Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 2 Article FUNERAL LODGE Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings
mention . After the Tyler's toast had been given , the brethren ndjonrned to the grounds , where an interesting display of fireworks took place .
Council of Red Cross Knights , No . 73 , met in St . Marks Hall , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 19 th June . D . Gilchrist President , J . Balfour S . G ., J . O . Park J . G ., G . W . Wheeler Scribe , J . Bannermnn T ., Wm . Howden 1 st Capt ., W . Pitt 2 nd Capt ., when Comps . G . Fisher , R . MacPherson , R . McLeod , J . Tannahill , Nicholson
and M . Jamison , of Chapter 112 , Wm . McGregor , Angns , and W . Pitt , of 73 , and McMnror , of Chapter 83 , were introduced and created Knights of the same , and thereafter Knights of the East and West , and then Princes of Jerusalem , the whole of the degrees wero ably worked .
Lodge of Hope , No . 433 . —The annual Festival of St . John the Baptist was celebrated at Brightlingsea , Essex , on Monday last , by the brethren of Lodgo of Hope , No . 433 , when there was a full attendance of members and visitors . The only bnsiness upon the agenda was tho installation of tho W . M . elect ; but , previous to the retiring W . M . quitting the chair , a ceremony of an equally
iuteresting character took place . The Vicar of the Parish , who sat in the chair of J . W ., stepped forward , and , in the name of the members , begged the retiring W . M ., Bro . Clarey , to accept a handsome P . M . ' s jewel and a beautifully illuminated vellum , as a small token of tbe esteem in which he was held by them all . In the course of a few pertinent lcmarks , Bro . the Rev . A . Pert wee alluded to the kindly
and efficient way in which Bro . Clarey bad carried out the duties of the chair , and laid special stress npon the fact that , for the twentyfourth time he had been elected to the post of Treasurer to the Lodj ; e . That , in itself , clearly showed the respect in which ho wa 9 held , but the brethren had determined that they would give some more tangible proof of this than mere words , and he therefore
begged to place the jewel npon Bro . Clarey ' s breast , with the hope that he mi ^ ht live many years to wear it . ( Applause ) . Bro . Clarey , in responding , said this presentation had come upon him so by surprise—ho had not the remotest idea of it when he entered that room—and tho expressions that had been made use of by Bro . Pertwee wore so kindly , that he felt quite overpowered . He need
hardly assure them , however , that he should value their gift most highly , not merely for its intrinsic worth , but for the fee . ings of good fellowship which had prompted it . He thanked them all from the bottom of his heart . The inscription on the jewel was as follows : — "Presented to Bro . Wm . Clarey , P . M ., by the members of the Lodge of Hope , No . 433 . Jnne 1877 . " The illuminated address was
as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Wm . Clarey , P . M ., by the brethren of tho Lodge cf Hope , No . 433 , Brightlingsea , a P . M . Jewel , as a small token of their esteem and regard , and of their appreciation of his valuable services as Treasurer of tbe Lodge for tho past twenty-three years . Festival of St . John , June 1877 . " The illuminated address , which was to a similar effect , was the work
of the W . M . elect , and was greatly admired , a special vote of thanks Icing passed to him for executing the same . Bro . A . E . Rogers , the W . M . elect , was then duly installed W . M . for tho ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in bis usual efficient manner by Bro . J . E . Wiseman P . M . and Sec . P . P . G . A . D . C . Essex . The officers were invested as follow : —Bros . W . Clarey I . P . M ., Rev . A . Pertwee
S . W ., W . S . Ling J . W ., W . Clarey P . M . Treas ., J . E . Wiseman P . M . Sec , R . C . Athile S . D ., John Dean J . D ., J . Skinner I . G ., T . Wilson Tyler . At the close of the Lodge business , forty-one brethren sat down to a most excellently-served knife-aud-fork tea , at the Swan , the catering of the hostess , Mrs . Harmer , giving great satisfaction . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and an hour or so of
hearty social enjoyment was spent . Among those present on the occasion were—Bros . Thos . J . Railing P . G . Sec . and W . M . of Angel Lodge No . 51 , A . R . Clench P . P . S . G . W . and I . P . M . G 97 , Rev . E . H . Crate P . P . G . Chaplain , W . M . G 97 , James Nicholls P . M . and Sec . 270 , Thomas Rise P . M . and Sec . 697 , T . Enstace P . M .
