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Consecration Of A New Masonic Lodge At Halifax.
ON Thnrsday , 18 th April , a new Masonic Lodgo was consecrated by W . Bro . T . W . Tow J . P . P . M . 910 P . P . G . W . and Deputy Prov . G . Master for the Province of West Yorkshire , in place of the E . W . Prov . G . M . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart . This is tho fourth Lodge now in existence in Halifax , and its rooms aro tho St . John's llooms , King Cross-street , where tho ceremony took place . There was an influential assembly of brethren , including Bros . Henry
Smith P . G . Sec , Isaac Dooth P . S . G . W ., Austin Roberts P . M . 307 , acting as P . G . Reg ., C . T . Rhodes P . M . 418 , acting as P . G . S . D ., tho Rev . I . Parkinson , acting as P . G . O ., H . C . Scratcherd as P . G . J . D ., F . Whitaker P . P . G . J . D ., W . Schofiold P . G . P ., E . Walshaw P . G . S . B ., John Simpson P . G . S . W ., Thomas Ruddock P . G . S ., and Joshua Lee P . G . T . ; also Bros . W . Gaukroger W . M . 01 , H . R . Waghorn S . W . Gl
G . Scarborough J . W . CI , Thos . Whitaker W . M . 448 , Charles E . Walshaw P . M . 4 : 18 , Richard Jessop P . M . 448 , J . Leed P . M . 1302 , H . S . Roberts W . M . 408 , C . W . Eastwood Sec . 1231 , and others . A Provincial Grand Lodgo having been opened , tho elaborate and imposing ceremony of consecration was gone through by tho Deputy P . G . M . and his Officers ., Bro . Tew dnly dedicating and constituting
tho Lodgo as " St . John ' s Lodge , 1736 . " After closing as a Provincial Grand Lodge , it was re-opencd as a Craft Lodge , for tho purpose of installing the W . M . and investing the other Officers . Bro . Isaac Booth performed this portion of the ceremony , and installed Bro . W . Beanland Spencer P . M . 408 and 448 as W . M . of St . John's , 1736 , after which the following Officers were invested with their collars of
office : —Bros . Edward Taylor P . M . 408 as S . W ., II . S . Holdsworth J . W ., Ely Dyson Treasurer , E . Taylor Secretary , John Green S . D ., Alfred Gomersall J . D ., W . Nieholl I . G ., John Naylor Steward , 0 . E . Law M . C ., and R . Riley I . P . M . After the transaction of ordinary business , the Lodge closed with prayer . Tho brethren afterwards assembled afc tho White Swan Hotel
where a splendid banquet was served by Bro . Crocker . Bro . Tow presided , and was supported by Bro . W . B . Spencer W . M ., and other officers already enumerated . Before tho toast list was proceeded with , Bro . Tew , having to leave early , addressed a few remarks to those present . Ho should bo glad to drink the health of tho W . M . and Officers of tho new Lodgo , whom he warmly thanked for tho
kind reception accorded to himself and tho Provincial Grand Officers that day . It had given them great pleasure to como to Halifax to consecrate tho St . John's Lodge , which ho believed was tho 64 th on the list in the Province of West Yorkshire . ( Applause ) . He believed it was tho fifth he had had tho honour of consecrating since Sir Hy . Edwards was placed at the head of the craft four years ago , and thafc
was a fact which ho could nofc help thinking testified to the great popularity of tho Provincial Grand Master . ( Loud applause ) . Bro . Tew , concluding , called tho attention of tho brethren to matters which would como before tho next meeting of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo at Leeds , on Wednesday , especially referring to tho proposal to bo submitted in respect of the Benevolent Fund .
