Article LODGE OF ST. JOHN, No. 1343, GRAYS, ESSEX. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ANNUAL SUPPER OF THE DALHOUSIE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CHESHIRE EDUCATIONAL MASONIC INSTITUTUTION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of St. John, No. 1343, Grays, Essex.
tho following , namely : —Bros . W . W . Lockey 1000 , D . Hodge 33 , E . W . Walter S . W . 554 , A . Grant 160 , A . Lucking Prov . G . D . of C . Essex—who , by tho way , gave the Lodge a taste of hia quality by acting as D . of C . daring the installation ceromony—H . J . Neato P . M . 77 , G . Gard Pyo P . M . 51 , H . J . Everett G 97 W . W . Morgan
, Seo . 211 , H . N . Taylor W . M . 1421 , T . S . Taylor P . M . 554 and I . P . M . 1421 . To several of these the rites of hospitality were fnrther extended by somo of tho members of tho Lodgo , and ifc was not till the following morning that they took their departure for thoir several homes .
Annual Supper Of The Dalhousie Lodge Of Instruction.
THE annual supper in connection with the Lodge of Instrnctiom working under sanction of the Dalhonaio Lodgo No . 860 , took p laoo on Tuesday at the Sistors' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Tho chair was occupied by Bro . Dickins the W . M . elect of the Mother Lodge , who was supported by Bro . Wallington , the Preceptor . Bro . J . Lorkin , Secretary , occupied the vice-chair , and the following among others were present : —Bros . Dallas , Smyth , C . Lorkin , Polak ,
Christian , Clark , Fraser , Quay , Allen , Finch , Brasted , Wardell , Harding , Fort , Cornu , Jones , Baker , Marsh , & c . Tho brethren having partaken of the supper , which was well served , the President , in brief terms , proposed The Queen and the Craft , the M . W . Grand Master , the Pro G . M ., Deputy G . M ., and other Grand Officers , all of which were in turn honoured b y the company assembled . The next
act of Bro . Dickins was to propose Prosperity to tho Dalhousie Lodgo of Instruction , and , in doing so , he paid a just tribute to the careful and efficient tuition rondered to those who attended its meetings . Ho felt the benefit of the instruction imparted at this and similar Lodges now that he was elected to the Presidency of his Lodge . He felt that he should bo ably supported by tho Officers
whom he should appoint to assist his labours , as ho believed thoy were all known aa good workers . Lodges of Instruction had iittod them for their positions in their rognlar Lodge . Ho thonght ifc was a good custom to invito , as he and previous W . M . ' s olect had been invited , to the annual supper , as , by plaoing a brother in the chair , he had an opportunity of rehearsing tho moro onerous task of tho
immediate future . With the toast he had pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . Wallington . In reply , Bro . Wallington tendered his thanks for tbe toast just given , both in the namo of the Lodge of Instruction and in his own behalf . Ho felt ifc a great pleasure to hear that the W . M . elect of their Mothor Lodgo expressed himself so satisfied with the Officers who were under him . He believed that tho coming torm
there would be one of groat success , each of those in offico having been made thoroughl y conversant with tho dnties of his position in one or other of tho Lodges of Instrnction in tho metropolis . Bro . Wallington next proposed the Health of tho President , thanking him for attending , and pointing out tho pleasure ifc afforded the brethren in thus being officially recognised by tho Mothor Lodgo . After the reply of Bro . Dickins , Bro . Wallington proposed the Health of the
Secretary , and Bro . Lorkin , in acknowledging tho compliment , after thanking the brothren , gave a brief account of tho doings at the Lodge during his term of offico . This completing tho programmo of the evening , tho brethren shortly afterwards separated . Bro . Wallington will rehearse the Installation Ceremony in this Lodgo of Instruction on Tuesday next , tho 30 th inst ., for which occasion wo wish him a largo attendance and a successful meeting .
LADBEOKE HALL , WOTTING- HILL , LONDON , W . ( Opposite tho Notting Hill Station of the Metropolitan Kailway , from which Trains run every few minuto 3 to all parts of London , and in connection with tho principal Linos of Eailway . ) THE ACCOMMODATION PROVIDED FOR LODGE MEETINGS 13 UNEQUALLED BY AMY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE DISTRICT . LAEG-E LODGE A . JNT ) BANQUET ROOMS , WITEC EVERY ICOISTVENIElSrCE . THE HALL MAY BE ENGAGED for BANQUETS , WEDDING BREAKSASTS , DIHNEES , PUBLIC ^ or PEIVATEpNTEETAINMENTS , & c . Apply to Bro . J . LINSCOTT ( at tho Hall ) , 14 Ladbroke Grove Eoad , London , W .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institutution.