697 , C . J . Waters , E . Hennemeyer J . W . 51 , F . Wright D . C . 697 , 0 . Winterbon 697 , C . Gunner Tyler 51 , and the following members of No . 433 , besides those already named : —P . M . ' s Bros . W . Bishop W . G . Walford , II . York , G . Riches , C . Blyth , W . Miuter ; Bros . J . I \ Britton , — Jeffries , W . Coppin , Frank Eagle , J . Closson , A . Brasch , A . Puduey , H . Foulger , S . Lord , J . Fance , & c , & c .
Searsdale Lodge , No . 681 , Chesterfield—The brethren of this Lodge will , at their next meeting , to be held in August , assemble in their now Lodge Room , which is in course of erection in Saltergate , Chesterfield , in connection with the new bnilding of the East Derbyshire Club . The Lodge hitherto has been held in the
large room at the Searsdale Hotel , and all the inconvoniences of not having a room exclusively for Masonic purposes have been experi . enced . In the new premises the Freemasons of Chesterfield will have a suite of rooms entirely devoted to their use , besides possessing one of the largest and most spacious Lodge-rooms in the Province of Derbyshire .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . The weekly meeting of the above took place on Tuesday , 26 th June , at 7 . 30 . Bro . Dallas W . M ., E . T . Worsley S . W . and Sec , Saunders J . W ., Davies S-D ., Lorkin J . D ., Saunders 860 I . G ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Perrin , Webster , Hunt 1662 , & c . The Lorlge was opened with
solemn prayer , and the minntes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . W . J . Smith acting as candidate . Bro . Worsley worked the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Hunt , ot the Beaconsfield Lodge 1662 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Worsley was appointed W . M , for the ensuing week , but he will give way to Bro . Daries , a
Notices Of Meetings
promising young member , who ha 3 never yet taken the chair . Wo hope there will bo a good attendance . A unanimous vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Dallas for the able manner in which ho had worked the ceremony ; this to be entered on tho minntes . We must say we were very pleased to find Bro . Dallas correct ; with a little more practice , he will be all that can be desired ; the Preceptor deservedly
spoke in flattering terms of him . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned till Tuosday next , 3 rd Jnly , at 7-30 . We noticed Bro . Perrin assisted the Secretary during the time he was holding tho office of S . W . ; this assistance enables Bro . Worsley , who is a most enthusiastic Mason , to work in any office that may be open to him .
Merchant Navy Lodge of Instruction , No . 981 . —The members of this Lodge have recently appointed Bro . P . M . Turquand their Preceptor , and have determined to hold meetings for in . struction every week throughout the ypar . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge of Instruction on Wednesday , the 4 th
July next , in a commodions room at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Poplar , commencing at 7 o ' clock precisely . The following brethren will take part in tho proceedings , and a cordial welcome will be given to those who may honour the Lodge with their company on that oc casion . Bros . Barnes P . M . No . 933 W . M ., Austin P . M . No . 933 S . W .,
Hallett W . M . No . 781 J . W ., Turquand ( Preceptor ) P . M . No . 1556 I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Jesse No . 1556 , Harvey No . 174 , Onld I . G . No . 781 , Livermore No . 554 , L . Tnrqnnnd No . 1556 , Andrews I . G . No . 1227 , Austin P . M . No . 933 . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . God .
win J . W . No . 343 , Hogg P . M . No . 1349 , Berry W . M . No . 554 , Ives No . 781 . Lux No . 781 . TIIIRD LECTURE—Bros . Hallett W . M . No . 781 , Myers P . M . No . 1445 , Cohen W . M . No . 205 .
