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PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS G-IROVIEIR , & Q-BOYBB LET ON HIRR , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE . Tll jil i jr BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . PWBB PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS r > lr" "' ^ F ROM 1 ^ TO ^ PER Q UARTERi L || i I " 8 Tlie A « lv « ntam > s of » Trial , with the Convenience of the . ' rW . — . „_ I 17 Three » e »»** Sy * ti-m at Cash Price , t » Pa . vinsr about a Quarter ¦ TjSv [_ "jr _ -.. Sj H of the value down , the Balance l » y K »» j Payuieut » , from —ry' ' * S ^ r ¦ % , 13 a per qifai-trr . GROVER & GROVER , 157-9 Kingsland Road . ESTABLISHED 1830 . . .. __ ¦ - — ¦ ' ¦"¦ — ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦«¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦¦— ^ i ^^^**
WWM £ J* FORTESCUE , & % & $ fa r ^ 'WSffiSl JKC : AT MANUFACTUREB , ' ^^^^^^ i # " ^ IP 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SH E LANE , Si ^ flil t » iSwSiHHB ' 0 n 6 tl 0 OT ' Fle
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Building , Lothtmry , K . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . j Death by accident . . C . HARDING . Manager .
FIRST bLASS AMERICAN FRESH BEEF . DAVIS & CO., BUTCHERS , 82 ALDERS GATE STREET , E . C . All ordeia accompanied by a remittance forwarded to any part of London on same clay
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters aro tbe best ever invented for givingimmediato ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price Od and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observo the Trado Hark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Bo sure and ask for Younir ' a .
" There shonld be a hetter reaaon for the race of Depo 3 itov 3 th ™ a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . " —INVESTOR ' S OOAnDIAS . TOMBARD BAtfK ( Limited ) , Nos . JLJ , T . » Loiminrd-strcct , City j and 277 and 279 Regentstreet , VT . Established 13 o 0 , receive * Deposits . On . Dem-ind , 5 per cent . Subject t Notice , 10 pet cent . Opens cui'vent Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are iuvited to exarninn thU new and Improved system , that cisuro-- a hJph Vita of Interest with portcct security . The Director * nave never re-discounted uv re -hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —tt offers pre-eminent nctva tnges for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade 3 tock 9 , farmproduce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , suretle-s , or fees . JA . ME 3 PUlfOR , Kanaser . 1 0 MBART ) BUILDING SOCIETY , JLJ 33 Lombar 1-street , City : and 277 and 279 R'gout street , \ V . Eitivbllshel ISGO . I'icorporated under the New Act , 1874 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal Interest . The Directors by Rtrtefc economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual f tcilities for the purchase of Houses , Sliopa , FarnH , & c . New and Special Feature . —The Society iviil bui . d Homes , etc ., in any approved part of Urcnt Britain , Hading the whole cost of the hull ling at 5 percent ., repiyable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan find paying or { jivinEr security lor the fir . st 5 years' instreot . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . JAMES PRVOB . Mnnasrer .
NEW WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , BY Bro . CHA . LMERS I . PATON , ( Past Master No . 393 , Eneland ) . T 7 REE 11 A . SONRY : ITS SYMBOLISM , A RELIGIOUS NATURE . AND LAW OP PERFECTION . 8 vo , Cloth , Price 10 s fid . FHEBMASONRY AND ITS JUKJ . SPRUDBNOE . 8 ro . Cloth , Price l » s M . 11 HE ORIGIN OF FREEMA . S () N'ltY : THK . 1717 THEORY EXPLODED . Prico Is . LONDON : BEEVES & TURNER , 196 STRAND . kVD AIL B 0 OKSBM . EBS .
Bro . A . 0 LDR 0 YD , Leyton , London , E . MrWJFiVJTMER OF T 03 WG 3 POJCHES , With any name iu raised loiters . CAN he obtained tlirwfc from tho Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algovian ( Jigars and Itnpoi'tef of Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , B .
