Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchqster . —Tho installation of the respected Grand Secvetavy for the Province of E * sex , Bros . Th . 03 . J . Railing , aa W . M . oF this old Lodge , to > k p ' ace at the Assembly Room , Town Hall , Colchester , on Thursday , the 21 st June . Bro . Railing , by the attention he has given to Masonic matters , not only in the Province of Esiex . bnfc in tho snrronnding district " , has
gained the goodwill and best wishes of Masons of every grade , and this wa 9 testified bv the way in whioh tho breth-en assembled to witness his induction into the chair . Bro . Matthew E . Clark , Depnty Prov . Grand Master , had kindlv promised to aft as Installing Master , and after the formal opening of the Lodge , whioh was presided over by Bro . G . Card Pye , the announcement was made that the D . P . G . M .
was in attendance . A . reception committee was immediately formed , and Bro . Clark waa introdnoed , Bro . Pye vacating the chair in his favour . On looking round the Lodge wo recognised th «» following brethren :- Bros . Matthew E . Clark D . P . G . M . Essex , the Rev . Thomas Cochrane W . M . 214 Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., Rev . P . B . Shepherd P . M . 276 P . P . S . G . W ., N . Glueksteiu P . M . 51 , W . W .
Morgan 1385 , J . Nicholls P . M . 27 fi , Rev . E . H . Crate W . M . 697 . Robert Griggs P . M . 228 . H . Sconov W . M . 376 , T . R . Elkington 37 fi , W . Clarey W . M ., J . E . Wiseman P . M . and Snc , Henry York P . M ., Rev . J . P . Britton and S . Lord 433 . T . RiK Sec , T . Eustace P . M ., P . Wright D . C , P . E . Morris and J . W . Smith 697 , J . Stewart , W . C . Bell W . M . and P . G . Green S PO . 1021 ; and the following momhers of
No . 51 : —Bros . G . Gard Pve I . P . M ., Past Masters C . <> . \ i . Becker M . D ., S . Chaplin P . P . S . G . W ., Chas . Cobb P . P . G S . of W ., A . Cobb Treas ., Pred . A . Cole P . P . G . R ., W . P . Lewis P . G . S . D ., A . Welch P . P . J . G . W . ; W . H . Ablitt , W . Brightwell , B . B . rber , J . T . Browning , J . L . Browne , W . Bray , A . R . Clench , H . H . Elwes , I . Harris , G . Hennemeyer , J . Hanlv , D . Hill jun ., G . Mercer , W . Richer ,
W . Rivett , H . Sandford , A . R . Staines , and T . H . Webb . Bro . Clark performed the ceremony in a most effective manner , and on the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted in the three degrees . The investment of officers then took place : —Bros . G . Gard Pye I . P . M ., W . S . Sprent S . W ., E . Hennemever . T . W ., Alf . Cobb P . M . Treas ., John J . C . Turner Secrernrv . J . Hanlv S . D ., C . Denton
J . D ., G . Mercer I . G ., W . P . Lewis DC , W . H Ablitt and D . Hill Stewards , R . E . H . Crate Chaplain , C . Gunner Tyler . Ou the conclusion of the investiture , and after tbe addresses hndbetvn crivnn , a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Matthew E . Clark for his kindness in officiating . After this had been acknowledged , Bro . Gard Pye was complimented on , and thanked for , the services he had
rendered the Lodge during tbe past year . Tho names of three candidates for initiation were handed in . A vote of thanks was also given to the Mayor of Colchester for the kindness he had displayed in lending the Tovvu Hall for the purposes of the gathering . The customary banquet" took place , at tho Cnps Hotel , and was well served , a la Russe . On the removal of the cloth , the Loyal and Masonio toasts received full honours . In sivint ? the health of Her
Most Gracious Mnj ^ sty the Qneen , the W . M ., Bro . Rilhn ? , said she was endeared to us , not only as ourSoveriirn , but as the Mother of our M . W . G . M . ; she was the Patron of all that was good , and an example to ns all . The National Anthem was sung , and the W . M . gave the health of the Most Worshipful tbe Grand Master . He said : We have done honour to the Ruler of the Land , we now come
to the Ruler of the Craft . The lato G . M ., tho Marquis of Ripon . was a most excellent Mason , but the gap cansed by his retirement had been well filled up . Bro . Railing then referred to tho Prince ' s visit to Norfolk , in November last , and expressed a hope that he might be induced to visit Clacton . on-Sea , on the occasion of the inauguration of tbe Freemasons' Lifeboat to be stationed there . Should the Prince
