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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAimONSTREETHOTEL,CANTONSTREET,LONDON,E.G. Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication Avith the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , Ac . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING- UPWARDS OP TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AXD FAMILIES visiting L ONDON , for LONG or SHOUT PEIUODS , will find tho APPOIXTAIKXTS , and ACCOAI . MODATIO . V I . XIIIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . . i QROYBH;ScGBOYBR! LET OK HIRE , AVITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , ! Sjlf BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . ! lllllSL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ; I Z—^\ F 15 TO £ O 3 S PER Q UARTER . i § ~ i" gi Tho As 1 vantas «? s of : t Trial , with i 3 s 5 » Cunvenittiicc of < 3 ie « .. ««• ¦ J If Three Years * System : it Cn . nl > l ' sice , by Paying about a n-. siirler t ^ zr ^^~ A || of the value ilown , the lial »»<* e by ¥ s . v * y l ' ayiaeats , iroiu = gr ^ _ Z _ y' l ''** J ' ' quarter . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandEoad. i : STAHj . i . ' jiis-: 3 > isso .
FIRSTCLASSPROVISIONSATWHOLESALEPRICES. MEMBERS OV THE CRAJFT . supplied with tlio very finest qualities of ! all kinds of PROVISIONS , which aro now Delivered Free in nil tho Suburban Districts ! Mutters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & o . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Hilil Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . i Bath Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Ohoshivo . HainnndTonprno . Sc . fresh daily Cheese ... American , Cliedda Stilton , & c . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . Frosli do'lvorlcs daily , at Wholesale Prices , ol " AMBRIOAN" FE ; E ! SH BEEP , ! Pronounced by the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OF HOMK GUOWTIIBOLT a GO ., 105 OPPEe THAMES STREET , E . C .
iR , Tj- : Fi ? Tjr : R ,: E 2 S . BY ROVAL tETTERS PATENT . WHITfl ' S MOC-MAIN LEVJBE TEUSS COMPANY LIMITED . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TEUSS la allowed , by npwimla of . " 00 Motlic .-il Men to bo the 'IA most cfVeetivo invention iu tho curative treat-% 1 h ment of Hernia . Tlie use of n Gteel spring-, so -. j ? often hurtful In its crfeet " , is hero nvoinerl , u ir ~ r . iy soft b . iiuln ^ e beinjr worn round the body , while 5 k ' sl \ the requisite refuting power Is supplied by tho •i W- -f 1 MOC-MAIN PAD unrt PATENT LEVER Httlnpr fl / ' I 1 with so much ease and looseness that it cannot Q I- ' / M \ becloteoted . and may bu worn during sleep . ¦ * ' ' S ^\ \ v A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho x VST / If Truss , which cannot fail to lit , forwarded by '" / % Sl ( 3 post on the circumference of the body two / , r \ j / inches below the loins being sent to tho mtinu' •- / 7 \ J facturer , ~ > A \\ Mr . JoiiK WHITE , 2 « PICCADILLY , LONDOX , V 3 \ Price of a siiiLfle Truss , HJs . Sls . 2 Us Cd & :: l 3 ( id . -V / Fostase free . Price of a Double Truss ; Tils lid ,-lis ¦ ¦ - ! If- mid 52 s lid . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical . ¦ J i >/ Uij Truss , -Hi and : as ( id . Postage free . Pos t Ollico " - ' Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . TTILASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , . 1 J VAIUCOSK VEINS , and all eases of WEAKNESS : md SWELLINGS of the LECS , SPRAINS , Sc . They are porous , liifht In texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price -Is Cd , 7 s Cd , 10 s nnd 10 s each , pnlsT EXPANDING BEA . CES ( for both VV sexes . ) For Gentlemen tlu > y net ns sx fsubstifcuto foi * the m- ( Un ; tty >) race .-4 . Vov chiUlvtjn they m-e invnlurtblo ; they prove rib stoopinir tint ! mvservo tht- r . ynunctrv of the ehe : ; t . i ' vh-cA for children fls Cd , 7- ; Ud and 10 . 4 ( Id ; adultfl V > . -i ( Id and ' 21 it , post five . JOHN WITITB , JfWUF . VCTtTKKK , 22 8 PIOOAPIIiIiY ^ jjjOj ^_ Ojj [
' ' There should be n better reason for the race of Depositors ! than a fluctuating rate oi two or three per cent . " - —I . YVE . STOU ' 8 GUARDIAN . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . _ U ? ,:, Lombard-street , City . Established lmt , reuelves Deposit .- " . Or . Uemimd , 5 per cent . Subject to Notice , 8 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque ISooU * . Investors arc invited to examine this new and Improved system , that en jure .- ; a hlj ; h rate of interest with perfect security . Tho Directors have never re-di = counted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It otters pre-eminent advantages for prompt advance . *} on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees ) . RICHARD TYLER , Secretary . TOMBARTJ ETJILDISTG SOCIETY , -ft-J . Ti Lombard-street , City . Established isiia . Incorporated undor the New Act , 187 ( . TOINVKSTOtW . —Deposits received atUbcraHntf > vest . TheDivf-etovs by strict economy have luthorto paid every iu . ve . ~ tnr 1 ( 1 aud 1- } V ; r cent . p ( -v annum . Borrowers are ollered uruwual fi'dliti-M l ' . » r Mm purelia .-e of House * , Shops , Farm-:, Jtc . New and Special Feature , —The Socfety ^ viiil . iifdl IfoiNcs . ett' ., in any arproved part of Great J » ritain , ' nurUii > r t'ie whole cost of I . ! : ' ; LMiildiii-jnt "» percent ., repayable by iii .-ta' . ment--, the applicant merely finding the plan and paying or ^ iviu ^ - ^ eeuvity for the first 5 years' interest , "prospectuses , b . it . mco- ^ hcets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . RICHARD TYLER , Secretary .
