Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIO AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY . Incorporated Pursuant to 37 and 38 Vic , c . 42 . Directors . JOHX BHCSBHAWH ( P . M . 55 , 1599 ) , 12 Moraington-voad , Bow-road . E . JOHN B . BBADIET {«) , 27 Highbury-hill , N . JOHX DA VIES ( 1309 ) , 11 Finsbury-place-north , E . C . RICHARD O . P . GBTHIN ( 46 ) , 10 Wharf edale-street , West Brompton , S . W . WixtBtt RincusFK HOKXCASTCB ( 13 ( 551 , 61 Cheapside , E . G . OHABLBS JABDINE ( P . M . 140 , 1320 ) , 6 Bed Lion-court , Watling-street , E . C . THOMAS RICHABDSOK ( 1599 ) , 52 Bread-street , E . C . Bankers . —Messrs . WIIXIS , PSBCIVAI . & Co ., 76 Lombard-street , E . C . Standing Counsel . — . 33 . J . MCINTYBB Q . C . ( Grand Registrar ) . Solicitor . —P . H . ROOKE ( P . G . St ., P . M . id , loll , Nisbet . Rooke and Daw ) , 35 Iiincoln ' s-inn-flelds , W . C . Auditors—H . A . DUBOIS ( Prov . S . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 1326 , 1423 , P . Z . 73 ) , Herne-hill-road , S . E ., and 115 Chancery-lane , E . C . JAMES WADDEIX CO , ( P . M . 28 ) , 11 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Architect . —ROBERT WAIAIB ( 890 ) , 10 A King ' s-arms-yard , Moorgate-st ., E . C . Surveyor . —EDMUND >» . RICHARDSON ( 715 , P . M . 1309 ) , 50 Finsburysquare , E . G . Secretary . —JAMES H . GINDKB ( 1599 ) , 1 Gresham-buildings , Basinghall-street , E . C . Offices : 1 Gresham Buildings , Basinghall Street , E . C . Shares , £ 25 each . hold , Copyhold , or Leasehold Pro-Monthly Subscription , 53 per share . perty . Paid up Shares issued . Safe and sound Investments . Entranco fee , Is per share . Deposits at 4 and 5 per cent . Advances without premium on Free-Members of the Craft are strongly advised to join early . First Subscription Meeting , Tuesday , 3 rd July 1877 , from 6 to 7 . 30 o ' clock , at the Offices , 1 Gresham-buildings , Basinging-street , E . C . Prospectuses and information may be obtained of any of the Officers , at their respective addresses .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PBEPABATLOIF FOB THB CLVIL SEBVICE , CAMBRIDGE MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE OF PBBCEPTOBS , SOCIETY OF ARTS , TEE SCIBKCB AND ABT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , aud GEORGK MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . Tor Terms-. —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
lr ~ 1 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
NOTICE . In consequence of the heavy demand on our space , we are compelled to hold over several important Notices ( especially Report of Prov . Grand Lodge Berks and
Bucks ) , some interesting Letters , and other matter . The Title Page and Index for Vol . V . will be issued next week .
Our Weekly Budget
IN the House of Lords it has been announced that , owing to the defeat of the Government on Lord Harrowb y ' s clause , the Burials Bill is withdrawn . The Married Women ' s Property ( 1870 ) Amendment Bill , the second reading of which was moved by Lord Coleridsre , is
withdrawn . The advancement of sundry bills through various stages , and a question respecting the insulting treatment of Colonel Wellesley , our military attache at St . Petersburgh , are the only other noteworthy matters in the TJimer House .
In the Commons , the Indian Budget was submitted by the Home Secretary of State , Lord George Hamilton , in a speech of great ability . Usually this important event happens in the dog days , and in a very thin house . The attendance was not more considerable on Thursday last , but
Our Weekly Budget
the bringing this Budget forward at so early a day is an excellent precedent . On Friday , the obstructive Biggar did his best to prevent the progress of the Supreme Court of Judicature ( Ireland ) Bill . On going into Committee , he moved to report progress , but he was defeated by 180 to 10 .