Bro . W . B . Spencer , in taking the chair vacated by tho Dep . Prov . G . M ., gave tho nsual loyal and patriotic toasts , which wero cordially honoured . The next toast was tho M . W . G . M . of England , His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales ; M . W . Pro Grand Master tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon ; tho H . W . Dep . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , and the resfc
of tho Grand Officers Past and Present , which was also proposed in appropriate terms by Bro . Spencer , and heartily drunk , with honours . " The R . W . Prov . G . M . Licutenant-Colonol Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., and tho rest of the Prov . Officers , past and present , " was proposed from tbo chair , and after being enthusiastically honoured , Bro . E . Walshaw responded , expressing his pride afc being numbered
among the Prov . Grand Officers on that occasion . Bro . F . Whittaker also replied , after which Bro . W . Gaukroger gave tho toast of tho evening , "Tho St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1736 , " and in doing so expressed a hope that the Lodgo consecrated that day would prosper , and that the W . M . and Officers might have reason to look back with prido to tho occasion when the fourth Halifax Lodge was founded . " Prosper the Art " was then sung , after which Bro . Spencer responded . Ho
remarked that afc the foundation of all institutions of thafc kind some one must take tho holm , and although he did not seek tho office of being tho iirst W . M ., yet ho felt the honour conferred upon liim was very great , and ono which ho should always remember ¦ with pleasure . It was a gratifying thing that the W . M . ' s and Officers of all tho other Lodges in the town were amongst them thafc day , for ifc was an evidence of that perfect harmony which ifc was his desire should , and it would bo his endeavour to mako it—arm .
tinue . Other toasts followed , and the final one , to all poor and distressed Masons , concluded a very successful gathering , rendered moro enjoy , able by tho vocal selections of the quartette part y , composed of Bros . F . C . Atkinson W . M . 1648 , W . Turner W . M . 1515 , Thornton Wood I . G . 302 , and Chas . Blagborough 439 , whose names are a sufficient guarantee of the excellency of their services .
Provincial Grand R.A. Chapter Of Northumberland.
THE annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter took place on the 15 th instant at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlc-on-Tyno , nnder the banner of the St . Peters Chapter . M . E . Companion L . M . Cockcroft , Prov . Grand Superintendent , opened Grand Chapter , supported by the following Officers -. —Comps . John Hopper H ., B . J . Tompson J ., G . Thompson Treasurer , J . H . Benthain as E ., II . Smail as N ., Wraith P . S ., J . Ridsdale A . S ., Curry Janitor . The minutes of the last ; Grand Chapter were read and confirmed ; the Treasurer ' s
Provincial Grand R.A. Chapter Of Northumberland.
report was also adopted , and tho usual bnsiness was satisfactorily gone through . Tho Prov . Grand Superintendent then appointed tho following Companions as Prov . Grand Officers for tho ensuing year : — M . Twizell IL , Challoner J ., J . H . Bentham E ., Adderson Potter N ., J . Ridsdalo P . S ., J . Cook 1 st Asst . Soj ., T . Blenkcnsop 2 nd Asst . Soj ., G . Thompson Treasurer , Holmes Registrar , P . O . Smith Sw . B ., Allen Sfc . B .. E . D . Davis P . G . H . D . C , S . Wilson Organist , G . I . Dean nnd
Musturfc P . G . Stewards , Curry Janitor . The P . G . Chapter was then closed in ample form , and tho Companions adjourned to tho Queen ' s Head Hotol , and sat down to a capital banquet . The Loyal and R . A . toasts wero duly proposed and responded to , and a very enjoyable evenin" was spent . Amongst thoso present wo noticed : —Comps . S . Wilson P . Z . 431 , J . Ilarkup J . 131 , W . Word 1431 , B . Smail P . Z . 2-1 , J . Cook P . Z . 24 , G . A . Allen Z . 991 , M . Guthrio J . 991 , A . Pother H . 991 , T . Blenkcnsop II . 24 , J . Wood E . 421 , G . I . Doan P . S . 24 , J . H . Bentham H . 481 , Holmes Z . 481 , & c , Ac .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School
THE General Committco of the Masouic Institution for Girls met on Thursday , at Freemason ' s Hall , Lieut .-Colonel Creaton in tho chair . Tho other brethren who attended were—Bros . IT . A . Dubois , B . Head , P . G . Baker , II . G . Warren , W . F . C . Mon trio , Thos . Massa , J . Nunn , E . Letchwortb , C . F . Matier , C . Chard , J . M . Vaughan , J . Words , worth , E . Spooncr , R . B . Webster , G . Brown , A . H . Tattershall , H .