Now Edition , EnUvv ^ od , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . WATFS AND STRAYS , cnrnvbY FKOM THU CiiKsa ]! OAI !» , liy Captain Hu ^ li A . Kennedy , Vice-Presitiont ol' tho British Chess Association . W . W . Itouo . iK-, Ci 7 IJAIIIUCAN- , Loirnojr .
Second Edition . Demy Svn , Prico 2 s ( id . SYNOPSIS OF THK CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , bv Wrr . r . iA 3 t COOK , a member of the ISristol ' nnd Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition , with additions anil emendations .
OeO . J . OREENWALL & CO . ] KfGIiISn AXD AMERICANEtJlOliSClLTAlLORSp 128 STS , A . 3 sTX ) , Three doors West of Waterloo Bridge . Naval and Military "Uniforms , Biding- Habits and liveries . SPECIALITIES IN 13 / TROUSERS , ALL WOOL AND SHRUNK .
" \ 7 "OUNG'S ArnicJited Corn and JJnuion X riaistcrs avo tho licst over invented fov giving- immeiliato ease , anil removing thoso painful excrescences . Price ( id and ls per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe tlie Trade 'Mark—H . Y . —without wl . icl none aro pfonuino . Tio sure aud nsk for YounirV
%^wZ^M*» Appnintment r * v '» -jr It 1 ? ,-F \ Tl c Ouoon . " k-c ^ i- & y I SIMPSON & ' PANTLING , ^ ( WILLIAM SIMPSON , ) W COAL MERCHANTS , 24 COAL DEPAETMENT , GREAT N 0 RTHEHH RAILWAY , KII ^ TG- 'S CK-OSS . Best Wallsend - - 25 s Silkstone .. . 23 s Derby - 21 s Kitchen - 19 s ot : nr : i ! 3 cr POST Pc . fCTfAtr . Y ATTEJTDEB TO .
NEW WORKS ON FREEMASONRY BV Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , ( Past iraster No . 393 , England ) . T ? REEMASONKY : ITS SYMBOLISM , L P . F . LIGIOUS NATURE , AND LAW OF ' PERFECTION . Svo , Cloth , Prico 10 s 6 d . rpESEJIASONEY AND ITS JURISPEU-. L DENCE . Svo , Cloth , Prico 10 a Gd . rpiTE 01 UG 1 N OF FREEMASONRY : THE X 1717 THEORY EXPLODED . Price la . LONDON : UK EVES & TURNER , 196 STRAND , ( Aim ALT . B 00 K 9 EHKB 3 , t
! Bro . A . OLDEOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker , at tbo undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . W Prico u name of * „ ' . i 2 ? o ' ; . " , ri V * „ 5 3 , 0 ... 12 „ ,, ( J 3 , ( J ... 13 l ( A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigar .- ) , 381 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . TJOHO , B . A ., T . C . D ., Ruing ; i supplement to tho "Key to tho Chess Openings , " by tho samo author , Losnoir : W . AV . Mono Air , 67 BARBICAN - , E . G .