After this , Clauses 1 to 5 were agreed to . On Clause 6 , Mr . Meldon proposed that the Irish Lord Chancellor should be appointed from the Irish bar , but was defeated by 202 to 106 . Progress was then reported , and the County Officers and Courts ( Ireland ) Bill was read a second time . At the
very commencement of the evening sitting , a count out occurred , as there were under forty members present . On Monday , a motion of Colonel Jervis for giving arrears of pay to certain Eoyal Artillery and Engineer Officers was carried , in spite of the opposition of the Government , by a
considerable majority . A resolution of Mr . Holms on First Class Army Reserves was defeated by 207 to 46 . In supply , slight progress was made with the Army Estimates . On Tuesday the House again went into Committee on the Supreme Court of Judicature ( Ireland ) Bill , and though a long
discussion occurred , clauses 6 to 12 inclusive were agreed to . A motion by Colonel Alexander , relative to certain Scotch Intestates , was defeated by a majority of 62 , the numbers being for the motion 135 , and against it 197 . The subject of Church patronage was discussed at some length , shortly
after which the House was counted out , at twenty minutes past one o ' clock . Nearly the whole of Wednesday afternoon was occupied with the Irish Sunday Closing Bill , but , by the rules of the House , the debate had to be adjourned . The Queen reached Windsor Castle on her return from
Balmoral early on Friday morning last . During the day , the Prime Minister had an audience of Her Majesty , and later in the evening Prince Leopold arrived at the Castle . On Monday , the Emperor and Empress of Brazil paid a visit to Windsor , and having lunched with the Queen ,
returned to town after a drive in the Park . On Tuesday General and Mrs . Grant , Mr . Jesse Grant , the American Minister and Mrs . Pierrepoint , visited Her Majesty , and dined and slept at the Castle , returning early the following morning to town . On Friday evening a State Ball was
given by command of the Queen at Buckingham Palace . The Prince and Princess of Wales received Her Majesty ' s guests , among whom were the Emperor and Empress of Brazil , and several members of the Royal Family . On Wednesday , a State Concert was given , at which the
Prince and Princess of Wales again did the honours for Her Majesty . The Emperor and Empress of Brazil were present , and so were the Prince and Princess Christian , the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome , Prince Leopold , the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke and Duchess of Teck , and a large number of the nobility and gentry .
No long time elapses without our hearing of the occurrence of some dreadful colliery accident . One of these terrible catastrophes happened on Wednesday , at the Annerley Colliery , situated about ten miles from Nottingham . Two of the men who were in the working where
the explosion of firedamp took place , were rescued in a very exhausted condition ; but the bodies of the other five were not reached till death had supervened . Of the exploring party who went to the rescue , two fell victims to the foul air , and the rest had to retreat for a time .
The Winchester Conference met on Wednesday afternoon , at the County Hall , Winchester , under the presidency of the Bishop of the diocese . In the course of the proceedings a motion was adopted condemning the practice of obligatory confession , as alien to the spirit of the English
Church , and a certain book entitled " The Priest in Absolution , " which has lately caused so much indignation among the public . The trial of Mr . Bradlaugh and Mrs . Besanfc for the
publication of a filth y book , has terminated in the defendants being found guilty . Sentence has been passed , but , pending a further appeal to the Court , the accused are at liberty on their own recognizances .