St . Mungo Encampment Knights Templar . —A Special meeting was held on Wednesday , 6 th Jane , at 3 p . m ., for the purpose of receiving two aspirants from the Thetis Chaptpr . Comps . Alex . MacDongal P . M . of the Neptune Lodge 419 . and William Brown of Cevlon . The Encampment was opened by Sir Knight Robert Bell
Past Commander , G . W . Wheeler Prelate , J . A . Fenruson Treas . as Generalissimo , J . Tweed Marshal , J . B . Fleming 1 st Capt ., Jas . Humm 2 nd Capt ., M . Mairer Warden , and J . Peirston Sentinel . At the close of the ceremony , a Priory of Knights of Malta was opened and ! the same two gentlemen were inducted into that degree by Sir Knight R . Bell , the Prior .
Royal Ark mariners Lodge . —This Lodge met at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tnesday , 19 th Jnne . Bros . J . Balfour F . N . presiding , J . Parks S ., J . Kay J ., G . W . Wheeler Scribe , J . Bannerman Treasurer . Applications for admission on board were ' received from Comps . G . Fisher , R . C . McLeod , A . MacPherson , James Tannahill , and M . C . Jamison , all of Chapter 112 . They were duly received , and fully instructed by Comp . Balfour .
Funeral Lodge
ff ^ HE Commercial Lodge , No . 360 , having recently lost their I . M . P . JL Bro . Dr . A . Morton , on Wednesday , 20 th inst ., held a Funeral Lodge to his memory . Their own hall , which was appropriately draped , was filled by the members and others desirous of paying this sad tribute to departed worth . Amongst the visitors were the following members of Prov . G . L ., of which the deceased was J . W ., viz ., J . Gilles Treas ., G . Sinclair Treas . of Benevolent Fund , J . Bal .
four P . G . D . of C , T . Halkett D . of M ., and J . Jack J . ; also Bros . J . Peters I . P . M . 153 , P . G . J . W . of Renfrewshire East , J . Kienaird , R . W . M . of 73 , with Bros . McLeod and J . W . Kay his Wardens , Mills Chaplain of St . Mirren 129 Paisley . J . AudersonI . P . M . 370 Paisley , J . M . Cosh R . W . M 135 Tarbolton , W . Neilson R . W . M . 413 , J . Miller P . M . 413 , and J . Ferguson I . P . M . 543 . There was a very efficient
choir , orgamsod by Bro . R . Brodie , the Lodge Director of Music , and Bro . Pentland presided at the harmonium . On tbe entrance of the R . VV . M . the " Dead March in Saul" was played . Bro . John Munro R . W . M . then opened the Lodge , he was supported by P . M . J . Dawson , Allan MacKenzie and Jules Brnrlie . J . M . Oliver D . M . occupied the post of S . W ., R . Reid J . W ., W . Keller S . D . ; J . M . Duncan
was an effective Director of the Ceremonies . The Rev . D . M , Corqnotlale Chaplain . The beautiful Funeral Service was given in that impressivo style which at all times distinguishes Bro . Mnnro ' s work . Tho Chaplain afterwards gave an oration , in which he dwelt on the many excellent qualities that had distinguished onr Bro ., who for 40 years had been an eminent and honourable member of the medical profession , were he had contrived to make most of his patients his
friends , by his kind and genial manner ; this had also distinguished him in his Masonic career , where either as member of the Craft or a ruler , he had always acted on tho square , and eo as to prepare him for the Grand Lodge above . He had just recently been rewarded by the office of P . G . J . W ., but he believed ho was now gone to his greater and final reward for au active useful life . Amongst those present was the deceased ' s brother , W . M . of Lodge St . George No . 333 , and his nephew , who is a member of Lodgo Commercial 360 .
HOILOWJY ' S OUTTSISITT : i . xn Puts . —Self Help . — In sickness it was a momentous matter to find an uasy , ready , and reliable remedy for outward disfigurations and inward dis rders , before the inestimable discovery Of these preparations . No invalid need now be at a Iocs for successf lly managing ' Hirers , sores , tumours , boils , bruises , sprains , & e , Envelooins H- llowav ' 3
medicmo are very intelligible printed directions for using them , which should b . ' attentively studied hud immediately followed by the application of hia treatment . Sooner or Inter tho sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases . This searching Ointment disperses all those mabgnant humours which aggravate many diseases of the skin , often prevent the cicatrization of ulcer * , and ever kindle inflammatory tendencies ia the system ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
mention . After the Tyler's toast had been given , the brethren ndjonrned to the grounds , where an interesting display of fireworks took place .