DOES YOUR HAIR FALL OFF ? IF SO , use the BRITISH EEMEDY , which will stop it at once . PREVENTS BAXDNESS , by restoring the Hair npon BALD PATCHES , and causes the BEARD , MOUSTACHE and EYE . BROWS to grow most abundantly . Price 2 / 6 , 5 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 21 / per bottle . Sent on receipt of Stamps or P . O . O . for amount . J . TAYLOR , Hair Bestorer and Coachman ' s Wig Maker , $ ir appointment iff |) er gjjlKJcsin ; , 10 RIDING HOUSE STREET , Portland Place , and 2 SWALLOW STREET , PICCADILLY .
TAMAR INDIEN . » PE 41 Afi cAirriox . O VVTNG to the marked snecess of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally prescrib-jd by the facu by , imtl the acknowledged cure for constipation , UewUiehe , bile , hwrnonhoids , & c .. BASE I-iIITATIONs , cnntiiinlir * r ' rastic irritants , are beinsr foisted on tho pwbUc . 'tbe viw " ino pveparat ' on bears the titli ; ; " ram-. ic lurtUm , " uwl the sign ituva K . Onihhox , Coleman-st ., | T- 'nidon . E . C . Pri'M 2-Ga per W " . In a r ..-eent case , 1870 , G . No . 211 . a povpeMul In ^ mction to rt-. » train tl \ o defendant ( from applying rhc name "ramnr" to hf . i loz ng-es was . avvanled , wit i co < -s by V'ho-Chancellor Ba ? on , on 19 th ¦ January li \~? % r . nd till sv ..-h piracies will ba svimmarUy proee ; de I a ^ aiinc— N . B . —See tint the outer wnipper ( directions ) are printed in the English lanpnage , and that each bo ? : bears the Government 3 d stamp , Tbe boxes with foreign wrappers are not propared for English requirement *
RTTPTirBBS . BY ROtAI . LETTERS PATBNT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to ba the 4 « fc most effective invention in the curative treatjrA ment ot Hernia . The use oi a steel spring , BO . ^ p often hurtful In its effects . Is here avoided , a 25 jyb ^ soft bandage beUur worn round the body , whtia * r /> JJM fcht > requisite resisting power U supplied by the Jf jSyjlM MOC-MAIN PAD an I PATENT LEVER fitting u tI ll \ \\ witn so mucl > ease am ' looseness that it cannot a t' / n \ I be detected , and may bo worn during sleep . < i \^ i' V A descriptive circular may be had , and the r Isk / U Truss , which cannot fall to fit , forwarded by />{*[ J post on the circumference of the body two / / Wll Inches below tho loins being sent to the nuum . Lff \ IA facturer , Ho \ \ Mr . jous WHITE , 228 PICCADILLY , LOSDOX . Ha 1 I Price of a slnele Truss , las . 21 s . 2 ifs 6 d ft 31 s Gd . tf I / Posfaie free . Price of a Double Truss 31 s ( id , 42 * JQJJJ fe . and 52 s 6 d . Postaire free . Price of an TTmbilical •«< 3 i !^ jS 9 Trass . 42 s and 52 <« d . Postage frne . Post Office -= - " orders to be mado payable to JOHN WniTK . Post office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , I'J tor VARICOSE VEINS , and nil cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & o . They ara porous , light In texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on Ilka an ordinary stacking . Price Is 6 d , 7 s fid , 10 s and 16 a each , post free . fiHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both vy sexes . ) For Gentlemen they aot as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they are Invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 6 s Cd , 7 s 6 d and 10 a 6 dj adults 15 s 6 d and 2 ls , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAKCPAOTUBBB , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
Now Edition , Enlarged , Cvown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . TX 7 AIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY TROM \ V THB CHESS BOABD , by Captain Hugh A . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chesa Association . W W . MOBGAN , 07 BABBIOAK , LOOTJOW .