do so , the brethren of the Angel Lodge would do a'l in their power to make that gathering a success . After the Pro Grand Muster Lord Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master Lord Skelmersdale , and tb . 9 Grand Officers past and present , had been duly honoured , the W . M . gave the Provincial Grand Master for Essex the Ri , 'ht Worshipful Bro . R . J . Bagshaw . He regretted the state of health of
the Prov . Grand Master prevented his attendance amongst the brethren BO often as they conld wish , at the same time , not one of those who were present was unmindful of the great services rendered in his day by Bro . Bagshaw . Bro . Matthew E . Clark , in replying for the health of the D . P . G . M . for Essex , and the Provincial Grand Officers past and present ,
remarked that he was a subscribing member of the Angel Lodge , and it was to him a source of pleasure bis being able toinstal Bro . Railing as W . M . As long as ho was able , bo would do all in hia power to promote the interests of Frpemasonry throughout the Province of Essex . The health of the W . M . was proposed by the D . P . G . M ., in felicitous terms . In responding , Bro . Railing said that at his
initiation he was reminded to reflect upon the peculiar moment when he waa made a Mason , but he had found out another peculiar moment that day , he referred ( o his beitig installed as W . M . of tbeir old established Lodge , fie thanked them for the kind promises of support he had received , and Bro . Clark in particular for his attendance . His acknowledgments were especially due to the Past Masters , from
whom he was sure ho should receive every assistance . His heart was indeed full of thanks , and he conld only promise to do all in bis power to show his appreciation of the kind feeling that had been ovinced . The toast of the Visitors was given by the I . P . M . Bro . Pye , and acknowledged by Brn . Cochrane . The Charities , by Bro . P . M . Cole , was ably acknowledged by Bro . Jas . Terry , Sec . R . M . B . I ., who gave a most exhaustive resume" of what was being done for our three
Institutions . The toast of the I . P . M . and tho P . M . ' s was entrusted to Bro . Sprent , who , throughout , expressed himself in manly and strai ghtforward tetms . Bo , Pye , in responding , thanked all present fir the way in which the toast bad been given and received . He spoke of bis Stewardship at the approaching Festival of the Boys ' School , and forcibly nrged the claims of that Institution . Bro . P . M . Welch , in a humorous speech , proposed the health of the Wardens and
Notices Of Meetings
ither officers . Bro . Sprent replied most ably ; and was followed by ^ ro . Hennemever . Tho mimical brethren—Bros . T . M . Bear . W . Brightwell , S . Chaplain , D . Hill jun ., A . R . Staines , T . H . Webb , with Bros . J . J . C . Turner , and Wintorbon—who , throughout tho , evening , had exerted themselves most effectively to enliven the pro . eedinga , having received due honour , the Tyler was called , and the brethren dispersed shortly afterwards .
Alexandra Palace Lodge , No . 1541 . —The la 3 t time we recorded the doings of this young Lodge we were compelled to say that the surroundings were not of a promising character . It waa winter time , and a wintry cloud indeed then hang over the fortunes of the Alexandra Palaoe . How different the aspect of affairs on Saturday last , the 23 rd inst . A brilliant summer ' s day , and all about
tho Palace were signs of well-doing and prosperity . The Lodge was opened at two o ' clock in the afternoon , by the W . M . G . Kelly King , who was supported by Bros . G . J . Palmer S . W ., E . M . Haigh J . W ., John Dyte Treas ., J . R . Stacey Sec , J . Lee S . D ., W . S . Daniel J . D ., James J . Chapman I . G ., and C . T . Speight Tyler . The attendance of the members was all that could be desired , and the following were
present as Visitors : Bros . Brown S . G . W . Monmouthshire , J . H . Swan , J . U . Spence , Walter Wood , Allen , M . D . Loewenstark , A . E . Taylor , W . W . Morgan , & o . On glanoing at the summons it waa apparent there was work to be done , and the remark was made that the agenda was an exceptionally heavy one . After the reading and ciufirraation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Mr . Henry J .
