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Installation Meetings, &C.
toasts wero given and duly responded to . Bro . Binckes , the Secretary of the Boys' School , responding to tho toast of tho Charities , made an eloquent appeal on their behalf , observing that from the frequency of his utterances on this subject a great deal of ingenuity would be required on bis part to say anything now . Ho conld only
reiterate what he had so often said on previous occasions , and lay t ho several Charities before the brethren for their support with all the eaniestness he could command , asking thoso who had assisted to continue their efforts in the cause , aud thoso who had not yet contributed to give the matter their very earnest consideration . Bro . Binckes ' remarks were listened to with much attention by those present .
St . Dunstan ' s Lodge , No . 1589 . — -A regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , evening , under the presidency of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Thomas Anthony Woodbridgo P . M . No . 1194 , amongst those also present Bros . G . M . A . Low , Alfred Tisley Sec , W . Farrington Organist , W . Clemow S . D ., F . Farrington J . D ., W . E . Farrington I . G ., J . W .
Benningfield Steward , J . Gilbert Tyler , Henry Turner I . P . M ., Walter Wellsman P . M ., H . W . Dalwood P . M ., J . C . Dwarber P . M ., John Dodson P . M ., A . H . Jenkins , F . J . Elliot , M . W . Edwards , C . G . Brown , John Waller , E . Symons , J . A . Harrison , H . G . Harris , David R . Lowe , John Jones , John Esson , XV . H , Longman , Robert Skelton , John G-iseard , A . Dickinson , and F J . E . Young . Visitors—Bros . John
Bertram P . M . 742 , George Hollington P . M . 933 , T . Walls P . S . B . Middlesex , J . B . Marshall Treas . 1777 , E . Blake 507 , W . Abbott 507 , H . E . Joyce 1601 , and Walter P . Story 1365 . Lodge was opened in accordance with ancient rites , aud having beon advanced , Bros . F . J . Elliot , J . A . Harrison , and David R . Lowe , were raised to the sublime degree , by the Worshipful Master , who performed the ceremony in
a perfect and impressive manner . Thia being the onl y business on the agenda , Lodge was closed in form , and the brethren partook of an excellent repast , served by Bro . Clemow , in a style for which this old establishment and reputed Hotel is proverbial . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero duly honoured , nnd interspersed with some excellent harmony , the evening was passed happily .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — A meeting was held on Thursday , the 18 th instant , at tho Feathers ' Hotel , Ealing . Bros . J . Green W . M ., H . E . Tucker S . W ., W . Seward J . W ., Cunningham S . D ., Jones J . D ., C . Andrews P . M . I . G . ; Bros .
Bellerby , Walters , Smith , Clarke , Balysey . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Bellerby candidate . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Balysey candidate . Lodge was closed in the second degree . The W . M . delivered the charge .
Lodge Sincerity No . 1019 , Wakekeld , West Yor . ks . — At the usual monthly meeting of the above named Lodge , Bro . Joseph Matthewman was chosen W . M . for the ensuing year . Mr . Matthew Samuel Walker was initiated into Masonry , and at the close of business Bro . William Henry Gill , J . P ., P . P . G . Warden , presented a full set of Provincial clothing and jewel to Bro . Henry France
P . M . P . P . G . D . of C , which had been purchased by a few members of the Lodge , as a recognition of long and valued services . Bro . France was initiated in Lodge Wakefield , 727 , now 495 , 14 th May 1861 , and was a founder of Lodge Sincerity , No . 1019 , in 1864 . He served the office of W . M . in 1866 , and was appointed Provincial
G . D . of C . by Bro . Bently Shaw , and invested by the Marquess of Ripon in 1872 . Bro . Fiance has a son a member of the Lodge . Bro . Franco's father occupied the office of Prov . G . D . of Cer . from 1830 till 1849 , when he was made S . G . Warden , and was held in high esteem by the Craft .
WHAT IS MOST NEEDED . —We declare the foundations of Masonry imperishable , because they rest upon Divine command . We know that they are no more to be disturbed by open designing enemies than by the amount of their denunciation ; nevertheless we may impose upon them a structure that obscures their origin , only to insure a want of respect for our pretensions . If we do this , there ia not any escape
from merited obsenrity . Our Institution , with all others , will be commended or condemned as it adheres io or deviates from its professions . If a Lodge is to command the respect of tbe community in which it exists , it must insist upon truest manhood from its members . Practical life is the demonstrator of personal character . What a Mason does is the true index of his value to humanity . Tho same rule applies to men in their associated capacity . Profossiotts avo not of any
importance iu presence ofadisregard for obligations , and tho more exalted our official or other Masonic attainments the more vivid and damaging onr insincerity . Our Fraternity should have men rather than professional theorists who can coolly administer a ritual , become eloquent in discussing the fundamental ideas and demands of tho Lodge , aud I ho next moment jubilant in associations thafc do nofc have a remote relation to respectability . — M . W . Wm . Scoil , O . M . of Illinois .