This week there has been more than one considerable gathering of visitors at the Crystal Palace , in consequence of the celebration of the Triennial Handel Festival . Over 18 , 000 were present on Monday , when the Festival was inaugurated with the Messiah , the principal artistes being
Mdlle Albani , Mr . Cnmmings , Mr . Vernon Rigby , and Mr . Santley , while Sir Michael Costa conducted . The choruses were rendered with admirable effect , and the vocalists we have named sang splendidly . On Wednesday , a miscellaneous selection was givenand among the leading
, performers , both vocal and instrumental , were Madame
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIO AND GENERAL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY . Incorporated Pursuant to 37 and 38 Vic , c . 42 . Directors . JOHX BHCSBHAWH ( P . M . 55 , 1599 ) , 12 Moraington-voad , Bow-road . E . JOHN B . BBADIET {«) , 27 Highbury-hill , N . JOHX DA VIES ( 1309 ) , 11 Finsbury-place-north , E . C . RICHARD O . P . GBTHIN ( 46 ) , 10 Wharf edale-street , West Brompton , S . W . WixtBtt RincusFK HOKXCASTCB ( 13 ( 551 , 61 Cheapside , E . G . OHABLBS JABDINE ( P . M . 140 , 1320 ) , 6 Bed Lion-court , Watling-street , E . C . THOMAS RICHABDSOK ( 1599 ) , 52 Bread-street , E . C . Bankers . —Messrs . WIIXIS , PSBCIVAI . & Co ., 76 Lombard-street , E . C . Standing Counsel . — . 33 . J . MCINTYBB Q . C . ( Grand Registrar ) . Solicitor . —P . H . ROOKE ( P . G . St ., P . M . id , loll , Nisbet . Rooke and Daw ) , 35 Iiincoln ' s-inn-flelds , W . C . Auditors—H . A . DUBOIS ( Prov . S . G . D . Middx ., P . M . 1326 , 1423 , P . Z . 73 ) , Herne-hill-road , S . E ., and 115 Chancery-lane , E . C . JAMES WADDEIX CO , ( P . M . 28 ) , 11 Queen Victoria-street , E . C . Architect . —ROBERT WAIAIB ( 890 ) , 10 A King ' s-arms-yard , Moorgate-st ., E . C . Surveyor . —EDMUND >» . RICHARDSON ( 715 , P . M . 1309 ) , 50 Finsburysquare , E . G . Secretary . —JAMES H . GINDKB ( 1599 ) , 1 Gresham-buildings , Basinghall-street , E . C . Offices : 1 Gresham Buildings , Basinghall Street , E . C . Shares , £ 25 each . hold , Copyhold , or Leasehold Pro-Monthly Subscription , 53 per share . perty . Paid up Shares issued . Safe and sound Investments . Entranco fee , Is per share . Deposits at 4 and 5 per cent . Advances without premium on Free-Members of the Craft are strongly advised to join early . First Subscription Meeting , Tuesday , 3 rd July 1877 , from 6 to 7 . 30 o ' clock , at the Offices , 1 Gresham-buildings , Basinging-street , E . C . Prospectuses and information may be obtained of any of the Officers , at their respective addresses .
LEYTON COLLEGE , ESSEX . BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN , GEORGE J . WESTFIELD , L . C . P ., F . S . A ., PRINCIPAL . THE object of this Establishment is to ensure a comprehensive liberal education , commensurate with the present improved state of society . PBEPABATLOIF FOB THB CLVIL SEBVICE , CAMBRIDGE MIDDLE CLASS , COLLEGE OF PBBCEPTOBS , SOCIETY OF ARTS , TEE SCIBKCB AND ABT EXAMINATIONS , & C . Special attention to backward and timid pupils . Diet the best , and unlimited . References to the leading banking and commercial firms in London and the Provinces , and to numerous brethren whose sons are now , or have been , educated at the College . Prospectus forwarded on application to the Principal .
THE MASONIC QUARTETTE . BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , aud GEORGK MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . Tor Terms-. —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
lr ~ 1 67 BARBICAN , E . C .
NOTICE . In consequence of the heavy demand on our space , we are compelled to hold over several important Notices ( especially Report of Prov . Grand Lodge Berks and
Bucks ) , some interesting Letters , and other matter . The Title Page and Index for Vol . V . will be issued next week .
Our Weekly Budget
IN the House of Lords it has been announced that , owing to the defeat of the Government on Lord Harrowb y ' s clause , the Burials Bill is withdrawn . The Married Women ' s Property ( 1870 ) Amendment Bill , the second reading of which was moved by Lord Coleridsre , is
withdrawn . The advancement of sundry bills through various stages , and a question respecting the insulting treatment of Colonel Wellesley , our military attache at St . Petersburgh , are the only other noteworthy matters in the TJimer House .
In the Commons , the Indian Budget was submitted by the Home Secretary of State , Lord George Hamilton , in a speech of great ability . Usually this important event happens in the dog days , and in a very thin house . The attendance was not more considerable on Thursday last , but
Our Weekly Budget
the bringing this Budget forward at so early a day is an excellent precedent . On Friday , the obstructive Biggar did his best to prevent the progress of the Supreme Court of Judicature ( Ireland ) Bill . On going into Committee , he moved to report progress , but he was defeated by 180 to 10 .
