Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 4 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 4 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
tho nsnal toasts wero given . Tho health of tho W . M . was proposed by Bro . Clemow , that of the Past Masters generally following from thchair . To this each of the brethren who havo passed the chair of the Lodgo replied , and then Bro . Willing assumed tho gavel . Tho W . M had kindly commissioned him to propose the health of tho Visitors , perhaps feeling that ifc required somo ono of greater assurance than
ho to dn justice toso glorious an assemblage of guests . The presence of so many Visitors was a particular pleasure to tho founders of the Royal Savoy Lodge , for it must bo remembered that it Mas but three years sinco that it numbered but seven founders , and tho attendance now of so many distinguished members of the Craft was an assurance to thoso seven brethren thafc what thoy had dono was looked upon
with favour . He tendered them all tho heartiest welcome tho Lodgo conld afford , and trusted they and others would bo present from timo to timo at the meetings of tho Lodge . Bro . W . H . Rohrs W . M . 940 was tho first to reply ; he tendered the thanks of himself and brother visitors to tho brethren of tho Lodgo for their hospitalitv . Bro . H . Stiles W . M . 1732 followed . Ho had visited tho Royal Savoy
Lodge on several occasions , and had seen each of its Past Masters occupying the chair . The welcome accorded to visitors under tho rule of each had been most cordial , there appenred to bo ono feeling entertained by all as regarded tho guests . They each strived to outdo tho other in tho warmth of their reception , and the invariable invitation was , Como again , we aro always pleased to see you . Bro . Michael
W . M . 1107 also spoke to tho toast , as did Bro . Burg < ss Worshipfnl Master 1472 , Mursell Worshipful Master 35 , Garrod Worshipful Master 754 , and others . The toast of the Initiates followed ; each of tho newly-admitted brethen replying . Brother Willing gave tho next toast . As time was rather short , tho W . M . had desired him to adopt a somewhat informal course , namely , to propose in one toast
success to tho Masonic Charities nnd the Masonic Press . He looked upon these two Institutions as two of the most important ndjnncts to Freemasonry . In Brother Mason , the representative o the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , they had a thorough support of the Charities , aud one who seemed to do everything ifc was possible for man to do to add to tbe success of tho Institutions connected with
the Craft . He ably represented Bro . Terry , the Secretary of tho " Old Folks , " to whom tho brethren of the Royal Savoy Lodge were under some amount of obligation , ns ho had at tho time of the foundation of the Lodee , rendered great service b y acting as its Consecrating Officer . His absence on the present occasion was owinoto his presence being required elsewhere , but he had sent a very
good deputy , and one who could speak to the toast with ability . He thought the best recommendation he could give Bro . Mason personally waa to say that he was a somewhat dangerons man to know , as he seemed to possess the knack of advocating tho cause of his Institution so well as to compel brethren to support it . He had that evening induced the Past Masters to promise that
one _ of their number should act as Steward at the next Festival of the Benevolent , and it now only remained for the brethren to do their part to vender Bro . Mason ' s work worthy of the reception it should receive . Ho could not omit to mention also , that he materially assisted the Lodge that evening by acting , first , in one capacity and then hi
another at the earlier part of the evening . As representative of the other portion of the toast , ho was glad to again welcome Bro . Mom-an jun ., and he hoped that at many future meetings of tho Lodgo these two brethren would again be present . Bros . Mason and Morgan having replied , the W . M . proposed the Officers of the Lodgo , and each
of thoso brethren having spoken , the Tyler was called and tho con . eluding toast honoured . The Past Master ' s jewel presented to Bro . Clemow , bore the following inscription . " Presented to Bro . F . H . Clemow P . M ., by the Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 , as a mark of esteem , and in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . 1880-81 . "
Among the Visitors wero Bros . W . Fountain 879 , A . Hayman 375 II . Speedy P . M . 742 , Henry Stiles W . M . 1732 , j . Garrod W . M . 754 , C . H . Mursell W . M . 35 , R , J . Taylor P . M . 144 , H . Medway 177 , G . L Moore P . M . 169 , XV . Birrell 1310 , B . Kanffmann D . C . 1732 , T . Butt P . M . 700 , J . J . Michael W . M . 1107 P . P . G . P . Kent
W . Knight S . D . 87 , J . Mason P . P . S . G . D . Middlesex , J . E . Thomas I . G . 619 , J . Knowles 1744 , C . G . Brown 1589 , XV . XV . Morgan jun J . W . 1107 , W . F .. Davis I . G . 87 , T . Pinn 860 , J . II . Grant 1507 , A . Wingrove 3 , E . Storr J . D . 167 , C . Harris 79 , C . Baker 201 , W . J . Bnrgess W . M . 1472 , W . Abrahams 201 , J . Paul 1287 , XV . H Rohrs W . M . 946 , & c .