Massey , W . Paas , James Peters , John A . Ruckcr , J . Terry , S . Rosenthal , Griffiths Smith , Peter Do L . Long , John Boyd , W . Roebuck , S . Rawson , William Stephens , Thos . W . White , Charles F . Hogard , Henry Venn , W . H . Farnfield , John Dennis , Henry J . Lewis , Robert E . Stevenson , Herbert Dickotts , T . R . Eatnes , Geo . Phythian , Thomas Kingston , F . R . W . Hedges . Bros . Boyd , Dubois , Head , Nunn , Long ,
Peters , Rucker , Griffiths Smith , White , Diaper , Farnfield , Mason , Wordsworth , Mather , Lctchworth , Vaughan , and Rawson were nominated for election on tho House Committee . Bros . Chancellor , Dicketts , Kingston , Levander , Nunn , Paas , Roebuck , Webster , Bailey , Jardino , II . M . Levy , and Marsh wero nominated for tho Audit Com . mifctee . Two notices of motion wero given , and when tho matter of tho vacant Secretaryship was brought forward , Bro . II . A . Dubois
informed tho Committee that tho statement which had found its way into tho press that ho was a candidate was entirely incorrect , as ho had not , and never had , any intention of offering himself . A sub-Committee , comprised of Bros . Head , Ruckcr , Long , Nunn , Farnfield , Griffiths Smith , and' Lt .-Col . Creaton , was then appointed to consider and report upou the duties and emoluments of tho office of Secretary aud tho proceedings wore brought to a close in tho nsual manner .
Meeting Of Stewards For The Girls' School Festival.
A MEETING of tho Stewards for tho Festival of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls on tho 10 th May , was held on Wednesday , afc Freemasons' Hall , for tho purpose of electing an Honorary Secretary to supply tho place of tho lato Bro . R . W . Little . Tho chair was occupied by Bro . iEneas J . Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar . Bros . G . Ward Verry , Griffiths Smith , R . E . Gladwell , F . A . White , C .
Daniel , Alfred Layton , Thomas Massa , G . Bolton , H . Bartlotfc , E . Lctchworth , J . Wordsworth , Dr . Brette , and E . Kidman were also present . Bro . Hedges attended in place of tho late Secretary , Bro . Little . After a few observations from tho Chairman , Bro . F . It . W . Hedges was unanimously elected Honorary Secretary of tho Board .
A letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to Bro . Little ' s widow , and the Chairman then informed tho brethren that in consequence of tho outbreak of whooping congh in tho School , fcho customary visit of tho Stewards before tho Festival would havo to bo postponed sine die . Information as to when it would be safe to pay such visit would bo given in due timo .
A Masonic Wedding.
SOMETHING rare , if not altogether new , in connubial alliances has taken place in Fort Chalmers , New Zealand . The Otago Daily Times describes ifc ns a " very interesting marriage . " Ifc took place afc Holy Trinity Chnroh , in tho presence of a very largo nnmber of spectators , when Bro . Henry F . Dcnch J . W . of the Port Chalmers Marine Lodge ,
No . 946 E . C , was united to Miss Gibson , a daughter of a well-known member of the Lodge . A dispensation from tho R . W . D . G . M ., permitting the brethren to appear in Masonic clothing , had been obtained , and the W . M ., with tho officers and brethren of the Lodgo , wore present . On the arrival of tho bridal party , a wedding march was played by Bro . Bott , Organist of the Church , and the bride , attended by ten bridesmaids ( daughters of the W . M . and several P . M . ' s of the
Lodge ) , including three of the bridegroom's sisters , moved np tho aisle to tho front of the altar , where the ceremony was very impressively performed by tho Rev . Lorenzo Moore , Incumbent of the Church . After the marriage , tho W . M ., Bro . 0 . do L . Graham , presouted the bride , in tho name of the Lodge , with a very eloquent bouquet of white and bine flowers , the centre forming a square and compass , together with a silver holder appropriately engraved .
HOTJIOWAT ' FIT . I . S . —Good Spirits . —Every one has frequently experienced sudden personal changes from gaiety to gloom . The wind and Weather oftentimes receive tho blame Mrhen a faulty digestion is alone tho cause of tho depression . Holloway ' s Tills can bo honestly recommended for regulating a disordered . stomach and improving digestion . They entirely remove tho sense
of fullness and oppression after eating . They clear the furred tongue , and act ns a wholesome stimulant to the liver , and as a gentle aperient to tlio bowels They healthfully rouse both body and mind . Holloway ' s Pills aro the best known antidotes for want of appetite , nausea , flatulency , heartburn , langour , depression , and that apathy so characteristic of chronic derangement of the digestion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of A New Masonic Lodge At Halifax.