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLATED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . JJOSa , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to the " Key to tho Chess Openings , " by the sarae author . LONDOW : W . W . MORGAN , 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
| v WHAT is Y 0 UR CREST and 5 JS * ' MOTTO ? By sending Name and County / £ * k with 3 a Bd , a plain diuwlng will be sent ; If ftiirr painted in HeraL . io Colours , 7 s . Pedlgree 3 ML & Lj . traced . The Arms of Man and Wife blended . Kj 6 fl 3 * % ll The P roper colour for Servants' Livery , what 1 ^ yf I buttons to be used , and how tho Can-luge should VT *^ te ^ I D 0 Painted , according to Heraldic Uules . Cut-\ j ^^ Sa leton ' a " Book of Family Crests and Mottoes , " ^ Ftil *' ma Engravings , printed In colours , £ 10 lOsj (\ s & § " Tho Manual of Heraldry , " 4 < XI engravings , fif \^/ 3 s 6 d ; post free by T . CULLE'i'OX , Gencalo-« sU ^ N ^ Mk { ist , 25 Cranbourne-street ( corner of St . Mar . Uu ' s-iuiio , W . W "T ^ e Heraldic Library open from 10 till 4 .
Q ' EAL . ENGRAVINGS , by CULLETON . — > 3 Crest engraved on Seals , Rings , Book-plates , and Steel Dies , for stamping paper , prico 7 s Cd . Livery Button Dies , £ 1 2 s . Crests engraved on silver spoons and family plate , 5 s per doiten articles . A neat Desk Seal , with engraved Crest , 12 s 6 d . Registered letter , Gd extra . —T . CULLKTON , Engraver to the Queen and Eoyal Family , 23 Cvanbouvne-street ( corner of St . Martin ' s-laneJ .
CULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STATIONERY contains a ream of the very best paper and 500 envelopes , all beautifully stamped with Crest and Motto . Monogram , or Address , and the Steel Die enuraved free ot charge . —T . CULLETON , Die Sinker to the Board of Trade , 25 Cranbourne-street ( oorner of St . Martln ' s-lauc ) . _
OIGNET RINGS , by CULLETON , all 18-C carat , Hall-marked . The most elennnt patterns in London . 2 , 000 to select from : — £ 2 23 , A » ' M , M 4 s , ix Ba , £ CI 0 a ; very massive , £ 10 10 s ; heavy knuckledusters , £ 11 ) 16 s . Send size of finger by fitting a piece of t ' iraid , and mention the price ring required . Arms , Crest or Monofc'vam engraved on the Rings . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 25 Cianbourne-Street Corner of St . Martin ' B-lanel , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING \ J LINES require no preparation , and are easily used . Initial Plates , Is ; Name Plate , 2 s Gd ; Set of Moveable Num . bers , 2 s 8 d ; Crest or Monogram Plate , 5 s , with directions , Sosfc free for cash or stamps , by 1 . COLLETON , 15 Cran . ourne-street ( cornej of St . Martins ' s-lano ) , W . C .
VISITING CARDS , by CULLETON . — y Fifty , best quality , 23 8 d , post free , including tho en-Krsvtnf ; of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty inch fifty em . bossed envelopca with maiden name , 23 s tld . Mtmovlil cards printed , and hatchments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CUIiIiETON , Seal Engraver , 25 Cranbourne-street ( comer ot St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
B ALL PROGRAMMES , by \ CULLETON . —All the newest designs In BALL PROGRAMMES and MENU CARTE- * for the season . Bait , dinner , breakfast , and wedding invitation cards and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stamped with arms , crest , or monogram , tiik banners painted . Illuminated vellums for presentations , votes of thanks , ho . Paintings on Berlin paper for needlework . —T . CULLETON , Engraver ti > tho Queen and all tho Royal Family , 25 Cran . bournc-stveut ( corner of St . Murtin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
COLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , lO £ 1 Is Od . JS 2 23 01 , £ 3 a * Od , £ 4 4 s Od , £ 5 5 s Od , A'O Cs Od , and £ 7 7 s 0 d . — I . CULLETON , 25 Cranbourn-street , London W . C . Fast Office orders payable at Crnnoournq-Btreet , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS G-IROVIEIR , & Q-BOYBB LET ON HIRR , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE . Tll jil i jr BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . PWBB PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS r > lr" "' ^ F ROM 1 ^ TO ^ PER Q UARTERi L || i I " 8 Tlie A « lv « ntam > s of » Trial , with the Convenience of the . ' rW . — . „_ I 17 Three » e »»** Sy * ti-m at Cash Price , t » Pa . vinsr about a Quarter ¦ TjSv [_ "jr _ -.. Sj H of the value down , the Balance l » y K »» j Payuieut » , from —ry' ' * S ^ r ¦ % , 13 a per qifai-trr . GROVER & GROVER , 157-9 Kingsland Road . ESTABLISHED 1830 . . .. __ ¦ - — ¦ ' ¦"¦ — ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦«¦ . ¦ ¦¦¦¦— ^ i ^^^**
WWM £ J* FORTESCUE , & % & $ fa r ^ 'WSffiSl JKC : AT MANUFACTUREB , ' ^^^^^^ i # " ^ IP 129 FLEET ST . ; 114 & 115 SH E LANE , Si ^ flil t » iSwSiHHB ' 0 n 6 tl 0 OT ' Fle
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Building , Lothtmry , K . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . j Death by accident . . C . HARDING . Manager .