SPHINX LODGE , No , 1329 .
ON Saturday afternoon the brethren of this flourishing Lod < , 'e assembled at the Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-voad , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect Bro . J . R . Richards , and also to transact other important matters connected with this Lodgo iu particular and the Order generally . As on former occasions , the Ledge ; was opened in due form to a minute , all tho Officers beina iu their
respective- positions previously thereto . This is as it should be . After the minutes of the preceding meeting Lad been rend and confirmed , and somo miner matters of detail settled , Bro . Walter John Brooks was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , the interesting and impressive ceremony being performed by the W . M . Bro . Bryant . The
installation ceremony was then proceeded with , in the presence of : i hoard of twenty-three installed Masters—a most unusual occurrence , in South London at least . Bros . Bryant and R . J . Voisey conducted tho proceedings , the latter with mnch tact and efficiency acting as Director of the Ceremonies . There was nofc a hitch throughout . Bro ,
Bryant had , moreover , been called upon at a short notice to undertago the labours , ns likewise had Bro . Voisey , P . M . Niiinio havine . been called away into the country . Afc the conclusion of the protractor ] ritual , Bros . A . Lester , II . Griffiths , J . II . Asmau , A . Stribling Organist , and R . J . Voisey sang the anthem , " Behold how good aud
Installation Meetings, &C.
joyful , " and immediately afterwards tho whole of the brethren rendered tho hymn commencing "O God our hope . " The solemn manner in which this noble composition was rendered had a most pleasing effect , nnd demonstrated , that in addition to many other " gifts and graces , " a vast , amount of musical talent , is cultivated by tho brethren of this popular Lodge . Tho labours
associated with the evening wero then resumed , under tho direction of Bro . Voisey , and the salutations in each degree given in due form . These being concluded , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers for tho ensuing year . This part of his duty was performed in a most effective , courteous , and impressive style . Tho respective charges wero given in a manner peculiarly winnimr . We annex tho
names of thoso honoured to hold olhce . Bro . B . C . Bryant' [ . P . M ., G . S . Mausell S . W ., A . Middlomass ( P . M . 957 ) J . W ., J . C . Reynolds sen . Treasurer , J . Itirnaman Secretary , J . 0 . Reynolds jun . S D ., J . J . Brintou J . D ., P . A . Nairno P . M . D . C ., A . Rtribling Organist , G . W . Marsden I . G ., IT . Forbes Steward , J . II . Woodward Assistant Steward , aud W . Harrison Tvler . Tho W . M . then invested tho
I . P . M . with a jewel , and in so doing in eloquent terms referred to tho manner in which ho had discharged tho duties which appert lined to his office as Master . Tho past year had beon ono of unclouded prosperity . The Great Architect of tho Universe had shod His benign influence on them , for which they ono and nil i - turned tlio hornago of grateful hearts , at tho same time renewing their fidelity and
allegiance , and hoping tho same blessings would be vouchsafed in tho fuluro . Continuing , the W . M . said that all tho brethren felt under deep obligation to Bro . Bryant for the judicious , able , and exemplary manner in which ho had filled tho chair during his tenure of office , and the intimacy he had exhibited with all that became ; i Master Mason in a position of responsibility . He ( tho W . M . ) hoped thafc
he would be long spared to render assistance in that Lodgo , for tho good of Freemasonry generally , and for the edification of tho members in particular . The I . P . M . acknowledged tho compliment in a modest speech , characteristic of himself . The report of tho Audit Committee was then taken as read , and that portion having reference to the Charities adjourned for consideration until next year . Tho
Lodge was then closed in due form . We may state hero that owing to defective ventilation , tho heat was almost insupportable . Tho following members of the Lodge were present : —Bros . P . M . ' s Sugden , Lyon , Bickerton , aud Bickerstaff ; G . P . Britten , C . H . Turner , F . G . Lewin , 0 . Lyle , C . F . Cockle , F . Armstrong , H . Chabot , R . Irvine , S . H . Goldschmidt , A . XV . Hammond , J . W . Tnrney , J . 0 .