The Installation ceremony will be rehearsed in the Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 , held at The Moovgate , 15 Finsbury Pavement , on Wednesday
next , 30 f . li November , at 7 p . m ., by Brother W . H . Myer .-i . P . M . 820 and 1445 , Preceptor . Brethren arc cordially invited to attend . Earl CWper , K . Cf ., Lord Lie ntenjvnt of Irokuui , and I lie Countess Cowpci ' , left Dublin for Belfast on Tuesday morn-
Installation Meetings, &C.
ing . The Viceregal party were met on their arrival by ( lie Mayor and Covpo , < diou , when a procession was formed , nnd the distinguished visitors were conducted to tho Town Hall , where an address of welcome was p eseiued to his
Excellency . The party afterwards left for Clandeboyo House , where they were the guests of Sir Thomas and Lady M'dure . On Wednesday His Excellency received sundiy deputations , all of which were highly pleased with the reception accorded them .
Monday , being ( he forty-first anniversary of the birth of Her Eoyal and Imperial Highness Victoria Princess of Great Britain and Ireland and Crow n Princess of Germany , the new Museum of Art Industry at Berlin was opened , with much pomp and ceremony , by the Crown Prince Frederick
William , Deputy Protector of tho Grand Lodges of Prussia . Among the speakers was Bro . Sir P . Cunliffo Owen , Director of the South Kensington Museum . A State banquet was held in the afternoon , in the Round Hall
of the Imperial Palace , in honour of Her Royal and Imperial Highness ' s birthday , at which the members of the Imperial Family , the higher Court officials , and tho British Ambassador were present .
We regiet to announce the ' continued indisposition of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany , Protector of the Grand Lodges of Prussia . The Duke of Abercorn , K . G ., Grand Master of Ireland ,
with the Duchess of Abercorn , the Hon . Sidney Herbert , M . P ., & c , & c , left Baron ' s Court last week on a visit to Sir John and Lady Leslie , at Glasslough , county Monaghan .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has signified his intention of taking part in the proceedings of a meeting which it is in contemplation to hold in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey , on Monday , 12 th December , under the presidency of Dean Bradley , for the purpose of raising a memorial to the late Dean Stanley .
H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has consentedJto preside at a dinner , to be held towards the end of February next , for the benefit of the Royal Association in aid of the Deaf and Dumb , St . Saviour ' s , Oxford-street .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record ; of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price - " 13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FKEEMASON-3 CHEONIOLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons'Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . In . tending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . ' Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN at High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE I-JEEIUSON ' S CHKONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTSPer Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , ls per lino .
Crown Svo , price 2 s 6 rt , cloth lettered . Imforim-hj ctf gtoMfo § tUml mu \ mwmvM . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & e . " May bo road with advantage by tlie whole Craft . "—Sunday Tim e * . "'traml Lodgo should at once set to work to secure the desired uniformity . " —Mrffielil 1 ' onf . "The subject is ably argued by the author . "— Western . Daily Mercury . " Useful : ind valuable i" the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will liave a material effect on tho future of Masonic l-itual . "—Sonlh Western Slur . "The author adduces many variations in tho language used by different PreccntcrS . "—Cnx ' . i Montlilii Leyal Circular . ' " Ought to lie in the hands of every -Mason . "—Northn . npfnii Cri'urdian . "To Freemasons ireiMrnlly it will bo found useful and valuable , aud wo commend it to their notice aceor I ingly . "—SV / v-. y County Oh . i .-reer . "P . ro . Steed's' motion for a Committee on the subject , of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a large majority . ' '—Frenunmn ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , : Jnl December 1 * 79 . Sent , bv post , on rucoipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STKVENS , J 12 High-street , Clapham , S . XV . ; or by Bro . W . VV . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
toasts wero given and duly responded to . Bro . Binckes , the Secretary of the Boys' School , responding to tho toast of tho Charities , made an eloquent appeal on their behalf , observing that from the frequency of his utterances on this subject a great deal of ingenuity would be required on bis part to say anything now . Ho conld only
reiterate what he had so often said on previous occasions , and lay t ho several Charities before the brethren for their support with all the eaniestness he could command , asking thoso who had assisted to continue their efforts in the cause , aud thoso who had not yet contributed to give the matter their very earnest consideration . Bro . Binckes ' remarks were listened to with much attention by those present .