Kimbell j it resulted in that gentleman ' s favour , and he , with Mr . Richard Simmonds , were initiated into the mysteries of our Order , Bro . J . R . Stacey , at the request of the W . M ., working the ceremony in his accustomed painstaking and impressive manner . The candidate for passing , Bro . Wheeler , next presented himself , and underwent examination as to his pnficienoy . Hia
replies were satisfactory , and in due course he was advanced to the second degree . Thero wero threo candidates on tho list for raising—Brothers Ward , Rubinstein , and Lever ; they were suecessfal in passing the necessary examination . The Lodge was opened in the third , and the sublime degreo was wrought in their behalf , Bro . Stacey conducting the ceremony in a
manner that gave the greatest satisfaction to each brother who was present . It may be remarked that Bro . Stacey bad , indeed , well borne the burden of the day ' s proceedings , but the W . M ., ever zealous as a Masonic worker , had promised to instal his successor , and for that purpose he now resumed tho chair . Bro . G . J . Palmer , the W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . P . M . Dyte , and answered the
usual questions . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and he was inducted into th 9 chair of King Solomon . On the admis . sion of the brethren , the salutations wore given , and the officors invested as follow : — Bros . E . M . Haigh S . W ., J . Lae J . W ., Dyte P . M . Treas ., J . R . Stacey P . M . Secretary , W . S . Daniels ( the first Initiate of the Lodge ) S . D ., James J . Chapman J . D ., Lnrchin I . G ., Kensington
D . C . and Rowland Steward . Bro . Speight was unanimously rs-olected Tyler . Bro . King gave tho addresses , in a very effective manner . Communications were read from two members of the Lodgo , whose engagempnts prevented their regular attendance j each roquested to be transferred from the list of full members to that of country mem . hers . Ou this bein g put to the brethren , it received the sanction of the
Lodge , and the Secretary was requested to oommunicate tho result . Several propositions , both for joining and initiation , wero handed in . Bro . Palmer , the new W . M ., then rose , and in a speech , brief and well to the point , presented the retiring W . M ., Bro . George Kelly King , with an elegant Past Master ' s jewel . After this had been suitably acknowledged , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren par .
took of a capital banquet , served by Bros . Bertram and Roberts . Bro . Palmer presided , and gave the regular toasts , Loyal and Masonio . As there were no Grand Officers present , the name of Bro . Brown , S . G . W . of Monmouthshire , was associated with the health of the Grand Officers Present and Past . Bro . Brown , in the course of hia reply , said it was with no empty form of words he wished to thank
them for the reception he had met with . Provincial Grand Officers were always proud at being oalled upon to respond to this toast , at the same time they were perfectly content to sit at the fost of those who were so competent to teach ; he , individually , felt utterly unable to rise to the occasion . He spoke of the high popularity the Alexandra Palace Lodge had already obtained , and referred to their first
Worshipful Master Bro . J . C . Parkinson's connection with South Wales . He concluded his remarks by again thanking tho brethren for the kindness they had exhibited . Bro . King proposed tho health of the W . M ., who , he stated , had always been a very popular man ; this the present gathering ampl y testified . He waa , indeed , to him a very old friend , and one whom he respected , not only as a man but
as a Mason . It afforded him the greatest gratification to see him in his present exalted position j be was calculated in every way to advance the interests of the Alexandra Palace Lodge , and he thoushfc all would agree with him ( Bro . King ) that they had got tho right man in the right place , and that Bro . Palmer was ono who wonld not act too much on the impulse of the moment , but would dovote ample
thought to all matters brought before him . Bro . Palmer , who on rising was enthusiastically received , said that he was . almost at a loss for words to express his thanks for the exceedingly kind and earnest manner in which he had been received that evening . The brethren had taken him somewhat upon trnst , but ho sincerely hoped they wonld not find they had made a bad bargain . If a firm desire on his part to gain their good opinion would avail , he was sure to succeed .