Bradley , C . Cornes , J . A . Thornhill , C . Stevens , C . Wilson , C . J . Tyroll , J . S . Asman , D . D . Mercer , R . Strong , J . P .. T . E . Webb , R . J . Voisey , T . T . Brooks , J . B . Noble , T . C . P . Anstey , XV . T . Brooks , XV . L . Permewan , W . Farmer , and several others . Among the Visitors were Bros . C . Greenwood P . G . S . B ., J . Terry P . M . Secretary of tho Benevolent Institution , F . Binckes P . M . Past Grand Steward , T .
Poore P . M . 720 , M . S . Larlham P . M . 1216 , XV . 0 . Davey J . D . 1512 Treasurer of tho Lebanon Chapter , J . Duckefct P . M . 507 , and Hon . Secretary , H . Vickey P . M . 1475 and 1622 , J . H . Botley P . M . 22 , W . Arnold 818 , 0 . H . Cohen , F . Dcring W . M . 1311 , J . G . Loughborough P . M . 140 , Rev . H . W . Turner 1347 Chaplain , IT . M . Penny 1079 , H . Griffiths 18 , Alphouso Estoclefc 1641 , J . Faulkner 1641 , J . " F . Quafcly
228 , G . H . Kilson 518 , J . Garner P . M . 975 and 1622 , H . W . Turner 1347 , C . A . Wells W . M . 15 , XV . H . Mnlly P . M . 256 , M . W . Goss P . M . 176 , F . Hilton S . D . 174 Preceptor , D . Roso 73 P . M ., It . J . Vincent 1011 , G . Cotton 1041 , 0 . H . Cohen 58 S . W ., 0 . S . Scales P . M . 1707 , S . Payne S . D . 16 G 9 , A Lester 1309 , 0 . Bickerton , and several other country members . An adjournment to tho banquetting-hall , which
Bro . Slavvson , of 736 Old Kent-road , had decoralcd for tho occasion , and in which he had also in readiness n recherche banquet , which was served in a most superior manner , and elicited the commendation of all present , and to which ample justice was done . On the removal of tho cloth , grace having boon sung , the Worshipful Master remarked that , owing to the timo occupied in tho Tcmplo
being of a long duration , aud as tho brethren who had so kindly proffered their musical services would havs to retire at an earl y hour , lie wonld suggest that'the speeches should be as brief as possible . The first toast he should propose would bo tho Queen and tho Craft . Our graciius Queen had truly loyal subjects in the Craft , all of whom desire that she may long continue to hold tho sceptre over a
prosperous and contented people . The toast was thon pledged , and tho National Anthem was sung . Tho W . M . next proposed the health of tho Most Worshipful the Grand Master , His Royal Highness tho Priuco of Wales , prefacing the toast with somo exceedingly eloquent remarks . Following the toast , " God Bless tho Prince of Wales " was given , with chorus . The Worshipful Master remarked that ns
loyalty existed in other minds towards Her Majesty apart from the Order , so also there was fealty therein towards the Grand Lodgo . , tho several members of which had tho welfare and interests of Frecmnsoury at heart , proof of which would recur to tho recollection of all who heard him . In the history of Masonry there never had been more efficient members in Grand Lodge than afc thafc moment . Ho
was sure tint ifc afforded the orcthren great pleasure to sue several members of tlio Grand Lodgo on his right hand on that occasion , and he would aval ! himself of the opportunity to express his thanks to those brethren who , at much personal inconvenience , wore their jewels from Grand Lodgo that evening . He then gave tho Pro f ' ra / ul . Master tho Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand / . Taster tho Earl of
Lathom , and tho rest of tho Grand Officer - past and present , coupling : ho name of Bro . C . Greenwood Past Grand Sword Bearer , whoso merits they all know are ! appreciated . -V'i . er the glue ' ¦' Strike tho Lyre , " had been auug , Bro . C . Gr-enwoo . l rosp .-tided . Ho remarked that owing to the pressing nature rf his daily avocations he had i ,-en unable to take part in all the labours of tho afternoon , n < - '
rri-umstancc lie much regretted . He had on former visits received so •uiny acts of kindness ami courtesy from these present than ho fep , ¦ i . 'iTecilv at home unio . ig Ihe members ef tho Sphiir ; Lodge , and it lilbrded him great pleasure that his name , should have been associated with the toast , for tho reason that an opportunity presented tsolf to express his opinion , both as regarded tho Grand Lod ge , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
tho nsnal toasts wero given . Tho health of tho W . M . was proposed by Bro . Clemow , that of the Past Masters generally following from thchair . To this each of the brethren who havo passed the chair of the Lodgo replied , and then Bro . Willing assumed tho gavel . Tho W . M had kindly commissioned him to propose the health of tho Visitors , perhaps feeling that ifc required somo ono of greater assurance than
