . Wilson P . M . ( Secretary ) , James Roddam P . M . D . of C , George Lawson P . M ., Thomas Coulson P . M ., . 1 . H . Thompson J . W ., G . Davison J . D ., G . Wilson Organist , G . Robson I . G ., XV . Harwood S ., J . Brown Tyler 240 , John Harcnss P . P . S . G . D .
Northumberland , T . Haswell P . P . G . S . B . Northumberland , A . Mustart P . P . G . S . B . Northumberland , A . McDougall W . M . 1119 , C . F . Shotton , R . Schwartz , W . Smith , T . Gentles , John Brown , R . H . Evans , T . E . Davidson , W . Smith , F . Mackey , H . Stokes , J . F . Taylor , John Hunter , — Kirby , J . E . Smith , W . E . O . Scott , G . Johnson , J . Kin <* , G . C . Whitfield , W . Ross , R . T . Thomson , C . B . Hall , J . C . Breem
G . McGregor , and — Whitehead . Next came the mourners—Messrs J . L . Hall , XV . S . S . Hall , W . T . Hall , Dr . James Robson , Dr . Young , Mr . W . S . Young , and Mr . J . Thompson . Immediately afterwards were the Mayor of South Shields , Alderman H . Nelson ; the Town Clerk , Mr . J . M . Moore ; Aldermen James , Roadhead , and Donald \ Councillors Ligbtfoot , Mabane , Imrie , Owen , Thomas Robson , Kirkley ,
Bowman , Wardle , Dale , Weir , Thornton , Cousins , Smith , Drake ; Dr . Dalziel , medical officer of health . There were also present Drs . Legat , Frain , Armstrong , Crease , Gowans , Crisp ; Mr . John Henderson , chairman of the South Shields Board of Guardians ; members of the Board and Union offices , including J . Binks , R . Dobby , T . Ramsay , and Craik ; Messrs . T . S . Blues , J . Hovnsby , W .
Robson , Lawson , J . Turner , J . Pollard , members of the Burial Board ; Mr . T . Bincks ( clerk ) , and Mr . B . Cowan ( superintendent of the cemetery ) , Mr . J . Crisp , chairman of the Free Library Committee , and Mr . L . Inkster ( secretary ) . The r . ar of the procession was brought up by about 150 members of the Sth Durham Rifles , under the command of the following Officers : —Major Proctor , Captains Graham , Guthrie , and Bewicke , and Lieutenant Sutherland . The
burial service was read by the vicar of South Shields , the Rev . Canon Chester . After the coffin , which bore the following inscription : — "Jacob Sanderson Denham , died 18 th November 1881 , aged 50 years , " had been lowered into the vault , the members of the Masonio brotherhood , according to ancient custom , each dropped in a sprig of acacia . Tbe funeral was one of the largest which has ever taken place in South Shields . —Newcastle Daily Journal , 2 Srcl Nov .
A Funeral In West Yorkshire.
IT is our painful duty to record the death , after a long illness , at the early age of 47 years and ten months , of Bro . Henry Day , J . P ., of Hyrst Cottage , Dewsbury , a very successful woollen manufacturer , well known and highly esteemed by a very large circle of friends in the West Riding . He was initiated in Lodge 251 , now 208 , Dewsbury , on 18 th November 1858 , served many offices , and was Worshipful Master in 1866 : was appointed
Provincial Grand Warden under the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., in 1871 ; was exalted in Royal Arch Chapter 208 , 6 th December 1860 , elected Z . in 1870 and appointed Provincial G . J . in 1875 . Ho waa Vice Preaident of the three Masonic Institutions , and had served the office of Steward at sixteen of the Annual Festivals . At all times , he was ready with his purse to assist every benevolent institution
in his native town and neighbourhood ; aud many poor and distressed , as well as his relatives and numerous friends , have deep cause to deplore his death . Bro . Henry Day was never married . By will he leaves his ample fortune to his two surviving brothers , and one sister , with legacies to his nephews , nieces , housekeeper ,
late partner and executors . His remains were interred in the Dewsbury Cemetery , at noon on Saturday last , the 19 th instant . A large number of Freemasons , from all parts , awaited the arrival and joined the cortege at the Cemetery gates , where also a great many of the work people had assembled , to pay respect to the memory of their late employer .