ON Thnrsday , 18 th April , a new Masonic Lodgo was consecrated by W . Bro . T . W . Tow J . P . P . M . 910 P . P . G . W . and Deputy Prov . G . Master for the Province of West Yorkshire , in place of the E . W . Prov . G . M . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart . This is tho fourth Lodge now in existence in Halifax , and its rooms aro tho St . John's llooms , King Cross-street , where tho ceremony took place . There was an influential assembly of brethren , including Bros . Henry
Smith P . G . Sec , Isaac Dooth P . S . G . W ., Austin Roberts P . M . 307 , acting as P . G . Reg ., C . T . Rhodes P . M . 418 , acting as P . G . S . D ., tho Rev . I . Parkinson , acting as P . G . O ., H . C . Scratcherd as P . G . J . D ., F . Whitaker P . P . G . J . D ., W . Schofiold P . G . P ., E . Walshaw P . G . S . B ., John Simpson P . G . S . W ., Thomas Ruddock P . G . S ., and Joshua Lee P . G . T . ; also Bros . W . Gaukroger W . M . 01 , H . R . Waghorn S . W . Gl
G . Scarborough J . W . CI , Thos . Whitaker W . M . 448 , Charles E . Walshaw P . M . 4 : 18 , Richard Jessop P . M . 448 , J . Leed P . M . 1302 , H . S . Roberts W . M . 408 , C . W . Eastwood Sec . 1231 , and others . A Provincial Grand Lodgo having been opened , tho elaborate and imposing ceremony of consecration was gone through by tho Deputy P . G . M . and his Officers ., Bro . Tew dnly dedicating and constituting
tho Lodgo as " St . John ' s Lodge , 1736 . " After closing as a Provincial Grand Lodge , it was re-opencd as a Craft Lodge , for tho purpose of installing the W . M . and investing the other Officers . Bro . Isaac Booth performed this portion of the ceremony , and installed Bro . W . Beanland Spencer P . M . 408 and 448 as W . M . of St . John's , 1736 , after which the following Officers were invested with their collars of
office : —Bros . Edward Taylor P . M . 408 as S . W ., II . S . Holdsworth J . W ., Ely Dyson Treasurer , E . Taylor Secretary , John Green S . D ., Alfred Gomersall J . D ., W . Nieholl I . G ., John Naylor Steward , 0 . E . Law M . C ., and R . Riley I . P . M . After the transaction of ordinary business , the Lodge closed with prayer . Tho brethren afterwards assembled afc tho White Swan Hotel
where a splendid banquet was served by Bro . Crocker . Bro . Tow presided , and was supported by Bro . W . B . Spencer W . M ., and other officers already enumerated . Before tho toast list was proceeded with , Bro . Tew , having to leave early , addressed a few remarks to those present . Ho should bo glad to drink the health of tho W . M . and Officers of tho new Lodgo , whom he warmly thanked for tho
kind reception accorded to himself and tho Provincial Grand Officers that day . It had given them great pleasure to como to Halifax to consecrate tho St . John's Lodge , which ho believed was tho 64 th on the list in the Province of West Yorkshire . ( Applause ) . He believed it was tho fifth he had had tho honour of consecrating since Sir Hy . Edwards was placed at the head of the craft four years ago , and thafc
was a fact which ho could nofc help thinking testified to the great popularity of tho Provincial Grand Master . ( Loud applause ) . Bro . Tew , concluding , called tho attention of tho brethren to matters which would como before tho next meeting of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo at Leeds , on Wednesday , especially referring to tho proposal to bo submitted in respect of the Benevolent Fund .