Council of Red Cross Knights , No . 73 , met in St . Marks Hall , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , 19 th June . D . Gilchrist President , J . Balfour S . G ., J . O . Park J . G ., G . W . Wheeler Scribe , J . Bannermnn T ., Wm . Howden 1 st Capt ., W . Pitt 2 nd Capt ., when Comps . G . Fisher , R . MacPherson , R . McLeod , J . Tannahill , Nicholson
and M . Jamison , of Chapter 112 , Wm . McGregor , Angns , and W . Pitt , of 73 , and McMnror , of Chapter 83 , were introduced and created Knights of the same , and thereafter Knights of the East and West , and then Princes of Jerusalem , the whole of the degrees wero ably worked .
Lodge of Hope , No . 433 . —The annual Festival of St . John the Baptist was celebrated at Brightlingsea , Essex , on Monday last , by the brethren of Lodgo of Hope , No . 433 , when there was a full attendance of members and visitors . The only bnsiness upon the agenda was tho installation of tho W . M . elect ; but , previous to the retiring W . M . quitting the chair , a ceremony of an equally
iuteresting character took place . The Vicar of the Parish , who sat in the chair of J . W ., stepped forward , and , in the name of the members , begged the retiring W . M ., Bro . Clarey , to accept a handsome P . M . ' s jewel and a beautifully illuminated vellum , as a small token of tbe esteem in which he was held by them all . In the course of a few pertinent lcmarks , Bro . the Rev . A . Pert wee alluded to the kindly
and efficient way in which Bro . Clarey bad carried out the duties of the chair , and laid special stress npon the fact that , for the twentyfourth time he had been elected to the post of Treasurer to the Lodj ; e . That , in itself , clearly showed the respect in which ho wa 9 held , but the brethren had determined that they would give some more tangible proof of this than mere words , and he therefore
begged to place the jewel npon Bro . Clarey ' s breast , with the hope that he mi ^ ht live many years to wear it . ( Applause ) . Bro . Clarey , in responding , said this presentation had come upon him so by surprise—ho had not the remotest idea of it when he entered that room—and tho expressions that had been made use of by Bro . Pertwee wore so kindly , that he felt quite overpowered . He need
hardly assure them , however , that he should value their gift most highly , not merely for its intrinsic worth , but for the fee . ings of good fellowship which had prompted it . He thanked them all from the bottom of his heart . The inscription on the jewel was as follows : — "Presented to Bro . Wm . Clarey , P . M ., by the members of the Lodge of Hope , No . 433 . Jnne 1877 . " The illuminated address was
as follows : — " Presented to Bro . Wm . Clarey , P . M ., by the brethren of tho Lodge cf Hope , No . 433 , Brightlingsea , a P . M . Jewel , as a small token of their esteem and regard , and of their appreciation of his valuable services as Treasurer of tbe Lodge for tho past twenty-three years . Festival of St . John , June 1877 . " The illuminated address , which was to a similar effect , was the work
of the W . M . elect , and was greatly admired , a special vote of thanks Icing passed to him for executing the same . Bro . A . E . Rogers , the W . M . elect , was then duly installed W . M . for tho ensuing year , the ceremony being performed in bis usual efficient manner by Bro . J . E . Wiseman P . M . and Sec . P . P . G . A . D . C . Essex . The officers were invested as follow : —Bros . W . Clarey I . P . M ., Rev . A . Pertwee
S . W ., W . S . Ling J . W ., W . Clarey P . M . Treas ., J . E . Wiseman P . M . Sec , R . C . Athile S . D ., John Dean J . D ., J . Skinner I . G ., T . Wilson Tyler . At the close of the Lodge business , forty-one brethren sat down to a most excellently-served knife-aud-fork tea , at the Swan , the catering of the hostess , Mrs . Harmer , giving great satisfaction . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and an hour or so of
hearty social enjoyment was spent . Among those present on the occasion were—Bros . Thos . J . Railing P . G . Sec . and W . M . of Angel Lodge No . 51 , A . R . Clench P . P . S . G . W . and I . P . M . G 97 , Rev . E . H . Crate P . P . G . Chaplain , W . M . G 97 , James Nicholls P . M . and Sec . 270 , Thomas Rise P . M . and Sec . 697 , T . Enstace P . M .
