Article SCIENTIFIC LODGE, No. 840. ← Page 2 of 2 Article HOLMESDALE LODGE, No. 874. Page 1 of 1 Article HOLMESDALE LODGE, No. 874. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF ST. JOHN, No. 1343, GRAYS, ESSEX. Page 1 of 2 →
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Scientific Lodge, No. 840.
which timo ho had watched his progress in Masonry and had observed how enthusiastically ho had worked in every degree , aud therefore ho felt suro if the samo perseverance wero manifested during his occupation of tho chair , ho wonld have a very successful year of office lie hoped tho duties that would devolve npon Brother Large wonld bo of a far more seriou 3 and onerous character than they were during
tho past year , because ho was supported by able Officers who would assist him in thoso duties , and he was also surronnded by n largo circle of brethren who would give him all tho support thoy possibly could . Bro . Largo , the W . M ., suitably responded to tho compliment . He said his ambition had been to occupy tho chair , and now ho had secured that position ho would try to discharge tho duty appertaining
to it with satisfaction and with credit to tho Craft , and hoped that at the closo of his year of office , ho might be able to show as good a financial position as his predecessor . The toast "Tho health of tho I . P . M . " was given by tho W . M ., who said ho had a ploasing duty to perform , viz . to invest Bro . Culverhouso with tho Past Master ' s jewel , and trusted ho might bo spared many years to wear it in tho Scientific
Lodge . Bro . Cnlverhonso thonght he did not deserve the honour they had awarded to him that oveuing . Ho was sure no words of his conld express tho feelings that agitated his mind at that moment , and especially so when he remembered that during tho past year he could not tako to himself any credit for what had been done , because he had received tho sympathy and co-operation of tho mombers and tho
generous assistance of tho P . M . ' s in all'the duties belonging to the office . When ho accepted the position of W . M . he did it with a great deal of diffidence , because he considered tho duties connected with it wero very important . He thanked them heartily for the beautiful jewel which they had presented to him , and assured them it would act as an incentive to further efforts on his part in promoting the
success and prosperity of the Scientific Lodge , and shonld any effort of his be able to win another jewel , ho was certain it would nob bo received with a greater degree of pleasure than that which they had conferred npon him that evening . Tho toast of " The Fast Masters " was coupled with the namo of Bro . R . King ( Secretary of Institute ) who suitably responded . Tho Wardens was replied to by Bros .
Eady and Longstaff . The toast The Charities was responded to by Bro . the Rev . F . W . Harnett , who said there was no doubt there could be no society more charitable than that to which they belonged . There was no doubt that anything that would gather men together so as to make their hearts nnite in tho bonds of brotherhood made them better men , and conduced very highly to the benefit of the country .
Ho found that Freemasonry had a strong force in England and in civilized Europe , and therefore they found men of all ranks had associated themselves with Masonry . Kings and princes had connected themselves with it , and had evidently become acquainted with the secrets of their Order . Ho then went on to speak of the charity
that should pervado the members , and said there could be no true brotherhood unless there was charity , and concluded by making a strong ' appeal on behalf of the Charitable Institntions . Bro . T . Taylor also replied to the toast . Tho toast The Visitors , Tho Officers of the Scientific , wero given and heartily responded to . —Croydon's Weekly Standard .
Holmesdale Lodge, No. 874.
THE installation meeting of this prosperous Lodge ( which numbers nearly one hundred brethren ) was held in their magnificent Lodge Room at the Pump Room , Tunbridgo Wells , on Wednesday , 17 th inst ., at threo o ' clock , the retiring W . M . Bro . H . D . M . Williams being the Installing Master . Amongst the brethren present were—W . Stephens P . M . of Ripon 1489 Prov . G . D . C ., J . Court 1678 , H . Mackay-Pelham P . M ., F . H . Plummer 177 , H . Martinucci 1594 , J . H .