FIRST bLASS AMERICAN FRESH BEEF . DAVIS & CO., BUTCHERS , 82 ALDERS GATE STREET , E . C . All ordeia accompanied by a remittance forwarded to any part of London on same clay
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters aro tbe best ever invented for givingimmediato ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price Od and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observo the Trado Hark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Bo sure and ask for Younir ' a .
" There shonld be a hetter reaaon for the race of Depo 3 itov 3 th ™ a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . " —INVESTOR ' S OOAnDIAS . TOMBARD BAtfK ( Limited ) , Nos . JLJ , T . » Loiminrd-strcct , City j and 277 and 279 Regentstreet , VT . Established 13 o 0 , receive * Deposits . On . Dem-ind , 5 per cent . Subject t Notice , 10 pet cent . Opens cui'vent Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are iuvited to exarninn thU new and Improved system , that cisuro-- a hJph Vita of Interest with portcct security . The Director * nave never re-discounted uv re -hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —tt offers pre-eminent nctva tnges for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade 3 tock 9 , farmproduce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , suretle-s , or fees . JA . ME 3 PUlfOR , Kanaser . 1 0 MBART ) BUILDING SOCIETY , JLJ 33 Lombar 1-street , City : and 277 and 279 R'gout street , \ V . Eitivbllshel ISGO . I'icorporated under the New Act , 1874 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal Interest . The Directors by Rtrtefc economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual f tcilities for the purchase of Houses , Sliopa , FarnH , & c . New and Special Feature . —The Society iviil bui . d Homes , etc ., in any approved part of Urcnt Britain , Hading the whole cost of the hull ling at 5 percent ., repiyable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan find paying or { jivinEr security lor the fir . st 5 years' instreot . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . JAMES PRVOB . Mnnasrer .
NEW WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , BY Bro . CHA . LMERS I . PATON , ( Past Master No . 393 , Eneland ) . T 7 REE 11 A . SONRY : ITS SYMBOLISM , A RELIGIOUS NATURE . AND LAW OP PERFECTION . 8 vo , Cloth , Price 10 s fid . FHEBMASONRY AND ITS JUKJ . SPRUDBNOE . 8 ro . Cloth , Price l » s M . 11 HE ORIGIN OF FREEMA . S () N'ltY : THK . 1717 THEORY EXPLODED . Prico Is . LONDON : BEEVES & TURNER , 196 STRAND . kVD AIL B 0 OKSBM . EBS .
Bro . A . 0 LDR 0 YD , Leyton , London , E . MrWJFiVJTMER OF T 03 WG 3 POJCHES , With any name iu raised loiters . CAN he obtained tlirwfc from tho Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algovian ( Jigars and Itnpoi'tef of Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , B .