J . E . SHAJCD _ Co ., Wine Merchants ( Exports and Valuers ) . Well fermented old Wines anil matured Spirits . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , S . W ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
THE Consecration of the Temple Chapter , No . 558 , attached tc the Temple Lodge , afc Folkestone , took place in tho Chapter Room at the Town Hall , on Friday , the 18 th November , nnder the most favourable auspices , and with great success . There were present the following Provincial Grand Officers and Companions : —Excellent Companions P . Z . 's Jamea S . Eastes 503 709 P . G . H . Kent , Thomas
Wyles 20 P . G . J . Kent , T . S . Warne 20 P . G . S . E . Kent , R . Kelly Thorpe 709 P . G . Treasurer Kent , James D . Terson 199 P . P . G . S . W . Kent , Felix Kite P . G . Reg . Kent , Horatio Ward 586 622 P . P . G . II . Wilts ; Comps . H . H . Green 709 , F . H . Cozens 907 , A . C . Frederickson 199 , G . Willson Janitor ; E . Comp . Jamea Terry P . Z . 174 228 975 1366 P . G . D . C . Herts , and the following Companions as foundera of
the Temple Chapter , viz .: M . E . Comps . R . H . Baynea P . Z . 251 Z . designate P . P . G . C . Warwickshire , S . H . Knaggs 7 and 1503 H . designate , Francois Klatt 709 J . designate , J . Kennett 709 , A . H . Holbein 79 , R . White Z . 723 , R . Philpott 199 , J . N . Rogers 1503 . The Chapter waa opened by the Consecrating Oflficera E . Companions Jas . Terry as M . E . Z ., Jas . S . Eastes aa H ., Thos . Wyles as J ., T . S . Warne aa S . E .,
and H . Ward aa D . C . Tho Companions being admitted , the petition of the Founders and the warrant of Grand Chapter having been read , and agreed to , the M . E . Z . called upon the Rev . Canon Baynea to give the inaugural address . The Rev . Canon , after expressing his surprise at being unexpectedly called npon to deliver an address , proceeded to give a moat able oration on the advantages of Masonry in general ,
and R . A . Masonry in particular , in the course of which he described tho R . A . aa the culminating point of Masonry , whioh united in one vast bond of brotherhood many thousands of the human race . In Masonry , and R . A . Masonry in particular , men met together irrespective of all religious or social differences , in one bond of unity , and though in all ranks ' and grades of society there must and will be
men who do not act up to their obligations , Masonry , though it cannot make a bad man good , tends to make a good man better . The M . E . Z . then proceeded to consecrate the Chapter in hia usual incomparable style , Companion Cozena preaiding at the organ , and the anthems and chants being rendered in an admirable manner . The ceremony being completed , the acting M . E . Z . next installed the
three First Principals of the new Chapter , viz .: —Companiona the Rev . R . H . Baynes Z ., S . Knaggs H ., F . Klatt J . Thia being done , the M . E . Z . invested his Officers aa follow : —Companions Jamea Kennett S . E ., A . H . Holbein S . N ., Richard White Principal S ., Richard Philpott First Assistant S ., J . N . Rogers Treasurer , G . Willson Janitor . Numeroua brethren were then proposed for exaltation
and joining . The Chapter beiug closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to the Leeda Hotel for the banquet , which was excellently served by the boat , Mr . Marchant . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts having been given , Companion Eastes , in responding to tbe health of the Prov . Grand Officers , congratulated tho Companions npon the formation of the Chapter , and the favourable conditions
under whioh it had started . What he had observed from the Officers selected to preside over the Chapter , he augured well of its auccesa , and on behalf of Lord Holmesdale Provincial Grand Superintendent , himself , and the Provincial Grand Officers of the Province , he wished it every success . In responding to the health of the Consecrating and Installing Officer , Companion James Terry again expressed his
pleasure on receiving a vote of thanks from the Companions for the way in which he had performed the ceremony , and iu a most emp hatic manner impressed upon them tbe faithful discharge of tbe serious obligations they had that day taken npon themselves . The health of the Principals and other Officers having been drunk and responded to , the Componions separated in love and harmony .