He might describe this as one of his bad days ; he found he wanted to say a great deal , but somehow he did not get on . However , he was not one to make many promises , and he would prefer to be judged by thero this time twelve months . Tbe other toasts comprised the P . M . ' s , replied to by Bro . King ; the Visitors , by Bros . Allen and Walter Wood j tbe Initiates , the Officers , & c . During the evening there were some good songs rendered , Bro . Ward deserving special
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchqster . —Tho installation of the respected Grand Secvetavy for the Province of E * sex , Bros . Th . 03 . J . Railing , aa W . M . oF this old Lodge , to > k p ' ace at the Assembly Room , Town Hall , Colchester , on Thursday , the 21 st June . Bro . Railing , by the attention he has given to Masonic matters , not only in the Province of Esiex . bnfc in tho snrronnding district " , has
gained the goodwill and best wishes of Masons of every grade , and this wa 9 testified bv the way in whioh tho breth-en assembled to witness his induction into the chair . Bro . Matthew E . Clark , Depnty Prov . Grand Master , had kindlv promised to aft as Installing Master , and after the formal opening of the Lodge , whioh was presided over by Bro . G . Card Pye , the announcement was made that the D . P . G . M .
was in attendance . A . reception committee was immediately formed , and Bro . Clark waa introdnoed , Bro . Pye vacating the chair in his favour . On looking round the Lodge wo recognised th «» following brethren :- Bros . Matthew E . Clark D . P . G . M . Essex , the Rev . Thomas Cochrane W . M . 214 Prov . S . G . W . ; J . Terry Sec . R . M . B . I ., Rev . P . B . Shepherd P . M . 276 P . P . S . G . W ., N . Glueksteiu P . M . 51 , W . W .
Morgan 1385 , J . Nicholls P . M . 27 fi , Rev . E . H . Crate W . M . 697 . Robert Griggs P . M . 228 . H . Sconov W . M . 376 , T . R . Elkington 37 fi , W . Clarey W . M ., J . E . Wiseman P . M . and Snc , Henry York P . M ., Rev . J . P . Britton and S . Lord 433 . T . RiK Sec , T . Eustace P . M ., P . Wright D . C , P . E . Morris and J . W . Smith 697 , J . Stewart , W . C . Bell W . M . and P . G . Green S PO . 1021 ; and the following momhers of
No . 51 : —Bros . G . Gard Pve I . P . M ., Past Masters C . <> . \ i . Becker M . D ., S . Chaplin P . P . S . G . W ., Chas . Cobb P . P . G S . of W ., A . Cobb Treas ., Pred . A . Cole P . P . G . R ., W . P . Lewis P . G . S . D ., A . Welch P . P . J . G . W . ; W . H . Ablitt , W . Brightwell , B . B . rber , J . T . Browning , J . L . Browne , W . Bray , A . R . Clench , H . H . Elwes , I . Harris , G . Hennemeyer , J . Hanlv , D . Hill jun ., G . Mercer , W . Richer ,
W . Rivett , H . Sandford , A . R . Staines , and T . H . Webb . Bro . Clark performed the ceremony in a most effective manner , and on the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted in the three degrees . The investment of officers then took place : —Bros . G . Gard Pye I . P . M ., W . S . Sprent S . W ., E . Hennemever . T . W ., Alf . Cobb P . M . Treas ., John J . C . Turner Secrernrv . J . Hanlv S . D ., C . Denton
J . D ., G . Mercer I . G ., W . P . Lewis DC , W . H Ablitt and D . Hill Stewards , R . E . H . Crate Chaplain , C . Gunner Tyler . Ou the conclusion of the investiture , and after tbe addresses hndbetvn crivnn , a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Matthew E . Clark for his kindness in officiating . After this had been acknowledged , Bro . Gard Pye was complimented on , and thanked for , the services he had
rendered the Lodge during tbe past year . Tho names of three candidates for initiation were handed in . A vote of thanks was also given to the Mayor of Colchester for the kindness he had displayed in lending the Tovvu Hall for the purposes of the gathering . The customary banquet" took place , at tho Cnps Hotel , and was well served , a la Russe . On the removal of the cloth , the Loyal and Masonio toasts received full honours . In sivint ? the health of Her
Most Gracious Mnj ^ sty the Qneen , the W . M ., Bro . Rilhn ? , said she was endeared to us , not only as ourSoveriirn , but as the Mother of our M . W . G . M . ; she was the Patron of all that was good , and an example to ns all . The National Anthem was sung , and the W . M . gave the health of the Most Worshipful tbe Grand Master . He said : We have done honour to the Ruler of the Land , we now come