Scott Royal Clarence 271 D . P . G . M . Sussex , A . Spencer Prov . G . S . Kent , C . Burmeister La Tolerance 538 P . M ., Charles Dnko Derwent 40 P . P . G . D . Sussex , Frederick Spencer Mailing Abbey 1063 P . P . J . D . Kent , D . W . Davis Derwent 40 , G . B . Brodio University 1117 W . M . P . G . S . W . Surrey , E . J . Biggs Henley 1472 , G . D . Warner 1678 , T . H . Crouch Worthing 851 P . P . G . J . D . Sussex , J . S . Charlton Tonbridge
1678 , & c . Also Past Masters F . W . Elers , B . Marsack , W . Delves , J , W . Roper , J . Reed , B . S . Wilmot , W . B . Bacon , of the Holmesdale Lodge , and abont forty brethren . The Lodge having opened in solemn form and the minutes confirmed , a dispensation was read from the Grand Master of England , his Royal Highness the Princo of Wales , K . G ., & c , authorising the W . M . to instal the W . M . elect , snch sanction
being necessary in consequence of the W . M . elect being already W . M . of Lodgo 1303 , Lewes . Bro . W . S . Elers P . G . A . S . P . M ., having for eighteen years faithfully and zealously discharged the duty of Treasurer to the Lodge , the brethren at a previous meeting had decided to present him with a Treasurer's jewel as a slight recognition of his services , and of their fraternal regard . The W . M . in the absence of
tho Treasurer , banded the jewel to his brother , F . W . Eler 3 P . G . J . W ., asking him to convey to the Treasurer ( who is now on the Continent ) how much the brethren of tho Lodgo appreciated his very many excellent services as one of the founders of the Lodge and its Treasurer from its commencement , and he and they hoped tbat the great Architect of the "Universe would enable him to continue his exertions
in the cause of Freemasonry for many years to come . For the past six years Bro . J . F . Bates has discharged the duty of Secretary to tho Lodge in such a manner ns to call forth tho admiration of the brethren , and anxious to reward at all times merit and ability , tho W . M . Bro . H . D . M . Williams was deputed to present him with a Secretary ' s jewel and a purse of ten guineas . Tho W . M . in doing so expressed tho pleasure it gave him , and further stated that from the excellent
way in which he had discharged his duties in the past , ho felt sure the success of the Lodge would bo maintained in his hands . Bro . J . F . Bates , in reply , stated that he conld not find word 3 to sufficiently express his gratitude for the kindness which the brethren had conferred npon him , and assured them that nothing shonld prevent him doing the best he could to preserve the peace and harmony of the brethren . Bro . F . W . Elers P . G . J . W . senior P . M . then presented tho
Holmesdale Lodge, No. 874.
W . M . elect , and , in so doing , expressed tho pleasure it gave him , Bro . Hodgkin having been initiated in the Lodge , and duly served the office of Warden , and also having been W . M . of tho Tonbridgo and Lewes Lodges , all which posts he had filled with merit and ability . The ceremony of Installation was then proceeded with in a most impressivo manner , tho charges and exhortations being given by tho
installing Master , Bro . H . D . M . Williams , in such a way as to call forth tho admiration of tho brethren . The following brethren were afterwards invested Officers for tho year : —Bros . J . Burton S . W ., J . E . Ranking J . W ., L . S . Tugwell Chaplain , W . S . Elers Treasurer , J . F . Bates Secretary , E . Dnnkby S . D ., S . A . Cheale J . D ., A . J . Boorman Organist , G . Farrer Sword Bearer , B . S . Wilmot P . M . P . G . R . Kent
and C . Graham D . C . s , G . Beckley P . M . and A . D . Beeching Stewards , W . C . Cripps jun . I . G ., and G . Strange Tyler , for the 19 th time . Tho addresses wero delivered to tho W . M ., Wardens , and Brethren by Bro . H . D . M . Williams . The W . M . then stated that it gave him groat pleasuro , as his first duty , to present to Bro . H . D . M . Williams , the retiring W . M . and Installing Master , a P . M . ' s jewel . Tho Lodgo was
noted for the zeal of its Masters , bnt ho felt sure that no Mastor had discharged his duties moro zealously and impartially , or with greater skill and ability than ho had . Bro . H . D . M . Williams P . M ., in reply , statod that if , by hi 3 huuiblo endoavours , ho had morited and secured the good wishes of the brethren he was amply repaid for any services ho may have rendered . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded
to Bro . H . D . M . Williams for hia services as installing Master . The brethren then adjourned to the new Assembly Room of the Royal Kentish Hotel , where a choice menu awaited them ; ou the removal of the cloth the loyal and Masonio toasts wero given and responded to . During the ovening some very interesting speeches wore made by
the brethren , and tho harmony of tho meeting wa 3 much enhanced by songs , given by Bros . Lord George Novill , Bates , Everett , and Boorman who wero accompanied on tho piano . Bro . B . S . Wilmob P . M . P . G . R . Kent , acted as Master of tho Ceremony of Installation , and tho maunor in which it was performed , deserves tho highest praiso that can possibly be conferred upon him .