Bro . W . B . Spencer , in taking the chair vacated by tho Dep . Prov . G . M ., gave tho nsual loyal and patriotic toasts , which wero cordially honoured . The next toast was tho M . W . G . M . of England , His Royal Highness tho Prince of Wales ; M . W . Pro Grand Master tho Right Hon . Earl of Carnarvon ; tho H . W . Dep . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , and the resfc
of tho Grand Officers Past and Present , which was also proposed in appropriate terms by Bro . Spencer , and heartily drunk , with honours . " The R . W . Prov . G . M . Licutenant-Colonol Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., and tho rest of the Prov . Officers , past and present , " was proposed from tbo chair , and after being enthusiastically honoured , Bro . E . Walshaw responded , expressing his pride afc being numbered
among the Prov . Grand Officers on that occasion . Bro . F . Whittaker also replied , after which Bro . W . Gaukroger gave tho toast of tho evening , "Tho St . John ' s Lodge , No . 1736 , " and in doing so expressed a hope that the Lodgo consecrated that day would prosper , and that the W . M . and Officers might have reason to look back with prido to tho occasion when the fourth Halifax Lodge was founded . " Prosper the Art " was then sung , after which Bro . Spencer responded . Ho
remarked that afc the foundation of all institutions of thafc kind some one must take tho holm , and although he did not seek tho office of being tho iirst W . M ., yet ho felt the honour conferred upon liim was very great , and ono which ho should always remember ¦ with pleasure . It was a gratifying thing that the W . M . ' s and Officers of all tho other Lodges in the town were amongst them thafc day , for ifc was an evidence of that perfect harmony which ifc was his desire should , and it would bo his endeavour to mako it—arm .
tinue . Other toasts followed , and the final one , to all poor and distressed Masons , concluded a very successful gathering , rendered moro enjoy , able by tho vocal selections of the quartette part y , composed of Bros . F . C . Atkinson W . M . 1648 , W . Turner W . M . 1515 , Thornton Wood I . G . 302 , and Chas . Blagborough 439 , whose names are a sufficient guarantee of the excellency of their services .
Provincial Grand R.A. Chapter Of Northumberland.
THE annual Convocation of this Grand Chapter took place on the 15 th instant at the Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastlc-on-Tyno , nnder the banner of the St . Peters Chapter . M . E . Companion L . M . Cockcroft , Prov . Grand Superintendent , opened Grand Chapter , supported by the following Officers -. —Comps . John Hopper H ., B . J . Tompson J ., G . Thompson Treasurer , J . H . Benthain as E ., II . Smail as N ., Wraith P . S ., J . Ridsdale A . S ., Curry Janitor . The minutes of the last ; Grand Chapter were read and confirmed ; the Treasurer ' s
Provincial Grand R.A. Chapter Of Northumberland.
report was also adopted , and tho usual bnsiness was satisfactorily gone through . Tho Prov . Grand Superintendent then appointed tho following Companions as Prov . Grand Officers for tho ensuing year : — M . Twizell IL , Challoner J ., J . H . Bentham E ., Adderson Potter N ., J . Ridsdalo P . S ., J . Cook 1 st Asst . Soj ., T . Blenkcnsop 2 nd Asst . Soj ., G . Thompson Treasurer , Holmes Registrar , P . O . Smith Sw . B ., Allen Sfc . B .. E . D . Davis P . G . H . D . C , S . Wilson Organist , G . I . Dean nnd
Musturfc P . G . Stewards , Curry Janitor . The P . G . Chapter was then closed in ample form , and tho Companions adjourned to tho Queen ' s Head Hotol , and sat down to a capital banquet . The Loyal and R . A . toasts wero duly proposed and responded to , and a very enjoyable evenin" was spent . Amongst thoso present wo noticed : —Comps . S . Wilson P . Z . 431 , J . Ilarkup J . 131 , W . Word 1431 , B . Smail P . Z . 2-1 , J . Cook P . Z . 24 , G . A . Allen Z . 991 , M . Guthrio J . 991 , A . Pother H . 991 , T . Blenkcnsop II . 24 , J . Wood E . 421 , G . I . Doan P . S . 24 , J . H . Bentham H . 481 , Holmes Z . 481 , & c , Ac .
Committee Meeting Of The Girls' School
THE General Committco of the Masouic Institution for Girls met on Thursday , at Freemason ' s Hall , Lieut .-Colonel Creaton in tho chair . Tho other brethren who attended were—Bros . IT . A . Dubois , B . Head , P . G . Baker , II . G . Warren , W . F . C . Mon trio , Thos . Massa , J . Nunn , E . Letchwortb , C . F . Matier , C . Chard , J . M . Vaughan , J . Words , worth , E . Spooncr , R . B . Webster , G . Brown , A . H . Tattershall , H .