FOR about 17 years this admirably conducted institution for tho education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceasod Freemasons has been steadily increasing in usefulness , thanks to tho cordial snpport it has invariably received from tho brethren in tho province of Cheshire , over which the Right Hon . Lord do Tabley R . W . P . G . M . rules with so much acceptance Tho noblo charity enjoys his lordship ' s presidency , and amongst its mosfc
active supporters aro thoso whose names are also illustrious in the annals of Freemasonry . A meeting of the oommitteo of the charity was held at the Masonic Chambers , Birkenhead , on Friday 19 th inst ., when thore was a mosfc influential gathering . It should bo stated that the rules of the institution run very much on tho linos of thoso of tho West Lancashire Charity , tho mosfc admirable provision being
that those who have charge of tbe children aro allowed to select any school whioh meots with approval , and that tho educational fees aro paid through the Institution , withont coming to tho knowledgo of tho children themselves or any ono connected with the particular school . Tho chair on this ocoasion was occupied by Bro . W . A . Clayton W . M . 537 , and amongst thoso presont were Bros . F . K . Stevenson P . P . G . S . B .
Hon . Sec , J . P . Platfc P . P . G . J . W . Hon . Treas ., E . H . Griffiths P . G . Sec , J . Salmon P . M . 425 , & o . Tho Honorary Treasurer road tho financial statement , from which it appeared that the income from investments during tho year amounted to £ 15110 s 7 d ; received from Lodges , Chapters , & c , £ 204 23 6 d , tho sum of £ 21 had been handed over as tho result of tho recent dramatic performances at the Theatre
Royal , and £ 10 10 s were contributed by the Grand Mark Lodgo of Cheshire and North Wales . Tho sum of 102 10 s lOd , had boen sponfc in education , £ 17 2 s 8 d in the advancement of children , and £ 100 had been invested in dock bonds . Tho total investments riow amounted to £ 3 , 730 , being an increase of about £ 210 on the year . Tho report ,
which was of a highly satisfactory character , was also read by Bro . Stevenson . Both tho report and statomenfc of accounts wero unanimously adopted , and ifc was afterwards agreed to rocommond six children for tho benefits of tho institution to tho annual court of governors . We hope in a future issue to refer at greater length to the work of this estimable institution .
TJ t ; i-vos-sr sr-fiocix BSTTSHBS y Sg Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , CD * * ^ QiiiT ^ l / fCX / A jl ^ Sf ?!? «!" V % f I V i < 0 < S > ° raa ) f © ^ , 6 8 g © 3 " JL tori hVi teSS ^ S / ] )( CDGwE ? ^ _ ^ p , WW 00 $ $¥£ $ sSfias ^ rC ^ -- * j 3 Jd % X & 3 T 70 BT GOODS IIST GS-ZEJCTrErR-A-I ,, " o ' w 2 Wholesale & for Exportation & tho Trade only , g gj £ 5 \ miT ^^ S ^^ flS ^ klw I mkms l mm ft o ¦ J ^ sv iscrEicTiisriQ- BBOS . Ivory Works , B | £ p 3 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . O . p .
CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with tho Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tbe Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE IiAEGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OW TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for IONO or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
T . J . TABLING , COAL MERCHANT . North Wallsond 23 s Per Ton . Hctton or Lambton 24 s „ Best Silkstono 23 s „ Bost Derby 21 s „ All letters to bo acldrossed : — 5 BURDETT EOAD , BOW , E .