ho to dn justice toso glorious an assemblage of guests . The presence of so many Visitors was a particular pleasure to tho founders of the Royal Savoy Lodge , for it must bo remembered that it Mas but three years sinco that it numbered but seven founders , and tho attendance now of so many distinguished members of the Craft was an assurance to thoso seven brethren thafc what thoy had dono was looked upon
with favour . He tendered them all tho heartiest welcome tho Lodgo conld afford , and trusted they and others would bo present from timo to timo at the meetings of tho Lodge . Bro . W . H . Rohrs W . M . 940 was tho first to reply ; he tendered the thanks of himself and brother visitors to tho brethren of tho Lodgo for their hospitalitv . Bro . H . Stiles W . M . 1732 followed . Ho had visited tho Royal Savoy
Lodge on several occasions , and had seen each of its Past Masters occupying the chair . The welcome accorded to visitors under tho rule of each had been most cordial , there appenred to bo ono feeling entertained by all as regarded tho guests . They each strived to outdo tho other in tho warmth of their reception , and the invariable invitation was , Como again , we aro always pleased to see you . Bro . Michael
W . M . 1107 also spoke to tho toast , as did Bro . Burg < ss Worshipfnl Master 1472 , Mursell Worshipful Master 35 , Garrod Worshipful Master 754 , and others . The toast of the Initiates followed ; each of tho newly-admitted brethen replying . Brother Willing gave tho next toast . As time was rather short , tho W . M . had desired him to adopt a somewhat informal course , namely , to propose in one toast
success to tho Masonic Charities nnd the Masonic Press . He looked upon these two Institutions as two of the most important ndjnncts to Freemasonry . In Brother Mason , the representative o the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , they had a thorough support of the Charities , aud one who seemed to do everything ifc was possible for man to do to add to tbe success of tho Institutions connected with
the Craft . He ably represented Bro . Terry , the Secretary of tho " Old Folks , " to whom tho brethren of the Royal Savoy Lodge were under some amount of obligation , ns ho had at tho time of the foundation of the Lodee , rendered great service b y acting as its Consecrating Officer . His absence on the present occasion was owinoto his presence being required elsewhere , but he had sent a very
good deputy , and one who could speak to the toast with ability . He thought the best recommendation he could give Bro . Mason personally waa to say that he was a somewhat dangerons man to know , as he seemed to possess the knack of advocating tho cause of his Institution so well as to compel brethren to support it . He had that evening induced the Past Masters to promise that
one _ of their number should act as Steward at the next Festival of the Benevolent , and it now only remained for the brethren to do their part to vender Bro . Mason ' s work worthy of the reception it should receive . Ho could not omit to mention also , that he materially assisted the Lodge that evening by acting , first , in one capacity and then hi
another at the earlier part of the evening . As representative of the other portion of the toast , ho was glad to again welcome Bro . Mom-an jun ., and he hoped that at many future meetings of tho Lodgo these two brethren would again be present . Bros . Mason and Morgan having replied , the W . M . proposed the Officers of the Lodgo , and each
of thoso brethren having spoken , the Tyler was called and tho con . eluding toast honoured . The Past Master ' s jewel presented to Bro . Clemow , bore the following inscription . " Presented to Bro . F . H . Clemow P . M ., by the Savoy Lodge , No . 1744 , as a mark of esteem , and in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . 1880-81 . "
Among the Visitors wero Bros . W . Fountain 879 , A . Hayman 375 II . Speedy P . M . 742 , Henry Stiles W . M . 1732 , j . Garrod W . M . 754 , C . H . Mursell W . M . 35 , R , J . Taylor P . M . 144 , H . Medway 177 , G . L Moore P . M . 169 , XV . Birrell 1310 , B . Kanffmann D . C . 1732 , T . Butt P . M . 700 , J . J . Michael W . M . 1107 P . P . G . P . Kent
W . Knight S . D . 87 , J . Mason P . P . S . G . D . Middlesex , J . E . Thomas I . G . 619 , J . Knowles 1744 , C . G . Brown 1589 , XV . XV . Morgan jun J . W . 1107 , W . F .. Davis I . G . 87 , T . Pinn 860 , J . II . Grant 1507 , A . Wingrove 3 , E . Storr J . D . 167 , C . Harris 79 , C . Baker 201 , W . J . Bnrgess W . M . 1472 , W . Abrahams 201 , J . Paul 1287 , XV . H Rohrs W . M . 946 , & c .