Patriotic Chapter , No . 51 . —The annual meeting of this Chapter , for the installation of Principals , & c , was held on the 10 th inst ., at Colchester , when there were present E . Comps . A . Welch M . E . Z ., W . Richey H ., T . J . Railing J ., E . H . Crate P . Z ., W . P . Lewis P . Z . Comps . W . Sowman E ., E . Hennemeyer P . S ., S . Munson Janitor , R . Little , C . Gunner ; Visitors , E . Gassner ( Ara Chapter ) , T . M . Richey ( Zetland Chapter ) , E . Dorling P . Z ., and W . Hoare . The
Principals were installed by E . Comp . E . Dorling P . Z . as under : — E . Comps . W . Richey M . E . Z ., T . J . Railing H ., E . Hennemeyer J ., and the other Officers were invested as follow : —E . Comp . A . Welch I . P . Z ., Comp . W . Sowman S . E ., E . Comp . W . P . Lewis P . Z . Treas ., Comp . J . E . Wiseman P . S ., Comp . S . Munson Janitor . Two candidates were then exalted , and there were two propositions for next Chapter . The Companiona subsequently adjourned to the festive board , and spent a happy evening .
Alexander Chapter , No . 16 31 , Newark-on-Trent . —On Thursday , the 17 th instant , a Chapter of the Supreme Degree of Holy Royal Arch Masons was consecrated and dedicated at the Town Hall , Newark . The Officer appointed to consecrate the Chapter was M . E . Comp . Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke P . Z . G . S . E ., who was ably assisted by M . E . Compa . Major XV . H . Smyth P . Z . Grand Superintendent Lino , as H ., Ensor Drury P . Z . P . P . G . H . West Yorka .
as J . ; Comps . J . C . Lazenby P . G . R . Line , as D . C , Charles Harrison P . Z . P . P . G . J . Line , as S . E ., C . G . Wragg P . Z . 47 as S . N ., M . Vowlea P . Z . 47 as P . Soj . Among the Companions present we noticed Sir Henry Bromley , Bart ., 402 , F . D . Marsdeu P . G . S . E . Line , H . W . Malebam P . Z . P . G . P . Soj . West Yorkshire , John Watson , J . P ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master Notts ( Craft ) Z . 402 ; P . Z . ' s Georgo Housham 422 , James Fowler P . P . G . H . Line , C . B . Truman 47 , Arthur Stubbs H . 402 , W . M . Hewitt J . 081 , Alf . J . Field J . 47 , H . Hitchman 540 ,
Royal Arch.
_ .. D . Pidd 602 . The Chapter is attached to tho Newton Lodge , and takes its name , " Tho Alexander " from Bishop Alexander of Lincoln , who built tho well-known old Castlo of Newark during the reign of King Stephen . The ceremony concluded with tho instaltat . inu and investment of the following Officers •Comps . tho Rev . F . Vernon Bin-sell M . E . Z ., Major Newton If ., H . F . IT . King . ! ., Henry Georgo
S . E ., XV . Curtis S . N ., Henry Walton Treasurer , J . II . Tomlinson Principal Sojourner , C . Johnson , and W . Kelly Assistant Sojourners . There is no doubt but that tho Alexander Chapter will progress as prosperously as the Newton Lodge , to which it ia attached , there being sixteen founders , and no less than six propositions for new
members to be balloted for at tho first regular meeting . In the evening the Visitors were entertained by the Founders of tho new Chapter at a banquet , when the usual Loyal and Royal Arch toasts wero duly honoured , cheerfully interspersed with songs , glees , & c , iu which the Chapter Choir was greatly assisted by Comp . E . D . Pidd , of Retford .
The Late Dr. Denham, Of South Shields.
THE funeral of Dr . Jacob Sanderson Denham took place yesterday afternoon , at St . Hilda ' s Parish Churchyard , South Shields . The deceased gentleman having been surgeon to tho D , E , and F Divisions of the Sth Durham Rifle Volunteers , the funeral was a military one . Tho cortege proceeded from tho residence of deceased , in Chapter Row , by way of Waterloo Vale , Smithy Street , Russell Street , King Street , and the Market Place , to tho churchyard .
The procession was headed by a firing party , 32 in number , of tho 3 rd Durham Rifles , under the command of Capt . W . Bewicke , followed by the band of the corps , playing tho Dead March in " Saul , " and the coffin ( covered wiih the Union Jack ) , surmounted by the hat and accoutrements of the deceased , borne upon the shouldera of six sergeants . Then followed the Masonic brethren of
deceased , among whom were Bros . J . T . Wilson W . M ., J . H . Morton W . M ., John Hinde . P . M . ( Treasurer ) , J . S . Wilson P . M . ( Secretary ) , James Roddam P . M . D . of C , George Lawson P . M ., Thomas Coulson P . M ., . 1 . H . Thompson J . W ., G . Davison J . D ., G . Wilson Organist , G . Robson I . G ., XV . Harwood S ., J . Brown Tyler 240 , John Harcnss P . P . S . G . D .