DOES YOUR HAIR FALL OFF ? IF SO , use the BRITISH EEMEDY , which will stop it at once . PREVENTS BAXDNESS , by restoring the Hair npon BALD PATCHES , and causes the BEARD , MOUSTACHE and EYE . BROWS to grow most abundantly . Price 2 / 6 , 5 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 21 / per bottle . Sent on receipt of Stamps or P . O . O . for amount . J . TAYLOR , Hair Bestorer and Coachman ' s Wig Maker , $ ir appointment iff |) er gjjlKJcsin ; , 10 RIDING HOUSE STREET , Portland Place , and 2 SWALLOW STREET , PICCADILLY .
TAMAR INDIEN . » PE 41 Afi cAirriox . O VVTNG to the marked snecess of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally prescrib-jd by the facu by , imtl the acknowledged cure for constipation , UewUiehe , bile , hwrnonhoids , & c .. BASE I-iIITATIONs , cnntiiinlir * r ' rastic irritants , are beinsr foisted on tho pwbUc . 'tbe viw " ino pveparat ' on bears the titli ; ; " ram-. ic lurtUm , " uwl the sign ituva K . Onihhox , Coleman-st ., | T- 'nidon . E . C . Pri'M 2-Ga per W " . In a r ..-eent case , 1870 , G . No . 211 . a povpeMul In ^ mction to rt-. » train tl \ o defendant ( from applying rhc name "ramnr" to hf . i loz ng-es was . avvanled , wit i co < -s by V'ho-Chancellor Ba ? on , on 19 th ¦ January li \~? % r . nd till sv ..-h piracies will ba svimmarUy proee ; de I a ^ aiinc— N . B . —See tint the outer wnipper ( directions ) are printed in the English lanpnage , and that each bo ? : bears the Government 3 d stamp , Tbe boxes with foreign wrappers are not propared for English requirement *
RTTPTirBBS . BY ROtAI . LETTERS PATBNT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS Is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to ba the 4 « fc most effective invention in the curative treatjrA ment ot Hernia . The use oi a steel spring , BO . ^ p often hurtful In its effects . Is here avoided , a 25 jyb ^ soft bandage beUur worn round the body , whtia * r /> JJM fcht > requisite resisting power U supplied by the Jf jSyjlM MOC-MAIN PAD an I PATENT LEVER fitting u tI ll \ \\ witn so mucl > ease am ' looseness that it cannot a t' / n \ I be detected , and may bo worn during sleep . < i \^ i' V A descriptive circular may be had , and the r Isk / U Truss , which cannot fall to fit , forwarded by />{*[ J post on the circumference of the body two / / Wll Inches below tho loins being sent to the nuum . Lff \ IA facturer , Ho \ \ Mr . jous WHITE , 228 PICCADILLY , LOSDOX . Ha 1 I Price of a slnele Truss , las . 21 s . 2 ifs 6 d ft 31 s Gd . tf I / Posfaie free . Price of a Double Truss 31 s ( id , 42 * JQJJJ fe . and 52 s 6 d . Postaire free . Price of an TTmbilical •«< 3 i !^ jS 9 Trass . 42 s and 52 <« d . Postage frne . Post Office -= - " orders to be mado payable to JOHN WniTK . Post office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT ELASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , I'J tor VARICOSE VEINS , and nil cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLINGS of tho LEGS , SPRAINS , & o . They ara porous , light In texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on Ilka an ordinary stacking . Price Is 6 d , 7 s fid , 10 s and 16 a each , post free . fiHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both vy sexes . ) For Gentlemen they aot as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they are Invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 6 s Cd , 7 s 6 d and 10 a 6 dj adults 15 s 6 d and 2 ls , post free . JOHN WHITE , MAKCPAOTUBBB , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON .
Now Edition , Enlarged , Cvown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . TX 7 AIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY TROM \ V THB CHESS BOABD , by Captain Hugh A . Kennedy , Vice-President of the British Chesa Association . W W . MOBGAN , 07 BABBIOAK , LOOTJOW .