SPHINX LODGE , No , 1329 .
ON Saturday afternoon the brethren of this flourishing Lod < , 'e assembled at the Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-voad , for the purpose of installing the W . M . elect Bro . J . R . Richards , and also to transact other important matters connected with this Lodgo iu particular and the Order generally . As on former occasions , the Ledge ; was opened in due form to a minute , all tho Officers beina iu their
respective- positions previously thereto . This is as it should be . After the minutes of the preceding meeting Lad been rend and confirmed , and somo miner matters of detail settled , Bro . Walter John Brooks was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft , the interesting and impressive ceremony being performed by the W . M . Bro . Bryant . The
installation ceremony was then proceeded with , in the presence of : i hoard of twenty-three installed Masters—a most unusual occurrence , in South London at least . Bros . Bryant and R . J . Voisey conducted tho proceedings , the latter with mnch tact and efficiency acting as Director of the Ceremonies . There was nofc a hitch throughout . Bro ,
Bryant had , moreover , been called upon at a short notice to undertago the labours , ns likewise had Bro . Voisey , P . M . Niiinio havine . been called away into the country . Afc the conclusion of the protractor ] ritual , Bros . A . Lester , II . Griffiths , J . II . Asmau , A . Stribling Organist , and R . J . Voisey sang the anthem , " Behold how good aud
Installation Meetings, &C.
joyful , " and immediately afterwards tho whole of the brethren rendered tho hymn commencing "O God our hope . " The solemn manner in which this noble composition was rendered had a most pleasing effect , nnd demonstrated , that in addition to many other " gifts and graces , " a vast , amount of musical talent , is cultivated by tho brethren of this popular Lodge . Tho labours
associated with the evening wero then resumed , under tho direction of Bro . Voisey , and the salutations in each degree given in due form . These being concluded , the W . M . proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers for tho ensuing year . This part of his duty was performed in a most effective , courteous , and impressive style . Tho respective charges wero given in a manner peculiarly winnimr . We annex tho
names of thoso honoured to hold olhce . Bro . B . C . Bryant' [ . P . M ., G . S . Mausell S . W ., A . Middlomass ( P . M . 957 ) J . W ., J . C . Reynolds sen . Treasurer , J . Itirnaman Secretary , J . 0 . Reynolds jun . S D ., J . J . Brintou J . D ., P . A . Nairno P . M . D . C ., A . Rtribling Organist , G . W . Marsden I . G ., IT . Forbes Steward , J . II . Woodward Assistant Steward , aud W . Harrison Tvler . Tho W . M . then invested tho
I . P . M . with a jewel , and in so doing in eloquent terms referred to tho manner in which ho had discharged tho duties which appert lined to his office as Master . Tho past year had beon ono of unclouded prosperity . The Great Architect of tho Universe had shod His benign influence on them , for which they ono and nil i - turned tlio hornago of grateful hearts , at tho same time renewing their fidelity and
allegiance , and hoping tho same blessings would be vouchsafed in tho fuluro . Continuing , the W . M . said that all tho brethren felt under deep obligation to Bro . Bryant for the judicious , able , and exemplary manner in which ho had filled tho chair during his tenure of office , and the intimacy he had exhibited with all that became ; i Master Mason in a position of responsibility . He ( tho W . M . ) hoped thafc
he would be long spared to render assistance in that Lodgo , for tho good of Freemasonry generally , and for the edification of tho members in particular . The I . P . M . acknowledged tho compliment in a modest speech , characteristic of himself . The report of tho Audit Committee was then taken as read , and that portion having reference to the Charities adjourned for consideration until next year . Tho
Lodge was then closed in due form . We may state hero that owing to defective ventilation , tho heat was almost insupportable . Tho following members of the Lodge were present : —Bros . P . M . ' s Sugden , Lyon , Bickerton , aud Bickerstaff ; G . P . Britten , C . H . Turner , F . G . Lewin , 0 . Lyle , C . F . Cockle , F . Armstrong , H . Chabot , R . Irvine , S . H . Goldschmidt , A . XV . Hammond , J . W . Tnrney , J . 0 .
