Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
• Vitruvian Lodge , -No . 87 . —The installation meeting oftli ^ Lodgo tookplaco at tho South London Masonio Hall , Belvedere-road , Lambeth , ou Wednesday , 10 th inst ., Bro . Charlos Nott being installed . The gathering was a most successful one . Bro . Terry , in responding to the toast of tho Charities , mado ono of those forcible appeals to tho brethren for which ho is so famous . Wo trust that
the result which will follow as tho donation of tho brethren will go to maintain tho prestige of tho Lodge . From tlio agenda paper for the last meeting we learn that tho Lodgo is vico Patron of tho Institution for Aged Freemasons ( £ 100 ) , Vice Patron of tho Institution for tho Widows of Freemasons ( £ 100 ) , also L . G . of tho latter
Institution ; V . P . of tho Boys' School ( £ 52 10 s ) , and V . P . of tho Girls ' School ( £ 52 10 s ) , a very creditable position for any Lodgo to occupy . Tho mnsical arrangements wero under the direction of Bro . J . Churchill Arlidge , assisted by Miss Fanny Nott , Bros . Z . Huntloy , W . W . Norman , Messrs . Frederick Paton , Alfred Brown , W . Humphreys , C . E . Nott , and Master E . Nott .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 221 . —A mooting was held on Wednesday , 17 th March , at tho Commercial Hotel , Bolton . Present—Bros . Henry Stead WM ., John L . Al ' dred S . W ., Jabez Boothroyd J . W ., Thos . Mitchell Prov . G . Tyler Sec , G . P . Brockbank P . P . S . G . D . Treas ., John Isherwood as S . D ., Edwin Melroso J . D ., Joseph Serl I . G ., Thos . Iligson Tyler , P . M . Bro . Whitaker ; also Bros . Crompton , Wadeson ,
Cosgrove , Nicholson W . M . St . George's 1723 , and Bradboom . Lodge was opened and tho members confirmed the minutes of preceding meeting . Bro . Crompton passed a satisfactory examination and retired for preparation . Lodge opened in tho third , and Bro . Crompton was raised by Bro . Nathaniel Nicholson W . M . St . George ' s 1723 . A candidate was balloted for and approved , and another candidate
proposed for initiation . Bro . Brockbank reported that ho and two other Paafc Masters—Bros . Taylor aud Stanley—had attended the last Qnartcrly Communication of Grand Lodge , along with Bro . Mills of Lodge 37 and Bro . John Morris of Lodgo 14 G . Four of the five Lodges meeting in Bolton being represented on that occasion . Lodge was closed afc eight o ' clock .
Lodge Of Union , ITo . 414 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 16 th March 1880 , at the Masonic Hall , Eeading . Present — Bros . Sam . Bradley W . M ., C . Stephens S . W ., E . C . Mount P . M . J . W ., S . A . Pocock Treas ., M . J . Withers Sec , F . Ferguson S . D ., S . Wheeler J . D ., D . A . Wifcherington D . C , F . Blackwell and W . C . Moffatt Stewards , A . W . Parry I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler .
P . M . 's Bros . Yetts , Strachan , Baker , Morris , E . Bradley P . G . Sec , C . Oades I . P . M . Bros . E . Davis , Higgs , S . W . Webb , Martin , Albury , Hawkes , D . Oswell , Webb , George . Visitors—Bros . W . P . Ivev P . M . Sec . 1101 , W . Collins 1101 , J . E . Danks W . M . 1101 , E , C Prickett Steward 1101 . The Lodge was regularly opened , and the ballot was taken for Mr . E . Chamberlain , of Henloy-on-Thames ,
who was declared to bo elected . Tho Lodge was opened in tho second and third degrees . Bros . Oswell and Georgo were raised to the sublimo degree of M . M . The Lodge was resumed to tho first degree . The W . M . of 1101 , Bro . J . Early Danks , informed the W . M . and members of 414 that tho I . P . M . of 1101 , Bro . Flanagan , had presented the Grey Friars Lodge with the portraits of
its founders , handsomely framed and mounted , and they had ventured to appropriate a place for ifc on the walls of tho Hall , to which he hoped the brethren of 414 would not raise an objection . The W . M . expressed the pleasure it would givo tho members of tho mother Lodge to see the portraits of tho founders of the daughter Lodge adorning the walls of their Hall . Two gentlemen wero proposed
for initiation . Bro . J . Morris T . M . drew attention to the balance sheet , in which he saw that the contents of the " broken column" was carried into tho general receipts of tho Treasury , instead of being paid to either of the Charities ; he moved " that in future the contents be devoted to one of the Charities . " Bros . E . Bradley P . M . and Oades I . P . M . explained thai ; althongh tho preciso amount placed in the