i \ TW aniMWii W.W.MORGAN,f I 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . | )| LETTER-PRESS , f \\O ' oppei ^ PlnftA-JiiilljogniijIjic | c | PRINTER , I I LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK | ¦ r MANUFACTURER , J > j ) BOOKBINDEE , STATIONER , $ ' D DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , m l \ ¥ ~ $ ¦ P 5 P 1 3 SPECIAL ATTENTION filVEX TO ( p r » «) J Cliasipcry If ills i \ m \ Ansn'ci'M K . 1 l * iirii » i »(> iii : ii'y Hilltf ( b i ) I'laiiN : ii ! il r : \ iiiiT . \ -. \ rH of Sale nD ' : ' Admiralty I'lcadings iP n . Specifications I ' m- Contractor *! Jn ( ,, . l ]> i > cnl CIINCH or Petition * ( E - ]& Prices Current , KcnorlM , ete . JK / L *^*™^ - ^/*^ 1 " * * a *> r ' f . ^ y- * *> - ^ IL ^^/^^ ^ *> i ^* -. . «»¦¦ ^ , c * K *~^ s ~* s . ^ i ^~^^^*~* L ^ fa ^^ yo OW ^ 'Ocrv ' JV ^ -o vJO '^ CTtrorveJ ' a
^ J-JJ . nwmuv m « aMMMaa . ¦ . . Cr ' -f 3- ~» * v _> 1 ^ iJ O'O to J OC /' w y t / 0 % \ J "•¦ CT-t . "*' ' / { ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR * J BVERV DESCRIPTION OF $ IPRINTING.S c » I j CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO FOR JJ ) SUPPLYINQ ALL KINDS OF ( j » jSTATIONERY. | ! -- AI Q ^^ - 'J *— I •$ { ARRANGEMENTS MADE $ 5 FOP . J j 1PUBLISHING.I ! ( B j —^ rg *^^^— f s PARTICULARS Of ) APPLICATION TO ft | W . W . MOSGAII , 67 BARBICAN , jjj ; LOKDON . E . G . | JJ 6 0 « c Door from Aldcrsijate Street . ifc J 6 ^ c ^ S ^ ig- > S 9 g 5 og-3-aC > C 2 QOS i = ^^ :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CAimONSTREETHOTEL,CANTONSTREET,LONDON,E.G. Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Railway advantages , in direct communication Avith the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , Ac . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o . THE LARGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING- UPWARDS OP TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AXD FAMILIES visiting L ONDON , for LONG or SHOUT PEIUODS , will find tho APPOIXTAIKXTS , and ACCOAI . MODATIO . V I . XIIIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . . i QROYBH;ScGBOYBR! LET OK HIRE , AVITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , ! Sjlf BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . ! lllllSL PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ; I Z—^\ F 15 TO £ O 3 S PER Q UARTER . i § ~ i" gi Tho As 1 vantas «? s of : t Trial , with i 3 s 5 » Cunvenittiicc of < 3 ie « .. ««• ¦ J If Three Years * System : it Cn . nl > l ' sice , by Paying about a n-. siirler t ^ zr ^^~ A || of the value ilown , the lial »»<* e by ¥ s . v * y l ' ayiaeats , iroiu = gr ^ _ Z _ y' l ''** J ' ' quarter . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandEoad. i : STAHj . i . ' jiis-: 3 > isso .
FIRSTCLASSPROVISIONSATWHOLESALEPRICES. MEMBERS OV THE CRAJFT . supplied with tlio very finest qualities of ! all kinds of PROVISIONS , which aro now Delivered Free in nil tho Suburban Districts ! Mutters ... Aylesbury , Dorset , Cork , & o . Eggs ... New Laid Country . Bacon ... Finest Hilil Cured . Hams ... Fine flavoured York and Irish . i Bath Chaps Finest Wiltshire . Sausages Ohoshivo . HainnndTonprno . Sc . fresh daily Cheese ... American , Cliedda Stilton , & c . Tongues Finest Smoked and Pickled Ox . Frosli do'lvorlcs daily , at Wholesale Prices , ol " AMBRIOAN" FE ; E ! SH BEEP , ! Pronounced by the Press to bo equal , if not superior , to tho BEST BEEF OF HOMK GUOWTIIBOLT a GO ., 105 OPPEe THAMES STREET , E . C .