697 , C . J . Waters , E . Hennemeyer J . W . 51 , F . Wright D . C . 697 , 0 . Winterbon 697 , C . Gunner Tyler 51 , and the following members of No . 433 , besides those already named : —P . M . ' s Bros . W . Bishop W . G . Walford , II . York , G . Riches , C . Blyth , W . Miuter ; Bros . J . I \ Britton , — Jeffries , W . Coppin , Frank Eagle , J . Closson , A . Brasch , A . Puduey , H . Foulger , S . Lord , J . Fance , & c , & c .
Searsdale Lodge , No . 681 , Chesterfield—The brethren of this Lodge will , at their next meeting , to be held in August , assemble in their now Lodge Room , which is in course of erection in Saltergate , Chesterfield , in connection with the new bnilding of the East Derbyshire Club . The Lodge hitherto has been held in the
large room at the Searsdale Hotel , and all the inconvoniences of not having a room exclusively for Masonic purposes have been experi . enced . In the new premises the Freemasons of Chesterfield will have a suite of rooms entirely devoted to their use , besides possessing one of the largest and most spacious Lodge-rooms in the Province of Derbyshire .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . The weekly meeting of the above took place on Tuesday , 26 th June , at 7 . 30 . Bro . Dallas W . M ., E . T . Worsley S . W . and Sec , Saunders J . W ., Davies S-D ., Lorkin J . D ., Saunders 860 I . G ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Perrin , Webster , Hunt 1662 , & c . The Lorlge was opened with
solemn prayer , and the minntes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . W . J . Smith acting as candidate . Bro . Worsley worked the 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Hunt , ot the Beaconsfield Lodge 1662 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Worsley was appointed W . M , for the ensuing week , but he will give way to Bro . Daries , a
Notices Of Meetings
promising young member , who ha 3 never yet taken the chair . Wo hope there will bo a good attendance . A unanimous vote of thanks was recorded to Bro . Dallas for the able manner in which ho had worked the ceremony ; this to be entered on tho minntes . We must say we were very pleased to find Bro . Dallas correct ; with a little more practice , he will be all that can be desired ; the Preceptor deservedly
spoke in flattering terms of him . The Lodge was then closed in due form , and adjourned till Tuosday next , 3 rd Jnly , at 7-30 . We noticed Bro . Perrin assisted the Secretary during the time he was holding tho office of S . W . ; this assistance enables Bro . Worsley , who is a most enthusiastic Mason , to work in any office that may be open to him .
Merchant Navy Lodge of Instruction , No . 981 . —The members of this Lodge have recently appointed Bro . P . M . Turquand their Preceptor , and have determined to hold meetings for in . struction every week throughout the ypar . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge of Instruction on Wednesday , the 4 th
July next , in a commodions room at the Silver Tavern , Burdett-road , Poplar , commencing at 7 o ' clock precisely . The following brethren will take part in tho proceedings , and a cordial welcome will be given to those who may honour the Lodge with their company on that oc casion . Bros . Barnes P . M . No . 933 W . M ., Austin P . M . No . 933 S . W .,
Hallett W . M . No . 781 J . W ., Turquand ( Preceptor ) P . M . No . 1556 I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Jesse No . 1556 , Harvey No . 174 , Onld I . G . No . 781 , Livermore No . 554 , L . Tnrqnnnd No . 1556 , Andrews I . G . No . 1227 , Austin P . M . No . 933 . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . God .
win J . W . No . 343 , Hogg P . M . No . 1349 , Berry W . M . No . 554 , Ives No . 781 . Lux No . 781 . TIIIRD LECTURE—Bros . Hallett W . M . No . 781 , Myers P . M . No . 1445 , Cohen W . M . No . 205 .