" broken column " was not remitted to either of the Charities , yet , as the contribution made by the Lodgo to ono of them amounted to moro than the contents of the column , ib might be fairly said that the sum collected was duly appropriated . As Bro . Morris did not press his motion , the subject dropped . The Secretary read a letter addressed to tho Chaplain by the D . P . G . M . of Berks and Bucks ,
which was as follows : — " Tho Prebendal , Aylesbury , 1 st March 1880 . My Dear Bro . Garry , —Please to convey to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of tho Lodge of Union No . 41 . 4 , my grateful thanks for tho very kind and gratifying resolution which I have received through you . lam conscious that tho cause of Masonry has not received any very material help from mo during my residence in
the Province , and during the time that I havo filled the position of D . P . G . M ., but "it has been simply from want of time , nofc lack of interest in the good cause , and I am abundantly rewarded for any little services which I may have rendered to the Craft by tho very kind good wishes of the brethren cenveyed to me by you . Pray give them
my cordial greeting and best wishes for the future prosperity of Masonry in general , and of the Lodgo of Union 414 in particular ; and believe me , ever yours sincerely and fraternally , ARTHUR T . PURET-CUST D . P . G . M . Berks aud Bucks . " Ifc was ordered that the letter be entered on the minutes . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed .
Friars Lodgo of Instruction , ITo . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , the Liverpool Arms , Canning-town , on Tuesday , 23 rd March . P . M . Bro . Cundick W . M ., P . M . T . J . Barnes S . W ., P . M . Myers J . W ., P . M . Musto I . P . M . Tho Lodge was opened in duo form to the third degree , and resumed to tho first , when tho Fifteen Sections were
Notices Of Meetings.
worked by the following brethren : —lsfc lecture Bros . T . Lonne , Wat . kins , Webb , Ellis , Myers , Barnes , McDonald ; 2 nd lecture Bros , lluwo , Keable , Musto , Smith , Worsley : 3 rd lwtmo Bros . Webb , Musto , Ellis . Tho Lodgo was again resumed to tho first degree , and Bi \> . T . Loauo of Langthorne Lodge 1451 was unanimously elected a member . A unanimous voto of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on
tho minutes to P . M . Bro . Cundick for tho very excellent manner in which he had worked tho Fifteen Sections , also to Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M . 551 and 933 , for his services in kindly acting as S . W ., and that he bo elected an honorarr member . Votes of thanks were also passed to P . M . Myers and Webb . Tho W . M . thanked tho wholo of tho brethren who had assisted him , and Bro . Barnes passed a very high
compliment on Bro . Musto for having brought out of so a young Lodgo of Instruction members that worked tho sections so well . Tho Lodgo was then closed in duo form , and adjourned to Tuesday next , tho 30 th inst . Tho Lodgo was crammed in every part ; tho following Bros , wero presont : —Smith , Fyfo , Ellis , Lewis , Nash , Shepherd , Webb , Loano , Booth , Hudson , Dixon , Pavitt , Cope , Spencer , Medling . Prosser , Eawe , Whito , Sadler , Keable , McDonald , Clark , and soveral others .
Metropolitan Lodgo , Ho . 1507 . —Tho regular meeting was held on Weduosday , the 18 th March , afc Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . C . J . Scales W . M ., W . Sido S . W ., Bro . W . M . Stiles P . M . U 3 J . W ., Jas . Willing P . M . Treasurer , J . J . Michael
P . M . Secretary , n . Stilo 3 J . D ., G . Clark I . G ., II . Lovegrove P . M . D . C , Bro . J . Douglass I . P . M ., Bro . Kingham , and Bros . Beattie , G . V . Knight , Tnck , Ward , Edwards , Fraser , Cruikshank , Froebody , Baron Von Tottonborn , & c . After tho formal opening of the Lodge , and the confirmation of the minutes , Bros . Fraser and Barnard
answered tho necessary questions , and wero raised to tho third degree . Bros . C H . Everett , E . J . Chant , and M . J . Eowloy wero entrusted , and afterwards passed to tho second degree . The election for W . M . thou took place , and Bro . W . Side S . W . was unanimously elected . Bro . James Willing P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , amid the acclamations of the brethren . Both appropriately returned thanks .
Bro . Daly was appointed Ty ler . Tho Audit Committee was nominated . Tho W . M . then proposed that the Lodge hold a Summer Festival . This was seconded by Bro . Kingham P . M ., and a Committeo was appointed to carry out tho necessary arrangements . Bro . James Willing P . M . and Treasurer proposed tbat tho sum of ten guineas bo given from the funds of tho Lodgo for the purpose of
presenting the W . M . with a P . M . s jewel , m recognition of the services he had rendered to the Lodgo during his year of office . This was seconded by Bro . J . J . Michael P . M . Sec , and carried unanimously . Hearty good wishes were given by tho brethren and visitors , and Lodge was closed until October . Tho brethren , seventy-three in number , sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow .
Grace having been said , tho W . M ., in brief terms , proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . James Willing P . M . then rose : in the absence of the I . P . M ., he had tho plcasuro of proposing the toast of the W . M . Ho was pleased to see how well tho work had been done . Bro . Scales on leaving tho chair would carry with him the respect of all in tho Lodge . Tho W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Willing
for his kind romarks , and tho brethren for tho reception they had given to tho toast . He had always their interests at heart . The W . M . in proposing tho toast of the W . M . elect , said that Bro . Sido was one who had worked in overy office with credit ; ho had now reached the proud position of W . M . elect , aud ho ( Bro . Scales ) was sure ho would carry out the duties of tho Lodge to their satisfaction .
Bro . Sido thanked tho W . M . Ho was sure tho brethren had given their votes for his election with all their hearts . In takingupon himself the duties of W . M ., he would exert all his energy ; no matter what difficulties they might havo to contend with , he would try to discharge the duties to their satisfaction . In speaking of the P . M . 's , the W . M . said without tho assistance of thoso brethren the Lodgo could
not have prospered so well . In Bro . Michael the brethren had a very good representative , who had well performed tho duties of the Lodge , aud carried out tho principles of hospitality . Bro . James Willing P . M . and Treasurer , in a humorous and eloquent speech , responded to tho toast with pride . He said ifc had always been received with courtesr ; he regretted the absence of Bro . Williams , who from
illness and other causes , had been absent . When tho new W . M . presided over them , he hoped ho wonld havo as happy a year of office as that of the present W . M . Bro . Michael P . M . followed , and then the W . M . proposed the toast of tho Visitors , whom they wero all pleased to sec llo hoped tho members would givo a hearty reception to tho toast . Bros . Hayday , Mayer , Captain Dowell , and Lieut . Paul Storr
responded , and then the W . M . proposed tho toast of the Treasurer , and then came that of the Secretary . The latter toast having been responded to by Bro . Michael , tho W . M ., in proposing tho toast of the Wardens and Officers said no better working brethren could be found . Bro . C . J . Stile 3 J . W . responded , and then the Tyler gare the parting remembrance . During tho evening Bro . Silvester ( Sidney
Franks ) and several others contributed to tho harmony of tho meoting . Among tho Visitors wero Bros . James Smith 1744 , Hayday P . M . 534 , Silvester 193 , Goodall 1732 , Mayes 51 , Humphreys 167 , L . Jacobs 1732 , B . Kauffmanu 1732 , Nelson 132 S , Cater P . M . 9 , E . Storr 177 , Capt . Dowell J . W . llu'G , Paul Storr 1 G 7 , Ginger 1288 , H . Dowell 14 GG , H . M . Levy P . M . 183 .
Hemming Lodge Ho . 1512 . —A meeting was held at the lied Lion Hotel , Hampton , on Thursday , 18 th inst . Bro . Jessett W . M . presiding , supported by Bros . Fox I . P . M ., T . W . Ockonden S . W ., T . C Walls J . W ., Hiscox J . D ., Moody I . G ., Gilbert Tyler , Past Master's W . Hammond Sec , E . Hopwood Treas ., Hurst ; and Bros .
Davy , Papworth , Knowles , Wheeler . Visitors—Bro 3 . Wilson P . M . Etonian Lodge and Welch , No . 3 . After tho Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed , four gentlemen were successfully ballotted for for initiation . The Lodge having been opened on the centre Bro . A . JEmms 1 G 5 G was raised to the sublimo degree by Bro . W . Hammond
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
• Vitruvian Lodge , -No . 87 . —The installation meeting oftli ^ Lodgo tookplaco at tho South London Masonio Hall , Belvedere-road , Lambeth , ou Wednesday , 10 th inst ., Bro . Charlos Nott being installed . The gathering was a most successful one . Bro . Terry , in responding to the toast of tho Charities , mado ono of those forcible appeals to tho brethren for which ho is so famous . Wo trust that
the result which will follow as tho donation of tho brethren will go to maintain tho prestige of tho Lodge . From tlio agenda paper for the last meeting we learn that tho Lodgo is vico Patron of tho Institution for Aged Freemasons ( £ 100 ) , Vice Patron of tho Institution for tho Widows of Freemasons ( £ 100 ) , also L . G . of tho latter
Institution ; V . P . of tho Boys' School ( £ 52 10 s ) , and V . P . of tho Girls ' School ( £ 52 10 s ) , a very creditable position for any Lodgo to occupy . Tho mnsical arrangements wero under the direction of Bro . J . Churchill Arlidge , assisted by Miss Fanny Nott , Bros . Z . Huntloy , W . W . Norman , Messrs . Frederick Paton , Alfred Brown , W . Humphreys , C . E . Nott , and Master E . Nott .
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 221 . —A mooting was held on Wednesday , 17 th March , at tho Commercial Hotel , Bolton . Present—Bros . Henry Stead WM ., John L . Al ' dred S . W ., Jabez Boothroyd J . W ., Thos . Mitchell Prov . G . Tyler Sec , G . P . Brockbank P . P . S . G . D . Treas ., John Isherwood as S . D ., Edwin Melroso J . D ., Joseph Serl I . G ., Thos . Iligson Tyler , P . M . Bro . Whitaker ; also Bros . Crompton , Wadeson ,
Cosgrove , Nicholson W . M . St . George's 1723 , and Bradboom . Lodge was opened and tho members confirmed the minutes of preceding meeting . Bro . Crompton passed a satisfactory examination and retired for preparation . Lodge opened in tho third , and Bro . Crompton was raised by Bro . Nathaniel Nicholson W . M . St . George ' s 1723 . A candidate was balloted for and approved , and another candidate
proposed for initiation . Bro . Brockbank reported that ho and two other Paafc Masters—Bros . Taylor aud Stanley—had attended the last Qnartcrly Communication of Grand Lodge , along with Bro . Mills of Lodge 37 and Bro . John Morris of Lodgo 14 G . Four of the five Lodges meeting in Bolton being represented on that occasion . Lodge was closed afc eight o ' clock .
Lodge Of Union , ITo . 414 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 16 th March 1880 , at the Masonic Hall , Eeading . Present — Bros . Sam . Bradley W . M ., C . Stephens S . W ., E . C . Mount P . M . J . W ., S . A . Pocock Treas ., M . J . Withers Sec , F . Ferguson S . D ., S . Wheeler J . D ., D . A . Wifcherington D . C , F . Blackwell and W . C . Moffatt Stewards , A . W . Parry I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler .
P . M . 's Bros . Yetts , Strachan , Baker , Morris , E . Bradley P . G . Sec , C . Oades I . P . M . Bros . E . Davis , Higgs , S . W . Webb , Martin , Albury , Hawkes , D . Oswell , Webb , George . Visitors—Bros . W . P . Ivev P . M . Sec . 1101 , W . Collins 1101 , J . E . Danks W . M . 1101 , E , C Prickett Steward 1101 . The Lodge was regularly opened , and the ballot was taken for Mr . E . Chamberlain , of Henloy-on-Thames ,
who was declared to bo elected . Tho Lodge was opened in tho second and third degrees . Bros . Oswell and Georgo were raised to the sublimo degree of M . M . The Lodge was resumed to tho first degree . The W . M . of 1101 , Bro . J . Early Danks , informed the W . M . and members of 414 that tho I . P . M . of 1101 , Bro . Flanagan , had presented the Grey Friars Lodge with the portraits of
its founders , handsomely framed and mounted , and they had ventured to appropriate a place for ifc on the walls of tho Hall , to which he hoped the brethren of 414 would not raise an objection . The W . M . expressed the pleasure it would givo tho members of tho mother Lodge to see the portraits of tho founders of the daughter Lodge adorning the walls of their Hall . Two gentlemen wero proposed