Now Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . WAIFS AND STUAYS , ennnxv FUOM THK CHESS BOAKD , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President , of tho British Chess Association . Demy Svo , Price 7 s Gil , mHE CHESS OPENINGS . X By EOBEKT B . WOKMALD . Second Edition . Demy Svo , Price 2 s Cd , SYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ' a , Tabulated Analysis . By "WILMAM COOK , a member of tho Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition , with additions und emendations . LOJTDO . V : W . W . MOBGAJT , 23 CtKEAI QiJEEff SlBEEI .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of St. John, No. 1343, Grays, Essex.
tho following , namely : —Bros . W . W . Lockey 1000 , D . Hodge 33 , E . W . Walter S . W . 554 , A . Grant 160 , A . Lucking Prov . G . D . of C . Essex—who , by tho way , gave the Lodge a taste of hia quality by acting as D . of C . daring the installation ceromony—H . J . Neato P . M . 77 , G . Gard Pyo P . M . 51 , H . J . Everett G 97 W . W . Morgan
, Seo . 211 , H . N . Taylor W . M . 1421 , T . S . Taylor P . M . 554 and I . P . M . 1421 . To several of these the rites of hospitality were fnrther extended by somo of tho members of tho Lodgo , and ifc was not till the following morning that they took their departure for thoir several homes .
Annual Supper Of The Dalhousie Lodge Of Instruction.
THE annual supper in connection with the Lodge of Instrnctiom working under sanction of the Dalhonaio Lodgo No . 860 , took p laoo on Tuesday at the Sistors' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Tho chair was occupied by Bro . Dickins the W . M . elect of the Mother Lodge , who was supported by Bro . Wallington , the Preceptor . Bro . J . Lorkin , Secretary , occupied the vice-chair , and the following among others were present : —Bros . Dallas , Smyth , C . Lorkin , Polak ,
Christian , Clark , Fraser , Quay , Allen , Finch , Brasted , Wardell , Harding , Fort , Cornu , Jones , Baker , Marsh , & c . Tho brethren having partaken of the supper , which was well served , the President , in brief terms , proposed The Queen and the Craft , the M . W . Grand Master , the Pro G . M ., Deputy G . M ., and other Grand Officers , all of which were in turn honoured b y the company assembled . The next
act of Bro . Dickins was to propose Prosperity to tho Dalhousie Lodgo of Instruction , and , in doing so , he paid a just tribute to the careful and efficient tuition rondered to those who attended its meetings . Ho felt the benefit of the instruction imparted at this and similar Lodges now that he was elected to the Presidency of his Lodge . He felt that he should bo ably supported by tho Officers
whom he should appoint to assist his labours , as ho believed thoy were all known aa good workers . Lodges of Instruction had iittod them for their positions in their rognlar Lodge . Ho thonght ifc was a good custom to invito , as he and previous W . M . ' s olect had been invited , to the annual supper , as , by plaoing a brother in the chair , he had an opportunity of rehearsing tho moro onerous task of tho
immediate future . With the toast he had pleasure in coupling the name of Bro . Wallington . In reply , Bro . Wallington tendered his thanks for tbe toast just given , both in the namo of the Lodge of Instruction and in his own behalf . Ho felt ifc a great pleasure to hear that the W . M . elect of their Mothor Lodgo expressed himself so satisfied with the Officers who were under him . He believed that tho coming torm
there would be one of groat success , each of those in offico having been made thoroughl y conversant with tho dnties of his position in one or other of tho Lodges of Instrnction in tho metropolis . Bro . Wallington next proposed the Health of tho President , thanking him for attending , and pointing out tho pleasure ifc afforded the brethren in thus being officially recognised by tho Mothor Lodgo . After the reply of Bro . Dickins , Bro . Wallington proposed the Health of the
Secretary , and Bro . Lorkin , in acknowledging tho compliment , after thanking the brothren , gave a brief account of tho doings at the Lodge during his term of offico . This completing tho programmo of the evening , tho brethren shortly afterwards separated . Bro . Wallington will rehearse the Installation Ceremony in this Lodgo of Instruction on Tuesday next , tho 30 th inst ., for which occasion wo wish him a largo attendance and a successful meeting .
LADBEOKE HALL , WOTTING- HILL , LONDON , W . ( Opposite tho Notting Hill Station of the Metropolitan Kailway , from which Trains run every few minuto 3 to all parts of London , and in connection with tho principal Linos of Eailway . ) THE ACCOMMODATION PROVIDED FOR LODGE MEETINGS 13 UNEQUALLED BY AMY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE DISTRICT . LAEG-E LODGE A . JNT ) BANQUET ROOMS , WITEC EVERY ICOISTVENIElSrCE . THE HALL MAY BE ENGAGED for BANQUETS , WEDDING BREAKSASTS , DIHNEES , PUBLIC ^ or PEIVATEpNTEETAINMENTS , & c . Apply to Bro . J . LINSCOTT ( at tho Hall ) , 14 Ladbroke Grove Eoad , London , W .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institutution.