St . Dunstan ' s Lodge , No . 1589 . — -A regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , evening , under the presidency of the Worshipful Master , Bro . Thomas Anthony Woodbridgo P . M . No . 1194 , amongst those also present Bros . G . M . A . Low , Alfred Tisley Sec , W . Farrington Organist , W . Clemow S . D ., F . Farrington J . D ., W . E . Farrington I . G ., J . W .
Benningfield Steward , J . Gilbert Tyler , Henry Turner I . P . M ., Walter Wellsman P . M ., H . W . Dalwood P . M ., J . C . Dwarber P . M ., John Dodson P . M ., A . H . Jenkins , F . J . Elliot , M . W . Edwards , C . G . Brown , John Waller , E . Symons , J . A . Harrison , H . G . Harris , David R . Lowe , John Jones , John Esson , XV . H , Longman , Robert Skelton , John G-iseard , A . Dickinson , and F J . E . Young . Visitors—Bros . John
Bertram P . M . 742 , George Hollington P . M . 933 , T . Walls P . S . B . Middlesex , J . B . Marshall Treas . 1777 , E . Blake 507 , W . Abbott 507 , H . E . Joyce 1601 , and Walter P . Story 1365 . Lodge was opened in accordance with ancient rites , aud having beon advanced , Bros . F . J . Elliot , J . A . Harrison , and David R . Lowe , were raised to the sublime degree , by the Worshipful Master , who performed the ceremony in
a perfect and impressive manner . Thia being the onl y business on the agenda , Lodge was closed in form , and the brethren partook of an excellent repast , served by Bro . Clemow , in a style for which this old establishment and reputed Hotel is proverbial . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts wero duly honoured , nnd interspersed with some excellent harmony , the evening was passed happily .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612 . — A meeting was held on Thursday , the 18 th instant , at tho Feathers ' Hotel , Ealing . Bros . J . Green W . M ., H . E . Tucker S . W ., W . Seward J . W ., Cunningham S . D ., Jones J . D ., C . Andrews P . M . I . G . ; Bros .
Bellerby , Walters , Smith , Clarke , Balysey . After preliminaries , the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Bellerby candidate . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Balysey candidate . Lodge was closed in the second degree . The W . M . delivered the charge .
Lodge Sincerity No . 1019 , Wakekeld , West Yor . ks . — At the usual monthly meeting of the above named Lodge , Bro . Joseph Matthewman was chosen W . M . for the ensuing year . Mr . Matthew Samuel Walker was initiated into Masonry , and at the close of business Bro . William Henry Gill , J . P ., P . P . G . Warden , presented a full set of Provincial clothing and jewel to Bro . Henry France
P . M . P . P . G . D . of C , which had been purchased by a few members of the Lodge , as a recognition of long and valued services . Bro . France was initiated in Lodge Wakefield , 727 , now 495 , 14 th May 1861 , and was a founder of Lodge Sincerity , No . 1019 , in 1864 . He served the office of W . M . in 1866 , and was appointed Provincial
G . D . of C . by Bro . Bently Shaw , and invested by the Marquess of Ripon in 1872 . Bro . Fiance has a son a member of the Lodge . Bro . Franco's father occupied the office of Prov . G . D . of Cer . from 1830 till 1849 , when he was made S . G . Warden , and was held in high esteem by the Craft .
WHAT IS MOST NEEDED . —We declare the foundations of Masonry imperishable , because they rest upon Divine command . We know that they are no more to be disturbed by open designing enemies than by the amount of their denunciation ; nevertheless we may impose upon them a structure that obscures their origin , only to insure a want of respect for our pretensions . If we do this , there ia not any escape
from merited obsenrity . Our Institution , with all others , will be commended or condemned as it adheres io or deviates from its professions . If a Lodge is to command the respect of tbe community in which it exists , it must insist upon truest manhood from its members . Practical life is the demonstrator of personal character . What a Mason does is the true index of his value to humanity . Tho same rule applies to men in their associated capacity . Profossiotts avo not of any
importance iu presence ofadisregard for obligations , and tho more exalted our official or other Masonic attainments the more vivid and damaging onr insincerity . Our Fraternity should have men rather than professional theorists who can coolly administer a ritual , become eloquent in discussing the fundamental ideas and demands of tho Lodge , aud I ho next moment jubilant in associations thafc do nofc have a remote relation to respectability . — M . W . Wm . Scoil , O . M . of Illinois .