for initiation . Bro . J . Morris T . M . drew attention to the balance sheet , in which he saw that the contents of the " broken column" was carried into tho general receipts of tho Treasury , instead of being paid to either of the Charities ; he moved " that in future the contents be devoted to one of the Charities . " Bros . E . Bradley P . M . and Oades I . P . M . explained thai ; althongh tho preciso amount placed in the
" broken column " was not remitted to either of the Charities , yet , as the contribution made by the Lodgo to ono of them amounted to moro than the contents of the column , ib might be fairly said that the sum collected was duly appropriated . As Bro . Morris did not press his motion , the subject dropped . The Secretary read a letter addressed to tho Chaplain by the D . P . G . M . of Berks and Bucks ,
which was as follows : — " Tho Prebendal , Aylesbury , 1 st March 1880 . My Dear Bro . Garry , —Please to convey to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of tho Lodge of Union No . 41 . 4 , my grateful thanks for tho very kind and gratifying resolution which I have received through you . lam conscious that tho cause of Masonry has not received any very material help from mo during my residence in
the Province , and during the time that I havo filled the position of D . P . G . M ., but "it has been simply from want of time , nofc lack of interest in the good cause , and I am abundantly rewarded for any little services which I may have rendered to the Craft by tho very kind good wishes of the brethren cenveyed to me by you . Pray give them
my cordial greeting and best wishes for the future prosperity of Masonry in general , and of the Lodgo of Union 414 in particular ; and believe me , ever yours sincerely and fraternally , ARTHUR T . PURET-CUST D . P . G . M . Berks aud Bucks . " Ifc was ordered that the letter be entered on the minutes . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed .
Friars Lodgo of Instruction , ITo . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , the Liverpool Arms , Canning-town , on Tuesday , 23 rd March . P . M . Bro . Cundick W . M ., P . M . T . J . Barnes S . W ., P . M . Myers J . W ., P . M . Musto I . P . M . Tho Lodge was opened in duo form to the third degree , and resumed to tho first , when tho Fifteen Sections were
Notices Of Meetings.
worked by the following brethren : —lsfc lecture Bros . T . Lonne , Wat . kins , Webb , Ellis , Myers , Barnes , McDonald ; 2 nd lecture Bros , lluwo , Keable , Musto , Smith , Worsley : 3 rd lwtmo Bros . Webb , Musto , Ellis . Tho Lodgo was again resumed to tho first degree , and Bi \> . T . Loauo of Langthorne Lodge 1451 was unanimously elected a member . A unanimous voto of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on
tho minutes to P . M . Bro . Cundick for tho very excellent manner in which he had worked tho Fifteen Sections , also to Bro . T . J . Barnes P . M . 551 and 933 , for his services in kindly acting as S . W ., and that he bo elected an honorarr member . Votes of thanks were also passed to P . M . Myers and Webb . Tho W . M . thanked tho wholo of tho brethren who had assisted him , and Bro . Barnes passed a very high
compliment on Bro . Musto for having brought out of so a young Lodgo of Instruction members that worked tho sections so well . Tho Lodgo was then closed in duo form , and adjourned to Tuesday next , tho 30 th inst . Tho Lodgo was crammed in every part ; tho following Bros , wero presont : —Smith , Fyfo , Ellis , Lewis , Nash , Shepherd , Webb , Loano , Booth , Hudson , Dixon , Pavitt , Cope , Spencer , Medling . Prosser , Eawe , Whito , Sadler , Keable , McDonald , Clark , and soveral others .
Metropolitan Lodgo , Ho . 1507 . —Tho regular meeting was held on Weduosday , the 18 th March , afc Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bro . C . J . Scales W . M ., W . Sido S . W ., Bro . W . M . Stiles P . M . U 3 J . W ., Jas . Willing P . M . Treasurer , J . J . Michael
P . M . Secretary , n . Stilo 3 J . D ., G . Clark I . G ., II . Lovegrove P . M . D . C , Bro . J . Douglass I . P . M ., Bro . Kingham , and Bros . Beattie , G . V . Knight , Tnck , Ward , Edwards , Fraser , Cruikshank , Froebody , Baron Von Tottonborn , & c . After tho formal opening of the Lodge , and the confirmation of the minutes , Bros . Fraser and Barnard
answered tho necessary questions , and wero raised to tho third degree . Bros . C H . Everett , E . J . Chant , and M . J . Eowloy wero entrusted , and afterwards passed to tho second degree . The election for W . M . thou took place , and Bro . W . Side S . W . was unanimously elected . Bro . James Willing P . M . was re-elected Treasurer , amid the acclamations of the brethren . Both appropriately returned thanks .