to the Ruler of the Craft . The lato G . M ., tho Marquis of Ripon . was a most excellent Mason , but the gap cansed by his retirement had been well filled up . Bro . Railing then referred to tho Prince ' s visit to Norfolk , in November last , and expressed a hope that he might be induced to visit Clacton . on-Sea , on the occasion of the inauguration of tbe Freemasons' Lifeboat to be stationed there . Should the Prince
do so , the brethren of the Angel Lodge would do a'l in their power to make that gathering a success . After the Pro Grand Muster Lord Carnarvon , the Deputy Grand Master Lord Skelmersdale , and tb . 9 Grand Officers past and present , had been duly honoured , the W . M . gave the Provincial Grand Master for Essex the Ri , 'ht Worshipful Bro . R . J . Bagshaw . He regretted the state of health of
the Prov . Grand Master prevented his attendance amongst the brethren BO often as they conld wish , at the same time , not one of those who were present was unmindful of the great services rendered in his day by Bro . Bagshaw . Bro . Matthew E . Clark , in replying for the health of the D . P . G . M . for Essex , and the Provincial Grand Officers past and present ,
remarked that he was a subscribing member of the Angel Lodge , and it was to him a source of pleasure bis being able toinstal Bro . Railing as W . M . As long as ho was able , bo would do all in hia power to promote the interests of Frpemasonry throughout the Province of Essex . The health of the W . M . was proposed by the D . P . G . M ., in felicitous terms . In responding , Bro . Railing said that at his
initiation he was reminded to reflect upon the peculiar moment when he waa made a Mason , but he had found out another peculiar moment that day , he referred ( o his beitig installed as W . M . of tbeir old established Lodge , fie thanked them for the kind promises of support he had received , and Bro . Clark in particular for his attendance . His acknowledgments were especially due to the Past Masters , from
whom he was sure ho should receive every assistance . His heart was indeed full of thanks , and he conld only promise to do all in bis power to show his appreciation of the kind feeling that had been ovinced . The toast of the Visitors was given by the I . P . M . Bro . Pye , and acknowledged by Brn . Cochrane . The Charities , by Bro . P . M . Cole , was ably acknowledged by Bro . Jas . Terry , Sec . R . M . B . I ., who gave a most exhaustive resume" of what was being done for our three
Institutions . The toast of the I . P . M . and tho P . M . ' s was entrusted to Bro . Sprent , who , throughout , expressed himself in manly and strai ghtforward tetms . Bo , Pye , in responding , thanked all present fir the way in which the toast bad been given and received . He spoke of bis Stewardship at the approaching Festival of the Boys ' School , and forcibly nrged the claims of that Institution . Bro . P . M . Welch , in a humorous speech , proposed the health of the Wardens and
Notices Of Meetings
ither officers . Bro . Sprent replied most ably ; and was followed by ^ ro . Hennemever . Tho mimical brethren—Bros . T . M . Bear . W . Brightwell , S . Chaplain , D . Hill jun ., A . R . Staines , T . H . Webb , with Bros . J . J . C . Turner , and Wintorbon—who , throughout tho , evening , had exerted themselves most effectively to enliven the pro . eedinga , having received due honour , the Tyler was called , and the brethren dispersed shortly afterwards .
Alexandra Palace Lodge , No . 1541 . —The la 3 t time we recorded the doings of this young Lodge we were compelled to say that the surroundings were not of a promising character . It waa winter time , and a wintry cloud indeed then hang over the fortunes of the Alexandra Palaoe . How different the aspect of affairs on Saturday last , the 23 rd inst . A brilliant summer ' s day , and all about
tho Palace were signs of well-doing and prosperity . The Lodge was opened at two o ' clock in the afternoon , by the W . M . G . Kelly King , who was supported by Bros . G . J . Palmer S . W ., E . M . Haigh J . W ., John Dyte Treas ., J . R . Stacey Sec , J . Lee S . D ., W . S . Daniel J . D ., James J . Chapman I . G ., and C . T . Speight Tyler . The attendance of the members was all that could be desired , and the following were
present as Visitors : Bros . Brown S . G . W . Monmouthshire , J . H . Swan , J . U . Spence , Walter Wood , Allen , M . D . Loewenstark , A . E . Taylor , W . W . Morgan , & o . On glanoing at the summons it waa apparent there was work to be done , and the remark was made that the agenda was an exceptionally heavy one . After the reading and ciufirraation of the minutes , the ballot was taken for Mr . Henry J .