FOR about 17 years this admirably conducted institution for tho education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceasod Freemasons has been steadily increasing in usefulness , thanks to tho cordial snpport it has invariably received from tho brethren in tho province of Cheshire , over which the Right Hon . Lord do Tabley R . W . P . G . M . rules with so much acceptance Tho noblo charity enjoys his lordship ' s presidency , and amongst its mosfc
active supporters aro thoso whose names are also illustrious in the annals of Freemasonry . A meeting of the oommitteo of the charity was held at the Masonic Chambers , Birkenhead , on Friday 19 th inst ., when thore was a mosfc influential gathering . It should bo stated that the rules of the institution run very much on tho linos of thoso of tho West Lancashire Charity , tho mosfc admirable provision being
that those who have charge of tbe children aro allowed to select any school whioh meots with approval , and that tho educational fees aro paid through the Institution , withont coming to tho knowledgo of tho children themselves or any ono connected with the particular school . Tho chair on this ocoasion was occupied by Bro . W . A . Clayton W . M . 537 , and amongst thoso presont were Bros . F . K . Stevenson P . P . G . S . B .
Hon . Sec , J . P . Platfc P . P . G . J . W . Hon . Treas ., E . H . Griffiths P . G . Sec , J . Salmon P . M . 425 , & o . Tho Honorary Treasurer road tho financial statement , from which it appeared that the income from investments during tho year amounted to £ 15110 s 7 d ; received from Lodges , Chapters , & c , £ 204 23 6 d , tho sum of £ 21 had been handed over as tho result of tho recent dramatic performances at the Theatre
Royal , and £ 10 10 s were contributed by the Grand Mark Lodgo of Cheshire and North Wales . Tho sum of 102 10 s lOd , had boen sponfc in education , £ 17 2 s 8 d in the advancement of children , and £ 100 had been invested in dock bonds . Tho total investments riow amounted to £ 3 , 730 , being an increase of about £ 210 on the year . Tho report ,
which was of a highly satisfactory character , was also read by Bro . Stevenson . Both tho report and statomenfc of accounts wero unanimously adopted , and ifc was afterwards agreed to rocommond six children for tho benefits of tho institution to tho annual court of governors . We hope in a future issue to refer at greater length to the work of this estimable institution .
TJ t ; i-vos-sr sr-fiocix BSTTSHBS y Sg Mirrors & all other Ivory Toilet Articles , CD * * ^ QiiiT ^ l / fCX / A jl ^ Sf ?!? «!" V % f I V i < 0 < S > ° raa ) f © ^ , 6 8 g © 3 " JL tori hVi teSS ^ S / ] )( CDGwE ? ^ _ ^ p , WW 00 $ $¥£ $ sSfias ^ rC ^ -- * j 3 Jd % X & 3 T 70 BT GOODS IIST GS-ZEJCTrErR-A-I ,, " o ' w 2 Wholesale & for Exportation & tho Trade only , g gj £ 5 \ miT ^^ S ^^ flS ^ klw I mkms l mm ft o ¦ J ^ sv iscrEicTiisriQ- BBOS . Ivory Works , B | £ p 3 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , W . O . p .
CANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Railway advantages , in direct communication with tho Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tbe Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & C . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE IiAEGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OW TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for IONO or SHORT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
T . J . TABLING , COAL MERCHANT . North Wallsond 23 s Per Ton . Hctton or Lambton 24 s „ Best Silkstono 23 s „ Bost Derby 21 s „ All letters to bo acldrossed : — 5 BURDETT EOAD , BOW , E .
Now Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . WAIFS AND STUAYS , ennnxv FUOM THK CHESS BOAKD , by Captain Hugh R . Kennedy , Vice-President , of tho British Chess Association . Demy Svo , Price 7 s Gil , mHE CHESS OPENINGS . X By EOBEKT B . WOKMALD . Second Edition . Demy Svo , Price 2 s Cd , SYNOPSIS OF THE CHESS OPENINGS ' a , Tabulated Analysis . By "WILMAM COOK , a member of tho Bristol and Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition , with additions und emendations . LOJTDO . V : W . W . MOBGAJT , 23 CtKEAI QiJEEff SlBEEI .