Bro . Daly was appointed Ty ler . Tho Audit Committee was nominated . Tho W . M . then proposed that the Lodge hold a Summer Festival . This was seconded by Bro . Kingham P . M ., and a Committeo was appointed to carry out tho necessary arrangements . Bro . James Willing P . M . and Treasurer proposed tbat tho sum of ten guineas bo given from the funds of tho Lodgo for the purpose of
presenting the W . M . with a P . M . s jewel , m recognition of the services he had rendered to the Lodgo during his year of office . This was seconded by Bro . J . J . Michael P . M . Sec , and carried unanimously . Hearty good wishes were given by tho brethren and visitors , and Lodge was closed until October . Tho brethren , seventy-three in number , sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow .
Grace having been said , tho W . M ., in brief terms , proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . James Willing P . M . then rose : in the absence of the I . P . M ., he had tho plcasuro of proposing the toast of the W . M . Ho was pleased to see how well tho work had been done . Bro . Scales on leaving tho chair would carry with him the respect of all in tho Lodge . Tho W . M . in reply thanked Bro . Willing
for his kind romarks , and tho brethren for tho reception they had given to tho toast . He had always their interests at heart . The W . M . in proposing tho toast of the W . M . elect , said that Bro . Sido was one who had worked in overy office with credit ; ho had now reached the proud position of W . M . elect , aud ho ( Bro . Scales ) was sure ho would carry out the duties of tho Lodge to their satisfaction .
Bro . Sido thanked tho W . M . Ho was sure tho brethren had given their votes for his election with all their hearts . In takingupon himself the duties of W . M ., he would exert all his energy ; no matter what difficulties they might havo to contend with , he would try to discharge the duties to their satisfaction . In speaking of the P . M . 's , the W . M . said without tho assistance of thoso brethren the Lodgo could
not have prospered so well . In Bro . Michael the brethren had a very good representative , who had well performed tho duties of the Lodge , aud carried out tho principles of hospitality . Bro . James Willing P . M . and Treasurer , in a humorous and eloquent speech , responded to tho toast with pride . He said ifc had always been received with courtesr ; he regretted the absence of Bro . Williams , who from
illness and other causes , had been absent . When tho new W . M . presided over them , he hoped ho wonld havo as happy a year of office as that of the present W . M . Bro . Michael P . M . followed , and then the W . M . proposed the toast of tho Visitors , whom they wero all pleased to sec llo hoped tho members would givo a hearty reception to tho toast . Bros . Hayday , Mayer , Captain Dowell , and Lieut . Paul Storr
responded , and then the W . M . proposed tho toast of the Treasurer , and then came that of the Secretary . The latter toast having been responded to by Bro . Michael , tho W . M ., in proposing tho toast of the Wardens and Officers said no better working brethren could be found . Bro . C . J . Stile 3 J . W . responded , and then the Tyler gare the parting remembrance . During tho evening Bro . Silvester ( Sidney
Franks ) and several others contributed to tho harmony of tho meoting . Among tho Visitors wero Bros . James Smith 1744 , Hayday P . M . 534 , Silvester 193 , Goodall 1732 , Mayes 51 , Humphreys 167 , L . Jacobs 1732 , B . Kauffmanu 1732 , Nelson 132 S , Cater P . M . 9 , E . Storr 177 , Capt . Dowell J . W . llu'G , Paul Storr 1 G 7 , Ginger 1288 , H . Dowell 14 GG , H . M . Levy P . M . 183 .
Hemming Lodge Ho . 1512 . —A meeting was held at the lied Lion Hotel , Hampton , on Thursday , 18 th inst . Bro . Jessett W . M . presiding , supported by Bros . Fox I . P . M ., T . W . Ockonden S . W ., T . C Walls J . W ., Hiscox J . D ., Moody I . G ., Gilbert Tyler , Past Master's W . Hammond Sec , E . Hopwood Treas ., Hurst ; and Bros .
Davy , Papworth , Knowles , Wheeler . Visitors—Bro 3 . Wilson P . M . Etonian Lodge and Welch , No . 3 . After tho Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed , four gentlemen were successfully ballotted for for initiation . The Lodge having been opened on the centre Bro . A . JEmms 1 G 5 G was raised to the sublimo degree by Bro . W . Hammond