After this , Clauses 1 to 5 were agreed to . On Clause 6 , Mr . Meldon proposed that the Irish Lord Chancellor should be appointed from the Irish bar , but was defeated by 202 to 106 . Progress was then reported , and the County Officers and Courts ( Ireland ) Bill was read a second time . At the
very commencement of the evening sitting , a count out occurred , as there were under forty members present . On Monday , a motion of Colonel Jervis for giving arrears of pay to certain Eoyal Artillery and Engineer Officers was carried , in spite of the opposition of the Government , by a
considerable majority . A resolution of Mr . Holms on First Class Army Reserves was defeated by 207 to 46 . In supply , slight progress was made with the Army Estimates . On Tuesday the House again went into Committee on the Supreme Court of Judicature ( Ireland ) Bill , and though a long
discussion occurred , clauses 6 to 12 inclusive were agreed to . A motion by Colonel Alexander , relative to certain Scotch Intestates , was defeated by a majority of 62 , the numbers being for the motion 135 , and against it 197 . The subject of Church patronage was discussed at some length , shortly
after which the House was counted out , at twenty minutes past one o ' clock . Nearly the whole of Wednesday afternoon was occupied with the Irish Sunday Closing Bill , but , by the rules of the House , the debate had to be adjourned . The Queen reached Windsor Castle on her return from
Balmoral early on Friday morning last . During the day , the Prime Minister had an audience of Her Majesty , and later in the evening Prince Leopold arrived at the Castle . On Monday , the Emperor and Empress of Brazil paid a visit to Windsor , and having lunched with the Queen ,
returned to town after a drive in the Park . On Tuesday General and Mrs . Grant , Mr . Jesse Grant , the American Minister and Mrs . Pierrepoint , visited Her Majesty , and dined and slept at the Castle , returning early the following morning to town . On Friday evening a State Ball was
given by command of the Queen at Buckingham Palace . The Prince and Princess of Wales received Her Majesty ' s guests , among whom were the Emperor and Empress of Brazil , and several members of the Royal Family . On Wednesday , a State Concert was given , at which the
Prince and Princess of Wales again did the honours for Her Majesty . The Emperor and Empress of Brazil were present , and so were the Prince and Princess Christian , the Princess Louise and the Marquis of Lome , Prince Leopold , the Duke of Cambridge , the Duke and Duchess of Teck , and a large number of the nobility and gentry .
No long time elapses without our hearing of the occurrence of some dreadful colliery accident . One of these terrible catastrophes happened on Wednesday , at the Annerley Colliery , situated about ten miles from Nottingham . Two of the men who were in the working where
the explosion of firedamp took place , were rescued in a very exhausted condition ; but the bodies of the other five were not reached till death had supervened . Of the exploring party who went to the rescue , two fell victims to the foul air , and the rest had to retreat for a time .
The Winchester Conference met on Wednesday afternoon , at the County Hall , Winchester , under the presidency of the Bishop of the diocese . In the course of the proceedings a motion was adopted condemning the practice of obligatory confession , as alien to the spirit of the English
Church , and a certain book entitled " The Priest in Absolution , " which has lately caused so much indignation among the public . The trial of Mr . Bradlaugh and Mrs . Besanfc for the
publication of a filth y book , has terminated in the defendants being found guilty . Sentence has been passed , but , pending a further appeal to the Court , the accused are at liberty on their own recognizances .
This week there has been more than one considerable gathering of visitors at the Crystal Palace , in consequence of the celebration of the Triennial Handel Festival . Over 18 , 000 were present on Monday , when the Festival was inaugurated with the Messiah , the principal artistes being
Mdlle Albani , Mr . Cnmmings , Mr . Vernon Rigby , and Mr . Santley , while Sir Michael Costa conducted . The choruses were rendered with admirable effect , and the vocalists we have named sang splendidly . On Wednesday , a miscellaneous selection was givenand among the leading
, performers , both vocal and instrumental , were Madame