iR , Tj- : Fi ? Tjr : R ,: E 2 S . BY ROVAL tETTERS PATENT . WHITfl ' S MOC-MAIN LEVJBE TEUSS COMPANY LIMITED . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TEUSS la allowed , by npwimla of . " 00 Motlic .-il Men to bo the 'IA most cfVeetivo invention iu tho curative treat-% 1 h ment of Hernia . Tlie use of n Gteel spring-, so -. j ? often hurtful In its crfeet " , is hero nvoinerl , u ir ~ r . iy soft b . iiuln ^ e beinjr worn round the body , while 5 k ' sl \ the requisite refuting power Is supplied by tho •i W- -f 1 MOC-MAIN PAD unrt PATENT LEVER Httlnpr fl / ' I 1 with so much ease and looseness that it cannot Q I- ' / M \ becloteoted . and may bu worn during sleep . ¦ * ' ' S ^\ \ v A descriptive circular may bo had , and tho x VST / If Truss , which cannot fail to lit , forwarded by '" / % Sl ( 3 post on the circumference of the body two / , r \ j / inches below the loins being sent to tho mtinu' •- / 7 \ J facturer , ~ > A \\ Mr . JoiiK WHITE , 2 « PICCADILLY , LONDOX , V 3 \ Price of a siiiLfle Truss , HJs . Sls . 2 Us Cd & :: l 3 ( id . -V / Fostase free . Price of a Double Truss ; Tils lid ,-lis ¦ ¦ - ! If- mid 52 s lid . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical . ¦ J i >/ Uij Truss , -Hi and : as ( id . Postage free . Pos t Ollico " - ' Orders to bo made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post Office , Piccadilly . TTILASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , . 1 J VAIUCOSK VEINS , and all eases of WEAKNESS : md SWELLINGS of the LECS , SPRAINS , Sc . They are porous , liifht In texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Price -Is Cd , 7 s Cd , 10 s nnd 10 s each , pnlsT EXPANDING BEA . CES ( for both VV sexes . ) For Gentlemen tlu > y net ns sx fsubstifcuto foi * the m- ( Un ; tty >) race .-4 . Vov chiUlvtjn they m-e invnlurtblo ; they prove rib stoopinir tint ! mvservo tht- r . ynunctrv of the ehe : ; t . i ' vh-cA for children fls Cd , 7- ; Ud and 10 . 4 ( Id ; adultfl V > . -i ( Id and ' 21 it , post five . JOHN WITITB , JfWUF . VCTtTKKK , 22 8 PIOOAPIIiIiY ^ jjjOj ^_ Ojj [
' ' There should be n better reason for the race of Depositors ! than a fluctuating rate oi two or three per cent . " - —I . YVE . STOU ' 8 GUARDIAN . T OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . _ U ? ,:, Lombard-street , City . Established lmt , reuelves Deposit .- " . Or . Uemimd , 5 per cent . Subject to Notice , 8 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque ISooU * . Investors arc invited to examine this new and Improved system , that en jure .- ; a hlj ; h rate of interest with perfect security . Tho Directors have never re-di = counted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It otters pre-eminent advantages for prompt advance . *} on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees ) . RICHARD TYLER , Secretary . TOMBARTJ ETJILDISTG SOCIETY , -ft-J . Ti Lombard-street , City . Established isiia . Incorporated undor the New Act , 187 ( . TOINVKSTOtW . —Deposits received atUbcraHntf > vest . TheDivf-etovs by strict economy have luthorto paid every iu . ve . ~ tnr 1 ( 1 aud 1- } V ; r cent . p ( -v annum . Borrowers are ollered uruwual fi'dliti-M l ' . » r Mm purelia .-e of House * , Shops , Farm-:, Jtc . New and Special Feature , —The Socfety ^ viiil . iifdl IfoiNcs . ett' ., in any arproved part of Great J » ritain , ' nurUii > r t'ie whole cost of I . ! : ' ; LMiildiii-jnt "» percent ., repayable by iii .-ta' . ment--, the applicant merely finding the plan and paying or ^ iviu ^ - ^ eeuvity for the first 5 years' interest , "prospectuses , b . it . mco- ^ hcets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . RICHARD TYLER , Secretary .
Now Edition , EnUvv ^ od , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . WATFS AND STRAYS , cnrnvbY FKOM THU CiiKsa ]! OAI !» , liy Captain Hu ^ li A . Kennedy , Vice-Presitiont ol' tho British Chess Association . W . W . Itouo . iK-, Ci 7 IJAIIIUCAN- , Loirnojr .
Second Edition . Demy Svn , Prico 2 s ( id . SYNOPSIS OF THK CHESS OPENINGS ; a tabulated analysis , bv Wrr . r . iA 3 t COOK , a member of the ISristol ' nnd Clifton Chess Association . Second Edition , with additions anil emendations .
OeO . J . OREENWALL & CO . ] KfGIiISn AXD AMERICANEtJlOliSClLTAlLORSp 128 STS , A . 3 sTX ) , Three doors West of Waterloo Bridge . Naval and Military "Uniforms , Biding- Habits and liveries . SPECIALITIES IN 13 / TROUSERS , ALL WOOL AND SHRUNK .