Lodge Of St. John, No. 1343, Grays, Essex.
LODGE OF ST . JOHN , No . 1343 , GRAYS , ESSEX .
THOUGH a comparatively yonng Lodge , this Lodge of St . John , which holds its meetings in tho quiet riverside town of Grays , ia a very promising one . Its members are animated by the true fraternal spirit of Masonry , and they strive hard to fulfil their labours in a manner worthy of the good old Craft . Consequently , their gatherings are always of an instructive and genial character—instructive because the style of work is admirable , and genial , because
you have bnt to take your seat in Lodge and at the banquet , and you find yourself as completely at home aa if you had been associated with the Lodge and its members during yonr whole lifetime . There is no Grand display afc the banquet-table , bat a deep sense of hospitality prevails always . Hence it is no wonder that the installation , which was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Grays , on Tuesday , was a
oompleto success * and that the brethren who were privileged to attend as visitors found a hearty welcome . The chair was taken by Bro . James Godwin W . M . pnnotnally at the hour fixed , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the Lodge proceeded to ballot for Messrs . W . Noble Cuming and James Howell . The result in both cases proved favourable , and these gentlemen , being
in attendance , were both initiated into the mysteries of the first degree , tho Worshipful Master fulfilling his part with marked ability and earnestness . Bro . Herbert C . Borradaile , of the Lodge of Goodfellowship No . 276 , of Chelmsford , was next balloted for as a joining member , and elected . Then came the important business of the daynamely , the induction of Bro . F . J . Ash as W . M . elect in the chair of
K . S . The duty of Installing Officer was undertaken by Bro . A . Sturgeon , one of tho Past Masters of the Lodge , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , the ceremony was most impressively rendered . The rest of the Lodge having resumed attendance , the Worshipful Master was saluted and congratulated , and tho following brethren were then appointed and invested with the
insignia of their respective offices , namely : —Bros . Gedge S . W ., E . Sturgeon J . W . and Treasurer , D . Bartletfc Secretary , W . H . Sacketfc S . D ., F . Sackett J . D ., Wingrove I . G ., Cuming W . S ., G . Martin Tyler . We must not omit to state that Bro . A . Stnrgeon was as fervent in his delivery of the usual addresses as ho had been when installing the W . M . The customary " hearty good wishes" having been
expressed , Bro . Ash formally presented the Past Master ' s jewel which had been voted by the Lodge to his predecessor in the chair , Bro . James Godwin , and in doing so paid the latter some well-deserved compliments for tho manner in which , ho had discharged his duties . The gift having been suitably acknowledged , and a vote of thanks having been passed with acclamation to Bro . A . Stnrgeon as tho
Installing Officer , and also acknowledged , the Lodgo was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a quiet but excellent banquet . On the removal of tho cloth , the customary toasts were given , that of the Prov . Grand Master and his Officers being eloquently responded to by Bro . Gard Pye P . M . 51 . On Bro . Godwin I . P . M . devolved the duty of proposing the health of the Worshipful Master , and he
expressed his belief that the Lodge could not do otherwise than prosper under the kindly and able auspices of the present occupant of the chair . The Worshipful Master , in his reply , expressed his intention of doing all that lay in his power to promote the interests of the Lodge , and , as ho knew he shonld have tho hearty assistance and co-operation of the Past Masters , Officers , and brethren , he felt that it would be his own fault if ho did not succeed in giving them
satisfaction . Among the other toasts wero thoso of tho Installing Master , tho Initiates , tho Visitors , and the Officers , the Tyler ' s toast appropriately bringing to a close the proceedings of one of the most pleasant gatherings afc which it ha 3 been our good fortune to be present . The intervals between the toasts were enlivened by some excellent singing , to which tho new member , Bro . Borradaile , in spite of a severe sore throat , contributed his share . ' The Visitors included
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Scientific Lodge, No. 840.