Massey , W . Paas , James Peters , John A . Ruckcr , J . Terry , S . Rosenthal , Griffiths Smith , Peter Do L . Long , John Boyd , W . Roebuck , S . Rawson , William Stephens , Thos . W . White , Charles F . Hogard , Henry Venn , W . H . Farnfield , John Dennis , Henry J . Lewis , Robert E . Stevenson , Herbert Dickotts , T . R . Eatnes , Geo . Phythian , Thomas Kingston , F . R . W . Hedges . Bros . Boyd , Dubois , Head , Nunn , Long ,
Peters , Rucker , Griffiths Smith , White , Diaper , Farnfield , Mason , Wordsworth , Mather , Lctchworth , Vaughan , and Rawson were nominated for election on tho House Committee . Bros . Chancellor , Dicketts , Kingston , Levander , Nunn , Paas , Roebuck , Webster , Bailey , Jardino , II . M . Levy , and Marsh wero nominated for tho Audit Com . mifctee . Two notices of motion wero given , and when tho matter of tho vacant Secretaryship was brought forward , Bro . II . A . Dubois
informed tho Committee that tho statement which had found its way into tho press that ho was a candidate was entirely incorrect , as ho had not , and never had , any intention of offering himself . A sub-Committee , comprised of Bros . Head , Ruckcr , Long , Nunn , Farnfield , Griffiths Smith , and' Lt .-Col . Creaton , was then appointed to consider and report upou the duties and emoluments of tho office of Secretary aud tho proceedings wore brought to a close in tho nsual manner .
Meeting Of Stewards For The Girls' School Festival.
A MEETING of tho Stewards for tho Festival of tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls on tho 10 th May , was held on Wednesday , afc Freemasons' Hall , for tho purpose of electing an Honorary Secretary to supply tho place of tho lato Bro . R . W . Little . Tho chair was occupied by Bro . iEneas J . Mclntyre , Q . C , Grand Registrar . Bros . G . Ward Verry , Griffiths Smith , R . E . Gladwell , F . A . White , C .
Daniel , Alfred Layton , Thomas Massa , G . Bolton , H . Bartlotfc , E . Lctchworth , J . Wordsworth , Dr . Brette , and E . Kidman were also present . Bro . Hedges attended in place of tho late Secretary , Bro . Little . After a few observations from tho Chairman , Bro . F . It . W . Hedges was unanimously elected Honorary Secretary of tho Board .
A letter of condolence was ordered to be sent to Bro . Little ' s widow , and the Chairman then informed tho brethren that in consequence of tho outbreak of whooping congh in tho School , fcho customary visit of tho Stewards before tho Festival would havo to bo postponed sine die . Information as to when it would be safe to pay such visit would bo given in due timo .
A Masonic Wedding.
SOMETHING rare , if not altogether new , in connubial alliances has taken place in Fort Chalmers , New Zealand . The Otago Daily Times describes ifc ns a " very interesting marriage . " Ifc took place afc Holy Trinity Chnroh , in tho presence of a very largo nnmber of spectators , when Bro . Henry F . Dcnch J . W . of the Port Chalmers Marine Lodge ,
No . 946 E . C , was united to Miss Gibson , a daughter of a well-known member of the Lodge . A dispensation from tho R . W . D . G . M ., permitting the brethren to appear in Masonic clothing , had been obtained , and the W . M ., with tho officers and brethren of the Lodgo , wore present . On the arrival of tho bridal party , a wedding march was played by Bro . Bott , Organist of the Church , and the bride , attended by ten bridesmaids ( daughters of the W . M . and several P . M . ' s of the
Lodge ) , including three of the bridegroom's sisters , moved np tho aisle to tho front of the altar , where the ceremony was very impressively performed by tho Rev . Lorenzo Moore , Incumbent of the Church . After the marriage , tho W . M ., Bro . 0 . do L . Graham , presouted the bride , in tho name of the Lodge , with a very eloquent bouquet of white and bine flowers , the centre forming a square and compass , together with a silver holder appropriately engraved .
HOTJIOWAT ' FIT . I . S . —Good Spirits . —Every one has frequently experienced sudden personal changes from gaiety to gloom . The wind and Weather oftentimes receive tho blame Mrhen a faulty digestion is alone tho cause of tho depression . Holloway ' s Tills can bo honestly recommended for regulating a disordered . stomach and improving digestion . They entirely remove tho sense
of fullness and oppression after eating . They clear the furred tongue , and act ns a wholesome stimulant to the liver , and as a gentle aperient to tlio bowels They healthfully rouse both body and mind . Holloway ' s Pills aro the best known antidotes for want of appetite , nausea , flatulency , heartburn , langour , depression , and that apathy so characteristic of chronic derangement of the digestion .