" \ 7 "OUNG'S ArnicJited Corn and JJnuion X riaistcrs avo tho licst over invented fov giving- immeiliato ease , anil removing thoso painful excrescences . Price ( id and ls per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe tlie Trade 'Mark—H . Y . —without wl . icl none aro pfonuino . Tio sure aud nsk for YounirV
%^wZ^M*» Appnintment r * v '» -jr It 1 ? ,-F \ Tl c Ouoon . " k-c ^ i- & y I SIMPSON & ' PANTLING , ^ ( WILLIAM SIMPSON , ) W COAL MERCHANTS , 24 COAL DEPAETMENT , GREAT N 0 RTHEHH RAILWAY , KII ^ TG- 'S CK-OSS . Best Wallsend - - 25 s Silkstone .. . 23 s Derby - 21 s Kitchen - 19 s ot : nr : i ! 3 cr POST Pc . fCTfAtr . Y ATTEJTDEB TO .
NEW WORKS ON FREEMASONRY BV Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON , ( Past iraster No . 393 , England ) . T ? REEMASONKY : ITS SYMBOLISM , L P . F . LIGIOUS NATURE , AND LAW OF ' PERFECTION . Svo , Cloth , Prico 10 s 6 d . rpESEJIASONEY AND ITS JURISPEU-. L DENCE . Svo , Cloth , Prico 10 a Gd . rpiTE 01 UG 1 N OF FREEMASONRY : THE X 1717 THEORY EXPLODED . Price la . LONDON : UK EVES & TURNER , 196 STRAND , ( Aim ALT . B 00 K 9 EHKB 3 , t
! Bro . A . OLDEOYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN bo obtained direct from the Maker , at tbo undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stratford . W Prico u name of * „ ' . i 2 ? o ' ; . " , ri V * „ 5 3 , 0 ... 12 „ ,, ( J 3 , ( J ... 13 l ( A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigar .- ) , 381 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLAYED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . TJOHO , B . A ., T . C . D ., Ruing ; i supplement to tho "Key to tho Chess Openings , " by tho samo author , Losnoir : W . AV . Mono Air , 67 BARBICAN - , E . G .
i \ TW aniMWii W.W.MORGAN,f I 67 BARBICAN , LONDON , E . C . | )| LETTER-PRESS , f \\O ' oppei ^ PlnftA-JiiilljogniijIjic | c | PRINTER , I I LEDGER & ACCOUNT BOOK | ¦ r MANUFACTURER , J > j ) BOOKBINDEE , STATIONER , $ ' D DIE SINKER AND ENGRAVER , m l \ ¥ ~ $ ¦ P 5 P 1 3 SPECIAL ATTENTION filVEX TO ( p r » «) J Cliasipcry If ills i \ m \ Ansn'ci'M K . 1 l * iirii » i »(> iii : ii'y Hilltf ( b i ) I'laiiN : ii ! il r : \ iiiiT . \ -. \ rH of Sale nD ' : ' Admiralty I'lcadings iP n . Specifications I ' m- Contractor *! Jn ( ,, . l ]> i > cnl CIINCH or Petition * ( E - ]& Prices Current , KcnorlM , ete . JK / L *^*™^ - ^/*^ 1 " * * a *> r ' f . ^ y- * *> - ^ IL ^^/^^ ^ *> i ^* -. . «»¦¦ ^ , c * K *~^ s ~* s . ^ i ^~^^^*~* L ^ fa ^^ yo OW ^ 'Ocrv ' JV ^ -o vJO '^ CTtrorveJ ' a
^ J-JJ . nwmuv m « aMMMaa . ¦ . . Cr ' -f 3- ~» * v _> 1 ^ iJ O'O to J OC /' w y t / 0 % \ J "•¦ CT-t . "*' ' / { ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR * J BVERV DESCRIPTION OF $ IPRINTING.S c » I j CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO FOR JJ ) SUPPLYINQ ALL KINDS OF ( j » jSTATIONERY. | ! -- AI Q ^^ - 'J *— I •$ { ARRANGEMENTS MADE $ 5 FOP . J j 1PUBLISHING.I ! ( B j —^ rg *^^^— f s PARTICULARS Of ) APPLICATION TO ft | W . W . MOSGAII , 67 BARBICAN , jjj ; LOKDON . E . G . | JJ 6 0 « c Door from Aldcrsijate Street . ifc J 6 ^ c ^ S ^ ig- > S 9 g 5 og-3-aC > C 2 QOS i = ^^ :