which timo ho had watched his progress in Masonry and had observed how enthusiastically ho had worked in every degree , aud therefore ho felt suro if the samo perseverance wero manifested during his occupation of tho chair , ho wonld have a very successful year of office lie hoped tho duties that would devolve npon Brother Large wonld bo of a far more seriou 3 and onerous character than they were during
tho past year , because ho was supported by able Officers who would assist him in thoso duties , and he was also surronnded by n largo circle of brethren who would give him all tho support thoy possibly could . Bro . Largo , the W . M ., suitably responded to tho compliment . He said his ambition had been to occupy tho chair , and now ho had secured that position ho would try to discharge tho duty appertaining
to it with satisfaction and with credit to tho Craft , and hoped that at the closo of his year of office , ho might be able to show as good a financial position as his predecessor . The toast "Tho health of tho I . P . M . " was given by tho W . M ., who said ho had a ploasing duty to perform , viz . to invest Bro . Culverhouso with tho Past Master ' s jewel , and trusted ho might bo spared many years to wear it in tho Scientific
Lodge . Bro . Cnlverhonso thonght he did not deserve the honour they had awarded to him that oveuing . Ho was sure no words of his conld express tho feelings that agitated his mind at that moment , and especially so when he remembered that during tho past year he could not tako to himself any credit for what had been done , because he had received tho sympathy and co-operation of tho mombers and tho
generous assistance of tho P . M . ' s in all'the duties belonging to the office . When ho accepted the position of W . M . he did it with a great deal of diffidence , because he considered tho duties connected with it wero very important . He thanked them heartily for the beautiful jewel which they had presented to him , and assured them it would act as an incentive to further efforts on his part in promoting the
success and prosperity of the Scientific Lodge , and shonld any effort of his be able to win another jewel , ho was certain it would nob bo received with a greater degree of pleasure than that which they had conferred npon him that evening . Tho toast of " The Fast Masters " was coupled with the namo of Bro . R . King ( Secretary of Institute ) who suitably responded . Tho Wardens was replied to by Bros .
Eady and Longstaff . The toast The Charities was responded to by Bro . the Rev . F . W . Harnett , who said there was no doubt there could be no society more charitable than that to which they belonged . There was no doubt that anything that would gather men together so as to make their hearts nnite in tho bonds of brotherhood made them better men , and conduced very highly to the benefit of the country .
Ho found that Freemasonry had a strong force in England and in civilized Europe , and therefore they found men of all ranks had associated themselves with Masonry . Kings and princes had connected themselves with it , and had evidently become acquainted with the secrets of their Order . Ho then went on to speak of the charity
that should pervado the members , and said there could be no true brotherhood unless there was charity , and concluded by making a strong ' appeal on behalf of the Charitable Institntions . Bro . T . Taylor also replied to the toast . Tho toast The Visitors , Tho Officers of the Scientific , wero given and heartily responded to . —Croydon's Weekly Standard .
Holmesdale Lodge, No. 874.
THE installation meeting of this prosperous Lodge ( which numbers nearly one hundred brethren ) was held in their magnificent Lodge Room at the Pump Room , Tunbridgo Wells , on Wednesday , 17 th inst ., at threo o ' clock , the retiring W . M . Bro . H . D . M . Williams being the Installing Master . Amongst the brethren present were—W . Stephens P . M . of Ripon 1489 Prov . G . D . C ., J . Court 1678 , H . Mackay-Pelham P . M ., F . H . Plummer 177 , H . Martinucci 1594 , J . H .