Northumberland , T . Haswell P . P . G . S . B . Northumberland , A . Mustart P . P . G . S . B . Northumberland , A . McDougall W . M . 1119 , C . F . Shotton , R . Schwartz , W . Smith , T . Gentles , John Brown , R . H . Evans , T . E . Davidson , W . Smith , F . Mackey , H . Stokes , J . F . Taylor , John Hunter , — Kirby , J . E . Smith , W . E . O . Scott , G . Johnson , J . Kin <* , G . C . Whitfield , W . Ross , R . T . Thomson , C . B . Hall , J . C . Breem
G . McGregor , and — Whitehead . Next came the mourners—Messrs J . L . Hall , XV . S . S . Hall , W . T . Hall , Dr . James Robson , Dr . Young , Mr . W . S . Young , and Mr . J . Thompson . Immediately afterwards were the Mayor of South Shields , Alderman H . Nelson ; the Town Clerk , Mr . J . M . Moore ; Aldermen James , Roadhead , and Donald \ Councillors Ligbtfoot , Mabane , Imrie , Owen , Thomas Robson , Kirkley ,
Bowman , Wardle , Dale , Weir , Thornton , Cousins , Smith , Drake ; Dr . Dalziel , medical officer of health . There were also present Drs . Legat , Frain , Armstrong , Crease , Gowans , Crisp ; Mr . John Henderson , chairman of the South Shields Board of Guardians ; members of the Board and Union offices , including J . Binks , R . Dobby , T . Ramsay , and Craik ; Messrs . T . S . Blues , J . Hovnsby , W .
Robson , Lawson , J . Turner , J . Pollard , members of the Burial Board ; Mr . T . Bincks ( clerk ) , and Mr . B . Cowan ( superintendent of the cemetery ) , Mr . J . Crisp , chairman of the Free Library Committee , and Mr . L . Inkster ( secretary ) . The r . ar of the procession was brought up by about 150 members of the Sth Durham Rifles , under the command of the following Officers : —Major Proctor , Captains Graham , Guthrie , and Bewicke , and Lieutenant Sutherland . The
burial service was read by the vicar of South Shields , the Rev . Canon Chester . After the coffin , which bore the following inscription : — "Jacob Sanderson Denham , died 18 th November 1881 , aged 50 years , " had been lowered into the vault , the members of the Masonio brotherhood , according to ancient custom , each dropped in a sprig of acacia . Tbe funeral was one of the largest which has ever taken place in South Shields . —Newcastle Daily Journal , 2 Srcl Nov .
A Funeral In West Yorkshire.
IT is our painful duty to record the death , after a long illness , at the early age of 47 years and ten months , of Bro . Henry Day , J . P ., of Hyrst Cottage , Dewsbury , a very successful woollen manufacturer , well known and highly esteemed by a very large circle of friends in the West Riding . He was initiated in Lodge 251 , now 208 , Dewsbury , on 18 th November 1858 , served many offices , and was Worshipful Master in 1866 : was appointed
Provincial Grand Warden under the Marquess of Ripon , K . G ., in 1871 ; was exalted in Royal Arch Chapter 208 , 6 th December 1860 , elected Z . in 1870 and appointed Provincial G . J . in 1875 . Ho waa Vice Preaident of the three Masonic Institutions , and had served the office of Steward at sixteen of the Annual Festivals . At all times , he was ready with his purse to assist every benevolent institution
in his native town and neighbourhood ; aud many poor and distressed , as well as his relatives and numerous friends , have deep cause to deplore his death . Bro . Henry Day was never married . By will he leaves his ample fortune to his two surviving brothers , and one sister , with legacies to his nephews , nieces , housekeeper ,
late partner and executors . His remains were interred in the Dewsbury Cemetery , at noon on Saturday last , the 19 th instant . A large number of Freemasons , from all parts , awaited the arrival and joined the cortege at the Cemetery gates , where also a great many of the work people had assembled , to pay respect to the memory of their late employer .
J . E . SHAJCD _ Co ., Wine Merchants ( Exports and Valuers ) . Well fermented old Wines anil matured Spirits . 2 Albert Mansions , Victoria-street , London , S . W ,