POSITIONS IN THE CHESS OPENINGS MOST FREQUENTLY PLATED . Illustrated with copious Diagrams . By T . JJOSa , B . A ., T . C . D ., Being a supplement to the " Key to tho Chess Openings , " by the sarae author . LONDOW : W . W . MORGAN , 67 BARBICAN , E . G .
| v WHAT is Y 0 UR CREST and 5 JS * ' MOTTO ? By sending Name and County / £ * k with 3 a Bd , a plain diuwlng will be sent ; If ftiirr painted in HeraL . io Colours , 7 s . Pedlgree 3 ML & Lj . traced . The Arms of Man and Wife blended . Kj 6 fl 3 * % ll The P roper colour for Servants' Livery , what 1 ^ yf I buttons to be used , and how tho Can-luge should VT *^ te ^ I D 0 Painted , according to Heraldic Uules . Cut-\ j ^^ Sa leton ' a " Book of Family Crests and Mottoes , " ^ Ftil *' ma Engravings , printed In colours , £ 10 lOsj (\ s & § " Tho Manual of Heraldry , " 4 < XI engravings , fif \^/ 3 s 6 d ; post free by T . CULLE'i'OX , Gencalo-« sU ^ N ^ Mk { ist , 25 Cranbourne-street ( corner of St . Mar . Uu ' s-iuiio , W . W "T ^ e Heraldic Library open from 10 till 4 .
Q ' EAL . ENGRAVINGS , by CULLETON . — > 3 Crest engraved on Seals , Rings , Book-plates , and Steel Dies , for stamping paper , prico 7 s Cd . Livery Button Dies , £ 1 2 s . Crests engraved on silver spoons and family plate , 5 s per doiten articles . A neat Desk Seal , with engraved Crest , 12 s 6 d . Registered letter , Gd extra . —T . CULLKTON , Engraver to the Queen and Eoyal Family , 23 Cvanbouvne-street ( corner of St . Martin ' s-laneJ .
CULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STATIONERY contains a ream of the very best paper and 500 envelopes , all beautifully stamped with Crest and Motto . Monogram , or Address , and the Steel Die enuraved free ot charge . —T . CULLETON , Die Sinker to the Board of Trade , 25 Cranbourne-street ( oorner of St . Martln ' s-lauc ) . _
OIGNET RINGS , by CULLETON , all 18-C carat , Hall-marked . The most elennnt patterns in London . 2 , 000 to select from : — £ 2 23 , A » ' M , M 4 s , ix Ba , £ CI 0 a ; very massive , £ 10 10 s ; heavy knuckledusters , £ 11 ) 16 s . Send size of finger by fitting a piece of t ' iraid , and mention the price ring required . Arms , Crest or Monofc'vam engraved on the Rings . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 25 Cianbourne-Street Corner of St . Martin ' B-lanel , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING \ J LINES require no preparation , and are easily used . Initial Plates , Is ; Name Plate , 2 s Gd ; Set of Moveable Num . bers , 2 s 8 d ; Crest or Monogram Plate , 5 s , with directions , Sosfc free for cash or stamps , by 1 . COLLETON , 15 Cran . ourne-street ( cornej of St . Martins ' s-lano ) , W . C .
VISITING CARDS , by CULLETON . — y Fifty , best quality , 23 8 d , post free , including tho en-Krsvtnf ; of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty inch fifty em . bossed envelopca with maiden name , 23 s tld . Mtmovlil cards printed , and hatchments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CUIiIiETON , Seal Engraver , 25 Cranbourne-street ( comer ot St . Martin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
B ALL PROGRAMMES , by \ CULLETON . —All the newest designs In BALL PROGRAMMES and MENU CARTE- * for the season . Bait , dinner , breakfast , and wedding invitation cards and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stamped with arms , crest , or monogram , tiik banners painted . Illuminated vellums for presentations , votes of thanks , ho . Paintings on Berlin paper for needlework . —T . CULLETON , Engraver ti > tho Queen and all tho Royal Family , 25 Cran . bournc-stveut ( corner of St . Murtin ' s-lane ) , W . C .
COLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , lO £ 1 Is Od . JS 2 23 01 , £ 3 a * Od , £ 4 4 s Od , £ 5 5 s Od , A'O Cs Od , and £ 7 7 s 0 d . — I . CULLETON , 25 Cranbourn-street , London W . C . Fast Office orders payable at Crnnoournq-Btreet , London .