Scott Royal Clarence 271 D . P . G . M . Sussex , A . Spencer Prov . G . S . Kent , C . Burmeister La Tolerance 538 P . M ., Charles Dnko Derwent 40 P . P . G . D . Sussex , Frederick Spencer Mailing Abbey 1063 P . P . J . D . Kent , D . W . Davis Derwent 40 , G . B . Brodio University 1117 W . M . P . G . S . W . Surrey , E . J . Biggs Henley 1472 , G . D . Warner 1678 , T . H . Crouch Worthing 851 P . P . G . J . D . Sussex , J . S . Charlton Tonbridge
1678 , & c . Also Past Masters F . W . Elers , B . Marsack , W . Delves , J , W . Roper , J . Reed , B . S . Wilmot , W . B . Bacon , of the Holmesdale Lodge , and abont forty brethren . The Lodge having opened in solemn form and the minutes confirmed , a dispensation was read from the Grand Master of England , his Royal Highness the Princo of Wales , K . G ., & c , authorising the W . M . to instal the W . M . elect , snch sanction
being necessary in consequence of the W . M . elect being already W . M . of Lodgo 1303 , Lewes . Bro . W . S . Elers P . G . A . S . P . M ., having for eighteen years faithfully and zealously discharged the duty of Treasurer to the Lodge , the brethren at a previous meeting had decided to present him with a Treasurer's jewel as a slight recognition of his services , and of their fraternal regard . The W . M . in the absence of
tho Treasurer , banded the jewel to his brother , F . W . Eler 3 P . G . J . W ., asking him to convey to the Treasurer ( who is now on the Continent ) how much the brethren of tho Lodgo appreciated his very many excellent services as one of the founders of the Lodge and its Treasurer from its commencement , and he and they hoped tbat the great Architect of the "Universe would enable him to continue his exertions
in the cause of Freemasonry for many years to come . For the past six years Bro . J . F . Bates has discharged the duty of Secretary to tho Lodge in such a manner ns to call forth tho admiration of the brethren , and anxious to reward at all times merit and ability , tho W . M . Bro . H . D . M . Williams was deputed to present him with a Secretary ' s jewel and a purse of ten guineas . Tho W . M . in doing so expressed tho pleasure it gave him , and further stated that from the excellent
way in which he had discharged his duties in the past , ho felt sure the success of the Lodge would bo maintained in his hands . Bro . J . F . Bates , in reply , stated that he conld not find word 3 to sufficiently express his gratitude for the kindness which the brethren had conferred npon him , and assured them that nothing shonld prevent him doing the best he could to preserve the peace and harmony of the brethren . Bro . F . W . Elers P . G . J . W . senior P . M . then presented tho
Holmesdale Lodge, No. 874.
W . M . elect , and , in so doing , expressed tho pleasure it gave him , Bro . Hodgkin having been initiated in the Lodge , and duly served the office of Warden , and also having been W . M . of tho Tonbridgo and Lewes Lodges , all which posts he had filled with merit and ability . The ceremony of Installation was then proceeded with in a most impressivo manner , tho charges and exhortations being given by tho
installing Master , Bro . H . D . M . Williams , in such a way as to call forth tho admiration of tho brethren . The following brethren were afterwards invested Officers for tho year : —Bros . J . Burton S . W ., J . E . Ranking J . W ., L . S . Tugwell Chaplain , W . S . Elers Treasurer , J . F . Bates Secretary , E . Dnnkby S . D ., S . A . Cheale J . D ., A . J . Boorman Organist , G . Farrer Sword Bearer , B . S . Wilmot P . M . P . G . R . Kent
and C . Graham D . C . s , G . Beckley P . M . and A . D . Beeching Stewards , W . C . Cripps jun . I . G ., and G . Strange Tyler , for the 19 th time . Tho addresses wero delivered to tho W . M ., Wardens , and Brethren by Bro . H . D . M . Williams . The W . M . then stated that it gave him groat pleasuro , as his first duty , to present to Bro . H . D . M . Williams , the retiring W . M . and Installing Master , a P . M . ' s jewel . Tho Lodgo was
noted for the zeal of its Masters , bnt ho felt sure that no Mastor had discharged his duties moro zealously and impartially , or with greater skill and ability than ho had . Bro . H . D . M . Williams P . M ., in reply , statod that if , by hi 3 huuiblo endoavours , ho had morited and secured the good wishes of the brethren he was amply repaid for any services ho may have rendered . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded
to Bro . H . D . M . Williams for hia services as installing Master . The brethren then adjourned to the new Assembly Room of the Royal Kentish Hotel , where a choice menu awaited them ; ou the removal of the cloth the loyal and Masonio toasts wero given and responded to . During the ovening some very interesting speeches wore made by
the brethren , and tho harmony of tho meeting wa 3 much enhanced by songs , given by Bros . Lord George Novill , Bates , Everett , and Boorman who wero accompanied on tho piano . Bro . B . S . Wilmob P . M . P . G . R . Kent , acted as Master of tho Ceremony of Installation , and tho maunor in which it was performed , deserves tho highest praiso that can possibly be conferred upon him .