Bradley , C . Cornes , J . A . Thornhill , C . Stevens , C . Wilson , C . J . Tyroll , J . S . Asman , D . D . Mercer , R . Strong , J . P .. T . E . Webb , R . J . Voisey , T . T . Brooks , J . B . Noble , T . C . P . Anstey , XV . T . Brooks , XV . L . Permewan , W . Farmer , and several others . Among the Visitors were Bros . C . Greenwood P . G . S . B ., J . Terry P . M . Secretary of tho Benevolent Institution , F . Binckes P . M . Past Grand Steward , T .
Poore P . M . 720 , M . S . Larlham P . M . 1216 , XV . 0 . Davey J . D . 1512 Treasurer of tho Lebanon Chapter , J . Duckefct P . M . 507 , and Hon . Secretary , H . Vickey P . M . 1475 and 1622 , J . H . Botley P . M . 22 , W . Arnold 818 , 0 . H . Cohen , F . Dcring W . M . 1311 , J . G . Loughborough P . M . 140 , Rev . H . W . Turner 1347 Chaplain , IT . M . Penny 1079 , H . Griffiths 18 , Alphouso Estoclefc 1641 , J . Faulkner 1641 , J . " F . Quafcly
228 , G . H . Kilson 518 , J . Garner P . M . 975 and 1622 , H . W . Turner 1347 , C . A . Wells W . M . 15 , XV . H . Mnlly P . M . 256 , M . W . Goss P . M . 176 , F . Hilton S . D . 174 Preceptor , D . Roso 73 P . M ., It . J . Vincent 1011 , G . Cotton 1041 , 0 . H . Cohen 58 S . W ., 0 . S . Scales P . M . 1707 , S . Payne S . D . 16 G 9 , A Lester 1309 , 0 . Bickerton , and several other country members . An adjournment to tho banquetting-hall , which
Bro . Slavvson , of 736 Old Kent-road , had decoralcd for tho occasion , and in which he had also in readiness n recherche banquet , which was served in a most superior manner , and elicited the commendation of all present , and to which ample justice was done . On the removal of tho cloth , grace having boon sung , the Worshipful Master remarked that , owing to the timo occupied in tho Tcmplo
being of a long duration , aud as tho brethren who had so kindly proffered their musical services would havs to retire at an earl y hour , lie wonld suggest that'the speeches should be as brief as possible . The first toast he should propose would bo tho Queen and tho Craft . Our graciius Queen had truly loyal subjects in the Craft , all of whom desire that she may long continue to hold tho sceptre over a
prosperous and contented people . The toast was thon pledged , and tho National Anthem was sung . Tho W . M . next proposed the health of tho Most Worshipful the Grand Master , His Royal Highness tho Priuco of Wales , prefacing the toast with somo exceedingly eloquent remarks . Following the toast , " God Bless tho Prince of Wales " was given , with chorus . The Worshipful Master remarked that ns
loyalty existed in other minds towards Her Majesty apart from the Order , so also there was fealty therein towards the Grand Lodgo . , tho several members of which had tho welfare and interests of Frecmnsoury at heart , proof of which would recur to tho recollection of all who heard him . In the history of Masonry there never had been more efficient members in Grand Lodge than afc thafc moment . Ho
was sure tint ifc afforded the orcthren great pleasure to sue several members of tlio Grand Lodgo on his right hand on that occasion , and he would aval ! himself of the opportunity to express his thanks to those brethren who , at much personal inconvenience , wore their jewels from Grand Lodgo that evening . He then gave tho Pro f ' ra / ul . Master tho Earl of Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand / . Taster tho Earl of
Lathom , and tho rest of tho Grand Officer - past and present , coupling : ho name of Bro . C . Greenwood Past Grand Sword Bearer , whoso merits they all know are ! appreciated . -V'i . er the glue ' ¦' Strike tho Lyre , " had been auug , Bro . C . Gr-enwoo . l rosp .-tided . Ho remarked that owing to the pressing nature rf his daily avocations he had i ,-en unable to take part in all the labours of tho afternoon , n < - '
rri-umstancc lie much regretted . He had on former visits received so •uiny acts of kindness ami courtesy from these present than ho fep , ¦ i . 'iTecilv at home unio . ig Ihe members ef tho Sphiir ; Lodge , and it lilbrded him great pleasure that his name , should have been associated with the toast , for tho reason that an opportunity presented tsolf to express his opinion , both as regarded tho Grand Lod ge , and