St . Mungo Encampment Knights Templar . —A Special meeting was held on Wednesday , 6 th Jane , at 3 p . m ., for the purpose of receiving two aspirants from the Thetis Chaptpr . Comps . Alex . MacDongal P . M . of the Neptune Lodge 419 . and William Brown of Cevlon . The Encampment was opened by Sir Knight Robert Bell
Past Commander , G . W . Wheeler Prelate , J . A . Fenruson Treas . as Generalissimo , J . Tweed Marshal , J . B . Fleming 1 st Capt ., Jas . Humm 2 nd Capt ., M . Mairer Warden , and J . Peirston Sentinel . At the close of the ceremony , a Priory of Knights of Malta was opened and ! the same two gentlemen were inducted into that degree by Sir Knight R . Bell , the Prior .
Royal Ark mariners Lodge . —This Lodge met at 213 Buchanan-street , Glasgow , on Tnesday , 19 th Jnne . Bros . J . Balfour F . N . presiding , J . Parks S ., J . Kay J ., G . W . Wheeler Scribe , J . Bannerman Treasurer . Applications for admission on board were ' received from Comps . G . Fisher , R . C . McLeod , A . MacPherson , James Tannahill , and M . C . Jamison , all of Chapter 112 . They were duly received , and fully instructed by Comp . Balfour .
Funeral Lodge
ff ^ HE Commercial Lodge , No . 360 , having recently lost their I . M . P . JL Bro . Dr . A . Morton , on Wednesday , 20 th inst ., held a Funeral Lodge to his memory . Their own hall , which was appropriately draped , was filled by the members and others desirous of paying this sad tribute to departed worth . Amongst the visitors were the following members of Prov . G . L ., of which the deceased was J . W ., viz ., J . Gilles Treas ., G . Sinclair Treas . of Benevolent Fund , J . Bal .
four P . G . D . of C , T . Halkett D . of M ., and J . Jack J . ; also Bros . J . Peters I . P . M . 153 , P . G . J . W . of Renfrewshire East , J . Kienaird , R . W . M . of 73 , with Bros . McLeod and J . W . Kay his Wardens , Mills Chaplain of St . Mirren 129 Paisley . J . AudersonI . P . M . 370 Paisley , J . M . Cosh R . W . M 135 Tarbolton , W . Neilson R . W . M . 413 , J . Miller P . M . 413 , and J . Ferguson I . P . M . 543 . There was a very efficient
choir , orgamsod by Bro . R . Brodie , the Lodge Director of Music , and Bro . Pentland presided at the harmonium . On tbe entrance of the R . VV . M . the " Dead March in Saul" was played . Bro . John Munro R . W . M . then opened the Lodge , he was supported by P . M . J . Dawson , Allan MacKenzie and Jules Brnrlie . J . M . Oliver D . M . occupied the post of S . W ., R . Reid J . W ., W . Keller S . D . ; J . M . Duncan
was an effective Director of the Ceremonies . The Rev . D . M , Corqnotlale Chaplain . The beautiful Funeral Service was given in that impressivo style which at all times distinguishes Bro . Mnnro ' s work . Tho Chaplain afterwards gave an oration , in which he dwelt on the many excellent qualities that had distinguished onr Bro ., who for 40 years had been an eminent and honourable member of the medical profession , were he had contrived to make most of his patients his
friends , by his kind and genial manner ; this had also distinguished him in his Masonic career , where either as member of the Craft or a ruler , he had always acted on tho square , and eo as to prepare him for the Grand Lodge above . He had just recently been rewarded by the office of P . G . J . W ., but he believed ho was now gone to his greater and final reward for au active useful life . Amongst those present was the deceased ' s brother , W . M . of Lodge St . George No . 333 , and his nephew , who is a member of Lodgo Commercial 360 .
HOILOWJY ' S OUTTSISITT : i . xn Puts . —Self Help . — In sickness it was a momentous matter to find an uasy , ready , and reliable remedy for outward disfigurations and inward dis rders , before the inestimable discovery Of these preparations . No invalid need now be at a Iocs for successf lly managing ' Hirers , sores , tumours , boils , bruises , sprains , & e , Envelooins H- llowav ' 3
medicmo are very intelligible printed directions for using them , which should b . ' attentively studied hud immediately followed by the application of hia treatment . Sooner or Inter tho sufferer will assuredly triumph over the worst diseases . This searching Ointment disperses all those mabgnant humours which aggravate many diseases of the skin , often prevent the cicatrization of ulcer * , and ever kindle inflammatory tendencies ia the system ,