Lodge Of St. John, No. 1343, Grays, Essex.
LODGE OF ST . JOHN , No . 1343 , GRAYS , ESSEX .
THOUGH a comparatively yonng Lodge , this Lodge of St . John , which holds its meetings in tho quiet riverside town of Grays , ia a very promising one . Its members are animated by the true fraternal spirit of Masonry , and they strive hard to fulfil their labours in a manner worthy of the good old Craft . Consequently , their gatherings are always of an instructive and genial character—instructive because the style of work is admirable , and genial , because
you have bnt to take your seat in Lodge and at the banquet , and you find yourself as completely at home aa if you had been associated with the Lodge and its members during yonr whole lifetime . There is no Grand display afc the banquet-table , bat a deep sense of hospitality prevails always . Hence it is no wonder that the installation , which was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Grays , on Tuesday , was a
oompleto success * and that the brethren who were privileged to attend as visitors found a hearty welcome . The chair was taken by Bro . James Godwin W . M . pnnotnally at the hour fixed , and the minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the Lodge proceeded to ballot for Messrs . W . Noble Cuming and James Howell . The result in both cases proved favourable , and these gentlemen , being
in attendance , were both initiated into the mysteries of the first degree , tho Worshipful Master fulfilling his part with marked ability and earnestness . Bro . Herbert C . Borradaile , of the Lodge of Goodfellowship No . 276 , of Chelmsford , was next balloted for as a joining member , and elected . Then came the important business of the daynamely , the induction of Bro . F . J . Ash as W . M . elect in the chair of
K . S . The duty of Installing Officer was undertaken by Bro . A . Sturgeon , one of tho Past Masters of the Lodge , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , the ceremony was most impressively rendered . The rest of the Lodge having resumed attendance , the Worshipful Master was saluted and congratulated , and tho following brethren were then appointed and invested with the
insignia of their respective offices , namely : —Bros . Gedge S . W ., E . Sturgeon J . W . and Treasurer , D . Bartletfc Secretary , W . H . Sacketfc S . D ., F . Sackett J . D ., Wingrove I . G ., Cuming W . S ., G . Martin Tyler . We must not omit to state that Bro . A . Stnrgeon was as fervent in his delivery of the usual addresses as ho had been when installing the W . M . The customary " hearty good wishes" having been
expressed , Bro . Ash formally presented the Past Master ' s jewel which had been voted by the Lodge to his predecessor in the chair , Bro . James Godwin , and in doing so paid the latter some well-deserved compliments for tho manner in which , ho had discharged his duties . The gift having been suitably acknowledged , and a vote of thanks having been passed with acclamation to Bro . A . Stnrgeon as tho
Installing Officer , and also acknowledged , the Lodgo was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a quiet but excellent banquet . On the removal of tho cloth , the customary toasts were given , that of the Prov . Grand Master and his Officers being eloquently responded to by Bro . Gard Pye P . M . 51 . On Bro . Godwin I . P . M . devolved the duty of proposing the health of the Worshipful Master , and he
expressed his belief that the Lodge could not do otherwise than prosper under the kindly and able auspices of the present occupant of the chair . The Worshipful Master , in his reply , expressed his intention of doing all that lay in his power to promote the interests of the Lodge , and , as ho knew he shonld have tho hearty assistance and co-operation of the Past Masters , Officers , and brethren , he felt that it would be his own fault if ho did not succeed in giving them
satisfaction . Among the other toasts wero thoso of tho Installing Master , tho Initiates , tho Visitors , and the Officers , the Tyler ' s toast appropriately bringing to a close the proceedings of one of the most pleasant gatherings afc which it ha 3 been our good fortune to be present . The intervals between the toasts were enlivened by some excellent singing , to which tho new member , Bro . Borradaile , in spite of a severe sore throat , contributed his share . ' The Visitors included