Article STANZAS TO WINTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO FRIENDSHIP. Page 1 of 2 →
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Stanzas To Winter.
Here beauteous Nature dreadful glows , Nor cheats the heart with Pleasure ' s lure ; No Siren bait th' enchantress throws , But all is simple , grand , and pure . Anon the threat'ning Boreas scowls , And shiv ' ring Nature stands dismay'd ; " " From Ocean ' s cave loud Eurus howls ,
Till Neptune ' s self is half afraid . Yet the pure mind , by vice unstain'd , Hears the loud roar , nor recks the storm ; For where Instruction can be gain'd She seeks her in her boldest form . Now let me feel the bitter cold , Let the rude blast my breast assail : I need no more the tale be told ; I know myself , and feel the gale .
And thou , poor friendly child of woe ! That keenly feel ' st the wintry wind , Thy helpless surf 'rings too I know ; And can my bosom prove unkind ? Al )! no—Though in my breast of steel . No drop of pity e ' er was shed , Yet Nature ' s self would bid me feel
, And give thee where to hide thy head . . Ye giddy , gay , fantastic croud , Who offer still at Folly ' s shrine , Here come , and be no longer proud , But let your feelings mix with mine . Here learn to know the wretch ' s fate ,
Who asks a pittance at your door ; Spurn'd from the guilty rich man ' s gate , He . sinks beneath the drifted show ' r . Come then , and give with lib'ral hand , And snatch him from bis deep despair . Soft Pity's voice shall man withstand , And pleasure be his only care ?
Ah ! no—The crystal drop shall start , Kind Charity his breast shall warm ; Benevolence dilate his heart , And Virtue be his only charm . J . T . R .
To Friendship.
OH softest of passions , sweet soother of woes , On the heart that adores thee benignantly smile ; Stiil let my wrung bosom enjoy thy repose , Tho' indignant , . with fortune , I struggle the whils , 31 2
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Stanzas To Winter.
Here beauteous Nature dreadful glows , Nor cheats the heart with Pleasure ' s lure ; No Siren bait th' enchantress throws , But all is simple , grand , and pure . Anon the threat'ning Boreas scowls , And shiv ' ring Nature stands dismay'd ; " " From Ocean ' s cave loud Eurus howls ,
Till Neptune ' s self is half afraid . Yet the pure mind , by vice unstain'd , Hears the loud roar , nor recks the storm ; For where Instruction can be gain'd She seeks her in her boldest form . Now let me feel the bitter cold , Let the rude blast my breast assail : I need no more the tale be told ; I know myself , and feel the gale .
And thou , poor friendly child of woe ! That keenly feel ' st the wintry wind , Thy helpless surf 'rings too I know ; And can my bosom prove unkind ? Al )! no—Though in my breast of steel . No drop of pity e ' er was shed , Yet Nature ' s self would bid me feel
, And give thee where to hide thy head . . Ye giddy , gay , fantastic croud , Who offer still at Folly ' s shrine , Here come , and be no longer proud , But let your feelings mix with mine . Here learn to know the wretch ' s fate ,
Who asks a pittance at your door ; Spurn'd from the guilty rich man ' s gate , He . sinks beneath the drifted show ' r . Come then , and give with lib'ral hand , And snatch him from bis deep despair . Soft Pity's voice shall man withstand , And pleasure be his only care ?
Ah ! no—The crystal drop shall start , Kind Charity his breast shall warm ; Benevolence dilate his heart , And Virtue be his only charm . J . T . R .
To Friendship.
OH softest of passions , sweet soother of woes , On the heart that adores thee benignantly smile ; Stiil let my wrung bosom enjoy thy repose , Tho' indignant , . with fortune , I struggle the whils , 31 2