The Installation ceremony will be rehearsed in the Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1445 , held at The Moovgate , 15 Finsbury Pavement , on Wednesday
next , 30 f . li November , at 7 p . m ., by Brother W . H . Myer .-i . P . M . 820 and 1445 , Preceptor . Brethren arc cordially invited to attend . Earl CWper , K . Cf ., Lord Lie ntenjvnt of Irokuui , and I lie Countess Cowpci ' , left Dublin for Belfast on Tuesday morn-
Installation Meetings, &C.
ing . The Viceregal party were met on their arrival by ( lie Mayor and Covpo , < diou , when a procession was formed , nnd the distinguished visitors were conducted to tho Town Hall , where an address of welcome was p eseiued to his
Excellency . The party afterwards left for Clandeboyo House , where they were the guests of Sir Thomas and Lady M'dure . On Wednesday His Excellency received sundiy deputations , all of which were highly pleased with the reception accorded them .
Monday , being ( he forty-first anniversary of the birth of Her Eoyal and Imperial Highness Victoria Princess of Great Britain and Ireland and Crow n Princess of Germany , the new Museum of Art Industry at Berlin was opened , with much pomp and ceremony , by the Crown Prince Frederick
William , Deputy Protector of tho Grand Lodges of Prussia . Among the speakers was Bro . Sir P . Cunliffo Owen , Director of the South Kensington Museum . A State banquet was held in the afternoon , in the Round Hall
of the Imperial Palace , in honour of Her Royal and Imperial Highness ' s birthday , at which the members of the Imperial Family , the higher Court officials , and tho British Ambassador were present .
We regiet to announce the ' continued indisposition of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany , Protector of the Grand Lodges of Prussia . The Duke of Abercorn , K . G ., Grand Master of Ireland ,
with the Duchess of Abercorn , the Hon . Sidney Herbert , M . P ., & c , & c , left Baron ' s Court last week on a visit to Sir John and Lady Leslie , at Glasslough , county Monaghan .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has signified his intention of taking part in the proceedings of a meeting which it is in contemplation to hold in the Chapter House of Westminster Abbey , on Monday , 12 th December , under the presidency of Dean Bradley , for the purpose of raising a memorial to the late Dean Stanley .
H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught has consentedJto preside at a dinner , to be held towards the end of February next , for the benefit of the Royal Association in aid of the Deaf and Dumb , St . Saviour ' s , Oxford-street .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record ; of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price - " 13 s 6 d per annum , post free . THE FKEEMASON-3 CHEONIOLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , W . C , ( opposite Freemasons'Hall ) , on receipt of Post Office Order for the amount . In . tending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . ' Post Office Orders to be made payable to W , W . MORGAN at High Holborn Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE I-JEEIUSON ' S CHKONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTSPer Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , ls per lino .
Crown Svo , price 2 s 6 rt , cloth lettered . Imforim-hj ctf gtoMfo § tUml mu \ mwmvM . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & e . " May bo road with advantage by tlie whole Craft . "—Sunday Tim e * . "'traml Lodgo should at once set to work to secure the desired uniformity . " —Mrffielil 1 ' onf . "The subject is ably argued by the author . "— Western . Daily Mercury . " Useful : ind valuable i" the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . "Will liave a material effect on tho future of Masonic l-itual . "—Sonlh Western Slur . "The author adduces many variations in tho language used by different PreccntcrS . "—Cnx ' . i Montlilii Leyal Circular . ' " Ought to lie in the hands of every -Mason . "—Northn . npfnii Cri'urdian . "To Freemasons ireiMrnlly it will bo found useful and valuable , aud wo commend it to their notice aceor I ingly . "—SV / v-. y County Oh . i .-reer . "P . ro . Steed's' motion for a Committee on the subject , of Uniformity of Ritual was carried by a large majority . ' '—Frenunmn ' s Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , : Jnl December 1 * 79 . Sent , bv post , on rucoipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STKVENS , J 12 High-street , Clapham , S . XV . ; or by Bro . W . VV . MORGAN , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .