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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON , W . C . The aduilKible anil unrivalled aecimmioilaUon provided at this Establismelit tor DVCJLSOIiTIC ZB ^ LZEsTQ . TJIETS ., PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DIMMERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has ueeu changed , ami the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-org-anised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CTJISINVTC OF TI-XE HIGHEST CHARACTER . 1 YIMEM PERFECT IN CONDITION AHfll QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 . ' -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence ami support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement 1 ms been entered into with the Proprietors of the Oxford . Music Hall , by which its habitues nnd the public can be served with Luncheons nnd Dinners in tho © OLID zEnsro-iiisiH : STYLE . A SKUIEI ) CHKF HAS Blili . V I . XGAOliD . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) , 2 s Gd 3 ? IilR HE ^ D . BRO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultryjoints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BEOS . BUEGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
EOYALALBERTHALL. QZE^LIISroC01TCER,T IS AID 01 ' TUE ORPHAN CHILDREN or TUB LVTH BROTHER SUPERINTENDENT MOTT ( OF THE XETKOVOtlTAX ror . icr . ) , Under tho Patronage of H . R . H . the Prince of "Wales , K . Cr . On WI 5 r > : N"iySD-A . Y , 1 st of MAY , nt 7 . 30 .
2 & OTT ORPHAN ZFTJILSriD . A GRAND CONCERT , in aid of this FUND , will bo given at the ROYAL ALBERT HALL , on AVKDNKSDAY , 1 ST MAY , nt 7 . 30 , when tho following artistes , who have kindly volunteered their services , will assist : — Mdmc . Lemroeus Sherrington Mr . Sims Reeves Mdme . Antoinette Sterling Mr . Kdward Llovd Miss Anna Williams Jlr . Walter CliiVord Miss Julia Elton Signer Foli THE LONDON VOCAL UNION ( under the direction of Mr . F . AVulker ) . Mns . Snur . ixo will recite " Tin : AVHAMIU FLEET . " Four Military Hands—2 nd LIFE GLAFIDS , GKK . VWUKR GCAUDS , COLDSTMSAJI Giutns , aud SCOTS GIMKDS , ( liy the kind permission of their Commanding Officers ) , Under the direction of Mr . W . Winterbottom , Mr . D . Godfrey , Mr F Gndfrev and Mr . J . P . Clarke . ' ' uul "' Jf ' Conductors—Mr . F . H . ( owen , Mr . Sidney Naylor , and Herr Ganz . The Proprietors of the " Whitehall Review " have presented to tlie Fund 6 , 000 Crayon Portraits of the late . Brother Mott . These may be purchased Wherever tickets are on sale , and also at the Koyal Albert Hall on the night ot the Concert . Price ls each .
THE LATE BROTHER SUPERINTENDENT MOTT . G < RAND CONCERT afc the ROYAL , ALBERT UALL in aid of T the MOTT ORPHAN FUND . Trices—Stalls Jits Od ; arena 7 s ; balcony ( Iirst and second rows ) 5 s , other rows 2 s ( id ; orchestra 2 s ; boxes from 2 . V guineas ; gallerv promenade Is . rickets may he had at the Criterion Box UtUco , Mr . Austin ' s Ticket Office St . James ' s Hall , the principal Libraries , and at the Koyal Albert Hall .
filTY PRESS . - WEDNESDAY and SATUEDAY in fntnre , VV commencing MAY-DAY . One Penny . Sold Everywhere Tho best medium for Advertisements . Offices , J 28 and ! '' [) Aiders" itestreet , London , E . C . * ° '
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . tN accordance with an intimation given in the last number of this Paper the Allotment of Life-Governorships and Lifc-Subscribcrships to the above Institution , will take place at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday Oth May , at 7 p . m . ¦ " AUTHUR E . GLADWELL , Steward .
IionalSlasmucInstitutionfor6irk ELECTION OF SECRETARY . BRETHREN desirions of seenrinjr tho Election of Bro . CHAKLKS FIT / . GKKAVD MAIIEB , avo respectfully requested to forward their names to—BRO . STEPHEN BARTON AV 1 LSON , 27 Walbrook , London E . G . Hon . Secretary .
To the Patron , Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents and Life Governors of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR RoYAt , HIGHNESSES , Mr LOIIDS A > "D GKXTLF . ME . , In consequence of the lamented decease of the lato Bvo . R . AYentwovth . Little , a vacancy lias occurred in the Secretaryship of tins Institution , and I bog most respectfully to state that it is my intection to offer myself as a Candidate for the Office . Tlio experience I have gained during my five years connexion in the office as Clevk , will , I wast , be of service to me should I bo successful in obtaining tho appointment . I may mention that during Bro . Little's illness nearly the whole of the Secretarial duties have devolved upon me , and I venture to hope , from the manner in which they havo been discharged , it will induce you to honor me with your support should the Committee think fit to accept mo as a Candidate . I have the honour to be . Your Royal Highnesses , my Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient huinblo servant , 21 th April 1878 . F . R . W . HEDGES . 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , AV . C .
litoplSa:s0iTic|iTsti.tati0)tfor(Sirk TO THE MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE . BHOTHMH , —The Secretaryship of the Uoyal Masonic Institution for Girls having become vacant by the lamented death of Bro . tt . AV . Little , I aspire to become his successor . It would be presumptuous in me to suppose that I possess the many qualifications which distinguished tho late Secretary , qualifications so eminent ns to havo raised the Institution to a position higher than even the expectations of its most sanguine supporters could havo anticipated ; I nevertheless possess two qualifications which justify me in offering my services—viz ., primeness of manhood and energetic willingness . My Masonic career has been comparatively short , but I have seen and dona some service in the Craft . I was initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , 657 , in 1 SG 7 , and became its AV . M . in 1871 . I attended for some time the sittings of the Board of Benevolence ns one of the elected Members , and havo served Stewardships to tho Royal Benevolent Institution and tho Boys' School . I am likewise Secretary to the Sunbury Lodge , No . 173 : ! , holding its meetings at Sunbury , Middlesex . I was born in 1811 , of English parents residing in Paris , and was educated at the then Lyceo Bonaparte . I distinguished myself as a prizeman at my Lycee , which I on several occasions represented with honour nt the competitions of the Sorbonno . Before leaving the University I graduated Bachelor of Sciences . Meanwhile , ami for some time after , I assisted my father in tho preparation of a French and English Dictionary , and in revising for tho press several class books and translations of English and French works . In the year 18 ( il I came to England , and have since that timo been engaged in the business of a law stationer . My scholastic attainments are a thorough knowledge of French , English , Latin , and Mathematics . I havo an intimate acquaintance with the Institution . Having been privl * legedon many occasions to visit tho School , I haye made the acquaintance of the educational executive , and highly appreciate the system ' . adopted , and tho anxious endeavours of the House Committee to render the establishment a success . Should I obtain the position I seek , my best exertions shall bo devoted to promoting the prosperity of the Institution , and my whole timo given to increase , and render permanent , the advantages now offered to the pupils . I havo the honour to bo , Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , AVILLIAM CLIFTON CRICK . 102 Chancery Lane , April , 1878 .
H^^^^^^M IJr ' . -AV JWWjJk ^ krV . 'JWWJAVAll 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
rTYHE Queen and tbe Princess Beatrice , who havo been JL staying for somo few weeks at Osborne , returned to Windsor Castle on Thursday afternoon . Tho Prince and Princess of Wales with thoir children and their guests the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark and the Duke of
Cambridge have been spending the Easter holidays at Sandringham , but they returned to town on Wednesday afternoon . In the evening the Prince of Wales and tlio Crown Prince honoured Grand Lodge with their presence ,
the latter being received by direction of his Royal brotherin-law with the usual ceremonial , and meeting with a hearty welcome from his English brethren . After this
pleasing episode , the Prince or Wales was re-installed as Grand Master , and then appointed his Officers for the year . The customary banquet followed , at which the Prince , the Crown Prince , the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON , W . C . The aduilKible anil unrivalled aecimmioilaUon provided at this Establismelit tor DVCJLSOIiTIC ZB ^ LZEsTQ . TJIETS ., PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DIMMERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has ueeu changed , ami the Establishment in all its branches thoroughly re-org-anised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CTJISINVTC OF TI-XE HIGHEST CHARACTER . 1 YIMEM PERFECT IN CONDITION AHfll QUALITY . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 . ' -. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence ami support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement 1 ms been entered into with the Proprietors of the Oxford . Music Hall , by which its habitues nnd the public can be served with Luncheons nnd Dinners in tho © OLID zEnsro-iiisiH : STYLE . A SKUIEI ) CHKF HAS Blili . V I . XGAOliD . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D'HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ice Pudding , Cheese , and Salad ( according to season ) , 2 s Gd 3 ? IilR HE ^ D . BRO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultryjoints , cheese , and salad . Served from Twelve to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BEOS . BUEGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
EOYALALBERTHALL. QZE^LIISroC01TCER,T IS AID 01 ' TUE ORPHAN CHILDREN or TUB LVTH BROTHER SUPERINTENDENT MOTT ( OF THE XETKOVOtlTAX ror . icr . ) , Under tho Patronage of H . R . H . the Prince of "Wales , K . Cr . On WI 5 r > : N"iySD-A . Y , 1 st of MAY , nt 7 . 30 .
2 & OTT ORPHAN ZFTJILSriD . A GRAND CONCERT , in aid of this FUND , will bo given at the ROYAL ALBERT HALL , on AVKDNKSDAY , 1 ST MAY , nt 7 . 30 , when tho following artistes , who have kindly volunteered their services , will assist : — Mdmc . Lemroeus Sherrington Mr . Sims Reeves Mdme . Antoinette Sterling Mr . Kdward Llovd Miss Anna Williams Jlr . Walter CliiVord Miss Julia Elton Signer Foli THE LONDON VOCAL UNION ( under the direction of Mr . F . AVulker ) . Mns . Snur . ixo will recite " Tin : AVHAMIU FLEET . " Four Military Hands—2 nd LIFE GLAFIDS , GKK . VWUKR GCAUDS , COLDSTMSAJI Giutns , aud SCOTS GIMKDS , ( liy the kind permission of their Commanding Officers ) , Under the direction of Mr . W . Winterbottom , Mr . D . Godfrey , Mr F Gndfrev and Mr . J . P . Clarke . ' ' uul "' Jf ' Conductors—Mr . F . H . ( owen , Mr . Sidney Naylor , and Herr Ganz . The Proprietors of the " Whitehall Review " have presented to tlie Fund 6 , 000 Crayon Portraits of the late . Brother Mott . These may be purchased Wherever tickets are on sale , and also at the Koyal Albert Hall on the night ot the Concert . Price ls each .
THE LATE BROTHER SUPERINTENDENT MOTT . G < RAND CONCERT afc the ROYAL , ALBERT UALL in aid of T the MOTT ORPHAN FUND . Trices—Stalls Jits Od ; arena 7 s ; balcony ( Iirst and second rows ) 5 s , other rows 2 s ( id ; orchestra 2 s ; boxes from 2 . V guineas ; gallerv promenade Is . rickets may he had at the Criterion Box UtUco , Mr . Austin ' s Ticket Office St . James ' s Hall , the principal Libraries , and at the Koyal Albert Hall .
filTY PRESS . - WEDNESDAY and SATUEDAY in fntnre , VV commencing MAY-DAY . One Penny . Sold Everywhere Tho best medium for Advertisements . Offices , J 28 and ! '' [) Aiders" itestreet , London , E . C . * ° '
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . tN accordance with an intimation given in the last number of this Paper the Allotment of Life-Governorships and Lifc-Subscribcrships to the above Institution , will take place at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday Oth May , at 7 p . m . ¦ " AUTHUR E . GLADWELL , Steward .
IionalSlasmucInstitutionfor6irk ELECTION OF SECRETARY . BRETHREN desirions of seenrinjr tho Election of Bro . CHAKLKS FIT / . GKKAVD MAIIEB , avo respectfully requested to forward their names to—BRO . STEPHEN BARTON AV 1 LSON , 27 Walbrook , London E . G . Hon . Secretary .
To the Patron , Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents and Life Governors of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR RoYAt , HIGHNESSES , Mr LOIIDS A > "D GKXTLF . ME . , In consequence of the lamented decease of the lato Bvo . R . AYentwovth . Little , a vacancy lias occurred in the Secretaryship of tins Institution , and I bog most respectfully to state that it is my intection to offer myself as a Candidate for the Office . Tlio experience I have gained during my five years connexion in the office as Clevk , will , I wast , be of service to me should I bo successful in obtaining tho appointment . I may mention that during Bro . Little's illness nearly the whole of the Secretarial duties have devolved upon me , and I venture to hope , from the manner in which they havo been discharged , it will induce you to honor me with your support should the Committee think fit to accept mo as a Candidate . I have the honour to be . Your Royal Highnesses , my Lords and Gentlemen , Your obedient huinblo servant , 21 th April 1878 . F . R . W . HEDGES . 5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , AV . C .
litoplSa:s0iTic|iTsti.tati0)tfor(Sirk TO THE MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE . BHOTHMH , —The Secretaryship of the Uoyal Masonic Institution for Girls having become vacant by the lamented death of Bro . tt . AV . Little , I aspire to become his successor . It would be presumptuous in me to suppose that I possess the many qualifications which distinguished tho late Secretary , qualifications so eminent ns to havo raised the Institution to a position higher than even the expectations of its most sanguine supporters could havo anticipated ; I nevertheless possess two qualifications which justify me in offering my services—viz ., primeness of manhood and energetic willingness . My Masonic career has been comparatively short , but I have seen and dona some service in the Craft . I was initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , 657 , in 1 SG 7 , and became its AV . M . in 1871 . I attended for some time the sittings of the Board of Benevolence ns one of the elected Members , and havo served Stewardships to tho Royal Benevolent Institution and tho Boys' School . I am likewise Secretary to the Sunbury Lodge , No . 173 : ! , holding its meetings at Sunbury , Middlesex . I was born in 1811 , of English parents residing in Paris , and was educated at the then Lyceo Bonaparte . I distinguished myself as a prizeman at my Lycee , which I on several occasions represented with honour nt the competitions of the Sorbonno . Before leaving the University I graduated Bachelor of Sciences . Meanwhile , ami for some time after , I assisted my father in tho preparation of a French and English Dictionary , and in revising for tho press several class books and translations of English and French works . In the year 18 ( il I came to England , and have since that timo been engaged in the business of a law stationer . My scholastic attainments are a thorough knowledge of French , English , Latin , and Mathematics . I havo an intimate acquaintance with the Institution . Having been privl * legedon many occasions to visit tho School , I haye made the acquaintance of the educational executive , and highly appreciate the system ' . adopted , and tho anxious endeavours of the House Committee to render the establishment a success . Should I obtain the position I seek , my best exertions shall bo devoted to promoting the prosperity of the Institution , and my whole timo given to increase , and render permanent , the advantages now offered to the pupils . I havo the honour to bo , Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , AVILLIAM CLIFTON CRICK . 102 Chancery Lane , April , 1878 .
H^^^^^^M IJr ' . -AV JWWjJk ^ krV . 'JWWJAVAll 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
Our Weekly Budget.
rTYHE Queen and tbe Princess Beatrice , who havo been JL staying for somo few weeks at Osborne , returned to Windsor Castle on Thursday afternoon . Tho Prince and Princess of Wales with thoir children and their guests the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark and the Duke of
Cambridge have been spending the Easter holidays at Sandringham , but they returned to town on Wednesday afternoon . In the evening the Prince of Wales and tlio Crown Prince honoured Grand Lodge with their presence ,
the latter being received by direction of his Royal brotherin-law with the usual ceremonial , and meeting with a hearty welcome from his English brethren . After this
pleasing episode , the Prince or Wales was re-installed as Grand Master , and then appointed his Officers for the year . The customary banquet followed , at which the Prince , the Crown Prince , the Earl of Carnarvon , Lord