Kimbell j it resulted in that gentleman ' s favour , and he , with Mr . Richard Simmonds , were initiated into the mysteries of our Order , Bro . J . R . Stacey , at the request of the W . M ., working the ceremony in his accustomed painstaking and impressive manner . The candidate for passing , Bro . Wheeler , next presented himself , and underwent examination as to his pnficienoy . Hia
replies were satisfactory , and in due course he was advanced to the second degree . Thero wero threo candidates on tho list for raising—Brothers Ward , Rubinstein , and Lever ; they were suecessfal in passing the necessary examination . The Lodge was opened in the third , and the sublime degreo was wrought in their behalf , Bro . Stacey conducting the ceremony in a
manner that gave the greatest satisfaction to each brother who was present . It may be remarked that Bro . Stacey bad , indeed , well borne the burden of the day ' s proceedings , but the W . M ., ever zealous as a Masonic worker , had promised to instal his successor , and for that purpose he now resumed tho chair . Bro . G . J . Palmer , the W . M . elect , was presented by Bro . P . M . Dyte , and answered the
usual questions . A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , and he was inducted into th 9 chair of King Solomon . On the admis . sion of the brethren , the salutations wore given , and the officors invested as follow : — Bros . E . M . Haigh S . W ., J . Lae J . W ., Dyte P . M . Treas ., J . R . Stacey P . M . Secretary , W . S . Daniels ( the first Initiate of the Lodge ) S . D ., James J . Chapman J . D ., Lnrchin I . G ., Kensington
D . C . and Rowland Steward . Bro . Speight was unanimously rs-olected Tyler . Bro . King gave tho addresses , in a very effective manner . Communications were read from two members of the Lodgo , whose engagempnts prevented their regular attendance j each roquested to be transferred from the list of full members to that of country mem . hers . Ou this bein g put to the brethren , it received the sanction of the
Lodge , and the Secretary was requested to oommunicate tho result . Several propositions , both for joining and initiation , wero handed in . Bro . Palmer , the new W . M ., then rose , and in a speech , brief and well to the point , presented the retiring W . M ., Bro . George Kelly King , with an elegant Past Master ' s jewel . After this had been suitably acknowledged , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren par .
took of a capital banquet , served by Bros . Bertram and Roberts . Bro . Palmer presided , and gave the regular toasts , Loyal and Masonio . As there were no Grand Officers present , the name of Bro . Brown , S . G . W . of Monmouthshire , was associated with the health of the Grand Officers Present and Past . Bro . Brown , in the course of hia reply , said it was with no empty form of words he wished to thank
them for the reception he had met with . Provincial Grand Officers were always proud at being oalled upon to respond to this toast , at the same time they were perfectly content to sit at the fost of those who were so competent to teach ; he , individually , felt utterly unable to rise to the occasion . He spoke of the high popularity the Alexandra Palace Lodge had already obtained , and referred to their first
Worshipful Master Bro . J . C . Parkinson's connection with South Wales . He concluded his remarks by again thanking tho brethren for the kindness they had exhibited . Bro . King proposed tho health of the W . M ., who , he stated , had always been a very popular man ; this the present gathering ampl y testified . He waa , indeed , to him a very old friend , and one whom he respected , not only as a man but
as a Mason . It afforded him the greatest gratification to see him in his present exalted position j be was calculated in every way to advance the interests of the Alexandra Palace Lodge , and he thoushfc all would agree with him ( Bro . King ) that they had got tho right man in the right place , and that Bro . Palmer was ono who wonld not act too much on the impulse of the moment , but would dovote ample
thought to all matters brought before him . Bro . Palmer , who on rising was enthusiastically received , said that he was . almost at a loss for words to express his thanks for the exceedingly kind and earnest manner in which he had been received that evening . The brethren had taken him somewhat upon trnst , but ho sincerely hoped they wonld not find they had made a bad bargain . If a firm desire on his part to gain their good opinion would avail , he was sure to succeed .
He might describe this as one of his bad days ; he found he wanted to say a great deal , but somehow he did not get on . However , he was not one to make many promises , and he would prefer to be judged by thero this time twelve months . Tbe other toasts comprised the P . M . ' s , replied to by Bro . King ; the Visitors , by Bros . Allen and Walter Wood j tbe Initiates , the Officers , & c . During the evening there were some good songs rendered , Bro . Ward deserving special